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/RWDSg/ Right Wing Death Squads General

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Thread replies: 138
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Since it's become apparent that antifags are no longer considered human it should be appropriate to go full fash in these dark times.

>Get your hands on a gun learn to shoot:

>Get Physically fit, train in strength training and endurance, cardio, fix your diet

Antifags for too long have done whatever they feel like without answering to anybody but stressed out riot cops that get have to comply with regulations. These people are not human beings with feelings all they know is violence and mayhem and degeneracy. They need to be dealt with now before they grow too much like a cancer.
Nice larp thread
>Get your hands on a gun learn to shoot
Well, I failed step one.
Fuck this shithole and its gun laws. I'd love to stay here and defend this nation when shit hits the fan, but I'm feeling like I could better just abandon this sinking ship and go help in the USA (a place that isn't a freedomless shithole where you can actually own firearms) when shit hits the fan there.
Is reporting ANTIFA crimes in this thread faster than using the FBI hotline?
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There needs to be a Eurofag nogun help list, with three tiers.
>I need something - anything - NOW
>I'm happy to wait for basic licensing
>I'm happy to work to further licensing
How to obtain guns in Europe
>have a friend in America, or pay someone off
>have said friend send you gun parts and ammunition
>Go blackmarket
Is there a larger higher res of OP's image?

Uhh something about Helicopter rides.

Good luck in the coming struggle I know I for one am stocked on canned salmon.
Black market in the UK is guaranteed honeypot.
The list will be pretty similar to strayans.
>tfw grabagun.com is blocked and I have to use a VPN to see what's there and cry at the burger gun prices being half of what we have to shell out here
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I've been training. Instead of being part of a squad I will act a lone wolf. but with the capability of an entire squad of men. I will strike fear into the hearts of the left as I hunt them at night in my battle costume. It is designed to maximize my agility at all expense. I am the terror that stalks the night. Watch out Antifa.
It's incredibly tactical I like the design. What's he packing on him though?
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I am thinking of getting a .22 air rifle, just so I'll have something before the government changes he laws in England like they did in Scotland, where you need a licence to own one.
>.22 air rifle
Isn't going to do you jack shit. You should invest in moving here instead. Europe's a lost cause.
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Bought a pic related last month for $1,600.
People shit their pants here over plastic knives, it would at least be a shock.

>You should invest in moving here instead
I'm investing in getting a shotgun licence, long-term, that's why I proposed the tiered rec list.
>done whatever they feel like without answering to anybody
>all they know is violence and mayhem and degeneracy.
You're pretty much describing fascists and Nazis.
You need a license to own a paintball gun here senpai. However for a small price of of like $200 and a yearly payment of $85 you can have a raifu of a real caliber like .223 though still bolt action.
been joggin 8 miles everyday in preperation for the liberal massacre.
The real fear I have with licensing is that the government would do a gun grab before they pull any shit.

I hate how the shotgun licence doesn't apply to bolt actions, which I find oddly aesthetic.
>8 miles
>Every day
That would be good... If you want to into skelly mode. Do SS and eat protein.
Been doing that as well, losts of pushups as well.
You'd be amazed how many firearms were "misplaced" during the Howard era gun grab. Break your car window and say someone stole it from you at gun point as you were about to head to the gun range.
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

that doesn't work here in cuckland, you literally have to call the RCMP and tell them when you move your gun anywhere. You have to give them the time, license plate, location of departure and location + time of arrival. You then have to 'check in' with them at the location and also when you get back home.

Also, expect to be pulled over after submitting this 'request to move your firearm' so they can make sure it's locked in a safe in your trunk. 100% serious, I hate my country's gun laws. and leader, and almost all of the women, and the immigrants.
Nice choice man. Truly the best bullpup. Price seems a bit high to me, but I've been thinking of getting a QCB rifle. I think that one may be on my list.
>Europe's a lost cause
It really is. Meme whites to move to America, balance the demographics and leave the commies and Muslims in Europe.
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Jesus Christ and I thought we had it bad. I'm so sorry leaf.
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>Kai Murros, a Finnish radical nationalist writer and advocate of a peculiar synthesis of Maoism and racial nationalism, encompassing pogroms against Jews in a Nazi version of Pol Pot’s Cambodia. Murros, 47, the author of National Revolution And How to Do It in a Modern Society, openly incited violence when he spoke at a meeting of Jeremy Bedford-Turner’s London Forum on 15 October 2015.

>“Make it absolutely clear that there are no laws, no agreements, no treaties … that you would not break in order to secure the future of the English people,” Murros told his audience.

>“The change must be brought from the outside and it must be brought by force. For this historic task an entirely new type of shock troops should be created: the nationalist Khmer Noir commandos, raised from the ranks of the working class. Clad in black hoodies, covering their faces with black and white chequered scarves, the young fanatics of the movement will storm the universities, break into classrooms and tear the academics down from their podiums.

>“The red academics will be forced to admit their crimes against the English people in mass rallies. They will publicly confess how they have always conspired against the English people, how they have always hated the English people, and how they have always fantasised about hurting the English people. After this the red academics will be forced to face the wrath of the masses.

>“The parasite intellectuals will be forced at all times to carry signs declaring their evil schemes against the English people.

>“… Nationalist cultural revolution requires that you ignite an inferno of rage in the English people.”
>They wonder why they have 100,000 antifags rioting and looting
Because you let them do that.
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In America, you can pretty easily find where the registered liberals near you are living. If you're remotely serious about this when shit hits the fan, go house to house before people realize what's really up. Don't expect them to be nogunz just because they're Dems though. There's still a handful of Blue Dog holdouts.
get the atrax instead it is better
Liberals are just pussies, what you need to take out first is the communists and anarchists.
nobody is going to die sucking trump's crusty dick
fuck off
I don't care about Trump, what I care about is removing these retards once and for all they're a cancer.
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I already own several firearms (three semi-auto, two of them rifles, one shotgun) and a few pistols.

I compete in IPSC and study military history and strategy extensively.

I own level IV body armor and have stored enough ammo, food and water to last me a year if needed.

All I am waiting for is the spark.
How do you get guns in Europe?

I got all mine legally.

Easiest way is to get a hunting license. That gives you permission to buy up to 6 firearms for hunting, if you can provide a valid reason for owning them (i.e. deer hunting, moose hunting, duck hunting etc.)

Then there's the next tier, which is getting pistols. It requires you to attend a safety course (and pass it), and then be an active member of a shooting club (using a borrowed firearm) for six months. After that you're allowed to get 1-2 pistols (or revolvers) per branch you're competing in.

For IPSC the same rules apply in Norway and the rest of Europe as in the US. You attend a course, pass it, then compete in level 2 and 3 events over a 2 year period.

At that time you can legally own AR10's, AR15's and AK-variant rifles.

There is no magazine limit in Norway and getting suppressors require no license of any kind.
Get ready, your countries are starting to come to a fucking boil.
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I'm monitoring the situation closely, my friend. At least we get to fight for a great cause in our lifetimes.
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Advice to all of you. Do not organize any movement like this online, or at least avoid it, the nature of the world today will have it gutted faster than a fish. It is a bitter pill to swallow but if you look at the insurmountable evidence than you'll know its true. The institution today are designed to smash any kind of right wing thought from organizing itself. The left gets to play, we get to watch.

That being said, here is one great thing to do. Find like minded people in your life. Neighbors, friends, family, real connections that are hard to break. I can guarantee at least a handful of them think like you do, and they live in your community. That should be the basis of your organization, the community. The people you live amongst. Guys like >>132823299 When you are defending your homes from the inevitable horde of leftis that will come to tear it down, the best defence you have is your neighbors. Create that network and nurture it. Create the skill sets of marksmanship and tactics from that. Historically, the left has relied on the mob. The right on the other hand has done its damage with small, precise, groups.

Train yourself, search for like minded folks, and create a network. When I say train I mean lifting, cardio, and shooting under stress. It also doesn't hurt to research the numerous resources of amature chemistry and improvised arms. Keep your head on a swivel, powder dry, and hatchets sharp.

Solid advice. Adhere to OPSEC (Operational Security) and PERSEC (Personal Security) in all manners relating to any type of revolt.

Resist the urge to show off what you've got stored to friends, family and others.. Stay neutral on Kikebook and make sure to not be too much of a target IRL (that means no hats with "Glock" printed on them, and no bumper stickers praising the 2NA).

Be the grey man. Blend in. Walk calmly, but carry a big stick.

Key to Right Wing Safety Squads are these points:

> We are not lawless
You are not out there to be vigilantes or to pick fights. You are not out there to intimidate. You are out there to exercise your rights as Americans, or other, less peoples.

You have the right to walk anywhere you like in public and in your own neighborhood. You may carry in most states. You may speak to strangers, so long as you don't make credible threats, call for imminent violence, or follow/harass people. Speak calmly and plainly. Know your rights, and know others' rights. Defend them and respect them accordingly. Know when the ideal plan is to observe and report.

> We are not alone
Get some friends, this is a fucking safety *squad*, not a lone nut picking fights. The world's biggest badass is less formidable than a surprise brick to the back of the head. Bring someone to watch your back, someone to help him drag you to help, and someone to guard those two safety squaddies.

> We are not LARPing
If you're here to look tough and be a mall ninja, go away. If you're here because amateur armed patrol sounds like a good way to spend an hour or two on a saturday morning, go away. Have a realistic plan for your neighborhood safety squad. Does your neighborhood need watching? If so, when? Can you recruit other neighbors into an informal neighborhood watch? Can you get an action plan into place for different homes and scenarios, including how to summon and assist the police or paramedics, or how to preserve evidence? Can you get people to store food and medical supplies? If >90% of your Right Wing Safety Squad isn't dedicated to boring social fabric shit like that, you're LARPing.
Loved using bull pup in fy_iceworld
The main troubles are in Europe, not America
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..for now.
Perpetrating a face/identity can only be done in due time. We must lance the enemy with anonymity.
I only run 2 1/2 I'm about to start running 5 at 10 minute miles 8 seems like too much for everyday how much do u weigh? I'm 6ft 187

Exactly. Other, lesser peoples.

Same advice applies except for "you can carry". Their own fault. Personally, I don't understand it. If I look at a person and say, "I don't trust that man with a gun," it's because he's either nuts, violent, or negligent. In either case, I don't want him voting, either. How can a person be too irresponsible for a gun, but also responsible enough to vote?
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Doesn't mean you shouldn't be vigilant.
Dark days are coming.
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>go to gun range
>people there don't like "Islamo-fascists" but are happy about the police getting militarized while in most states we can't even shoot a house invader
>talk to neighbors about current events
>they bought the TV cool aid about Drumpf and think that diversity is our strength
>talk to people in my uni courses
>apolitical at best, bernouts at worst
>put up some pro white posters to tell people that it's ok to be proud of your race
>local commies put it on their facebook and think it's the capitalists that did it because they've never encountered nat socs
If nothing else, the only blessing of my situation is that as long as I stay clear of lemming fudds, doing whatever it takes to defend my own life from commies in the style of Sam Hyde will be a breeze since all lefties are nogunz here.
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Telling people to go to /k/ to learn to shoot and /fit/ to work out is just as hilariously retarded as antifags posting workout videos of themselves doing group stretches in yoga pants in the park to "fight nazis." I'm on your side OP, but we can do better than this. If people go to /k/ they're just going to end up arguing online about old weapon optimal ranges and never leave their basement, and if they go to /fit/ they're going to turn fucking gay. This doesn't help the cause.
Your flag indicates you couldn't even afford a single right wing death squad
Nothing wrong with /fit/ and /k/ as long as you don't scroll down past the stickies and apply what you read by going the gym and gun range.

There's a lot of great knowledge to be had on all 4chan boards, but you have to filter through all the (literally) dicks to find it.
hey antifa, i'm coming for you.
Better than nothing. I'm lucky, I live in freedomland in a rural area. All my neighbors are on the same page. That and we all know how to grow our own food which is nice.
time of jogging constantly, alternate long slow day with a day of quick intervals. That's the quick rundown version. If you want to know more look up a book called daniels' running formula.
>that doesn't work here in cuckland, you literally have to call the RCMP and tell them when you move your gun anywhere. You have to give them the time, license plate, location of departure and location + time of arrival. You then have to 'check in' with them at the location and also when you get back home.
>Jesus Christ and I thought we had it bad. I'm so sorry leaf.

That is misleading. That is the procedure for transporting a restricted firearm. Restricted firearms includes pistols, rifles below 26 inches in length, rifles with a barrel below 18.5 inches in length, or any AR-15.

Regular long guns like shotguns, bolt action rifles as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine capacity limited to 5 rounds are non-restricted and don't require a Authorizations to Transport.
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pls post fashwave

trying to build up my folder
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>it should be appropriate to go full fash in these dark times.

>Going fasist like antifa

Do you want them to win? If we look like the peaceful, smart ones who watch from afar we'll be them winners. Normies think antifa is a bunch of crazy losers after today. We've already won with trump let's just keep living our peaceful lives in style.
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>antifa is fascist
No, they are doing what Marxists have always done. Chimp out and firebomb. But you're right, patience is a virtue.

*instead of
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thx bud
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yo im all for shitposting but this isnt okay
Fit actually really helped me. N-no homo
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Been training for a while but I'm a califag so i'm nogunz

what do?
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>Restricted firearms includes pistols, rifles below 26 inches in length, rifles with a barrel below 18.5 inches in length, or any AR-15

a.k.a. most types of guns my man

>semi-automatic rifles with a magazine capacity limited to 5 rounds

You're from Greece so you're probably a nigger.
Fuck off back to the_donald
Post the uncensored version.
Without Europe Whites have no right to exist.
if you can lift more than 50 lbs, a typical requirement for employment, you can easily kill antifa with your bare hands

they are malnourished babymen
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How's Honduras doing?
fuck off faggot
Hate it here as well man

wish us and burgerland were just one country
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thanks ill look into after this ufc
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Movie is called "Jin-Roh, Wolf Brigade"

Essentially a movie about misinformation, play on red riding hood tale, and death squads all jumbled into one.
Old movie though, hard to get active torrents for it.
Come on now that's a bit extreme .
I mean you aren't fully wrong but there is a lot of great info on both boards. Like a previous poster said youve got to wade thru a lot of dicks and shit talk but it's worth it.
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you're welcome.
My man Jack Daniels laying it down like only he can
>not already having several firearms, dozens of mags and thousands of rounds of ammo for each weapon, and a plate carrier or chest rig
>not already being able to engage targets from at least 500m away
>not already spending your free time lifting, rucking, and running trails
What the fuck else have you been doing with your time and money all these years?
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this is a hell of a meme
How do you send gun parts and ammo in mail?

Don't they scan that shit?
disguise that shit, be creative
He sounds exsctly like the commie faggots he opposes
Shitlib here, come break into my home, hope you like 10mm
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These are weak. Got any i havnt seen before?
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probably not.
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wtf? this isn't a feels thread.
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I got something else you haven't seen before
Its really funny because im actually next to my gf enjoying some post fuck shitposting.
Its cozy :)
This is probably the most important thread you will ever see.
Go to those other boards and start changing your life
The left are not going to just let us take power away from them without a fight.
Be ready.
that sounds like the biggest lie I have ever heard
Lmao just vote you angsty sperg
You fags wouldnt shoot a robber in your house.
wh-what is that thing?
I... I am so sorry...
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nigger please
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Getting pic related soon.
Your right , I would lob a limb of with my machete. I want to make it personal.
ok fbi man
And you sound like a faggot
I actually have one just like this. It was super cheap on Budk.com and it's comfy. I cut a notch so I could load it with a cocking string. Shoot antifag with one of these and I think they won't enjoy it.
Can hunt deer with air rifles anon and .22 is deadly. The ar-15 shoots a .223 sized projectile.
Unironically this. Has anyone seen the vids of Berkeley or went to the HWNDUs? It's like 12 year olds standing next to giants and those were just normal guys not even big guys they just look big compared to the antifag fetal alcohol syndrome tendies basement dwellers. I actually kind of feel bad for the runts the Jews did this to them.
I made some fash wave nigger

disgusting spic here. Don't worry whitey, there's an underground surge of anti-islam anti-leftism in beaner cathedrals. We're with you.
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.22LR and .223 are way different man. The .223 bullet itself is noticeably larger and the cartridge is waaaay larger. The power behind a .223 is orders of magnitude greater than .22
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If you decide to get that .22, make sure you remove file down any iron sights so that it hurts less when someone shoves it up your ass.

Spring for something a little more substantial.
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>links /k/

Stay the fuck out, you niggers come to /k/ and start stupid threads for ones that already exist and shit up the place in general.

I'm also not surprised /pol/ are a bunch of noguns faggtos and yuropoors
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Nice. Got this for $1200.
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Can some one teach me to make better vaporwaves
This is the alt-right leader I most revere.
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>the left continues to implode on itself
>everyday people are seeing how corrupt they are with help from the death of the MSM
>groups like antifa are only speeding the death of the left
really activates my almonds
Cool, I downvoted it and did some other stuff that will hopefully stop you from spamming your faggot nonsense here. You are gay, not funny, and your content is fucking garbage. Go and die.
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>There needs to be a Eurofag nogun help list

What the UK version of a Home Depot?
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>still handing out over a million green cards a year
>still can't candidly interrogate jewish privilege yet it's still fucking open season on whites
>still can't speak openly about the fucking plague of nigger crime
really gets the estrogen jogging
lol I got banned from that discord
Im a manlet ulike you so I gotta do this stuff to keep up with the rest of you guys. 5"7 171.
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>millions a year
>barely been seven months
>too big of a pussy to be judged by your peers to hold a conversation about your views
really got my testosterone trembling
Not sure if illiterate or retarded. But you go ahead and own no weapons and don't exercise, fatty. 'Cause those are the same thing as breaking the law and stuff.
Nigga did you even read the OP?
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