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/d/ Regulations

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Thread replies: 69
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As per Hiro's request, we at /d/ have come up with a list of regulations for the moderation of our board.


>All "alternative" art is permitted here, regardless of origin. Fanart of an alternative nature is allowed.

>Discussion, caption threads, and erotic literature threads are allowed.

>Please keep the number of threads dedicated to a topic limited. Keep variations on a theme limited as well; heavy review of the catalog is encouraged to reduce overlap. Threads deemed duplicates or redundant will be deleted.

>If the OP of a thread requests content of a certain type not be posted in that thread, users that post that content will have their post considered off-topic. The image will be deleted, and it could result in a ban.

The ball is now in your court, Hiro.
If you look at the thread on /d/, you will see there is a lot of disagreement on these rules, and a lot of other suggestions. This represents only one version of the proposed changes.

>three fuckups

If you're too dumb to use an imageboard maybe you shouldn't be making suggestions
The main arguments seem to be centred around:

>whether to keep /aco/ and /d/ seperate
>whether to unban certain threads and communities
>whether to increase or decrease moderation and enforcement of rules
>how the rules should be enforced
>duplicate threads
>western art being allowed
>the quality of art allowed
>large blocks of text being allowed
>OP getting to decide rules

These are issues that will have to be decided upon and a greater variety of opinions taken before any kind of decision can really be made, as there seems to be quite a lot of disagreement on the proposed changes.
Hiro said he only approved of one thread for each board >>677151, so that's all we're going to get. The majority agree that the western ban should go.

Someones mad.
>shitposter chases a thread for a board he doesn't use across boards

Give me one good reason as to why you hate our board so much that you're willing to destroy it.
You're right, I don't really use 4chan that much, I have a lot of other things I do with my time. That's why I'm not proposing any changes, I think you're the one that did that in the OP? I'm just presenting all the information you casually left out. In any case, enjoy reading mods, and I hope you don't think this guy represents /d/ as a community, they are very much a part of the new crowd.
I just followed the link dude, and I call it how I see it.
do monstergirl threads still belong on /tg/?
Also forgetting that a lot of people seem to want to maintain the status quo, and are opposed to pretty much any changes.
I really don't know. I remember them getting banned to /d/ all the time, but I also remember /tg/ threads being text-heavy which the mods ban for.

I think most threads got jettisoned to /aco/, where they allow both eastern and western. Or at least they don't delete for it.
>whether to keep /aco/ and /d/ seperate
yes. i was sceptical after the split and the first few weeks on /aco/ had threads i really liked. but these days i can scroll though the whole board and not find a single thing that interests me, which never happens on /d/. keep 'em separate.
dimitry is the only thing worthwhile and he still keeps appearing on /d/.
I was really surprised that /aco/ didnt become a dead filedump circlejerk like for example /c/.

It still feels like a /d/ duplicate, I expected it to become /v/- and /co/-lewd central but /d/eviants drove the vanillafags out within a month.
Beautiful open discussion. The last thing the cherrypicking OP wanted. My work here is done.
That's why we need to allow western content on /d/.
I disagree. /d/ is busy enough as it is. Imagine what it would be like to suddenly have twice as many threads?
western content tends to be extremely low quality, good western artists are rare, which is contrary to the huge fanbase it actually has.
/aco/ is a good thing actually.
/aco/ is a good containment board IMO

Here's a few of the strawpoll results from over the last few discussion threads. As you can see, they are anything but decisive.

Some would rightly point out that strawpolls can be botted and manipulated, but they should still at least be taken as a testing of the waters so to speak.
It would be exactly like it was a year ago.
Well since then, /aco/ has developed a LOT of new communities. All of those threads would now want to post on /d/. Twice as many threads competing for the same amount of space in the catalog.
Seems like the whitewashing attitude from the /d/ thread has turned people against OP's proposals.
>fuck up board
>people tell you to unfuck it for a year
>"lol well nothing we can do now. It's been too long!"
I'm not saying its a good or bad thing, but if you take a group of people, split them in half, and they go off and become two bigger groups of people, you can't suddenly try to force them back into the same space they used to occupy. They won't fit.

You and I both know you're intentionally raiding the poll, just like you did the ones that proved you wrong.

>here are some very easy Strawpoll vote bots. There is a reason they are called raidpolls.

There were like 85 IPs in the /d/ thread, and many of these have 200 or more votes.
Except /aco/ also wants /d/ threads off their board.
ok, you sound seriously crazy, like super paranoid. its not just me right?

>it's impossible for lurkers to vote in strawpolls
i dont know if you understand how the internet works

you see if you link to a website, thats not the only time that "link" can be shared

people can take that link and "copy" it, and then "paste" it somewhere else

its not just people in that thread who can see that link, because other people probably "shared" it with people they know, other websites, and so on

do you... really think thats how a link works? it can only be used once? or its somehow hardcoded to only people who post in the thread its linked to?
First, this >>677638
Second, Lurkers.
So here's what I see so far. Someone in the /d/ thread started to make a list of suggestions, ignoring a lot of the suggestions and only keeping a few of them. They started to modify those suggestions based on replies they got, but still didn't really listen to anyone else in the thread. Then a big argument happened, presumably over that person ignoring everyone, and they came here with their suggestions, leaving everyone else's behind, and not leaving a link, hoping I assume that no one would find this thread and hoping the mods wouldn't go look at the /d/ thread afterwards.

Why would anyone listen to someone who does that? That discredits everything they say. Maybe they're doing this intentionally? Are they a double agent for the opposite of the things they claim to support?
Lurker opinions are irrelevant.
You are nuts.
It was more like

>users voted on list of suggestions
>shitposter fights to sabotage thread
>pretends to be a mod and threatens to ban everyone
>uses scripts to raid polls he disagrees with
>chases the users of /d/ to /qa/ out of spite

but I'm sure you knew all that.
There are hundreds of communities on skype, IRC, websites, etc all based on /d/ and it's fetishes. If someone linked your thread there, then odds are a lot of those people got involved and voted. I think you have a very narrow minded view of what the /d/ community is.
we have no proof it was just one person
You misunderstand. They aren't interested in proof. The same way they aren't interested in anyone's suggestions but the ones they agree with.
This is the same misunderstanding of the internet that leads to stupid people sending someone nudes and then not expecting them to wind up on the internet.

Congrats, you're as smart as any gullible college teen.
Those first few weeks on /aco/ were very similar to how /d/ use to be in the really old days. That is what I want /d/ to return to. That wonderful wild variety of constantly changing threads is what I miss the most about old /d/. You never knew what you were going to find. You could check the board every day & see something new, crazy or shocking.
But the way /d/ is now, I can go days with out checking & see nothing new or interesting. /d/ is becoming boring. Boring. /d/ use to be know for crazy stuff like vagina dentata, tits in a bucket, dragons fucking cars & shitting dick nipples, but now, it's blobs, slobs, farts & diapers with the occasional good thread of tentacles, bondage, futa, monstergirls & monsters raping girls.
I definitely approve of the suggested rule change in the OP since it seems like those rules would allow old /d/ to return home while not removing anything that is already there.
Plus, the more interest & users that /d/ draws, the faster /d/ moves, the more 4-chan ads that are seen & the more money & support that 4-chan gets. What is there to loose?
Yup. That's certainly how I read what happened in the thread.
Thats what I see.
this thread was linked from the /d/ thread
Yeah, apparently the person who made this thread didnt link it in the /d/ thread in order to encourage others to share their views.
This is what /d/ is missing: variety and community. The board is a mostly-dead police state with half the content stripped out to please an incredibly autistic minority.

He knows, dude. He's the shitposter. He pulled this shit in the /d/ thread too.
>i don't know how thread archives work

You should have to certify that you aren't a newfag before posting on /qa/
Yeah, but not by the person who made this thread, as evidenced by the way they say in the post linking to this thread that the person who made this thread didn't do so, so they had to do it. How hard is this to understand?

Probably so that you, the shitposter, wouldn't come and shit up this thread. But since this is your home board, obviously nothing was going to stop you.
Why would you need an archive? The thread is still up on /d/.
wow, this is beyond delusional at this point
there's also an archive in the op for hiro to view, i don't think it's intentional.
Hiro, if you are reading this, you should go read the entire /d/ thread about this before you make your decision, like various anons mentioned, those "rules" were compiled by an anon who conveniently ignored the posts who disagreed with the rules mentioned and acted as if the majority agreed with him.
Please understand that this topic is very sensitive and divided /d/ since forever
Jesus. What I'm getting from all this is that /d/ really wants western shit back, but you have some goddamn /o/ tier shitposters. I dont think I've seen threadshitting and gaslighting this bad since /tg/'s smut threads. I read over thread and its mostly pretty civil until somebody comes in making demands that they delete the thread. Some impressive dedication, but a pretty shit thing to do.

Good luck with your board, /d/egenerates. Ya'll have an uphill battle ahead of you with your autist.

Guy you do know that archives link directly to the live thread, right? It's right at the top of the page. Stop pretending to be retarded.
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>regardless of origin
And there you've fucked up. /d/ was in a decaying state far before /aco/ split it up, and it was due to normalshits and crossies who only know western art because they have poor taste and no user savvy.

Allow western art on /d/ again and you have killed it once more.

>Discussion, caption threads, and erotic literature threads are allowed.
Including generals? It's threads that become insular and focus less on posting fap pics and more on "discussion" that become pure cancer. Those threads also encourage shit-tier art and the tards that make them. /d/ is no their home

>Please keep the number of threads dedicated to a topic limited.
Almost any board on 4chan will have 50% filler that the other 50% takes issue with. On /jp/ it's generals, on /d/ its futa. I don't think /d/ will be able to fill ten pages worth of content with few duplicates without being remarkably slow, or without having a catalog full of continuous generals and reposts. Just because you remove so much futa doesn't mean some varied fetish utopia will spring up and take its place.

>If the OP of a thread requests content of a certain type not be posted in that thread ...could result in a ban.
Literally asking mods and janitors to babysit your threads just because you've made an arbitrary rule exclusive to your thread. That's not 4chan thinking, it's reddit thinking, you're asking for a subreddit where you don't even have to do the moderation yourself. This being on a board already very poor at self moderation (evidenced by the abundance of western pics posted throughout when they are prohibited now). Bans are also very rare on /d/ except when breaking a global rule, saying "this guy posted something I asked him not to so ban him" is ludicrous!

This whole thing reads like a Jewish plot to make /d/ worse than it was before the split, and the twats supporting it in the thread are useful idiots who'll agree with any middle-of-the-road opinion that Sounds Reasonableā„¢
That's not what I take from reading the thread.
Should I watch Qwaser? Does it have anything outside of the edgy fanservice, or is it just another Freezing?
Too aspergers, don't read.
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Nah it's mostly edgy fanservice. You should watch the OPs and EDs though, they're very good
Hiro asked what /d/ wanted to do about /d/, not what /a/ wanted /d/ to be. Fuck off crossboard cancer.
You guys do know Hiro already has the rules and the link to the /d/ thread, right? It's stupid to try to argue against shit here when he's already got everything in his hands and left. Especially since the entire reason he wanted threads on /d/ was to prevent crossboarders from invading.
Yeah, I have watched and liked them so I wish the show was something up my alley, but I tried an episode once and couldn't stand it. I don't have a problem with fanservice for the most part, but I just hate when it's so mean-spirited. Thanks for the answer.
Good. You have your own opinion. Intelligent people welcome differing opinions. If you ignore everyone who disagrees with you, you will never learn anything. What is it that makes you think so, anon? What did you see that makes you feel differently?

>i-its stupid for you guys to talk here where people might see it, you should all j-just shut up now
Go ask your mommy to make you some spaghetti, adults are talking.
>What is it that makes you think so, anon? What did you see that makes you feel differently?

Dude, I read that thread. Up 'till about about yesterday everybody over there was going good, then somebody started posting shit like


You're obviously the same one that shit up that thread, man. Don't act like nobody can tell, dog.
1996 please go and stay go
I don't really understand your argument, are you saying that only that anon disagreed with the "new rules", because other anons did as well.
He was shitposting, but that doesn't invalidate all the other anon's arguments.
You're are obviously OP trying to damage control.
You might as well try to understand the outcome of a flapping of a butterfly's wings, anon.
Sure man, whatever you say.
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