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Shipgirl Commander XXXIV

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 42

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>Statistics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p2K_evlFKjbblbSTf3ZSf-0xECyNHEeiQEgyiFdADcw/edit?usp=sharing
>Character: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F43-0W17qNQ3Q_FwOOQPYw8Rf4HmSCFrEcAv-uOPQD0/edit?usp=sharing
>Tasks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agFmzgoNb0jeqd2G9H2voZ5Zm4N6fxPTQXQyt_GY9ec/edit?usp=sharing
>Rolling Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D6xlxpzfqF_rC2iemL-OGhFkNK4uiy8PZdvjkkdVBPU/edit?usp=sharing
>Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=shipgirl+commander
>Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiceToTableTop

You wince just as soon as you open your eyes. Your shoulder – the one partly covered by Kantai Steel, rolls uncomfortably against the hard cushion of the bench. It wasn’t built for comfort, but practicality; complaining wouldn’t do much about it. You lean back, feeling it roll again; it wasn’t so much your arm, but the exoskeleton was a lot more out of alignment than you had first assumed prior to taking off back to Yokosuka. The Grand Lieutenant had tried to take a look at it… but upon mentioning that it was your second fit-out, he had for some reason stepped back and decided to leave it to the experts. Namely, for lack of better word, your ever-suffering physician, Akashi.

On your lap, peaceful and serene, the form of Shigure stirs slightly, clutching at your white tee like a security blanket. You grimace as you move her head slightly, seeing a small stain of drool making its mark on the fabric. She had been like this ever since you’d taken off from Ominato. The Grand Lieutenant had been strange in regards to the incident – and even more odd when it had come to the

The Grand Lieutenant had been very strange after the mess on-base, and curiously dismissive of how you had managed to calm down an awakened KanMusu. He’d proceeded to bring you back to the medical unit alongside a quiet and emotionally staggered Shigure to do a few check-ups on the both of you, but otherwise hadn’t so much as threatened to take her away citing regulations or throw the both of you in the brig. You didn’t wish to sound that you weren’t grateful, but the whole affair was treated with such leniency you couldn’t help but feel that The Grand Lieutenant was throwing a blind eye to anything and everything had witnessed on purpose. You hadn’t so much as heard a mention of a –

‘Commander, we’ll be touching down in Yokosuka soon.’

You head snaps upward. That’s right… you were on the helicopter back to Yokosuka now… and looking outside, the sun must have set down hours ago because all you could see was darkness. The co-pilot turns back to his instruments, muttering some jargon as you lean back.

Shigure, oblivious to the world, lets out a loud snort, snuggling into your considerably smaller belly.


>Wake Shigure up
>Let her sleep
>>Wake Shigure up
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It's Ooyodo!.png
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'Shigure?’ You shake her slightly. She stirs for a bit, but ultimately goes back to her task of chewing on the fabric of your white tee. You didn’t know they made them this big for personnel. ‘Shigure, wake up, we’re about to land.’

After about thirty seconds of you shaking her, the only other occupant of the hold finally grumbles herself into a reluctant state of consciousness. Even in the dim light, you make out that she wasn’t the least bit happy at being woken up – you couldn’t blame her. If The Grand Lieutenant was right, you don’t think anyone would be ecstatic at the idea of being woken up after an emotional and spiritual supercharge and imbalance. That she wasn’t back into tearing you into pieces again – not that she was prior to falling asleep, mind. She’d been quiet, if exhausted at her own rampage… and The Grand Lieutenant had given the both of you express permission to leave the base without so much as another piece of paper shoved into your folder.

You felt on edge again, if only slightly.

‘Commander?’ Shigure yawns widely, unhooking the hem of your tee and sitting straight up beside you. ‘How long was I – ah…’ She yawns again, even more loudly than she was before. You notice one of the pilots glancing back at the both you quickly, before turning back to his tasks. ‘Out?’

No doubt he had probably witnessed what had happened back in Ominato. You don’t think anyone was eager to see the return of a maddened KanMusu.

‘About four hours, I think.’ You answer distantly, looking to the pitch blackness outside the window… and see small, twinkling lights here and there.

The helicopter almost lurches to a halt not a few minutes later. There’s some chatter up in front of how the pilot had screwed up the deceleration… not that it mattered. Outside, you see a lit field of sorts, littered with tents – you make out several of them with symbols of the Admiralty. You’d finally arrived.

The helicopter touches down quickly – and roughly – prompting one of the pilots to break into a tirade on the lack of practical training than he had to put up with. Rubbing one of your shoulders, you push yourself off the seat – and just as soon as you do, you find yourself greeted with three burly MPs… and right in the middle, you see Ooyodo, as stoic as ever, despite the lack of light to make out the full degree of her features.

‘Good evening, Commander.’

‘Good evening, Ooyodo.’

You step right outside… and notice the apprehensive glance she gives Shigure as she does the same. You notice the apprehensive glance that Ooyodo gives Shigure before she gestures for you to follow her, the MPs surrounding all three of you like a personal guard.

She unceremoniously holds up a set of files like a hand of cards.

‘Your presence is required.’

>‘Yuubari wants to see me?’
>‘Can’t put off Akashi.’
>‘KanMusu Psychiatric Unit – Yokosuka?’
>>‘Yuubari wants to see me?’
I guess we should start with what wants to kill us the most.
>>‘Yuubari wants to see me?’
pray for our soul
>>‘Yuubari wants to see me?’
is time to pay the piper
>‘Yuubari wants to see me?’
we might be masoquistic
I think this is the first time I've seen yellow and gold tags.
>‘Yuubari wants to see me?’
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‘Yuubari wants to see me?’ You raise an eyebrow. You didn’t read it as see so much as it was murder you on the spot… but she couldn’t have gotten wind of you managing to turn the RAY inside out on yet another mission now, could she? Outside of a formal report, you would have thought there would have been a few more days of a bureaucratic waltz before she even caught wind of you.

‘She was adamant about it.’ Apparently not, as Ooyodo’s stern expression told you. A small part of you still held hope, though – that it might have been something that didn’t involve the RAY’s current state… perhaps she just wanted to talk about the weather? She seemed like the sort of person for that kind of thing. ‘There was not much I could do to shake her off – the only thing I could do was tell her that I’d relay her communique once you touched down back in base.’ Your mind wanders – it could even be about how happy she was that you were still alive. ‘I am not of the sort to follow through with someone of… such a disposition as her.’

As a man who worked and lived by the whims of a stream of perpetually angry Head Chefs and the like, you always died a thousand deaths before the word of trouble even hit the ground.

‘I understand.’ You sigh in resignation, gesturing for Shigure to follow you. ‘Shigure?’

‘Shigure will be coming with me to… answer for the incident in Ominato.’ You blink, surprised at the sudden development – you ad been let off by The Grand Lieutenant without so much as an incident. In retrospect, though, you knew that after something like a KanMusu trying to tear a new one into her own sister and assaulting a superior officer, thinking nothing would happen would have been naive. ‘The psychiatric unit was very concerned on her state of mind… it’s a bit sudden, but for now, she will be put under strict observation and relieved of any off-the-clock tasks.’ She spares the quiet Shigure a quick glance. ‘Until further notice, of course.’

You’re not that assured by Ooyodo’s words, if at all.

‘The Grand Lieutenant said that she was fine.’ You take an insistent tone, suddenly feeling protective of your charge. You’d heard of what they did to rebellious KanMusu… and to think that a fate like that awaited her didn’t just make you apprehensive.

It downright frightened you.


Shigure doesn’t reply, raising her head and biting her bottom lip. You can tell that a feeling of guilt was eking across her features… but before you can say a word, Ooyodo puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder, along with a ghost of a smile.

‘She will be taken care of.’ She promises, walking right up to you and taking a serious expression. ‘There hasn’t been a formal request of any sort, but considering just how the state of semi-Awakening was triggered…’

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She doesn’t need to say anymore. Shigure was already lucky enough to get away without so much as an unofficial complaint and it wasn’t like she was going to be sent away or anything… was she?

‘I understand.’ You look towards Shigure, the feeling of worry not as alleviated as you hoped it would, even after the realization of that minute fact. ‘She’ll be all right, right?’

‘I can’t say for certain. But as of now, there aren’t any formal procedures the base personnel have been required to undertake regarding her detainment aside from this request for her to visit the Psychiatric Unit.’

Shigure walks up towards the both of you, smiling softly.

‘It’s okay, Commander.’ She bows slightly. ‘Thank you.’

With one last nod, you tuck the file – Yuubari’s file – underneath your arm. You’re a bit reluctant to leave Shigure alone… but you supposed that right now, the best you could do was sort out your affairs and hope whoever was in charge of Shigure’s psychiatric profile would do the job they were paid to do. A small part of you wants to change around your decision and accompany her, but she’d made it this far on her own… and as much as you wanted to hold her hand, you knew that there were times you just had to let go and let the people who were trained to handle it… handle it.

With your silence as affirmation, Ooyodo walks you over to an MP… and a revving buggy by one of the tents, parked oddly behind some crates.

‘Please take the Commander to the Department Head Yuubari’s unit.’

As the buggy comes into full view, your blood runs cold as a pair of beady eyes and a scruffy mustache does too.

‘Hey, kiddo!’

You open your mouth to protest the injustice of it all – that this wasn’t the deal, that it was the world refusing to make sense again. It twists and turns. Darkness, asphalt and cement mix into one being as gravity becomes nothing more than mere memory. You are floating through infinity as old music blares into your ears in an eldritch, otherworldly melody, calling for your soul and.

With a screech, the buggy stops… and your feet touch onto the firm, joyous sensation of hard Earth.

‘Nice to see ya in one piece.’

‘L – Likewise, Old Man.’

The buggy and it driver disappear away, cackling and howling as they fade into the bleak void from whence they came. The MP staggers towards a trash can, raising a trembling arm towards what looked like a two-storey boarding house.

‘Department Head Yuubari’s unit is up there… second one to the left of the stairs.’ He struggles, breathing heavily. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, sir, I think I – !’

You hear him blowing chunks as you make your way up the stairs.

‘That’s the last time I ask the Old Man for a ride. God… what the Hell is he?’ You arrive at your destination. ‘Second door on the right…’

>Knock on the door
>Call out for Yuubari
>Try the knob
>Knock on the door
>>Knock on the door
manners maketh the man
>>Knock on the door
Prepare our anus
>Knock on the door
Put on puppy dog eyes. Maybe we can make her feel guilty enough to let us live
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You knock on the door and wait. A minute passes and…

No one answers.

You hesitate for a moment, before once more knocking again. Again, you wait for a minute. Still, there was no answer.

>Try the knob
>Call out for Yuubari
>>Try the knob
[sweating intesifyes]
we are beyond dead
>Try the knob
Fortune favors the bold! Burst through the door with pride!
>>Try the knob
>>Try the knob
>Try the knob

Fuck it, let's go in.
>>Try the knob
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As the minutes tick by, you decide to brave it and try for the door. It’s surprisingly, unlocked… and seeing no reason to take it as anything other than an invite, you push it open and step in – the worst she could do was make it quick.

You take in the full view of Yuubari’s residential unit… not that there’s much to look at. The place, upon first impression, eerily reminded you of your own cramped apartment back when you had been hopping from restaurant to restaurant for a steady job. It was as bare as you expected it to be. There wasn’t anything other than a television on a small table that wasn’t even plugged in yet. In one corner, you see a few buckets with what looked to be large rolls of paper stuffed into them. On the wall was what seemed like a cuckoo clock, only with its bird permanently stuck out. It looked like it hadn’t been bothered to be maintained for as long as it had been there. There was a stove present – not pre-installed but set up for use – but it didn’t look like it had seen much use either. In fact, you don’t even see a gas tank plugged in. There are files of paperwork on the table that seemed to serve as both a dining table and a working table – you even recognize some of it as application forms for requisition approvals, yet to be ticked.

By the opposite wall you see a closet with what you thought to be Yuubari’s clothes, and a series of black and white and colored photos of her and a variety of people – some old men, Ikazuchi and her sisters, Akashi, an old woman who you recognized upon closer inspection as the First Admiral – !

‘I heard you knock, you know.’ You grimace, recognizing the voice immediately. ‘You could have just waited.’

You turn your attention to Yuubari… only to find your breath caught in your throat as you realize that she was clad in… nothing. A sense of panic that threatens to overtake you is quickly intervened by a sense of experience and professionalism… somewhat, anyway – this was still a naked woman before you, KanMusu or no. Her expression cross and her hands on her hips, scowling as she continues to regard you. There doesn’t seem to be anger – just a bout of annoyance – or at least you think so. For one, she hadn’t plastered you or turned you into a brand new wall decoration.

For two, she was actually… smirking.

‘So… you want me to spread my legs or do you want me to bend over the counter?’ She questions you dryly, bringing you back to reality. ‘If it gets you to stop crashing my RAYs, I’ll even let you go two for one.’

You stutter, trying to find your bearings.

>‘Would you mind putting on some clothes?’ (Look away)
>‘I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were indecent.’ (Apologize)
>‘I’m just going to be… outside until you’re decent.’ (Professional)
>‘I was told you wanted to meet with me.’ (To The Point)
>‘I’m just going to be… outside until you’re decent.’ (Professional)
>>‘I was told you wanted to meet with me.’ (To The Point)

Wich ever way you like most
>>‘I was told you wanted to meet with me.’ (To The Point)

‘I was told you wanted to meet with me.’ (To The Point)
But didnt know it was couse you wore get horny
>>‘I was told you wanted to meet with me.’ (To The Point)
>‘I was told you wanted to meet with me.’ (To The Point)
All these people not wanting to get cheeky

If i know that wreacky them would have goten me on a tsble with you, would have done it sooner
Depends, think you can figure out a way to calibrate it to detect high level abyssals cloaked in a living blind spot I'll kiss you
"While that's a pleasing offer, I'm pretty sure you want to beat me with a wrench at the moment."
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‘Ooyodo… she told me that you wanted to meet me.’

She nods, suddenly scowling.

‘That I did.’ She walks right past you and into her small kitchen space, taking out what looked to be a large tumbler and a few paper cups, setting down on the table. ‘I’d offer you something, but I rarely eat. Can you make do with water?’

‘I don’t mind.’ You answer, hoping to get to the point as soon as possible. You don’t know if she was going to tear you in half or poison you, but you’d decided that you would focus on the matter at hand for now.

‘I got the damage report this afternoon.’ You hear her pour you a paper cup – none for her.

Still nude, she walks right up to you and sets herself down, elbows on the table – she prompts you to sit, and you do, seeing as you didn’t feel like spending the night standing up if you lived that long anyway. Yuubari looks thoughtful, her gaze on you like a predator probing its prey for a mistake, a screw up. Meanwhile, you’re racking your brain for what kind of response you could give that wouldn’t result in your remains being able to fill half an ash tray… even a small bin would do. That sounded less painful in the long run… if there even was one.

‘It’s not as bad I thought it would be.’ She continues nonchalantly… and as you realize shortly after, with a lot of restraint, if the gritted teeth were any indication of her current mood. You can’t help but credit her on her capacity for patience – it was certainly a lot more than any of your old bosses had afforded you. ‘A breached hull, burnt, a wrecked interface, a propulsion and anti-grav system thrown into haywire and a boombox installation that I worked so hard to put together,’ she growls this last one, glaring right at you. You don’t respond… save for taking a single sip from your cup. Your prosthetic exoskeleton begins to whine uncomfortably as you shift in place; you wish she had a chair and a larger table. ‘Gone. Turned into scrap and somewhere in a heap.’

She jabs a finger roughly into your chest, glaring even more angrily than ever. Somehow, you don’t instantly crumble into ash.

‘You’re lucky the magic engine and ERS are still intact, Commander.’ She growls your title as though it was a curse. You can’t blame her for that either; seeing no reply for you save for an apologetic grimace, she crosses her legs – in the process showing more than you were probably intended to see – and doesn’t bother closing them… and uncrossing them again and slapping the soles of her feet together, looking straight at you with an inquisitive stare.

‘How did they get past you?’

You open your mouth to ask something else, but find her cutting your off again.

‘I read the damage report and The Grand Lieutenant called in a review from the MagiTek on our detection tech.’ She leans back on her arms, her hands steadying her form. ‘How did they get past you?

>they just didnt show up in any sensor, no proximity alerts or anything
i also was focused in keeping the girls alive
>It seems the abyssals have found a use for their Imps in combat, using them to somehow mask their presence from both the sensors and even my magic eye.
this with a little seasoning of apology
As long as we take full responsability and dont try to push the blame anywhere else.
>Enemy flagship snuck up on me while my squadron was busy
This. They were literally invisible to the sensors and our special eye
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‘I don’t know how they slipped past the RAY’s sensors.’ You answer honestly. You had suspicions and both you and The Grand Lieutenant had drawn hypotheses’ as to how it had happened, but all it came back to was that it somehow involved the Imps. ‘But when I tried to give the Command Unit a good look with this… I didn’t see anything.’ You frown – weeks into the job and you still found it hard to find the proper terminology. Sighing, you take off your eyepatch again, although you’re reluctant to open your eye any more than a sliver. ‘I mean, it didn’t see anything – they were visible with this one, but when it came to anything sensing magic, my eye can – ?’

‘What does your eye have to do with this?’ She interjects, scrunching her lips and giving it a good gaze.

‘It… has a sensitivity to magic. Or something like it.’ You’re not quite sure how to describe just what you could do. The Grand Lieutenant hadn’t been particularly impressed by your abilities and neither had The Vice-Admiral or The Admiral. You’d merely thought of it as a useful side effect. Yuubari leans towards you, closer and closer, ‘Back during the fiasco with the Yakuza, I was blinded by a muzzle flash. Akashi tried to fix me up, but something must’ve… happened…’

She touches the sides of your head, pouting her lips as she gave your eye an upfront look, uncaring at the state of her dress or your uncomfortable state. She turns your head up and down, left and right, humming as she takes an inordinate amount of interest in it, humming and grumbling as she works you like a goldfish bowl, shaking you to her heart’s content.

‘Yuubari, what are you doing?’ You sigh tiredly – you owed her this much… but you’re not sure if you cared much for her rotating your noggin as though it was some sort of antique she had an interest in purchasing.

‘Getting a better look.’ She answers simply. ‘You’re saying this thing has a built-in sensor as some sort of side effect?’

‘For lack of better word.’ You grab her hands, feeling nauseous. ‘Yes.’

To emphasize your point, you open your eye… and Yuubari seems to half-warp into two beings. One was her aesthetically pleasing and nude form… and the other was some kind of humanoid being made of fire and water, clashing against each other as the two elements, a healthy blue, seemed to crash against each other within the frame of her being. Much like how Kaga had been an angel of the flames, Yuubari, she…

You shut your eye again. It was hard to control what you wanted to see at will.

‘So what did you see?’ She pushes herself off you, sitting down on her bare bum. ‘Nothing?’


‘They were masked… there were these Imps with them, I think – ?’

‘PT Imps do nothing but scrounge for bits.’ She huffs, crosses her arms. ‘They’re more useless to the Abyssals than a shell in the gut.’


>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)
>'I know it sounds stupid, yeah.' (Concede the silliness of your theory)
>'Well, I didn't wreck it on purpose.' (Redirect her own argument back at her)
>'We'll see what turns up. Right now, I'm just going to say I'm sorry for, you know, bumming out on you like this. I know you're busy.' (Call it a night)
>>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)
>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)
>Well, technically they didn't get past me. If they had just wanted to get by then I would have suffered a lot less.

>The command unit had imps with her that shielded her from RAY's sensors and my eye....it was like each one of them cast a field of darkness...
>>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)
>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)
"Well, looks like they found a use for them then"
>i know what i saw, and that RAY didnt wreck itself, they cloaked other ships
>>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)

'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point
Then way eils would a comand unit bring them along to the party?
>>'I know it sounds stupid, yeah.' (Concede the silliness of your theory)
I'm so excited to finally be voting. I just got done reading the archives for this story.
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Hello, nice to see you.

That reminded me, haven't posted Discord invite in a while: https://discord.gg/DXsehSp
>>'I saw what I saw.' (Argue your point)
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‘I saw what I saw.’ You practically growl, balling your hand into a fist and feeling your temper rise. ‘A shroud – not a cloud, something like a cloak that turned everything around it pitch black. Enough of it to mask the presence of the Command Unit until it was right next to me.’ You tap your eyepatch, baring your teeth. ‘My eye couldn’t pick it up and neither could the sensors. When the Squadron came to my rescue and knocked the stuffing out of the damn thing it was visible the moment it broke close proximity with those things. You think I’m lying my butt off for the sake of it?’

‘A testimony and a hypothesis isn’t enough to garner truth.’ You don’t know why, but you find that it just sounds so snooty, coming from her. ‘Even if I do believe you, what do you expect me to do with what you’ve given here and now?’ You fight the urge to roll your eyes. She sounded like a wannabe professor. ‘I just asked for your version of events. What you’ve given me, Commander… it’s not enough for me to draw a conclusion as to any conundrum that I have aside from a verification of a report telling me that you came in close vicinity with a Command Unit.’

‘Are you listening to yourself?’ You spread your arms wide, your tongue making a click of disbelief. ‘I’m telling you that the Abyssals must have found some sort of way to – to evade the RAY’s sensors. There’s no telling what they could do next.’

‘I know that.’ She replies patiently, spreading her legs and leaning back even further. ‘What I find hard to believe is you telling me that the PT Imps are somehow responsible for this.’ She grimaces, frowning as she turns towards the floor. ‘That’s like you telling me that a tiger suddenly sprouted wings, flew around and happened to maul you.’ She snickers lightly, raising your ire even further. ‘Do you understand just how implausible it is? PT Imps don’t even have their own spiritual signature. They’re barely aware they’re swimming in water, for crying out loud.’ She makes a flapping gesture with her hand. ‘A flock of seagulls is a lot more dangerous than a PT Imp.’

‘Tell that to the fairies. I know what I saw.’

Silence reigns for a while. Finally, she turns away.

‘It is a possibility… but I’m sorry, what you told me just feels so…’ She shakes her head, sighing. ‘I better get on The Grand Lieutenant’s little assignment. It’s getting late anyway, and I think that you’ve had a long… day, too, I guess.’

She had no idea. Feeling that this conversation was over, you get to your feet and give a curt bow.

You make for the door…

‘You can stay over if you want.’ She blurts, suddenly and uncharacteristically. ‘I don’t get company often outside of Ooyodo… or Tatsuta, before she transferred. It is pretty… late out.’

You raise an eyebrow.

>‘I think I’ll head back to my quarters.’
>‘Yeah, why not?’
>>‘Yeah, why not?’
what could go wrong?
>‘Yeah, why not?’
>‘Yeah, why not?’

It would be rude to refuse
>>‘I think I’ll head back to my quarters.’
We haven't even spoken to anyone in our squad about shit has gone down.
>>‘I think I’ll head back to my quarters.’

We wake up tomorrow, walk out the door, Dechi is there.
>>‘I think I’ll head back to my quarters.’

>‘Yeah, why not?’
>>‘Yeah, why not?’
I dunno, think we should check on Shigure? Did they haul her right off the the psychiatric unit?

My first inclination is to make sure she's alright at the shrink's place.
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You consider her suggestion. It wasn’t as if anything bad could happen… after all, it would seem that whatever bad that could have passed, already had. You both had talked… and while on your part you felt a little disenfranchised in the context of the argument, it didn’t feel like something that you thought that you would bother carrying over, if at all, to the next day. You throw another glance at the door – it was a little late, and after the debacle that had you sleeping in the middle of an alley on your first day on the job, you’re not so sure of repeating that experience.

‘Yeah, why not?’ You shrug, giving a defeated grin. ‘I’m feeling a bit too lazy for a walk, anyway.’

Yuubari, still nude, gets to her feet and pops off to a built-in closet right by the small corridor on the right of what you notice to be a small bathroom, producing two large futons and dropping them unceremoniously on the floor. She gestures for you to move the table – it takes a few times before you get the message, and you lift up and fold it, setting it in the corner where the buckets, pails and rolled up blueprints were. You sit down on the floor right after as Yuubari, to your relief, finally deems it appropriate to don something – in this case, a sleeping yukata. The both of you sit down on your respective futons… before Yuubari reaches for the light switch. With a click, the light dims and the both of you rustle underneath your sheets.

There was a stuffy sensation, but you still found it a mite more comfortable than your sleeping arrangement back at the barracks. It was – to a degree, anyway – quite warm and cozy. In silence the both of you stare at the ceiling… the only light in the room offered by the moon. After a prolonged silence… you turn to Yuubari.

‘You’re going to tell me what spurned this idea to get me in a futon?’

‘I don’t know.’ She answers, uncharacteristically soft. She pauses for a bit, her serene expression touched by the moonlight. ‘Just wanted some company, I guess.’

You snort, beginning to feel your consciousness drift. You turn to Yuubari again, only to find her…


You close your good eye, a smile on your lips.

‘Good night, Yuubari.’

Darkness takes you; the last thing you hear is the sound of your breathing…

My need for survival is not a tool for you to exploit, my dear little brother.

The world splashes like spilled white paint as you fall through color and fire and… find yourself sitting at a familiar table, across a familiar scowling Abyssal remnant, looking as cross with you as Yuubari had been before.

>‘It’s nice to see you too.’
>‘You need to stop doing this.’
>‘It’s kind of unfair that I can’t see you when I want to and you can pretty much pull me in here at will.’
>>‘It’s nice to see you too.’
Apologize to Nee-chan
>>‘It’s nice to see you too.’
What up, abomination against humankind?
>‘It’s nice to see you too.’
It actually is nice to see her.
>>‘It’s nice to see you too.’
>‘It’s kind of unfair that I can’t see you when I want to and you can pretty much pull me in here at will.’
>It's not like I do this on purpose.
>>‘It’s nice to see you too.’
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‘It’s nice to see you too.’ You mutter, looking around. The room was as sterile as always; the couch and the television still in the living area and Nee-san sitting at the table, munching at what you recognize immediately as…

Banana burritos.

You pull a seat, sitting down across from her. She must have called you here for some reason or other – you’re a little apprehensive in initiating the conversation, however, as you see that once again, she struggles with her meal. It’s not that she didn’t know how to bite and chew – but the way she approached her meal was something to be believed. Mental images, projections, or no, it still felt off that a Princess’ remnant had her head on the table trying to drop one burrito after another into her gaping maw.

As soon as she drops the last one and swallows – messily chewing it in the process – she straightens herself again, throwing a stern look in your direction.

I don’t think you understand the concept of self-preservation. For a member of a race bent on its own insistence at stagnation, you seem to be adamant at ending any semblance of potential at a whim.

‘I’m not sure if that’s an insult or a curiosity on your part.’ You sigh – you’d long given up trying to make complete sense of this being. It troubled you more that you were beginning to see her as less of an enemy and more of an occasionally helpful annoyance.

One that would and could kill and dominate you if she had the means to.

There is an admission from my side that you are a conundrum… a species heading towards oblivion without so much as a clue of what is to come and what has come before.

‘What are you talking about now? You lean back in your chair, sighing again.

That you work in contradictions – your actions don’t serve to apply itself to any greater good but are proceeded at great cost anyway. It is frustrating and troublesome – don’t you give any priority to your own survival? My assistance is not so trivial that it can just be given now and then – your body cannot endure it anymore than – !

‘I know, I know.’ You rub your temples – a fat load that would do. ‘Is that what you called me here for? You sound like a mother hen.’

A deafening silence takes over… she lowers her head, looking thoughrful.

What is a mother?

‘A mother.’ You frown, almost balking. ‘You know… when a male and a female…’ You shake your head – you were about to go off tangent again. ‘She’s the female. She gives birth when… you should know this, right? You talk about evolution every chance you get.’

She plays with her collar.

Yes. Of course.

The quiet reigns for a good while, before she looks upward again.

What is a hen?

You groan.

>Just go pull from my memories like you usually do. That's how you learned about what an older sister was, right?
It's a way of calling someone who cares and is worried about their loved ones a lot.
>What kind of weird world do you come from that doesn't even have chickens?
A mix of these.
>"A female bird, one that lays eggs to give birth to baby newborns of it's species."
These two complement each other
Session resuming in an hour.

Fuck traffic.

I wanted to go to lunch. Not have a daytrip into the city.
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Tongue Out Neesan.jpg
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‘Can’t you just hop into my memories or something and see what hens are?’

She nods.

That is a possibility, yes.

You shift in your seat, wondering why she hadn’t done so. She doesn’t say a word, playing with her empty plate. You tap your fingers against the hard surface of the table, waiting for her to pop on in and just get what she wanted from you – she had done as much in acquiring a means to communicate with you and project whatever food she so happened to desire for her own sustenance… or at least, that’s how you presumed it worked. You fix your eyes on her, noticing that she was still deep in thought – after what seemed to be an eternity, you finally speak up again, your patience beginning to run out.

‘Is it an achievable possibility?’ You question tiredly.

She tilts her head, looking even more engrossed in her thoughts than before. Again, you wait an eternity for an answer.


‘Why don’t… you do it then?’ You make a gesture with your hands. If someone would have told you that a Princess of all things would need her hand held like this you would have submitted it for material for a KanMusu comedy club… and probably get booed off the stage for poor delivery and taste.

Again, she tilts her head. This time she furrows her brows too, just for good measure.

It would be impolite.

‘When were you ever a paragon of manners and etiquette?’ You cross your arms, balancing on the back legs of your chair. ‘Just pick it up like you said you do.’

I do not control what flows through here. There is no wish on my part to descend into the depths, lest I be discovered or devoured by the souls of the Heretic’s Champions… or your raging sea.

She bows slightly.

I do not know what a hen is. This somehow… upsets me. You knowing and not I. Truly vexing.

‘What do I have to do to show you what hens are, anyway?’

This realm exists on your whim. How you choose to convey it is entirely your decision… dearest little brother.

You bite your lip, thinking how to –

It all seems to happen at once.

You find yourself at an age of infancy, sitting in front of the television – too close for any parent to be pleased with. Next to you, a large pale woman in a one piece dress sits cross-fingered as the both of you are flooded by a variety of sights and sounds… regarding the production of eggs and domestication. Suddenly, you’re older and the scent of ammonia hits you – you’re on a farm, you think, your boss yelling at you to come over and lifting up a…


Nee-san glows in her seat, smiling dopily. Evidently happy at this new discovery.

>‘What did you just do to me?’ (Question her)
>‘I don’t remember any – most of – that.’ (Question the experience)
>‘So that’s a… hen.’ (Shrug it off)
>>‘So that’s a… hen.’ (Shrug it off)
>‘I don’t remember any – most of – that.’ (Question the experience)
>>‘So that’s a… hen.’ (Shrug it off)
>‘So that’s a… hen.’ (Shrug it off)
>‘I don’t remember any – most of – that.’ (Question the experience)
>‘So that’s a… hen.’ (Shrug it off)
>>‘I don’t remember any – most of – that.’ (Question the experience)
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Seaport Nee.jpg
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‘So that’s a… hen.’ You shake your head, wondering just what she had done to you. Probably nothing, really, but it felt as though you were being warped through various points of your life… some that you don’t even remember that clearly.

That doesn’t stop her from looking any more cheerful at finally grasping the concept of a domesticated female fowl, though. She looked downright… proud, as though she had deciphered some code.

A creature at the end of its evolutionary steps – a being that has met its dead end and has decided that it would laze around and be slaughtered. A realization of its place in the cosmic sense; both admirable and… pathetic. I am offended that you would compare me to such a creature.

‘You’re taking things literally here.’ You sigh, realizing that you had spoken too soon. ‘A mother hen means… well, that you’re over-conscious with the details. Worrying for things that you shouldn’t be worrying about otherwise.’

You like it. That feeling of being… fussed over.

Your cheeks turn red. This was getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

‘What did you call me here for?’ You scratch the back of your head, frowning at her. ‘I know that you’re not the type to drag me in here just to lecture me over being reckless.’

She crosses her arms under her chest, snorting audibly.

I am. However, you are also correct in assuming that is not the only reason that I have established contact with you.

Before you can ask why… you’re thrown right back into it. You’re back in that cockpit, praying for a miracle, clutching at the broken, battered form of the fairy and… you jump right out of the chair, yelping as you find yourself, again, before her, as though nothing had happened. She stares at you, blank-faced.

‘Good grief, how are you doing that?’

She smirks, giggling into a claw.

Everyone has their secrets.

‘I’m sure you do.’

Another vision flashes before your eyes… a darkness and…

‘Can you not do that, please?’

She stops, nodding.

My kind have a unique imprint on this world… no matter how faint or how miniscule, we can always see one another. Those cast-offs, those things you call Imps… they’re evolving.

‘Like you’ve been preaching?’ You pick up the chair, unceremoniously dropping back into it. ‘Enemies get stronger in wars all the time. You don’t win if you don’t improve.’

This evolution was not natural.

‘Why?’ Your ears perk.

Because a cast-off of the evolutionary ladder is like you described… a hen. How would a hen evolve after reaching a dead end?

>‘Hang on. Why tell me this?’ (Suspicious)
>‘Let’s say that I don’t believe you.’ (Accusatory)
>‘You tell me.’ (Throw her question back at her)
>>‘You tell me.’ (Throw her question back at her)
>"You mean they're being...bred?" (Suspicious)
this works

"You mean they're being...bred?" (Suspicious)

Probably gona to have to explain to her what means
>>"You mean they're being...bred?" (Suspicious)

Explaining what breeding is to Nee-chan huh

It'll be beautiful.

She's your sister, pervs.
That just means it's actually our responsibility to explain things to her since Mum and Daddy failed.
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‘They’re breeding?’

She regards you with a flat look.

Hardly. There is no need for such… ritual.

‘So are Abyssals f – ?’

A crude comparison, but unlikely. We are…

She pauses, looking thoughtful. A strange expression comes upon her features as she tries to… recall something. You’re reminded that this is the same Abyssals Princess that didn’t know how she had been butchered and left for dead at the bottom of a small atoll. A kind of awkward silence takes over, her expression serene and melancholic, but at the same time as blank as the white that covered her head to toe. She straightens herself after a while, touching the tip of her horn almost sadly… and placing her claws on the table, emanating a wistful air.

We are as we are. No more and no less – on the edge of evolution, always. A vision of a united end for us and for you. It is what it is.

‘So if you’re talking evolution, wouldn’t the argument be here that the Imps somehow… evolved?’

She nods.


‘Then what’s the problem there?’ You almost wince at your tone. If there had been anybody else they would have probably seen the air of superiority reeking from your expression… one that you didn’t intend to permeate. ‘I mean, I know it’s our problem, but for a species… a race preaching the next step of evolution, what’s so unbelievable about seeing an Imp becoming stronger? Becoming different, better?’ You place your elbows on the table, leaning forward. ‘Sounds like an endgame.’

She snorts, taking a snooty tone all on her own.

It would seem that way to you – to a worshiper of the heretic, but I see more. I can feel it, even if I can’t remember it as well – there has been a change in the very nature of what you call the Abyssals, my kind, my brood. I know when there’s something wrong.

‘You’re saying that there’s something wrong with the way they evolved or how they developed the cloaking?’ You frown. That didn’t sound quite right… shouldn’t she be happy that her forces had, for lack of better word… advanced?

As an Emissary, no presence is unknown to me. No presence should be unknown to me. Every change, every step… it is on my whim – on our whim, all towards the pinnacle, the collective ascension. One that you disgustingly refuse.

As she drags her massive claws along the wooden table, her eyes light up, glowing a deep, dangerous as she regards you… but otherwise controls herself on her side of the table, waiting for your next words. The truth, once more, rumbles all around you.

That she was still the enemy.

>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>‘I’m not so sure on that front. You can’t even recall how you were killed.’ (Doubt)
>‘Either way, it’s bad news for me.’ (Dismissive, accepting)
>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>>‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’ (Redirect)
>>‘I’m not so sure on that front. You can’t even recall how you were killed.’ (Doubt)
You ease yourself, watching her. Her expression didn’t change that much… although you’d only seen her look angry or just stay blank-faced most of the time. There wasn’t much variance as to her state… but you couldn’t deny that she had been of help to you once in a while. By once in a while, of course, you meant her pulling through at the clutch. You fix your gaze on her, just wondering what she was thinking – this wasn’t the middle of your consciousness or your mind… it felt more like a separate realty where you were given form as much as she was. She was as unreadable as a judge on a chair, in this place where life breathed its own.

That didn’t stop you from putting your own thoughts in – bluntly.

‘If what you’re saying is right… maybe they’ve just evolved without you.’

She doesn’t respond… but there is a hitch in her breath that you catch. A feeling of… acceptance of sorts emanates from her like a cold wind; she lowers her head, a twitch of movement playing on her lips.

That is also open to possibility.

She picks up a length of her long white hair, a dark chuckle escaping her throat.

In this state, I am no better than a cast-off.

You shift uncomfortably in your seat. This was getting too strange for you to continue down the road.

‘So you brought me here just to… tell me about this?’

A little bit of that.

Her smile doesn’t leave her features as she turns back to you, a sort of… defeated expression on her face.

I believe this is what you call… shooting the breeze.

She sets her claws down on the table again, her eyes slightly lidded… and the view around you growing fuzzier by the moment.

I do not find it… entirely heretical.

You find yourself shifting in your chair again, this time unwillingly.

Please take better care of yourself.

You open your mouth to say something, but the words don’t –

‘Do you burp in everyone’s faces in the morning?’

You roll away, the futon going with you – you find yourself banging into a wall, raising yourself to see Yuubari, now fully-clad in clothing and bending over, glaring at you. Groggily, you shake your head and take your hands out of the mess of fluffy cotton to get a good look around you. It was still dark… but a glance upwards to the clock on Yuubari’s wall tells you that it’s just after the crack of dawn, that daybreak had just arrived around the corner. She puts her hands on her hips, scowling as she regards you. You raise your prosthetic with an audible creak, pinching the bridge of your nose and stifling a –


‘It’s a work day.’ Yuubari huffs, walking past you and throwing you a glance over her shoulder. ‘You having a shower here or you planning to have one back at your barracks?’

>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
>‘A showers sounds nice.’ (Shower)
>>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
>>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
>>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
>‘I’ll just get going.’ (Leave)
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The first thought that enters your mind is to waltz under the shower and let the rain fall… but you realize that you might be better off back at your barracks where you could at least have access to your own utilities instead of mooching off Yuubari. Doing it to Kaga was one thing, but to someone who lived on the edge enough with you through the stress of preparation and maintenance? That was someone you didn’t want to risk getting anymore angry than you already had – she may have been calm down, but you;d rather face another Ta-Class Command Unit than come face-to-face with a Yuubari in the throes of wrath and ruin.

You pick up the futon.

‘Where do I put the futon?’ You look around, wondering where to place it.

‘Just leave ‘em out there.’ She gestures to the floor. A little hesitant but compliant, you drop the heap in a mess – she doesn’t seem bursting with anger at you leaving it out in a fluffed-up pile, so maybe you weren’t giving her as much credit as you should have been. ‘So, you going to have a shower or are you gonna jog back to your barracks and have one there?’ She scrunches her nose right after. ‘Please don’t tell me you’re not going to bother with a shower at all.’

‘I’ll just get going.’ You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck. ‘If I leave now I can get some good mileage out of these babies and be back in time for work.’ You joke, patting your knees. As you do, you feel an uncomfortable creak in your prosthetic’s shoulder joint. You definitely had to get that fixed soon.

‘Your choice.’ She nods, walking towards the bathroom. ‘You don’t have to lock the door when you leave. No one comes around here anyway.’

Before you can get a word in edge-wise, the bathroom door is shut… and you hear the click of its lock.

At the sound of Yuubari’s grunting, you decide it was high time that you get started on your walk.

You don your shoes and close the door, walking down the short flight of stairs back onto the neighborhood. It was as deserted as ever – by the light orange glow of the sky, you suppose that it would be stupid to consider anyone but on-base personnel to be –

As you finish the thought, a military truck rolls past you, hauling crates and drums.

You try to get your bearings… you weren’t familiar with this part of town, but the road’s width told you that if nothing else, it would head into an area you were familiar with. You walk down the street, past a row of what looked to be residential areas, bereft of occupants.

A pair of acquainted voices reach your ears as you reach the end of a block.

Turning around the corner… you see Hiei and The Vice-Admiral in a heated discussion.

>‘Wonder what they’re talking about…’ (Eavesdrop, roll a 1d6 each)
>‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral. Hiei-san.’ (Walk up to them and throw a greeting)
>‘None of my business.’ (Walk away)
>‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral. Hiei-san.’ (Walk up to them and throw a greeting)
>>‘None of my business.’ (Walk away)
We smell, lets not
>‘Wonder what they’re talking about…’ (Eavesdrop, roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 1 (1d6)

forgot to roll
>>‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral. Hiei-san.’ (Walk up to them and throw a greeting)
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>>‘Wonder what they’re talking about…’ (Eavesdrop, roll a 1d6 each)
>>‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral. Hiei-san.’ (Walk up to them and throw a greeting)
>>‘None of my business.’ (Walk away)
>‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral. Hiei-san.’ (Walk up to them and throw a greeting)
>>‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral. Hiei-san.’ (Walk up to them and throw a greeting)
I met Haruna!
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‘Good morning, Vice-Admiral; Hiei-san.’ You greet them, one hand in your pocket and your prosthetic raised.

Hiei turns to look at you – for a brief moment, you see a hurt expression on her face and the hint of tears in the corner of her eye. The Vice-Admiral himself looks relieved at your arrival, raising a half-hearted hand in return. He spares a glance at Hiei, who is looking at anywhere but right back at him right now, clutching her elbow. The Vice-Admiral is clad in his track suit, wearing his bandana… you notice that he had let his stubble run somewhat wild since you’d last seen him. Hiei drops into a respectful bow in response to your friendly greeting.


‘Good morning, Commander.’

Before you can ask just what they were talking about, Hiei turns to The Vice-Admiral, throwing him a stern glare.

‘We’ll talk about this later.’ She lets out in a tone that you find most unbefitting a decorated soldier such as her. ‘Have a good one, Commander. Vice-Admiral.’

Before you could even manage a goodbye, Hiei marches right past you stiffly, clicking her tongue.

‘What was that about?’ You turn to The Vice-Admiral, just as she disappears around the corner.

‘Personal stuff.’ He shakes his head. ‘Heard you pulled off quite a coup on your last assignment. North should be clear for any advance operations now.’

‘I’d hardly call it a coup.’ You cross your arms… and wince as you realize your prosthetic was creaking again, its joints stiffer than you’d been used to. ‘But if the reports are right, we did get to knock the wind out of their sails. Not sure if it does much, but… if The Admiralty says it’s a good step, then it’s a good step.’ You shrug, grimacing. ‘I just point… the girls do pretty much all the work.’

‘That they do.’ The Vice-Admiral chuckles, gesturing for you to walk with him. You comply. ‘Your Trainer’ll be glad for you, seeing how much weight that you’ve lost.’ He smirks, lightly hitting your flesh and blood shoulder. ‘That can’t be natural, though.’

‘It’s not.’ You admit. ‘Akashi’s been dipping me in Fairy’s Tears every time I break something. I think I’ve manifested some… side effects.’

The Vice-Admiral laughs. A small part of you deliberates on whether to reveal that it wasn’t just the Fairy’s Tears… but you doubt that anyone would take the news that you were playing an unwitting host to an Abyssal Princess well.

‘Still, it’s gotta feel a lot better now to lose all that fat, right?’

‘I guess.’ You pat your belly. ‘Don’t feel as hungry as often as I used to.’

Your prosthetic joints whine loudly.

‘You gotta get that fixed, Commander.’ He frowns. ‘Or oiled.’

>‘So, what is it that you and Hiei-san were… arguing about.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
>‘Akashi scares me.’ (Joke)
>‘How’s the workload been?’
>‘Have you been in contact with Jackal Squadron?’
Taking a short break for lunch and prayers.

Assalamualaikum and I will see you at approximately 3 PM GMT+8.
>>‘How’s the workload been?’
>>‘How’s the workload been?’
check on the paperwork status
>>‘Akashi scares me.’ (Joke)
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>>‘So, what is it that you and Hiei-san were… arguing about.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
dice gods pls
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>‘So, what is it that you and Hiei-san were… arguing about.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
>‘Akashi scares me.’ (Joke)
why dice god, why
>‘Akashi scares me.’ (Joke)
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>>‘So, what is it that you and Hiei-san were… arguing about.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>>‘So, what is it that you and Hiei-san were… arguing about.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>‘So, what is it that you and Hiei-san were… arguing about.’ (Roll a 1d6 each)
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Bless you two
Don't be so fast, I'm half-convinced this direction will fuck us in the long term.
Oh come on, what's the worst that could happen?
>‘Akashi scares me.’ (Joke)
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‘Hiei-san looked pretty upset.’

‘Yeah.’ The Vice-Admiral grunts, rubbing his temple through the fabric of his bandana. He looked like he was struggling on whether or not to follow through with your implied inquiry… such as it was. ‘She’ll get over it, though. She’s gone through worse.’

You decide not to push anymore than you had. It didn’t look like something you should have been prying into in the first place, anyway.

‘Sir.’ You nod, continuing to walk quietly next to him.

You take in the sight of the semi-abandoned neighborhood, occasionally spying the forms of people – residents, you would assume – taking large bags out of the few homes still occupied. The lights had shut down some time ago, if they were working at all. You turn a few more corners before The Vice-Admiral, finally, decides to follow-up.

‘You know, for a guy who claims to never been with a woman until you took the job, you’re doing a mighty fine job.’

Something in your chest swells with pride.

‘To be fair… they’re mostly in the driving seat.’ You find a smile making its way onto your lips. ‘You know, I’ve had crushes on workmates before – it was never reciprocated of course, but after screwing up for 20 years sometimes you have to just take a step back and see how it goes instead of forcing it.’

‘Kinda passive don’t you think?’

‘You’re not trading in your aggression.’ You clarify. ‘You just realize that it has to go both ways or it’s just going to end up with you in the ditch, I guess. That’s not a ride anyone’s willing to get on.’

‘Now isn’t that the truth?’

He lets out a defeated grunt, his shoulders sliumping.

‘It was about Kongou.’

Kongou?’ Your features contort. What did she Kongou to do with this?

‘We didn’t part on the best of terms.’ He tiredly admits, pinching his brow. ‘Not so much on the profession – okay, that’s a lie. Maybe it just leaked out both ways, I don’t know.’ He takes a frustrated tone, quickening his pace. ‘I never had this much problem back when it was just with normal girls. Not as much to get out of the way… but I’m probably just fooling myself there.’

‘I’m not sure if I follow, Vice-Admiral.’

‘I suppose not.’ He laughs wryly, grimacing as he turns to you. ‘I don’t suppose you’d know how to explain the concept of no hang-ups to Kongou? I don’t think she’d like to see me again with how I took my transfer.’

‘Why would I want to – ?’

It hits you like a blow to the gut. You almost stumble in realization.

‘Didn’t think it’d take you that long to catch on.’ He chuckles. ‘I’m shocked.’

The Vice-Admiral was… with Kongou.

>‘Then don’t you owe it to Kongou to give a straight answer?’ (Direct)
>‘I’m sorry, I’m still trying to get over the fact you’rewith… Kongou.’ (Disbelief)
>‘Hang on, back up. How did you… ?’ (Question)
>>‘I’m sorry, I’m still trying to get over the fact you’rewith… Kongou.’ (Disbelief)
>‘Hang on, back up. How did you… ?’ (Question)
alright he did it with her, so what? gime some info and mayve we can help or something
>>‘Hang on, back up. How did you… ?’ (Question)
Might aswell get some details.
>‘Then don’t you owe it to Kongou to give a straight answer?’ (Direct)
>>‘Then don’t you owe it to Kongou to give a straight answer?’ (Direct)
Coin flipped. Commencing write-up.
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‘Hang on, back up.’ You make a gesture with your hands, trying to make sense of the fact that The Vice-Admiral – your Vice -Admiral, at that, was in an implied relationship of an intimate nature with a KanMusu that was revered as much as she was idolized. It was surreal. ‘How – How did you and Kongou…?’

If your younger self had been here he would have decried the loss of innocence. However, considering that you had grown up quite a bit since your days worshiping posters of The Four Horsemen, you find yourself in a state of disbelief and… withholding an urge to give him the highest of fives. After all, you were, for lack of better word, still men.

As the both of you keep walking, The Vice-Admiral tosses a bemused chuckle your way.

‘If you’re going to ask how we met… it was just about when I was starting out on the job.’ You can only assume he’s talking about his tenure as Commander. ‘Back then, getting chosen by The Admiralty had everyone quaking. It was the early days and pictures of her were everywhere, telling guys and girls to join but being part of the Air Force, we knew just how much worse the reality was. You know just how often Admirals, Commanders… went insane in those days? Finding the right mix of folks wasn’t easy – just because someone was compatible didn’t mean they could last.’

A familiar drone and pencil mustache springs up at the back of your mind. It’s not an experience you wished to repeat.

‘Heard about that little lecture a while back.’ You grumble, remembering your audition. ‘There were safeguards developed since then, right?’

‘Yes and no.’ He answers seriously, furrowing his brows and gesturing above his head. ‘They developed a more thorough method of screening – there’s no real way to see who’s going to stick and who isn’t… but after the bodies started piling up, they had to do something. Not for our safety, no. They needed to see who would last the longest in the battle. A Stream continually stresses you mentally. There’s no getting out of that… what you can do to ease it, though, is have a better relationship with your KanMusu. A more stable Stream on both ends means that there’s less of a stress factor – but before that they needed to run a few tests.’ ‘I think you’re aware of the current process, Commander.’


‘I was acquainted with her back when they were going through the screening process. It was about 8 years back.’ There is a smile on his face that you can’t quite place – a mixture of fondness… and wistfulness. ‘She triple-boxed as the Head of KanMusu Field Operations, guinea pig and frontline soldier. There wasn’t a proper structure back then for The Admiralty. I think the summoning modules were still churning every two weeks or so and it was early days, but The Admiralty had bad press and were desperate for recruits.’

‘Guinea pig?’

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‘Back then we didn’t have a simulation. We had contact with the KanMusu to adjudge our capacity. That’s how Kongou and I met.’ He laughs audibly, his shoulder shaking as the both of you come to a halt. ‘I was going through the my trials – I think I was on the fifth rung or something when they decided to throw me up against her. I tell ya, having your brain and soul picked at by a KanMusu can only go two ways – pain or pleasure and she was a mean cuss doing it… can’t say I blame her, though.’ He taps the side of his head. ‘In wartime, you pay the toll and just shut up.’

‘That’s it?’ That didn’t sound like much of a first meeting.

‘The feedback knocked me out twice.’ He recalls grimly, raising two fingers for emphasis and clicking his tongue. ‘Personally, I would’ve been killed if I didn’t have the capacity to enable a Quickening later on – of course we didn’t know what to call it, then; just that I was compatible. Made Commander and tried to fight the war. KanMusu didn’t have Divisions back then – the rotation used to be a lot smaller, operations a lot more defensive. Kongou was put into my lap almost every chance they could afford her to not head an op. We became sort of… well, each other’s ear. I didn’t think much of that either.

‘KanMusu don’t have sex drives by default.’ he says it as though he was reading off a textbook, a layer of guilt dripping from his voice. ‘Don’t need to tell you that, though.’

He sighs more heavily than before, pausing and scratching the top of his head.

‘At that point in time I’d just broken it off with – I don’t know, my fourth girlfriend? Fifth? Didn’t matter. Kongou came to pick me up from the shooting range and we just… talked, you know? Like we always did. Only this time we’re making fun of the sag of my old girl’s tits.’ The both of you share a laugh… and he puts this expression on his face you find most alien. ‘Didn’t think of her as anything but a robot with a big mouth. Then you actually – actually take her by the hand and bam she’s not a toaster or a gun or a ghost, but a true blue woman and…’

He lets out a low whistle, awkwardly chuckling.

‘Did it right there in the shooting range.’ He winks at you, prompting you to roll your eyes. ‘I don’t know what you thought about her on the posters, but if there’s anything Kongou is, it’s a perfect ten in the sack.’

‘I don’t think I needed to know that.’

You don’t doubt it.

‘It was kind of awkward between us for that time. I mean, she wasn’t a Carrier and I was effectively her kouhai back then and it just devolved to, you know… casual booty calls, if you want to put it that way.’ His shoulders slump heavier than before, his tone becoming heavy. ‘Then when the structure finally got established she requested a permanent transfer to be my Sub-Commander. I rejected it.’


He doesn’t look at you in the eye, placing his hands in his pockets. You’d never seen The Vice-Admiral like this before.

‘I thought she could do a whole lot better without me holding her back and pulling her in for low priority operations. She would’ve done better under The Grand Lieutenant back then.’ There is a hesitant look on his face, an expression of embarrassment and disappointment in himself. ‘Didn’t take it well – I don’t think either of us did.’ He snorts, turning skywards. ‘Next thing I know, I’m being put under some scrutiny by the damn Court of Admirals under the charges of misappropriating Admiralty property.’

You don’t know whether to laugh or pat him on the back.

‘Kongou reported it in.’ His voice is even more reluctant… a little more tired now. ‘Didn’t turn out to good for her, either. I called her a tattle-tale and she accused me of, well…’ He clicks his tongue, hissing. ‘not sure if I want to repeat what I said.’

You open your mouth to get a word in… but shut it. You could say all you wanted after he was done, and not before.

‘There were other times… trysts… always her and we’d just do it without a word and just throwing clothes on after we were done.’ He sounds disgusted and proceeds to start moving again, proper. You do too. ‘But we didn’t talk… really talk until after I was called for my third – no – my fourth hearing. Haruna was assigned to me at that time and she was visiting and we just… talked. I’d moved on and she’d moved on and just set the new ground rules and that, well, we’d just stop it and I decided to just dropt it just as well. Haruna and Kirishima never forgave me for that, though, bless them. Dated other girls, started powering through my assignments… and when The Admiralty had enough of my flirty antics they put me on suspension and shipped me inland.’

He pauses, now wearing a grim stare.

‘I was in a casino gambling away while my former Division was wiped out under the command of a screw-up.’ He practically spits out the words. ‘When they called me back… the first thing I did was try to look for who was left.’ He takes a sharp intake of breath. ‘Kongou, she found me going through the KIA list. One thing led to another and, well… you know how it goes between a man and a woman.’ His shoulder slump as his eyes go seemingly dead. ‘We talked for a while, tried to, for lack of better word, make sense of it all.’ He lets out a humorless laugh. ‘Turned out we couldn’t.’

He drops a box of matches into a nearby bin, overflowing with rubbish.

‘She asked me again… and again, I told her no.’

The Vice-Admiral turns to you, throwing a wry smile.

‘The day after next, I’m in fisticuffs with you over touching your woman’s butt.’

>‘You owe her an answer.’
>‘That’s kinda heavy.’
>‘Don’t know what I’d do either.’
>‘You owe her an answer.'

I should really read finish reading the archives.
>>‘You owe her an answer.’
>>‘That’s kinda heavy.’
>>‘That’s kinda heavy.’
>'That's kind of heavy, but you do owe her an answer.'

I mean, now that you're a Vice Admiral, your rank won't be holding her back y'know?
that works
excellent answer for this
Which part is this trying to address primarily? An understanding that the Vice-Admiral has his own issues and that this is his to sort out or an insistence from your side to settle it? One is hands on and the other is hands off. Which is why they're separated into two options.
>>‘You owe her an answer.’

Commiserating with his woman troubles, and pushing him to settle things, with the addendum that the same thing he felt was holding him back in the past is no longer an obstacle.

And really, really hoping he's introspective enough that she probably saw that potential in him to begin with.
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‘That is kinda heavy, yeah.’ You frown as the both of you continue walking. You recognize the street now – ‘But don’t you think you at least owe her an answer?’

He closes his eyes, going immediately stone-faced. That had been a little strong on your part… but you didn’t think anyone else would have resisted the opportunity to address it, either.

‘I gave her one: I said no.

‘I can’t think of any downside at having one of the war’s most decorated KanMusu at my side.’

‘Then why didn’t you ask for her?

You wince internally. That wasn’t how you wanted to throw it out there.

‘I can’t operate with someone who can’t separate the professional and the personal.’ He states neutrally. A few maintenance crew members wave to the both of you on the opposite side of the road, carrying wide loads.‘As much as she’s a woman, as a soldier, you can’t bring that kind of drag with you into a Command.’ ‘Kongou’s a great fighter and a capable field commander, but the best place for her to be isn’t here – to just bring her here and think that it’s all well and good to have her at my side? That’s selfish.’ He takes a sharp intake of breath. ‘The Court of Admirals can make better use of her than I can. Besides, I don’t think that it’d work, given everything that’s happened between us.’ You frown – he sounds like he’s rambling now. ‘Team dynamics, team synergy; both are just as vital as a well-maintained rifle in the field of combat.’

Unfortunately, you don’t lose sight of your own view to this story.

‘You’re saying that you’d end up making each other worse?’

He laughs wryly.

‘I’m not afraid to admit that she’s a lot more…’ He hesitates slightly, scrunching his lips, ‘preferable as company among of the many women in my life. But that’s precisely just why I can’t afford to have her around – other than that, I think that The Court of Admirals really is a better direct Command for her than I could be; unless they actually think we belong together – and with me being the pissant that I am in their eyes, that’s not going to happen.’ He throws a smirk in your direction. ‘I think you’re the only Commander on record that’s managed to piss off The Court of Admirals more than I have.’

‘Not even willing to give her a chance?’

‘As things are… no. Not with things as they are.’

‘Is that why Hiei was crying?’

That time you had meant that little bit of venom.

‘She thinks I’m the worst.’ He shrugs nonchalantly. ‘But she’s been like that with me for years… difference is, she operates well enough on her own that I don’t have to worry about her subverting a tangent.’

>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
>‘Aren’t you giving yourself a little too much credit here, Vice-Admiral?’ (Accusatory)
>‘If it lets you operate…’ (Concede it’s his call)
also going with this
>>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
>‘Aren’t you giving yourself a little too much credit here, Vice-Admiral?’ (Accusatory)
>>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
>‘If it lets you operate…’ (Concede it’s his call)
I'm tempted to do a write in. I'm feeling that he's scared to be in a stream with her in the event she gets seriously injured or dies.

>>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
>>‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’ (Question his decision)
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‘Can’t you trust Kongou to do the same, then?’

‘No, I can’t.’

The both of you don’t talk about much else as the both of you arrive on the main road… you see the beach with the tents loaded with surplus and the army men were all rushing with crates and cans in their arms. The Vice-Admiral gives you a goodbye before leaving to tend to his own matters. A part of you suspects that he hadn’t enjoyed that little conversation – that reveal of just how troubled his and Kongou’s relationship was. You can’t blame him either – even back then, when it came to your personal business, you didn’t actually care much for people trying to weasel their way into your affairs… no matter what their attention. Right now, though… you can’t help but feel that your approach to the matter wasn’t altogether correct, either. It had taken you a long time to come to terms with the fact that you needed a little bit of introspection and outside influence to change… for better or for worse.

Your arm creaks. You definitely had to see Akashi later.

Several army men and women march past you, yelling some sort of mantra. You vaguely recognize one of them – a woman – leading the troop as you move to one side. The sun hadn’t quite fully risen yet, but the Imperial Army didn’t look like it cared for it either. The bunch of them did their morning runs while you spied a few others getting out of half-patched buildings, carrying what appeared to be huge sacks. In comparison, you only saw a few of the maintenance crew by the roads doing restoration work… not that you could fault them for that – you’d seen just how stacked their workload was prior to the army’s arrival.

It’s not like you had the higher ground either. You’d pulled hookey more times than you would have liked.

It’s not long before you end up in front of your compound… and the sun hadn’t risen much more than it had when you had left Yuubari’s quarters. The compound itself was empty and the lights in the barracks were off – save for the corridor light you can make out from the side of the building. Slumping your shoulders and sighing as you trudge towards the entrance, eager to have your shower and… if possible, a short nap before the inevitable return to the grind.

With a creak from your prosthetic, reach into your pocket and… remember that you had had a change of clothes and hadn’t bothered emptying your pockets back in Ominato.

‘Damn it.’

You’d forgotten your keys.

You can hear Nachi and Tenryuu cackling in amusement.

>Knock on the door
>Call out for someone (Specify)
>Wait it out
>Break down the door
>>Knock on the door
>Call out for someone (Tenryuu)
>look under the doormat
think one of the girls said there was one under it in another thread
this, because i don't remember
>Look under the doormat

If nothing's there
>Knock on the door
>Look under the doormat
If that doesn't work
>break down the door.
>Look under the doormat

If nothing's there
>Knock on the door

Lets not break something in our already collapsing barracks.
Scratch on the outside of the door like a cat that's been left outside.
supporting this
Session restarting in 25 minutes.
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You step on the doormat… and put your hand under. Sure enough, someone had left a key. A grimace makes it way onto your features as you remember your last great attempt at masculinity… and the resultant sore shoulder. You’re thankful that this time you hadn’t resorted to such idiocy. Taking it out, you place the key in its hole and turn… opening the door to see the dark corridor of your barracks. A sense of deja vu comes upon you – memories of you first return to the barracks, your first official day as a Commander… and the arrow in your face by a very annoyed Kaga manage to get a chuckle out of you. A different time… a different you. A little, anyway.

Making your way to the stairs and up, you’re greeted by a dimly-lit hallway. You look down and notice that a layer of dust had built up. You frown and kneel, running your finger along the thin sheet. You had been here for more than a month… there had hardly been a single sweep-down of the facilities by you or your personnel. Perhaps when Nagato and the others came back, you could start assigning clean up duty. After all… even when fighting a war, there were some things that still needed doing; besides, as a Commander, you couldn’t very well be prideful of a barracks that had layers of dust and untidiness.

Thinking back to your days in the apartment, coming back after work… you suppose that the negligence had its origins.

Now, though. Now, things were different.

You hit your big toe against a box, almost collapsing in a heap. Clutching your pained digit, you barely hold in a yelp. Angrily, you glare at the offending object, wondering who had placed them in such a place… only to recognize Yamato’s caricature on the side, along with her name. They must have arrived when you weren’t here.

Rolling your eyes, you limp towards your door. Hand on the knob, you twist and push, only to see two occupants you didn’t expect to be in the same bed.

Shigure snored lightly as she slept in Kaga’s bed… with Samidare, the both of them lightly snoring. Samidare had a foot in her sister’s face, having somehow turned around in her sleep, but somehow that didn’t bother Shigure one bit. She was clutching Samidare by the waist, hugging her bottom closely with the blanket that the both of them had presumably shared on the floor, forgotten. Your sleeping bag was out there as well, being used as a sort of makeshift support for the both of them.

You throw the blanket back on the both of them, stripping and wrapping your towel onto your waist, before stepping back out into the corridor.

Shigure-neesan…’ Samidare mumbles, shifting under the covers.

Smiling, you close the door…

‘Good morning, Commander.’

You turn on your heel, clutching your towel.

>Who is it? (Specify)

Hey remember shes in our division, haven't seen her in forever.
Coin flipped. Winner decided.
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Murakumo’s eyes were fixed on you – nude and with a towel tossed over her shoulder, she regards you with a tired expression, the bags under her eyes an indication of her fatigue. She doesn’t look like she’s in the mood for conversation… but here she was, being the initiator of it. There was a ragged quality to her form, her shoulders slumped and her knees tapping against each other. In a word, she looked as though she would rather be anything than out of bed.

‘Murakumo?’ You tilt your head just as she lets out a huge yawn. ‘What’re you doing up so early?’

‘Well, sorry I’m not one of your favorites.’ She grumbles.

Somehow, it strikes a chord with you. There’s a small, needling voice that points out that it wasn’t entirely untrue from an outsider’s perspective – you did seem to spend your days with almost everyone but her… and you can’t blame Murakumo for taking it as it was for face value. The last time that you had a heart-to-hear with her was some time ago, too… when you and Hiei had double-teamed her in regards to her on-field practices. As you gather your thoughts, she shifts in place, crossing her arms and waiting for you to reply. You admit, at the very least… you owe her some assurance as her superior.

‘I didn’t mean it like that.’ You clarify, grimacing. There’s a part of you that wants to blurt out an apology… but given Murakumo’s stance, you don’t think that she would be in the mood for it right now. You make a gesture with your prosthetic – it still creaks – and make your way towards the showers, beckoning her to follow. ‘So what did you – ?’

You halt in your steps, slapping your palm upon your head and rush back into the room to grab your toiletries – and manage to do so without so much as stirring the other two occupants. That had been careless of you – what kind of excuse could you give your subordinates that you were having a shower without so much as a bar of soap.

Stepping back outside into the corridor, you start walking towards the bathroom again.

‘I think that’s Kaga’s.’

She indicates the floral pattern on the shampoo.

After five minutes of rummaging through the dark, you come back out again, clutching your toiletries.

Murakumo snickers as she gives you a friendly pat on the back, the both of you making your way towards the showers.

‘I didn’t sleep at all.’ She answers your question from before, just as the both of you step inside the bathroom and take your places in front of your respective sinks. ‘Spent the last night tryin’ to beat my old high score.’ She raises her fingers, wiggling them playfully. ‘These old bones are getting creaky. I can barely manage World 6 on Hard.’

>‘I didn’t know you were such a… gamer. That’s the term, right?’ (Interest)
>‘What are we talking about?’ (Confused)
>‘Not my kinda thing.’ (Dismissive)
>‘What are we talking about?’ (Confused)
too agressive and she will tell us to fuck off, so to speak
>‘I didn’t know you were such a… gamer. That’s the term, right?’ (Interest)
>>‘I didn’t know you were such a… gamer. That’s the term, right?’ (Interest)
>‘What are we talking about?’ (Confused)
I don't we remember having a console, where did you get it?
>>‘What are we talking about?’ (Confused)
>‘I didn’t know you were such a… gamer. That’s the term, right?’ (Interest)

This is the girl that likes to buy a console brand new. This is also mid- 80's Videya tech. I'm gong to go out on a limb and say the culture of the time also exists.
Makes me wonder if there are Takeshi's Challenge or Bomberman equivalents in this world...
>‘I didn’t know you were such a… gamer. That’s the term, right?’ (Interest)
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Hikottan's Murakumo.png
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Murakumo takes out what you recognize to be a roll of floss, setting it on the counter as she begins freshening herself up. You yourself take out your own tube of toothpaste, squirting it onto your brush and beginning to scrub the inside of your mouth clean. You wince as you feel it – this was definitely a military-issue toothbrush. Less than a couple of weeks of use and it had already ended up being as rough and stiff as a wire brush. You briefly wonder if you should get a new issue of supplies… but decide against it. You’d been through worse – and it wasn’t as though it was a priority, anyway.

‘The secret is not to press so hard.’

You look down at Murakumo, who was applying some weird gel to her chest, her cheeks red and puffed. It must sting a little, you reckon.

‘Those toothbrushes are a killer on your gums if you don’t dip ‘em in hot water once in a while. The bristles harden really quickly.’ She giggles as she taps your cheek as you keep brushing. ‘They’re meant to last – not comfort. You can get just as much out of ‘em gently pressin’ as you would scraping. You’ll start crying less too.’

She goes back to her chore of what you understand to be ladies duties, whatever it was she was doing. Spitting the build-up in your mouth out, you turn back to her. Maybe next time you’d try that tip – your gums felt as though they’d been used as a continental railway.

‘Appreciate the tip.’ You run a finger along them. They were a bit tender now. ‘I didn’t know you were such a… gamer. You didn’t strike me as the type.’

Murakumo turns to you, raising an eyebrow.

‘Keeps my mind off things.’ She says in a sing-song voice, squeezing out her own toothpaste and shoving her toothbrush in her mouth. ‘There’s only so much moping you can do before it just gets boring. Abyssals gonna get me; I lost an arm; there’s more to life than worrying about dying, then not, and then getting spat on by your kind.’

She takes a step back, adopting a panicked look.

‘I didn’t mean it like that!’ She raises her hands, waving them frantically. You almost crack a smile – it was rare to see her like this.

‘I’m sure you didn’t.’ You give a slight smirk, before dropping it entirely when you see her fidgeting. ‘So, you game.’

‘I’m surprised you don’t.’ She points a finger at you, her past transgression forgotten. You’re thankful for that – being hesitant didn’t suit her. ‘You lived by yourself, right? You telling me you didn’t bother getting one for those lonely nights?’

She grins coyly.

>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
>‘I know about it, if that’s what you’re saying.’ (Reveal you had knowledge about it, at least)
>‘Never was my thing, really. Money was tight.’ (Reveal you never had an interest in it)
>>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
>>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
>>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
>>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
>>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
>‘Once upon a time, yeah, I picked one up… but I never had time to actually pursue it.’ (Reveal you once had an interest)
So many people wanting him to be an almost-gamer.
Well, what can we say? We ourselves are gamers, so this is more relatable and easier to vote for.
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Yo Wanna Game.png
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You hesitate an answer… to tell the truth, you did have an interest in it, once. You just never really followed up on it. By the time the miniature gaming computers – game consoles – had made it to the main market, you had just had your first taste of the trials of being an adult. Not that you didn’t totally dismiss the idea – you were a big reader, but for some reason or other, most of your favorite books had stopped being published. Lionheart was a hard find outside the local libraries – they usually didn’t have foreign books in stock; especially not ones from Romeria.

When there was enough money in the bank, you’d try your luck… but consoles needed time to be invested in them… time you spent being in bed and snoring away when you weren’t slaving away in a variety of kitchens to maintain yourself. You’d entertained the idea – you’d even bought a few magazines thinking that you might buy one… you especially liked an Admiralty-sponsored game where you played as a Destroyer – who you now recognize as Fubuki – blasting away at Abyssal Buzzards flying away; and when you failed to pass a level, an I-Class caricature would leap out over the horizon throwing text-based insults at you.

Not to mention this one adventure saga about some sort of ancient elf that went around saving people from monsters with a sword and shield. You liked that one too. Now that Murakumo had brought it up… there really was a level of interest that you had in that particular pastime.

You just couldn’t have afforded it.

‘Once upon a time, yeah.’ You admit, spitting into the sink, turning off the faucet and trudging towards the showers. ‘I picked one up, never really had the time to pursue it, though.’ Murakumo follows you. ‘Don’t know if I feel like it now. I got my paperwork, you guys and not to mention the – !’

‘It’s called a pastime!’ She scowls, turning on the hot water for your shower and hers. ‘It’s not a lifestyle, you know. You don’t have to throw everything away just to put six hours into a game!’

‘Didn’t you just stay up a whole night trying to beat your old high score or something?’

Murakumo stares at you with narrowed eyes… and gives your nethers a casual whack.

You wince, clutching your member and glaring at her smug face… before shoving her playfully. She slips, landing on her bottom.

‘Hey, you pushed too hard!’ Murakumo takes an accusatory stance, rubbing her bare bottom and glaring at you. ‘Besides, it’s not like the treatment Kaga and Takao gave you, right? That thing’s had worse.’

You try not to turn red, walking under the shower and pouring some soap on your hands.

‘So, you wanna give it a go?’

Your eyes go wide.


‘Playing a game with me.’ She answers neutrally, rubbing under her armpits. ‘You got some time before work… what’s an hour to ya?’

>‘No, thanks.’
>‘I’ll bite.'
>>‘I’ll bite.'
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beat 'em up game.jpg
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>>‘I’ll bite.'
>>‘I’ll bite.'
>‘I’ll bite.'
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736KB, 395x222px
>‘I’ll bite.'
>>‘I’ll bite.'
Just like the now sentient pile of paperwork will bite us back.
>>‘I’ll bite.'
>Tired look.png
Dont judge, our only other pastime is being half dead in the hospital

Well, did you mean playing a 'video' game, or a game of 'hide the pickle'?
That depends. How hard do you get when a girl squeaks Onii-chan while you ram into her taut, lithe body from behind as the water falls all around you?
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too true
I-I just wanted to know who she'd use in SF2, n-not that ;_:
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‘I’ll bite.’ You concede. You didn’t have much to do outside of waiting for your attendants to wake up and come over, anyway.

Murakumo grins but doesn’t say much else. You must have done the right thing, though, because she offers to take care of your limp arm for the length of your shower, right as she noticed your trouble in detaching it. It had been a while since you attempted to clean any of the skin underneath that metal… and even with the instructions that you remember from Akashi on the how-tos of hygiene, with the damage, the battering it had taken and the unaligned joints, it was a much bigger chore than you’d expected it to be. It’s not long before the both of you are out of the shower, but it does take a while to snap the damned thing back on – drying your useless limb and the exoskeleton was especially hard… not to mention putting your fingers back in the slots.

Once your hand was in, though, you could feel the magic begin to course through your arms, and the rest of it came a little bit easier.

Although, you’re quite thankful that no one had walked in. It would have been quite a ruckus if you had to explain why Murakumo was rubbing herself on your shoulder trying to tighten the last of your straps. The screws were bent and the holes were unaligned too… but the thing, ultimately, held. Even if your shoulder and elbow felt a lot more sluggish compared to before.

You definitely had to get this fixed. Today, if you had time.

‘You know where my room is, sir. I’ll get everything set!’

Without another word, she jets off, leaving you to go to your own quarters. Deciding that there wasn’t a particular need for you to be formal, you decide to just put on a pair of pants a tee. You could get into uniform later…

It’s not long before you end up in front of LEIA, Samidare and Murakumo’s room.

You move to knock on the door… only for Murakumo, still clad in her towel, opening it with a big grin.

She gestures you inside… and the first thing that catches your attention is the heavy-looking television, aged and used, but still working. The room was a mess and dimly lit by a small lamp on the window sill. LEIA was under several blankets, peacefully snoring on one bed, while the other, which you presume to be Samidare’s, was neat and tidy. There was a sleeping bag on the floor, along with a spear, notebooks and what looked like maps… as well as a magazine that you recognize to be of the gaming variety.

‘Where’d you get the television?’

‘I own it.’ She hisses. ‘Now keep quiet – unless you wanna wake up the Princess there.’

Not caring for her modesty, she dives into a small sack… taking out four games.


>‘Who are… these guys?’ (Fighting Game)
>‘Can’t go wrong with ninjas.’ (Beat ‘Em Up)
>‘I’m in a bit of an action-y mood, really, so why not some of this? (Shoot ‘Em Up)
>‘My arm’s a little wobbly, so maybe just a puzzle game?’ (Puzzle)
>‘Who are… these guys?’ (Fighting Game)
>‘Can’t go wrong with ninjas.’
>>‘Who are… these guys?’ (Fighting Game)
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fighting game.jpg
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>>‘Who are… these guys?’ (Fighting Game)
>>‘Can’t go wrong with ninjas.’ (Beat ‘Em Up)
>‘Can’t go wrong with ninjas.’ (Beat ‘Em Up)
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DUn dUN.jpg
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‘Who are these guys?’

Your arm stiff, you manage to still pick up the plastic box – a cartridge, if your recalled correctly. It looked worn and used, if the faded sticker on the item in question was any indication. It showed two men, one in what looked like traditional white gi and a red headband in a defensive pose, moving to parry a kick by a blonde man in red. The both of them looked muscular… or maybe it was just the art. It caught your eye more than the other three cartridges… and if the implication was correct, you guess that this would be a pretty good jumping off point for your foray into this odd world. You wonder how Murakumo could have afforded the luxury of her own personal television and game console when the barracks didn’t have one to call its own.

You hadn’t even seen her bring the thing upstairs or inside.

‘Oh, you wanna play me at this, eh?’ She grins wider than before – even in the dim light you see it. Apparently that had been a choice that she had expected from you. ‘Okay, okay, lemme just set it up.’

She turns to LEIA’s sleeping form.

‘LEIA-san, I’m unplugging your hair-dryer.’

LEIA rolls in her sleep. Murakumo’s towel falls off, but she doesn’t care – neither do you, crossing your legs and parking yourself on her sleeping bag. Murakumo grunts as she dives underneath the setting, playing with the plugs and cables while waving her bare nethers in your face. You focus on the television, more interested in this little experience she was planning to drag you on than the privates of your subordinate. When you’d been around pubic hair as much as you had in the last several weeks, it just lost its magic.

You do notice that she could use a little shave around her anus, however. But that, of course, was none of your business.

‘Commander, here.’

You catch a sort of device that she throws in your direction, a sort of remote, small enough to fit in one hand but with a weight that belied its size. There were an assortment of buttons on it, a cross-like pad on its left and three buttons on the right. In the middle there were four additional buttons with odd abbreviations on them that you can’t make sense of. The television screen flickers momentarily as a logo of green, red, yellow and deep blue makes itself known to you.

What follows is a quick, flashing screen of two men brawling on the street – one of them is clocked by what you suspect to be a sucker punch.

The game’s title flashes across the screen.

This is followed by an assortment of characters in boxes, ranging from the men on the cartridge to a woman with her hair in buns.

‘Since you’re a starter… choose this guy.’

You follow her advice, picking the hairy muscle-bound man in red underwear.

>Test Your Might (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>Test Your Might.. Mortal Kom- Wrong game
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>Test Your Might (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)


Welp, gamer background confirmed!
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Well I'll be
You guys suck. See you in 6 hours. I need sleep.

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‘Isn’t there a manual or something?’ You frown as you hold the remote… like a remote. Long side up.

Murakumo hurriedly corrects you, placing the remote – the controller – horizontally, just so your thumbs could hit the buttons on each half. The screen goes from black to a scene with your two picks – you as the burly man in red underwear and Murakumo as a dark-skinned skeleton of a man in yellow boxing shorts. It was like watching two cartoon characters – yours somewhere in mid-hug and hers bobbing his head front and back as though in some odd trance. You flip the controller to see how it worked – did you have to point somewhere and press a button?

‘You don’t need a manual!’ Murakumo grins, cupping her chest and setting her own controller down before leaning over and pointing out what did what. She indicates one button. ‘There’s like 2 buttons. Punch,’ she taps the red button on the far side, ‘and kick.’ she proceeds to press the yellow one, before touching the odd cross-shaped button, which for some reason tilted in odd directions. ‘That’s to move you left and right.’

Still confused, you try pressing a few buttons. Your cartoon character – albeit slowly – executes a series of clumsy, slow punches before going back into his looming stance. The animation was a lot rougher compared to some cartoons you had scene on the television before. You press an odd combination of buttons, and the man on the screen does as Murakumo said he would.

She takes your controller out of your hands and sets it down.

‘Let me show you how it’s done.’

‘If you say so.’

Your character is assaulted by a flurry of punches and kicks by the eager Murakumo – you notice the yellow bar above quickly turning to red as you watch, in fascination, your titan of a man fall… and the dark-skinned man doing a strange pose, reveling in his victory.

‘See?’ She grins widely. ‘Easy. Ready for a match?’

You nod. You didn’t understand it that well, but it seemed fun enough to give a go; you hope Murakumo would decide to go easy on you on account of your very recent introduction.


Kick. Kick. Suplex. Elbow drop. Grab and throw.


You blink. That was easy – and fun. You could get used to this.

For some reason, Murakumo laughs – loudly… and throws you a thin smile. She then points to the screen, the upturn of her lips not quite reaching her eyes.


Punch. Kick. Punch. Grab and throw. Grab and throw.

‘Nice kick, Murakumo.’


You practically glow – you couldn’t believe you had ignored this for so long.

N – No way…’ She tugs on your shirt, her eyes strangely unfocused. ‘H – Hey, come on, that can’t be right.’ She laughs, loud enough for LEIA to rustle under her sheets in response. ‘One more.’

>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 1 (1d6)

You have failed us, tripfag
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)
here goes nothing
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)
Roll failed. Beginning write-up.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>Rematch (Roll a 1d6 each)

Rolling Just because o can
where were you when we needed you?
Hitler plz. We lost Normandy because of you
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The world seemed to crash back down into a semblance of order in the next two rounds. Murakumo’s change of character – a dark-skinned truck of a man in boxing gloves that reminded you a little of The Trainer, really – brought about a beating and a soreness in defeat that you hadn’t experienced since the days of your humiliation. Your man’s titanic hits didn’t quite connect as often as you had liked and Murakumo’s own ugly fighter – ugly boxer – did enough to throw your burly, husky character into a daze. It’s not even a minute had passed after her declaration of a rematch that – still nude – she gets to her feet and pumps her fist. Even in the almost-darkness you can see her exuberance for her hobby and her reveling in the celebration of her throne, re-acquired.

In short, you suspect that underneath that bravado, she might have just been a sore loser with an anus that needed some shaving.

C – Commander, what are you doing in my room?!

You spin around to see LEIA, her head peeking out of the piles of covers like a snail under a shell, her face one of shock, even in the dim lighting. However, that was nothing compared to the red glow she took on when she saw Murakumo’s dancing form, cackling like a demon on a sabbath. You open your mouth to give an explanation… but Murakumo’s smug expression and demeanor quickly keeps anything from leaving your lips. You don’t think she would be ready – or accepting – of any explanation that you could come up with now – especially not one that was contradictory to the fact that there was an imp of a girl with blue hairs between her butt cheeks.

Still, you suppose you had to try.

‘Playing games.’

‘Creaming the Commander!’

You groan – trust Murakumo to make things more complicated than they actually were.

‘I have to get ready for work anyway.’ You sigh heavily, getting to your feet. ‘I’ll see you downstairs, LEIA.’

‘Y – Yes sir.’

You don’t bother to add on anymore than you had; with one last nod, you leave the happy Murakumo and the confused, groggy LEIA and walk back to your room. Turning the door knob you open to find your two other Destroyers still sleeping, although their positions had changed – somewhat. Now the both of them were hugging each others’ legs; Shigure had somehow got herself in a hold by Samidare’s… and the blanket you had thrown on the both of them had somehow been thrown off the both of them, lying forgotten on the floor.

There’s no need to switch on the light – it might have been dark, but you can make your way to your closet just fine.


You wince. That had been the table.

>Regular whites and pants
>Regular uniform
>Fubuki T-Shirt
>Admiralty Battleship Nagato Bomber Jacket
>>Admiralty Battleship Nagato Bomber Jacket
>Admiralty Battleship Nagato Bomber Jacket
>>Admiralty Battleship Nagato Bomber Jacket
No pants?
While the truest answer is no, we should probably take our uniform pants aswell.
>>Regular uniform
>Admiralty Battleship Nagato Bomber Jacket
With uniform pants
>Admiralty Battleship Nagato Bomber Jacket
WITH pants, also socks, underwear....the whole shebang
with our arm as it is maybe we shouldnt risk the nagato jacket until weve been to akashi?
With pants,why not
that's the next place we're heading straight for after some paperwork
Dress Whites, gotta look dapper sometime.

I thought it was another one of those 'pick one' choices.
as hilarious it would be
pants please
Did Nagato see us wearing the jacket yet?
>>Regular uniform
>>Regular uniform
>>Regular uniform
You decide that something casual would suit your needs better today. It wasn’t as if there was going to be someone taking a demerit on you for being out of uniform – not with your track record. It’d be a drop in the ocean. The jacket – the one that you had bought during your trip inland with Iowa and Tenryuu – was a little tight along the shoulders, but otherwise comfortable. The pants, though…

Were a little loose.

Some way or another, that part made your chest swell with pride.

You turn to the shifting forms of Samidare and Shigure – they had released one another from their holds, but you muse just how hilarious it is that Shigure had taken to using Samidare as a mattress of sorts while the blue-haired KanMusu was on her belly. They both didn’t look like they were going to stir any time soon, though… and you weren’t going to be the one to break that. Quietly, you tip-toe to the door and close it. As you step out into the dim hallway, you make out the sound of a running shower – someone else must have woken up and decided to get a head-start. You get into a small jog, hopping down the stairs and eager to make yourself some breakfast and coffee before the day really started.

Arriving at the common hall with a bit of a skip in your step, you make it to the kitchen area and begin your preparations for a delicious breakfast… when your ears are hit by the sound of the falling rain. You look outside the window to see a more aggressive roll of waves and light droplets of water hitting the grass. You thank your luck at getting here so quickly from Yuubari’s. You didn’t want to explain just why in the world you were running in the rain. You squint as you get a good look at the horizon – more dark clouds were coming in.

That didn’t excuse you skipping breakfast, though.

A simple dig into your stores has you coming up with several distributed rations specifically for you – and eggs and browns were always a simple task. Turning on the flames to warm the pan, you break a few more eggs for an extra omelet before throwing the packet of hash browns and letting it all just cook. A part of you – the one that loved cooking – deplores the heresy taking place, but somehow, you don’t feel like indulging it more than your meal. After all, you were lucky to be part of the few individuals to have such an indulgence in this war zone.

Gas and food, at least here… weren’t at the mercy of those you would believe to be strangers.

It’s an odd thing to be thankful for, but thankful for it you are.

Deciding that you didn’t want to spill anything on your work table, you drop the now-done contents of your meal and make your way to one of the armchairs and –


Someone was sleeping on the couch.

>Who? (Specify)
>Major on musashi
I won't accept votes for the Major as described in this

>Several army men and women march past you, yelling some sort of mantra. You vaguely recognize one of them – a woman – leading the troop as you move to one side. The sun hadn’t quite fully risen yet, but the Imperial Army didn’t look like it cared for it either. The bunch of them did their morning runs while you spied a few others getting out of half-patched buildings, carrying what appeared to be huge sacks. In comparison, you only saw a few of the maintenance crew by the roads doing restoration work… not that you could fault them for that – you’d seen just how stacked their workload was prior to the army’s arrival.

paragraph already states that operations on their part are already on-the-go. It would make little sense that he isn't conducting them alongside his fellow men, as young as he is. Plus the fact that it would be impossible for him to be sleeping on your couch as the door was locked and he wouldn't be so much of a dick to intrude knowing that you weren't around.

He's not an asshole. He's young, but he's a military man.
We haven't even talked to her since the Inland Trip
Tenryuu then?
>the admiral
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Sleeping Sushi.jpg
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Musashi reclined in her sleep, wearing an odd pair of pyjamas. Tight as they were – and they were tight – you realize that this is probably the most cloth you’d seen on her being… even if it was a bunch of motorcycles with burning wheels printed all over. They seemed to be more children’s pajamas than they were for a woman of her girth. She snorts in her sleep, turning around and pressing her face against the couch’s back pillow, mumbling something or other.

You set your plate down on the table, hesitating as your hand hovers just inches away from her. She appeared to be oblivious to the world, lost in her dreams… but this wasn’t a place to have a nap – she had a perfectly good, in a manner of speaking, room upstairs where she could snore away just as she was now… and it had a bed. Or, at least, you think that it had a bed. Yet, she had somehow chosen to deposit herself down here. Not that she was entirely disagreeing with the notion, of course – she looked just as content as Shigure and Samidare were, hugging a square pillow and drooling onto the fabric of the battered seat.

Still… there was no telling when the men would come around. The weather looked like it was picking up; and not in a good way, either. You didn’t enjoy the prospect of explaining to your two attendants as to why Musashi had forsaken her quarters and decided to deposit herself to the mercy of the couch downstairs… or why you would have allowed her to continue doing so in a working environment. Of course, you don’t think that the both of them would be so accusatory, but with the mess on your hands, you’re not quite sure you liked the image of the visiting Submarine cackling and ticking a box with your name next to it.

Your hand nears her…


She mumbles the word innocently, nuzzling her pillow, a peaceful look on her face.

You hesitate again.

It was amazing just how much one so tall and grown could channel Samidare.

>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
>‘I am a horrible Commander.’ (Let her sleep and eat in peace)
Okay folks, this will be the last prompt until the new thread. Suggestions and complaints at the bottom as usual.
>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
>>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
>>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
>>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
>>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
Good thread.
For my personal comfort it'd be lovely with more "cya in 6 hours" comments, so I know when to check the thread often and when not to.
>>‘I am a horrible Commander.’ (Let her sleep and eat in peace)
I agree
>‘Musashi, you can’t sleep here. Get up.’ (Wake her up)
Duly noted. Apologies as in the last few months my responsibilities have piled on quite a bit.
Please never describe a young girl's hairy privates ever again
She's hardly young.
New thread up btw
Thread posts: 313
Thread images: 42

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