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QTDDTOT - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

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Thread replies: 316
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A place to ask all your short automotive related questions.

>ProTip - A simple Google search may actually answer your question.

Also go through the thread and look for questions that you may know an answer to.

Previous Thread hit rev limiter - >>17787821
do you like... my car?
Question is, do you like yours? If you like yours and it does it's job, it's good for you.
Question about charcoal canister / EVAP system

The EVAP system is supposed to collect fuel vapors, store, and reuse at later time. My car is 25 years old and when I open the fuel cap, it makes a fizz sound. Does that mean the EVAP system is faulty?
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I have an '03 E46 with Black interior but grey cloth on the A,B,C pillars.
My problem is that the cloth on the C pillar is falling off again. I tried to use Krylon High Strength Spray Adhesive, but after a few weeks, it was coming off.

So I was thinking of tearing the cloth off and using Plasti Dip to paint it black or grey.
It a good idea?
Will it work?
Will it melt from the interior heating up from the California heat?

(Pic related but not mine)
I have no Idea, but my 8 year old car does that as well.
>using spray adhesive
That is the problem, spray adhesives ar weak.
I suggest using a stronger glue like a thin layer of epoxy or polyurethane.
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Can I fix the understeering tendencies and traction loss under acceleration in corners of my FWD car with a extremely strong rear sway bar and a front sway bar delete?
My idea was to eliminate most weight transfer on the front axle and let it only happen on the rear axle to keep the inner front tire down while cornering.
pic semi related
What about Plasti Dipping it?
>>17808888 (Heil)
I´m no expert on plasti dip, but I assume it is not all that temperature stable.
Why not paint it normaly?
Old fiat stilo diesel

Battery or electrics problem, when I turn the key, electrics turn on, but when I turn further to start the engine, everything shuts down. I have to unplug and plug the battery again, and repeat until engine starts.

Help please.
Does the engine start after that?

If yes:
Starter Motor shortcut.
If no:
Dead battery
Most of the time no, only with luckily it starts. When it does, no more problems, car runs great.
Yesterday I've made it from work to a store befor wanting to go home, but then I had to leave it at the store because it wouldn't start from there.

I've always thought it was the battery that is depleting without reason, but it could be the starter too.
Im looking at getting a jeep wrangler in germany, currently im driving a honda civic but the roads here are so bad its beating the shit outta me, even had a weld break and the muffler snapping off, so im looking at getting something with a bit more springyness and a better tire size, plus its something i could take back to the states and use, budget is around 10k USD because good credit and itd be nice to have something to pay on loan wise to continue building credit, im looking at getting one of these two : https://www.autoscout24.de/angebote/jeep-wrangler-benzin-blau-8a0fdc99-14ca-4108-a2ef-ef3c84d4c3a7?recopos=12&ipl=detailpage-engine-itemBased&ipc=recommendation


but i was wondering if there were any specific quirks, if i should not fall for the manual meme, get a newer model, different model and so on.
It sounds like a shortcut in the starter motor coils.

When it doesn´t start and shuts down, 2 blank wires in the starter motor contact.
Thank you very much anon, will look more into starters.

Is it possible that some fault in the starter can cause the battery to deplete?
Usually not, since it is not conected with the battery when not in use.
buying a car for the first time

what kind of rep does Mitsubishi carry? There's a cheap Lancer I can buy will it be costly to maintain or is it like any other Japanese econobox?
Why is the Regera so ugly? That ass is just hideous
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You are the only one that said that. I think it looks badass.
_Thought this might be the best place to ask this without making a new thread:

My 2005 chevy impala's flashing check engine light just turned on and smelled weird, sounded like clicking, and shook the car when not in motion. How fucked am I and should I just resign to taking Ubers to and from work ftom now on? Is it even worth towing to a mechanic and spending 300 bucks just to find out the dasmage?? Thanks if you answer
Good qtddtot threads with helpful anons make my day, thank you again.
I'm in a bit of a pickle with my airbox. See, my car came with it as a default, sporting a normal *20 by 30cm filter mat mounted horizontally.

Since this thing does a pretty good job of taking in cool air, I wanted to install a raid hp formula cone filter, facing downwards into the ~30cm deep airbox. Problem is, while the pipe going into the airbox is standard 8cm, it doesnt extend into the pipe, instead it has this weird hole inside I can't mount a pipe to. I also don't want to mount it in the engine bay, since it's fairly close to the motor, about 30cm away.

The question is, can I simply run a smaller pipe (7cm?) into the airbox, and mount the cone to that? would it create any issues because the top part is not air tight and heat from the motor could get in?

Will provide pictures if needed, it's a 2009 kia sportage 2.7l v6
Lancer EVO's are just as abused as STI's. Normal lancers, maybe. But any used sporty car will probably be fucked up by some boyracer, and will cost you out the ass.

t. impulse bought sporty galant without checking owner history
Where can I find some good recommendations for driving sunglasses? I'm looking to reduce glare from wet roads so polarised would be preferred.
Some morning's it's so bad I can't make out the road or cars on it.
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How shitty would a C5 vette be as a DD? I drive 35 miles to work everyday but its been my dream car.
You are not going to fight the front-back weight transfer (which is your main problem here) with sway bars, you need at least harder springs for that or some adjustable dampers that allow you to separately tune bump and rebound stiffness.

Also, trying to make one axle perform better by making the other one worse is generally bad practice. If you have a problem on one axle, try to fix that problem instead of creating another problem on the other axle.

You also seen confused about weight transfer in general.
Changing the amount of body roll won't change the amount of weight transfer that happens between two wheels of the same axle. The weight is going to be transferred regardless, you can only influence how quickly it happens. So deleting the front ARB won't change how much weight is going to be transferred from the inner to the outer front tire, it will just make the process take longer.

Furthermore, deleting the front ARB and using a stiff ass ARB on the rear will more likely cause more problems than it solves. These kinds of extremes rarely work, it just makes a mess on the setup of your car and you will end up with a super sloppy front end a super twitchy rear end, fucking up the handling of pretty much every other situation except the one you are focusing on.

If you are dead set on using sway bars to solve you problem (spoiler alert: they won't), you can at least try to go with smaller steps, like a front a little bit softer OR a rear a little bit stiffer, but it won't do much because you are trying to change front-back transfer with something that only affects left-right transfer. You need to change ARBs if your problem happens during corner entry and during quick direction changes, not at corner exit.

Provided you have the budget and/or the willingness to invest in new parts, the best solution is to go for different spring and/or adjustable dampers or an LSD
How many times should I take my driving test before giving up on it completely?
That just means that the system is pressurised. It is functioning correctly.
Just before you open unscrew the petrol cap, light a match, hold it right up against the seal and watch which way the flame goes as you unscrew.

If the flame gets sucked into the filler, then it's a vacuum. If it flickers away from the filler, then it's expansion.

Let us know how you get on.
what is the best "good enough" engine hoist?
Once. If you failed that then buy a bicycle and a bus map
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How come hardly anyone one replies to my posts on this board? Any tips for getting more (You)s?
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post provocative images
The one that reaches far enough above the engine bay and that can withstand the weight you are trying to move
I personally think that it would be a cool weekend car, not a dd.
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My aux port shot itself and now I'm left with this. Anyone know what I need to buy to plug this into?
I don't know but cut your fucking nails man
Is 5k too much for an 04 civic with 100k miles on it?
carfax says only 2 owners and no reported accidents.
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How do I get my 2000 V6 Frontier to break loose? I took off the spare tire and it'll give a little bit more, but it won't go sideways. My front shocks are starting to show a bit of wear, so should I replace those first?

Does it have traction control?
Long story short my pressure relief cap is leaking coolant. How do I go about testing the cap without running and warming up the engine? I have a vacuum pump to test negative pressure, but how do I test positive pressure? What do I need?
This is for the two guys who were advising me about getting my stuck spark plugs loose, just wanted to let you guys know I followed your advice with the breaker bar and penetrating oil and got the job done! Car is purring like a kitty now good as new. Thank you both for your encouragement and help, really appreciate it. I learned a lot and saved a lot of money, this was a rough but good start to the world of self-maintenance for me.
I'm learning to drive manual and I get an autistic breakdown everytime an upshift isn't smooth.

1st to 2nd is pretty much always smooth, but 2nd to 3rd my RPM drops too low and there's a small lurch. Should I just not let go of the throttle fully when switching gears so the RPM doesn't drop too low?
My registration expires on the 30th of this month. after getting it inspected/emission checked how long does it take to show up in electronic databses so I can renew online? Also how long does it take to receive new stickers?
There are pumps made specifically to put the cooling system under pressure to check for leaks, but they mostly use their own cap to screw in place of the original cap and feed air from there.

So your best bet is to disconnect one of the small return hoses that go into the surge tank, plug the hose shut and try to use an air gun with a tire pressure gauge to feed air into the hole in the tank (maybe use a small piece of a garden hose to make an airtight seal between the tank and the air gun or be creative with something else), keep pushing air in until you reach the maximum pressure written on the coolant cap.

If you start noticing air leaking from the cap before the max pressure is reached, then the cap is broken, otherwise you are leaking from somewhere else
They're not even long kys
You are a disgusting piece of shit

No it will be the same 1 on the left and 5th or 6th on the right.
Shift faster, or shift at a higher point in the rev range.
You didn't tell us what car it is
You didn't tell us where that plugged into,
You didn't tell us where the cable is coming from
And you need to cut your fucking nails.
If its the only thing you have to drive? Shitty becuase your gas mileage would be horrible.
I've narrowed down to two cars...
>2011 Nissan Rogue SV
>2013 Volkswagen Tiguan SE
Any particular problems with these makes or models? Going to test drive Monday.
You can take it to Advance and they'll run the codes for you, for free.

Taking it to a mechanic and having him look at it should be free or fairly cheap.
VW is shit, Nissan is less shit but not perfect.

Both are normally driven by women, but it that doesn't bother you then disregard.
Is a CVT tranny anything to worry about? The rogue has one.
I already shift as fast as I can. I guess the reason switching from 1 to 2 is fine because I only need to put the gear stick down, and shifting from 2 to 3 I need to pass through neutral.

You're recommending shifting at higher rpm because the higher the rpm the larger the rpm drop between two gears right?
LOL Yeah that will only last you about 60k miles before crapping out.

>You're recommending shifting at higher rpm because the higher the rpm the larger the rpm drop between two gears right?

The car won't immediately drop to idle speed at shifting so if you shift at 4k instead of 3k it will give you more time before it drops too low and lurches the car.
Can anyone enlighten me on mmt-based octane boosters? I want to add some royal purple max octane boost to my car but I'm afraid the mmt in it will foul up my spark plugs, cat and o2 sensors. Do these boosters have other chemicals in them to prevent this manganese buildup or should I just avoid them?
>You're recommending shifting at higher rpm because the higher the rpm the larger the rpm drop between two gears right?

That's not how gears work, the drop between a gear and the next one is always the same regardless of how fast the engine is running when you do the upshift.
Why are you using an octane booster in the first place?
I live in California
Well the one I was looking at has 100k so...
And the gas here sucks, 91 octane at best meanwhile the manufacturer recommends 94
Really? Thats awesome. Not that dude but shops around here will charge around 100 just for a diagnostic.
Been looking at g37s... I want an rwd but the majority of listings are awd... I heard that awd gives you better traction therefore a faster takeoff. But ive also heard that rwd weight shifts to the back wheels giving more traction and faster take off. Which is true?

Also heard that awd adds several hundred lbs so car will overall be slower. Is there anything else im missing or should know about awd vs rwd on the g37?
Are honda accords "girl" cars? The v6 is decently quick.
Not at all
I just found a 2006 e87 320d (m47 not the problematic n47 engine) automatic with 180k km for 6k euro
should i?
A girl's car is a bicycle.
Is there a way to increase gas milage in a car with out reduceing with the engines hp and torque or general quickness?
How do I set up the seat to be comfortable in a hatchback?

It was fine when I test drove it, but that was realistically only for about 20-30 minutes at a time. Since I bought it, over 2 years ago, I have never found a position that's actually comfortable.
They just seem to be popular with middle class women. Like a secretary, clerk or receptionist...
First off you shouldn't care about that if you like the car enough. Second Accords are very popular, everybody drives them.
If the car is N/A Turbos and Superchargers can some times improve mileage with the right tune.

But for the most part you can't have both.
Dude who cares, it's not really feminine like an audi TT or whatever, just because women drive them doesn't mean men don't. Hondas are reliable and cheap, of course they're popular.
The free part of him looking at it usually precludes him fixing it. But yes there are alot of indies out there that will give you their opinion for fairly cheap, or at least the cost of one hour labor.
I thought about that but the way it looks is that the overflow tank hole is on the sealed side, not the main coolant line side, which means introducing positive pressure there wouldnt make the spring compress.
>buy car a month ago, all is well
>suddenly, heavy rain one night and car turns over but wont start
>fuel pump not doing anything
>no symptoms at all until now, parked up fine now does nothing
Does this sound like it could be an electrical thing? If so, how do you even approach finding out whats fucked? Fuses are fine...
pillows and sit sideways

remove the lead from your foot
I recently bought a 2005 mustang used. What are some easy quality of life type mods I can do to get better performance?
Ls swap
Then you just have to warm up the system a little bit to let the thermostat open
sell it and buy something with potential
but anon according to the sticky the 05 mustang is the best car for me
best car under 1k that has awd or 4wd for offroading use?
the local craigslist
Soapy water or trace dye senpai
Ok this is weird. I specifically typed "soapy water or trace dye senpai" and it got changed to senpai....? Ive never even used that word before so it couldnt have been an auto correct from my phone. And besides i even double checked what i wrote. Am i missing somthing?
Ok never mind i guess 4 chan automatically translates f-a-m to senpai. Huh weird. If this is somthing that everyone knows and i look dumb right now just pretend it didnt happen. Thanks.
lurk moar
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How to I set up my FWD car to corner better?

Just toe-out my rear wheels?

How much should I toe-out the rear wheels, and why?

What do I tell the cashier?
Hey, make sure to tell the guys to toe-out the rear wheels a little; just a little. Not too much, not too little, though.
sorry, i must be retarded, what would the thermostat have to do with this? warming up the car so that theres enough ambient pressure to compress the spring that would allow me to test through the overflow hose seems a bit redundant some im trying to test everything without turning the car on at all. but thanks for the advice anyways, good to know theres a pump that does what im looking for.

I was thinking of taking the filler neck out completely and capping one side, and maybe doing it that way.
Looking at converting a euro spec car to proper us spec, but i cant figure something out, if the odometer measures in kilometers, how would i get it to measure in miles, assuming i tic it up to the converted rate, does the vehicle speed sensor measure and spin at the right rate, is it specced for whatever region its in? is it engine programming? its a 95 jeep wrangler for context
so a buddy of mine is lending me his old beater 240SX for a week so I can finally learn to drive manual (since everyone in my family had an automatic when I was growing up)
I know how to do it in theory, but is there anything I should keep in mind, aside from how I'm probably fucking up the clutch?
Just try and really pay attention to the feel of how the car reacts when modulating the clutch. Don't try and go fast with the clutch at first since you'll stall. Keep the revs below but also around like 2.5k as your accelerating from a stop. Eventually you'll get it down and find where the clutch bites and starts to move the car, and you can hold the clutch there with steady throttle and you'll get rolling with little effort and quickly.
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I have a BMW e60 530i that is leaking some fluid in pic related. I figure it is probably that hose clamp or the cap there but am not sure what I am looking at; all I know is there is wet fluid there and I only drove it for 20 minutes today.

Can anyone tell me what I am looking at with a cap on it, maybe there is a gasket leak?

Thank you
is it better to get the revs up a bit before letting the clutch out, or should I do it at the same time?
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at first, when learning, revs up. as you get used to do, try and do both clutch and revs at the same time. when you finally get it, you can clutch to bitepoint, and depending if you're on like a downhill or flat surface you can get the car rolling with no throttle (yes, even in a 240sx, I can do it in my mr2 with its 4age you can too) or very little throttle after you hit your bite point
Legitimate question since there are a lot of strong opinions about it here.

Why are some of the people on this board so adamantly against auto and favor manual?

Is it just the satisfaction of shifting?
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This is all I have in the bank. Would it be a stupid idea if I spent 35k on a car ? What is a smarter way to invest it ? I don't have any debt and live pretty comfortably renting an apartment with my girlfriend.
You're asking if you should liquidate most of your assets for a car? No that's stupid

Tell me what kind of car you want and I'll help you find something without breaking the bank
>Would it be a stupid idea if I spent 35k on a car ?
Yes, that's some mid life crisis tier type of shit.

desu, the fact that you even have to ask foretells that it's probably a poor idea. If you're REALLY into cars and want something fun or comfy then you can find other options for cheaper.

In the end it's YOU that needs to decide though. Don't let others decide for you; i'm just stating what I think personally. Everyone is different friendo.
Anon you've got an oil housing gasket leak, don't worry it's not hard to replace

Btw I have the same exact car as you
Oil filter housing gasket leak*
It's just a plug dawg
I live in a state that gets cold (-35F and lower) with a fair amount of snow in the winter. Do I bother buying a motorcycle in the next month or two or should I wait until the spring? I currently do not have a garage/storage unit in my name but getting a unit would be possible
Thank you, I just found this is the oil filter area

I am 2000 miles from when it says I should change it. Should I change the oil now for this issue too or wait until the 2000 miles comes up?

Great taste! I am loving this car, just got it less than a month ago and am consistently impressed
the area where I live has very iron rich water and has left a yellow layer of rust over the paint on my (white) hood and literally only my hood. its really weird. anyway, I can take it off with some hard scrubbing with a microfiber cloth even just a tiny area took forever. is there any rust removing chemical that can easily lift the off the rust but still be paint and plastic safe?
how long are tires typically good for? I put a new set on my car a year ago and a "service tech" said my tires are 2/32" away from being legally bald. I haven't done any hard driving or extreme miles in their lifetime
This issue doesn't really impact your oil to be frank, you might have lost some but there's still plenty enough to keep the engine lubricated.

When was the last time the oil was changed? Don't go by the dash indicator for oil, it has some ridiculous interval like 15k miles between changes. If the oil was changed recently then you don't worry you can keep driving it a few thousand more miles. If you have no idea when it was changed last then yes I would probably change it just to be safe.

Use penzoil platinum euro oil in it, it's the best oil you can get and use mann/mahle/hengst filters. I used Mann last time but I got some hengst ones as they were slightly cheaper and seem to be more sturdy.

I just did the spark plugs on mine today at 97k, got it at 82k and have absolutely loved it. You made a smart choice anon, these 530i's are fun, beautiful and will last forever if they're maintained well. I fell in love with mine immediately, when I deleted the muffler it was like a brand new love awoke in me. Get a muffler delete asap if you care at all about exhaust note, these I6 sound so heavenly.
There are a lot of things that can affect a tires life but in my experience tires should last a couple years or like maybe upwards of 50k miles. Now I don't mean ALL TIRES EVER will ABSOLUTELY last 50k miles and 4-5 years, but thats like the upper expected range for decent tires that you don't do burnouts in and your alignment isn't fucked or stupid
How long they're good for is irrelevant. Take your eyeballs and LOOK at your tires for yourself (crazy concept, I know). If there's little to no tread left, they're done
i mean, i can clearly see tread left, and to my normie eyes they still look new. i'm just trying to make sure i'm not getting rused by a commission jockey
If there's tread there's tread
thanks sempai
make sure you look at the entire patch of the tire, both outside, middle and inside(!!!) as if your alignment is fucked, it doesnt matter if the outside tread is great if theres cord showing on the inside indicating a problem
The dash says 2000 miles and the owner that I bought it from said it was done recently. Although, that sounds like I should change it sooner than later since I cannot visually check the oil that I know of.

Is there any reason to not use the BMW 5w-30 oil? It is $5.80~ per quart at my local dealership and I may be able to get 20% off that.

Do you buy the filter at the dealership or just look up e60 Mann oil filter?

Good to hear, I bought at 75k and expect spark plugs when I am closer to 100k; are there any symptoms you saw that made you replace yours or was it preventative?

I do not fully understand what muffler delete is other than it changes house the exhaust sounds. I would love a more hearty sound on my 530i but I was looking at maybe new exhaust systems that were thousands; how much does a muffler delete cost or what do you need to do?

Just an hour or two ago I installed the sport mode button and test it, to my surprise it worked flawlessly. Added a button and received sports mode that was ~hidden by BMW but after looking up my VIN I found that my model had sports package for steering wheel and suspension.

I am a bit concerned about being too hard with sports mode since it has 75k miles without sports mode on the engine wear. Although, I do not have enough experience to tell me if that is an issue or not.
>The dash says 2000 miles and the owner that I bought it from said it was done recently. Although, that sounds like I should change it sooner than later since I cannot visually check the oil that I know of.

I say change it in 2 or 3k then, nothing will happen if you drive it 3k more miles.

>Do you buy the filter at the dealership or just look up e60 Mann oil filter?
I got it from amazon for $10.50, that's probably your best bet

>Good to hear, I bought at 75k and expect spark plugs when I am closer to 100k; are there any symptoms you saw that made you replace yours or was it preventative?
Well I'm super conscious about everything in my car. I noticed that my
starts and my idling were rougher than usual. I could feel a change in how the engine was vibrating at idle plus it sounded different on cold starts. This on top of a slight decrease in mpg told me it was time to pull the old plugs. Plus it gave me the opportunity to install laser iridium ones. I know that spark plugs have to be replaced at least by 100k miles, doing it sooner is better than later.

>I do not fully understand what muffler delete is other than it changes house the exhaust sounds.
Okay so every car exhaust system comes with a muffler, which is typically near the exhaust ports at the back end of the car. This device does exactly what the name implies: it muffles. The stock exhaust note with the muffler just sounds raspy and weak in my opinion, not at all how an I6 should sound. Enter the muffler delete

>I would love a more hearty sound on my 530i but I was looking at maybe new exhaust systems that were thousands; how much does a muffler delete cost or what do you need to do?
Forget those 3k exhaust systems, this is your lucky day. A muffler delete is exactly what it sounds like, deleting that muffler and replacing it with a straight pipe down to the exhaust tips. I looked up exhaust shops and found a very good one nearby, to my luck.
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The exhaust tech sliced off the muffler, tips and all and replaced it with a segment of pipe matching the stock exhaust pipe size. He then welded on new tips for me that I got to choose from a wide variety. Now this whole thing costed me a whopping $250. $100 for the muffler delete and $150 for the anodized titanium tips. Overall it was a fantastic deal and I regretted not doing it sooner. A mechanic once heard my engine and asked if I had put a $3,000 eisenmann or borla exhaust system in there. Do it anon, just make sure it's a good exhaust shop and don't let them charge you more than $100 for the labor.

>Just an hour or two ago I installed the sport mode button and test it, to my surprise it worked flawlessly. Added a button and received sports mode that was ~hidden by BMW but after looking up my VIN I found that my model had sports package for steering wheel and suspension.

I haven't done the sport mode mod because I can't get a straight answer on it. Some people say it changes the throttle mapping and suspension, other people say it does nothing other than add a "sport" word to the dash which doesn't change anything without factory modifications.

As far as engine wear goes, the cooling system is the only thing that ends up needing to be fixed but it is not hard to do and isn't expensive to fix. I mean you'll probably spend more on tire wear than engine wear with spirited driving.

Pic related is my car with the new exhaust
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Here's another pic of the exhaust, can't see it as well in that last one one
Is this the correct type of oil filter?

Thank you for that information, I will keep an eye out for anything like that. I am trying my best to stay ahead of maintenance and deal with anything I find immediately and hope this car treats me well!

Is this what the delete sounds like on ours?
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>Is this the correct type of oil filter?

Yup that's the one

>Is this what the delete sounds like on ours?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS8uTPTghdc [Open]

Yes that is totally what it sounds like,
mine doesn't have anything coming out of the exhaust though thankfully. Actually it sounds even better in real life, you'll be thrilled when you hear it in person. And then when you drive it and feel that bass-like rumble of the exhaust course through your body you'll fall feverishly in love with it. Bmw I6's really are amazing, you can balance coins on top of them.
That gif. Beautiful

Thank you very much for all the help! I will grab some filters and oil to replace the oil within 1k miles just to be safe.

Damn the muffler delete sounds amazing. Is there any negative that I have to consider with doing this aside from noise?

I assume calling up a local exhaust shop with good reviews and asking them about a delete for my model BMW is not a unique job. Or is there a specific question I should ask/look for in a shop to do this work?
You could get pulled over occasionally depending on where you live
>Thank you very much for all the help! I will grab some filters and oil to replace the oil within 1k miles just to be safe.
You're welcome man, glad to help a fellow bimmer-lover. I forgot answer one of your questions though, yes the bmw 5w30 oil is totally fine. I chose the euro platinum one mainly because the dealer here doesn't give any discounts.

>Damn the muffler delete sounds amazing. Is there any negative that I have to consider with doing this aside from noise?
There really is no negative, aside from a little droning sometimes on the highway which doesn't bother me anyway. Benefits are: better sound, less weight (go from 3,460 to 3,400 lbs, the stock muffler weighs at least 60 lb if not more), less restricted exhaust which might give you a few more horses (I've seen other cars get 5-8 hp just from the muffler delete).

>I assume calling up a local exhaust shop with good reviews and asking them about a delete for my model BMW is not a unique job. Or is there a specific question I should ask/look for in a shop to do this work?
There's really nothing peculiar about it.
Just find a well-rated exhaust shop and tell them "hey I want a muffler delete, do you guys do that?". Once you see the underside of the car you'll see how simppe of a layout it is, it's really a cut and paste type of thing. Also the whole process only takes 20-30 min.

Most exhaust shops do this type of thing routinely, in fact it's a really simple job for them so you'll be fine. Hope to see you in the /bmw/ general thread if we get that up and running again.
Thank you for answering everything thoroughly, I am pounding away research on this car and appreciate the time you took

I will definitely be in the general thread when I have content to post
How do I look that up, is there a decibel limit set by county or state for this?

I am in Florida
No problem at all brother, I know you're gonna love that exhaust note with the muffler delete, I'm practically excited for you haha

Enjoy the car man, if you take care of it it will take care of you for a long time

Look up "car noise law stipulation florida" or something to that effect. I live in los angeles man, I'm the one who should get pulled over not you but I never have. I've had cops behind my car, in front of it, next to it and they've never said a thing. That being said don't rip away from first gear next to one, if he's having a bad day he might use that as an excuse to take it out on you. Honestly though la cops are cool about that kind of stuff and I've heard florida cops are too so there's nothing to worry about in my opinion.
This is great, thank you. There are much louder exhausts passing cops without being pulled over, but I will confirm to be sure.

I have replaced the rubber molding on the rear window, that was quoted at $400 labor and hardware at a local shop. It took me about an hour with my plastic pry tool and some elbow grease, $45 for the molding and some effort made the rear of the car look brand new.

I am impressed with how easy things seem to be made to replace, hopefully that continues to be the case!
Good on you for fixing that yourself man, try your best to do whatever work you can do yourself because shops like
to overcharge especially if it's a german car. Yeah the bmw engineers were actually very thoughtful, the car is designed to be worked on and I love that. There's a flashlight in the glovebox, basic tools and first aid kit in the back and everything is very modular so you understand how to take it apart and put it back together.

Almost all of the reliability memes come from people who either don't work on their cars or maintain them, or people who buy a trashed, poorly maintained bimmer and then blame the bavarians for their own stupidity. It's good that you saw past that for what it is: a fun, reliable and comfortable car.
Thinking about getting a cheap funcar at some point, but not sure what to get. So far I've narrowed it down to:
>Mazda FC rx-7
>Pontiac Fiero
>Nissan 300zx tt
Each has some pros and cons:

>+gm partsbinning
>+FI potential
>+cheapest option
>-lowest stock hp
>-will likely need some work to reach full fun potential
>+turbo options
>+light and nimble
>-hard to find a not-thrashed-to-shit one
300zx tt:
>+most stock hp
>+incredible styling
>+digital dash options
>-heavier than others
>-more expensive
>-hard to find non-riced ones
>-engine bay meme

My question to you, /o/, is there anything I'm not taking into account, and which balances out to have the most potential despite its quirks?
>not going to fight the front-back weight transfer
Indeed, but that is not what I was trying.
>try to fix that problem instead of creating another problem on the other axle.
I need to transfer the latheral load somewhere, that is why I want to reduce the lifting force on the front inner tire and increase the lifting force on the rear inner tire.

>Changing the amount of body roll won't change the amount of weight transfer
Indeed, but only when you look at one axle.
If you have a harder ARB on one axle than on the other, the one with the harder ARB has more load transfer.
That is due to the spring rate of the ARB, the further the body rolls, the more force the ARB is transfering.
Without a ARB just the springs are involved in load transfer, the difference in compression of the springs.
That leads to a verry low load on the (in this case) rear inner tire and a verry high load on the outer tire and almost no load transfer on the front axle.

>deleting the front ARB won't change how much weight is going to be transferred from the inner to the outer front tire, it will just make the process take longer.
Not exactly, since the front ARB won´t lift the front inner tire, but the rear ARB will lift ther rear inner tire even more than normaly.

That won´t change the latheral load transfer significantly, wich is my main problem.
My front inner tire almost leayes the ground.
They only change how I enter a corner, on sustained corners they do exactly nothing.
Not available
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Pic related
What's a good windshield washer fluid to use for the winter?

What does /o/ use for their non-shitboxes?
Antifreeze, dish soap and water.
Sure, you can remove your FARB and add a super stiff RARB, but, you'll most likely start picking up a wheel.

Doing what you want to do will fix the balance like you want it, but there's a good chance you'll end up going slower.
I currently have a 2000 mustang and it's really fun to drive but since I'm in Canada it makes it really annoying to drive in the winter, even with snow tires and extra weight.
I'm considering selling it for something more winter capable while still being fun. I'm considering a wrx but idk what other cars I might want to look at (I'd prefer awd). Having a seperate shitbox for winter isn't really an option since I don't have the space
I would suggest:
Lancer Evo
Any Audi with quattro AWD

But all 3 options are high maintainance.

Other than that MR cars could be better than the mustang due to most weight sitting over the driven axle.
How is the Quattro for storage since it looks kinda tiny? How is finding parts for it and an evo
I didn´t suggest the quattro, I suggested any audi with Quattro AWD system.
If you want storage, most wagons from Audi come with AWD.
Is downshifting in an automatic to slow down bad for the transmission? Just like downshifting one gear rather than braking so soon when coming up on a stop.
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Only picture I have of it, does anybody know what car this is?
It looks like a S2K with a Bodykit.
I've got a 5-speed manual. When in first gear, if I don't use enough pressure on the throttle, the car lurches (I'm not sure if lurching is the right word). I think it also lurches (it's like I'm going on and off of the gas when I'm not) if I down shift into 1st gear, while at a low speed, it also lurches.

What's causing this? Is it normal? Is something wrong with it? If something's wrong, what are some solutions?
Do you mean the rpm drops under idle and it shakes?
I don't think the rpm drops under idle (it's possible, I don't know), but it doesn't shake or rattle, just like I'm
but not break as in complete stop, just a slow-down.
Did the JDM have its variant of the CONVERTIBLE g37 (with all its optional packages) under the Nissan v36 flag? Yes or no?
>nails don't go past the finger
Are you retarded?
So when you are off the throttle the car changes speed permanently?
When I'm off the throttle, it slows down permanently.
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factory five 818. its a kit car it uses a WRX as the donor.

buddy said a guy at the local subaru club has one and its really fast.
Does it only slow down or does it speed up again?
It just slows down.
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What sort of glue should i use to fix this?
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You're better off with a Grand Cherokee. The engine and the transmission are from older-gens Mercedes MLs.
Grand Cherokees are hailed as very reliable cars, due to Mercedes parts and are excelent off-roaders. Not quite Defender levels of off-roading, but up there with the Land Cruiser.
Just avoid the Fiat Grand Cherokees which were a massive downgrade from the previous ones.

I'd buy one but I'm afraid that by the time I can afford the taxes on a 2.7L diesel, they will be old and rusty.

P.S. Go for the 3.0 cdi model if you can afford it.
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There's a WRX under there? That's fucking cool. Thanks anon, have this
I need to buy a dashcam, what brands/models are recommended?

Since I'm here, might aswell ask.

So basically winter is coming and I have no experience with RWD. I have plenty with FWD and 4x4 stuff, even in hard winter, but never RWD.

So what should I look for as a precaution for the winter ? Anything else besides some more expensive tires ? Do I also need a bang of sand in the trunk ? Can anyone recommend a good brand of tires for a rwd car ?
The car has a rather pigly 129 bhp and the wheels are 16" because comfort. I'm a gentle driver so I don't care about performance that much.

Thank you so much for your time !
Not him, but some tips:
Drive slow for safe stopping and turning
Any studded winter tires will work, maybe some are better idk
DSC is helpful for less wheelspin but it's not perfect
Keep cat litter or sand, and a shovel for getting unstuck
You (probably) don't need extra weight as bmws are well balanced

Thank you so much for your answer Sir !
Unfortunately, studded tires are illegal in my country ( europeasant ).
I dunno what a DSC is but if it's related to the ABS then everything is fine, just recently changed the brake fluid. As for the shovel, I always carry one as the municipality forgets to clean the streets of snow. Everybody has to shovel his/her way out of the parking lot, every morning.

Can you recommend some good winter tires ? I've gone for Pirelli Ceat Winter previously, and I've been more than satisfied with them.
just adjusted my timing, noticed that not only is my timing light incredibly dim but the timing marks hover + or - 5 degrees from the proper spot
just changed plugs so is my rotor worn out?
hondafags get out

I'm actually the guy with the E90. I guess I shouldn't speak remotely professional around here. For a moment I forgot I was on 4chin.

I shall commit Sudoku.
Stop calling it an ARB you sound retarded.
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>I need to transfer the latheral load somewhere, that is why I want to reduce the lifting force on the front inner tire and increase the lifting force on the rear inner tire.
But since your problem happens on corner exit during acceleration, your main focus should be longitudinal weight transfer, not lateral. The longitudinal transfer is what is depriving your front axle of most of the load.

>If you have a harder ARB on one axle than on the other, the one with the harder ARB has more load transfer.
It doesn't have more load, it just happens faster with the stiffer ARB. Given enough time, an axle with no ARB will transfer just as much weight to the outside as the same axle with the stiffest ARB available.

>That leads to a verry low load on the (in this case) rear inner tire and a verry high load on the outer tire and almost no load transfer on the front axle.
But since, again, we are talking about a corner exit problem, where the lateral load transfer mostly already happened because we are at the end of a turn and the main imbalance in the car is happening because of (mostly) longitudinal acceleration, you solution won't solve much.
You are trying to apply corner entry physics to a corner exit situation.
What happens here is: rear axle gets progressively more loaded than the front because you are accelerating and inner tires get progressively as loaded as the outer tires because you are straightening your trajectory. You aren't actively lifting the inner tires anymore, they are going back to where they were.

>That won´t change the latheral load transfer significantly
You underestimate the impact springs have on the handling of a car

>They only change how I enter a corner, on sustained corners they do exactly nothing.
Which is not the case we are discussing, they change how fast the load is being transferred both laterally and longitudinally, so they work perfectly for a corner exit situation like yours

>Not available
That sucks
Could I get away with 240z fender flares on an MA60 supra? The oem ones are unobtainable
Does anybody here own a 1st gen Scion TC? How do you like it? I want to get one as a daily.
guess you're ready cuz im waiting for you...
about to bite the bullet and get a Honda Accord Euro 2007. Is there anything else that would be the same price that looks as stylish and is reliable?
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Quick help on pic, what sensor is this?

It's on a 1985 3.0 olds Calais
It's not map, tps or maf and the car stalls and lugs when it's plugged in and flawlessly when unplugged but I am unable to find out what exactly it is
whats 8+4
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Which state offers the most FREEDOM in terms of cars, modification, etc.?
Is volvo c30 2.0 diesel any good? found one with 180k km is it too much or are volvos reliable?
idle air solenoid probably. unbolt it and look
Pretty much any state that doesn't require emissions and safety testing. SC is one.
Fabric glue. Literally in the fabric section of most craft shops.
No just the engine/drive train. the body and frame come wholly from a kit.

IIRC they flip the drive train and make it a Midengine/awd car.
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What's /o/ opinion on MANN filters?
Retard here. What kinds of maintenance operations does a car need? I know you need to change the oil every 3 months or some thousand miles, and there is also the gas tanks that must be full, but those two, what else is there in terms of 'car chores'?
Your car should have a manual with maintenance intervals stating which parts need to be inspected and which parts need to be replaced (air filters, coolant/lubricant, brake pads, etc.)
I have the a fucking stupid question.

If I want to downshift while normally driving, should I change 1 gear at a time or could I go straight to the desired gear?

For instance it happens that I'm in 4th gear travelling at 50 km/h, so the engine is spinning at low rpm, and then I approach a corner so as I want engine brake to slow me down instead of using brakes I just skip from 4th to 2nd gear, slow down and have the engine at a medium rpm range so I can exit the corner quickly.

NA engine, 3 cylinders 1.0 Yaris shitbox.
I go from 5th to 3rd regularly when braking, it doesn't harm anything so long as you're rev matching.
That sounds like a lot of things. On an average decent car, every how many days or so is there some maintenance to be done (not counting filling the gas tank)?
can automatics be fun?
How do i do a compression test without genociding my battery?
Despite what /o/ tells you, yes they can still be fun. You're still in direct control of the car, just not the transmission
if you're worried about that, you need a new battery anyway
Check pressure, if possible buy a pressure gauge and check them in the morning before driving, preferably every day but you could do it every 3 days or once a week, though you could be wasting fuel and wearing your tires, or in a really bad case even risking blowing a tire with too low a pressure (and too high a speed, tire overheats and goes boom eventually)
Good wheel alignment (this will be affected by the car's age/condition/if it had a collision/if you rally it or something) and balancing will save you money and wear. Look for wear indicators and uneven wear across all 4 tires
Their age is also critical, 6 years since it's been manufactured is about the limit. Do learn about your tires
Sincerely, someone who almost died from an old tire bursting, and who enjoyed 2 truck tires exploding, one 3 and the other 7 feet away from him

Fluids needed are the engine coolant/antifreeze (either the correct type, or a universal one), transmission fluid (be it manual or automatic, still needs the proper oil in there), if rear wheel drive it needs rear differential oil, if 4x4 or all-wheel-drive then it needs center differential oil/transfer case oil, possibly front diff oil. If front wheel drive, it usually has the same fluid as the transmission but check your vehicle on that one

Filters needed are air, fuel, and oil. Maybe your air conditioner also has one, and it could be clogged and dirty

Brakes, if discs, check both brake pads and rotors (they have a minimum thickness to them, it's not a good idea to drive with worn rotors, and worse, worn pads), as well as drum brakes (these have to be taken apart to know if they're worn out, but it's a rather simple job)

Of course windshield wipers and it's fluid/water in the reservoir, because it sucks not seeing in the rain

There are many little things you could check in an old/used car, like the CV boots and wheel bearings

Pic related
I've got to crank my engine at least 16 times, would that not kill it?
Just wondering what other terms 4chan automatically changes...?

Anyone care to chime in on this?
Really... Not one person can expand on the topic of awd vs rwd?
Gonna get a new car. Should I get the Civic Hatchback Sport or the Civic Si? Car will be a daily. Does the Si justify its higher price tag?
Shouldn't be too be hard on it, really, unless you have an old diesel engine
However, if it's bad enough that it worries you, your battery might be bad already, or something else might be worth looking at, IMO

Anyways, maybe borrow/rent/buy a battery charger? You do need some decent RPMs to get proper readings

Can't find all that much good info on it's specific AWD system, but it seems it's the type that is RWD until wheels slip, and then power is transferred to the front. That should help mitigate understeer, but I don't know how that will affect your driving, since I never kansei'd in a car with that sort or AWD arrangement, and that's not really the type of vehicle that absolute madmen go for when aiming for a driver's chariot

All that said, the AWD will give you an advantage in low-grip conditions and off the line (provided it doesn't overheat, or have a failure), but will give you less fuel economy and less acceleration past the very start, since it's heavier. Also likely to be dynamically inferior since it has more weight around the front axle, meaning a bit more understeer, etc etc
>97 ford f150 4wd
>looking to replace the PCV
>cant find it
there's just too much shit in the engine bay and I have no idea what I'm looking for. how can I locate this bitch?
TL;DR looking for tiny turbo with good aftermarket support, for use in small diesel truck, size along the lines of Garrett GT15

Been looking at replacing the worn-out, hard-to-find-parts-and-service-for unit that comes with my truck. What little I could find out is that Borgwarner makes a "replacement", though I haven't got any more info. Holset has about what I want, but I'd like to know if there are any more alternatives I'm not aware of

Been looking everywhere, but unless I'm doing something very wrong in my search, there are few maps/data for turbos out there save for Garrett and Holset ones, which is why I may have to go with them

I know that a slightly up-rated version of the engine later on came equipped with a Garrett GT15, and they have good support where I live, so I'm leaning on those anyway

Anyone have input or recommendations on this?
Is it true that you cars with older turbos can't be turned off immediately after driving them, so you need to sit in the car for a while while it cools down or some shit before turning it off?

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I've always used Haynes manuals but how does Chilton's compare? The photos in Haynes suck.

Use some of this stuff.
Forgot pic
What decisions did you make in life to end up with this choice? I'd like to know so I can avoid it.
On the top panel of my car the clear coat, paint, and primer has faded in certain areas and there are rusting spots. When cleaning my car should I even clean this panel? its fucked and it feels like a waste of time.
Anything I should know about the Alfa Romeo 147? Looking at one near my area with low kms and a good price
Any turbocharged vehicle, even modern ones, need some time to cool down the HOT part of the turbo that receives the exhaust gases, and avoid cooking and therefore plugging the oil line that keeps the turbo alive. Maybe some of the new ones with electric oil pumps keep the pump working after you turn the engine off to prevent damage to the turbo when it's too hot

It's not necessary if you're just city driving, but if driving on the highway, or towing, or asking a lot out of the engine, you need to give it a few minutes because the thing is way too hot and will destroy the oil that remains near the turbo while the engine is off

My 2009 Toyota turbodiesel advises: been doing 50 MPH highway, then let it idle before shutting off engine, for something like 1 minute. Been driving at 60 MPH, let it idle for like 3 minutes. Been driving at 70, idle for 5 or so minutes. So it's important that the turbo cools down, since the thing will be spinning at anything between 50 thousand and 150 thousand RPM when on full boost, and cooked oil clogging the pipes is no good

That's with diesel engines having lower exhaust gas temperatures than gasoline cars, too

You mean the roof, or what "top panel? Is it leaking inside anywhere? Or is it just surface rust?
yeah, just the roof / top panel portion. its just surface rust, no spot is bigger than a dime but there are several of them.
Chiltons is haynes by another name.

Get a shop manual or if they make one for your car, A Bentleys
Makes sense. So then why are people still attracted to buying turbos if you can't leave the car after driving it? The inconvenience of having to babysit a car for a few minutes everytime you drive would surely piss enough people off?
Opinion on Starla exhaust? I just need a good replacement for my Volvo. Walker is also available, for not too much more.
What can you tell me about 2007 LEXUS IS 220D SE? I like how it looks and I heard lexus is reliable on /o/. I don't know much about them since I live in Albania all we got are german cars mostly.
Is 200k km too much for it? what about 6500 euro price? since theres no others i got nothing to compare it to dont want to overpay.
I put a carb from a larger engine onto a smaller engine. 300ci -> 200ci.

I plan to run E85 in it.

Should I re-jet the carb before I run ethanol or just send it?
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What is this car?
90's T-bird
Why does /o/ suck Mazda's cock?
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I got some of those, and personally clean the panel, but don't care all that much since the paint is all screwed. Probably not good for the material, but mine is a beater

Turdbo/supercharger, when properly done, is a wonderful thing. More torks with a smaller displacement and lighter package (albeit at the cost of increased maintenance and greater part stress/requirements, yadda yadda), and in the case of turbo, no need to take 20, 30 or more horsepower off the crank just to compress the air that goes into the engine. Also, sadly, lots of marketing wank, but there's legit merit to it, just not what's usually pushed by advertisers

Now, on the idling thing, it doesn't bother me personally, as I love my vehicles and it's like when I pre-lube the turbo on the large trucks after they haven't run in a while, or doing a string alignment in the garage, or fixing some wiring, or doing an oil change: I'm taking care of my vehicle, it's a reward to take proper care of what I have. I guess having a passion for it helps, too

Even without it, it's generally not a bother, since time goes by quick. In the rare occasions I do need to go from 70 MPH to a full stop in less than two minutes, just I wait for a while. It doesn't prevent me from, say, fueling up just as quick, or whatever I usually have to do. I generally have one or two minutes to spare, though usually I just think ahead and slow down a bit a minute before I need to stop

For others: remember, most people don't read the manual. They don't even know where it is in the first place, so there are a lots of dumbasses out there killing their turbos (and their engines, albeit a bit more slowly) by turning off their cars without idling them for a while after driving hard

I should mention there's also the water-cooled option for turbos, for this very reason. To read more, here:

The radio reception in my toyota matrix is really shoddy. If I go near any other cars or close to any buildings I start to lose signal. What should I check to get better signal? I haven't looked too closely at it yet but the antenna is all there and not broken or anything.
Good wagon for $3500 or less?.

Manual transmission pls
You'll probably need to check the connection of the Jack in the back of the head unit. Which means you'll need to pull the head unit to look at it.

You're not going to find much, An older honda Accord, or mazda 6, Or Mazda Protege 5 are the only things that come to mind that are in that price range.
I guess that will be a good time to nigger rig an aux cord into it as well, my bluetooth fm transmitter is awful to use and I dont like it speaking to me in chinese either
Just be prepared that it may very well be the headunit itself causing the problem.
I made a thread for this question anyways, so fuck too guys. It also didn't get replies, so in reality, fuck me.

>What's a good car that can be had sub 2k with a manual transmission? Only requirements is a decent aftermarket, and not slow as shit. I'd prefer something that isn't ugly, but fuck it.

>no miatas
It's all about smiles per gallon, my man.

I daily drive my V8 and it's really not THAT bad
>good car
>under 2k

It doesn't exist, although you could possibly get a running manual pickup for that much.
Are Mitsubishi's reliable? I've seen a fee eclipses that look nice in my price range, but my brother in law, a diesel mechanic and a honda fanboy says they're shit.

>"come on anon, do you really want your car and your tv made by the same people?"
I've found quite a few solid cars for under 2k, but I'm not sure which one I should settle for.
I haven't really heard anything positive about mitsubishis to be honest
let me guess, they're all FWD shitboxes?

You said 'good' with a 'decent aftermarket'
By good, I mean reliable. Sure, FWD isn't as fun (to me) as a RWD, but you're stupid if you think FWD cars can't be good.
So that's why most every major racing series like F1 Nascar, Rally, Lemans uses FWD cars right?

Oh they can be good, as grocery getter's yes but Seriously good cars either have the rear wheels turning or all wheels turning.
Well no shit, Sherlock. You must work for NASA.

If I was looking to get a performance car, my budget wouldn't be capped at 2k. FWD seems to be my only option here.
>If I was looking to get a performance car,

oh so we're supposed to be mind readers now? Oh wait, you wanted something with a good aftermarket with it which would imply you ARE looking for something sporty, unless you just plan on stancing or ricing the fuck out of it.
Right, so I've got a 3800 Series II with a 4T60E transmission I want to put in a longitudinal car. What would be the best way of skipping over the differential in the 4T60E, welding it or trying to lock up one of the output shafts?
More 300zx issues.

I have a really bad vibration on acceleration mainly under my seat and a bit in the steering wheel. When shifting gears it clunks and drops down and you can hear a pop noise sometimes putting into reverse. I'm assuming driveshaft (which is supposed to be a piece of shit in these cars) or ujoints? New to drivetrains so any way to test ?
whats the best luxury coupe 10k or under?
Lexus Czechem
Sorry your tiny negro brain couldn't figure it out, bud.

Actually c5s get great milage on the freeways and highways, its the traffic jams that will hurt. I got 30+ on my commute when I drove 45 miles one way (40 were highway miles)


Theyre fine DDs, I sold one with 250k on the clock that still ran great. Ls motors are simply amazing. I averaged 30+ mpgs on my commutes and had a blast in that car. Stop and go is where you lose any mpg advantage though. I commuted out of phoenix at 2pm though so I rarely hit traffic.
How big a difference is there between the ls1 and lt1?

Just run race fuel.
I have a small rust spot. What is the best way to get it taken care of?
>Should I re-jet the carb before I run ethanol or just send it?
Since the A/F ratio of ethanol is totaly different than on E5 you need to pump more fuel per aamount of air into the engine.
You need to use bigger jets for that reason.

You can increse the compression and gain torque and MPG for free.
remove rust and paint over

How the fuck can you have that much money and be so fucking retarded?


Rubbing alcohol
How hard would it be to convert a 4th gen fbody to AWD?

Stupid hard.
Does anybody drive for Uber or Lyft?

How is it?

Would it be a bad idea to buy a cheap newer econobox like a Honda Fit exclusively to Uber with so you're not putting those miles on your nicer car?
iirc uber has standards for their cars
not just any old shitbox can join
Yeah, but I'm talking about getting some 2 or 3 year old Fit or Nissan Versa or whatever 4 door shitbox I can get cheap and don't give a shit about and Ubering on weekends.

The requirements for vehicle are pretty much
>2010 or newer
>4 doors
>can pass inspection
So that's easy.
What are some small trucks that are cheap to insure? Theres a few jobs around here that require a truck, and ive been wanting to get something cheaper than my current car anyway (over 200/month)
My boyfriend has a 2001 325i with a clean title - he's willing to give it to me for $1500. The car works perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with it. However, I do wonder - how expensive are they to fix? I don't mind putting some money into a nice car, but for someone who can't do stuff more advanced than an oil change, is it going to be extremely costly?
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Are the Koreans really going through a car renaissance right now like the Japanese in the 80s? It seems like they've gotten really popular and competitive these last few years even though the reputation I've known for them previously is bad to meh.

Completely unrelated question: Are there really any advantages to RWD other than slightly less weight and the ability to throw the back end out for fun times? I'm onnamountain and AWD seems to be better at just about everything other than throwing the car around corners on a track or winding path.
They req'd 2004 or newer where I live. I sent them all the paperwork for my 2000 Jeep and no one ever gave a shit.
Ad just says impreza, but isn't this an outback or something? As in impreza outback, but still
>no roof rails, skinny wheels, tiny exhaust under stick-on chrome plastic bit.

Base model.
Looks exactly like the Impreza 1.6 I had last year.
5 speed with dual range, 4x4.

The US probably got a 1.8 (?)
Ad claims a 2.2l, they ever come with that?
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Those cars are both Mazda rx-5/929/cosmo right?
Mitsubishi Mirage, 127,000 km, $6000 AUD
Worth it? I need it to last lik 4-5 years, 1.5 minimum
Also, were I to get it, what's it like finding parts for this? I want to start modifying cars myself
Where can I find something in this style that's at least 8 inches wide with a 5 x 4.5 bolt pattern? Explorer wheels pictured are the right bolt pattern but they're a bit too narrow.
There is a na miata for sale in my town for 700 euros, but is was in a garage for the last 5 years. what would i have to do to get it running again? oil change, cooling liquid, new tires etc.?
check anyhting rubber as well, wires and such
Check the hose clamps for everything inside the engine bay, you might find something leaking
if a car doesn't respond to a jump start AT ALL (as in no dash lights and no sound from the starter whatsoever) could the battery be the sole culprit or is something else wrong?
I managed to get it to jump earlier, but the engine didn't fire up, it just choked a bit (my guess is that the gas went bad or something, the car was sitting for two years and hadn't been driven much before then)
but after leaving it on a wall charger for a bit it stopped responding entirely
also I just realized I forgot to check the fuse box, that could be it if it didn't like the charger for whatever reason
If any, what car manufacturer made cars with a hole in the seat between your legs for drinks?
Would $900 be worth it for a 1999 Honda Civic, 2 door, manual, 200k miles, not sure what else may be wrong it yet. Front windshield seems smashed in though so it definitely would need to be replaced. Not sure what happened with it.
What's the mileage you can expect to get on a day of downtown traffic jam?

Naw nigga, just no

It's an early model of an old german car, it'll have electrical issues and electronics will fail, and parts are pretty expensive, unless you know where to source them from

I'd have it as a project car or second car, you know, 4fun and stuff, but anything else and you might be in for a few days or even a week without your main vehicle, and fixing it won't be cheep

Changing brake fluid, oil and coolant are a must IMO, possibly need to drain fuel tank/fill fuel as well. Differential and transmission oils can be checked for level at first, but I'd change it as well, a bit of oil is much cheaper than a lot of metal. It would be good to change steering fluid as well, since it tends to be given absolutely no fucks and gets nasty as it can be

Cars (and many other things really) tend to fail either because rubber fails, or because lubrication fails, so guide yourself by that: little gaskets, engine/transmission seals, wiring, grease where it's needed, etc

Make sure you get the proper type of battery, don't want to come up with the wrong one and find that the cables aren't long enough to connect to it. Been there, done that

Checking the brakes while you bleed the old brake fluid, too. See if there's a pronounced lip around the edge of the rotors, because that might need addressing, either wearing out the lip (if rotors aren't too worn and lip isn't too big) or changing the rotors altogether. The best way to do this would be to get a micrometer and measure the discs, although you can just buy a caliper and do as video shows:

Is it hard to convert to electric fans? I kinda want to get a junkyard set of fans, and a temp probe kit and put it on my truck because it keeps eating fan clutches.
If your truck came with e-fans in some model, then it should be rather easy, provided most of the wiring for the fans and whatevers is still there in your specific one

If your model didn't come with electrics somewhere, it's still fairly easy to do, as there are universal kits errywhere, but doing it properly is kinda hard since a proper, durable one with PWM seems to be just about impossible to find. Fabricobbling something together can be an option for ya, too
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what is this thing and what exactly does it do
bug catcher
catch bugs
pls no bully
It's the intake
My friend has done this to his mk3 supra and it wasn't difficult. He did have an issue where he kept blowing a fuse for a bit. He swears it's the best mod he's ever done.

He did measure the shroud? and fans to make sure the ones he got from a junkyard would fit. He likes little projects like that though.

So yea, you can do it. I don't think it would be hard if you spend some time researching it and a weekend fitting it.
Yes, the auto have issues with transmissions. Chances are it does have an issue, like burning oil. I guess it also depends on if you have somewhere to work on it, and will have a little bit of extra money each month for repairs. There's so many tutorials and the parts for civics are very cheap. This is just my opinion though.
I had a similar issue recently and it was the battery connectors (the parts you tighten on to the battery poles). If it's the starter I thin you hear a clicking noise. The other thing I think it can be is the ignition switch, but I'd try the battery connectors. Even cleaning the ones I had extremely well didn't work, I had to buy new ones.

I think you'll need a voltmeter to do some tests. Another thing I think you need to check is the battery cable wires, if there's a ground coming off and grounded. If you google your issue, you can diagnose it by yourself. The fact that you don't hear the starter click makes me think that the power isn't reaching there. If the battery is giving a 12.5v reading (aka good battery) then I think it's the attachment to the cables. You can wiggle them and see if you get a bit of a reaction.
I would buy the book rich dad poor dad and read it before making a decision on what to spend it. Basically it'll tell you that you should spend your money on assets, things that appreaciate vs liabilites, depreciating assets.

If I were you'd I'd look into buying a duplex/multifamily unit property (do not buy one apartment or home to rent) with a fha loan. Hell, you could use the profit from that to lease a brand new 35k car. Just think if you purchase a property for 100k and in provides 600/mo after expenses, you can lease for 3 years and maybe then the property will be up to 120k.
the wall charger had a voltmeter, it was measuring about 2 volts and slowly dropping as it ran
wich one is less trash?

Also, when would be a better time to do a hand-break turn when there's left foot breaking available?

Should you step on the clutch when doing a Scandinavian Flick?

You don't clutch when you're lead-footing a RWD vehicle, so the stress to the drive train when using a different technique, like Hand-break, isn't so bad in comparison, right?
When you operate the break and throttle, do you use the same heel position every time?

It seems like it'd be most beneficial to have a consistent footing position, especially when you're racing; and it seems like it's just sloppy technique if you don't have consistent footing positions.

Do some people have some tactile footing position indicators in their cars?
If these exist, are they sold somewhere?
Pedal positions vary from cars to car, so its not really possible to be consistent.

I have to turn my foot at a more extreme angle to heel toe revmatch in my truck, vs my car.
>so its not really possible to be consistent.
But can you not be more consistent within one car?

Tactile position indicators on the pedals, for instance.

Maybe even something basic, like a 3-sectioned pedal.

>top with horizontal grooves
>middle no grooves
>bottom vertical groove s
How much would it cost to take a car to a tuning shop and have them install all of these?

>10 way adjustable heated/cooled leather seats
>powered seats, windows, mirrors and locks
>rear camera with parking assist
>~2005 info-tainment system with GPS
>paddle shifters
>alcantara interior
>retractable spoilers
>side skirts
>USB port, cup holders and other minor comfort/convenience features

Please give me a rough estimate of the price range.

Thank you very much.
>hand-break turn
You won't overpower your moto-
Why tho

Honestly, you don't need to drift unless you are on gravel or dirt or something. Focus on front suspension and grip, keep that contact patch hard on the ground for both wheels. Make sure the chassis is Rigid enough to effectively transfer forces between front wheels, and so you can actually tune your shocks properly.

Sliding is always bad on pavement due to Ackerman angle causing less front end grip, so you should at least get good tires on the rear. Or you can change your steering geometry and show off all you want. It doesn't matter for fwd, as long as the wheels are angled for the turning radius as best as possible
Is there such a thing as a "the fucking morons guide to cars and car nomenclature" style of article?

Something like the /k/ sticky, where you can go from a complete noguns retard to able to follow a basic thread without having your head fall off?

I want to into cars, and I've been lurking, but I'd like some extra material.
It literally depends on the car, but that would probably take about 60-80 hours, if nothing has to be fabricated to install modifications. If anything has to be fabricated to make shit fit, then you can easily double or triple the labor time.

The rate for a decent indie is going to be $45-$80 an hour

So low end would be $2,700-3600, High end would be $4,800-6400, in just labor alone.
Why do you think Wikipedia exists?
No master "go read these articles and then come back"?
I mean, I've been googling a shitload of stuff, but it seems to me that somewhere someone would just say "start here"
You want a a start here? Buy a $500 junker and some basic tools and start fixing it.

That's pretty much how most of us started, that or we forced to do regular maintenance on our daily drivers.
And what percentage does labor alone contribute to the whole price usually?
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I was a retard yessterday and backed up into a van. What do you guys think, is this repairable by pulling? It looks a bit too small for something like that
Have you tried googling the parts you want to install so you can see how much they sell for?
How do you expect strangers on the internet to know how much all that stuff cost?
307, the 306 is too old and the 308 dropped in quality.
Zoom out nigga I can't tell what part of the car this is.
why do drifters normally go for lower suspension?
1993 S10 2.8l serpentine belt

>Was squealing with AC running
>Threw belt
>Replaced belt
>Ran fine no issues
>Run AC again one day, no squealing
>Throws belt after a minute of driving like that
>never turn AC on again
>Now I cant get a belt to stay on long enough to drive it out of the driveway.
With that being said

>put belt on the other day
>let it run with it on for a few minutes while I clean my other cars interior
>no problems at all
>shut it off, close the hood
>go to drive it later that night
>put it in gear and let out clutch
>belt instantly gets thrown
307 is Renault Laguna 2 - tier unreliable. It is however pretty nice to throw around corners. When it works. Smol petrol engines might be the only engines you could trust on this model.
308.1 fixed this a bit but the pigfat design is really putting me off. It is however quite roomy inside.
308.2 has the latest versions of the 1.6 THP which seems to have stopped eating its timing chain, is the lightest car of its segment by hundreds of pounds and is, in my opinion, the best looking compact you can buy today. You have to get used to the i-cockpit thingy though.
306 was a god-tier car, bulletproof, with a good chassis, and peppy engines. However it is starting to get old and good examples become ever rarer.
Source: have driven all of them, dad owned a 307, close friend has a 308.1, uncle had a 306.
It's the trunk lid of a miata, the dent is small in size but quite deep and on a narrow surface, will take a better pic soon
Don't bother, just take it to an auto body shop an they'll fix it. Shouldn't be too expensive. Don't bother trying to fix it yourself, you'll never get it straight unless you have experience doing this kind of thing.
less suspension movement
less chance to flip when sideways
>never been done before
let's see some prototypes so we can fund it
>what is the internet?
>what are wheel shops?
>what is this craigslist you speak of?

>why are korean cars so popular?
because people like cheap econoboxes and every established manufacturer forgets this

>he doesn't know that RWD weighs more than FWD
if snowy onamountain i'd recommend AWD or FWD
Is Miata a good car to learn manual on? Every Miata I looked online was either beaten to shit or modded to shit. What another car is a better to learn manuial on?
Nah it isn't bad. But why would you do that? Get a real manual faggot.
A miata or just about any Honda. Both have pretty light clutches and are forgiving.
That's bad ass to be honest.
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I fell pretty flat when my mom asked me for car advice
>They recently bought 2016 ram hemi (dads)
>Putting too many kms on ram >Toyota Sequoia is pos (moms)
>want a safe, luxurious car for highway use (snow)
>should be better on gas than v8
>stay away from German luxury small town don wanna get snobbed and robbed

Safe, Luxurious, non-German, better econ than v8


- Volvo XC60, XC90
- Range Rover Sport
- Jaguar F-Pace
- Acura RDX, MDX
- Infiniti QX60, QX70
- Lexus NX, RX
- Toyota 4Runner
- Honda Pilot
- Mazda CX-9
- Kia Sorento
- Dodge Durango
- Jeep Grand Cherokee
- GMC Acadia, Yukon
- Chevrolet Traverse, Tahoe
- Lincoln MKC, MKX
- Ford Explorer
- Cadillac XT5


- Volvo S90/V90
- Jaguar XE, XF, XF Sportbrake
- Acura TLX
- Infiniti Q50, Q70
- Lexus ES, GS
- Toyota Avalon
- Honda Accord
- Kia Cadenza
- Kia K900
- Hyundai Sonata
- Dodge Charger
- Chevrolet Impala, Malibu
- Cadillac CTS, XTS, CT6
- Lincoln MKZ, Continental
- Ford Fusion, Taurus

obviously not all of these have AWD, ur family might hate ford, whatever. this is a pretty full list for safe fancy efficient cars.
So, the power windows, locks, rearview camera with park assist, and the infotainment system are all easily gotten with aftermarket gear. They make servos for the window and locks, and an Android stereo with a rearview camera covers the rearview with park assist. Other than that, it just depends on what other models had as well as what's available with aftermarket parts.
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