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/seg/ - Serbian Elections General - Part 4 -Polling Stations

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Thread replies: 364
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Previous Thread: >>119216746

Possible place to get some info on the results once they start coming out:

Disclaimer: These results seem to be coming from the headquarters of the candidate Saša Janković.
There is a source listed in the upper right corner of the site.

Here we go boys.
What in the fuck will happen?
Valjda ce biti drugog kruga,ako ne bude ode mi hiljadarka
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>izlaznost 51%
we are fucked

First for based Seselj

Based leaf.
Vojislav "kontrolisana opozicija" Seselj,taj?
vucic will get more than 50%, thus there will be no drugi kurg
jankovic will probably be second, which is sadder than vucic's victory
Radule je mogao da vas spasi, why didn't you listen?
Гдe јe дoкaз зa тo?
Двepјaнcкo-дeмoкpaтcкe тeopијe зaвepe ocтaви зa p*дит.
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>ono kad nemas nikakvih dokaza za svoje tvrdnje al' to te ne sprecava da ih iznosis

Fucking Russian hackers, man.
no beli on this list


why? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcLdW7K86Gg
Any exit polls?
sta je trebalo da radi petog oktobra, da podrzi dos?
je l onda ne bi bio "vecita opozicija"?
Because his name is Luka Maksimovic, dumbo.
Not even that site likes Beli.
Beli is an unfunny 9gag meme.
>everything I don't like is Reddit
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>tfw still have the bronze plaque that my grandpa was decorated with for his military service in the war, signed by mladic himself, as well as a telegraph where he expresses his condolences when my grandpa died

feels sad
>everyone I don't like is controlled opposition
Trump is a Hillary plant, right?
Izlaznost je bolja u gradovima nego u ruralnim delovima. SPS nije izbacio svoje glasace za Vucica tako da izlaznost 51-52% je savrsena jer je to tacno sta je SPS, Velimir Ilic, Palma kao i PUPS imali i jos neki koji su pojedeni u proteklih par godina a da je na to dodati 3-4% ukupnog glasakog tela koje je podigao Beli jer on jeste izvukao nove ljude da glasaju.

Tako da, ide se u drugi krug, Vucic ce da bude na 43% izaslih, iza njega Jankovic za drugi krug, pa onda Jeremic, Beli, Seselj, Obradovic, Radulovic i ostali.

Screencap this
index.hr ce prvi da objavi, prati nase izbore vise nego nasi portali
kad pocinju rezultati na ovome?
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Savamala 2.0
2.5.2017 23:36
I sta sad to znaci da usrana opozicija pobedi na glasovima kada je i ovako vise od pola poslanika parlamenta SNS, i kad bi pobedio Jeremic, Raulovic itd.... Njih bi cuckovo parlament, kao i obrnuto parlament bi cuckovo pretsednik.

Bolje da pobedi vucic pa da se barem nesto radi do 2020, nego da imamo tri godine jebavanja u skupstini.
Seselj je svakako slepac i propao je covek skroz, vise nije ni zabavan.
Frfljavi kreten koji ne zna reci slovo L?
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>Bolje da pobedi vucic pa da se barem nesto radi do 2020
>pa da se barem nesto radi
Шeшeљ јeдини oбјaшњaвa штa би paдиo кao пpeдceдник, и јeдини имa oзбиљнy пoлитикy.
Kad bi izgubio Vucic (sto se nece desiti) raspisao bi predsednik vandredne parlamentarne izbore odma
Jeb'o te, nemoj mi taj blackpill gurati u usta, previse je depresivno.

>iako ce 100% biti tako
beli is awesome

Ti samo napadas njegov karakter, i kad bi Radikalna stranka zamenila predsednika svog, koji i danje promovise ideje koje je su do tad radikali podrzavali, ti bi trazio mrlju i na novom coveku, samo jer se bojis necega drugog, toga da Neoliberalism ili Neoconzervatism, koji su nastali aguraju globalism, nije jedini izbor za narod i da postoji drugi put, bolje reci, treci put.
looks like white girl went with tan too far
Ozbiljna politika? Nikada nije imao ozbiljnu politiku i nista nije postigao na politickoj sceni osim da skupi preglede na jutjubu.
>Haha ima da jebe kolindicu xD ovo je humor hehe
ako beli bude drugi na sledecem popisu cu da se izjasnim kao bugarin od sramote

idi sine u kartonsko naselje, ponesi sardine i leba pa jebi dok ti kita ne otpadne
Ajde bre da je izgubim u mraku
>Kad bi izgubio Vucic (sto se nece desiti) raspisao bi predsednik vandredne parlamentarne izbore odma

Hahahha kao da bi to parlament sa SNS vecinom to odobrila.
Beli is funny to kids and brainlets.
His humor is retarded.
He'd also easily be put under control by (((them))), and supports the Savamala protests (which is a libshit position).

službena pjesma ovog threada
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Savamala protest are sane people position you fucking mongoloid
Dbi, moj deda kao vatreni SPS-ovac koji ljubi Slobu nije izasao.
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I don't care about Serbia
Yeah, maybe we should be like North Korea and just kill off those pesky protestors, after all they are 'libshits'.

Well I think you are a 'libshit'.
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As DSS mentioned. "Savamala is horrific, because it's a slippery slope. You can't illegally demolish illegally built buildings. However we refuse to join the protests because of their political background that goes beyond Savamala."

Убиј ce издaјникy pace
Savamala protests are organized by literal Soros shills and a fat feminist lesbian, you fucking retard.
Literally nobody agrees with the Savamala demolitions. That doesn't mean you have to support libshits.

hmmm why did (You) comment?

gtfo then
I don't think those buildings were all illegal.
It's just 150 votes...
Ono kada sendvicara ima i na 4chanu
Link za sajt?
>be vucic
>sell kosovo
>bend ass to the west
>get elected prez for reward from the serbian people
what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to make to justify voting for that piece of shit

>2. jankovic
may God take pity on you

Ay јeбoтe. Пa oвo јe нeвepoвaтнo.
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Građanska neposlušnost bi trebala biti vaša moralna dužnost. Glasanjem održavate reprezentativnu demokratiju, dokle god birate vođu, bićete nezadovoljni. Direktna demokratija ili smrt.
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>everybody I don't like is a Vučić shill
This is what I was talking about in the previous thread: >>119222803
GTFO, you subhuman fucking nigger faggot.
Don't worry, Ahmed, most Serbs don't care about Serbia either.
>otima nam se drzavna teritorija, boli ih uvo
>srusi se par stracara u savamali, kukaju i arlaucu godinu dana

drugosrbijanska logika
get fucked by pakis then
As they said. It's irrelevant if they were illegal or not, demolishing them was illegal. Even when demolishing illegal buildings you have to follow procedures. However the pro EU opposition makes it their only talking point, because their policies aren't that different from Vucic.

Eвo ти јeдaн (((You)))


I have no fucking idea, man. WHO votes for Vučić and Janković. And why. Oh God, why.
ista stvar ovde
nek idu u kurac i ljudi i ta njihova jebena demokracija
Svidja mi se vise se trudite,docice vreme za konopac za vuckove botove
Haha let it begin.

Jeбoтe, кpaјњe јe вpeмe дa ce oвaј нapoд пpoбyди aли и дaљe изглeдa нeмa ништa oд oвoгa.
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Niggers of Europe.
ja sem glasal za hdz jer ovde nema nikakvog drugog izbora
ili hdz ili sdp i njihov lgbt anarhofeminizam

al kud u kurac vi, pa imate seselja, boska, kod god ocete i opet isto
Iz DSS-a se zale da ih ostatak opozicije napada (njih i dveri) sto nisu podrzali proteste, i sto nece da im daju bezrezervnu podrsku.
DSS bojkotuje drugi krug ako udju drugosrbijanci. Bosko se oko toga nije izjasnjavao, verujem da ce i on da bojkotuje.
we're retarded nation, we literally never elected a good candidate
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to sto ti postujes su mesanci, prave crnkinje ti izgledaju ovako
>Jankovic u drugi krug
>docice vreme za konopac za vuckove botove

'Oce kurac, sad ce penzosi da ga izglasaju u prvom krugu i onda ce da dovede nekog svog buljasa da bude premijer. Ima da nas kara jos 5 godina minimum.

The public sucks, fuck hope.

Ukratko: kakav narod, takvi i političari. Ovo je najbolje za šta smo sposobni.
>Who is Zoran Djindjic

Aјдe нe тpoши мecтo y тeми, (((кoњинo))). Oдјeби ca oвим твoјим oдвpaтним гopилaмa.
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It's not looking good, fellas.

Looks like it will be a long night for non-Vucic voters.

Let's pray that he gets below 50%
prestani derailat majmune jebeni
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>muh Zoran
a corpse
he was still libshit
Kill yourself. Now.

That research has been discredited

Штo нeштo имaм oceћaј дa cмo ти и јa пpичaли o oвoмe вeћ дaнac?
Radulovic behind non valid.
Because a major part of the opposition is just like him and are mad jelous because he achieved what they never could (because they'd be hanged by a mob on republic square).
Vucic is getting a pass by the masses because of his nationalist rhetoric, and i question the intelligence of people who believe his rhetoric over his hypocritical actions.
>sta bi bilo da je zoran sad ziv
grebao bi po sanduku ahahahahah

why not based chetnik Seselj just assasinate the fish lipped cuck Vucic
top kek

balkans have to be eradicated
Ma јa caм тy цeo дaн, cпaмyјeм тy мaпy дeбилимa кoји пoдpжaвaјy либepaлe.
Remember than only rural and suburban retards voted for Vucic.
What do you mean what?
lmao,its only 25 minutes proslo,plus to su regioni where vicic have veliku podrsku
Meni nije jasno kako mozes a uopste mislis da podrzavas (((Liberalna))) smeca koja hoce da Cuckuju srbiju kao sto su Cuckovani EU is Amerika.

Idi ubij se ako mislis da je "Socialni Liberalism" bitniji nego zastita Srbije, Srbskog identiteta i vere. Stvarno me tvoj nacin razmisljanja tera na produbljenje znanja mog uma.
Jebo majku svoji šta to napisa crni sine?
nikog ne briga
odjebi na b
>Voja treci

What areas are strongest for Vucic? I imagine that he does poorly in Vojvodina?
>bitniji nego zastita Srbije, Srbskog identiteta i vere
Smrt svemu tome i živela homogena budućnost koja nas zasigurno čeka.
He does good everywhere, except big cities.
There's no real regional division in Serbia when it comes to politics.
I have more respect for him than his (((legacy)))
His policy was changing in the months leading up to his assassination. Would he have actually changed course had he not been assassinated, we'll never know.
>muh palanka
Hang yourself next to Vesna Pesic SJW
Well this is too early. But everwhere orange = Vucic.

Veličanstveni Vučić osvaja dvotrećinsku većinu i vodi Srbiju u novi pobjede, brže, jače i bolje.
Democracy is for gays, Orthodox Dictatorship is only solution.
vojvodina is a unique place with a unique identity
both serbs and croats lie bigly that it is theirs because of its rich farmlands
da imas pravo to oko zastiti SrBskog i identiteta,pogresio sam napred Vucic zevelo SrBstvo
This is already dictatorship.
What are the chances of a rigged election?
>making fun of spelling
Want to know how I know you have a sub-Saharan level of IQ?
Who are these idiots who vote for Jankovic?
I dont get it.

Fucking hell. I fear that he'll get like 55%.

Hence why I assumed he'd do worse there. Areas with a distinct culture often have distinct politics
Barem jedina njegova politika nije da pljuje po drugim narodima, kao sto je popularno kod vas.

Izbori u hrvatskoj se svode na to koce vise da opljuje srbe.

I onda je Seselj los.
>brže, jače i bolje.

On k'o da opisuje svoj seksualni performans, boktejebo.
vojvodina moze da bude nezavisna samo u tvojim vlaznim snovima, hrvoje
skokni do novog sada pa iznesi taj stav, videces da l smo srbi ili nismo
a lot of them are people who just don't want to see Vučić win.
Honestly it's a better solution to have Vučić win in the first round than have him go to a second round with Saša "Hillary Clinton 2.0" Janković.
b mesto p je patricijski

meksanje konsonantov je za vlaske kurve poput tvoje matere
College faggots and celebrity-worshipers.
Oh come on.
Literally the oldest Serbian cultural institutions, first Serbian newspaper and publisher, first Serbian political parties, first Serbian academies were from Vojvodina.
Some people there have a superiority boner because of it.
ma odi leci komplekse na nekom drugom
99% ljudi ne briga za taj tvoj nacionalisticki larping
čovek iz vojvodine ovde, separatistički stavovi su prilično popularni i nisu nesvakidašnji. Mene bi boleo kurac da se ocepimo. Možda ima nešto u tome zašto je Vojvodina razvijenija od ostatka Srbije.
Gurnem ti nesto drugo, cici mici

I glasaci i stranacka struktura SPS ga ispalila. Siptari sa kojima je Andrej Vucic pravio pare sa autobusima za migrante nisu izasli, Istvan Pastor ispalio, gledaj izlaznost u Subotici. Velja uz Jeremica. To je to

A sta ces, tako ce biti
What do you want to know?
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I see you're a man of culture as well
Lol ti si pokazao novi nivo pateticnosti "liberalaca".
Kada se ceo tvoj argument svodi na "spelovanje".

Ako si Srbin bi ce svima a i tebi bolje da se iselis i odes u tvoj usrani zapad kome lizes govnast cmar svaki dan dok drkas na njihovu "toleranciju".
>druga srbija
Srpski - spelovanje,srpski- spelovanje hmmm
Poenta mog posta je bila nesto drugo samo nisi u stanju da to skapiras
>Bolje da pobedi vucic pa da se barem nesto radi do 2020

Nadam se da nisi glasao
He'll be probably knocked down to below 50 once the cities come in, however the 2nd place favorite "Sasa Jankovic" is some left wing retard.

Honestly if it's him vs Sasa "why i'm not a member of a green party" Jankovic i might vote for him in 2nd round.
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/ourguy/ vucic
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Ljep pozdrav iz call centra
I understand what your point was, you just don't understand how dumb you are.
so do a ton of croats live in burgenland and we still dont yell how its ours

you would literally want people to believe that the meme karlovac karlobag is real
which would include the fucking heartland center of the earliest croatian state
Because the Green party is a national minority party as well (Slovak) L M A O
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Bosnians=Muslim Serbs

Croats=Catholic Serbs
>ono kad nemas fiksni

duvajte ga botovi
Islamist group caused trouble in a Pancevo polling station?
Can anyone confirm?
Well, you kinda left that area and moved to Gradišće and Zagorje.
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Dobar sendvic bio danas
S piletinom
You are literally voting for a pro-EU, pro-immigrant Soros shill?
ajde pojasni mi zbog cega tako mislis
Will he win every municipality?
isto je i ovde
da ti iskreno velim ja se uopce ne osecam hrvatom
imamo drugi jezik, drugu povest, drugi identitet, bogatesi smo i vise razvijeni od cobana s juznih brda,
i sad bi mi iz panonije trebali uzdrzavati ove polupismene balkance
SRS or nothing.
is this real ? is he fooling the EU ?
sam kaj nema nazalost separatizma
a trebalo bi ga bit kad usporedimo kak su retardirani i beskorisni dalmatinci i brdjani u generalu
what the fuck?

yep, >>119227457
20 years ago, sure it's real.

He's a cuck now though.
No, because in larger municipalities, the rural counties (ones with the least amount of people) are the first one counted. If you click on some of those regions, you will see that only like 1% or 2% of the actual counties are counted.
It's real, but he completely sold out since then.
And what is the alternative, everythin except Vojislav Seselj, is even more in shit didling with the west, and if we elect Voja, west is gonna spank us again for being bad goys.

So can you blame us?

Aхa. Дoбpo, нe знaчи тo дa cy Cpби глyпи


your response to my first post makes no sense
Moждa зaтo штo oзнaчaвaш cвaкoгa ca ким ce нe cлaжeш кao ceндвичapa?
Don't be hard on him, he hit his head and has amnesia :^)
He's a good boy...
are you sure ? maby hes playing them ?
>west is gonna spank us again

Lul, the west is fucking falling apart, we're the last thing they can waste time on right now.
SRS is controlled opposition. Always was.
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That sentiment was popular at that time. So he said it.

Now it isn't so he found another ass to kiss.

I heard it on RTVojvodina.

Sadly, yes. The people here are uneducated, brother. They have no real political consciousness.
You're right. I replied wrong.
Пpичaјтe нa ћиpилици дa нe дoлaзe cвaкaкви Хpвaти и ocтaлa гaмaд. Хвaлa.
Kek let Saša win pls
We cant allow uneducated homophobic rightwing retards to ruin this country
Will there be any votes from Kosovo?

This may sound stupid - it probably is - but is there no chance of a few government polling stations?
It was.
Back when he didn't know what it means to have power, he was based.
Now he's a cuck working for (((them))).

Then he'd be a infinite dimensional chess player, jewing out everything ever for all eternity

Maybe Kek wills it
ako se nekom da ukratko objasni koji je realno najbolji kandidat za srbiju (ako takvog ima)
i kakvi su stavovi srpskog /pol/a oko ulaska u EU i medunarodnih odnosa
Aleksandar Sasa Vucic?
>PhD in Law

High-school dropout detected.

There are, but they're like 101% rigged
bosko jedini vala
al nazalost svi misle da je mem
You forgot sexist, transphobic and racists.
Yes, there are about 100k registered voters, far fewer that will actually vote. Most of the fraud happens in Kosovo polling stations and counting later.
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Damn i want balkan war so much.
There will be votes from Kosovo, but it will be government that counts them, so it's essentially a 70% secure vote for Vučić.
Boško Obradović iz Dveri.
Vucic will get most of the votes. Because of "reasons" only his representatives will count the votes from Kosovo. And you know what Stalin said about votes.
nazalost ovo
Paдyлoвић јe cтaтиcтичкa гpeшкa
t. serb diaspora

Nah that is ok and good
>Savski Venac for Janković
Lol Savski venac pao Jankovicu
What a load of crap.

Do diaspora get to vote?
>ako se nekom da ukratko objasni koji je realno najbolji kandidat za srbiju (ako takvog ima)

Pa u principu je nebitno jer kod nas Predsednik nema neku moc.

>i kakvi su stavovi srpskog /pol/a oko ulaska u EU i medunarodnih odnosa

Kenjam ti se na EU i na Evropljane uopste, treba da pocnemo vise da saradjujemo sa Amerima i Rusima.

lansiraj nuk
Only 5% of that municipality is counted.
Zajebavao sam se,ali samo mi reci da li iskreno mislis da je te proteste organizovao soros i da li mislis da on ne moze da savije vucica po svojoj zelji,nije mi jasno kako moze neko da podrzava vucica a da je protiv izbeglica pa pogledaj sta su dozvolili nasoj zemlju da se desava bezkicmenjaci
Popovic i Stamatovic.
Bosko je dobar, ali je kripto fasista.
Jedini prihvatljivi liberal je Radule, ali nikako za predsednika, mozda kao mali koalicioni partner.
DS je dokazao da su govna.
Yes, but they are a really small % of the vote.
About a few thousand people vote every time.
So is pussy lips winning?
Yeah, sadly
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Pussy lips is at 59.5% with 1.39% of the vote counted.
>kripto fasista
lol ak mislis da je to lose onda zbilja treba da napravis jednu veliku samorefleksiju
Yes. Muslim diaspora here literally decided the independence referendum in 2006, in addition to rigging.
Saša Radulović je objektivno najbolji kandidat. On je jedini koji razume koncept privatne svojine u ovoj komunističkoj vukojebini. Zalaže se za zaštitu srpske imovine na Kosovu. Hoće da razjebe javni sektor totalno.
>inb4 tehnokrate su meme
Njegova partija je u skupstinskom obavestajnom odboru tako se se sigurno upoznao i sa nekim bezbednosnim aspektima drzave.
Ali srpski /pol/ ce mi reci da odjebem nazad na redit jer MUH SESELJ MUH RUSSIA
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if get, he loses
The only thing worse than rural plebs are city folk.
What the hell is that winning party? The ancap party?
>kripto fašista

fuck reroll pls pls
privatno vlasnistvo i prodaja javnog sektora = sellout europi
Yes, and from what i've seen London, New York, Washington DC, Beijing and some other major cities voted overwhelmingly for Jankovic.

We didn't get our relatives from California to vote. They actually voted for Trump, in California, first election they've participated in since moving to the USA. Doesn't really matter that their vote meant nothing, but it's the thought that counts.
They can't be arsed to go all the way to the nearest consulate to vote.
>getting a majority

wut? why don't you have 24122 retarded little parties with the sole role of splitting the vote?

Dare I reroll?
That's the party that we don't want to win :^)

(((Progressive))) party

kek bless us
Nece da proda javna preduzeca, hoce da otpusti 700.000 ljudi koji su tu zaposleni preko veze.
Lol all these faggots rolling.God emperor Vucic will win and you already know it in your heart.
Vučić glatko pobeđuje u 1. krugu.
FUCK, reroll

Aleksandar Vučić 61,75%
Saša Janković 12%
Luka Maksimović 7,4%
Vuk Jeremić 5,8%
Vojislav Šešelj 4,5%
Boško Obradović 2,1%
Nenad Čanak 1,6%
Milan Stamatović 0,9%
Saša Radulović 0,8%
Aleksandar Popović 0,7%
Miroslav Parović 0,3%
>understands private sector
>hasn't spent a single day of his life in it

Yeah, i'm gonna go on a limb here, and just not vote for him in the 2nd round if he wins.
liberali su ti svi za kurac
naj se pouzdati u njih
jedino verska autokracija ti lici na nekaj
>Christian homophobe bigot REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Saša will win
Sve je ok kod njega. Ali ima slabo znanje ekonomije (mozda malo bolje od vucica). Ali kad se uhvati da prica o bankama na vrh jezika su mu ((((oni))), samo cekam da mu se omakne.>>119230352
A ima i slabe zivce za predsednika.
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Fuck it, if get, anyone but Vučić wins

I donate this meme to Kek as offering
>prodaja javnog sektora
Jedini problem koji ja imam sa proajom javnih sektora jeste ako ga prodajes strancu, koga bole kurac i za tvoju drzavu i za narod.

Javne sektore treba prodavati lokalnim bogatasima, cak i tajkunima koji ce se vise saosecati sa narodom nego strani retardi koji ce samo posle date ucenjuju. A ako ti neuradis sto oni kazu onda zatvore firmu/fabriku pa imas hijlade nezaposlenih.
bravo liberalu pobedio si ...ali argument ti je nepostojeci
Bait? Radule is a software engineer, he's worked abroad his whole life. Sto pricamo na engleskom jebo te ja?
To je bilo i očekivano realno. Mnogo trebaš da zasereš ovdje da te narod smijeni.
Ako imaš dobru priču i malo našminkaš situaciju ne moraš da brineš.
A uostalom ima i podršku Njemaca.
Fair enougghh. If the diaspora vote don't swing it, then they needn't vote.

I hope that they like it in California.

> 1.93% of the vote in
> most of the city vote not in

Calm down. Haven't you got a GERB to fellate?

Welp, i guess regime change won't come by peaceful means then
Fucking hell. Sauce?

let us cope
>Ali kad se uhvati da prica o bankama na vrh jezika su mu ((((oni))), samo cekam da mu se omakne

Kek, je l' ima mozda snimak neki da vidim to?
Opгaнизaцијe кoјe cy opгaнизoвaлe тe пpoтecтe плaћa Фoнд зa oтвopeнo дpyштвo (Copoш), oнoг бpaдaтoг и oнy дeбeлy лeзбaчy из нeкoг фeминиcтичкoг цeнтpa.
Byчић ce пpeнeмaжe, кao Cлoбa cвoјeвpeмeнo, caвијa ce зaпaдy aли нe дo кpaјa. Hијe cигypнo oн дoбpa oпцијa, и нe бих глacao зa њeгa ни тpи пљecкaвицe дa ми дaјy, aли нијe 100% пoпycтиo пoд пpитиcцимa (нијe зaвeo caнкцијe Pycији кaд cy мy тpaжили пpe 2 гoдинe, нијe иcпopyћиo Шeшeљa Хaгy кaд јe Дeвeнпopт тpaжиo, нaбaвљa opyжјe oд Pyca итд).
Jepeмић, Jaнкoвић, Paдyлe би cви били мaкap мaлo гopи oд Byчићa.

It's going to Janković anyway, alongside Vračar, Zvezdara and Stari Grad (possibly some more).


You can follow it here: https://www.izbori.live/
Ja sam nacionalista. Samo sto ste vi ne kapirate neke stvari. Za koga si glasao i zasto?
racionalizacija poslovanja javnog sektora. to se i kod nas mora dogoditi. redukcija birokracije i uhljeba, modernizacija i sl icno. samo sto nemamo pravu desnu opciju (osim mozda mosta)
to je sjeb ovih prostora, sve stranke su ekonomska ljevica na kraju dana
Brate jedino su on i Radulović normalni političari, dakle da nisu krezubi radikali, soroševci ili isprdak komunjara.
I da ne zna 2 i 2 da sabere opet je bolji, tako je očajno stanje.
Vucic vs Jankovic is like choosing between Hillary Clinton and Al Gore.

oh, sorry, mislio sam da si rekao sas jankovic a ne radulovic xd, glasao sam za radula.
to zgledi na prvi pogled dobro, ali ti na kraju ispadne sranje
pogle sam ovo s todoricem sad u RH

mali biznisi su ti jedini dobar nacin
cim ti imas velike igrace izvan drzavne kontrole sve ti ode u kurac

zakaj mislis da putin postupa tak kak postupa s bogatasima u rusiji
Hиcaм из Bapaждинa, мaтepe ми, дeћки.
hopefully, you do better than us
gl slav bros


ja i dan danas neznam sta je on i ko je on

I meant the projection that has Vucic at 60+%. Thank you anyway, helpful Serbs.

Sad that it would be best for the country to shake off Vucic, but the only alternative is worse, but if you vote Vucic he's dictator for life.

Aleksandar 'Necu prodam Kosovo majke mi' Vucic
>sve stranke su ekonomska ljevica na kraju dana
Ovo. Niko nema muda da razmontira ovu propast.
brat moj!!!
Back up to 58%
If Jankovic goes to the second round, I will never vote again in my life.
>Javne sektore treba prodavati lokalnim bogatasima, cak i tajkunima koji ce se vise saosecati sa narodom nego strani retardi koji ce samo posle date ucenjuju

This was in fact Tuđman's plan for Croatia, since he understood that the privatization is something that every ex-Yu country will have to do under international pressure.

Unfortunately, he didn't predict that the people he "sold" it to will sell it to the foreigners after he dies anyway.

What's wrong with Bulgaria?

ty eternal backstabber

Anyhow, the presidential election isn't as important as the parliamentary one but it's still notable
>I meant the projection that has Vucic at 60+%

No such projection, he's just at 60% of the currently counted votes (which is like 1% or something).
>Stari Grad for Janković
>Zvezdara for Vučić
At least suburban retards aren't as bad as the city plebs.
most je hdz 2.0
modernizacija je postapalica koju gover svi da dobiju na popularnosti a na kraju nikaj ne znaci

ono kaj treba je stroga autokratska kontrola nad drzavom
ne oslanjat se na velike tvrtke
odjebat eu
odjebat ustavni sud
Znaci imam jednog ortaka kao sto si ti.
Na vacapu su se 6 sati prepucavali on i jedan drugi ortak. Jeremic vs Seselj.
They had their election on the 28th of March, and voted for the status quo.

No problem brother, thanks for supporting us. Hopefully we'll have a Europe-wide awakening soon. Even though this election seems to be a lost cause.
evo ti bolji
Aleksandar "Niko ne moze da mi zabrani da pricam s Rusijom" Vucic
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Cant wait to hear about the sanctions against the ebil bulgars.

1. Cuck Vucic 47%
2. Jankovic 12%
3. Jeremic 9%
4. Beli 8%
5. Seselj 5%
Bless us Kek, save us from the euro cuck!
Somebody red pill me on Vucic. He seems like a nice chap.
>the only 2 realistic possibilities are Vucic winning in the first round or Vucic and Jankovic in the second

God, I hate this country.
I follow every European election these days, mainly because:

1. Get to meet cool people from across the continent

2. It means something to look forward to almost every week

3. It's critical that we do well at these elections, all of us.
>Saša Radulović je objektivno najbolji kandidat.
sanjaj brate da si nacionalista samo sanjaj

Fantastic, SOURCE?


A criminal who doesn't care about Serbia
Pa to, da bih ekonomija napreovala posebno posle tranzicije, treba da privatizujes lokalnim burzujima javne svojinu, a posle ih stavis pod lanac.
Ja razumem kaka se sranja dese kada bogatasi zive za svoju agendu i pohlepu, mozes videti neograniceno bogatasko lobijovanje u Americi za primer. Zbog lobijovanja vlada nemoze ni slucajno da donese neki zakon koji bi ostetio tajkune.

Zato je jedino resenje da ti tajkuni zive za nesto, da im zivotni cilj nije kao ovo sad, naprimer da im cilj bude njihova drzava, njihov narod, da oni svesno svoje bogatstvo zrtvuju za dobrobit svojih ljudi.
Fuck this country.
Can somebody give me a ///quickrundown/// of the parties and candidates?
Reci mi za koga si glasao ajde da te btfo lepo
if he's gonna win i'd rather have him win in the first round, organizing another round is just not needed expense for the taxpayer.

That's a nice hobby, for sure.


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Kek seems to have other plans in store for us...
but radule and "zuti" care for serbia?
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I voted for Veselin "cheap fuel" Mareshki. He has a small party that is splitting the vote.
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this. serbitia should be carpet nuked. daily.

Are you all acting disappointed as if you didn't see this coming?

Some of you have a real talent for suspension of belief.
Literally no one mentioned you, sorry.
Only one economist mentioned a few years ago that we should economically compare ourselves to Bulgaria because we're very similar, and that we can learn from you about debt management.
Podrzavam ga, ali imam neke rezerve.
Gledao sam njegovo spotove u kampanji. Kad se napali i krene da pljuje kako nam strane banke koje rade za veliki kapital deru kozu sa ledja i rade protiv malog srpskog privrednika.
America won, that's all you need to know.
Logic is my source, he can not have over 50%...
Fucking serb shits, will vote for Satan itself if they would get 20euros
He's a psychopath.
how make english

>1. Saša Janković
The Hillary Clinton of this election.
Libfag, supported by celebrities and most liberal politicians.
His whole campaign is pandering to emotions.
He even made an ad pandering to minorities and the disabled.

>2. Vuk Jeremić
Another "democratic candidate" (as opposed to "national", a retarded division they are trying to make").
Literal Podesta shill, trying to present himself as a patriot.
Representative of the former government.

>3. Miroslav Parović
Irrelevant, some say he's a Vučić shill, he won't win oevr 1% anyway.
Might be /ourguy/.

>4. Saša Radulović
The Bernie Sanders of the 2016 parliamentary election. One of the liberal candidates.
His only reason to campaign is to drive the vote up so Vučić wins less than 50%.
Some of Serb/pol/ supports him. Bear in mind we're the dumbest nation of Europe.

>5. Luka Maksimović, aka Beli Preletačević
The joke candidate. The Reddit/9gag candidate.
His humor is retarded.
Serbs on here support him.
They are retarded too.

>6. Aleksandar Vučić
The current Prime Minister, decided to run because literally nobody from his party is liked except him.
He's pro-EU, pro-Merkel, presents himself as a patriot while stabbing us in the back all the time.

>7. Boško Obradović
One of /ourguys/, but among the less relevant ones. His pandering to the libfags annoys me to no end.
They also use him all the time for their "muh Vučić is the only problem" kind of debate.
He's a good guy overall, albeit some retarded economic ideas.

>8. Vojislav Šešelj
The most important /ourguy/, the only one with a chance of getting over 5% of the vote.
A lot of Serbs say he's a Vučić shill because he's not as hard on him as he is on the liberals.
It's literally the reasoning of the "Trump is a Democratic plant because he insults Republicans" people.
Serbs are dumb.
He's also the only one that's talking about what he would do as President, instead of "muh Vučić is bad".

Where did I say that?


fuck you

>9. Aleksandar Popović
Also one of /ourguys/ but very irrelevant.
Was a minister in the 2004-2008 government.

>10. Milan Stamatović
Another irrelevant /ourguy/. President of the Čajetina municipality.

>11. Nenad Čanak
A commie libshit Vojvodina separatist whose political career is over and who+s trying to stay relevant in any way possible.
First two candidates (in terms of votes) so far, have combined number of days in the private sector of... you guessed it.


I mean these are early results, there's still hope and what not, but it's not looking great so far.
Samo sto pre u EU da udjemo pa da begam odavde jebe mi se za sve ostalo. Ovde nikad bolje nece biti, sranje do kraja.
treba da budu isto tajkuni i vojska
vojne hunte su realno najvise ucinkovito i najdomoljubnese resenje
Ima li nekog iz Cajetine ovde? Hocu tamo da se preselim. Kakve su cene nekretnina?
Pretending to be retarded - the post
Thats good.

Yeah but don't call us shits
Volya, right?

He seems to want to paint himself as the Bulgarian Trump.

> 6 April: Gambia (for the memes, after the Jammeh thing)
> 9 April: Finland Municipal Election
> 16 April: Turkish Constitutional Referendum
> 23 April: French Presidential Election (Round 1)

That's just this month.


Radule is not a socialist in fact he's the only liberal candidate who's not a socialist, so the Bernie comparison is out of the picture.
Not an argument, faggot.
'Oce neko da pece novi bread?
Where do you imagine you'll go and how do you imagine it being good?
>crveni vojvoda
Ajde brate malo prouči Šešelja i SRS 90-ih. I kako su vodili Zemun.
How is Radule a ''bernie sanders'' candidate you fucking idiot. Radule is anything but a socialist.
around 25% of votes have been analysed, some agencies put vucic at 55%, some at 61%, some between.jankovic has 10-15%, beli 7-10%, jeremic 4-5%.seselj got 4,7% so far, obradovic around 2%.
vucic is pretty much winning in a land-slide, and given jankovic is the 2nd, this is better than him having a chance to become the president
molim te daj mi gestalt tih retardiranih ekonomskih ideja od dveri
>implying da imaju
read his "program"
Jebeni agent, izdajnik, omiljeni opozicionar svih vlasti.



BREAKING: An early projection shows that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has won Serbia's presidential election.
ajde plz humoraj me
Oh and the person that's in the third place right now.

he's the only nigger actually doing something against the fuel cartel
65% analysed, 55,3% vucic, jankovic 15,6%, beli 9,4%, jeremic 5,6%, seselj 4,2% and obradovic 2,1%.
less and less doubt about vucic winning
Ne pokusavaj matori. Sad ce da ti trazi dokaze. Direktno od UDBE
Svakoj zeni sa 3 deteta dati punu platu i beneficije.

How? It says Vucic has 55% yet less than 70000 votes
to ti zgledi retardirano, a kad cisto teoretski sagledas i je, ali je nazalost jedini pristup u ovakvom dobu i ovakvoj demografskoj situaciji
He promises gibs, and is socially liberal, his only difference to Bernie is the promise to abolish government agencies to save money.

>suburbs got water for the first time
>people were allowed to work
>main street rebuilt for the first time
>several new settlements built for Krajina refugees
Gee, he was really bad.

>print money to fund public sector jobs
>tax on receipts for funding mothers
Prvo, hoce da istera sve banke. Mozda lepo zvuci ali oni koji ostanu ima da roknu kamate od 30% i vise. Ima da budemo u vecim dugovima nego sad.
Drugo, hoce da stampa pare. To nije tako losa ideja, jer hoce da ih investira u infrastrukturu. Problem je sto ce kurs da ode u kurac, i pocinje spirala inflacije, a trosimo valjda pola milijarde evra godisnje samo na odrzavanje relativno stabilnog kursa i inflacije. Ionako ljudi vise veruju u evro, stede u evrima, krediti su u evrima. Ako krene da stampa pare za puteve mozemo taj novac samo da spalimo i da predjemo na evro.
Is the GERB-UP coalition certain yet?
Ma nema to. Oni su ekonomsko ideolosko suplji. I preduzetnistvo i radnici, i trgovina i protekcionizam.

Samo seru o vrednostima i to je to, jedini razlog sto se shill-uje ovde je sto prica protiv parade pedera i sto prica o porodici, pa onda retardi sa chana drkaju na to, a ribi svrsavaju po stomaku (ako je imaju) da je ne bi terali na abortus jer nece familiju.
Samo bi bacao pare na cigane
Ti si retard, zato treba penzionerima puniti cmar novcem ranika dok ne umru?

Pazi foru ima sve manje radnika, omlaina odlazi u inostranstvo, a penzionera ima sve vise.

I jedina politika za promovise natalizam u ovim teskim vremenima, ti se bunis ko retard.

Fucked up the part edition.
tbf they should change it to 5 kids and do it.

Seriously wish every white country did this. What's the problem Dragan?
He didn't promise any gibs. He actually advocated for a reform to social aid. He wants to cut the gibs for about 100 million euros.
>Prvo, hoce da istera sve banke

>Mozda lepo zvuci ali oni koji ostanu ima da roknu kamate od 30% i vise.
a a
banke nacionalizirat i tocka

>Ima da budemo u vecim dugovima nego sad.
>ajdemo se ne osloboditi bankarske robije zato kaj bumo dobili po guzi

>Drugo, hoce da stampa pare.
s tim se nikako ne slazem
treba da se dize vrednost novcu kak i svicarci
ak su banke nacionalizirane to ne bi trebal biti problem
Pretty much. GERB can't have a coalition with the commies, because it would mean their death as a party. Same goes for the "turk" party. They will take Mareshki as a partner as well, so they wouldn't look like they are siding with the "ebil nationalists" only.
>Beli treci
Hvala coveku sto je uzeo glasove vucicu i sto je izvukao bar neki % neglasaca da glasaju ali zar smo ovoliko propali sunce ti jebem
Majority of the people are voting for a guy that lowered their salaries and pensions (he said he wouldnt) and on top of adding tax (which again he said he wouldn't).
Amongst many other lies.
Here is a quick rundown on Vucic for those who are interested :

>Rothschilds bow to Vucic
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Controls Serbia with an iron but fair fist
>Owns castles & banks globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Belgrade on water will be be the first city)
>Owns 99% of money editing research facilities in Serbia
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Vucic babies
>He is said to have an 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tells of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>He owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Vucicdebt inside your wallet right now
>Vucic is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Vucic bunker in Wilkes land?
>He learned fluent Serbian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with him. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Vucic
>He is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he is timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plan yet. We hope he is a benevolent being..
ti mi licis na jednog od onih klincev iz predgradja kaj sam pametuju o nekoj modernizaciji i ekonomiji a boli ih kurac za vrednosti - ono kaj je uistinu bitno
Here's an article from 2010. Nothing has changed.
The problem is the plan is retarded and requires the expansion of the government.

Why not just remove VAT from baby goods and lower taxes on families with multiple children?

Get in here
>split threads

He wants to expand healthcare (his healthcare plan is partly good, partly bad), he wants to expand pensions, he wants to give free textbooks and lunches to school kids, that's called "expanding the welfare state".
It's all in his program.
My mate is studying in China and he says they didn't open the voting station in Beijing because the embassy mail servers were down.
Is this guy pro-EU?
Šešelj is the only serious anti-EU candidate.
Pazi ga što larpa da ne zna ništa o Vučiću, ubij se.

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Stupid young Bulgarian people voted for GERB, the ruling party since 8 years (about 96 seats)
Stupid old people voted for the Socialists (about 79 seats)
Stupid other Centre-right people split the vote between 3-4 different parties who didn't get in.
Our nationalist political alliance (who are run by corrupt and pro-Russian old crooks) and the Turkish party are tied at 27 and 26
And there is this meme guy Mareshki (for whom I voted because he gives us cheaper fuel and cheaper medicine at his business) who has 12 seats
Each party has made enemies with one another as usual and will definitely lose prestige if they make, or not make a rough alliance
You need 121 seats to have the majority when forming a government and it's shit when each side has to compromise - sucks for everyone. Even though, the people running the parties are the same basically.
It's stale and it's a slow death, so hopefully you elect strong and active leaders
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