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4chan happenings thread

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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 33

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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

>thread is dead, where can I find an archived version?

Last: >>637922
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first for shit taste
A new happening thread got madr
interesting shit happening today
mobile Mario game confirmed
Playstation meeting sticky
/g/ is shitting itself over the iphone seven reveal
Just looked it up
>no headphone jack
I hate the press F meme. Posts that are just "F" break the rules that the mods are usually so gung-ho about, yet they leave them up despite them being a waste of space.
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the boards are like real life countries m8, you have your overly strict no fun allowed ones where you can get punished by dumb shit, them you have your third world contries where the authorities are corrupt and won't give a fuck unless your infraction is really serious
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why did you use the same image as last thread rather than taking a screenshot of the page you jerk?
gonna do it for the next thread if no one else create one fampai

since we are talking about the OP, could we improve the pasta a little bit?
>link the thread(s) if just a few
>provide some info if necessary
Had a frog on it. Not worth the risk.
it wouldn't have been on it 6 hours ago
This seems like as good a place as any to discuss it. Just found out that the new DOOM has been cracked (which I've heard is quite good and is the DOOM game that fans of the series have been wanting for years). This is a big deal because Denuvo, the antipiracy method it uses, has been giving pirates a lot more trouble than than usual because it is extremely difficult to crack. However, you can't stop pirates, only slow them down, because they recently found a way through it. From what I can tell, they've cracked every Denuvo game and they're just letting them trickle through slowly to maximize hype. So get ready for some good stuff if you're a gamer.
link to a thread or fuck off
I'll take the third option: Fuck you.
Don't be rude you fucking inbred faggot.
How is it rude to offer sexual intercourse?
these threads aim mostly at reporting events so remember to provide links when possible, not saying its a rule or something but i would rather avoid bringing shit from my own board here because sometimes it can derail the threads into two guys from that board making walls of text rather than just going to the actual thread and fight there
let me help you there tsukaima
brianna wu made a game
GG shit

Heh, I get it.
In 2007 iphone was a space phone from space. I owned 2 generations of the thing. In 2016 iphone is a fucking joke.
On the contrary, I prefer to keep all the fights in one place, for ease of browsing.
another pokemon SM trailer came today

also this happened
upcoming episode of pone got leaked
>The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

That's not the actual title, right? Right?

I'm surprised at how much that show gets leaked.

In Apple's new innovative feature consumers will listen to music through patented Apple brand bluetooth implants, which works with iTunes and select advertisers to give you the best tunes all the time!
There was a political forum thing today where Matt LeBlanc interviewed Clinton and Trump. Clinton showed up very prepared and was extremely clear about her policies. Trump kept going on rants about Obama instead of answering the questions he was asked. And for some reason, he seemed to think that the approval rate of Putin (a dictator) means that everyone likes him.

To quote another post:
Trump is the presidential candidate equivalent of the kid who was supposed to write a book report but only skimmed the back cover of the book instead.

"So yeah, The Catcher In The Rye. Wow! Tremendous, tremendous book. Tremendous story. Tremendous writing, and words. I mean, what a terrific. That guy, you see, he just really wanted to have that Rye bread. He just had to have it. He wanted to make a sandwich, I guess. Very good sandwich, I presume. Delicious sandwich. So he had to have the bread. He had to have the Rye bread, had to have a sandwich because he was very, very hungry. And that's just the way it is. Definitely one of my favorite books, I've read it many, many times and I gotta say, it's one the top, the tremendous books of all time, I think."
catcher in the rye was shit
To people with shit taste, maybe.
But Donald only read the back cover.

And Donald got a D on his book report.
If this world had a few more Holden Caulfields the Trump problem would have been fixed long ago.
he spared himself from having to read an awful book about a whiny teenager and went on to live a life where grades don't matter

a real american hero
That was sarcasm, you dipshit. Trump has praised the book in detail on Howard Stern.
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Here's a list of stupid shit Trump said. It's fucking absurd that Lauer didn't at least call him out on the Iraq War lie. It was SO FUCKING BLATANT.
i hope he was lying like he usually does because if he really believes that i'm going to have to seriously reconsider my support for him

catcher in the fucking rye

at least he didn't vote for a crime against humanity

the only way to "take responsibility" for that is to have yourself tried at the hague and hanged

hillary clinton is just as full of shit
>at least he didn't vote for a crime against humanity

Are you stupid? I just told you he supported the Iraq War.
>Are you stupid? I just told you he supported the Iraq War.
that's nice, but he still didn't vote for it, which absolves him of war crimes responsibility, and he changed his mind and said it was shit long after hillary was still beating the drum for it
oh fuck i'm shitting up the happening thread

sorry my bad i thought i was shitting up some thread that was already about /pol/ my bad
*cackles menacingly* Dance, my puppet, dance...
>Trump kept going on rants about Obama instead of answering the questions he was asked

People always look at these debates subjectively, often in favor of the candidate they support. He answered the questions by contrasting his policies with those of his predecessors. Clinton is incompetent and corrupt (Libya intervention, Benghazi, her e-mails, the Clinton foundation, etc.). Bush and Obama destabilized the Middle East, a breeding ground for ISIS. He puts America first, which is why he's very non-interventionist. You're not supposed to reveal to your enemies a detailed plan of what you're going to do. He's been saying this for months, because that's exactly what Obama did. He announced the date of when he was going to withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq for instance.

He's not very eloquent, but he definitely knows what he's doing. He's intentionally vague to appeal to many sides of an issue, so that even white nationalists like David Duke think that Trump is on his side. It's clearly resonating with the people, because he won the forum according to polls (even MSNBC's Twitter poll).
The primary thing Obama's done to destabilize Syria, which is where the real problem is, is basically nothing at all.
This is why Trump is a non-interventionist, except when it comes to ISIS (a direct threat to the United States).
*reddits menacingly*
heh, it's not me, it's you. . .
Dunno since when this happen but recently there is trend of people sharing porn in /b/ using dropbox. Most of them went 429 due to some spoiled brat think it is okay to put everyshit they think good there.
Trump is very forward about his bold and ambitious ideas, except when there's an exception.

I really wonder how far the US is going to fall in the next 4 years when you guys yet again elect a George Bush tier idiot into the office.
Maybe more jobs will come up to Canada as you guys sink your dollar below ours.
Everyone will move to mexico i assure you.
>People actually think Hillary won
yeah if you like constantly lying about Iran, Iraq and Syria. Her constantly trying to dodge around, and failing miserably, about her emails. But worse of all her nasty, snippy attitude toward the questioners and Lauer.

Face it Hills hills, she embarrassed herself big time and came off as a liar and someone with no self control
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Oh yeah and here's this gem to
I can't understand you guys. Is this litterally your first election ever ?
The naitivity you guys show towards politics is fucking astounding.

Your candidate was no saint either.
I like that obama people harp on the point where Trump said he created ISIS and everyone shouts how false that is but they ignore that Obama funded them
The whole point of the forum was to answer questions WITHOUT attacking his opponent, and yet he kept doing that repeatedly instead of answering what was asked. He didn't offer anything RESEMBLING a strategy. His answers were "Yeah dude I'll probably figure out something when I get there" followed by "But look how much Obama and Hillary suck." That doesn't inspire any confidence that he knows what he's doing.

>It's clearly resonating with the people, because he won the forum according to polls (even MSNBC's Twitter poll).
Oh, you mean the poll that /pol/ is literally trying to vote stuff? Get real.
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I had this feeling again the other day, Trump was asked, "You have described at times different components of a strategy [for dealing with ISIS]: Military, cyber, financial and ideological. Can you just expand on those four a little bit?"

Completely reasonable question and a good one. Expand on those ideas. Trump's answer:

>Well, that's it. And you know cyber is becoming so big today. It's becoming something that a number of years ago, short number of years ago, wasn't even a word. And now the cyber is so big. And you know you look at what they're doing with the Internet, how they're taking and recruiting people through the Internet. And part of it is the psychology because so many people think they're winning. Any you know, there's a whole big thing. Even today's psychology ā€” where CNN came out with a big poll. Their big poll came out today that Trump is winning. It's good psychology, you know. It's good psychology. I know that for a fact because people they didn't call me yesterday, they're calling me today. So that's the way life works, right?

And then they just move on. And I'm sitting there scratching my head like, What the hell was that? Did no one else notice he just rambled for 2 minutes and didn't say anything?

And he's done this like during the entire election. Am I a crazy person? Is he speaking a language I just don't understand?
And you didn't at all notice Hillary lying out of her ass? Everyone who watched that debate saw her not only lie about things she did, but also got defensive and snappy with Lauer and the audience.

Hillary lost big time, and it showed shell easily crack under pressure
Hillary made it clear that none of the leaked emails were actually confidential, and was so prepared to answer each question that she kept going over the allotted time. God forbid that someone is defensive when defending themselves against false accusations. She would have loved to say even more. Trump just meandered with his "make America great again" nonsense.
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This thread has been entirely derailed by political shit. Thanks, guys.
You just can't let any good remain on this site, huh? You need to bring your cancerous activism to every last corner.
Someone (maybe even me) will need to make a new Happening thread.
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I'll stop once the Trumpites leave this site. Racism is forbidden by GR3 and yet here they are.
>I'll stop once
this is basically terrorist behavior
That's what it takes.
>This thread has been entirely derailed by political shit

This site has been entirely derailed by political shit

You retards are just as bad. Fuck off. You faggots are the cancer killing /his/ by screaming "/pol/!!!!" at everything like newfags. "I don't like it" is not an excuse for further participating in derailing an on topic discussion.
your systematic demolition of the /qa/ happening thread is not achieving any higher purpose, or, for that matter, getting any /pol/acks to leave

it mostly convinces people that you (and by extension, your favored political candidate) are a miserable fuck
Replying to the last five posts in this thread
In that case, I'm a Trump supporter. Make America Great Again!
Happening: this dork got literally cucked
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
it's not ironic he actually got literally cucked
i'll tell you a secret: false flagging is the number one way of making a faction you don't like look like a bunch of fucking retards

it reduces regular discussion to paranoid witch hunting, shits on the premise of the website and is generally asshole behavior aside, but if you really wanted to, you could do it
Shillary detected! Thanks for correcting the record! *deposits 2 cents into your account*
Alright, I'll go ahead and make a new one.
Please get the politics out of your system in this thread and leave the new one to 4chan stuff. If there's an event on /pol/ itself that's fine to mention, but not simply political shit on its own.
more info about the MLP season 6 finale came by, its gonna be a suicide squad ish episode

This is NOT a 4chan happening for the hundredth time. Why do you people keep posting updates every time something new happens with your show?
>info about the fucking finale
>possibly the end of the series
For a board dedicated to a single show that's a pretty big deal anon, i can't picture anything else besides fandom drama that could be on the same level of importance
who you're quoting
No it's not. And it's not just a finale. They post every time something happens with their show in nearly every thread. You don't see /a/ or /co/ doing this. If anything the face that the board is dedicated to one show should make it clearer that it's NOT significant.
I feel like I read about both Bleach and Homestuck finally ending in /qa/.
Something that happens every season is not significant for a board dedicated to a whole show. And again, IT'S NOT JUST THE FINALE GETTING POSTS HERE. The post itself even states that it's just info ABOUT a finale. How is that a 4chan happening? How is that significantly affecting the board in a new and noteworthy way? Earlier in the thread another one of these people posted about an episode leak. How is that a 4chan happening?
For who, you? Its not like i am posting shit only relevant to sub-communities or generals, remember that /mlp/ is just a big sized general so of course a big deal for them will be more interesting if you're also into ponies, which is fine, its not like every single link here will always be interesting for everybody
The board only has one thing in it, so MLP news is about 30 times as relevant to /mlp/ than any given anime is to /a/.

/mlp/ is about 30 times less relevant than /a/ so I guess it evens out.
Then they could at least post what's actually happening with the board and why it's affecting them instead of spamming posts like this thread is an mlp news forum. If there's no significant activity as a result of these announcements they don't need to be posted. If there is significant activity, try actually mentioning that for once.
>How is that a 4chan happening?
the board is in civil war mode because the main cast is being sacked in favor of new blood, its also the possible series finale so a lot of people are going full Doom Paul

>How is that significantly affecting the board in a new and noteworthy way?
the waifufags and shitposters false flagging as waifufags have been spamming the board with threads about this character for quite a while now, its getting worse since she is going to be the protagonist of a two parter even though she barely got any screentime during the season and got lobotomized into a bland character since last season, so a lot of people now fucking hate her and want her gone because of this

>Earlier in the thread another one of these people posted about an episode leak. How is that a 4chan happening?
Being able to watch the episode earlier plus the unavoidable spoilers, its also something that hasn't happened for a while now (since may? Can't remember)

>inb4 i don't care about your shitty show
Just trying to give you some perspective m8
>Just trying to give you some perspective

Then do it when you post the first time, retard.
if it means so much to you, sure
t. someone who didn't watch the first part

>implying Hillary didn't do the very same things
>implying there are enough /pol/acks to rig a twitter poll in their favor

Twitter is a liberal safe haven, anon.
I watched the whole thing. It's amusing that the only thing people can attack about Hillary is that she didn't smile. They can't even say she's weak because she kept standing up for every question.
Oh noes, we got a Hillary drone over here. Sad!
More importantly, can someone else bump a bunch of threads? The pony spammer is back and while I have most of the threads hidden it's a pain to go through and bump a bunch of non-pony threads every time he does this.
Everyone who calls Hillary a liar can never provide examples. Meanwhile the post you responded to literally provided a quote from Trump.
Why are you mongoloids still discussing politics? Fuck off.
This is the designated shitposting thread now.

Like a cancer, politics infects and takes over everything it touches.
If you have a happening post it in the new thread
This thread is a lost cause.
>one guys starts baiting everybody
>right after the thread where coincidently someone mentions the same thing
>starts samefagging and "ironically" shitposting
>morons take the fucking bait
>5 guys start shitting up the thread
>not even close to bump limit yet
>hurr durr thread is kill, time for memes
If you're all so bored there is already the whole board for this shit, why shit on the plate you eat?
It'll take one person 5hours too flood a thread to the 310 bump limit
Anyone know what's up with desuarchive.org being down? Really hoping it's just offline temporarily.
Alan Moore is retiring
famous comic book writer, wizard and Rasputin impersonator
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You cunt, post about stuff that's happening but don't give details, however minor they may seem.

Wanted myself unspoiled going into it. Of all the bloody places...
I haven't heard of this guy writing comics in years. He's good, sure, but who cares when he hasn't actually done anything lately?
Spoken like a true newfag
Not an argument.
>According to the Nickelodeon Animation Podcast, Lauren and Craig have a three month old daughter. I'm surprised they kept it a secret for this long.

>why is this important?
For a long time there were rumors about Lauren suffering a miscarriage, some jokes were made and turns out she did had a kid after all
by the way, desu is indeed dead, they are restoring a backup now
how did they become kill?
>was apparently reset while writing to the disk. Got back from my trip and TokuDB refused to start back up.
I thought he retired ages ago.
>Alan Moore is retiring
>Lauren and Craig have a three month old daughter. I'm surprised they kept it a secret for this long.
Holy shit.
Congrats Faust, really happy for her. Any other interesting tidbits from the interview?
Rumor has it she sold her soul to the devil.
In exchange for what exactly?
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/vg/ anon does something SAVAGE. Sports at 11.
So what are the odds we will be seeing a mass exodus of people leaving /tg/, /o/, /asp/ and /g/ soon?
According to my source, "unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures."
Kinda weak, innit. I'd consider it for immortality, shapeshifting or mind control. Knowledge is fine too, but there are thing humans aren't supposed to know and unlimited knowledge will make life quite boring. Black holes? Oh yeah those are pocket dimenshions containing exact replicas of our universe but people on earth wear a slightly different hat.
Basically what I'm saying is Goethe was a hack.
whats /g/ got to complain about?
Same things they always complain about: shills, /v/ermin and gentoo.
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/asp/ is being raided. Well, not exactly, is just the local potato poster who's spamming phil threads.

Care to report a few threads to clean the board, anons?
Just bump the threads you care about, its not like /asp/ has a lot of quality content being lost

also not your personal army etc etc
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>mfw there are only like 5 threads worth saving on the entire /asp/ catalog.
>The spamming is still pushing them within the hour to page 10, one thread is already down.
how many of them are pseudo generals? You can always make new ones after the shitstorm being over
the banner thing just got updated with the winning /mlp/ /vp/ and /g/ winners
So these are going to be all over the site and trigger Barneyfag, right?
nope, there can be only one winner and it was a rule 15 friendly banner, some horsefuckers are already salty
its 9/11 so the political boards are on full american bullying mode
>political boards
It was pretty clearly rigged against us. Crooked Hiro showing his bias. Shame!
sounds better than "boards where /pol/ posters are a vocal minority"
So I was making a post on /pol/ and it seemed to be getting blocked by the spamfilter. After a few tries, I figured out that the culprit was the word "trips." Which is odd because someone else was using the word and I was using it myself in response. Any idea why this happened?
Don't mean offence to the guys who made these but looking at some winners, they could have been much better.

Some are great, others just really aren't very AESTHETIC. /lit/'s is top tier
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Reminder from /mlp/.
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lol trigert
guess all that 4cc salt wasn't healthy
what? Self deprecating humor is part of the ponyfag package
It's weird, cause they definitely are able to laugh at themselves. But anytime anybody else laughs at them they go in super defense mode. It seems like only bronies are allowed to make fun of bronies.
Why would you expect any banner inviting people to shit up the board to win? Ever?
It's basically informing you should visit the board and make fun of the tards.

it won't go the way of the .moe, r-right?
Whole post should have a [citation needed] but really doesn't, since you pulled the source right out of your ass.

Daily reminder that (You) have been crying and screaming about bronies for six (6) years. That is nearly a third of your life. Nearly. A third. Of your life.

You get one life to make the most out of yourself, and to this point, you dedicated one third of it to six years of unbridled butthurt over a cartoon television series.

>b-but bronies w-wasted six years watching t-the series!!!

Except they're happy and not butthurt. Time spent happy = Time well spent.
false flag
Nigga I was in the pony fandom on /b/ before /mlp/ even fucking existed. I know what I'm talking about. Heck, your post is even proof of it. I don't give a shit about the show, or the fandom, they can do what they want. I can relate to them. But their self irony does not extend beyond their own kind, from my observation.
They can call themself degenerate and laugh, but if someone else calls them degenerate they don't laugh.
>this is their argument for wanting to shit up the website with the autistic horses

Fucking pathetic, just kill yourself
>/tg/finally saved
/f/ has been having fun
Just about to comment on this.
quests have been exiled to /qst/
Saved from what? A whole 10% of a board being something you don't like?
>One in every ten posts is off topic
>That's OK
Not everyone's home board is /tv/
>objectively shit moderation
>saving anything
Have fun with your permanent wall of generals, cocksucker.
While your posts are related to the happening, maybe you should wait till the thread is close to auto-sage to talk about it. It's a pretty contentious topic and could result in a 100+ post argument.
So I shouldn't talk about something that's happening in a "happenings thread"... because it would spawn an argument over something contentious that's happening?

Um... are you high right now?
People have been discussing happenings in the happening thread for months but they haven't always been catty little bitches about it.
You can talk about it all you like, no one's stopping you.
Just saying that you and the few other people arguing about it will be a pain in the ass for the rest of the thread, I've seen it happen a lot of times.
I wouldn't normally care but /tg/ is a board I browse and like so I'd hate to see it shit up a thread.
Arguments are better at the end of threads.
Wait, are you saying that it's annoying when a small minority of posters drive out other discussion with rapid nearly vacuous bumps of material that shares a common theme?
because you need to stop treating it like /b/
Not really, it just got worse.
It is pretty annoying when one fag insists on arguing for an extended period of time over his pet peeve.
now get rid of elf spam, X in 40K and fantasy fetish threads
>get rid of off-topic threads
Hillary fainted and /pol/ thinks their frog god did it.
over 60% of /pol/ right now is Frogs and images/webms of Hillary.
This is hilarious, thanks
I was talking about politics, though. Someone said something like "my trips confirm" and people were confused so I was explaining why he was correct since he didn't bother doing so.
eldar slave what do
Silent liberation
Of a war molded mind
Antediluvian spirit
Awake for the first time

Foretold by the sages
Ancient wizards of kek
Son of /pol/ built kingdom
With his own two hands
what is this referencing?
>spoonfeeding newfriends
it's because you need to stop treating it like /b/
I believe that's adapted from the poem Ozymandias.
When the sun of suffering has set
there comes this peace
Lord of the quiet stars
this peace of creation
this place the kek spins gray

The fool saith in his mind
that his digits are only digits
Yeah, boards tend to get worse when you get rid of on-topic threads.
Some guy started a storytime of Raine Dog on /co/, and it appears a mod deleted it two pages in. I have no idea why. It's a shit dead webcomic, but that's never been an issue on /co/ before.

Mod playing "stop liking what I don't like" again?
its /co/ so probably
The sad part is the number of meme threads he leaves up when he actually deletes legit /co/ stuff. We got about 10 waifu threads up, but shitty webcomic is a problem?

I kinda suspect he's taking advantage of the fact the /co/ archive is currently down so no one see's what he's doing.
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/pol/ is speculating that the DNC is running a dead candidate for president after this video.

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CNN discussed about the cartoon frog "Pepe"
WE DID IT REDDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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that serbian poster,
Good thing that they just removed off-topic garbage then.
Very triggering post, those threads identified as on-topic, shithead
But the mods removed them.
I'm so fucking sick of the stupid carnival this retarded election year has turned into and the idiocy a select group of retards on this website have perpetuated into the mainstream.
Found Mr. Serious
>i want to be a retard all my life

I just want a politics board back
I am not from burgerland so i have no clue, but is pepe already rage comics tier?
So you do want to be a retard all of your life?
It was even before this Trump circus started thanks to r9k
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so desuarchive is dead?
for now
>database is corrupt
Does that mean it's all lost?
Anyway, you guys want to know how to annoy people easily? Go to the EVN thread on /vg/ and just start posting download links for a bunch of games. It makes them FURIOUS. Presumably because they are the devs of those games.
no, they have back ups. only two days are.
some new info about the aschnime and pokemon SM came out, Ash is going to school now

Everybody knows /v/ is the best place if you want free (you)s anon
Yeah, but triggering generalfags is like a bonus sweet treat.
do not bully the generals, some of them are alright
I'm lucky enough to have only witnessed the mexican peeing frog on the Internet, but I also don't have cable or satellite.
>Fucking pathetic, just kill yourself
Coming from the autist who spent money on more than one 4chan pass just to spam three pony threads to death over the course of 10 hours

Just, kids in the future will have to learn about this
I think it's dumb for "happenings" to mean "unusual happenings." Happenings should just be "What's happening around the site." Keep people up to date on the popular discussions on the boards they don't browse. You don't go to /v/ but maybe you want to hear what /v/ is talking about.
>I think it's dumb for "happenings" to mean "unusual happenings."
That is literally the definition. If this was a thread for popular discussions, then it would be flooded by /mlp/ every time a new episode comes out, /v/ every time a new video game comes out and /pol/ every time Trump so much as moves.
Could be worse. You could be a games journalist.

An attempt is being made to flood /qa/.
That only happens, what, once or twice a week?
its the shittest flood ever
This is actually good because if executed right it clears out all the endlessly bumped pony threads. And also some of my old threads so that I can post more stupid shit.
This isn't the /qa/ of even a few months ago. There's maybe 5 threads of merit. How depressing it is to see a flood and just shrug my shoulders because I simply have nothing to save.
Most of the interesting people have left the board. Meanwhile, two of the most annoying people have been here for literally months and seem to have no intention of leaving. They're responsible for most of the shit threads.
This just in: It looks like "Anonymous" is getting the Hollywood biopic treatment

Mexican here, I remember that.

At one hand, it was never reported the supposed disappearance of the member of the anonymous group, and the anonymus chickened twice before dropping entirely the fight. At worst, they vandalized a page of one guy who was working with them, which turned to be, wow, absolutely nothing. Everybody knew it.

However, at the other hand, there were three persons brutally murdered by the Z drug cartel, whose bodies were left with a message adressed to the anonymous group, telling them to not mess with the Z.

It was not a big thing, but certainly was quite brutal.
4chan WAS KILL
It's occasionally kill but no more than 40 minutes usually
Hiroshima san spotted
we've gotten two posts from him! What an eventful day
We'll see him again in 2017. Maybe.
He'll do a Christmas special
They did something for Halloween last year, maybe we'll get that
/pol/ is being raided by brazillians because of some shitty youtuber
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>It's maintenance, not pneumonia
What did he mean by this?
He wanted you to stay on reddit I mean /tv/
I'm sorry, I just love this stupid meme.
When did high schoolers find this board?
surprised /tv/ isn't all over this
any links
I looked and there's just one autistic Brazilian upset about some Brazilian chans being shut down. No raid and nothing happening he is a faggot

He made me wwww a little, well done hiro
8gag /sp/ get will probably be deleted
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What an eventful day on /qa/

1.4chan went down
2.we got posts from hiro
3.people from other boards and websites came to see the get

how fun
what get?
literally right above that post u dip
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u srz?
You're very, very wrong, my friend.

I browse brazilian imageboards, and let me tell you what really is happening:

>big jewtuber Felipe Neto makes a video telling his subscribers about brazilian chans, and how they're full of disgusting shit, etc, etc, typical normalfag video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AtYJEwyXBQ)
>he links some brazilian chans on his video
>and 400k people have seen the video
>55chan, the biggest one, goes down and redirects ALL the traffic to 4chan's index page (that's why it went down, and actually, they're still doing it)
>brchan redirects all the traffic to /pol/, and later to motherless
>shit is still going on

TL;DR: prepare to see a lot of underages around here.
That's pretty interesting, thanks for the info anon. I hope hiro and the staff are aware of this
>Felipe Neto fucking shit up again
This fucking nigger. And to think I once agreed with what he said, back when he wasn't such a little bitch.
This is fine.
>.we got posts from hiro
I hate you
I also hope that they're.
>I browse brazilian imageboards
How do you have the time?

Someone stole a truck and the caster keeps saying semi and as a brit thats pretty funny

>55chan, the biggest one, goes down and redirects ALL the traffic to 4chan's index page
>brchan redirects all the traffic to /pol/, and later to motherless
For what purpose?
You mean the mods will, and he'll just say "Yap" in agreement and stay disappeared for a few months.
to get youtube commenters out or maybe even scare them off?
/pol/ IS youtube commenters though

So let me get this straigh, this thread was deleted but not the 30+ GR15 spam threads?
Its time to start pressing Hiro on the fucking issues with this site. Hell we need to press moot as well and let him know what Hiro's been doing
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calling a get leads to a deletion and starting a thread about a different chan leads to a deletion so yes. 8gag has gotten several /qa/ gets and plenty on other boards, they use scripts and have a get countdown like [s4s]

they're these guys
/3/ is having fun and posting pictures of their ducks
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good thread
anyone from [s4s] can tell me what they think about ducks?
What it was? Did anyone got a screencap or something?
Hello. Why is it funny as a Brit? What do you guys say instead?
Wait, are ducks considered birds? I might want to change my answer.
who cares, birds are not important
/v/ is having a meta thread, and its both fun and video games related


i give it 10 minutes before pruned
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I wish the OP of these kind of threads would attach to their posts something along the lines of "And yes this a blatant off-topic and you can blame the retarded mods for letting this bump to 500 posts lol fucking fatties THEY DO IT FOR FREE"

Because that's all I see whenever it happens
There is nothing wrong with offtopic as long as its fun
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Sure! I should make all my threads off-topic and advertise them as such too because that is what the entirety of /v/ browses the catalog for these days!
great, glad you already know the board well
Yep, I can thank /v/ for curbing my internet addiction by realizing how shit that place was
i am going to bed but /pol/ is about to reach a huge get, someone please link it here when it happen
I guarantee you the get will be something anti-Trump and everyone will be furious.

Hiro has made a second day of posting
https://desuarchive.org/qa/ is back

everyone cheer!
Good stuff, thanks
It's not off topic you stupid newfag
A list of the off-shoot threads from Hiros post

You can read, congrats

/tg/s regulations thread keeps getting deleted
I seriously think the only way to get decent mods on 4chins is a) gassing old mods a relic of moot becoming a cuck b) a bunch of anons becoming obnoxious tripfags, declaring their mod master plan and holding fucking elections

Sounds laughable to most I'm sure, but it's the only way

a's rule thread
I have no energy for this fight, I've already given up. fellow /sp/artans make /sp/ great again for me
mods are in FULL FUCKING PANIC MODE after hiro told us to stand up to their abuse of power

deleted threads all over the fucking place this made be another outlaw rebellion in the making
wait, was the the /qa/ threa? what the fuck
/pol/ approaching the octuple eight get.

this is some intense shit, thanks for the links

Also gonna agree with what Hiro said about the two troubles, its pointless to have mods doing their job if the people from the board don't want to follow the rules, deleting these threads won't make good threads magically appear
God fucking damn it. I was the one that told hiro to comment about /jp/ yesterday and now I've missed the bulk of the /jp/ thread that resulted.
Theres been countless more on asp, co and qst which keep gettinf delete within minuties
Fucking fail
Well we played Hiro's little game. Basically we learned the mods don't give a shit what he says nor what we say. They ended up deleting a lot of threads we made, many on /tg/ and /co/. We now know exactly who are the mods who are the biggest threats to 4chan
/tg/ got that as well
makes sense, now all we need is a good old purge
>epic fail xD

Are you 12 years old?
Trump was revealed by a doctor to be morbidly obese and /pol/ is losing their shit.
Nice link faget
/a/ is having a civil war about the "/qa/ boogeyman" in like 5 separate threads
>/qa/ boogeyman
elaborate please
I humbly request that you link the threads, as I am very curious about this.
you donĀ“t know what morbidly obese means then
New thread goes here:

ignore the horse fucker


happnenings thread no horsefuckers edition
wew, how autistic do you have to be to make another thread
Look at the op of the other one, then decide for yourself.
Thread posts: 318
Thread images: 33

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