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MLP General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 607
Thread images: 251

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Discord you rascal.png
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Movie designs, voice actors, and toys.

Friendship is Magic #51 is storytimed here!

Twilight's been working fairly hard over time to not become overly reliant on her magic. Not to say that she doesn't use it to her advantage regularly, either, but whether in the name of a challenge or just getting into the spirit of things, she's tried her best to make do without at times. The trend even started before any sort of mischief prevented her for real; perhaps part of her schooling? Regular exercises? Or just interesting?

One thing's become apparent - it's been a little more difficult to get Starlight to follow suit.

Previous thread.
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Shout Factory's listed two potential season 7 titles: Celestial Advice and All Bottled Up. Also confirmed, Applejack and Rainbow Dash parents.

Season 6 & 5 episode links
MLPG Event/Activity Calendar!
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Pelvic Thrust.gif
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Capper the anthro cat is the one and only waifu, he is the only pussy you'll ever get.
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princess erroria.gif
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Sartapp fornøyd 2.jpg
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Do you think he kept the performing outfit?
Boy lemme tell ya, I fucking hate fillies.
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Sartapp betviler sine nye plagg.jpg
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Why wouldn't he?
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>hating fillies
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2 waifus!.jpg
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Spike hasn't shown any real affection towards Ember, has he?
I wonder... what if he meets her again?
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What makes fillies so smug?
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don't do it.png
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Is there anything that a filly can't do?
They stood next to each other a lot.
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What would you do if a filly did this to you?
Would fillies like video games?
Would you watch a spin-off show about fillies?
What would I do if a filly plopped on my bed, played twister with me, and then sat in my lap for video games?

Put on a movie, play twister, then play video games.
No. Fillies are shit.
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Maybe. Using a controller would be tricky, though.
The fillies won't stop race mixing.
I put filly in the microwave.
I think I'm getting tired of fillies.
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>Today is Open That Bottle Night
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I would drink with pony.
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That Berry looks weird.
>anon goes drinking with Rarity
>after a few things, they have a competition about who can fuck more stallions
Absolutely, I bet they would all be a lot of fun to have drinks with. I wonder what sort of pony drinking games they have in Equestria.
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>hey have a competition about who can eat the most ice cream*
*tiny horse snoozing noises*
Considering the amount of tubs next to her, most anons stand no chance of winning.
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Daily CO reminder.png
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There's a distinct lack of paper and penciles/markers/brushes/styluses in this thread.
Explain yourselves, procrastination division!
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diana - nervous Rainbow Dash.jpg
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>I just bought a replacement tablet two days ago and haven't tried it yet.
Is MLPG spying on me again?
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>Is MLPG spying on me again?

We can't confirm nor deny these allegations.
The judge accepts drawn evidence, though.
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>That fish.

Man the harpoons! Or should I say 'mare' the harpoons?
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Swiss pony.jpg
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Say what you want about the fandom at large but the plushie-makers continue to impress year after year.
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will you be my friend.png
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But, anon...
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derp horse hovers.png
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what a great horse
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The fillies have corrupted you.
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Too bad she's a terrible goalie.
Would you like horses constantly hovering above you?

You get used to it
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That's a lie and you know it.
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slutty whorse.png
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I heard that she's a total slut.

I bet she doesn't even know who Dinky's real father is.
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just pony things.png
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Montana to Clark.png
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Alright mlpg, spider y 2 banana jet x stagger zebra stick, on 3-, on 3, BREAK!
Has filly done her homework?
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Today I will.
Today I will fuck the horse pussy.
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Hahahaha LOL
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crystal stare.png
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connect the dots is no joke
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I am time immemorial, Anonymous.png
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Slow morning
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I blame Celestia.
Filly says that Celestia is a sham and that we're all on a ball orbiting the Sun
Tornado is getting a bit of a belly
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I see nothing wrong with that. Fillies are cuter when they're a little chubby.
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sad Tornado Filly.png
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she's going on a diet, no more filly treats
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>no more filly treats
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Is your shaft frictionless.jpg
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not yet, but Filly has time
>the 4-kg collar
FS, please
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double diamond collar.png
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see anon they make everything better
You wouldn't collar a foal.
Fuck you i would if i could
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Peachy collar filly.jpg
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If you love pony, you'll spot her few bucks in a pinch.
she just wants to get high on ponynip
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1MB, 1932x1632px
Pony makes more money than me.
FS pls.
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celestia collar.png
2MB, 1920x1080px

No worries all done
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prince dewritos.jpg
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Take that off my mom right fucking now
I actually saw someone wearing a collar a couple days ago.
she had a black collar around her neck.
she was probably going for an emo ascetic or something, but all it made me think of was this general and pictures of cute collared stallions.
what have you done to me?
It stops her from cock voring ponies.
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blue pegasus stallion collar.png
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Nah anon she likes it, its very pretty and gold and more lightweight than her other horsecollar


shown you the true meaning of cute

I want to sniff noi
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She's not a toy.

She smell like memes
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N O I.gif
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o rlly?
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hey I wanna piss off the lunamom fag can you add two to this?
Nice of Celestia to invite us over for a picnic, eh Luigi?
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I hope she made lots of spaghetti.
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Are ponies good with computers?
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some of them
>I did not even ask a parents permission
>What now, ToonTown
>fillies in hoodies
My heart.
Equestria doesn't have computers.
Also typing with hooves would be difficult, without hoof magic
>not Club Penguin
Fukkin scrub get with the times
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pony says REND AND TEAR
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This game was golden.jpg
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Hasbro already licensed video games in the past for older generations.
Do you think it's possible they'd get something out for G5 once it comes out (and assuming anyone cares at that point)?
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Wet apl
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cool dude has a giggle.webm
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the french champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence
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Malaysia actually has quiet a cute pony mascot.
>not a filly
ponies are RACIST
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i want to marry this.jpg
2MB, 2195x1670px
What's your poison tonight
It's Saturday you dumb pony
You fucking retard
fluttershy ass gain
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pout la pout.webm
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I want to snuggle up with Luna and have her tell me she's proud of me.
>pony got so shitfaced she lost track of the days
sounds like my kind of pony
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Rolling Rock, and I can't think of a way to make my answer cleverly pony related.
are you guys optimistic about the sea ponies, or do you wish the movie wouldn't go there at all?
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getting Dash drunk.png
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I want to get shitfaced with pony
Fillies' screaming "Where's my money bitch?!" while batting at you with her hooves.
Shoo bee do
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Wish the movie wouldn't go there.
I really don't like the way they look.
I honestly am just excited for the movie in general. Like I am neutral on individual aspects because of how little we know about them.
The seaponies are cute though.
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[shoo be doo intensifies].jpg
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What about sea fillies?
get out
I like those even less.
They're cute
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Fluttershy thinks.gif
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I'm going to keep them in a too small aquarium in my living room with no filter.
Ponies raising other sentient animals for their tasty meat
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>used to work in pet dept at wally world
>knew all the fish I sold were doomed to that fate
Where's your green friend, yellow?
Every kind of filly is cute.
Even hippogriff fillies and their weird bird claws.
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Rainbow Dash?.png
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the movie is gonna be shit stop reminding me it exists
hippogriff is transferring to your class this year, filly
No, the pretty one.
I'd rather see fillies.
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How hippogryph is formed.png
2MB, 1800x1900px
Their deviant parents, on the other hoof...
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hippogriff stallion.jpg
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I wonder if they're bigger than your average filly.
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do we have any cute hippogriff filly images?
I'm pretty sure those are both dudes
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Horse girlfriends.jpg
2MB, 3000x2500px
Not yet.
There's no seafilly art either.
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Strung Stave bowyer.png
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Don't think so.
Or it could be a stallion (female). It's a poor fate being born with such a squared snout.
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Not canon
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I like like Bonbon.
Her mane and tail colors are my favorite things about her
Ponies are like clothes.
my nigga bon bon
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Season 6 stream in couple hours. had up to 20 people in past streams.

oh boy, ponies!
Petting fillies is considered a class A crime.
But the fillies were petting me!
I miss nobby.
Why did he leave?
he was here the other day
just another bandwagoner, what did you expect?
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quibble face2.png
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You let the fillies have power over you. Now they will use their cuteness to get free stuff from you.
Fillies are like socks.
If you jerk in them and try to throw them into the laundry someone's going to find them eventually.
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Haha, wow, so they're just like real women now?
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nonon rarara.png
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bon bon pose.png
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I've always liked her colors as well

She reminds me of ice cream or something and that is a good thing
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you can see all of the main 6 on the top of the packaging
>except Applejack
Probably not a coincidence there
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The only difference is that giving them gifts won't get you laid.
There are chances of them giving you a kiss on the cheek, though.
I am notifying the guards.
I want to WPSHH her
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>had up to 20 ponies in past streams
Oh gosh, that's so awesome!
I'm going to make a bunch of fillies give me a thank-you kiss and there's nothing you can do about it.
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celestia romancing anon Nobody.png
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He was here a couple days ago. I guess he'll just mostly be sloth-posting till the next season starts

Do you want to die?
Oh neat
I guess he's back in the "I'm not updating my tumblr ever again because I'm lazy as hell" phase
Isn't he like in NYC or something right now without a computer
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petting Fluttershy 2.png
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what would be your go-to for petting a pony?

scratch behind the ears?
ruffle the mane?
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Behind the ears. I bet they love that.
Depends, does it involve her butt?
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ponut boop
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bon bon upset.png
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Pet the balls
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pet the Dash.png
32KB, 1101x952px
you are banned from petting
I hear if you pet Rainbow Dash, your hand will be totally awesome for like 20 minutes afterwards.
Unacceptable. I demand that you get Rainbow Dash herself on the phone and let me explain the situation to her. I'm confident she'll allow it.
Filly can't log out of the game!
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Dash eats a phone.jpg
67KB, 1041x767px

She's not very good with those.
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Dash phone text.jpg
54KB, 416x624px
she usually just texts
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sea pony does a horsey pose.jpg
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>stepping on your own tail
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>accidentally texting someone in your contacts when you think you're google searching
I have nightmares about this
filly says it all returns to nothing

it just keeps tumbling down
You must get high a lot.
I don't know, worse has happened to me
I wish Luna would wrap me in a snuggly pony blanket and cradle me while tickle my little hooves
>Lewd Books
>Most lewd books
>Stories about purple ponies being plowed
>accidentally fillyposting in a non-MLPG thread
I once did this. I just closed the browser and gave up on posting for that day.
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Filly's gotta find out who booped her dad!
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Tell us
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Twilight phone text.jpg
77KB, 416x739px
I accidentally sent gay pony porn to a friend
>when your booping countermeasures fail
filly is gonna get unbirthed into her mother's urethra for refreshment
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And did your friendship become any more...magical? after that
Because I'm a pedophile.
Unfortunately not
I think he's coming back this weekend.
also he eventually got his charger per mail, he streamed a couple of times. just not pones.
Don't lie to yourself Anon.
File: randowqueef.jpg (42KB, 824x368px) Image search: [Google]
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Ah well. At least you will always have gay ponies to live vicariously through ;__;
Why would I do it on purpose, anon
I hang out with colts too.
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I just want somebody to care for me dammit.
We're all gonna make it
Have you tried being a batpony colt?
No you don't.
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Will she ever get back to Equestria?
Nope, not after visiting AJ's stable.
Kill yourself.
Filly is developing a crush on the Saddle Arabian prince. She says he's a really handsome colt and wishes to travel there and marry him.

Oh, Filly wants to be an instragram hoe?
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pony sign.jpg
253KB, 1635x1080px
Today is time to test truth in naming with 409: The Indestructible Man. Are ponies indestructible?

>momma and I
>even worse, magical lesbian ass babies
Into the trash it goes.
Pterus was adopted actually. He's the only reason I even look at the blog on occasion.
The siren call of filly posting beckons me.
>not her father's urethra

It even has cummies!
Is the siren a filly too?
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crystal stallion takes notice.webm
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Let us post pones of the crystal persuasion

We do not crystal horse very often
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crystal butt.png
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I like that horse

I liked that one


me too. Hes one of my favorite pones in general, and definitely my favorite crystal pone
What an ugly colt.
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Filly size waifu.png
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Crystal filly and her husband

that was a pretty good joke anon


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Anon hugs a pretty poner.png
130KB, 968x933px
And so will I
just injected a cup of espresso in my tummy

where's the EqG haters
I wanna kick your ass
Stop filly shaming the colts.
Mare Rights Activist wonders why her MRA campaign gets such a cold reception from humans
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such a sparkly stallion
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He actually looked pretty great when he showed up that one time without the effect too
>Anon hugs trash.png
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sad horse.png
2MB, 1075x1800px
Delete this
if I ditch my ponysona and make a new one as a crystal pony would that be murder
>having one in the first place
Murder yourself
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spa stallion considers this.png
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make whatever you think fits you best

unless you go through a new one every week or so then you are a bad guy

also it must be cute

extra cute
Size shame the fillies.
If you were to become filly anon, what would you do first?
calm down DWK
what would happen if filly anon was turned human again after growing into a mare
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Explore my new filly body. And maybe filly things if there's no one nearby.
>filly anon
it depends on the details, like where am I and is this permanent.

The first thing I would do is analyze my situation and try to determine just how fucked my life just became.
Would giving 80% of the team 'No Hands' be too large a detriment even with other good bullshit to make up for it?
Fillies aren't garbage.
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Got it!.png
828KB, 869x1024px
Consdering the entire point of Blood Bowl is to hold the damn ball like your life depends on it (when it really depends on you living up to the good old "You'll have to take it out of my cold, dead hands!"), I don't think it would go down very well.
You have to show him pictures of Vinyl to placate him.
The best part about posting Rainbow Dash isn't that you post Rainbow Dash, it's that everyone else gets to see you post Rainbow Dash!
rape nyx
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surprised Dash 2.png
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Dash is that you
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You are in Equestria, of course.
And you are Filly anon indefinitely.

be a stallion and make fun of anonfilly, clearly
Sorry, FS, but in this scenario you are Filly Anon.
This might be suboptimal to you, but clearly it is better than the human experience, and you need to show the creativity to make the best of your green fillyness.
On the internet, no one knows if you're a pony.
Go back to playing videogames.
Probably use the mic less.

sorry anon but saucer is for stallion only

you shall be the first taunted
Hello fellow ponies
How are you today
wrap myself in a big blanket and take a nap
Taunt yourself all you like, filly anon. But you're stuck being a green little filly until you admit your situation and learn to deal with it.
>using mic less just because you're a girl
You realize that doesn't help

sorry green bean but I have important stallion things to do
Well it's not like I'm going to change my name to CuteFilly2010
Well you're going to have to filly your stallions, now.
ok then
firstly, Try to contain my emotions as to not draw too much attention; i would rather not try to explain humanity and the fandom on day 1.
next, Figure out where in Equestria I am.
I want to cock vore anonfilly
I would do important stallion things with you.
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>that pic
Great, now I want a filly to do that to me.
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Noi noi noi noi.gif
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How about NOI
Try opening your window and yelling "NOI!"
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lucky playing ball.png
97KB, 277x315px

I'm glad someone else understands the importance of stallion things
Yeah but in this case, I would still be a human.
I want to uncollar and clothe him in pretty clothes

Well, understanding their importance is the first step, human or pony


never do this
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smug black filly oc.jpg
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Is it really rape if she wants it?
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Noi episode when?
Filly wants you to do it to her instead
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720KB, 471x321px
Dressing stallions in handsome suits
>not pretty dresses
I'm the one who gets the dresses
Holding a stallion's hoof.

you can dress them in either if they consent to it
Noi is now your little sister.
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AJ Braeburn gay comic.jpg
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My Little Noi Can't be This Cute.
feeling their Unshorn fetlocks
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dt watching.gif
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I never cared about spanking before, It just didn't do anything for me.

That is until I read a fapfic about EQG diamondtiara being spanked to orgasm in front of the class. Now I cant get enough of it.
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Wrong country, I know.jpg
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What kind of instrument would you like to hear used in the show's BGM/songs in the future?

Id love if they did something oriental. Especially since they haven't used the Saddle Arabia at all.
Fluttershy is a weaboo.
>Feeling their gelding scar
>Knowing that you selected them for gelding simply because you could
>flower eye shine
What does it mean?
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lyra considers this.png
205KB, 377x459px

horse noise choir
I want a whole episode about dub step

but really I think it would be nice if they actually had an orchestra perform

the music on the show can be nice but it always has that synthetic pop sound to it
I really want to fuck Fluttershy.
>but really I think it would be nice if they actually had an orchestra perform

Do any Hasbro shows get an orchestra to compose their tracks?
I think the restrict that stuff to the higher budget movies (sounds obvious but I'm pretty sure there are studios out there who do orchestra for simple shows).

alright now I know it's you, Dash
Well that's why it's just something that I would like to see, but we probably won't get anything like it.
nice meme
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Filly is considering leaving you for someone who has spicier memes.
Fillies are like house cats when tamed.
Asuka literally had no chance
Thanks for coming! Next week- 410: Hercules Against the Moon Men!


>My little MEME can't be this cute

Shit girl
Please stop shitting on my thread
That pone could make anything look good.
she does always dress in style

Fun fact, baka is actually closely related to horsies. Look it up.
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name 3 ponies that aren't Rarity or Applejack
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rarity is magic.png
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I can't
Season 6 finale soon
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smug rarara.png
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This is an anime website, Anon
/a/ isn't a containment board like /mlp/ or /vp/
Season 6 finale soon
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lol nope
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Tornado Filly
Bone Filly
Caballeron Filly
Those fillies have names, you know.
If you want to get so smug you should first realize that anime is not related to the show, and discussion of it is thus off-topic on this board. Go to an anime board of your choosing, and kindly fuck off.
I read that one, it was cute.
Still hella gay.
But cute.
I know, I just said them.
I don't.
what are they?
My Little Pony is anime
My Little Pony is blood
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Why aren't you taking your waifu to the love hotel?
What if the movie and S7 are shit?
I slit my wrist and a pony came out!

>*A pony did not come out of my wrist after I slit it.
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sugar styx.png
304KB, 566x689px
Just imagine being a pony with no name. It must be hard to not have one.
You do realize anime means cartoon(s) so this is for all intents and purposes an anime board.
Anyway, we're simply using common phrases that anyone on 4chan has no problem telling apart. We're not talking about shows or anything like that.

>anime not MLP related
Except for the countless references, of course.
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I like it when pony couples bicker
then we wait for s8, 9, 10.
Tornado Bolt.
Petunia Paleo.
And... uh. I dunno.
Stop being a dense retard and take your autism elsewhere.
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ded filly.png
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MLPG will still say that the show's going great.
And if the movie and S7 are great /mlp/ will still say that show's shit since S2.
Well they wouldn't be wrong.
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Angry about presents.jpg
275KB, 1920x1080px
They're cute when doing practically anything
Spotted 'em
I want to bully Babs.
Those horns are huge.
Well they wouldn't be wrong.
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It's going straight up your ass.png
639KB, 1280x720px
We need to go bigger
Extremely extra gay.
But the cute gay, not the mlpg rp kind of gay.
I heard her cock is bigger.
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Excited Shamwow.png
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Anon please
Sunset has a horse pussy like a normal girl
Filly rolls up beside you in a windowless van.
>Get in nerd, I've got candy.
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Are you sure it isn't a freakish horse pussy?
Ain't no such thing as a weird horse vagina. All horse pussies are beautiful.
My mom told me not to get into strange fillies' vehicles.
I swore Luna's was a little smaller than that
It's really thick..
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Pull filly out of the van and steal it.
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luna fangs.png
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Perhaps its just the angle
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Manga blood.png
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>My Little Pony is anime
>My Little Pony is blood
It's a very nice size, for a very nice pony, who is a very nice princess.
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Go get thrashed by the All Blacks again you filthy non-country
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>just watched Crusaders of the Lost Mark for the first time

So, how big was the shitstorm?
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luna ponytail.png
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>posting on pony food cooking containment board on a Japanese school girl image forum

and people say multiculturalism is bad
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No one really expected them to get their marks in that episode. /mlp/ exploded.

There was also a leak of the Halloween episode some days before. Thankfully it didn't spoil the surprise because the CMC were using costumes in that episode.
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Remember when Derpy became canon?
Then it was ripped away from us?

Shitstorm? You mean ecstasy, right? The only real issue people had was the designs of the cutie marks looking a bit out of place.

It was a perfect farewell by AKR done at a perfect date.
There was no shitstorm
The songs really helped make it a great episode.

The only arguing was about the design of the cutie marks and to a lesser extent the cutie marks themselves.
It always looks like it would be really squishy when you tried to bring your legs together.
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There is no character named Derpy.
Don't be offensive.
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682KB, 634x675px

Well, I'm glad to hear that people appreciated it.
Filly tried summoning her persona.
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I loved the episode. It was on par with Pinkie Pride musically wise, and it's my second most favourite episode overall.

And the CMC will always have a special place in my heart.
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02-25-17 dead.png
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How do I make a drill hair filly?
What scruffy pono
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Good horse
Pony Mormons are at your door.
What do?
What is she looking at? Her eyes aren't quite hollow enough to be looking into an endless abyss, so she must be looking at something.
Ask if they'd like to come in for a chat in my basement lounge.
get my unicorn underwear and wear it on my head
I would groom the Gurumi
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249KB, 631x343px
Are you hype for Sucy's parents?
>my favorite and most fap to pic on derpibooru has massive downvotes
>and a ton of comments saying its awful garbage

That is a wakeup call. How do I force myself to have better taste?
I have a lot of catching up to do in that show
but if there's more anything related to Sucy (especially potential for Sucy's mom), I'm for it
>And the CMC will always have a special place in my heart.

probably the characters that developed the most positively. I remember the times when seeing the CMC show up in the synopsis meant that everyone thought the episode would be shit
You're like 7 years old
I can't give you advice if you won't even share the pic.
Konosuba is real fun
he's clearly setting this up so people ask him to post it, he just wants negative attention
good resource to learn electronics?
fuck ponime, if i ever make it to another universe i am not going to be a weeb again.
the characters work really well together. even though most of them are rather one dimensional their interactions don't get boring
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163KB, 1280x720px
She ded (Sucy, I mean), satanic Goat.
>negative attention
Wtf is this meme?

where'd this buzzword come from?
you're gonna make a pony who likes ponime and in need of a friend to discuss it with very lonely
Just wait until S2 where Deen takes over and the animation quality gets real QUALITY.
wtf are you talking about
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386KB, 2000x1125px
>two word phrase
Amerikkkan education, everybody.
>I know how to count!
what an accomplishment
my filly will never be allowed to watch ponime or furry bullshit.
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>what an accomplishment
Considering that you can't I'd say it is somewhat.

Don't let the door hit your massive jiggly ass on the way out Amerilard.
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Horse Wife anime.png
101KB, 523x523px
that will just make her want to watch it even more
fillies are literally furry ponime
Stop hitting on me and focus your luck in the other queers in this thread
>tjpones still hasn't started drawing porn
Now where could my pipe be?


he's not gay he's european
Fillies can't be owned.
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pink filly.png
214KB, 245x347px
the name of the show implies otherwise
I don't think I even want him to. His style wouldn't mesh well with porn.
>But theres nothing there.
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i'm a tiger rawr.gif
413KB, 378x420px
Fillies are just pets anyway.
Filly owns you as a pet.
hugging two fillies at the same time
hurting two fillies at the same time
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109KB, 323x381px
I want to play with that filly's mane.
And I hope he never does.
hugging a filly and a colt at the same time
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European JoJo.jpg
234KB, 687x960px
Depends, is he a cute shota like in the Yakistanni sculptures?
You know they're going to start hugging each other and treat you as the third wheel, right?
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3MB, 1136x895px
flutter wants a boop
Owning a set of filly slayer gear from the filly mine raid.
boop the flutt
But then my finger will smell like yellow.
the set bonuses on that gear are all garbage though, it just buffs filly pets
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349KB, 682x1069px
what if theres a beach scene in the movie and you get an extreme boner in the theater?
well you know what Cheerilee says if you can't contain your horse erections

anon we see naked horses all the time I don't think them standing on the beach is going to make much of a difference
what does she say about horse erections??
how customizable are those models?
is it basically investing tons of time into making them once and then you can do animation with low effort?
whats gabbing that stallions ponut there?
Pretty much, or serving as a decent backbone of stuff you can jump off of for new scenes.

They're called puppets, not models, BTW.

a griffon with a funny layering error
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2MB, 1089x909px
Pretty much, and it's re-usuable to build all the other ponies. It has dialogue and eye for all angles and self z-depth patching body.
>that dock

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flutter rig.png
180KB, 2560x1440px
and its skeleton/controller system
is that Spanish for unf
go eat a wang, says filly
>and its skeleton system
why does the pussy/anus window have so many options
>tfw you already know what it will be without clicking the link
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526KB, 808x884px
>highly customiable genitals
truly, this is the future
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Imagine how fucking terrifying it would be to see a bunch of horses flying through the air.
I don't know, I think I'd have a massive erection.
Humans fear the pegasi.
You can always set anti-pegasi webs to keep them off your house.
Fluttershy is a cute mare.
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Pinkie Not amused.jpg
217KB, 748x900px

Its fully rigged for use/winking/etc

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71. Egghead.png
931KB, 1133x813px

pinkie pie's pony kisses
it's too stuffy in here
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My first instinct would be to try to ride one.

Same with dragons, albeit more carefully.
You wouldn't program a pony.
Truly the future is bright.
Rainbow Dash is literally a Blue Angel, how cool is that?!
oh boy
The outer whole bits shape is also deformable, just forgot to move that while making gif (since the whole shape needs to deform up in winks).
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1MB, 482x482px

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Is Fluttershy your only model so far?

Would a Celestia model be possible?
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72. Twidash 4.png
857KB, 1112x815px
Absolutely cool she is the highest echelon of a Pegasus pony. All fillies and colts want to be her across the whole continent, especially since shes both the youngest and newest member


Any model is possible, just i'd have to build all the assets again since celestia doesnt share anything with regular pone bodies. I dont have any plans of celestia either atm (and im not sure how much free time il have to do this as is, since my sfw projects are taking the majority of my time now).
Rolling stones, there's no second "hey" and "you" in hotel mario.
How do pegasi deal with territorial disputes?
they snuggle on the cloud together
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flitter explains.png
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they are very tiny flying horses anon
fierce boop duels
Pegasus CQC is unrivaled!
Can I touch polish catbird?
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listonoszka Gabi.webm
3MB, 1920x1080px
mary sue
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>tfw watching the episode thats been spliced where Gabi is speaking Polish and everyone else speaks English

Its too funny hearing her jabber excitedly and everyone else responds normally.
I need this link, also it will be the first time i have seen the episode.
I would be down for this as well
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187KB, 1920x1080px
Im surprised I thought it was passed around a lot after the episode aired.
It was a while ago. Afraid I dont have it.
maybe ask her first
Why is she so japanese?
Do not touch.
I think I'm touching Japanese I think I'm touching Japanese I really think so.
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pillow filly pillow.png
375KB, 1280x720px
filly escaped her responsibilities
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O hey I found it
rara is so cute
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Rara in heels.png
285KB, 405x364px
that's rarara
this is rara
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fashion plate face.png
584KB, 969x854px

so is this pone
Would you pirate a pony?
I would a pirate pony
What if you combined them?
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716KB, 750x750px
No, that pone is FABULOUS.
oh god that digging fillie is too cute

he is both

at the same time
i need pictures of fillies in heels
Filly just wants a quiet life.
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pony pillow.png
155KB, 850x850px
filly will serve as is her duty
I really wish I had a cloud right now.
haven't seen this one either;
A filly could eat your cloud at any given moment.
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cute ponae brings you a cloud.png
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>"I wouldnt recommend this game unless you're a fat pervert who likes to pretend to be a little girl"

ha, who would want something like that
thanks ponie. no tip though

i do not believe in the tipping system
just tip the poor pony
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i will not support the tipping culture, even if i could tip in hugs and boops i refuse.
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wait, why is scootaloo looking at us?
did pinkie tell her, and she thinks we might have the answer.

which ponies are aware of the fourth wall?
I didn't choose the pone life.

The pone life chose me.
man I'm bored

it's like I'm too hyper to do something so idk what to do
Go outside and punch people.
Pony delivery services are super convenient.

Plus it comes with a cute pony that you can do stuff to.
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I'm gonna drink and watch Moana and post pon
>tripple filly hape in public

this hits so many fetishes
>I'm too hyper
So, how many pony pizza places wont deliver to you any more?
The secret is to offer them a 6 inch tip. Apparently they assume coins stack that high.
Drink Mai Tais and post Moana porn
I love Mai Tais but it's a little late to go get the stuff to make them.
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well this is an interesting angle
You chose the pone life.
you just need to fly
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tiny horsie.jpg
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look at those smol horses
Discord has granted Scootaloo the ability to fly, but only when no one is looking. She is very happy with it.
Fillies are usually very tiny.
too smol
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carrot o.png
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Yeah you definitely do not see that one very often

or at all
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Are you saying you would reject pony if she was too little?
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It's not the size that counts
it's how you use it
Of course.

I want a nice sized huggable pony.
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twiggy cry.png
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That's exactly what a fatass like you would say, Twiggy
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N O I ghtmare N O I.png
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How the hell would this work.

Pillow too soft?
Pillow too hard?
Pillow too hot?
Pillow too cold?

If you don't love pony at her horse fattest, you don't deserve pony at her less horse fatty.
Fillies dragging her butt across the carpet again.

Up all night again?
What a trio of chubbies

I want to feed fillies until they get nice and plump
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