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WOW... GERMANS BTFO https://twitter.com/rejialex7/statu s/

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every german male should be castrated and given facial feminization surgery and estrogen, prove me wrong
I can't
In 20 years Germany will be the place to go for zucky zucky 5 euro kinda like in the weimar republic
Ah, Fat Siggi.
>when your father was a nazi and you so desperately want to prove that you are not a nazi that you become a nazi
Classic. Grade A genetic material, that one.
Or should I say 5 million euro
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germany yes

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>this is the result of losing 2 world wars
FACT: Germanic are the new subhumanspics

From swedes ,Netherlands, Austria, Norway to Germany

We proved the our subhumanity can't be surpassed by even niggers and sand coons, since even they are able to mantain the most basic dorm of human dignity and natural instinct

We on the other hand are the most perverse, self hating , trecherous, indignant , self-righteous, hypcrotical subhumanspics the world will ever witness
You're not allowed to say that in Germany
Hey now
Retract spics, autocorrect see s to hate em kek
Didn't they pass a law yesterday that made free speech null and void in germany?
I dunno my man, Sweden, Canada and Germany are having a race to the finish line and its been neck and neck. A good suggestion but you'd have to legally define a white German since the new face of Germany is darker.
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Oy vey
Really brings back those old days
Then call das Frollein Führerin and her Gestapo officers, i don't give a fuck anymore.
100% correct
Germans are not even people.
I wonder how many German citizens and professionals hate the Orwellian nightmare government and want to overthrow it.
Yep, we can pick on them now and they can't defend themselves without breaking the law

>millions of new migrants
>more migrants on their way
>migrants have no skills. can't speak the language. can't find work.
>migrants can only survive through welfare or criminal activities
>at some point the money for welfare will dry up

what happens then?
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The fuherette
>2037, 82 years old
>Germany's crime rates skyrocketed
>the only one that changes her diapers is a senile nun from Bavaria
>every brownie is out doing brown things, no one helps her
>the pension system broke
>the EU fell into chaos

Would she cry?
That is after generations of wellfare.
I hope everyone in Europe has their borders to us closed by then.
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It just keeps getting worse
Fuck Europe
That is what I wonder what will Merkel do in 20 years when her country is seriously beyond fucked?
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Gott im Himmel.
It's your Vice Chancellor for Christ's sake. What is wrong with you!
Not enough sadly, Berlin has been a modern Sodom and Gomorrah since the mid 80s and the German government places migrants in conservative hotspots (((coincidence))).
What little right wing nationalism survived decades of propaganda is being suppressed by waves of migrant hordes that the elderly will gladly vote in favor of because they need the EU expansion for pensions sake, SAD!
this please
all it takes is one generation faggot, the progressives will off themselves or have a single kid, the conservatives, if they're smart, get loads.
All it takes is some patience, dead weight falls off by itself.
"At least I was not Hitler"
What a bold statement.
Good fight, krauts.
weird I can watch it
it is wrongly translated. Can't believe so many stupid /pol/acks actually exist.
Dude the bitch would be long gone from Gemanistan by then, getting her back rubbed on some island.
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Then correct it for the record.
Its correctly translated ahmed. Don't skip your german lessons
What did he say then?
goddamn kiked
when was this recorded?
So what is right translation?
Every German woman or child raped by immigrants who then complains about it should be arrested for being Islamaphobic.
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He should have gone to that special needs school like his grammar-school teacher advised
this boils my fucking blood.
The way he even has the audacity to flip off the people they screw over.
He is lying. The translation is perfectly fine.
I'm starting to think that the west should create a political version of "Strangers on a Train", and just start fraging each others "leaders", so it's easier to get by with.
>Would she cry?
That depends, is she still chancellor or not?
The market pussify the men. Julius Caesar warned us in The Gallic Wars. Tribes who had access to the roman market were easier to defeat.
Put her hands in a triangle shape and fidget


<60% white country trying to bring the bantz
Nice try false-flagging there, Chaim.
No they should be gassed, you're a disgrace to that flag, I bet you're a leaf.
Hitler please come and safe us!
Heil dem Führer
one of you Germans needs to kill him
Why aren't German whites moving out in droves?
Reported for inciting people to terrorist attacks.
>every german male should be castrated and given facial feminization surgery and estrogen, prove me wrong

But they've already been getting that ever since 1945.
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There will surely be an islamic party by the time, so in reality she is not going to do shit
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You don't deserve him.
They are actually. People with skills are leaving. Brain drain is an issue, at least it was a couple of years ago.I doubt it has changed with all the muslim and negro filth infesting our cities.
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Germans are getting what we deserve with politicians like him.
Hello kike
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He was austrian anyway, maybe your cousins are superior when it comes to that.
make them watch from the corner in a dress as their women breed with shitskins and end their own race
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they do, hundreds of thousands already moved to switzerland for example, to the extent that the swiss call for an immigration stop because they want to preserve their culture from the germans
Just buy guns from the czech, and start snipin'

You have a very long list of enemies kraut, and they don't shy away from public spaces
Old news. You guys know shit how bad it is right now. Merkel will sell the rest of Germany to the globalists after our general election. It's a nightmare that won't stop.
Everyone is superior than Germans

I take the entire middle east and africa in Europe over a single German.
we are the bottom of the barrel.
Hurr durr all old fags are mad, atleast we're not allowing cockroaches to fuck goats.
>Spain: 4 yihadists arrested for trying to attack people in a gay parade
>Germany: 4 germans arrested for trying to give hugs to people in a sharia parade
Its your country Hans
Same reason Swedish arent , brainwashed but honestly need to stand your grounds and push back even if it means being arrested, your ancestors faced a lot worse for the sake of your nations survival and the only nation I'd condone absolutely leaving in the west is Canada because it has failed to protect its children and is actively targeting them.
Germany is still statistically salvageable and economically sound, its drastically changing though and Germans need to find a stopping point to reverse the trend.
When is it held?
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Gas yourself kike.
>imprison indigenous people who do not want invaders in their land

How this government hasn't been toppled is beyond me. They are, per definition, a rogue government going against the will of its people. A contemporary despot.
I would hope so.
This will sound weird coming from a Greek, but sort your shit out and expel those fuckers from your country.

They do not cross the border to come to Greece, the moment the horde set foot on the island of Lesvos we (I'm Coast Guard) we had to ask them "Do you seek asylum?" and "Where is your destination?".
The answer to the fist question was always the same, "not here" and to the second question? Allemagne! (Germany!) they want us there! they invited us!
Sometimes they would say "Sweden, I have family waiting for me there" or some other country like Britain or France but 90% of them would scream at the top of their lungs that they wanted to go to Germany. Some even had pictures of Merkel or the German flag as background image on their phones.

It's all very sad, I think smugglers are the ones spreading those stories but you cannot let them think that shit.
You are destroying the continent again Hans and you have to do something. You are the most powerful country in the EU and if you as citizens don't act we're powerless. Our politicians are your paid puppets and soon enough there will be no turning back from this.
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That's sad.
Ok thanks. I pressume that Merkel will win, won't she? AfD doesn't stand a single chance.
Its facts. It was a hard redpill to swallow for me. You shouldn't be sad that Germany has understood it now

We are working overtime to make sure there are no Germans in the future. If we all work together we can achieve that and then Europe will reach for the stars without us holding you back.
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Our ANGLO plants are working greater than our wildest expectations! Soon every last German will be made passive and supine and those that resist will be sent to the BLOOD REFINERY!
She will, older people and my brainwashed generation always vote the same shit. AfD has a chance to become a strong opposition. They were at 14% in the last polls.
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You mean blackpill. If you think this is for the best I'm not gonna convince you otherwise.
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>Allemagne! (Germany!) they want us there! they invited us!
Am i in hell? Serious question.
At least we're not fucking nazis!
It's actually sad , I really liked your country. Your girls are nice and I like your language. Bavaria is cool as hell.
>They are, per definition, a rogue government going against the will of its people.

have you read the crap the germans post on this site. They are absolutely fine with this.
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know your place, filthy ARYAN
Needs Karl Marx as well, that picture
Germoney is fascist again, just a massive shame that the facist government hate Germans this time
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Sweden has been way ahead for a long while but they're losing their lead very quickly to Germany, while Canada's trailing behind both because they've never been 1st or 2nd best at anything.
Thanks Germany for taking one for the team.

As soon as Muslims in other Euro countries get spooked by the locals who hate them they think hmmmm Germany is probably a good choice to go next.

So, thanks. Hope you manage to survive in the long run.
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I've not given up, but I've entered a state of apathy. If the Germans continue to vote for this then it is what they want, and perhaps it is indeed for the best. How sad.
germany tries to takover europe, again, weeeeeeeeeeeee
The eternal kraut shall be eternally punished for ransacking Rome ;)
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We need to put all our tanks towards the Danish borderline now.
>Ill gladly stand in the rain for 10 hours a day to protect my country. Can't let this shit come into here.
A bunch of people don't want this, most are brainwashed as fuck by leftists from the 60's and 70's. It makes me sick and I boil in my own anger and hate for these people every god damn day.
We will do it. I promise you your grandchildren will probably not have to know what a German even is outside of history class.
Blackpill is depression. German genocide is a time to be happy if you love Europe.
You fell for a meme. Nothing about Germany was ever good.
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Germany wake up already.
>I promise you your grandchildren will probably not have to know what a German even is outside of history class.

German will be a dead language by then. And you won't have history classes. Just madrassas.
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Only Nazi Germany was good.
I fell too hard, I'm actually having a degree on german. Poor me.
>der ewige Schweizer
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listen, Germany can be split up again like it was for the longest time in history, if northern and western german retards really want to commit suicide and make their children muslim victims.

Bavarian independence NOW! We have to get out of this madhouse! Bavarians voted right wing conservative since the end of the war (not one time a liberal of left winger had prime office in Bavaria).... We can't let ourselves be dragged down into socialist hell. We have to separate and SOON!
UK, Russia, USA can help bavarians, if you want to help weaken this monstrosity that is modern day (((germany)))
Hahaha saved
You guys need to quit swallowing the black pill, Hitler went to prison and started from the DAP with a membership of under 60 people, shit happens and if you organize and cease the opportunity of political fallout whether its through talking to a few people or posting shit online, you stand to change a lot of opinions.
It doesn't even have to be full 1488 bs either, just right wing enough with statistical backing to stop the absolute destruction of your nation.
Germany has always been (along with Jews) the worst thing to happen to the European continent.
Europe always gets destroyed in one way or another when the Germs are allowed to do what they want.
She's a woman, she doesn't care.
>In 20 years Germany will be the place to go for zucky zucky 5 euro kinda like in the weimar republic

Hitler was elected because enough Germans didn't like that situation.
I'm curious, was the weimar republic that degenerate?
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Unlike you, Germany. Goodbai.
Fuckimg Based. Germany is destroying itself. The do what us, Jews and Amercians failed to achive.
Reported to Brussels, please report to your nearest re-education camp
Marx was a Jew you deceiver

Sure, keep pushing the polite, implosive people. Keep doing it.
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>Heil dem Führer
lmfao der polizei comming anon, I hope you are prepped to get relocated!
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But they're your slavic rape babies arent you sad for Germany?
I was talking to an italian. Italy will still exist. Germany just won't. That is the entire point.
Well if I can meet you in the middle and you at least agree all Modern Germans suck and need to be genocided then I am happy.
You are an idiot
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Is the average person really that suceptible to brainwashing? In that case I must readjust my opinions on whites as a group. I really delude myself into thinking that the average white is smart, but the truth is the average white is about as smart as the average asian, just we have a bit more empathy and creativity. Still easily manipulated and fools at heart.
How does that even make sense? Fucking kill that scumbag and anyone else that says similar genocidal shit already. They're fucking begging for it.
The slavic rapebabies are on the East, which remains fairly homogeneus and racist (for german standards). They may be proud.
It was the most degenerate place outside of late roman empire. Lete put it like this, leftists LOVE weimar republic as a free spirited free thinking wonderland, aka: cesspool.
Oh you don't have to worry about that, a new Hitler would just be arrested for speaking what he thinks on the internet before he even got to speak in public.
>I really delude myself into thinking that the average white is smart,
Don't judge whites on Germans. Germans are not even people. We barely classify as human.
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>leftists LOVE weimar republic
That's enough to convince me.
Wildly degenerate in Berlin, underage prostitution, orgies, drugs, etc. It was sort of like the European version of Bangkok in the early half of the twentieth century and scarcely under documented because nobody wants to justify Hitler's rise to power.
You can still find several political accounts from American and British politicians disgusted with it, not so much German any longer, a lot of the pre-war information between ww1 and ww2 was suppressed and not taught for obvious reasons, if you read all the history even as a bleeding heart liberal, you'd understand the German reaction wasn't unexpected nor inexcusable, a generation of their children experienced a lot of depraved shit to push the Germans to such an extreme.
Austrians would gladly ally with you in this cause. Let the others rot in hell if they desire to live like animals.
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People who oppose immigration have to wear a red star on their clothes and mark & their homes and stores as well
Merkal has also said she doesnt consider herself a feminist. She's a strange creature.
i think most europeans, specially germanic-nords, have a self destruct gene in them. everytime they reach some kind of prosperous society they fuck it up.
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I swear I didn't know about this at all, I thought the Weimar Republic was just...normal...nothing more. Fucking kikes are good at hiding stuff.
Not really, don't listen to historically illiterate retards here. It did face economic problems and communists were rather popular which led to Hitler.
But ''muh degeneracy'' didn't factor in it.
I would move to Bayern immediately.
wow that's pathetic
>VC wants to make opinions illegal

u wot

All a new Hitler needs to do in such a situation is to as people if they are happy with the situation.

Like, you only need one spark if the whole house is doused in gasoline.
This is something that could be done immediately and would instantly reduce the power of Germany. That is actually a really good idea. Genocide takes long and a powerful Germany is doing a lot of damage in the EU. I think we should get this rolling.
Wow I didn't know that. I knew that they had brothels but nothing more.
I am, most definitely.
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>leftists LOVE weimar republic
in your country
the left in germany has not much love for weimar republic
There's some info graphic (wish I had saved it) which highlights quotes from visiting foreign politicians basically highlighting just how disgusting the WR was - shit like mothers pimping out their prepubescent daughters etc. The Bangkok comparison wasn't far off.
Revolution never starts with the intelligentsia class
That's the result of 70 years brainwashing. Hell, most of my high school history lessons were about how "evil" the nazis were.
This is what decades of virtue signaling brings. Theyre so set on proving theyre not nazis, theyve become anti german nazis. Wtf
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highest average iq of whites. biggest gdp in europe. one of the tallest people. the only problem is the globalist indoctrination which is exactly the same in every other european coutnry except for eastern europe.
You are an idiot if you are not anti-German.
Daily reminder that is my home country and these are the people representing "our" will, I can only laugh.

Disappointed as fuck in this shitty government
This is why the German people adhered to Hitler so well, the communist revolution ultimately failed in Germany but socialists seized absolute control of Berlin and became something of autonomous and the German citizens were their targets. Pederasty, drugs of all sorts and intentional beckoning of foreign entities to virtually come and indulge themselves in German women and children was just repulsive, theres a few famous quotes concerning how the political allies of the socialist party dined the finest foods and wines with foreign government's while behind the building German children were sold into bondage.
Couple that shit up with the Jewish workers strike vaulting logistics in WW1 then a Bolshevik revolution costing countless German lives and yeah; the Germans got really tired of the communists and Jews.
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That's fucking sick, the more you know.
>highest average iq of whites.
Comes either from Jews or we cheated like emission tests.
> biggest gdp in europe
Yeah because we sacrificed Greece for it.
>one of the tallest people
Which is worth what?

Anon we are the problem. Not globalist. not jews. not reptiles not the illuminate

Its just Germans. Germans are a concentration of all that is evil in the world.
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Why don't more people realize that we are living in literally the most insane period of human history?
he is right.
>one of the tallest people
Yeah, ''quotes'' from Stormfront. You fucking dingus. Stop peddling your cultism.
Weimar Germany wasn't perfect but MUH DEGENERATES didn't lead to Hitler, what led to Hitler was primarily German revanchism, economic difficulties, and popularity of communists.
Berlin was not and is not entire Germany you fucking moron. At 20's same shit was occurring everywhere, it was mainly because of the effect of WW1. Besides that, degenerate behavior always existed in every place. Main difference is that today it's somewhat encouraged or openly tolerated.
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But Uncle Adolf was evil, right guys?
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I disagree. I think the intelligentsia is wise enough to let the plebs do the fighting.

That's why these faggots like Olbermann aren't boots on the ground, but whine about "resistance". It's why the devs of games like Wolfenstein want to spark a revolution-in their own words- but instead make fat stax of cash trying to get others to do the dirty work.

Fuck off kike.
>Syrian refugee , examplary intergation hailed by the media
>Achmed the barber
>Beheads his chef and female coworkers
>Madia delares him deeply traumatizes
>the brave coworker surviving the atatck says iit didn't make her racist, thanfully


This is so everyday occurrence it's not even news anymore
>it's a ''Germany lost WW1 because of Jews'' episode
t. another clueless fuck
Canada is too small to win this race. Same with Sweden. Germany is going to finish far ahead and show us what peak progressiveness looks like, so we can put the brakes on.
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yes and (representatives of) bavaria hasn't officially signed the german constitution after the war (1949 grundgesetz), which gives us a legal loophole to break from (((germany))) if we wanted to...

And we would have many natural allies, Merkel made many enemies that could support us.
UK's interest would be to support us if Germany supports their Scottish independence as a tit for tat....
Austria and eastern europeans could support us to weaken the Merkel monster that tries to push them down....
Russia could support us in case Merkel pushes for harder sanctions as retaliation....
Maybe even Trump admin would support, then it would be settled...
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>At least we're not fucking nazis!

So progressive, so tolerant.
German efficiency kek
>Yeah, ''quotes'' from Stormfront
Nah, I remember looking a few of them up. The snippets were taken from genuine correspondence.

She's a cryptokike, she will just leave.

Leftist politics are literally the politics of hedonistic addicts, degenerates and welfare leeches. It's like: I want my fun and somebody else to pay for it.
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>Daddy, daddy, I saw some impoverished negroes in the window I WANT ONE I WANT ONE

that shit is out of context

do more research
Look, my point is that comparing modern bullshit and Weimar Germany is idiotic.
Furthermore, while history teaches us things, only absolute retards think you can repeat history.
We face different problems in a different age. We need new solutions.
But of course, why the fuck am I writing this. Most of this board is frustrated kids who engage in an autistic dance over and over, without any motivation or desire to change anything.
Just watch them call me a Jew. These fucks don't understand their behavior comes from the same roots as things they oppose.

That is just pure bullshit
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>most of this board
You reek of new.
part of the plan to let them explode and remove them. I love it.
>(((Nobel prizes)))
Even King Nigger got one, that's not a good indicator anymore for anything.
>Look, my point is
lmao dat backpedalling
>their Scottish independence as a tit for tat
This was EU (Merkel) supported, you twat. The people pushing for independence were the same people pushing for Britain to remain part of the EU. Besides, the independence movement is basically dead at this point. Good riddance. It was a falsified issue propped up by interested parties via the media. The Scottish didn't want to break away from the UK, and they voted accordingly. As for why there was such a big push for "independence"? As I've said, the independence party was majorly pro EU. Had Scotland become independent, they would have remained part of the EU and the UK would essentially have to deal with all of the problems of the EU whilst no longer being a part of it. It was yet another attempt to circumvent any potential exit.
she doesn't give a shit
none of the European leaders give a shit
they can see whats happening to their countries and they are ok with it.
This. The german Untermensch must be eradicated for the well-being of all Europeans.
The more enemies Germany has the better. Bavaria is not dangerous to become big and you guys could push the Germans into the ovens right in germany

I am for this so much.

Whatever you think Germans contributed is not worth the damage we have done.

The truth is we haven't contributed shit but even if you believe we have you surely admit that time is over.
As I said, same old autistic dance.
Keep going man, I'm just sad you're all wasting your lives like this. Instead of using all that free time you have to learn and develop you just shitpost here and cry about your sad lives directly or indirectly. Whatever. Just understand that you're the problem, just like the new left. You're same type of superficial lost freaks.

It's not backpedaling it's just that quotes, even if true, are totally irrelevant to my argument, so I just skipped that part.
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Back to plebbit with you, cuck.
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pls someone rescue us germans already no joke
So ((germanics)) won more ((science prizes)) created by ((germanics))
>Nobel peace prize
>science Nobel prize

about as similar as homogenizing milk vs milking homos

Meanwhile in Sweden we have nazis getting trained by russians and blowing up AFA meetinghouses and fuge-centres.
>we shouldn't learn from history
Literally every leftist ever
The same shit she probably does most of the time any way - remain outside of the country for 50% of the year and sequester herself to a gated enclave with a full cohort of bodyguards for the other 50%. The elites don't have to worry about the effects of mass migration because it literally has zero affect on them. They can afford to be truly globalist.
Jews are the problem to humanity. Not Germans.

Stop it
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You are guilty of thought crime citizen Merkel will now send armed gaurds to raid your house for your hate speech.
Facts prove you wrong. You can still hate Jews if you want. I don't really care. I am focused on German genocide.

I know we are the real problem.
Not entirely but he's not the evil he's made out to be, he'd have done better if he simply stopped at the Rhineland and attempted a political means to gain back Danzig; foreign government's were already rattled by German remilitarization and were backing off a lot of Versailles promises, if he'd been a little more patient he might've been able to take advantage of the Soviet invasion without the Warsaw pact and instead gained access to Danzig as a political goal for stopping the Soviets. Soviet invasion of Poland was inevitable and Hitler could've easily waited 2-4 years and gotten a political bone thrown to him by the league of nations had he let the soviets go it alone and it had all the more justified an invasion of the soviet union by allied forces like Patton dreamed of.
Its much easier to judge based off past events than current though and Germans ultimately saw Poland as a necessity buffer state to prevent another communist revolution.
How worried are Europeans countries that Trump may influence the views of their citizens?
But that's not what I said.
>Italian worshiping German nationalist is calling someone a cuck
This is what I'm talking about, you people are totally lost in your dream world.





These statements are so crazy. How can you not believe they are trying to destroy Europe
>replacing Germans
>destroying Europe

Replacing Germans is saving Europe.
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Nothing wrong with admirring a historical person.
>Jews aren't responsible for white genocide
Kys literally irl
the muslim hordes will when institutionalized sharia law is the only line they wont cross
I really, really don't think that Norway should be included in that list boyo
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>Comes either from Jews or we cheated like emission tests.
too few to have an effect on german average
>Yeah because we sacrificed Greece for it.
we had the highest gdp since 1910 in europe

gloablist and zionist are the only problem we face. muslim are just the cannon fodder for their plan. if the brainwashing stops the communist agenda of merkel will stop. (((THEY))) are the problem.
Merkel is nothing but a powerhungry turncoat. The stereotypical politician. She would actually sell her soul to the devil to get more power if she could.
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Merkel and EU will continue to poke at you and try to make life hard for the UK as much as they can (pushin internal conflict in the UK as well).

What I'm saying is that the UK could retaliate or at least have a trump card in their hand, if they support a bavarian independence. Hence I think we could be natural allies against Merkel
No we are only a problem in this current modern form, if germany gets broken up again something more like the HRE, we can coexist peacefully and not destroy europe as a whole.

A bavarian or austrian led HRE is the answer to the 'german problem' if there is one
He is a good goy.
>>gloablist and zionist are the only problem we face
Germans are the source of globalism and zionism. Germans are worse.
>muslim are just the cannon fodder for their plan.
No they are a tool we need to use. They are a noose to hang ourselves with.
>(((THEY))) are the problem.
We are the problem.
Germans and only Germans.
Bavarians can become part of Austria if you want and you guys should get rid of anything German culture wise and adopt a new language.
If you completely sever the German connection then I am fine with you guys.
German should be a disgusting word to bavarians and then I am fine with you guys surviving.
>treating a tumor with an organism that eats the surrounding healthy tissue as well

yeah, nah
>creating an islamic state in europe
>among others
>saving europe

achmed please

Anglo isnt affected though. We the real masterrace.
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>photo op means he's owned by Jews even though he's BTFOing Jewish agenda every day
At least he's not an actual crypto Jew
Not as evil as Merkel is
My mistake, I've seen people unironically bring up Nobel Peace prizes from nations and I assumed wrong.
good point Japan
I mean that is how chemo works

I rather have the entirety of the middle east and Africa in Europe than a single German.

I admit it is not an ideal solution. but everything is better than Germans

If you see another group with high birthrates fleeing their country I would want them in germany. As it stands it is either muslims or we allow Germans to continue to exist. And the latter option is the worst case scenario as far as I am concerned.

If you want to nuke Germany or develop a virus that specifically targets Germans I am all for it.
But realistically the best way to remove Kraut from Europe is sadly the refugee crisis.
>Canada's trailing behind both because they've never been 1st or 2nd best at anything
oh dude, Canada is playing the slow and steady race man
I remember some Canadanon predicted Canadians will be a minority population in Canada by 2030 or something if Trudeau's reign of terror will continue (which it will)
But yeah Sweden might actually drop out the race due to SD, and now France and Germany are practically the same country, so who knows dude.
Yeah replacing germans with backwatter sand niggers is not the solution for Europe. Maybe the solution is every german hanging themselves?
Be german
>Ruin Europe for hundreds of years
>Get absolutely shit on by everyone because they are sick of your war mongering
>Country gets ruined and put in a state of chaos
Fuck off kikeboy and keep crying on the internet like the cuckboy you are.

Yes and it's still all the same: allowing instincts to lead human action, ignoring the consequences.

In this case it's the want for pets, the want to satisfied the care/empathy center in their brain.

This is all about masturbating the brain centers.
>Maybe the solution is every german hanging themselves?
It would be better but its not realistic. Its a fever dream to wish all the germans would just wake up one morning and kill themselves.
Refugee crisis is the only realistic way to remove Kraut.
>even though he's BTFOing Jewish agenda every day.
I too am very proud of his Jewish children, sure showed them!
They demonize him day and night, and people swallow it.
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After reading your posts, may I ask, what kind of 'migration background' do you have, good sir?
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Yes!! Can't wait for Germans to be genocided. At least i hope they will be gone before Europe is screwed one more time
I love how much hate you have for us, really shows how superior we are to you lowlife subhuman. You will never destroy us, total genocide has been attempted before, nigger.
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Only German.
Man if I had any kind of non-German heritage I would completely own that identity.

Sadly generations up it is just Germans for me.
I wish I wasn't german too.
That's been going on for 70 years now dude.
Won't happen m8. Keep the hate coming though. I'm considering voting lefties next time to really shit on you crying subhumans. More rapefugees = more germany hating cucks. Feels goodman.
There are already so many men in Germany who lost someone in a terrorist attack or that had his wife/daughter raped by shitskins.
What are they waiting for? Start killing politicians. Once they realise their actions have consequences they won't dare to talk like that.
We get it Shlomo, Germans were absolutely evil and had no political motives to think the way they did, everything mounting up to Germany going apeshit was purely (((coincidence))) and Jews had nothing to do with Communism!
Germans are just animals without a conscience right? One of the most educated well educated of societies and peoples of the time just became absolute barbarians overnight for the sheer fuck of it, right?
One man and a political element of 50 people in the DAP sold a dishonest poison so addicting that nearly half of the country became indulged with it in under three years, right?
Or was there a truth to what he said, does every historical document regarding the ancestry of much of the infamous socialist parties of Europe simply lie by asserting the Jewish heritage of their political movements? Why is it that the history was never changed if its all a Nazi cohort and even the Soviets documented the Jewish ancestry of their Bolshevik politicians?
Its not so much hate for us that is motivating me although that is a big part of me.

It is love for Europe. Like this guy right above your post. I want to save Europe for all the good Europeans from us. Europe will be so great without Germans.
>lieing on the internet
You're a untermensch bastard. :)
Stay in your lane nigger.

remove yourself, achmed.

>I'm curious, was the weimar republic that degenerate?

YES. Please watch this.
How the fuck did you vote for this shitty excuse for a human being?
Gas yourself little antifa cuck. You're not german btw.
>when you become so anti-fascist you start using fascism to fight it
Look at this fucking traitor, if anyone should be imprisoned it should be him.
>Germans are just animals without a conscience right?
No but we are humans without souls. Whatever the concept of a soul is is what is missing in us.

Imagine a robot wearing human clothes and imitating humans. That is the closest I can get you to understand Germans.
Its no coincidence we started as the Holy Roman Empire despite not being Roman. We imitated real humans.
>Please watch a garbage meme document.
Holy fuck Sven.. Your government is literally turning people into Nazis.

>I'm considering voting lefties next time to really shit on you crying subhumans. More rapefugees = more germany hating cucks.
Ahahahah Germans are so autistic tha it's almost comic ahah
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>t. Merkel
+1 on this
Merkel voted with No.
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the night is darkest before the dawn
What, exactly, caused Germans to want to cuck themselves this much?

I don't understand.
Shouldnt the black horse be mounting the swede?
>If i fuck up my country more by allowing in more refugees more people will hate me for being a total retard.
>Ha that will show them.
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mfw Germany attempts to ruin Europe for the 2nd time
Merkel how did you get here?
I dont want to kill off germans because of memes for the sake of islam, achmed

he didn't say what is implied here though, this is fake news. he said that the fascists that insulted him should be persecuted.
3rd time^

and only in the last century
first sweden, now germany is completely cucked. who's next? I'm thinking France.

England is still fighting the good fight luckily
*third time
The only thing you are the master of is conflict and destruction
You are unable to build anything

Hitler tried for the better
Merkel wants refugees in all of the EU. I want them just in Germany.

Muslims are only the tool. Its the opportunity we have been waiting for. Its not important WHO replaces us. It is important that we are replaced.

so sad
so true
educate yourself in zionist funded ((hitler))

whenever germs get too much power it is always bad news for europeans
only islam can save the germanics now
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>garbage meme document
It contains a multitude of clips from non neo-nazi sources, and you'd see realize that if your attention span could handle the intro.
N-no, you can't fuck my WIFE!
>sweats profusely
>remembers what the Swedish Wahhabi government trained him
>lights fuse
Bevara Sverige Afghanska, Allahu ackbar!!
fpbp, smash the patriarchy
Dont trust this guy
>Speaking of Esotheric shit that no one can define and belong in the wolrd of mysticism.

Can you stop larping as a demon?
Fucking idiot, stand up for yourself and vote AfD you dike.
Merkel is already getting old and has no children. She doesn't give a single fuck about the perpetuation of Germany.
There's no realistic way for germany to survive at this point. You did what no other country could, you genocided yourselves.
We can't define it of course. Because it is missing in us. We just imitate culture and think we have culture.

I can not grasp what a soul is as a german but I can see it is missing in us.
That's a retarded logic
And you still get cucked to death by muslims.
What good is all that shit now when your sons have no hope of inheriting it?
A Kraut AND a Jew, that's like a double instinct to destroy Europe.
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>sees flag
It's a siht tier document if I ever saw one
>You did what no other country could, you genocided yourselves.
We did what no other country WOULD. Because other countries had so many chances to solve the German problem. After each world war they could've genocided us. They could've nuked us instead of you. All the nukes we have in the world right now and nobody is nuking Germans.

Is there a way to combine the words suicide and genocide. I feel there should be for us now.
The Nobel Prize are shit, all of them.
It's the equivalent of the academy awards for kino.
He is a kraut. You gotta expect autism
Deutschland ist tot.

RIP in pieces. You brought this on yourselves.
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Germany get off your asses already
you have no fucking excuses for this shit.
There are worse things than going to jail. Do you really want to find that out the hard way?
Just no.
As long as some try, breed and stand proud, nothing is lost.
Grow some balls hans.
Lift weights, get in shape, harden your mind.
Get ready.
that already happened, these "in x years" don't apply to western europe IT ALREADY HAPPENED if you keep that rhetoric up im gonna call you jidf
do you actually think this is only happening to germany? look at france, england, belgium, netherlands - it won't stop there, they want every european nation, if you can happily look at germany and say "haha you guys always did suck" then you're willing to go along with it, when it reaches your doorstep I pray for your family you do not act the same way, if anything everyone should be marching into germany right now to save whats left, do some real reverse-denazification, help out our actual brothers

many were dumb enough to be swayed one way, they can be swayed back
kek wills it
You can't define red either, you pseudo-esotheric dumb cunt

You can't claim possession of soul for it is not tangible, and none would know what it feels like even if it existed because everyone's current condition is their status quo.

What i am saying: it's lost to everyone.

>Lift weights, get in shape
I work out three times a week. I am in decent shape
>Get ready.
I am ready. I will fight alongside anyone who is against Germany. Muslism, anglos I don't give a fuck.
With one bullet saved for myself at the end.

content not available in Germany
I wonder why
>it's lost to everyone.
Of course you think that as a German. Other people in Europe have souls. We don't.
The same anglos that will be against you are the same as the germans that are against themselves, completely brainwashed
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>Sigmar Gabriel

Anyone who is against Germans is on my side.
I have seen it coming from every flag. I am not worried about having allies in this war.
Heiko Maas? is that you?

stop using my flag, traitor
Which side are you on? The destruction of germany or the destruction of cultural marxism?
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kek, good one
Plenty of what the jews did to Germany videos
Why not both? Both are cancer for europe
The destruction of Germans.
I hate culturual marxism too but I think removing Kraut will do a lot to remove CM. Both are cancer. Germans are the bigger one.
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But you think it's only the germans? As I said >>132008514
The government in these countries are the exact same, it is too late to vote them out and as demographics change even more it becomes even worse.
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After WWI the germans were occupied, mistreated, raped and robbed by all the neighbours.
You just need to wake up, like you did in the past, maybe not involving the world in a war,
but a good old nationalist movement is the best that can happen to Germany.

Raise your chin kraut everytime the germans stand up the world tremble
Maybe other countries have problems. But they deserve saving.
Its a different beast with Germans. With Germans genocide is imperative.

What does this say?
Harden you fucking mind.
You sound like a french.
You are basically turning into a janissary.
The most cucked people in history, turned into a weapon against their own
Stop that insane bs.
Harden your heart and protect your own.
>The most cucked people in history, turned into a weapon against their own
That is the fucking plan.
That is all I want.

Our genocide cannons are aimed directly at us and all I need from the rest of the world is more cheering so we can muster up the courage to get through with it.
T Ahmed from Turkey

T. Ahmed from Algeria
At least those comments suggest that not all Germans are beyond saving and are sick of the insanity.
You are not german. Even if you were born in germany, your biological parents were not german, probably turkish.
Both my parents were german. Both my grandfathers were nazis. One of them has an actual Ariernachweis.

I wish I wasn't German too.
Which brings up the question, when was it fully accepted that someone born in a country = that nationality? If you are born on a plane crossing the atlantic or pacific what country are you from?
When jus soli took over jus sanguinis. Biggest mistake a nation can make.


Also all white daughters over 9 should be given to immigrants as playmates. If the father objects he should be charged with a hate crime.

All white german boys over 9 should start mandatory HRT treatment and practice in oral & anal sex.
Be proud of your grandfathers, they were men ahead of their time.

If you were english or french would you be wishing that england or france were destroyed aswell?

So fucking sad, "Hello I am Ahmed Mustafi Al Abdullah Muhammed Al-Ameen Mahmout Al-Asaar from Ireland!"
>>If you were english or french would you be wishing that england or france were destroyed aswell?
No Germans are the problem. If I were english or french I would be proud.

As a german I am fucking ashamed of everything about us. I would abort Germans from history if I could.
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