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Brit/pol/ - Go Home edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 65

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>Will you Cross The Line?

>Britain was forced to rely on German airforce to protect UK waters

>UK and EU still split on citizens' rights

>Have we reached 'peak London' as millennials leave in record numbers?

>Free movement will end with Brexit, insists UK immigration minister

>Fury as Britain gives £30m aid to fund general election in Kenya which activists fear will end in a bloodbath

>Maltese PM: I'm starting to believe Brexit will not happen

>Luxembourg’s Prime Minister warns of a £54bn Brexit ‘divorce bill’

>Gove says chlorinated chicken would be banned under any UK-US trade deal

Previous edition >>135713869
Anime is gay and for nonces.
tidy your room
It is clean.
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Reminder to tweet pic related with the following:

@bedspolice Do you think you could spot the signs of left wing extremism? Do you know someone who would #CrossTheLine? crosstheline.co.uk
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Hey lads I know we all joke around with each other and talk smack on here but I have a serious question:

What can America do for Britain?

We all know America is the global superpower and controls the oceans. We've fought side by side with you guys for the last 100 years, winning two world wars.

I just feel like America needs to give back to Britain because ever since our rise to greatness Britain has been so overwhelmed trying to keep up with our superiority that she can't even help herself.
tfw report came out stating the area of Liverpool I grew up in is still 99% white and is the most traditional area in the country

Feels good.
good lad
How old were you when you moved to Australia?
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America can create a disease that wipes out anyone with less then 2% Neanderthal DNA.
Keep doing what you're doing. We're coming to take back the colony
You're all a bunch of fucking weapons.
>99% white
If you count potato niggers the maybe
>the most traditional area in the country
Is it fuck. What report was this?
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I was 12. I know Liverpool isn't the greatest city in the England but it's still cosy to me.
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I was 12. I know Liverpool isn't the greatest city in England but it's still cosy to me.
You can give Freedom to the britons.
Alex Jones has a great shit eating grin.

For fucks sake, it said the post was aborted.
Either take control of the med and sink every "refugee" boat or force the EU to do it.
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Going to bed lads and ladettes.
Stay comfy.
Nothing is aborted on brit/pol/. Abortion is wrong you fucking hippie.
depends on the baby desu
We had a strawpoll about it a couple months ago and Brit/pol/ voted that abortion on demand is fine
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>Either take control of the med and sink every "refugee" boat or force the EU to do it.
Why don't you guys do that?

You talk a big game about your navy so why not put it to good use?
Oasis are shit
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>>Fury as Britain gives £30m aid to fund general election in Kenya which activists fear will end in a bloodbath
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pic related
stop bringing it up all the time you fucking kike
You asked what you could do for us. And wtf are you on about anyway the navy is in terrible shape and everyone knows it
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>America should stop interfering in other countries democratic proces-

Oh my
Is this the imperium thread?

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>And wtf are you on about anyway the navy is in terrible shape and everyone knows it
People in Brit/pol/ talk highly of the navy and actually say it can beat America 1v1
post pics of america's navy
hardmode: not israel's navy
Morning wageslaves!
That's because our superior Anglo intelligence
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>and actually say it can beat America 1v1

I absolutely love how fucking thick some people.
You must be new.
>Morning wageslaves!
I'm a NEET. Haven't even gone to bed yet
>tfw waiting for job offer callback

At least I get back on my ADHD mess tomorrow so I can school retards on Brit/pol/ on why America is great and why Britain is not
We only gave them money to help them actually have the election. We shouldn't have but still.
Anyway just put a load of guys on the coasts with basic boats and guns. You don't a fleet of ships. We don't have the political clout to do shit like that. Do flyovers for intel then send the nearest cunts after the ones you find.
Americans haven't yet learned the finesse of region destabilisation that the British empire developed over centuries.

You invade in tanks, you bomb; you spend lives and untold treasures.

We fund open, free elections.
>don't need a fleet
>45% white is better because...
I can't wait for this
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Pic related
>Anyway just put a load of guys on the coasts with basic boats and guns. You don't a fleet of ships
Pic related
How is that not a health code violation? She is serving food.
>Anyway just put a load of guys on the coasts with basic boats and guns.
>a privateer fleet can compare to an organised and modern navy
Your an idiot, not only for such a stupid idea but also forgetting that naval power has and always will be the true show of force.
She is serving coffee and not handling it with the hands she uses to spread her brap cheeks
No I'm talking about using real military personnel. But you don't need a fleet of ships to sink a few fucking rafts you numpty.
This isn't 1817, modern ships uses advanced systems and two blokes in a dingy with a Charlie G is not even close to being able to fight.
>two blokes in a dingy with a Charlie G
nice strawman faggot
Okay, would you prefer that we re-activate HMS Belfast and watch it get sank from 50 miles out?
What if they've got a portable nuke bazooka
No you absolute faggot. Use the same boats the rescue crews use but give them decent fucking weapons. Have teams stationed along the coast of north Africa and you get most of them minutes after they leave. Have a few more stationed on Islands, etc. wtf is a full-blown navy vessel gonna do to 50 niggers in a giant bathtub? Absolutely absurd.
>nuking our waters is a good idea

So you want some kind of torpedo boat 2.0? A full blown navy vessel telling people to fuck off is a show of force.
>t-think of the fish!
No I already said this. Guns. Find a boat. Shoot holes in the boat. Or just shoot every nigger on the boat for fun tbqh
We are an island nation, irradiating our waters is retarded.
all the worlds water is ours
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What did you just say about me, you stupid baka? I’ll have you know I am the best of the Brit/pol/ Karenposters, that I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Alice threads, and that I have over 300 confirmed Karen images. I am trained in cute warfare and I’m the top desu in the entire Japanglosphere. You are nothing to me but just another senpai. I will cute you the dess out with kawaii the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my sugoi words. You think you can get away with saying that about me over the Internet? Think again, baka. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Karenposters across 3D and your school is being traced right now so you better prepare for the transfer, senpai. The transfer student that karen watashi desu your rude life. Your heart will stop. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kawaii in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my voice. Not only am I extensively trained in being cute, but I have access to the entire cast of Kiniro Mosaic and I will use it to its full extent to send you back to not-cute-ville. If only you could have known what totemo kawaii reaction images your little "kuru" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, baka. I will desu~ all over you and you will drown in it. desu.
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Mosley would have supported Karenposting
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Go on home British soldiers go on home, have you got no fucking home of your own.For 800 years we fought you without fear and we will fight you for 800 more!
So what you'll telling me is to let our med cruises shoot Africans as they past by?
Give hard working whites a visa
punctual errors by the numbers?
yup, it's a drunk Irishman out of his depth again
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they got to the Beano......
Actively search for the fuckers though. Just imagine if the rescue boats blew the fuckers away instead of rescuing them. Also, like I said, get someone else to do it, not us.
Just sorting out something. Gotta chuck my sofas out and put new ones in. Looked inside and underneath one of them. Thought there would be a fuckload of money under there but there was only a quid. Gay.
just because it's a red board doesn't mean you shouldn't show restraint
Is that you Kevin?
>implying there's anything wrong with nationalism
Ireland has more to worry about than Brits civilising it. You only need to go to Dublin or Limerick to know that. Plus, we all know you're a burger heritage fag.
t. great uncle was in the RA, his brother the Black and Tans (don't ask)
10 headpats for Rightly.
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>800 years
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But they're literally EU agencies, they have to leave.
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Ohayou Gozaimasu Senpais

Any updates on that guy having control of the big screen
No, it's true

1 of Her Majesty's ships = 10 of America's ships

You underestimate the inferiority of the American people.
Former Labour MP. Christ.
>Average Irish school
that kind of thinking got your asses kicked back to back by a bunch of farmers
I only see Australians in that video. Also that has to be some sort of crime.
>and their french allies
whoops, sorry about the flag, was shitposting
>threads full of animenonces and LARPers
Eddie, can you not derail the thread for the second day in a row? Ta.
He's on a crusade from his little basement
It's not even remotely near the tracks as it is.
The Ku Klux Klan did nothing wrong.
Anyone know where I can read old newspapers online for free? I'd love to read papers from the early to mid 1900's and possibly further back than that. I did find some site but they charge like £13 per month for unlimited page views and I really dont want to spend money on it
name one war where those fags weren't already dead or afk for the whole game
You tried the library ?
Almost every war between America and Britain
He'll break your legs.
I'd rather have digital copies I can read online
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Did anything more happen with that Cardiff TV hacker last night? I left the internet after the Trump pepe was on it.
>Hundred Years War
>Thirty Years War
>Seven Years War
>American Revolution (hue)
>Spanish Succession
>First Coalition
>Second Coalition
>Third Coalition
>Fourth Coalition
>Fifth Coalition
>Sixth Coalition
>World War 1
>Korean War
Now name one war where you fags didn't do fuck all and claim all the glory
>name one war where those fags weren't already dead or afk for the whole game
Well, I don't know about France, but I know America was afk for the American Revolutionary war and both World Wars.
no body loves me
Everybody hates me
I think I'll go and eat mongs
Big ones, fat ones, juicy ones, skinny ones
See how they wriggle and squirm
Bite their heads off
Suck the juice out
Throw the skins away
Nobody know how much I love
Anonymongs 3 times a day

Brit/pol/ pepes and Bog posts. Absolute autism.
What was this?
Anonymong memes really are painfully unfunny.
How does that help the English?

>Anon gets access to a big TV screen on some busy Cardiff street
>Proceeds to post Pepes on it late in the evening when nobody was around
I fucking hate anonymongs.
Dear NEETs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysKhbaLyIFw
Shadilay you nigger faggot cunt cuck nonce
There are people on /pol/ who don't know who m00t is
Home is where the heart is.
An anime loving MK Ultra nonce kike
Send 'em all back to anonymongo-bongo land desu
Probably some YouTube e-celeb, who gives a shit?
I've got the entire weekend off this week and was thinking of going camping or something.

Anyone know of any good sites in the south east? If not I'm willing to travel the UK just feel like I need a short country break.
Let's all feel sorry for Sarah Olney, who wasn't in commons long enough to get losing gibs
sorry I was shitting up /ptg/

You're fucking with me
You can archive a website with paywalls? I never knew that
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You make sure to work extra hard for us today wagecuck, these tendies don't pay for themselves you know
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Lads help, I've got a job interview for Tesco warehouse today, what should I ask if they ask me if I have any questions?

Also should I dress smart? It's a fucking warehouse job
>wearhouse job
try a flat dress
Literally who?
Ask them what they like about working there
Always dress smart for interviews.
If you can't think of anything else ask something like "when would I be starting?" (unless that's already been covered)
Always smart for interviews. For the question I would go with what steerpike said, the question the anon suggested is a little autistic
Have a rare tim for luck
Cheers lads, I'll dress best I can

Bricking it desu, got another interview later this week if this fucks up at least

>I've got a job interview for Tesco warehouse today, what should I ask if they ask me if I have any questions?
find a recent news story about the company and ask how that will affect staff on a day to day basis

>Also should I dress smart? It's a fucking warehouse job
reasonably smart. nice collared shirt. wouldn't think a tie would be necessary. nice trousers and shoes.
>Brexit happens, it fails
Everyone blamed the Pakis and non-whites
>Brexit happens, it succeeds
You got your country back and can speak freely about immigration

Sounds win win to me lads.

Ask them what their policy is on you yelling at wogs in the car park after work

Don't take these retards advice, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Are you going to be wearing a fucking suit in the warehouse? No nigger, get yourself some proper workman's trouser and an polo shirt. But don't you dare walk in there with brand new clean shit faggot, if your kit is immaculate it means you don't fucking work cunt. Throw some paint on them, tear the sleeve a bit, cover it in dust. Now when you stole in there don't shake hands, they're your bosses they don't want to touch you. Smash up a good solid thumbs up. Now when they ask you scenario questions, always ALWAYS answer "I won't do anything until I am told to" because you're a fucking drone not napoleon you're not paid to think cunt.
>He doesn't know the who is m00t meme
Stupid tripfag
Famous cuck
>Brexit happens, it fails
Nationalism old white men ruined the country
>Brexit happens, it succeeds
This only could have happened thanks to the careful supervision of remain voters and Gina Miller
Best post of the day so far.
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Some good news finally lads
>When asked if it was in her plans to re-stand for election, Olney was emphatic. “Yes. Yes, absolutely it is. It definitely is.” Referring to Goldsmith, she says: “He had a majority of 23,000 two years ago and now he’s got a majority of 45. That’s just the momentum that we’ve got going on here locally and I don’t want to spoil that, I want to get over the line next time.
havent been to these threads for a while
lot of tripfags around these days ey
Based on current demographic trends, Brit/pol/ will be majority non-anonymong by 2020
Hey lads, made the 12 Joe coach to Amsterdam. Do I need to still kick the fuck out of Edward? Or has he behaved
Are you ready for (((Global Britain)))?
What's Ethiopia's excuse for not being perfect, seeing as they were never taken over by whitey?
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Found Edward in Brussels
BASED Black man
Are you ready for (nig)germany?
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>never taken over by whitey
>who is Italy
Lol been done
To be fair if we got like a seagoing radio couldn't we fake loads of distress calls from migrant boats so that the NGOs got confused picking them up and a few sank?

Or just make hundreds of calls to the Italian police reporting crimes on names NGO boats (made up or whatever) to keep them in port?
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>going to Canada/USA soon
>put "British guy travelling to North America" on my tinder bio
>start swiping in Toronto/LA
>match match match match match match match match match

Haha, prepare to get ANGLO'd you fucking leafs and burgers
That was an extremely short period of time and was more cooperation than taken over
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Reminder about this evening.
Still taking requests.
Pic related taken today.
Anglos in Churawno... right...
Wear a blue shirt, make sure double cuffs, union flag cufflinks, no hats indoors, and be sure to bring a jacket in case it rains on the walk across London Bridge after work
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I really should have voted for the Beady Party desu
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Where can we watch it live when it happens?
What a fucking idiot you must be joking. Stop larping for fucks sake
Liverpool as a whole is 91% white you fucking retard. This is well known.
It is NOT the most traditional area in the country, and you know this
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Guess the Anglo - Colonial Edition.
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Can we have a hint?
There are some very traditionally Catholic areas of Liverpool you nigger faggot cuck cunt nonce
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Is he preparing for the race war?
wtf happened to moot I left 4chan for like 3 years came back and its now run by some slit eyed cunt
he got cucked and then years later sold 4chan
he works for Google now
>spandau intensifies
plz don't tell me he made g+ hahahaha
>Labour MP for Birmingham Steve McCabe BRICKED.com
Is that supposed to be a good thing
Can you make money from playing Poker? Even like semi-pro online?
he's tracking anyone who's ever called him a cuck
>35 year old man shoots a rifle for the first time

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He was featured on the morality edition trigger cube and is friends with Aaron Clarey, Known American.
>some people here (actually, most) don't even know who m00t is

Fuckin' hell. I should've left in 2013...
>haha is this your second time using a rif-
>*lindybeige teleports behind you*
>*would stab you in the back but that didn't really happen*
No, but Liverpool is a traditionally Catholic areas. It's better that muslims and fedora numales.
>making friends with americans
how uncouth
Sorry for linking>>135751051

Are they actually Catholic/ do they just go to church twice a year and put it on the census?
wtf is a moot.
Lads in in. Amsterdam, do i fice jn go degeneracy
Ex just text me out of the blue after 10 months. Why do they do this, rip your guts out then poke the wound?

We broke up two years ago, she's since gone full basic bitch. I don't want anything to do with her but my heart still jumps whenever I see her picture.
>Colonial Edition lad...
>fedora numales
The only place they really exist here is L O N D O N
Yeah I can tell you've never even been here you stupid cunt. Go back to telling us how we're still 97% white.
Liever Turks dan Paaps
What did he mean by this?
Can you go take a picture of Dorothy's fish and chip shop please buddy boy.
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We may never know.
We are having a few issues in our navy. Even though we are churning out Carriers and Subs there is a real unwillingness and lack of moral when it comes to the seaworthy tests.
Was chatting with my american friendsthe other day, sent them videos of the shit hole city I live in .... they started going on about how good it looked, sent me videos of their citys, fuck me besides the main tourist attractions america looks like shit
That's just completely wrong. Globalism is global faggot. Stop posting.
It's sort of a mix of genuine Catholics and those that don't want their kids in public schools.
It's 91% white and I work in South Liverpool. Sorry you could only afford to live in Toxteth you paki cunt.
Yes yes we all hate Catholics, Monarch before Pope and all that. But there are far worse cunts out there.
Will Salah and Mane win us the league this year?
All cities are shit wherever you go in the west because niggers took them over and never took care of them

That's a known fact

>Globalism is global faggot. Stop posting.
There's a difference between atheism and full on fedora tippers
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>All cities are shit wherever you go in the west because niggers took them over and never took care of them
Good goy, you ignore us siphoning money away and blame the niggers
what did it say
>hurr durr fedoras only exist in London
You really are the thickest cunt on this board.
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> C O P E.jpg
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>You really are the thiccest cunt on this board.

Pic related.

Generic "been a while, how are you?" text.

Been hardcore n/c since I gave her some of her shit back 18 months ago. I wish I was enough of a cunt to tell her to go fuck herself.
That's some kind of slave diaspora isn't it?
Photoshop a bird on your lap wearing 6 inch heels with you sucking her fingers and send it to her
I'm a homo and I have a bf
She probably got sick of whatever other piece she was riding since then and is now crawling back to you. She sounds like a manipulator, ignore her or purposefully stand her up for the laughs.
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You're not homophobic are you Brit/pol/?
Probably, first google image result for 'Thicc Ebony'
I believe it's miss cookie

She plays Piane Faggot in Hard Brexxxit
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No :3
Looked outside of my window and saw some nig getting the shit kicked out of him down the road.
you got me
tell amw i hate her
bit gay
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Porridge is on Gold.
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good morning...
I've just loaded up Morrowind as well.

Yeah, that's what I'm telling myself.

She's clearly creeping my IG too, accidentally liked a few posts then quickly unliked them.

Fucking Morrowind feels man. I wish they'd remaster that shit with a better engine but leave the core gameplay exactly as it is.

Tbh I'd even take a PS4 straight port.
Everybody should just do a mass refusal to pay
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Ja fookin what
When I went to a warehouse job interview I was told before hand not to bother wearing a suit, I went in jeans and a shirt.
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Well wouldn't you want some of her shit particles in your coffee? I would
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You're a bit of a cunt to be honest lad.
Clean polo shirt and work trousers

Ask what the system is for reporting a suspected terrorist
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>Entirely equal winning

How far this country has fallen...
>the Chad interview
>Always shows up in a tank top and shorts
>Always gets the job
>Elder Scrolls talk

Gas the thalmor race war now
I really hope the next Elder Scrolls isnt set in hammerfell because redguards
Dunmer are still alive
Brit/pol/ votes for the most degenerate option every single time
Good advice, although make sure you have paint on those jeans to show how hard you work. Also steel toecap with the steel exposed through wear is a great tip.
tfw no irl britpol m8s to have a pint with
>tfw BASED anne marie waters conspires with Hope Not Hate to dox a person she had a disagreement with


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Good, you cunts sound like right autists.

Especially Eddie.
You not been invited to our weekly meet ups yet ?

Must have never posted anything of worth then
I remember I once turned up to a job interview for cashier in a full suit. Didn't get the job obviously.
I'll drink you under the table

Shit advice.

Steel showing through boots will get you thrown off a site.
nice copypasta
Organise a meet up. It works every time 100% guaranteed.
Bye British Gas
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Does anyone have any images with Karen and Mosley?

Lad, if your kit is immaculate it means you don't do any hard work. I've had over 45 jobs in the last 6 months. I know what I'm talking about.
You aren't fooling me Preusse, I can tell it's you.
Case in point.
dumb frogposters
The only thing you'll be drinking under the table is cum
You fruit
>I once turned up to a job interview for cashier in a full suit.

Oof, safest bet is to always drop the jacket. Nice pants and a shirt with tie works if they expect formal or smart casual.

...and I've been thrown off site for having frayed boots. Just because you're a fucking scumbag jobber who fits kitchens for B&Q doesn't mean we all are.
Ooof me arse is sore lads

Boy did I get bummed last night OR WHAT
So you can't hold one down? Are you a cuck or what pal
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complete lie by British Gas

wholesale price has dropped quite bigly. they are ROBBING US BLIND!

why do people still pay?
why doesn't the gov protect us?
why do people fall for the qt lil penguins with scarves OOOO look a penguin, might as well move to antarctica, at least the FUCKING HEATERS WORK THERE

Awww was it your first time?
I don't even have the energy to keep baiting you. You're a bit of a retard lad.
I didn't vote tory, and everyone that said they did here has now gone back to that subreddit
>he thinks I vote
End universal suffrage.

You mean you're a dolescum blagger who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Got it.
But voting is a RIGHT! You can't take away peoples' RIGHTS! Those are sacred and inviolable.
That's why illegal migrants and prisoners should be allowed to vote too. Because it's their RIGHT
You're exhausting lad, refer to my op (>>135748643). I've already tallied your (You) so no need to reply further. Please smarten up kid. You're not even sport.
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Rate my lunch
WN is a massive cock gobbler
Adding to this
>search for British cuisine near me
>Indian food is the only result
It's a but of a shit that I'm having to pay the price for a bunch of bad decisions that I opposed in the first place. Tyranny of the majority and all that.

Yeah, and your OP was a heap of shite.

Maybe if you're a jamroll with no pride you turn up to work in beat to shit dirty clothes but no employer wants some bellend who can't even clothe themselves properly.

t. Lift Engineer
It would be better the baked beans were the ones with their own little sausages already in them, but pretty good.

Could do with another egg too.
The beans look like they've been sitting there for an hour
>He's still chewing on that mouldy bait.
Please lad, seek help.
For fucks sake mate he was messing with you, doing you one, having a laugh at your expense - how many ways must it be said?

You're embarrassing yourself.
Forgot your trip Rimmer.
He's reversing it on you dumbass.
Seriously you should have just put up communist propaganda and anti-white stuff that looked real. Instead you literally frogposted. Bit late to salvage it now.
>4D chess
>Yank flag
Ptg pls go
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wake up it's a beautiful morning
gonna check the news, put on a cuppa
boop dee boop, Brit/pol/

>muh wagies muh neet muh steel toecaps
>you must respect my trip encode
>fuck you REEEEEEEE
>GTFO I run this general
>fuk'n anonymongs

Never change Brit/pol/...
post more
It's literally just a random chat room these days
More about personalities than politics

Still fun
But any sense of meaning has gone
>THINGS not say to a woman in a burqa

Can someone charlie hebdo the beeb already
>The Muslim women pharmacists at the Boots across the road are more relaxed, respectful and hard working than the native Brits at the Lloyd's Pharmacy

Seriously, the boots Muslim employees are outstanding. Always smile, if there's a problem with your order they'll do their best to sort it out going beyond the call of duty.
The native Brits at Lloyd's are shit tier, always unattractive old women in desperate need of a part-time job to keep themselves afloat, always complaining, get frustrated when a problem occurs and try to push you out faster because the line's getting long. They never smile and NEVER remember your name.

I say bring on our Muslim qt pharmacist overlords
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>canned sausages

I showed me mum the video of Kay's Good cooking where she made bean toast with this shit and she almost vomited
>But any sense of meaning has gone
When was there ever one? The only lad I ever remember actually doing anything related to these threads was the guy who coated his local area with British flags the night before the referendum.
The reason I shit post is because when I do actually have attempt thoughtful political discussion you're swarmed with anonymongs who have no fucking idea of what they're talking about but refuse to beleive they are anything but an expert. There are two or three anons here quite well versed in law, one at least is far beyond myself, yet whenever I enter discussion with one of them on say constitutional monarchy, we're flooded with retards posting anime nazi school children screaming about MUH EMPIRE IS RESTORED TORY REICH GAS WOGS QUEEN IS SUPREME WE DON'T HAVE A CONSTITION LET'S HAVE FULLY WRITTEN LAW ANGLOSPEHERE FOREVER ENOCH POWELL OSWALD MOSELEY BROS FOR LIFE VOTE UKIP OR TORY IF YOU'RE ANTI IMMIGRANT GAS EUROS.
So now I just shit post.
He used the "t." post probably without realizing it

That makes him not an absolute newfag, meaning he's probably baiting you with such a ridiculous sounding post trying to defend himself on the series of tubes

blackpilled cuntfags

can't you see you're the fucking problem?

>when was there ever meaning
>now i just shitpost

fuck off. literally just fuck off today. you're too spasticated to see that you're shitting where you sleep. you're killing what you profess to enjoy.

you spastics.
never again.
>you're swarmed with anonymongs who have no fucking idea of what they're talking about but refuse to beleive they are anything but an expert.
Translation: I get called out on my bullshit and fail to substantiate my claims, so just start spouting le edgy blackpill memes until they give up
how can you eat this as a human?
Case in point.
Never change anonymongs.
Morning mongs.
Happening in russia, are we next ?

Someone bake another loaf of bread
Addendum: and when I can't respond I just act like I've made an argument

case in point.
never change +KzTfZ1Z.
I'd appreciate it if you answered. These threads have always been full of pointless talk and pointless anger over random shit. Name one event, or rally, or change this board, or someone from it, has succeeded in organising.
this general*



Don't diss it til you try it lad.
sorry i can't see your posts anymore tripscum. consider yourself a cunt.
Back to facebook. I don't know why we allow plebians to vote.
>projecting this hard
There wasn't even an argument in place you mong. When I've got some retard spouting off about there being a separation of Church and state in the UK, and he is categorical proven wrong with many sources and still screeches autisticly, or when another one is screeching that the UK has no constitution and is also proven wrong and still continues to screech, you start to lose will in entering discussion with you retards.
These are just a couple of examples but no doubt, as anonymongs are want to do, you'll ignore the entirety of my point, focus on a single abstract point, completely misrepresent it and act as if it was my crux, then autisticly screech about some perceived victory over triplords. It's pathetic and tiring and the reason I engage sensibly less and less.
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Drones. The answer is drones, and ISIS' modifications to same.
Just had some lovely scrambled eggs for breakfast
>are want to do
so fucking smart
The thread genuinely is filled with LARPers.
And faggots from the fucking Guardian comment section.
Thanks for proving me right once again.
Fuck off. You've only been around a matter of months and have done nothing but shit the board up and go on about how much smarter you are than everyone else the whole time while acting like a fucking retard. Literally kys you fucking nigger.

It's not like there's any big political news to be discussing
Feel free to navigate my plebs history and you'll see there was a point I would discuss legal principle and other subjects at depth with certain people. Just because you were too busy replying to headpats and cartoon school children to take the time to read a three line post, doesn't mean they don't exist.
Absolute fucking bollocks. Maybe once a day you make a post that isn't pure cancer. That hasn't changed. Do one.
Hitler you fag
What time is kickoff fag
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>Be diretor of NHS board trust
>take part in a pannel on whether or not a same sex couple should be able to addopt a child
>tell the utmost honsest truth and revert to your inner chrsitan values that you have lived by your entire life
>"its gennrally in the best intrests if a child is brought up with a mother and father"
>Other workmates stare at me
>tfw did i do something wrong?
>Get suspended
>NHS bluepilled normie plebs see you in court get out!


To think lads this is landmark case, that will determine the future in regards to any other case simmilar to this and decide whenether or not social conservative views are acceted or villfied within a profesional enviroment.

Godspeed Mr Page!
Thread posts: 321
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