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Fluttershy Thread

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Thread replies: 437
Thread images: 251

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We don't have enough of these.
>he buys into the fluttercuck meme
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It works the other way around for them. A for effort, which is little to none.
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Because she is garbage now
She is basically a real woman now, all the charm is lost when she acts like a fucking bitch in her menstruation days, but all the time.
>she acts like a bitch


Hard mode: don't sympathize with her NEET brother
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You probably don't even wtach the show
Since she acted the opposite, it means she just pretends to be nice but she is really a bitch.
The thing is that since opposite Fluttershy says she is tired of being nice all the time, Fluttershy isn't because that's what she always has pretended to be.
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You know what, you win. I concede. I was about to argue but fuck it. You're a genius.
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I learned from that saying of inputting lies to get truths.
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>this fuckers actually right
I.... I don't know how to feel about Fluttershy after pondering this little debate
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Maybe I'm stupid but I can't understand this post
Help me be unstupid
Shh. Let them think that they are winning.
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>Opposite fluttershy says she is tired of being nice and quiet all the time
>That means, you reverse this
>So she isn't tired of being nice and quiet all the time
>So then by conclusion you can see that since she acts like a bitch in small bursts, the nice is just a pretension to hide her bitchiness on the inside, since we have clearly seen her exploding in bursts before.
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Look what I just finished! What do you think?
Did you kill that 2 litre of dr pepper in one gulp
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I interpret her outbursts as a side effect of being awkward and repressed all the time.
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I used to be a fluterfaggot before until I knew the truth.
Pretty neat famalma, if your gonna wear them outside put one on each wrist so autists like yourself don't call you out.
Of course, all the elements struggle with their aspect.
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She is repressed. But repressing her bitchiness, anon.
Basically she doesn't hang out much because she knows people get her upset and she blows on them.
So yeah, Fluttershy is pretty bad lay.
I would still quick fuck her though.
This proves that Fluttershy is actually nice though. Think about it; you're assuming that opposite Fluttershy is a completely different Fluttershy but it's not, it's the same Fluttershy we've always known. So when opposite Fluttershy says she's sick of being nice all the time of course she would say that because just prior to that she had been genuinely nice.

>Normal Fluttershy
>Acts nice
>Likes being nice

>Opposite Fluttershy
>Doesn't act nice
>Doesn't like being nice

So OF was just referring to her previous form two seconds ago when she said she was sick of being nice. She meant that she was sick of being that form before, not that Nice Fluttershy is actually sick of being nice.
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710 ml and have finished 2 L in under a hour trying to limit myself (not working) now I just drink a bunch of small ones
Couldn't exactly take a photo of both my hands now :p (yes good point)
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No it just proves that if you pretend to be nice enough, people may like you, like you all like her for that facade.
But then you both live a lie, because she actually wants to murder you, but you believe she likes you.
So shitty, like every real woman.
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You really go to great lenghts to maintain your delusions.
Well have fun meeting a real fluttershy and then she will kick you out of the house when you least expect it.
>lol 3dpd fuck that
Yeah then die alone like the rest of us.
I mean yeah, that kind of what introversion is. Did you...did you expect her to enjoy being around other ponies, the mare who before becoming an Element probably spent all her free time in the wood chilling with animals?

I'm probably turning this thread into a shit show by continuing this conversation though.
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Look anon I get you're just memeing and all which is fair enough but I'm autistic enough to know that you're just wrong about Fluttershy.

*rapes you*

Now take thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
I knew it had to be a frogposter
Should have posted frogs earlier to ignore you.
I'm not even a Flutterfag senpai. You're just projecting your own insecurities onto Fluttershy and then getting mad when other anons call out your terrible reasoning.
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Oh jeez I really messed this thread up by interacting

Quick before full shitposting starts!
Cute nicknames for your Flutterwaifu!
Peanut butter hooves, because I bet she has nice brown hooves.
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How is it terrible reasoning if she acted in bursts of rage before? that's not headcanon.
I think people here just wants to cover her eyes and pretend Fluttershy is perfect because if they admitted she is flawed then they would stop having a reason to not kill themselves.
Getting mad on occasion doesn't mean that someone only pretends to be nice and it doesn't mean that they're not nice overall. Everyone has emotional outbursts from time to time and ponies, in this case Fluttershy, are no exception.
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I'm still having trouble following your line of thought.
She a bitch BECAUSE she tries to keep the bitchiness inside? I don't get it. An actual bitch wouldn't really care. Flutters at least tries to not hurt others by repressing her negative emotions.

If it's the fact that she has bitchy thoughts at all, well of course, no one is happy one hundred percent of the time, especially socially frustrated people.

Also naw man, I like Fluttershy specifically because her canon flaws of being awkward as fuck and potential having anger issues.
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Not many people have the courage to show how much of a piece of shit they are on the inside.
If that happened often, people would kill each other everyday for petty shit.
Well that would be looking too much into her character, since I am not a fucking writer of the show and the old ones are already gone.
So we will never know now.
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Ok crochet fag here and on fluttershy being real nice or just faked
Fluttershy is a nice pony bust she is that a pony
She just has more emotions then kindness
Some flutterfags don't remember the element is not personally it's just a small part of what your waifu is
Sure fluttershy is very close to her element
But she is still just a pony
On earth words she is "human"
One can not be nice and kind all the time
Just like how Apple horse is not allways honest yet she is still the most honest pony
Just like how rainbow is not always loyal yet she is deamd the most loyal pony

Fluttershy being kind is not a act even if she breaks into other emotions
Like man could you imagine her being like kind all the time we would miss out on some of her best episodes
Know what I'm having a hard time explaining this is hard

Ummmmm fluttershy is kind and has more then one emotion because she is not a robot she is a pony and who would act kind when there is nopony else around faggot

Ya sums it up it's fucking midnight my brain is done Lol

For the rant here
Here's two of my other bands I made today and the yarn I want to make a pinkie band from

Being a bitch means not controlling your inhibitions or thoughts and letting everyone around you suffer for it.

Being nice means keeping that shit under wraps. Even nice people have limits, which is why Fluttershy's had several outbursts over the course of the show, but the fact that she makes a conscious effort to keep her bitchiness in check and be kind to others inherently makes her a good person.

I have the ability to kill a dozen people by hitting them in a car. I don't do that because that's insane and would cause havoc and misery, but does that fact that I have the ability to do so make me a murderer?

Everyone has bitchy emotions inside them, the difference between nice people and bitchy people is keeping it under control.
>Well that would be looking too much into her character, since I am not a fucking writer of the show and the old ones are already gone.
>So we will never know now.

I suppose so. In any case mate I really don't think Fluttershy is a bitch or that she pretends to be nice often enough to say she does it as a general statement. I think she's just a genuinely nice pony who has her flaws and a capacity to act like a cunt, just like any other pony.
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Except Ponk never has treated any other pony like Fluttershy when she has an outburst.
I mean, I don't like any pony much anymore. They all have flaws that when put in the long road, are fucking annoying and I see why people get divorced all the time if these stereotypes are how real woman act.
I am gonna die virgin.
If Fluttershy was a bitch why would she hide under a bed on nightmair night with all her animal friends with no pony around
If she was a bitch she would like grab a bag of chips wauch tv(know tv is not canon) and use a bear as a hoof rest
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That proves nothing
You can be an asshole and still scared of your shadow.
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HAHA then why would she go out and get angle carrots if she was not kind enough to over throw her fears
OR why would she stay out and try to be there for her friend if she could have given up called it a night and it be 100% believeabull to the rest of the main 6
Yellow horse nicknames go fuckers!!
PB hooves

I need more cute things to call my waifu
Sometimes people do things simply out of necessity
We need company, so we do stuff to stay together.
But obviously the plot of the show is to be friends, so it was put in a light of innocence as a way to prove that she cared for them.
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Butter fly shy
Cutey Tail
Banana mare

I'm bad at nicknames...
she's the typical shy person
bottles up emotion, explodes when it becomes too much. regrets it immediately after. it's basically "I care too much about others to care for myself". Fluttershy needs someone to talk to about these things, is all.
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butter bottom
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Ok I am convinced you are a troll now fucker

Fluttershy is good
Fuck you nothing she did that episode was out of "necessity"
She did it because she is kind and put all she could into being with her friends

Why would she have that monologue with angle when no pony else around about disappointing her friends

You can't say she is only like that because "it's the plot of the show" WHaT do you think we are watching THE SHOW faggot the plot of the show is the truth not your shity headcanons about a shitty AU fluttershy man fuck off

This isn't even fun anymore
shh, no trolls. only butterhorse now
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>>29910588 #
>butter bottom
Top tier shit anon

No need for anger my dude. If he is trolling that's what he wants, if he ain't then he'll just get angery back and it will really be trolling.
Necessity to have friends
You are so fucking gone you don't fucking understand basic needs.
No wonder your whole bubble crumbles when somebody points out how your waifu is flawed.
>Except Ponk never has treated any other pony like Fluttershy when she has an outburst.

Party of One.
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I'm sorry if I ruined the mood fluttershy was my first animated waifu I can remember

Fun fact first non animated person I wanted to marry was Sam from iCarly

Another fun fact talking with people online anonymously apparently stresses me out to the point where I am eating Nutella cereal with a Dr Pepper at 12:39 I should not be alive
I should give myself the old send off to horse land
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Yeah well I guess this is why the mane 6 lost their charms.
They are all fucking crazy like actual women.
Just bring me the fucking gun.
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>mountain time
I thought I was literally the only human currently alive in that region
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>mountain timezone
explains why you have issues with this kind of thing, there's no fucking people to talk to
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I just want peace.
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more flutterbutter
The color correction is very bad.
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Would you let her do stuff with your butt?
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Did a nuke go off and I didn't notice? Alive...oh online
There is plenty of people in the town it's really my falt
If that's why can't we be friends I'll die
is she going to touch the butt?
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ctrl+s is your friend
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>>29910744 #
I mean a nuke did go off in my home state several decades ago.

Nah I just mean that our region is fucking devoid of large population centers. I hate it.

>>29910750 #
She'll touch INSIDE the butt.

Why haven't we ever seen a salt lick in the show? Do you think ponies have, like, personal salt licks or just a communal salt lick in the middle of the town?
inb4 you know what
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Ssshhh anon don't tell them about my faggotry...
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I'm a Canada fag it's worse :,0

Fun fact wrist bands can be used as Dr Pepper Cosies

Salt licks are in the washrooms that's why we don't see them
We all saw you mess up it's ok nopony is perfect
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Stop that
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It is autistic to use no pony outside of the context of the show.
You are not a pony, he is not a pony. Faggot.
I say nopony and anypony
And nopony can stop me
Not even fun ruining faggots like yourself
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I know you won't stop
That's why filters and thread hiding exists
Once you get ignored enough for your retardation, you either will leave or obey the fucking posting etiquette.
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Your probably the same faggot that thinks fluttershy is a bitch
Just trying to ruin the night
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If I wanted to ruin the night I would just spam the Discord cuck meme.
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Or he'll just
Ya know
Keep doing it
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It's not my falt fullershy looks happyest with her only logical partner
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Ha fullershy I guess discord would leave somepony feeling full :p
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Wew time to leave.
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There is a clear reason why that is, retard.
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>all these people feeding the trolls and buying into dead memes (fluttercord)
Bloody hell, lads, I just wanted you to post cute fluttershy pics.
without Adolf Hitler and that guy who likes strangling, something had to fill the void.
Fill it with cute pictures, then.
It more then just controlling your bitchy/nasty/horrible emotions. Being nice and kind is about having a genuine caring outlook on life no matter how small this world makes you feel.
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this looks like shit
her hips are not even connected to the body
the CM is on her fucking knee

kys for thinking this is good and die slowly for posting it
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This is some advanced autism.
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>>29910477 this guy gets it.
Now, >>29909877 , say I'm not really a bitch, flutterfag, or you'll get more holes in you than a box of Dunkin'.
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Flutters and pals!
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>eating dunkin
>not superior timmy hos
>looks like Futsashy trying to do Jessica Rabbit.
What the fuck, OP? I just had lunch!
Now go back to the top of the thread and re-read every post, adding the words, "you fat bitch".

Which post made you laugh the hardest?
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Will her life purpose arc start and end with one episode about opening animal sanctuary?
Will she open more like Rarity?
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I'm a flutterfag but I'm also shipping FlutterCord. I just want to see her in love and happy. Or possibly jealous of Discords other friends. Theres so much that this ship could explore in her episodes.
What the fuck is this garbage?
Low-tier weebtrash fanart of a low-tier trash ship.
What are some highly intellectual ships?
I know it's my mlp otp!
Like yes fluttershy is my waifu but I want fluttercord to be canon so bad
Flutterpie is the most intellectual ship
Discord is just like me. I self insert as him which mean i can be with my waifu.
Garbage, what else?
See this is why you are a fucking bitch.
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i JUST THINK they would make eachother happy
A few examples:
1. Sparity
2. Cheesepie
3. Marblemac/Fluttermac

Daily reminder that Fluttercord is trash.
Nice broken legs
Still good art
None, because it's all theoretical bullshit that will never follow through to be plausible, much like how people believe that their waifu is perfect for them. In conclusion, it will only be useful to the person themselves, and nothing more.
>insulted by a fluttermac shipper
>literally m-muh shy pony bland shit
At least it explains your lack of taste.
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>says I have a lack of taste
>supports most tasteless ship in the fandom
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Even though that this is a double edged sword, this is the only logical answer.

We can only wish if they will ever follow through.
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>Pony in a dress
Its literally the most original one. Comic reliefs characters barely ever gain a waifu. Especially not freaking 1000+ year old demigods
>Its literally the most original one
Keep supporting your meme ship, laddo.
Anyone remember that anon who spammed TwilightXFlash Sentry pics in Twilight threads?
Betcha 5 dollars it's the same fuccboi who's shitting up these threads.
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I loved that guy
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I will check your trips, Anon.
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Fluttershy Bathman.png
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Yeah, I remember him. If I recall correctly, he got banned multiple times for spamming.
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That. Is a BIG rabbit
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>hasidic equine tries to haggle a goyem out of more shekels
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>we had a nice Shy thread
>we asked for a break
>OP didn't listen
>thread is full of shit
kill yourself, OP. for real
>"don't forget the 6 gorillion little animals, goy"
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The perfect point of access.
Easy there partner.
It was actual autist who never replied yet spammed flahslight for entire 2 years without break. I on the other hand post fluttercord once a week and i im both flutterfag and think it make sense.
Looks like it's a desperate copy cat.
>1933, colorised
I thought they were egg timers...
I want to watch the End of Evangelion with Fluttershy
>meme ship
>makes sense
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Fluttershy is my daughteru. Only Discord can protect her smile as seen in S6 finale.
Stopped reading there. Thou art weebtrash. Therefore, thine opinion is invalidated.
But my daughteru likes anime, too.
Page 9 aint fine for best pony.
bump for flutterbutter
Why is she dress like Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed from Roger Rabbit?
Are there good comics that Star Fluttershy?
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Flash Sentry is the only boyfriendu-herp-derp character I actually felt insulted by. Fluttershy can control Q? Good for her. Pinkie Pie fucking Weird Al Yankovic? Sign me up. But Flash is literally just a generic Chad Thundercock character with zero emotional resonance. I also think it's the only "ship" actually intended as one by the show and is there for young girls to projectively identify with Twilight psychosexually. That's why suddenly it's stiff and uninteresting in execution, it's the only time they actually meant to be doing it and they more or less fell straight onto their face.
If you could viably have half human babies with Fluttershy; meaning no mental or health problems, and their bodies could function without flailing due to issues, would you?


Would you adopt foals with Fluttershy?
Satyrs are dorbl so yes
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Tough call. I would love to have half children, but then again, some poor fucker does need a home. I have to stick with half pone/human children with her, just because I've always wanted to raise my own flesh and blood.
>Can't do both
Have some blood children and adopt some sweet foals. Hell, having full pony siblings might actually make them feel more welcomed, if raised right.
>you will never know the feel of tough life as a chad


Yes. Whaddaya think I am, a queer? BTW, regardless of whether or not we could, we're adopting Scootaloo.
>Regardless of whether or not we could
I can see comedic repercussions from this.

>You jump out the window, filly tucked under your arm.
>Climbing into the cart, you smack the sides
>Fluttershy whips her bear friend (softly) and he lets off a neigh (somehow)
>You three then speed off into the night
>Scootaloo looks up to you
>"What the- where's my mom and dad?"
"Oh, we're your mom and dad now."
I've always been fond of the concept that interspecies children being either the father or mothers race depending on their gender. Travel years in the future and humans are a fairly large one gender race only able to procreate with other races. The only evidence of female humans being the testimony of earliest known human.
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Sign me up for some abominations.

Why do I feel like I've seen that movie?

That's an odd idea. Reminds me of a fantasy series where nymphs could mate with man but only ever yielded more nymphs.
You mean the Asari?
No no it's a fantasy book series.
Reminds me of an idea I had where humanity was conquered and enslaved to a decadent, hedonistic alien race (think skekses)
and these aliens decided to shape humanity in their image to their own ends resulting in females being discarded in favor of disposable soldiers/workers/servants of humans of their own design indoctrinated to serve and spawning tanks to control the population.
Another, more benevolent empire far away hearing only the legends of the other considers the possibilities and after gaining a sample decides to manufacture something more domestic. The idea was for an rpg like story with the males breaking free and finding the females, and learning to be human again,
to a degree, however both display even more extreme examples of sexual dimorphism than humans of today (I was thinking men would have greco-roman features with very pale skin and yellow irises, and women would look like elves, the idea was the aliens would have different perceptions of beauty with the malevolent ones varying by which noble house spawned them) resulting unions however result in normal reproduction with the children displaying their respective traits.
A comedic misinterpretation on your part, my good sir. What I meant was regardless of whether or not we could reproduce. Also, I use the "orphan Scootaloo" headcanon.
>"orphan Scootaloo"
I wish they would address this.
They probably won't. After all, they need to heap more attention on poochie.
Does this imply marriage? If so, yes. Baby making yes.
No fuck off and die.
You are a piece of shit and I am glad you will never have fluttershy ever.
You deserve absolutely nothing.
And if you aren't OP then you should also kill yourself apologizer.
The only way it could work would be tranforming into a pony at least for a time being.
I would have at least half a dozen half human babies with her.
What if Equestrian law prohibited your marriage? Solely due to her relationship with the many princesses
Then we would have the largest amount of bastards possible.
You go too far!
Starlight Glimmer, you tard.
Reminder that out of all the mane 6, Butter is the only /modelworthy/ pone
This is actually canon
This is fact
We need more cute Flutter pics
Cute pics like these
still cute
Discord sure does though.
No just applejack. Applefags just like to pretend dash does as well.
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that just means you wouldnt stand a chance with her
She is always flopping on friends. Dash is D tier at loyalty. Sosrin though? True mvp. A+ loyal mother fucker.
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Saorin is a def loyal bro.
And Fleetfoot a cute.
>And Fleetfoot a cute
Not as cute as Fluttershy.
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Fluttershy is pretty
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I want one episode in the future where Discord finds her photos as a model and encourage her to pose for him as he paint her.
my dick is happy an angry

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>hello darkness my old friend
>That stupid game again
Strangle fag here
I don't want to strangle Flutters anymore and I don't love her anymore
Because she is a bitch
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Some flutterbat pics for you
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It's 111.
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What's your favorite Fluttershy smut story?
Mine´s 'Fluttershy fiction'
I don't know what the fugg that is, but I'm kinda afraid to look it up.
>"m-mister that feel funny"
This one?
What the nigger are you on about, m8?
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What troubles you, anon?
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Fuck off and die
Anyone know of any good non flutterrape Fluttershy green? There seems to be so little of it.
There's Writer Anon
It's not just Flutters but she's got more of a presence than in most greens.
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Just going to leave this here.

I already play that. I have BETTER one.

Unity 3D
What does this thread want?
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It wants you to stop with this shit, m8. Post Fluttershy or leave.
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Not wanting to set the mood for this thread.

Anon please.
She looks like she has a huge semi-chub flutterdong under that dress
Horse pussy
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a green
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>Greentext 4pone
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With ponies, you can never know if a flower basket is a gift or a boxed lunch
They are pony anon.
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That cutie mark tho.
Is that SCP-173's face?
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Pics and discussion about Fluttershy.
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This video is great. Not technically ASMR, most of it is rambling from Flutters with really fucking good background sounds.
Also the voice acting is pretty much perfect
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>suggestive Flutters post on EqD
>a bunch of images get deleted because they're too lewd
Well, now I want to see what was removed.
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You're overthinking it. Becoming "opposite Fluttershy" didn't change the past; it just changed her personality (and colour palette).

It's like if a total slut became her own opposite, she'd probably express regret at sucking those 37 dicks. Same concept.
just so you people know
this reasoning is retarded
if you had math logic in school, you should know why
Holy fuck that's comfy senpai
You two are nice. I like you two.

Did you know that this tumblr ships a shitty ship?
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If you successfully pretend to be nice all the time, how is that any different in practice from ACTUALLY being nice all the time? Aside from the way you feel, which no one gives a fuck about, you fucking stupid bitch.
Just like your existence.
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Cute. Also, Check 'em.
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After looking at this outfit, it's given me the idea of a skirt, latex hoof shoes or the like that over time engulf the pone in a full-on lewd outfit with a dress, stockings, ect., and over time make the pone grow taller and curvier into an alicorn size, before then mentally transforming them into a full-on lustful seductress

Imagine this happening to Fluttershy, just seeing such a transformation play out as over time she teases and does lewd things to all her friends until fully completely changed.
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I want to cuddle this horse.
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I want to boop her.
I think you're projecting there, anon.
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>last reply 1 hour and 46 minutes ago
I'd totally scratch her ears
I'd make that cute horse feel good about herself and have a nice time with me.
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It is literally the samefag keeping this bumped.
Because one day you will eventually stop pretending.
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very nice
dropped with the speed of light
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It's not part of the art - it's just something some random anons added. It's probably to appease /pol/ and stop them from raiding us. Either way it's not directly hurting the actual art which means that there are much more pressing concerns than potentially removing it - concerns like actual vandalism and people actually trying to erase ponies completely.
guys, she got in the washing machine again, how do we get her to stop?
>being a negro

why is it both a top loader and a front loader?!?!?!
because the artist probably never used a washing machine in his entire life.
Give cuddles to dry her
that's just a window anon
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>no screencaps from the new episode in here
what a shit thread
>It's probably to appease /pol/ and stop them from raiding us
>catering to /pol/
the very same mistake moot did
I can't believe the "Fluttercuck" spammer is still going. I've been gone for 6 months, and was sure he'd leave by now. I understand twifags had to go through Flashposting, but even that died down. It's been well over a year since he started, this is autism of the next level.
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It's true tho
It's not just a one person.
Your a mule
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What do you guys think of shipping? Personally, I don't mind it, I have like one or two ships but other than that I just enjoy the random cuteness of some of the other ships the fandom has made
as long as it isn't irritating or unreasonable, it's fine and even cute at times.
>canonxoc shipping
M8. No.
Dumbbell is a character in the show you faggot
though I do agree Canon x OC is the cancer of this cancerous fandom
It's my headcanon that Fluttershy is a great swimmer
That doesn't make it any better.
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Interesting headcanon.
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Holy shit
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flutterchrist of belmez.png
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That's actually not bad
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Cute but anthro.
I know. I like it anyway.
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We need some help, guys.

/b/ is trying to destroy a 4chan made Fluttershy Pixelart wall.

M8, I already gave up on that. And it's not just /b/. There's a site known as forocoches.com that has been committing similar crimes.

I see, then /b/ thread is dead now anyway.
Help me deface the glimshit.

Hell no, leave the poners alone.
Then relocate that pile of crap elsewhere. Preferably out of my sight.

I didn't make it, but as sure as hell not going to waste my time trying to destroy the hard work of others. That board is full of pony hating groups anyway, all poners should stay together if you want them to survive.
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Is this what Fluttershy would want!?? come down to your senses, Anon.
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Don't make me call the horde, son. You'll regret it.

They are attacking Fluttershy again, eyes, muzzle and random bits of her head.
What horde? I just want the starshit nigger moved away from the Fluttershy mural.
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We must preserve ALL ponies. If Glimshit starts to get attacked, I ask Glimmerfags for help too. Let's not make /mlp/ fight each other when outside sources are already trying to destroy the Ponies, yes?

We need to work together.
Did you not hear me? I just want that load of shit MOVED ELSEWHERE. Not destroyed.
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Son, I swear to god I am going to start destroying Fluttershy myself if you don't get your shit together soon.
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Goodnight, sweet thread.
I hope you guys will enjoy Fluttershy Leans. If not, she will have a more emotional appearance in Discordant Harmony. But you may not enjoy it as much.
Thread posts: 437
Thread images: 251

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