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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 395
Thread images: 160

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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist - Fuck The Bot

>Trump Rally in Naples FL 10/23/16
>Trump's Gettysburg Address 10/22/16
>Trump Rally in Virginia Beach VA 10/22/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Cleveland OH 10/22/16

>Eric on This Week 10/23/16
>Trump on Hannity 10/21/16

>Trump Rally in Newtown PA 10/21/16
>Trump Rally in Johnstown PA 10/21/16
>Trump Rally in Fletcher NC 10/21/16
>Trump at Alfred E Smith Dinner NYC 10/20/16

>Ad: Blueprint
>Fight For Western Civilization
>American Hero
>The Vicious Snake
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

>Okeefe Video Leak #1 - Inciting Violence
>Okeefe Video Leak #2 - Voter Fraud
>Okeefe Video Leak #3 - Bully Women
>Okeefe Video Leak #4 - Huma tired of shillary's worn rug, wants arab cock

prev >>94323778
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The Garrison image is about Trump winning the CNN poll. Which he did.
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say no to mexico.webm
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GoodJob New OP, Keep it up!
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Best Twitter user 2016
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Keep on MAGA!
WA for Trump.
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can i get a heck yeah

Europe will be divided and China will definitely want to save the international system, since they cannot survive with nationalist economics in the West.
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>mfw abraham and glenn got killed on the walking dead
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Whose ready for histoy to repeat itself?
Virtually every prediction (with or without public opinion polls) indicated that Truman would be defeated by Dewey.
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Hey TrumpOP, if you're lurking, the 4th video link is from 2015.
where is that Argentinian Fuckwit who thinks he can demoralize with his blatant lies
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oh shit nigga lol
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Good news boys!

No need to vote anymore!

Election is over already desu.....
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Do you guys think Trump should bring Malik on stage at one of his rallies?
>Okeefe Video Leak #4 - Huma tired of shillary's worn rug, wants arab cock
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This is awoovement folks
This is some next level cuckholding
>birth certificate jokes
>turtle reference
>constantly trashing his brother
>Hillary jokes
I'm almost certain Malik lurks these threads.
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The failures of a Drumpf presidency would be historic. Think of all the embarrassments and failures of Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush amplified x100. This is a man who, unlike Bush, cannot string together a coherent thought, has zero experience in government, has a clinical, untreated case of narcissism, and has relatively little education (c.f., Bush, Clinton, Obama all have Ivy League graduate education). It's not just a prediction that he will destroy all of America's hard fought global alliances--it's a campaign promise. He is both pseudo-intellectualism and mindless populism personified. He appeals to the most simian primitive emotions and instincts not because of some intricate strategy, but because those are the only faculties he possesses himself. It's not a coincidence that thinkers at every shade of the political spectrum have disavowed Trump. His own party disowned him. To his remaining supporters, the average joes, their rallying cries are still deafening in the face of what should be crises of their allegiance. Their former political heroes be damned, principles be damned, facts be damned--his supporters finally have a candidate that thinks like them and is one of them, a stupid person. On some level I want him to win, if only to witness the Mondale-tier blowout in 2020 and deal one more knockout blow to the fascism meme.
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comfy editions are best editions
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Hillary is so...
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>yfw you live in a deep red State that's going for Trump no matter what
Those salty as fuck Huffpo headlines were some of my favorite moments from the primaries.
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>not censoring h*ck
This is a Christian board.
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Its a roach
Kek says no
Probably not. Too many Somalis and too many white guilty fucks.
he was invited to the 3d debate and came as Trumps Guest.
>tfw you live in a normally hard blue state that became a toss up
>Trump may actually pull off taking it
If you can deny a genocide, you can deny anything.
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We already have missile subs and carrier groups in range to kick China's shit in if they try. If they escalate to nukes we can end them as a civilization.
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Millennials: you know what to do to turn this shit around

I have seen more Johnson signs than Hillary signs
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The Eternal Swede strikes again
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kek and checked
On Saginaw st past 127
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/pol/ if you want this to work, you better start stockpiling meme magic to create a few big storms in dem heavy areas.

Worked like a charm here
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>says he is anti establishment, doesnt take money from donors
>sheldon, peter thiel, mercer donates millions of dollars to him

What did he mean by this?
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New Jersey is Trump's
what state? PA I hope
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Hopefully the black vote is way down. That could push MN over to Trump, but I'm not too hopeful.
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It's true. Trump was the best thing for Hillary. Just about any other candidate would have fared better.
bon matin
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Good morning.
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I got you.

Check em.
Need one of these with Huckabee.
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KEK please allow trump to win

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Not long to go lads!
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>muh probabilities
Too bad any other candidate would have been another George Bush at best, HRC at worst.
>not using the 90k views one
I need a little more data for these graphs. Link please?
>all this demoralization going on right now

I'm fed up with it. Just let us vote
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# of State Polls to Oct. 1-24

State: 2012 - 2016
PA: 16 - 6
OH: 29 - 9
FL: 23 - 11
CO: 16 - 5
NH: 10 - 6
MI: 10 - 5
NV: 15 - 6
VA: 23 - 4
WI: 14 - 6
IA: 10 - 1

The total volume of publicly released polling in 2016 vs. 2012 is down significantly - 50-75% fewer polls are being released. Despite this, we're being told "believe the polls, Trump is losing". They hope to depress our vote turnout and make a loss seem inevitable.

Reduction in polling makes you wonder ; deliberate withhold information, or polling being done & only favorable results to Hillary released? Entire states are not even polled. E.g. 0 polls released for MN & CT, 1 for WA & NJ. In 2012, 6 polls were done for MN, NJ, & WA, 10 for CT.

Clinton is polling significantly behind Obama in 2012 in big Democrat states - 7 points back in WA, NY & MI, 5 back in IL, WI & OR.
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You guys, Trump HAS to win! The only other thing I root for became a hilarious spaghetti show today.
Minnesota. Strong Trump support out of the cities and apathetic and upset bernouts in the cities.
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Reposting from the last thread because it's important.

Look at this. Early voting by state in 2012 from Politico, AP, state elections agencies and the United States Elections Project at George Mason University.

Early voting results in 2012 were D+16 in NC, a state Romney eventually won. Trump is SLAUGHTERING Romney's pace thus far in that state and Frank Luntz remains a fat faggot shill with made up numbers about 2012. Don't be blackbilled by his faggotry, he is a HRC plant.

Trump is winning and will win NC.


It's like they made it up off the top of their heads
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aw sho*t. forgive me
how about an amen
Hmmm, interesting

All the states where Bernie won, should increase Trumps odds slightly.
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That has been making me question things. Was it partly because polling companies fucked up 2012 so bad expecting a much larger Republican turnout than happened?

What gives?
Doesn't do shit to me anymore. Whether it's the LARPers or the shills, they have made me immune to pretty much anything at this point.

Nothing rattles me anymore.
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Hillary is scared because we are winning.
>her face when we win
Not even close.

You think Jeb could have held up against the media onslaught?
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I'm a little high right now...what am I looking at? What do the numbers rep?
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Is this the christian way to eat ice cream?
I'm rattled, but that's because im a little bitch. The polls have me down and nothing seems to be getting better for Trump.
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Trump will win WA! Even standup comedians in dive bars near Seattle are using Trump memes like "Hillary cheats" and getting big laughs! People love the MAGA hat and HILLARY SUCKS BUT NOT LIKE MONICA shirt!
that game was ridiculous.

What is this a roach for ants
NTNN post yet?
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>"Your flesh is a relic; a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it."
Yes. You're also implying that Trump has help up. He hasn't.

Clinton also polls behind Obama in swing states. She is 10 back in IA & ME, 4 back in CO, NV, OH & PA, 3 back in VA, 1-2 back in FL & NC.

Thread here https://twitter.com/RoteCaption/status/790412531382775808

i love how wrong these lying kikes are over and over
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Daily reminder you cannot be redpilled and a sportsing viewer/fan at the same time.
Yeah. Slow news day. The post was a quarter of what it normally is.
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Found it


I think these are going to swing more to trump than polls will show.
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Demoralization is all they have left. They are paying nerd virgins to come onto a Laotian papier-mache forum to force cooked polls and propaganda down our throats. They know they are putting up the most corrupt politician in recent history, and no matter how hard they try, they can't fake enthusiasm for her. We will go to the polls November 8, and we will make America great again.
They are trying to minimize the chances of getting caught.

They learned a lesson in Austria. If you give to much information you will get caught
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jeb em.gif
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my mom is the strongest woman i know
No one will come to save the globalists. No one
Start investigating the polls, and realize that everyone is firing absolutely everything they have at Trump, including their credibility, and they STILL have to slant the polls heavily to make HRC appear to be winning in most states.

Expect that to change in about 8 days, when we enter the final week, when the pollsters will be graded on their predictions.

Right now they are doing it just to demoralize Trump supporters. But then you look, and realize that 2 days ago, Trump had a rally of 30k in Cleveland, and Hillary could only get 7k in Philly.
The interviews are emotional goop designed to make women watch the games and it works.
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Let's meme Moore into irrelevancy

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Go Broncos.
New Oklahoma poll: Trump- 60, Clinton- 30 (10/18-20). And Cruz won this state.
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Who here is /comfy/ waiting for tomorrows epic video?
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No...The demographics are fucked.

We gave you the only chance you will ever have again. The Global left wing movement might have died but it took America with it.
Surprised she even managed that much
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>Slow news day
calm before the storm
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Tall handegg is tall.
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Trippy Trump.gif
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>Maybe she should be running...
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>Y-you shouldn't v-vote
So fucking weak. Actually: Sad.
I really want to believe this, but I've been expecting polls to be uncucked now for awhile because we're getting closer to the election but they just haven't.

Hillary going MiA is going to help Trump though. Enthusiasm for her is already low, abandoning the campaign trail isn't going to help.
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>those image dimensions
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>Tim Wise

more like 'Tim Stupid'
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What happened in Austria?
It's an admitted brainwashing tool of the globalist elites. You can start with Edward Bernays.

Anyone who's actually a fan/viewer is a good goy.

Stupid title but here:


Same for you
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>not a black cat
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Looking at the pictures, and considering her rally was in a park, I really don't think she did. Looks to be about half of that, in my opinion.
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Once Trump wins can we forgive this man please?
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>Praise kek
Can we drip for bill again
holyshit that guy is such a fucking KIKE
Looks like it's a bit smaller than that other rally she had the other day, comprised of students who wanted extra credit
That's about 2000-3000 people.
Well, both kickers in that game sucked. There's one major party candidate that most voters in this election think suck the most. Hint: It's Trump.
The cheated with the postal vote...But because of basic math and statistics coupled with poll evidence they couldn't hide what they did.

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The Russians are coming to take back Constantinople for Christendom, baby Baba. You better sleep good, you filthy Turkroach. You are going to need it
Yeah, that ain't 7k
It's up to God to forgive a man for suicide.
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Are you wired, /trumpgen/?
Bill Mitchel has gone around claiming one Arizona poll is oversampling Democrats.

Let's see:
Trump: 60% * 168 + 11.5% * 413 + 27.9% * 132 = 185/713 = 26%
Clinton: 15.2% * 168 + 70.9% * 413 + 35.8% * 132 = 365/713 = 51%

51-26? These are NOT the published results. So what happened?

Trump: 60% * R + 11.5% * D + 27.9% * I = 38%
Clinton: 15.2% * R + 70.9% * D + 35.8% * I = 43%
General: R + D + I = 100

If you solve this sytem of equations, you get:
R = 37%
D = 33%
I = 30%

The poll did in fact NOT oversample Democrats.

t. actual PhD. in mathematics, unlike the con-artist known as Bill Mitchell
Fucking leaf etc
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FL early voting.jpg
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If they're trying to demoralize Trump supporters, they are failing miserably!
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ESPN is pretty cucked, but it's just for enjoyment. It's 2016s gladiator arenas.
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Holy shit! Tim is scared out of hid mind. That salty faggot is going to lose his shit when Trump wins.

They rigged the election, got caught, and called a do-over, this time no rigging allowed
They won't be until the final week. They are throwing everything they have at us.

They won't continue to rig the polls in the final week because it is too big of a risk. A nationwide vote with corruption between MSM and the government is too big. Way too risky. All it takes one whistleblower, and the entire nation would be in upheaval, and while the politicians might have bunkers, you can bet your ass that the MSM workers don't.

So either they take the risk of being the focus of everyone's hate if a rigged election happens, or they correct the polls and limit the amount of rigging that can happen to ~2% per state.
If by forgive you mean mercilessly teabag.
>Reptilian viewer detected

Don't bother trying to reason with these people
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someone Trump this

i can't deface a work of art- but i know that you faggots can
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Praise KEK!
The NFL is actually redpilling a lot of white guys who don't understand why all these niggers are putting their politics in his football. Thanks Colin Rapernig.

If you get discouraged over polls and shills you are a weak minded faggot
i hope you're not lying
That motherfucker is wrong on just about everything, and has been for more than 2 decades at this point.

Furthermore, if you actually see him talk, you know he is an autist with his pockets filled to capacity with spaghetti.

Look at him get BTFO on Morning Joe.


Actually, they're succeeding handily. Look at the expectations poll on LA times.

Where you faggot? Sauce
You know who to vote for, American /pol/acks. November 8th:
>W E . C A N . D O . I T !
>but it's just for enjoyment. It's 2016s gladiator arenas

Exactly the kind of docile retarded reaction and viewpoint (((they))) want.
fuck off faggot
i thought you said

>are you weird

and i was like, im on 4chan, that goes without saying
He seems reasonable. The delusional memeing autists in these generals don't.

>260 Electoral

We don't have a chance
Franz Ferdinand is my favorite b&

The fact that the major bread and circuses event in this country (NFL) is tanking is veerrry bad news for the elite. Nobody talks about this!
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So the NFL is a method to control us how?
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1 post by this id. Thank you for my correction! How does the coack slide into you? Is it rough, or does it find a smooth hole?
The cucks on the right are allowing a do over instead of just taking power.

Ayn Rand was a mistake
oh fuggg, need a stop right there shoop. I might do that shortly.

Where did all the legitimate happenings go? we had like 3 shootings in a week.

is this a result of those random bimbos being paid to smear trump?
I feel this theory is way too tin foily too be real.

I guess we'll just wait and see. The +12 ABC poll is full of shit, but I do believe she's up a good 4-5 points nationwide right now.

Americans don't care about politics, they care about image. Trump's image has been decimated and Americans respond to that.
Is it really tanking?
And im a quantum physicist who's invented warp drive
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The stars are aligning for a trump presidency.
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nobody cares
Guess he means this

They would stop the kneeling if they could. But they know they can't now, just because they thought controversy would increase viewership, and court new viewers from the left (namely SJWs). They are learning the way that video game devs learned that SJWs have no interest in supporting you, whether you adhere to their beliefs or not.
Some guy going off the rails. Big fucking deal.

AKs aren't uncommon in the US.
Remember to sign this petition.

After all, it shouldn't do any harm.
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Don't be foolish anon
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Rate my OC.

Out of 10.

She's a horrific creature who should be thrown in a chemical bath.

Doesn't change the numbers. Morale clearly dropped after the pussy tape.
We all miss real /pol/ but that shit isn't coming back until after the election
>didn't even list off childless single men that masturbate to anime

I support Trump for many reason but one of them being I'm a disgusting degenerate and I know muslims would try to kill me for my fetishes.
They should have executed him.
>Some guy going off the rails.
That's how Trump will be on election night when he loses.
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yeb warren.jpg
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>Bush can't beat Trump
>Trump can't beat Clinton
>Clint can't beat Bush

Why didn't Bush just run as a Democrat? According to your math, that was his only path to the presidency
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you're such a faggot. go to sleep.
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I posted here a couple days ago about how my mom was going to vote Hillary and how I couldn't sway her opinion at all. Her reason being that "only career politicians should be able to run for office" and "having a reality tv star as our president would make us look really bad to the rest of the world". Also "you shouldn't be able to become president just because you have a lot of money". After a long argument about actual policies and such I managed to change her mind. I couldn't get her to go Trump but she now says she's not going to vote, or if she does she'll vote 3rd party.

If we win Florida by 1 vote you know who to thank.
>no more chimpout threads
>no more /k/ getting arrested for shooting BLM
If he was black they would have shot him ten times by now

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its about the debate, which cnn declared her the winner based on a shit poll
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>OccupyDemocrats Meme
>no color on a game boy color
Did you just plaster the word MAGA over someone else's OC? I swear I saw this earlier without it.
The fuck is wrong with her boob?
Extra excited to vote Trump after seeing his 100 day plan
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>I know muslims would try to kill me for my fetishes.
implying muslims aren't into yaoi, loli, and all the really degenerate shit you see. only difference is it's actual little boys and girls they prey on.
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>Stale pasta on top of that
This image confused the FUCK out of me.
Awww poor wittle fwaggot. I hit a nerve huh? You're such a fucking bitch. I'd best your fucking ass so hard piece of nerd shit faggot mother fucking geek. Id beat your ass so hard you'd be coughing up teeth foor a week you cunt. OMG you got me so pissed off I want to actually fight you fucking pussy ass bitch mother fucker
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>that pic tho
Early voting in texas tomorrow

Where my texasbros at? Georgetown is 100% for trump
Haha, I saw it like that at too, first. But then again, I was already thinking about tits.

Obvious stupid thumbnail and title but watch it
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Nope. I originally posted it earlier like a couple hours ago though.
Hopefully early voting numbers ends the whole "Texas is a battleground state now!" meme.
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t. school shooter

I'm not going to watch a video where a guy scoffs at how people are obviously Illuminati.
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Before and After pol magic'.jpg
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Fica de olho nesse teu cu, viado.
>I'm not going to watch a video where a guy scoffs at how people are obviously Illuminati.

He names names and reads from their own books but okay. Stay ignorant and remain clapping like a retard at football while calling yourself redpilled.
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Keep projecting.
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>Trump loses the election thanks to voter fraud
>Astroturfed celebrations start happening online
>confetti and a planted crowd starts cheering for Hillary.
>The media and every public figure cheer.
>while America weeps.
>trump gracefully concedes the election.
>"in four years you will regret not electing me."

>"don't say I didn't warn you."

>Trump Wins the election thanks to the monster vote
>massive msm flip-out
>/pol/ literally crashes with happiness.
>Nate silver kills himself.
>everyone who said trump would win is a 1000% vindicated
>every hill shill who invade this sub
>every CTR shill flooding Reddit and Twitter
>every single shill who was paid to tell us we couldn't do it.
>all for nought
>Brexit times 1,000,000
>Astro-turfed internet reaction
>Soros-funded riots start happening
>talk of a coup from cry-baby leftists
>liberals flee the country in mass
>trump gives off the most chilling speech ever
>"First they said I wouldn't run."
>tears of joy literally streaming down every anons face.
>new msm narrative is Russia rigged the election for trump. That's why polling was so off.
>America is saved.
>/pol/ can rest comfortably for at least 4 whole years knowing they made a difference

which one, /pol/?
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>intellectual men such as myself are above sportsball *puffs on inhaler*
Go be a dweeb somewhere else.
fucking moron, illuminati doesn't exist
>uses words he doesn't know the meaning of
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I'm pretty sure they aren't okay with traps and futa on traps. Because that's all I can get off to now.
No you're very clearly projecting your own insecurity about your beliefs.
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Oklahoma reporting in for Trump. Sound off and get off your ass and turn your State for Trump.
Early voting in Texas.. can I just request a paper ballot? Or do I have to specifically go to a certain polling site
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But WE do
If I give you an address, will you mail me the tears you cry on election night?
The only people who think that are out of state for sure. They probably think tejanos arent voting trump.
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Morale has not dropped. It has increased!!!
Great now i have to assume it does because this fucking retard says it doesnt
good taste

I'm Trump.

Thanks for the support, /pol/!

We're going to win BIG!

Let's make America great again!
The universe is aligning.
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>We have the best traps, don't we folks?
>>intellectual men such as myself are above sportsball

Yes. Not all of us are docile dogs.

Now keep calling yourself redpilled when you're clapping at the very thing the globalist elites designed for you.

That doesn't make any sense.
you've been drinking too much of the /pol/ kool aid
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Did you ever consider NOT shitposting, Argentina? Was it one of those things where someone told you that you could stop whenever you wanted, and you just let out a sob, realizing that someone was actually extending the hand of friendship to you from hundreds/thousands of miles away, before coming to the realization that no, you couldn't stop?
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Why are you guys voting for a pussy like Trump who will "bomb the hell out of ISIS" when you could be voting for somebody who would fly over to the middle east and personally beat all of them to death if that is what it took.
>will you mail me the tears you cry on election night?

Tears of joy that Trump won?
Are any of you actually going to kill yourself if trump loses?
i spent a week away from pol and now there is 2 hillary generals. what in the fuck happened?

go back to /lgbt/ you fucking faggot

Lord Kek is giving us signs
Reddit is that way ->
Is it made with argentinian tap water? Go drink some from your suicide shower.
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>even the trump gals have to be attention whores
I'm glad he killed the gook and the racemxier
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Depends on where you are, but most poll sites should use paper.
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Oy vey! You're so angry and frustrated.
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Are we going to see Hillary and Donna Brazile's meltdown after the Matt Lauer interview from september tomorrow? Did someone get that on video oh please say yes.
413/713 is fucking 37%? Wow, that's explain your fucking economy Argentina
Fuck you maplenigger
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>tfw it will actually happen
>shadow government was literally just proven via wikileaks
>hurr shadow ruling elites can't exist
No one in these generals will do anything other than shitpost. There maybe actual crying.
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Dear argie. You cannot "weight" a poll that skewed into a meaningful result.

I talked about that here many many times [1], at first to dissuade our own supporters from trying to "unskewing" the polls.

Now, people sometimes bring up "weighting" as an excuse for why oversampling is not an issue.

First time I talked about it was to dissuade our own side from trying to "unskew" clear bad polls by adjusting them to some model.

By now the new CTR talk to preempt the oversampling accusations is to allege that doesn't matter

> because they weight them anyway, scientific polls you know, you don't understand how polls work

But we do and it is good time as any to reverse correct the record

If you start with a very bad sample and weights it to some model it loses all predictive properties and simply become a mirror of your model.

For instance, if you start with a sample size of 2/3 women 1/3 men the poll is either useless or weighted so hard it loses all meaning and can actually tell anything you want to tell.

As a thought exercise imagine you make a poll with 10 democrats and 3 republicans, and you get 9 Hillary - 1 Trump on the democrat side and 2 Trump - 1 Hillary on the republican one.

Both the 10 Hillary - 3 Trump total result is useless but also the in-group 90% Hillary.10% Trump on the democratic side and the 66% Trump - 33% Trump on the republican side too.

If the sample is too bad there is no way to weight yourself into a good result and trying can be lying with statistics.

Pic related is the scatter chart that proves (at the Reuters poll) the influence of oversampling at the result.

The more you go to the right the higher the oversample of D, the higher Hillary result and the lower Trump's result.

The effect on the ***weighted*** poll result is enormous specially when the oversample is in a variable as correlated to the result as party affiliation.

[1] http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Weighting/country/Pt/
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>can't get hard to anything else
>full fucking diamonds for those two things though

I have lost control of my life.

I still think that we need strong conservative christian values leading this country though.
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We are going to win big folks.
Honestly American elections are the worst part of /pol/
>made up numbers
Proof of this?
Thanks satan
Hey, portubro. Haven't seen you in a while. Having a good day?
Would not touch covered women with a 20-feet pole
If you want to be accurate it was the "shadow council," and it consisted of people from the state department.
It's an American website nigger

I love my Euro bros as much as anyone, but they are guests here. All these other countries have their own chans, but they choose to hang here with us
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You guys think we can do this right?
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That must be rough living in roachistan
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t.shadow government operative
Same problem desu, same sentiments as well.
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Hows Aleppo turk roach?
Now, so you cannot claim tl;dr the summary is:

That chart I just posted proves the effect of oversampling on the *weighted* poll result.

It means that even trying to fit the bad data into an imaginary model oversampling a variable so correlates to the end result influences the poll result to such an extent it cannot be ignored.

Now, If you know anything about statistics tell me what that R2 mean in the Clinton chart.
What kind of Back to the Future 2 town do you live in?
>literally referred to as "shadow government" and called the "7th Floor group" connected to Soros
>implying Trump will win

I love these threads so much.... The delusion and denial is delicious. And it never stops. Reason, logic, evidence... None it matters here.
Tell me, how common are girls that look like anzu?
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>gf wants to go to a college 2 hours away from me for 1 year
>wants a LDR
Should I do it, /trumpgen/?
There is no doubt in my mind. The polls might seem disheartening until you realize how badly they are fucking with them just to give HRC a slight lead. Keep your spirits up, and keep up the spirits of your fellow supporters.

The polling fuckery ends in a week and a day, when pollsters start getting graded.
You can't be this stupid, but then again, you are a mestizo, so your brain is infected with the disease known as Amerindian genes

The system of equations is solving for the demographics onto which the original preferences were projected, dumb mestizo scum.
no fuck that noise
>reason, logic, evidence
Coming from the left? The same people who think race is a social construct and there are 43 genders?
Only in college campuses

Bad roach.
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>Long distance relationship with a gf in college

What could go wrong?
2 hours isnt long distance you faggot

Implying liberals own anything but media...They really are pathetic group of people
I'm here every day, we must be coming in different times.

Everything excellent, thanks
Answer portugalbro or piss off
I was wondering where you were when he started spouting his bullshit, Portubro.
So trash then
well at least I know now
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>>>>>your gf the moment you drive away
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Thats Tomorrow land in Disney World, Orlando.
Hell would freeze over before Scenario 1 played out.

Scenario 1 revised:
>Trump loses the election thanks to voter fraud
>Millions of Americans are outraged
>Clinton appoints the supreme court. Abolishes 2nd amendment.
>Nobody complies. Civil war breaks out.
>Clinton commands the military to attack their own citizens.
>Many members of the military refuse. Join up with state militias to fight alongside them.
>We all report to General Trump. Would follow him to hell and back if we had to.
>Clinton and establishment cronies forced back.
>They flee the country to an undisclosed location.
>New national holiday created. All the survivors weep with joy and celebrate.
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The linear last term in your non-homogeneous SoE is incorrect. That's what everyone else is trying to tell your dumb ass.

Just take 30 seconds to look at what you just wrote. You're trying to tell everyone here that:

a) The Dem sampling size (413) ISN'T oversampling when it's more than R and I combined, and...

b) that the presumed percentage of 38%/43% is accurate, when you just defined the percentages based on a sampling size of, again, a 413/713 oversampling of Democrats.

You are completely, 100%, missing the point that the very attempt to sample 413, wait for it, IS oversampling in a state that harbors a Republican majority, not only in voters, but in Primary turnout.

And then you have the audacity to lie to everyone on this board about having a PhD in shit mathematics. Nigger, this is high school algebra, not monochromatic string theory.

Go back to school you fuck up.
Not positive, as I've only seen something similar on here, but wasn't that a porn?
Break it off or get engaged. Unless she's promised to you it will not work, and even then it's iffy
1) Your chart is about Reuters, not the pollster I used.
2) Margin of error goes both ways. Equal chances it is helping Trump.
3) The margin of error and the composite margin of error were calculated properly. So cry me a river.
She's cute as hell. Never thought I'd say that about a mudslime...
divorce her
Yeah, and...? It's delusions of grandeur from a group that consisted of top people from the State Department. I read that wikileak email as well.
I'm not implying shadow governments are all conspiracy theories, I'm just saying that wikileak was pretty specific in it's scope, so it doesn't actually make for good evidence.
What could possibly go wrong?
>a) The Dem sampling size (413) ISN'T oversampling when it's more than R and I combined, and...
irrelevant because it's a weighted poll

once the results are weighted in, they are actually oversampling Republicans
Argentina, you can just stop shit posting. You can just sit back and chill here, with us. Grab yourself a beer, kick back, and relax.

You don't have to be the worst shill/LARPer to ever wander the Trump Generals.
Glad to hear it.
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I like the sound of that middle tweet
>Wants to LDR
It NEVER works out mate. Chase her if you want but expect it all to come tumbling down. Better to cut things off civilly, if you try and convince her to stay shell probably start thinking youre holding her back.
Not so fast, Theoretical physics's here, the weighing of this sample is incorrect. On top of that, you're adding percentages instead of multiplying them.

You can't reverse osmosis-out of this one, shill.
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>implying trump will lose
>gets upset when someone says otherwise, proceed to say they have no argument while at the same time their own not being an argument either

>call them delusional

Fucking horrible bait, nigger lol
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don't worry guys I've got this
>he cant answer portubros question
B-but muh phd goyim
>I'm not implying shadow governments are all conspiracy theories, I'm just saying that shadow governments are all conspiracy theories
It's only 2 hours away, you pussy. Man up and deal with it.
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>Stay positive
I already answered
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That is Scenario 3

Scenario 4 is WW3 with Russia, wihich they are trying to start before trump takes office, and an eleection cancelled by martial law/nuclear wi ter

Scenario 5 is Hillary and Soros arrested whe wikileaks and okeefe drop massive bombshells on them. Scenario 2, 3 and 5 most likely at this point

B-but it's illegal to view wikileaks' stolen emails, CNN told me so!
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Guys...It's getting cold...
Leave you leaf

sad to see ramzpaul work for the dems like that
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>larping this hard
>the current year
You can not do what you're talking about without rendering your results meaningless in every practical sense of the word.

Please, Argentina, it's time to stop.
He won the primaries with a 2% chance of winning from Nate Helium, I think he's gonna do fine in the general with 12%
it's not incorrect, it just has a +5 offset because Johnson, the delta is still Clinton +5

>you're adding percentages instead of multiplying them.
No, R+D+I means that they have to add up to 100
and I love you low self-esteem faggots who can't stop themselves from visiting this place. Part of you knows you are garbage so you keep coming here to play devil's advocate in the hopes that someone MIGHT change your mind
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Just imagine Trump winning in a Reagan-like landslide. That'll instantly make you all warm and /comfy/
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Is this...how /tg/ dies...

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Noon is in about 12-11 hours in burgerland, right?

This is what I have been talking about

Get ready, you are about to see elites who you have never ever heard of cower and panic like little children
Well we will never know and never have to worry about it. We are in the one where the turnout for trump was too strong to effectively cheat and we can remain peaceful.
I'm quite thankful for that, there are many worse timelines to be in.
>its only logic when people agree with me
Really makes me think
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>page 6
>You can not do what you're talking about without rendering your results meaningless in every practical sense of the word.
You are wrong though.

Margin of error is a thing, go look it up. You can do a composite margin of error of 3 projected samples, and it doesn't change much if they are all within the same order of magnitude (which samples 130 and 400 are)
Don't be a retard. I made a general point about oversampling and it has absolutely nothing to do with either Reuters or margin of error.

You claim to know statistics but you cannot even read a scatter chart. What kind of bullshit is that?

Horizontal axis is the oversampling of democrats
Vertical axis is the weighted poll result

The correlation is evident, undeniable and easy to explain.

The fact Reuters is used is simply because it has more available data points but the same point can be made to any poll.

Did you even read what I wrote at the original posts. The point of why you cannot "weight" your way into good data if the sample is bad enough?

Riddle me this: if there were 1000 democrats and 10 republicans would your reasoning stand?

If not what's the charring point below which the poll cannot be salvaged?

You didn't answer a very specific question at the previous post.
Not an argument.
11 hours if you are going by eastern standard time (NYC time). Going by Pacific Time, it's 13 hours.
oh man he flipped cali or wa, id die from shock

idk im a leaf so im not sure what other states he could actually realistically flip
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Did I miss something here? You didn't address his argument.

His argument is that when you have a shit sample, you can't get anything useful out of it, and trying to apply the results of the shitty sample onto a real model just gives you a widely inaccurate outcome.

Where does margin of error factor into this?
I don't care what Reuters does. It has nothing to do with what Bill Mitchell claimed.

Bill Mitchell claimed the poll wasn't weighted and they were assuming "an impossible turnout"

but they aren't assuming anything impossible, they are actually assuming R+4
10 hours from now. Currently 2 AM Eastern time.
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I wasn't responding to one, so I didn't need one.

It's been fun /tg/.

I-I'm ready for Hillary now.
kek. I already voted. Sent in my ballot on Friday. I'm here for the shitshow.
And it's dying how?
>if there were 1000 democrats and 10 republicans would your reasoning stand?

Okay, you are officially a moron.

10 people over the population of Arizona has a certain margin of error
138 people over the Republican population of Arizona has amuch lower margin of error

time to off yourself
Page 6...It all...Returns to nothing...
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Goodbye all.
Yes, margin of error accounts for the reasonable amount of variance you can expect from those not polled, not a license to oversample a particular party to tip the balance how you want.
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>page 7
bump limit
page 7
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I feel it too bro...
>only a 99.5% chance of a trump victory

Thats a .5% chance of failure... its not looking good... I just cant do it anymore

Your claim that it is a shit sample is baseless

The way to calculate the margin of error is standard, and the margin of error isn't that big.
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Oh, this is the timeline where we win peacefully, believe me. They can still try and steal it from us this election, but either way, they win. Even our worst nightmare at this point is a MAD scenario for them, they will let us win and crawl back to their gutter to lick their wounds, while we gather strenght and MAGA under trump

This is the universe where we get a happy ending
>I wasn't responding to one

So you were responding to a summary of your own words.

Gotcha. You're definitely the kind of low IQ simpleton who would clap like a dog at football.
You can't have 100% in a poll, because of the margins of error. Hence why you multiply, due to the probably. you measure what is the probably of not being voted into office. The pretty numbers you are using are for public consumption, you need to invert.
He MIGHT be able to flip Jersey. I doubt it though. He could flip Colorado maybe? Here in NY I see Trump signs literally everywhere but im not in the city which is where all the cucks reside...
it's not oversampled

the actual demographic used is R+4
Will respond next thread
>It's NOT over-sampling!
>Well, OK, it IS over-sampling, but that's irrelevant because they weighted it, probably!
>t. Blanco Hombre, PhD
New thread when
I'm preparing a special kind of a noose for that kike
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>Its oversampled but they weighted it.

Pic related

Thank your mom for the dysgenics. Its not our fault
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Do you disavow page 8?
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nate silver stumped.jpg
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Kek, that means Trump is 600% more likely to be president than he was to win the nomination, according to Nate Pyrite
Where's the autist anon who counted the other one?

Sleep tight baby baba.
why does she have a band aid on her nose

who does that
what the fuck kind of a retarded building is this? Looks like something from Ratchet and Clank
394th for Trump.
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