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Non-Christian Spirituality

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Thread replies: 302
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What is the best non-Christianity spirituality? Best related books? I prefer the Dao de Ching, Bhagavad Gita, and Upanishads. What else is good?
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Go with God, and praise Jesus.
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Just take 400ug of LSD and you'll discover some new spirituality, trust me

Hermeticism, pantheism, advaita vedanta... any flavor of monism, basically.
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Self Realization.

The Western interpretations of Kriya Yoga, as brought to us by Paramahansa Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar, and his guru Lahiri Mahasaya.
Unfortunately, I probably missed my window to drop acid. Have a kid now and too many responsibilities to risk insanity or acid flashbacks or a felony. Probably need to go a more legal route.
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>implying Jesus was in the desert and wasn't in the Indus Mountains studying Kriya Yoga.
sure bud.
I'm a catholic and even I can see the correlations between Jesus' teachings and Yoga.
The ultimate sophistication is simplicity.

The Hindu Arians "got it" they understood the message Jesus would lated teach the ignorant Jew.

But christianity did it better since there is only one conduit for the truth (Jesus) rather than hundreds of gods and an unknowable godhead.

Their message was confused by political chatter amongst these "gods".

There is only 1 savior - Jesus.

Accept that OP or kys
Worship the cat you ran over
Their are over 18.000 religions and cults and it is growing right now. All religions are manmade cults and beliefs, except judaism.

Their can be only one religion because their is always a powersource and not 18000.
And here's one big fuck (you) for you, anon.

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah helps contextualize and gives a nice story to the traditional 8-fold path. The full mahabharat and ramayan are also nice stories and humanize the more abstract ideals in the Gita. Christianity will lead you further from spirituality unless you divorce your studies from the church and other christians.
Nothing. Everything is a spiritual dead-end without Christ.
There's no substantial evidence for that.
The one religion is dharma, and jews, christians, and muzzies don't follow it. That should be obvious; it's why they all go to hell.
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Honestly, I can't read the Bible without a running commentary in my head that goes something like this..."Okay, that is a metaphor for X. And this likely didn't happen, but signifies Y. And this miracle is likely just being used to convince those who lived in the early days and would have believed it. Etc., etc."

I've tried that route, and while I walk away with important lessons, messages, parallels to other spiritual paths...I can't help but feel that it's a fair bit of gullible bullshit that doesn't hold much of a candle to the Dao de Ching, or Bhagavad Gita, or Upanishads.
Oh man, thanks anon, I really understand how I fit into the greater cosmos now.

Stop being a racist. It won't get you anywhere.
>t. Kike
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Anon, know that nothing compares to Christ. He is the embodiment of truth itself. Read the books of the Bible relevant to Christ (Luke and Matthew) and hopefully you will see. Christ is basically the most Woke person of all time, and He was killed for it only to rise again. He's coming back to judge the world, so be on the right side of the line when that day comes.
Says the retard who follows a book written by a council of degenerate Romans looking to consolidate power.

You're a fucking peasant and you should delete your account and disconnect your internet and go back to the fields/mines.

Underclass retards like you don't belong in a discussion with more enlightened and intelligent men.

Once again, another retard quoting a book written by a council of Romans.

Stupid dumbfuck, disconnect your internet and keep your mouth shut. Peasant like you don't have a right to voice an opinion.

>Thinks the Bible was a creation of the Romans.
>Being this misinformed.
Avesta.. It is the teachings of Aryans
are you really this retarded or are you just baiting?
the bible is only fit for fire kindling
You are an unbeliever. To hell you will go.
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If wanna read info mythology you can try mahabharat, for spirituality you can try
Ashtavakra Gita and the Vedas
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>this phrase I just used is derogatory because I said so
>If I repeat it, people will agree with me!
read into hinduism
These people are obviously of clear mind OP take their advice
> Dao de Ching
> Bhagavad Gita
> Upanishads
> shtavakra Gita
> Vedas

Thank you so much Anons. I grew up centered on Abrahamic religion. As I grow older, I've been looking more towards eastern religions to frame and inform my deeper spiritual path and understanding. Thank you for this bread anons.

>Bhagavad Gita



>MAHABHARATA by C Rajagopalachari

>Ramayan Anime

when you open yourself up to the possibility of the spiritual development, God, metaphysics, etc then all other traditions pale in comparison to Christianity since God literally incarnated and dwelt among us, loved us, suffered for us, died for us, and lived a perfectly holy and self-less life as an example for all.

Not only that but it happened quite recently and our texts give incredibly accurate accounts. In light of this hinduism and platonism and daoism are all vague and only partially reflect the truth and meaning of human life, while Christianity (in its orthodox form) reflects the fullness of the truth.
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Yummy ^_^. You even included an Anime. Thank you Indian Anon. Quick question, after your studies and given your spirituality, what's your conception of creation, the universe, and the nature of the human experience? I know it's a big question but I'm just curious what your views are regarding it.
Jesus was NOT GOD

Jesus was the SON OF GOD
Jesus said he was the SON
Mary said he was the SON
The apostles said he was the SON

what else do protestants need?
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Also read "the teachings of don juan" it is worth while as it will shed more light beyond the "abrahamic" limited scope of thought.
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nobody more irritating could ever exist
The creation of the universe is a tricky question cause Hinduism pretty much describes the big bang and I tend to believe that but something inside me believes that time is being projected from a finite future and is forming a cone and we see the tip of that cone as the big bang.

The human experience is temporary I believe we are here to perform actions that drive the universe further but its still upto us to perform our dharma or the right actions these actions are rewarded by freeing us from the cycle of life and death
Some people reach a stage in life whereby, when they look at the history of religion, they begin to more maturely embraced truths found among all religions, texts, and experiences.

Jesus was a metaphor for the living word of God. I.E - all of creation.
Indeed, we can only reach and more fully appreciate good through creation. Having faith that the truth is there allows you to perceive it in its infinite forms. That could while looking at a flower, sitting by a lake, reading the bible, Reading the Vedas, reading a novel, reading a physics article... You name it.

In this way, it becomes more about spirituality and a search for truth than blindly and/or doing 1-dimensional reading's of another human's beings conception of God and unbounded creation.

This is a problem for some :

The level of metaphors in the bible lead many astray as many take it literally and fail to grasp the deep spiritual conceptualizations. This is a tragedy IMO. It is a tragedy of man's making. The truth of Creation is available to everyone and it is in everything. Seek and ye will find it in its many forms, across thousands of years of history, religion, science, mythology, symbolism, etc. That's the point I'm at in my spiritual journey... A journey that is taking me "East"
The pure pursuit of truth will naturally encounter spirituality. Spirituality should simply be an exploration of truth unfettered by the modern notion that somehow matters of the physical are somehow more important than matters of the non-physical or spiritual.

Personally I am a pan-psychic. I believe all things in this universe are conscious, and we all share a low level consciousness. We sometimes call this the collective unconscious, but I like to think of it as God. For what else should we call the thing which is the consciousness of the entire universe? When we die the echoes of our ego are extinguished and we return our consciousness into the sea that is God, where we slowly return back to the One.

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This is very comfy Indian Anon. Thank you. I maintain similar spiritual views.
This anon knows what's up.
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The apostle Paul refers to the divinity of Christ when he calls Jesus our "great God and Savior" (Titus 2:13) and even says that Jesus existed in the "form of God" prior to His incarnation (Philippians 2:5-8).

The apostle John also makes it very clear: "The Word was with God and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

Jesus is directly referred to as the Creator Himself John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17

If you are actually interested in seeking God, the Truth, then Christ and the Bible are where you need to look, they are the light in the darkness.
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>The human experience is temporary
All are best . Start with Bhagavad Gita. they are all the same belief slightly altered by culture
>That nose
Dhammapada. Zen literature, some of the early Buddhist suttas.
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>If you are actually interested in seeking God, the Truth, then Christ and the Bible are where you need to look, they are the light in the darkness.
gate gate para gate parason gate bodha so ha
do a lot of shrooms
Gate gate para gate parasamgate bodhi svaha
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3 :conduits dumb nigger the holy trinity if ur gonna shit larp at least try to google before faggot nigger
>Bhagavad Gita, and Upanishads
True Aryan wisdom. Too bad Europe got mindcucked by semitic Judeo-Christian religion.
Spiritualism. (Not the same as saying "I'm not religious but I'm spiritual! It's an actual religion.)

Believes in learning about the afterlife from the source: communicating with spirits.

Purest form does not require faith, just reason, and does not even mention God, and believes you are responsible for your deeds and can't palm them off on anyone. You're also never doomed and can redeem yourself eventually.

Your friends and family on the other side are often with you and you can talk to them and ask them for help.
Fuckin' saved. This is exactly what the fuck happened too; I don't get how /pol/ can hate (((them))) but still love (((their guy))). All semitic religions are a jewish psyop; if they're not explain why the fuck christians are cool with jews selling out jesus and why muzzies don't charge the jizya to jews; only hindus, buddhists, and other people who don't believe in the old testament.
Can we stop with the memes please?
If you rejected Christianity/Islam/Judaism/Hinduism you're an atheist.
You already know there's nothing spiritual.
Stop memeing with some obscure religions and stop being the special snowflake.
despite kriya yogis own writings? ok.

by the way Jesus Christ is in the mahapurana, the son of god who is born of a virgin is in their own texts.
Who is the artist? Beautiful painting
We have lot of (God) sons born from virgin mothers due to blessings of some particular God they revered
Faith in God has nothing to do with religion atleast eastern religion
I know but it's memery and you know it.
It's for people too scared to come out as atheists so they need to keep the spiritual part.
If you say you're non-religious but spiritual you're a fraud.
Spot on belief in religion in necessary even the atheist subsect of Hinduism believes in dharma
Dharma, the natural path of the universe, exists as the duality of the material (atoms) and the immaterial (the soul's "view" of those atoms). Karma, the "dirt" of a soul, accumulates on both the material and immaterial because of the inability, due to lack of perfect consciousness, of the individual soul to perceive the full splendor of dharma. Individuals who are absolved of karma are able to perceive dharma, the will of the universe, and are charged with protecting and guiding other souls into the splendor of dharma. Individuals free of karma naturally understand how to manifest dharma in the physical world, by producing more, healthier, tastier food, by creating medicines, songs, and books for others to study, and by protecting the weak from those without dharma.
Dharma is not religion and shouldn't be confused for it. Dharma is a philosophical concept found in Eastern traditions; one can fulfill one's dharma without ever hearing the word "God" or believing in a higher power.
I am aware of that anon but dharma is a part of Hinduism and the atheist subsect believes in it as most atheist sects denounce religion all together I was conveying this anomaly
My b; these are tough ideas to convey via 4chan. They're already confused enough when you say "atheist hindus". You gotta explain the way it works is that they forsake the "gods", in the sense of a benevolent spirit, guiding light, etc. and search for dharma through asceticism and frugality.
kamasutra by vatsayana
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they understand that bad stuff happens to them but they don't know why
Stop fucking using the fucking hare krishna translations you dipshit.
Their is no point I have linked him the correct translation multiple times he will find his own way I suppose
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>Stop fucking using the fucking hare krishna translations you dipshit.
what is your problem, "dipshit"?
It's not the best translation available, obviously. If you're gonna try to convert people, how about you stay the fuck away from that shit; cause they started kidnapping and raping little white girls in the 70s and aint nobody like hare krishna now.
I'll give you a Redpill anon Asura and devas originated from the same father, prajapati and indira Is referred as a Asura multiple times the transition you are using is grossly misrepresenting sanskrit
Hinduism is a western religion, it's based AF, like I literally am okay with it its next to pagnism. Kikestianity is just contradicting to many things that hurt the west.
can you please give me the better thing to convert the others then so I know
Not gonna scan my Gita 4u. It's the cheap copy with the picture of parthasarathi on it.
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it's a different book and whatever you have is a result of your karma

are you a hare krishna follower? or some sort of hindu? yet you seem to be offended by Christ? why
Nigga I'm free of karma; I've achieved moksha and enlightenment. We buddha nao.
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ramakrishna, vivekananda and most legit street-shitting yogis will admit that Jesus was a perfect human and incarnation of God.
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He's a shitskin tripfag that's both admitted to not being white and even being Jewish at certain points.
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>He's a shitskin tripfag that's both admitted to not being white and even being Jewish at certain points.
the lies of jesus know no end
he had no proof but lies through his teeth
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You cannot defeat me, charles.

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>>>131246115 (OP)
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"Heh you worship jesus? he's a kike."
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"Join us white man. Christianity is so lame."
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"Paganism is the answer to degeneracy not that jesus guy."
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Poo in loos trying to spread their gook religion to the white man hahaha
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>Poo in loos trying to spread their gook religion to the white man hahaha
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"Wrong retard."
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Uh oh he's triggered!! Someone get a pagan pride parade going!!
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my name's not adolf, christkike

>quoting me six times

Kys weeb, also move back to India if you're actually NatSoc, you're obviously not white.

>trying to reason with him

This nigger's in every thread, he doesn't even speak English fully.
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"Pagans will save Europe from us White man. Heheheh" -Jew
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Yeah it's Ahmed.
>Accept that OP or kys
that sounds more like our friendly Prophet Muhammad PBUH than Jesus to me desu
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Pagans are so sad, all they can do is scream "jew" at us Christian alpha males. Their arguments literally consist of "jew!" and photoshoping a jew face on christ.

Honestly this is why people view you as larper children. Please keep acting this way it's only helping wake people up.
>Poo in loos trying to spread their gook religion to the white man hahaha
Why do you goyims worship a dead kike on stick?
Hinduism is the way forward.
Anyone against this statement is either a Chr*stian or a poo in loo hindu
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This is what Pagan women look like. This is why Pagans are so desperate to convert Christians....they know their women suck and they are very jealous when they see hot christian babes marrying alpha christian men.

Enjoy thor's fatties lol
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Muhfugga mup da doo dindu nuffin muhfugga mah nigga.
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Why do all the desert religions vilify any other train of thought?

If your God actively doesn't want you to consider your existence or the words of others, and determine for yourself whether they're good or bad, maybe that God sees you more as a slave than a child.
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Since when do poos know what desu means? You been watching that ramayana anime too many times, senpai.
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"B-but I thought White Pagans were against race mixing!" The negress asked her white pagan boyfriend.

"Nah darlin', Paganism is about being in tune with the earth and communing with the elder gods, none of that racist shite! Hitler was a Christian not one of us!"

"Oh baby that's wonderful!" Said the negress as she prepared to mix her egg with his semen later that night.

Thanks paganism.
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>Why do you goyims worship a dead kike on stick? and her mother who allegedly got pregnant out of thin air.
>Hinduism is the way forward.
You forgot about Jains, you fucking racist. Reported to Fraulein Merkel for reconditioning.
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"I'm truly white unlike you christkikes."

*uses norse magik to teleport behind you.*

"Heh, nothin personnel kiddo."
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>street shitter lecturing christians
kek go worship a toilet you subhuman
There is none. All religions and spiritualities other than Christianity are heathenistic trash
Hinduism wins just because Ramayana and Mahabharata are so comfy
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IRL Pagans engage in blood drinking. They are not some bastion of white identity like they claim on here. They are literally faggots using an ancient dead religion to mask their faggotry.

Google this video by the way. Good example of modern paganism.
You're fucking wrong, pajeet. None of your gods are strung up on a stick dead with their erect dick hanging out, therefore none are valid. Christianity is obviously the most redpilled religion because only Jesus had his big ass cock available for the world to worship. Prove me wrong, I dare you. Pajeets don't worship a giant cock, do they, anon?
>(Brit) with Hindu name
>got his pepe from tumblr

I hope to god that this is a joke post, I feel really sorry for your utter existance, otherwise.
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>He worships Jesus by raping an Altar boy
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"Eyy white boi wassup u like thor too? Dat shit is cool af we wuz vikangz!!"
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>He worships a semen demon who guzzled cum
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You're the fucking kraut that left the last poo thread with 1 post by User ID, aren't you... What's your endgame, Hans?
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Daily reminder Norse Pagans will defend this. (Or lie and pretend they don't believe it.)
Falun Dafa is pretty good too. Check their books, they are freely downloadable.
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"Did you just fucking heil hitler? You're fucking dead bitch. Hail Thor!!!"
The pic would be more believable if you could get basic spelling like "transsexualism" and "follow" right. Fucking pajeets.
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Modern Pagans are extremely progressive, some on facebook actually call for banning white people.

Self-hating, race-baiting, jew slaves. Fuck Paganism.
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Save it, queerbait. I don't talk to heathens. Back to your spiderholes.
There is no best, it's all Satanic.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
(1 John 4:1-3)

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
(2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons
(1 Timothy 4:1)

But test everything; hold fast what is good.
(1 Thessalonians 5:21)
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>Disciple Thomas went to India 2000 years ago
>he was backstabbed and was killed by Indian aryans
>there where Christians who followed his teachings
>aryans were butthurt so based on the life of Jesus they create Krishna at 200AD
>now the Americans are praising Krishna who's an fictional character based on Jesus just to be edgy
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"Join us White man."
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Whoa ho ho ho; now that's a word I haven't heard in a while. Who you calling a heathen, whitey?
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"Nazis were Pag--"
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"Christianity is Jewi-"
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"Church is for Jew slav-"
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"Christianity was created by Jew-"
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>this would destroy pagan braincells
Yeah they had to consider which gas chamber to put him in.
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"christkikes can't finish their sentences"
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Just kidding everyone knows the Holohoax never happened. Hitler was a good Catholic opposed to murdering the innocent even if it was the filthy kikes.
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"Pagans can but only if they form degenerate books."
Jesus' teachings pale in comparison to most other world religions, saying "well yeah but he is truth in human form" doesn't really fix that in any way
>Be a christcuck
>Be obsessed with female virginity (Muh (((Virgin))) mary)
>Turns out white Christian females are biggest sluts in the world. Get pregnant by a nigger when just a teenager.
>Get fucked by countless men by time they turn 19.
>It's Poetry.
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"Hail Thor!!!" bellowed the overweight ginger as she marched her thunder thighs down the street to the beating of a drum and the general cacophony of the noisy hippies behind her.
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>Jesus' teachings pale in comparison to most other world religions
[Citation needed.]
It is

Read your Bible again, I think you missed about 90% of it ;)

You're on a dangerous path to hell if you continue like this my dear beloved creation of our unconditionally loving heavenly Father
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"H-hail thor" whispered the cuck.
Please refer >>131259703
Brahmins are the jews of India
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What Does God Think of the Jews.png
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No savage I think you missed it.
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>Please refer >>131259703
>Brahmins are the jews of India
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Here's a more accurate image of the type of people who reject Christ in favor of Paganism.

No need to pretend like pagans wear suits and are in shape lol.
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>>>131260171 (You)
>Please refer >>131259703
>Brahmins are the jews of India
There's just not a whole lot of it, and what's there is a more peaceful reiteration of old testament lessons which even most christians admit at this point are bullshit.
1. why can't you spell the world "follow" even though you're a yank?
2. How many shitty meme images do you have in your folder? Why do you think posting them counts as a valid replacement for having any kind of argument?
>american pagans
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Oh now it's a thread about candlejac
Heathens united against hate lol.
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>be Hindu
>the temple preists says your daughter have to give up virginity for God's blessing
>send your daughter to sleep with the upper preists
Tbh don't think I'm making up, I've witnessed hindus doing this

What's wrong in storing beef,?
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>34 posts by this id
>every single one is a shitty image meant to evoke an emotional response
This isn't valid argumentation anon
>The kingdom of mathura has historical references
>Krishna is made up
Ok Ahmed keep up with the misinformation
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Black Pagan 3.png
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niggerfoot isn't effective anymore. Stay mad savage beast. Your gods are dead and Christ reigns supreme. Thor is his footstool and Odin is his servant.
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why don't you post what yahweh thinks about the millions of hungry rubberboat christians that are coming over right now
I was gonna tell the christcucks about Shiva but I decided not too because fuck christcucks. Have a free (you), Hari.
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When will Pagan shills learn /pol/ is Christian?
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niggerfoot isn't effective but your shitty images of liberal bums somehow are? How does that work?
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>changes the subject
>new subject doesn't even make sense
Savage logic
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>hindus holy river
Nope, you're the only one trusting in out of context meme pictures rather than the whole Bible.

You can justify your anti-semitism and hate towards Jews with out of context verses all you want, but God sees you heart, and one day you will stand before the Lion of Judah who was pierced for our transgressions, and weep in sorrow that you rejected him, and you will be thrown into the fire. I hope that does not happen though.

I read the Bible and pray daily, and have a pretty good grasp of the entire story from Genesis to Revelation. To me God is a living reality whom I'm trying to build a relationship, rather than a cultural trope.
>I have no counterargument to the fact that my lord and saviour is literally a jew so I'm just going to post a picture of some degenerates
Vasistha's Yoga
Ashtavakra Samhita
Tripura Rahasya
Anything associated with Adi Shankara
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>India under ""hindus""

Y'all should thank Muslims and Christian British for civilisation
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No one on here denies Francis is an antipope. We want to rally the Church to it's original antisemitic roots.

But you beast animals keep whining and crying about your long dead gods, too stupid to see the goal in mind or even consider the consequences of dividing the white race, you stubbornly charge on clinging to your odin semen demon.
just be ware

if its not Christian, its satan
you have 2 options, whatever labels you may wish to apply
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>/pol/ is christian
Can u give me a link for a good yt vid of mahabaratha and vedas..
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Prot v Cath.jpg
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You need to repent, Prottie.
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>if its not Christian, its satan
Google the following terms:
Advaita Vedanta
Nirguna Brahman
Saguna Brahman
Ishta Devata
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>changes the subject
no, it's still the same subject which is that christianity necessitates universal brotherhood of all christians of all races, which includes the millions of hungry negroes trying to get to Europe right now. I couldn't care less about what this or that saint has to say about the jews - the jews were cursed by their own god and as punishment the religion that was supposed to be for them alone (up to this point every dirty non-jew of course deserves eternal torture) was instead given to the dirty peasant gentiles who were from that point on allowed to be cut off from their own tree and get grafted into the tree of the jews (Yahweh)
>unironically Indians think they're pic related
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>OP asks for other religions in general
>Autismo spins narrative in head that anything not including Christianity is some Thor Fedora bullshit(despite not even being mentioned by OP)
Holy shit, is this the American Education I keep hearing about?
I repent every day :)
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>jew photoshop
honestly it's just sad. pagans style themselves as some hardcore band of warriors but you can't even defeat a Christian argument. All you do is spam jew photoshopped pictures.
Do you understand hindi?
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Evangelical Heresy.jpg
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Then repent harder.
Your not going to go insane, hit up somebody with mushrooms it lasts half as long. All that's going to happen is some visual enhancement with melting visuals and deep imagination (psychic visions) with nice body sensations, maybe full holographic fractals, but seriously it's like having 2 beers, it's just trippin' don't be a poos.
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>honestly it's just sad. pagans style themselves as some hardcore band of warriors but you can't even defeat a Christian argument.All you do is spam jew photoshopped pictures.
The irony here is you can't even come up with an argument for yourself and rely on images
>Immediately two pagans go on damage control
Truth hurts
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i come not to destroy jesus.png
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>No one on here denies Francis is an antipope.
it doesn't work like that, the church is supposed to be guided by the holy spirit. You don't get to decide which pope is legitimate and which one is not. You are NOT the arbiter of this, since if you are then the church has no validity in the first place (which it of course doesn't).

>too stupid to see the goal in mind or even consider the consequences of dividing the white race
The goal for me is to create more good and beauty in the world, to create more order from chaos, to perfect life. The christian goal, however, is to fill the world with dysgenic hominid dregs (all of whom god loves, of course), disallowing the masses of negroids from using birth control, cutting down every forest and building a new McChurch, destroying all beauty (because this world is just a transit on the way to the real thing, and it doesn't have value other than as a tool).
"Dividing the white race" is ironically the exact thing that you're doing right now, by insisting that everyone rally behind a jewish faith and a jewish god, insisting that we should agree that it's perfectly righteous for our entire ancestry to be tortured forever for the crime of not being born into the Chosen People (jews).

>you stubbornly charge on clinging to your odin semen demon.
the only book that makes the odin semen claim was written by a jew, look it up

Also odin is probably not real

>Shiva is satan
Dude he is the god of destruction...

Have ever heard of "temples"???
Come on man fix ur meme

Yep hindi is fine
But i prefer english though
My nigga, You ever figure out what teh little smoke was, cus I did!
So you condemn posting shitty image macros as if they constitute an argument, even though you just got done doing that exact thing like 40 times?

Goddamn dude youre clueless!
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>Unfortunately, I probably missed my window to drop acid. Have a kid now and too many responsibilities to risk insanity or acid flashbacks or a felony. Probably need to go a more legal route.
4-aco-DMT or Mushrooms.
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>Literally U mad?
Keep throwing that witty banter
Isn't it a bit late though? Those Altar boys aren't going to rape themselves you know!
Fuuuuuck the english have no shame. Yellow fever AND a tripfag. Dude, could you get any more pathetic? Rhetorical no, you cant
Unless you have serious mental health problems already, "insanity" is not a likely outcome, and flashbacks are a total myth. You would just have to make sure someone is looking after your kid for a day or so (the trip will last ~12 hours, and you'll probably want some recovery time in peace). Do it in a safe, comfortable environment with a "sitter", ideally in nature.

If you want something short lasting, I would recommend DMT: 60 MGs and 15 mins will change your life.
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Atleast they get to stay virgin as long as their parents decide.
For mahabharat read the book in the description or watch the ramanadsagar series that used to come on TV their is a English version that aired on BBC
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>All religions are manmade cults and beliefs, except judaism.

They are all manmade (rational) interpretation of the supra rational reality that underlies them all, and that reality is the same.
>They are all manmade (rational) interpretation of the supra rational reality that underlies them all, and that reality is the same.
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What are you even trying to say?
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why would I be saying something?
8ch net/32
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>this level of shitposting
are you a bot or self aware AI?
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Good for them, but I'm not an amerishart?
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giphy (9).gif
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what are you then
a child of the world?
>anarcho-kiddie flag
>cares about laws
Really activates your almonds
nah desu just a passerby, but seriously who are you?
I've seen you post here on /pol/ many times, at first I thought you were a troll but later I realized that you maybe actually believe the stuff you post here.
Also what's the deal with taylor swift?
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that's funny
at first I thought you were an americhristkike troll and then I thought you might actually believe the shit you write on here
Don't make me reveal my power level Parth :)
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what is a parth, christkike?
I guess you haven't read the Mahabharata then?

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download (3).png
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oh yeah I read it all last night
took me 3 hours
thanks for reminding me
The religion of cucks made by a Jew. Dropped.
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>The religion of cucks made by a Jew.
I had no idea
You know that lying is a sin, right?
Also Jesus saves, surrender yourself to him and stop worshipping false gods. He is the lord and savior of all humanity. Without a good shepherd sheep can be easily deceived by the devil.
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>>>131265705 (You)
>You know that lying is a sin, right?
>Also Jesus saves, surrender yourself to him and stop worshipping false gods. He is the lord and savior of all humanity. Without a good shepherd sheep can be easily deceived by the devil.
Siddhis and practical results are the only things that matter in the end.

Christianity can't give you siddhis, so fuck jesus. He's useless to our Race.
You can meditate to improve your mental health but that's pretty much it. Gnosticism is cancer. You can see that by looking at the amount of LARPers ITT.
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jesus is the only way, right, my christkike friend
Can't you tell I'm talking about Christians as well. You're all fucking retards.
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you hold the key to the truth of life
please enlighten me
I don't. Nobody does. Stupid weeb.
>I don't. Nobody does. Stupid weeb.
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Stop identifying with your mind.

OP check out these books, sorted by year.

-550 Tao Te Ching
-300 The Zhuangzi
1135 Blue Cliff Record
1224 Book of Equanimity
1228 Gateless Gate
1300 Denkoroku
1919 191 Zen Stories
1957 The Way of Zen
1957 Zen Flesh Zen Bones
1965 The Way of Zhuangzi
1970 Zen Mind Beginner's Mind
1971 Be Here Now
1974 Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
1975 The Miracle of Mindfulness
1975 The Tao of Physics
1982 The Tao of Pooh
1985 Power of Being Aware in Your Dreams
1986 Wherever You Go, There You Are
1986 Nine-Headed Dragon River
1987 The Tao of Programming
1989 Exploring World of Lucid Dreaming
1989 Everyday Zen: Love and Work
1990 Flow: Optimal Experience
1991 Mindfulness in Plain English
1991 The Tao of Love and Sex
1992 The Te of Piglet
1999 Art of Happiness
2005 Peace is Every Step
2006 A Heart Full of Peace
2009 Lucid Dreaming Gateway
2009 You Are Here
2012 Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming
2013 Are You Dreaming?
2015 Calm the Mind
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>you hold the key to the truth of life
There is no truth to be found here, what people have is "their" versions/interpretations of events.
>Stop identifying with your mind.

That is the most profoundly stupid thing anyone's ever said.

t. Descartes
that's why they should all shut up and be kicked off the website when I say so
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1MB, 3189x3987px

Lol did you not filter that trip fag yet?
>trip fag
where do you stupid christkikes come up with your garbage slang?
you just make it up like all your tripe you believe and say
>Jesus studied Yoga
>I'm a catholic
Not if you believe that wacko shit.
Trying to avoid Christianity yet seek some spiritual meaning in the East seems folly. Christianity was inspired by the more "caring eastern religions.
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>where do you stupid christkikes come up with your garbage slang?
you just make it up like all your tripe you believe and say

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you got it from urbandictionary and you think it's chanspeak instead of christkike nonsense
ok kike
No it is actually very smart.
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>not the cancer that has been holding back aryans for 2000 thousands years
>not the mass judaic religion bullshit that exterminated any forms of esotericism or native beliefs everywhere they managed to get a stronghold
inb4 pagan larper christianty spread peacefulli
umh no faggot, google the Northern Crusades
You cant be this new, tripfagging is not to be used unless you are making OC for a thread so that you can be identified, fuck off faggot.
>You cant be this new, tripfagging is not to be used unless you are making OC for a thread so that you can be identified, fuck off faggot.
Y'all need some Alan Watt's
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omg retard the term was used in 2006 hence its not something we made up its on multiple sources , you are a major autistic troll , back on ignore with you.

>pic related sourced from your favorite site
ITT: A massive amount of massively butthurt massive faggots
That's a massive amount of massive bruhfs. And tells a lot about the state of people when you can't even say satire from pure retardation anymore.

To that one Indian guy: thanks for spreading some info.
>>>131271482 (You)
>omg retard the term was used in 2006 hence its not something we made up its on multiple sources , you are a major autistic troll , back on ignore with you.
>>pic related sourced from your favorite site
You're really not missing anything. Why do you think it's called acid? It's acidic to the brain. Why do you think they call marijuana, 'weed'? It weeds out the people who are not functional to society.
Just become active in your local church, make some friends there, do things for them, ask them for help if you're in a rut. It's worked for the people before you, it should work for you.
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Who else /embracing Islam so that you get to cut Christian heads off/ here?
>pisslam, cuckstianity, judaism,
>not the same judaic abrahamic bullshit
I know, but since there's no feasible way to get rid of them all, we might as well settle for the one that's still effectively dealing with most of the modern degeneracy this board likes to complain about.
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you can't fight shit with shit. the best thing we can do is to be vocal and spread hermetic/esoteric knowledge everywhere and hope that the masses will catch up at one point.
esotericism is inherently elitistic but at least the masses will understand that they are sole responsible for their lives and their after-lifes, not some daddy figure in the clouds that has specifically made a play-pen for them whem they kick the bucket
Try truffles, helps me a lot with spirituality. Better yet this made me spiritual. If you want more info just reply.
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This. Better
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>you can't fight shit with shit.
No, but since we're already drowning it it might as well have some fun throwing it at the people that deserve it.

>the best thing we can do is to be vocal and spread hermetic/esoteric knowledge everywhere and hope that the masses will catch up at one point.
That's just pointless.
You have likely never tried and have no idea what he is missing. It's called acid because it's short for Lysergic acid diethylamide.
fuck these pussy faggots! fuck this thread, see >>131268280
we need help to doxx some french niggers and nigglets that abused a french kid
get in here

Very astute. You might find these videos interesting. It posits that Vedism= Pagan nature religion and that modern Hinduism is a corruption of the story of Christ (based on what you pointed out) and Gnosticism.


"Hinduism" and Christianity are the only two faiths that come close to accurately depicting the modern age. They have a number of overlaps from the flood/manu/noah , giants etc.
We're all part of a single consciousness (Bramhan). Depending on your karma you will be reincarnated as a human or you can attain moksha and be liberated from life and death cycle and be one with the ultimate God.

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Read some Alan Watts
>Best related books?
the book that best illustrates the ideal man, one that is the paragon of virtue, cunning and courage, is The Odyssey. Every anon should aspire to be like Odysseus, the greatest hero in all of literature.
Judaism. The religion of the chosen people.

You're not invited, the only way "in" is to marry a Jewess and convert.

No darkies.
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Nigger-loving Christians have destroyed and are trying to destroy the true European heritage.
None of it is good. I'm warning you that you're working with darkness. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Any false doctrine about the self or being one with the universe comes from the father of all lies, satan.
Thread posts: 302
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