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MLP General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 517
Thread images: 251

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718: Daring Done?
Written by Gillian M. Berrow

The Movie Prequel #4 and Legends of Magic #5 storytimed here!

The Art of My Little Pony The Movie storytimed here!

Holy moly hotdog.
Will ALL the pones get their cutie marks in Marks N Rec? Or just everyone but pip

Old thread of ug I droped it
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Previous thread

The Movie Junior Novel is still storytimed here!
The Movie The Great Princess Caper stil storytimed here!

717: To Change a Changeling


719: It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - When Rarity's shampoo is accidentally switched with Zecora's magical remover potion, she does everything she can to fix her devastated mane in time for an upcoming photo shoot.

720: A Health of Information - While helping Fluttershy gather supplies, Zecora comes down with a terrible disease called Swamp Fever; even though a cure has not been discovered, Fluttershy makes it her mission to heal Zecora no matter what it takes.

721: Marks and Recreation - Wanting to help as many blank flanks as possible, the CMCs start a Cutie Mark Day Camp, but are surprised when one of their campers doesn't want a cutie mark.

722: Once Upon a Zeppelin - Twilight is torn when she discovers the cruise she and her family are on is a themed vacation experience in which ponies have paid for the privilege of spending time with her, and she must please both her family and the cruise attendees.

723: Secrets and Pies - When Pinkie Pie thinks she see Rainbow Dash throw away one of her pies, she suspects the worst - that Rainbow Dash secretly hates her pies; Pinkie Pie attempts to catch Rainbow Dash in her web of lies.

724: Uncommon Bonds

725: Shadow Play, Part I

726: Shadow Play, Part II

MLPG Event/Activity Calendar!
Gloomy: The Movie
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>Lewd apl
Ponies mate for life
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Marker has been spending way too much time with Glimmer
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Very lewd and lovable.
How don't they die of dehydration?
When will best pair get another episode together?
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how long has it been since the last TwiDash episode?
Does Top Bolt count?
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Next season
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Yeah it do!
Then 11 months
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They haven't even got one yet.
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Season 8
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Is FrisbeeSoccer kill
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Nobodys heard from him afaik. I hope he's okay and just has knocked out internet or something
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Talking seriously, it's much more likely he's just one of the millions affected by sweeping power outages in Florida.
Florida Man got him.
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pleasure the purp
Don't forget his sidekick Captain Meth!
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should be easier now since its twice its past length in the movie

someone post the pic with twi n rarity
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w-whys it so much longer and thicker
She has that princess girth
The fillies are regrouping and plan on attacking soon.
For her pleasure
>those lumpy horns

I'm alive! Irma just wrecked my shit hard. I have no anything. No net, no power, phone connectivity is hard to come by, everything's a mess. There are still live lines down around here so it's like Australia tier dangerous just trying to go anywhere. They said they will hopefully have things under control here by the 22nd. It's pretty awful
>I'm alive
it was a nice few days since you left, goddamn it
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Holy shit Skystar is too cute.
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hang in there m8
I'm glad you're not dead
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Raridash is pretty top tier but they only ever got one episode I think.
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Noi is a very nice princess
What's the easiest way to use a computer with hooves?

The quickest I'm thinking is a trackball or game controller for mouse input and using an On-Screen Keyboard. Window On-Screen has decent text predicting nowadays. I used it back when my keyboard broke.
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She exercised it and it got bigger.
Fucking sluts
That's a lot of screen real estate though. Does that even work outside big screen mode in Steam?
Still want to know what the cutie mark for the pegasus is.
Probably not, but that's just training mode
Once a pony learns how to operate the two levers it doesn't need to take up the whole screen
just like you don't need to look at your keyboard when you're typing if you're not a caveman
I want to know which one Sweeties VA voiced b/c I honestly cant tell
Are the ponies still alive?
That's... a good point actually. You're right to defend that method of input.
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Certainly slow as hell, but when you only have two hooves to type with you do the best you can.

It doesn't quite hold up as pictured - you need an extra set of inputs for modifiers, but I think it's a decent foundation.

Googling for computer accessories for the less-abled gives another solution: Pedals for the hooves (or attached to the bottom of the desk for 'knees') gives you a couple more points of input.

I believe a competent pony typist could easily beat a hunt-and-peck human.
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Glad to hear you're okay.
We lost power for a day here, but we're good now (weirdly, we're the only people in the neighborhood with power, go figure). Gutter collapsed and one of the shutters got ripped out and bent. Most places are still closed.
Don't think about Sugar Belle's cream pies
I'm not sure how well they would do with a mouse, but this fried-egg trackball would probably be manageable
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I want to cuddle them both.
I have power and extremely spotty phone where I am FS, so I'm kind of feeling your pain. I'm just hoping I have enough signal to try and storytime new comic tonight. Was lucky enough to be wired to the same grid as a fire station, so I was only out of power for 32 hours.
pony please rethink your submit hotkey
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>willingly living in Florida
I can't believe FS is dead.
The poor guy.
such is the cost of living in the floridian hellscape
Fucking RIP
Let's keep calling Rose a hoe in his honor
We all know how much he hated that ugly giraffe
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hold on
Rose may be a hoe, but she is NOT ugly
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I prefer a disaster I can see coming from a week away to something sudden like tornadoes or earthquakes or something that really has lasting effects like blizzards. I got to play a ton of board games while the power was out too, so that's a plus.
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glad you're not dead. good luck rebuilding
Anyone watch the facebook live thing? Any good memes?

yes and no
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Official pony size.png
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Perfect cuddle size
Can Capper say "nigga"?
Somnambula is so goddamn cute, it's not fair.
Shake your tail
cause we are going to have a party tonight
someone post the CMC on a football field that makes them like ten feet tall

that's a much better cuddle size
4 feet tall

Oh my god they are big and huggable

Imagine cuddling a nice big pony in bed

Also other stuff
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>implying the sphinx isn't perfect cuddle size
this guy gets it
If he is infact, 100% nigga.
>she will never appear from the sky to land into your arms

Life sucks
I want to squeeze myself right between her mighty paw-toes
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It seems like I'll be okay for the new comic. I'm just preparing things now. It'll be a bit longer than usual to storytime it.
Why do they want to drown him?

>It seems like I'll be okay for the new comic

What one?
Comic #58 with Twilight and Fluttershy.
filly slit her eye open with a razor blade
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Starting Comic #58 storytime here:

filly what the hell
Oh my god I want to hug Sommy while she stands on her hind legs and puts her hooves around me
What does Sommy look like... naked?

Not that her accessories aren't cute
anon don't be lewd
For those of you who read it, how would you rate Comic #58 out of 10 mlpg?
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What happened to yayponies???
4' with the headdress so a bit under 4' tall. That's starting to be a a pretty consistent measurement.

I agree, it makes them perfect cuddling size.
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These ponies are supposed to be little
I wanted cat-sized pones
Too fucking bad. You're getting dog-sized ponies and you're going to still love them.
I dunno, they still have mirrors up
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But I want horse-sized pones.
That's weird, and I was just using it late night to help a friend download horses. At least Spazz has finally updated.
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Where? They were the only DL source I knew.
try derp.horse
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do not touch the horse.png
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My Little Pony Can't Possibly Be This Big.
its shit

and literally not canon
Celestia is a pony, right? She's less than 4'10" at the withers?
applejack eating all her apples covered in apple ranch
I want a little horse in me
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>tfw not a single drop of horse
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Silly Sunset
There was a horse inside you all along
Now please be a horse more often;
you're so pretty
I want Rumble to dominate me and make me do sexually humiliating things like eat his ass in public

Why do I have thoughts like this late at night
She's always got a little horse inside of her. Plus she's got that marevag.
I want to experience what it's like to be a pregnant mare and give birth to a foal

How is VR technology coming along?
Filly brought a dead and half eaten flower to you as a display of dominance.
I pat the filly and brush her mane in a show of submission
I'd blame the latest preview of the CMC episode.
It wouldn't be so bad to be a filly's slave.

I wish we still lived in the days where a rich little girl could have her own manservant to service her every need
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Having a cute and benevolent filly master would be great.

Because you want to suck little cute colt cocks
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I wish I had a filly in my bed right now.

Me too, the best cuddle pillow
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Well, that too.
I'm starting a charity fund to help FlyingSaucer get back on his feets.

$50 for a blowjob, $100 for anal, add $25 to cum inside.
What can I say, I'm a giver
So if adult pones are 4'

How big are fillies
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Can probably fit one in your hand.
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ten yards from forelegs to hindlegs
Big enough to cuddle.
So is there a reason you post this in every thread?
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What is the ideal filly size?
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home still up?
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Don't you have your moms credit card you need to steal you waste of oxygen?
I have my own money, Anon.

Who are you?
are you still the face of the furry fandom?
You, but stronger.

As in, I don't waste money on commissions.
sounds like you're him but weaker because you don't have a shitload of fanart
I never really was. But I'm less known now because I stopped buying art.
I'm the face of faggots worldwide
Guys have you seen saucer
I'm worried
He was just here a minute ago crying about all the ponies that escaped his basement.
Oh hey you
Have you fantasized about hurricane irma's giant thighs crushing your home
Damn weather pegasi
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For 5 cents each: Things Rarity would never say.

Aaaand GO!
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disturbed rarara.gif
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>"Capper, darling, why would you ever think that I want your huge barbed cat penis inside me? I'm saving my virginity for a depressed and probably obese manchild in another universe."
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that's fucked up, man
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It still saddens me.
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I would massage her friendship glands.
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Anon, reptiles do NOT lactate
is this what you want, anon

she looks ridiculous

What's there to be sad about? She's single!

Shy, submissive girls are hot
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She still has glands, though.

No, I want this, but with me touching her.
Say, what's that burger made of?
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We're never going to see Marble or Limestone again.
you might be becoming a pony
go eat some oats to ease your hunger
Unfortunately they still have standards.
>implying she'd be interested in you
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Why is Pinkie's family so fucked up? There don't seem to be any other Amish pones around. How the fuck do you grow rocks? How the fuck do you EAT rocks?
>How the fuck do you grow rocks

I'm sure there's a process, like cloud factories and shit.
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well yeah.png
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your daughter literally invented parties

truly you didn't forget that's kinda her whole thing
You're right. How could I ever compete against such sexy stallions?
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>fapfic author quits the fandom
>deletes everything on his way out

why do people do this
Pinkie would be so hot if she stayed on the farm and became a traditional Amish girl
let's not be ridiculous
she's neon pink
she wouldn't make it
I've seen this a lot outside the pony fandom. I guess embarrassment? I mean, they don't use their real names, so why does it matter? There are so many great fanfics that are lost.
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You would deny the world this poof?
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plenka pais
This pony just called you a cutie. What do you do?
Touch her butt.
stare at her for a minute while I try and figure out her dress

ask if she wants to buy me a drink or split a 40 or something
Pinkie looks so goddamn beautiful with straight hair and I don't understand why
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just look how cute she is.png
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>Pinkie looks so goddamn beautiful
figured it out
Applejack's "Day" Off is the "Goku learns to drive" episode of MLP.
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You're so accustomed to seeing her with her big cute, poofy hair that seeing it in any other style is foreign. And when someone looks good in a new way, it stands out a lot.
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pinkie, like all ponies, gets hotter the more accessories you attach
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i love her

even though she can be a little lel random at times, even if she's not the smartest or most glamorous pony, she has a free spirit that just makes my heart melt
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Ponk a cute.png
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It's her eyes.
That's true. Now I know why girls put so much effort into their hair. But I also just love this hairstyle in particular and it really turns me on. Perhaps a woman with this hair was kind to me as a child. Wait, my mom had... You don't think...
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it's time
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I fucking love the Crystal War Timeline

They should make an RPG based on it
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Is it?
ponana partner?
It's perfectly natural to have these thoughts, right?
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do not open.png
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>when even Maud is pissed off at your shit
Does that filly think armor will protect her from being fucked into a quivering mess?
she got the armor that doesn't wrap around in the back
Sugar Belle
Roses are red. Violets are blue.
I want to be with you
and make believe with you
What the fuck does Fluttershy do to make money?
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tsun pone.png
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ok i get why people like her

i unfed a little when she said "I'm in charge!"
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Sell her drawings on patreon and take care of animals.
she lives off royalties from her merchandise
And now Big Mac gets to pound that every night.
I would rather her sister Lexi.
Well it's an LDR. So it's probably more like every weekend night. And only when he's visiting her. Granny still won't let him have a mare stay the night in her house.
>"It's no fair. AJ's allowed to have mares stay over! And she's younger than I am."
Girls can't have sex
Capper starts acting really ghetto and talking in jive

What do
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Oh yes they can.
I think I'm going to need to see this in person to believe it.
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You can't just ask a married couple to see their copulation, anon.
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Aw hell naw, y'all ponies be muggthafuggen OFF THE HOOK nawamsaying, SHEEIT
[Banjo Playing Intensifies.]
This is Rarity's husband

Deal with it
How to serve fillies is a cookbook!
It's a cookbook!
There's nothing to filly but filly itself.
Dinky's mom has got it going on~
Dinky's mom has got it going on~
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09-13-17 Trio de Horse.png
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I drew some extra-small horses

I love Princess Gloomy
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Everyone does.
tiny horses is good horses
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changelings do it better
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Dinky's the one that's got it going on.
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I can't wait for her episode
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08-24-17 004 Mailmare s.png
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she DID have it going on, and then she dropped it all over the place.
This isn't smiling time Derpy.
That's a lot of mail that's just in the breeze now.
Some of those are probably important.
Every time is smiling time, don't you watch the show?
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Looks like Derpy is going to need to be punished.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
Don't you fucking dare.
I'm pretty sure he means sex, guys.
File: BrotherlyLove.webm (3MB, 684x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 684x720px
>ywn have a little apple to breed.
>Oh god she's right fucking there isn't she?
>Don't make eye contact
>Go away small horse
I wish that was me.
The filly or the stallion?
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1MB, 4000x5111px
>Today is International Chocolate Day
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357KB, 1280x1156px
The stallion, obviously.
John Carpenter's Equestria Girls
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971KB, 700x394px
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Not a lot of people here want to be the little filly just to be fucked by stallions, right?
Dude, your ponies are extra cute. Thanks goat.
can't keep that pony down
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O-of course not. I mean, who would want to be a cute little filly and be dominated and used by a big strong stallion?
Noi is cute.
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60KB, 384x220px
They're waiting for you pony, in the test chamberrr
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153KB, 596x372px
any time! I've got some more ponies to draw today, too.
Capper has a hot voice
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621KB, 1500x1500px
I prefer oversized ponuts, princess
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best blue pony.png
75KB, 220x225px
I'm in love with a blue pony.
Starlight Glimmer is not "everyone"
Not yet, at least.
>Should I draw the vagoo
>No better not
>I'll just put a suggestive heart sticker over it
>There we go, completely socially acceptable now
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90KB, 778x845px
(s)he literally did draw it though, and then coloured it as a heart sticker
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300KB, 1500x1500px
>rubbing dissolving ponies all over your body
fucked up
>trusting a toy company to properly clean your hands
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I drew you fanart.jpg
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blueberry pony.jpg
111KB, 700x700px
What a cute blueberry-scented pone.
Would I go to prison if I had a relationship with a filly? Would equestria look down on me for this?
Fillies are so cheerful.
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Dash can't hide her emotions.png
332KB, 867x1093px
I want to give her a smooch and see if she tastes like blueberries.
>when you unf but he keeps boopin
sounds like something that would lead to hiccups
I want to cum inside Bar Soap.
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3MB, 1744x1492px
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mirroredsea - rainbovv.jpg
275KB, 854x880px
What a beautiful horse.
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Pouty little pony.jpg
212KB, 556x647px
And she's a pegasus, of course.
The current state of ponies is unacceptable.
There needs to at least be some purple.
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780KB, 620x925px
mirroredsea draws some beautiful Dashes.
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beach grump.jpg
976KB, 1514x2274px
We're all out of purple ponies
I think I've got some purple humans in the back, though
Do fruits even have a smell?
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979KB, 2160x2160px
Here you go.
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1MB, 1920x1080px
When was the last time you smelled a watermelon?
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Twilight's fucking pissed.jpg
24KB, 289x289px
That purple is not purple enough
I got you Anon
Two ponies with purple
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marshmallow thingken.png
178KB, 507x501px
Just recently over the summer.

Are they becoming rare or something? Should I start hoarding them?
No my point is that fruits dont have a distinct smell, so it's weird that rainbow dash is a blueberry
>accidently accessed /mlp/ on the work computer while I wasn't on incognito
>boss is super tech savvy and has been blacklisting any website he sees us visit that isn't work related
>deleted the history of it, but the cookie is still there

What kind of job do you have that allows you to browse 4chan at work? What country do you live in?
>Distinct smell
They kind of do. I worked in produce for about 5 years. You'd be able to tell a lemon from a canteloupe in a smell test without cutting it open.
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72KB, 500x604px
just purge the cookies, too.
though I assume that if he's actually tech savvy there will be some logs that you cannot access.
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1MB, 4668x6574px
even toblerone is afraid of them
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twily is drunk.gif
658KB, 480x480px
That pony makes the best faces.
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12KB, 462x456px
yes, those are good horses
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198KB, 362x360px
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got that fire on deck bruh .png
115KB, 449x425px
I heard purple mentioned
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161KB, 454x476px
Remember Escort Sluthooves?
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very pretty pony.png
158KB, 383x428px
She's a very pretty pony and she cuckqueaned Rarity.

What a truly beautiful mare.
He can still know what websites you access if he checks the network's traffic.
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878KB, 1280x720px
They've appeared this season once at least. And their VA is still involved with the show, so it's not impossible for them to appear again.
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What's so weird about it?
Silly lewd fillies
Filly want a daddy
I want to have a filly.
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873KB, 1050x1050px
1080p version of the new trailer on the Hasbro channel.


They posted it twice for some reason (?), I'm linking both in case they delete one of them.
What the fuck are they eating. Are those mud pies?
>Are you not entertained?!?
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apol heh.png
194KB, 1053x998px
>yall ponies are crazy af shiiiiiet
cant even fucking breathe right now
The second one has shitty mono audio. They should delet that one.
I think that it's supposed to be bird food. Seeds and that shit.
File: Drunk Shim.jpg (48KB, 373x558px) Image search: [Google]
Drunk Shim.jpg
48KB, 373x558px
I love that pretty horseperson and her many outfits
Looks like one is on the Lionsgate account, and the other is Hasbro's.
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Sunset Sitter.jpg
394KB, 900x1022px
Oh, look a human
Your day is ruined
She's garbage
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96KB, 216x342px
Yes to both
Do people just think she's shit because she represents EqG?

I like her as a character. Admittedly Rainbow Rocks won me over. I think EqG is alright. Just notpony. I've had this discussion with someone else before, but I autistically want the two to stay as separate as possible while EqG borrows from MLP. Because that's what's been established.

That being said, I'm looking forward to when the show starts scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas because then Sunset will finally get to appear on the show. She's earned it. I want the prodigal unicorn to return home.
fuck offffff
There are reasons to not like her, I just disagree with them.
Though most people you'll see just hate 0pone even if she actually is pone
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sad sunset.gif
118KB, 676x552px

If I had to choose between Sunset and Starlight to be Twilights apprentice in the show, it most definitely would have been Sunset.
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892KB, 4214x4500px
Equestria Girls is not good
liking a childrens show with ponies is creepy enough.

when you change it to a childrens show about highschool girls that is over the line for me on the creep factor
>retarded eqgfaggot hates starlight
holy fuck im not surprised at all
just go back to >>>/mlp/ you fucking retards
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average poochienigger post.png
38KB, 581x643px

Chill the fuck out. EQG is bad and the only thing worthwhile is Sunsets redemption. Her humility and lack of retardation when it comes to understanding others is what puts her miles over Starlight. I'm sorry you have such deep feelings for a socially retarded egomanic.
File: twilight's unicorn harem.png (4MB, 1840x1600px) Image search: [Google]
twilight's unicorn harem.png
4MB, 1840x1600px
I'll agree it's not amazing but it's not bad either. It's "okay". It's interesting because it has pony elements in it. Otherwise I wouldn't watch it.
Why do EqG shits have the ruin the thread all the time?
Why can't we talk about ponies and EqG at the same time?

You point me in that direction yet you're the only one freaking out like a manchild. I'm glad saying the words Sunset Shimmer make you spazz out this much.
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ttwiggles into thread.jpg
229KB, 1920x1080px
Meh, he's probably just doing it for cheap (You)s
Best to just ignore him and keep discussion going
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Let's be real though, characters aside, Sunset is objectively prettier than Glimmer
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>Sunset will finally get to appear on the show
Never gonna happen
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38KB, 850x700px
>eqg faggotry shitting up the thread
>no one will get banned for this
File: don't want.png (178KB, 941x1024px) Image search: [Google]
don't want.png
178KB, 941x1024px
>non pony
Just filter him it works wonders
It probably will. Assuming the show doesn't gracefully bow out before quality goes down the drain.

We're already adding more characters to the mane cast and bringing secondary "fan favorite" characters into the center stage to keep it going. That's one of those things you see happen when a show starts to run out of ideas: add more characters.
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613KB, 1400x1050px
I mean I don't really know if that's even debatable
Both of Starlight's designs aren't very inspired and add no new eyeshapes, colors, ect to the cast of characters that we already see frequently

At least give us episodes with good and interesting side characters. I'm real excited for Health of Infomation.
File: longlestia.png (140KB, 2296x2362px) Image search: [Google]
140KB, 2296x2362px
That's just wishful thinking from eqgtards and nothing more.
File: lossless.png (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
I got the uncompressed version of the trailer.
I posted one of these after we got the first trailer. It's not ultra HD or anything, it's still 1080p, it's still stereo, but it's fucking huge because it's uncompressed. The only difference with the YouTube versions is that this doesn't have any compression artifacts. The same video with almost the same quality could be barely a few hundred MB with the right codec, but this is what I got.

By the way, the link of the first trailer already expired. If someone wants a reupload, ask here and I'll reupload it.
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yt vs mov.png
284KB, 1600x800px
I am too. We're in dire need of some zebra lore. Seeing Fluttershy and Zecora work off each other will be interesting too.

I'm curious about the theoretical Maud episode too. The writers probably moved her to Ponyville so they could use her more, they better use her.
Not having new colors isn't uninspired. It's much better vs. having literal condiment colors which make Sunset look like a bad OC.

Glimmer's old mane fit well with her character and her new mane is more unique compared to the mane 6's without making it stand out too much. She's a more natural compliment to the 6 design wise.
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285KB, 600x900px
I really like that shot
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Sunset doesn't have "condiment" colors as a pony, though, that was something exclusive to her human design in the first two movies
And if you're making an important recurring character, it's best to make her distinct from everyone else that way she doesn't just seem like a piece of furniture compared to the rest of a uniquely designed cast, something that Sunset does with the large amount of red in her mane, a color that's only present in small amounts on Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

The jokes about her being "mini Twilight" and Ember confusing her with Twilight actually provide a valid criticism of her in a way
File: dash is so fucking cute.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
dash is so fucking cute.png
2MB, 1920x1080px
It's weird because my job is to manage the backroom and stocking. My job ISN'T to look at ponies on in the internet. My boss would fire me in a heart beat if he caught me being a lazy fuck that spent time on 4chan instead of working
They're really making the broken horn thing work for me.

I would be annoyed if she could't use magic because her broken horn via sad, edgy past.

It makes her magic look slightly out of control. I love the way the magic sparks out of her horn.

I love how it apparently spirals outwards. Maybe she intentionally makes it spin like that so she can aim it better? Broken horns probably have shit aim.
I wish I was paid to post fillies all day.
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402KB, 1280x1044px
Thank you very much anon
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127KB, 302x429px
As long as it pays more than what I currently make.
Do you feel you're qualified?
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52KB, 511x463px
How hard could it be?
File: pout la pout.webm (572KB, 668x720px) Image search: [Google]
pout la pout.webm
572KB, 668x720px
She's fucking spherical is what she is
Is there anything a filly can't do?
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$16.99 though.jpg
527KB, 1500x1500px
>"Switch N Mix", the hairs and shit come apart and can be swapped around
>Includes doll, stand, 2 wigs, shirt, dress, lab coat with dress, skirt, 2 pairs of shoes, and 8 accessories
>All those accessories
>That one in the cute as fuck dress
This is actually pretty cool.
File: twig.jpg (68KB, 685x650px) Image search: [Google]
68KB, 685x650px
She lost all her hair in a terrible lab accident.
Rarity said no one would be able to tell.
We need to make them real, Anon.

Just because making unnatural human-horse hybrids in a lab is illegal doesn't mean it's morally wrong.
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152KB, 1024x640px
Which one would be the best daughteru?
Creating artificial intelligent horses is physically impossible. That's something only a god could do
All of them

Next question
>not just training to become a ponemancer so you can summon ponies at any time
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I want to feed Rarity and rub her belly
Well if you start from scratch.

Human brains are decently intelligent. Baby dwarf ponies are pretty cute. We have all the parts we need to start working on a prototype.

Hell you could probably gene splice a horn onto a pony too the way they grow human ears on mice.
They're even sexy when eating
You wouldn't summon a demon pony.
I was going to argue that's just the way Rarity eats but...
Are you seriously implying I wouldn't summon a turboslut?
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466KB, 1075x1024px
Demon poners aren't really demons, more like just more raunchy poners.
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3MB, 2713x1633px
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Rarity on the hunt.png
39KB, 174x281px
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Benny, bring me everypony.gif
2MB, 684x480px
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whatever you want.png
285KB, 917x800px
If a demon appeared before me in the form of a pony they could pretty much have whatever the hell they wanted from me.
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Smug butterball.png
521KB, 932x927px
That horse is simply too smug
It's practically illegal
She needs 50 bucks and a ride home.
File: PinkEA pie.jpg (23KB, 538x178px) Image search: [Google]
PinkEA pie.jpg
23KB, 538x178px
modded a game to be able to turn turn a bunch of women into s harem of mares with hyper futa dicks using a TF potion and then added an option to use to collect horse semen, crotchboob milk and cockcheese and categorize them as edible items to stave off starvation as I survive the zombie apocalypse.

EA would be proud.
Fucking done.
I'll even throw in a bowl of eggs.
But I can't drive.

Finally, Sphinx done RIGHT.
Jokes on you I actually like this and will probably masturbate to it later
File: All of them.jpg (263KB, 1280x960px) Image search: [Google]
All of them.jpg
263KB, 1280x960px
Anon please
Sapient creatures aren't meant to eat whole eggs
Why in the fuck did I even click on that shit. Sometimes I'm questioning my own sanity.
I like the version with the dick better.
File: nice pot.png (557KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
nice pot.png
557KB, 1280x720px
That's actually not that bad
File: Absolutely disgusting.png (1MB, 1447x801px) Image search: [Google]
Absolutely disgusting.png
1MB, 1447x801px
>not posting it
I thought we were friends.
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45KB, 200x200px
This tbqhfam.
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ponk kys.png
255KB, 900x742px
We are Anon. I just figured I'd tell you about it so you could find if yourself if you wanted. it's pretty easy to find.

File: That's our Twily.png (142KB, 349x315px) Image search: [Google]
That's our Twily.png
142KB, 349x315px
>feel like sorting old horse images into proper folders
>open up humanized folder
>2500 unsorted images
>no longer feel like sorting old horse pictures
Twilight would be ashamed of me
Fuck folders, use tags
Folders lead to either images being barely organized or categories overlapping.
File: Not sure how to feel.jpg (42KB, 900x635px) Image search: [Google]
Not sure how to feel.jpg
42KB, 900x635px
But then I'd have to tag 85k images.
thats because youre a faggot anon
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4MB, 1700x1275px
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170KB, 1420x1059px
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15KB, 767x814px
>open up humanized folder
>not deleting humanized folder
>Twilight would be ashamed of me

Yes, she would be.
Just train an AI to sort pony images like all the cool kids.
File: Untitled-1.png (165KB, 699x828px) Image search: [Google]
165KB, 699x828px
File: twilie tongue.gif (88KB, 300x275px) Image search: [Google]
twilie tongue.gif
88KB, 300x275px
dumb giraffeposter
File: colt train found a dollar.png (61KB, 466x508px) Image search: [Google]
colt train found a dollar.png
61KB, 466x508px
That's why I like derpibooru file names. The "witty" filenames I came up with are usually harder to find. Words in the pictures are added. It's hard to find a reason to save all that many though because I can post from URL.

I only have like 6000 files though. It's pretty easy to find shit.
>humanized folder
>horse pictures
Only fags don't like dicks.
File: Broome Rd Exit 142.png (1MB, 1366x613px) Image search: [Google]
Broome Rd Exit 142.png
1MB, 1366x613px
Is Google picking on me? I've seen this probably 20 times today. I see it almost every day on here. What the hell is on Broome Rd? Is the portal to Equestria there?
File: Blank Stare.png (144KB, 1176x1280px) Image search: [Google]
Blank Stare.png
144KB, 1176x1280px
What, am I not allowed to save humanized versions of ponies?
File: spek.png (144KB, 437x457px) Image search: [Google]
144KB, 437x457px
It's not against the law to have shit taste yet, I guess.
megasweet is alright, though?
File: I'm not crazy! Really!.jpg (93KB, 680x437px) Image search: [Google]
I'm not crazy! Really!.jpg
93KB, 680x437px
A spikeposter would know, I suppose.
File: laughingmares.png (1MB, 882x767px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 882x767px
>not liking dicks
I mean, alright
You do what you want.
Giraffes are indeed hot
File: eyeroll.gif (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
Just ignore them
"Not pony" posting is the worst kind
I'd take anthro futa dickgirl discussion over incessant reeeing
she has magic so her sorting something is zero effort
File: 1218802.png (131KB, 396x443px) Image search: [Google]
131KB, 396x443px
I understand not liking humans because humans are shit. But are there really people who don't like dicks?
File: mlpg1.jpg (68KB, 700x670px) Image search: [Google]
68KB, 700x670px
Just another day that ends in 'y' for you guys, huh?
some people think that being gay or bi is evil/bad/shame related
File: Appuls.png (216KB, 700x700px) Image search: [Google]
216KB, 700x700px
Liking dicks that aren't yours is gay, Anon.
Not everyone is gay, suprisingly.
I have 133 folders for 9,000 images. Folders help me find images faster, tagging is too much work. My folders names are very broad so categories rarely overlap
File: 1469730941739.png (389KB, 642x687px) Image search: [Google]
389KB, 642x687px
It's not gay if it's a feminine dick, Anon.
And I like both kinds of dicks, I know the difference.
File: Trust me I'm a professional.png (252KB, 1100x1054px) Image search: [Google]
Trust me I'm a professional.png
252KB, 1100x1054px
Traps and futa are gay.
File: 1442366771247.png (517KB, 887x905px) Image search: [Google]
517KB, 887x905px
Liking dicks is the straightest thing you can do.
Let me put in like this. You get two guys, have them whip their dick out, and then tell me that's not twice as manly than a vagina.
just upload everything to derpibooru with shitload of tags so you can find it and store it online
File: Futa-mare Cockfucking.png (326KB, 944x3934px) Image search: [Google]
Futa-mare Cockfucking.png
326KB, 944x3934px
Be careful what you wish for, purple horse
what is gay about sucking feminine dick?
>image limit hit
>last posts to bump limit are just going to be lol dick dick dick sure am hungry for dick
ha ha, alrighty, suiciding irl right now in real life
why would I want all my images stored online instead of my computer?
It's only natural.
You keep on trying to convince yourself and maybe someday it'll be true.
The fact that even if it's an unassuming or tiny dick, it's still a dick. So long as it's still a dick, it's gay.
I'm stopping here, though.
I heard traps and futa
Proposition: pure gays and straights don't exist and individual sexuality is a measure of one's inclination towards one or the other with the midpoint representing pure bisexuality
>Imagine being so insecure that you can't admit that you like dicks because "lol that's gay and I'm so straight that I don't even touch mine"
to find them easily using tags and god wants us to share
The homobugs are growing on me.
They're hippies and colossal faggots now but they would be enjoyable to befriend.

The gradient is growing on me but I'm still not a huge fan of their wing cases.

Also Thorax is still 2tall4me
>muh secret club
fuck off
but trump wants to ban LGBTQ from going into stores
last time i swear
He feels the sadness of the panda.
You better fucking apologize, faggot <3
Just because you're a dick it doesn't mean that dicks define everyone else. If you can imagine a pony being real, there's no reason to imagine that a female pony can't have a dick.
Sweetie Belle is a VERY ugly filly
It means sorry in Japanese.

I love how I only have to type "three" and my phone completes the line.
That's no reason to be rude no matter how sad your pandas are.
being rude makes me feel better
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Its because you post it all the time when no one can see it
I wish the anthroposter only linked the page with the sad panda.
Filly's beginning to notice
How much this feels like a waking limb
Pones & needles nice to know you
Good bye
Make an account for the e-hentai forums
Clear your cookies
Or use the extension but I'm not sure that works for people anymore
I'm not trying to keep people from viewing the horrible shit I post or else I wouldn't be sharing it. If you wanted to know how to see it just say so
This. You're a dumb faggot though.
What if It Isn't the Mane Thing About You is bad?
Then we wait another week.
>no one
I dont care about making an account for some shitty weeb website. Its silly that I have to remind you that this general is for MLP, not anime.
But you didn't remind me of that at all?
You didn't even say anything close to that.
I'm really confused.
No one is forcing you to click the links. Just like no one is forcing people to click the imgur or derpibooru links.
imgur and derpibooru are often related to mlp.
you would grow tired of me if I was posting irrelevant imgur links all the time
But I post pony doujins too
The thing is that they shouldn't be posted here either. You want porn, go to /trash/ and just crosslink there.
A lot of the shit that gets posted via link is either porn or anthro that they link to circumvent the furry rule.
New thread, fags
I love Rainbow Dash.
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