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MLP General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 557
Thread images: 251

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Apple at sunset.jpg
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Friendship is Magic #52 is still storytimed here!

Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse is still storytimed here!

What kinds of big plans does Applejack have for the farm this year? Yields seem to have been good of late despite some unexpected setbacks and Sweet Apple Acres can at least count on some helpful friends to lend a hoof. But it's still unwise to outpace the general labor, as well. Maybe more efficient techniques? Another round of barn remodeling? A small rock garden gifted from some distant cousins?

Previous thread.
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top cute.jpg
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>country filly
who's ready for some hugs!
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Stupid mayate'
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Where would Maud stay anyway.png
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701 & 702: Celestial Advice & All Bottled Up - Twilight Sparkle agonizes over Starlight Glimmer’s future and receives some much-needed advice from her very own mentor – Princess Celestia. While the Mane 6 are on a friendship retreat, Starlight Glimmer loses Twilight Sparkle’s friendship map. Afraid her anger might get out of control, Starlight Glimmer casts a calming spell while the ponies search for the lost map.

703: A Flurry of Emotions - After planning a jam-packed day, Twilight Sparkle also agrees to babysit her niece, Flurry Heart. But with Flurry Heart along for the ride, Twilight Sparkle struggles to maintain her title as “The Best Aunt Ever” while keeping Flurry Heart out of trouble!

704: Rock Solid Friendship - When Pinkie Pie learns that Maud might move to Ponyville, she does everything she can to make sure her sister sees that it has more to offer than just rocks.

705: Fluttershy Leans In - Fluttershy is determined to make her career dreams come true with the help of some very special ponies. But when her true vision is not being executed properly, she must find a way to stand up and fight for her ideas.

706: Forever Filly - When Rarity surprises Sweetie Belle with a special day together filled with all of her favorite activities, she quickly learns that her little sister is no longer the little foal she used to be.

707: Parental Glideance - When Rainbow Dash's parents discover she's a Wonderbolt, they show up at every event to cheer her on. However, their unabashed enthusiasm proves to be rather embarrassing and pushes Rainbow Dash to the brink.

708: Hard to Say Anything - When the Cutie Mark Crusaders discover that Big Mac has his first crush, they vow to help him win Sugar Belle’s heart before Feather Bangs does it first.

MLPG Event/Activity Calendar!
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go ahead, pank me.png
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I guess repost is in order.

Friday, Waifu Wars Day 6 gets recorded.

Then Saturday the cytube stream.

Then we tournament bound, woooooo!

Day 6(4/8/17):
Block C:
Octavia(0) vs Pinkie Pie(3)
Fluttershy(6) vs Derpy Hooves(3)

Block D:
Vinyl Scratch(3) vs Applejack(0)
Sonata Dusk(3) vs Sunset Shimmer(6)

Everyone's still somehow alive.
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Post yfw we made seven fucking seasons and a MOVIE
I blame Spike for any and all upsets.

Don't be mean with the fillies, you're jealous because you aren't a filly anymore
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what am i doing with my life.gif
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Fillies are the optimal shitposting medium.
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the boo box.png
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What is this?
>What kinds of big plans does Applejack have for the farm this year?
They finally are going to try to be competent with cider making. They're going to make plenty of cider and get more than one pony distributing it.

And maybe another family reunion?

>Sweet Apple Acres can at least count on some helpful friends
Do they hire employees during harvest season?
TL;DR, 'Pony(or as close as I can get anyway with the game)' wrestling round robin league via video. Like wrestling version of 4chan cup but with only ponies.

Refer to >>29740171 for all the info on Waifu Wars.
I always wondered. I mean there's the big community effort at Winter Wrap Up for planting things. Applejack did try to harvest all the apples herself, though.
Filly's house

In the middle of our street
Who provides all of the apples for the modern day grocery stores in ponyville?
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A reminder that all filly posting goes here:
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Filly is here.
Come on anon.
Don't you want these two cuties inside your ass?
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Loli is here.
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this chan is too slow im going back to fimchan
but why tho
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No, I don't want them 'inside my ass' you astonishing memester faggot

>No, I don't want them 'inside my ass'
Not even if they're both in there at the same time?
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If you get nervouse at a speech twily just imagine everyone naked and with a throbbing erection.
does everyone else imagine a newspaper rustling when they see this image
>imagine everyone naked and with a throbbing erection.
Even all the mares?
Especially the mares.
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good morning.png
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>all da mares hab weenies xDDDDDDD
>a-all of dem!!!
>don get me started on da princessess, my dood
>deres are like, big huge wowie zowie!!
>mmmm omnomnomnom
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anyone know if futa is considered gay in russia?
This sums up about every mlpg post nowadays. Quality has really hit an all time low.
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I want to casual with caramel
casual caramel
it even sounds nice
I wish we were like the rick and morty general. They get into deep discussion about the show and post cool non-ironic memes. There is no futa or fetish talk at all.
I bet futa summer has a big dick

but not as big as futa tammy
I wish we were like oldschool MLP General
They got into deep discussion about the show and futa fetishes
I miss the
I miss the stories and new oc the most of all.
we could all put on tripcodes to set the mood
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I miss new people showing up in the thread that are about to watch pony for the first time.
I feel like we had one or two after /mlpol/ day
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There's still a lot of new watchers dropping by, just not by MLPG.
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These are the exact rules I expect my pony gf to follow.
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I want to hug and snuggle that scoot.
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you do that
I'm going to hug and snuggle that mac
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>if you think you can meet the below criteria, please shoot me
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I wonder, does Gloomy cook?
Why is Luna's ass a different color from her body?
She can cook my face with her ass.
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omg anon how many times do I have to tell you
stop posting luna pissing in the lake
I want to bully your favorite pony
please do not
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she must have extreme vaginal control to create a stream like that.

Girls don't pee from their vagina.
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>they're nuking any new 'm-muh /mlpol/' threads
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Why is Marker such a cutie pie?
She's pony that ponies for you
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Why do you hate the best thing that happened anon?
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What if I wanted to pony her?
that's not how it works you piece of shit
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Don't you tell me what I can or can't do to ponies.
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I like how your natural response to whatever you consider shitposting is to just strawman the fuck out of the opposing party with greentext shitposts. Maybe it's you who's the problem or has a problem, anon!
Because I described you to a tee?
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Uh, no. Thanks for playing! Hopefully one day you'll calm down
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Hey that's super, tiger

I can't lie though, I am not as optimistic that one day you'll calm down
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I've been calm the entire time.
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Goodnight, MLPG.
She's trash
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I'm going to go fap to her now
Slowly picking a mare to snuggle.

I might snug them all.
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Marker is NOT for sexual
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Oh really?
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Stallions are ugly.
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Funny thing, I would never imagine that animating colored horses would lead to an actual job in a studio animating R&M.
Should have posted that when he was here
I'd smooch that stallion
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What is MLPG's opinion on the /b/reads?
I doubt their mascot is as cute as ours

Probably a tripfag, fillyposter that hate flags ans IDs or Isaac
>No collar

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Good answer.
Marker will spare you, for now.
Wait, they don't? Then where does it come from?
Why aren't you grooming?
Because I'm bald.
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>Today is Fresh Tomato Day
Really fresh.
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Old MLPG.gif
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I'll let hitory speak for itself.

The filly posting and tripfag in the MLPG thread in mlpol was minimal
Because fillyphiles such as myself just decided to take a break from the internet on the day of /mlpol/. Not everyone enjoyed the hell out of it when it was our only option.
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What tripfags even post here regularly? Saucer was in the mlpol general and he is the only one I can think of.
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remember when we used to get shitty at people who came in here, and posted with a trip without "contributing"?
I remember when like half of the thread was tripfags
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Why are fillies so cute?
Rarity has a fat butt!
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they're fillies
anon please.
Rarity has a voluptuous derrière.
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You gotta pay the dog's toll if you want the colt's hole

Yeah, that was yesterday with the regular stallion posting faggot
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/co/nrad pone is a cute
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With the S8 rumors floating around already I'm not sure when the ride will ever end up stopping.
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They literally confirmed pony will continue beyond the movie.
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Being Noi must be awful.
George Carlin in Equestria

I want nightmare moon to sit on my face
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Don't be rude to Noi.
I want George Carlin to sit on Noi's face
I'm the unboopable mare.
filly is taking acetyl l carnitine
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What's your honest opinion on background fillies?
They're cute.

what's the canon explanation for how ponies deal with everyone shitting everywhere all the time

does applejack have a bucket to scoop up all that righteous nitrogen mass for her farm
Bathrooms are canon.
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Like all background ponies, they're getting more and more garish and overdesigned every season
they are cute, but forgettable. you guys are the reason I actually remember some of their names
You could probably kill a background pony and no one would notice.
They killed Derpy and people rioted
filly is channeling the ancient secrets of old masters through song and string
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Fillies should not be forgotten.
The fillies are moving up in the world. They have their own chan and everything!
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They must be proud.
Hands up who's excited for the return of this qt3.14
I am! She was very cute
Big Mac x Sugar Belle still feels like a weird crack ship.
I can't wait for her to be held down and forcefully impregnated by Big Mac
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She's like Fluttershy 0.4 and too pink for me
But I won't mind the porn
Except she isn't similar to Fluttershy in any way
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Is every pony with a soft voice another Fluttershy for you?
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Yeah, pretty much. I mean she's not exactly Fluttershy, only partially. All these quiet shy moeblobs are the same for me.
She hasn't shown any sign of being shy
Stop being a fucking idiot
That's stretching it.

Everyone is Fluttershy

Twilight = unicorn Fluttershy
Rarity= fashionista Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash = cool Fluttershy
Pinkie pie = party girl Fluttershy
Applejack = redneck Fluttershy
Fluttershy= Fluttershy Fluttershy
Who's the Fluttershy of filies?
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>fluttershy fluttershy
Is that like a filly filly?
I can't immediately recall any other pathologically shy fillies, so i guess Filly McStrong.
At least one person would.
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Spoiler not intended
What do you want to bet the Big Mac episode ends with Sugar Belle going for neither and instead Already being horse-married to Coolguy.
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Whatever it ends with it's one less boyhorse for me to be gay with.
Cool pone is too cool for marriage
Colt is too cool for school
Colt listens to Another Brick in the Wall Part 2.
Colt is too cool to be cuddled by you.
>big mac
>sugar belle
who is sugar belle and what the buck are you people talking about
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Sugar tilt.gif
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One of the ponies from Equaltown.
A baker.
One of the upcoming episodes is CMC playing matchmaker for Big Mac since he's got a crush on her.
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princess suggestive.png
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It's gettin' near dawn

When lights close their tired eyes
I thought the CMC were never going to play matchmakers again.
This time they're doing it without roofies.
And it's apparently Big Mac's "first crush", so expect a lot of embarrassed yupping.
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The shading is screwed up but damn, did they put in a lot of effort into those animations.
That looks fucking great

That look fucking awful
God, it still almost feels like they're going to dump them in New York.
But the animation's fluid, I'll give it that.
>the amazing animation will only be in the movie and when S8 starts we'll be back to normal animation
It's kinda sad
That animation is too fluid. Flash was a mistake.
Here's a slightly better YT link.

The shading is off so I kind of think they simply picked the wrong moment to cut out and put into the teaser.
But man, I never believed they'd go with Disney style animation.
1:2 like to dislike ratio
People are still this butthurt about ponies?
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MLP movie.png
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I don't like this new animation style

Same. Not a huge fan.
>way more fluid, expressive and dynamic
I don't get you people
How are the pony butt cracks in the movie? bigger, fuller, tail in the correct position?

I don't like the shading, it seems off. Maybe they just used random animation clips for the voice overs as well but it seems off
Those shadows look kinda weird, yeah.
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My hands are just frozen above the keyboard, I'm typing this, but I really have no words right now
It's obviously just some effect for the trailer
>Big Mac since he's got a crush on her.
Big Mac is dating Marble Pie

Do you?
wtf is pinkie pie even saying in the beginning
>all star cast
>all literally whos
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oh shit is this going to be an actual movie? when rarity spoke i got that tingly happy feeling like from the old days.

I was expecting direct to dvd or shown in select theaters.

i am back on the hype train fellas
a ripe tomato~
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It looks really off for normal shots so I'm 99% positive it simply lacks context.

Hasn't this always been the case with 2D animation?
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tfw no sunseeker.png
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On the one hand, I'm happy the show is continuing. On the other though, I yearn for the days when this place was more lively, like some kind of bizarre survivor's guilt.
>A-list actors and pop stars
>literally whos
Not like I give much of a damn about celebrities but quite a few of them actually do have status, they're simply not all that often mentioned in tabloids.
>they're sitting next to each other
>that means they're fucking
I guess Applebloom and Maud are dating too
Name their movies.
My biggest hope for the movie is that it really blows the shit out of comic canon once and for all.
the only ones THAT close together are Ma and Pa Pie

are you gonna be more delusional or are you gonna accept the writers bucked this up?
Edge of Tomorrow, Spotlight, THe Martian, Ant-Man, Avatar, Guardians of the Galaxy, Sicario
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Abusive husband plot confirmed.png
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Welp, my hype for this is fucking dead
The comics never had any sort of canonicity to them.
If anything, it's something IDW has been traying to change and we're gonna get some sort of tie-ins now.
yeah they canonized Pinkie's meme faces
That shading is awful
I hope that's not how the actual movie will look.

Every other aspect of this is awesome, though
we've got two mystery pegasus
a bunch of weird OCs
Seaponies somewhere
Sia singing a song somewhere

wtf is this movie even gonna be about
You'd have to be literally retarded to think that's how the actual movie will look
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Poor Dash.
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sammy the sad salmon dotn steal.jpg
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>Tom Cruise, Paul Rudd, and Benicio Del Toro will never be in a pony movie
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no sir.jpg
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>pegasi have no need for eyes
>Ponies singing
>*record scratch*
>camera rapidly zooms in on Pinkie Pie
>Pinkie Pie bouncing eyebrows Looney Tunes style at the camera
>literally retarded

Why'd they release a trailer with that shading though, if it so obviously looks bad?
>friendship comes in many colors

so background actors from two good movies and shit movies, got it
Why are you trying to argue when you're literally objectively wrong?
What is the budget for the movie? They obviously didnt put much effort into the trailer.
>Why'd they release a trailer with that shading though

It's a trailer intended for cinemas.
Watching stuff on the big screen and a monitor/TV makes for a world of difference.
I think they simply wanted to emphasize the stronger shading work and animations for people in the hall.
>literally objectively wrong
*figuratively subjective about my own shit taste
You're trying to argue that they're background actors when they're literally not
You're objectively wrong
As opposed to subjectively wrong?
How is one subjectively correct?
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>bajillion actors
>a completely new 2D animation studio
>orchestral soundtrack
>Smurfs add spots

I'd say not too shabby. I mean, it's a feature-length 2D animated movie, these kind of things cost too much even for Disney.
They probably had some overworked intern doing the effects
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Not all of them.
I'm impressed they honestly put effort in it and didn't just payed Studio B for 6 episodes and called it a day.
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2MB, 1920x797px

That was just a teaser mate.
is that a surgery scar under her wing? do we have a transpegasus here
The new horsey ears and wings are really cute.
what is she saying here
pank screaming :"can i have your attention please"
movie voice:"this October..."
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Filly says she can't wait to see the MLH movie
You know what's crazy
Derpibooru's tag system

I mean

There was a pic with the pubic tuft tag but not the filly/foal/foalcon tag
But I want to see the filly movie.
Filly crotch tufts are not lewd.
it was a pic of nips raping a filly with a baseball bat
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I wish there was a way to stop him making hurtful pics of fillies. Same with fearingfun.
good ol derpibooru shitposting
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ponk is chubby and cute.gif
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Wherever he goes, he must also rape.
feed the ponk
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I'm not okay with this
What are they doing
Filly says "Passing breeze" is way better than "Splash wave"
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boops or die.png
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Why aren't you okay with the cute horse, anon?
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can she pony me
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That's what a teaser usually is, anon.
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Holy shit, who cares, tell her the combo moves in mvc2 already HAVE names
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probably a pony.png
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She doesn't have a neck, the left front legis way too back, I don't know if it's the perspective but the body shape looks off, that snout looks weird, quite frankly never was a fan of the ears either.
>autism: the reply

if you're just judging from that one image, i'm sure it'll look better in motion
Fuck you the ears are adorable
poni wants to read
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Here's an explanation of the weird shadows.

Think we're gonna get a fixed re-release?
Ground control to major pon
The stills when they're in the neutral position are mostly fine, it's the style of animation that doesn't click with me.

Fuck you they're weird and definitely not cuter than what we have at the moment in the show.
how many times are you guys going to watch the movie. I'm thinking at least 5 times
>watching the movie

I'd have watched it without puss in boots

No, the whole movie is fucked
Kek, nice catch.
>autism: the sequel

alrighty, anon, i guess beauty is subjective
Oh well. At least they admit they fucked up.
Once, and then we'll see if it's any good or if it ends in the cemetery with the eqg movies.
I can do it. I can do it 9 times.
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hi AntiZvezdyPony
>hehe you're autistic
Do you not realize where you are? Mentioning that is redundant, it's already a given.
why are you trying to market your shitty videos here
I half-expected it after the last time the press releases got CMYK and RGB screwed up for the initial logo release.
just cause i called you autistic doesn't mean i'm not

i'm just pointing it out
Not pony and also not good
Who misses mlpol?

Zero since nothing is canon after S2, anon
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>you will never be kissed by a cute filly
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No one misses the April fools joke?
>that comment section
that easily beats the autism levels of whatever I will find on EQD
No, it was a shitty joke.
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It was nice but too chaotic. Not hating it, but I'd rather post on MLPG.
imagine if that had aired 5 days ago
It was fun but the last thing I'd miss is /pol/.

Imo, we should be merged but with a different board. ATM, that would be /co/ but with some special priviledges.
I miss the joke, but not the larping/roleplaying that's currently taking place about it.

You'd think /pol/ would be against revisionist history, but here we are.
Are you on /qa/ fighting for it?
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Be glad they're not here in your hovel and that they're content to be shitting elsewhere on the board with their 'GIVITBACKGIVITBACK!!!!' autism.
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Will Scootaloo ever fly?
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I need more of this cutie
pls save this pure soul
>Think we're gonna get a fixed re-release?
I have absolutely no idea how expensive it would be to fix it, so I can't really say
>watching anything
I'll just harvest the memes and arguments for (You)s like always
This is all I got
I miss /fitlit/
No. Also when has /qa/ actually changed anything?
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Like a bazillion times, my dude
Why have that board then
It was lots of fun but I think it's also good that it ended quickly. That way we didn't have time to start resenting each other and will instead have good memories of it
More like Sariana
To give the people an illusion of power, and a place to metashitpost at
I suppose, but, the potential though for good times after it closed....
It was created so people could ask Moot shit in his last livestream as admin. Then it stuck around as a more nostalgic version of /s4s/. Haven't visited it in ages though, so I don't know why it just turned into old /q/.
that's a good question
why don't you ask them
i miss /con/

My jam
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They're melting, oh, what a world, what a world
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Shiny pls. This is a sfw board.
How did you know it was meeeeee, reeeeeeee
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>all filenames start with "tmp_"
>"oh wow how could you tell it was me"
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Aryanne a qt.
Oh right...I'm a retard.
Best thing that happened in mlpol, was her resurgence
This ship is pretty much forgotten these days. All I can see today is RumbleMash and RumBelle.
You wouldn't take photos of a filly.
Rumbleflitter best ship, Shota a best
It was great.
I wish it would come back but i dont want to put in any effort to make it happen.
Someone unban and invite me to mlpg discord, all I did was say I was Shiny in voice chat and got banned. I dindunuffin
Bump pony threads on qa
Pink pony is now boss of you and all of pony
All hail Pinka Por
you should troll everyone by changing your name and making only quality posts and useful discussions to fool them all.
>"i dont want to put in any effort"

try again fucko
Hahahaha no

We endure you here because mods don't give a shit, but that's it. You're not gonna get inside any place where MLPG people get a say
That would really teach em!
>the diabetes epidemic and number of childhood obesity related deaths sore through the roof under the rule of Queen Pank

but she is so cute i vote for her everytime
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You all and your super sekret clubs

Point taken
He already shitposted in the Bat General several times in the past, but he got caught when he forgot to remove his name in one post.
MLPG has a Discord?
Is that why I got booted from it too? I never thought the bat gags would boot me. I thought I deleted it on accident. Oh well, their loss
Super sekret club
Happy Birthday, Gypsy Magic!
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Tell me about Dulce, MLPG. Why is she so small?
Filly scout cookies have a growth stunt chemical in them to keep the fillies, fillies longer.
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I was surprised to see this email. I forgot I named my character that during a free trial long ago.
Nice meme
yes. used to be open for everyone too but it seems they locked it now for some reason
So they can keep it "pure" and super sekret
>see post about a discord
>join out of curiosity
>get banned without doing a single fucking thing
And that's why I gave up on Discords entirely.
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>using discord
>socializing at all
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syriana barrel tea.png
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Disgust intensifies.jpg
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>they keep out /pol/, fatfags, and diaperfags

i am not seeing any downside here
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>freedom griffon is about to pounce on her and fuck her with its big barbed dick
Nah, they might let her self-determine, since that gas attack was probably a staged whoopie cushioning.
Because let's be honest, you don't handle sarin-riddled corpses with your bare hands.
But they ban new arrivals immediately. Why don't they at least give us a chance to prove that we're not degenerates?
If they're banning people for doing nothing, I guess Ponychan's moderating team got to them.
I don't know about you, but I joined and I wasn't banned.
she's a cutie
They don't
Maybe I'm thinking of a different Discord, but I remember that I was instantly banned from every Discord I tried to join. I have no profile picture that would suggest I'm a degenerate, and I don't even get a chance to say anything before I'm banned.
Come to think of it, there may have been ONE Discord I successfully joined, but it was just a porn dump so I didn't bother staying.
So who's excited for Season 7? And
Who's excited for the upcoming movie?
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Whatever they can keep it insular, it's their prerogatives. But variety is the spice of life.
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>being excited for the show
fucking scrub

I am
Checked and confirmed for hype
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stinger is unsure.png
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One day the ability to invite people just disappeared for the normal people and I have no idea why

seems counter productive to me
What if /mlpol/ on mlpg.co?
Well, it'd make the site less of a ghost town, but would you really want to.
There is endchan.xyz/mlpol
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Always excited for more pone
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What if you just got the fuck over it?

How big will the pile get?
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Silver Spoon is so cute.
It can only get bigger.
It hurts to see such an outcry, I told them it took 2 years of steady shitposting on /b/ before they caved and made /mlp/. It fell on deaf ears

>not wanting frens

what kind of horse are you
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I'm not used to having frens
it feels unnatural to me
What if /mlpol/ on fillychan?
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So, a faggot?
Oh well, you're definitely in the right place. Follow the stallion to the bathouse, Samantha.
Then we'd get a lot of angry parents and traumatized fillies.

>"T-they kept saying age was only a myth, that in the g-good old days girls married fully grown men at the age of 10!!"
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celestia is taken aback by this.png
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i like where this is going
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comet tail of displeasure.png
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Justice will be done for this
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Is it stallions time?
>I wouldn't know what it feels like to kill fillies, I only ever killed communists
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r63 Cadance is great
His wife is also cute.
But not as dashing as him.
>What does it feel like to take a pony's life?
>I wouldn't know, i only ever killed glimmerfags.
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checking out the goods4.png
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as long as they are cute
When we found out most glimmer posters are a fucking leaf
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1MB, 900x765px
Always stallion time
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What about this?
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Good stallion
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waht the fuck, man.png
91KB, 330x460px
I'm excited to find out more about Rainbow Dash's dad. I wonder why she's apparently ashamed of her parents.
>Turns out that's not Rainbow DAD
>He's Rainbow MOM
>After the surgery
Synopsis says that its because he keeps fangasming over her all the time.
Shit, they're posting the stallions again
house horseband
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Would you a Night Light?
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Yes that is a very cute horse
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I'm glad he's a major part of the premiere since he got fucking shafted in the S6 finale
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Instead we got worsthorse trixie.
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Trixie is great though
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Sunburst 3.png
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They should totally bang.
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She's very entertaining and her relationship with Twilight is great
Excuse you, you're talking about Starlight's girlfriend and my husband
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Who said they don't?
The more the merrier~

This show has some really cute ones mang
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sundancer/moonburst otp

fuck all of you
I can't believe that the movie is so shit that it can't even make ponies look cute
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medley of concern.png
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I still don't know what to say about that teaser animation

I am definitely waiting for a larger sample
I'm scared
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pony water.png
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I disrespectfully disagree
can I have some of that pony water
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>Big Mac challenges Shining Armor to a bro-off.
Are you a pony?
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Sweetie in a gay room.png
519KB, 1150x1000px
that's a rude question
I'd get those bros off
At least they gay posters post ponies
It's great, isn't it?
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Nonsense, they're just being friendly. Like these two.
Seriously the gay shit doesn't even bother me anymore
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stallion bros.png
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They're all such good friends
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Sweetie not sure.png
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Rarity says mares can with other mares but stallions aren't sposed to
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goodnight MLPG.webm
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What if one of them can turn into a mare?
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Sweetie thinks.jpg
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best canon couple
>Handholding penetration
>On screen
I know it was a different time, but Jesus Rami...
>Whirring noises
Why is Featherweight blushing?
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Don't worry mate, I'm here
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mr bones.jpg
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damnit anon
Two colts alone
Touching eachother

Why do you think?
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Pet the stallion, anon
Are they gonna nuke some pizza rolls?
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Trixie/Sunburst/Starlight FFM cumswapping dual impregnation
I like how his claw curls into his hoof hole
I will destroy you
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season 8 confirmation.png
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Not sure if there was anything else. DeLancie might not be the most believable source
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Kickstarter when?
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That's the spirit!
*scratches ear and folds the cartilage*
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I will
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But Saucer is like a thousand miles away from me.
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1MB, 5512x4512px
I'm not sure if that was supposed to be a preserve or a perverse
I'm pretty sure it meant "Prevert"
l o d s of e p o n e
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e p o n e.png
1MB, 2412x1358px
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saw pone.png
90KB, 257x315px

But which pone?
>movie doesn't star Rob Schneider as Twilight
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Lyra holding a mini-suitcase.png
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
That big mare in breath of the wild though
>part 2 of 19
>biker jacket indoors
Jesus christ
Even for a yuropoor, it's a little early to be going to bed, don't you think?
it's midnight anon, some people have shit to do in the morning
It's 1am in spurdoland
dream of cute colts
Suitcase anon is Norge tho, they're on CEST iirc
I'm pretty sure he's the gay Finn
Well, all that matters is that I'm the only American here. I want to expat, but European countries are too expensive.
I am an American.
And so can you!
... I'd live in Japan.

I'm really fascinated by Japan.
Go to Eastern Europe.
It's cheap
Oh, I confused Finland and Norway
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rarity thonking.gif
1MB, 400x360px
>michael pena as grubber
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But the downside is that he'd have to live in fucking Eastern Europe
I miss Pinkie Pie
Isn't everyone?
Too bad it's a dying country.

How do prices compare, and what living standards must I sacrifice? I know they're not as developed as the US, let alone the rest of Europe.
Rent's still a lot cheaper there than the US.

And, I still would do Tokyo or Osaka in a heartbeat.
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laughing jks.gif
1MB, 300x180px
We will breed them back into being
We can literally save anime
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A good compromise is central yurop. Poland, Czechia, Slovakia. Cheap slavlands, but still fairly modern, with the capitals being on and above western standards.
>the only American here
>How do prices compare, and what living standards must I sacrifice?
Most things are usually cheaper, except for IT shit. Those usually have the same price as in the western European countries. Living is cheap as hell. You do have the expensive as shit things but a large, furnished apartment in a nice area of the town is usually between 500-700 euros.
You don't really have to sacrifice anything. The large cities and the capital are comparable with the rest of the western world. It's not the 90s anymore.
I'm referring to Japan, not Europe, and that seems awfully low for America.
I'm going to live in Equestria.
>$400 for one bedroom
>low price
you're a funny guy. $400 can cover all your monthly expenses in eastern Europe if you're not living frivolously.
>tfw you pay $1.8k and still have a roommate

It's a wild country.
she's best girl in rune facotry 4
>$400 can cover all your monthly expenses in eastern Europe
Break it down for me, por favor.

Move to the Midwest or New England. I live in the part of Pennsylvania thatt nobody lives in. You have to put up with bad roads, burning summers, and freezing winters, but it's cheap.
I'm not proud of it, but I think they were fun.
I was wondering because the /b/reads are back on 4chan now, and it's interesting seeing two of the oldest long-running MLP threads side-by-side. Seems like the MLPG circlejerks over fillies and /b/reads cirejerk eachother.
Fuck off we're full
Thread posts: 557
Thread images: 251

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