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Marital Problems #40?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 469
Thread images: 144

I don't remember what number it is edition
Last thread >>29120073

Marital Problems Thread.

The premise of this thread can cover a multitude of issues. Maybe you and your wife are fighting over something insignificant. Maybe the spark just isn't there anymore. Either side is welcome to have issues with the other.

If cuckoldry is your thing, this isn't your thread.

New content is welcome, and discussion encouraged.

Current Writers
Assault Turtle:http://pastebin.com/u/AssaultTurtle

Current Stories
TLA's Trails and Errors:http://pastebin.com/Mn2PxYWx
Assault Turtle's Rare Tea:http://pastebin.com/EFTUe6XA
Without_Aname's AiE: Twilight's Secret 2:http://pastebin.com/qdN0mAxX

Past Writers
Jeff Mango:http://pastebin.com/u/JeffMango
Free The Soul:http://pastebin.com/9DATPDXg

A More Complete List Of Our Past Stories
Does Fife-Niner-Seven yet live?
It's hiatus
I think most of the writefags and readers are gone for now.

But it's good to see this back.
Oh fuck yeah. There was this one I was reading a month or something ago about anon marrying celestia to form a millitary alliance? Anyone saved that one?
You mean Loki's story? Unfortunately his bin is set to private for some reason, and the direct link goes to an expired page.
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He's rewriting it to match the sequel
we can hope
There's always the archive
You can, but that's a lot of archive to comb through.

>This night was no different.
>Twilight had just finished reviewing.
>And the two of you started to walk down the hallway to your bedroom.
>Suddenly Twilight “dropped” something while you were walking behind her.
>As she bend over to pick it up.
>She pressed her flank firmly into your crotch.
>If your lust had a proper check on it, you could’ve simply move away.
>But it doesn’t, so you just stood there.
>You could feel the warmth of her marehood even through your pants.
>Seeing how you weren’t moving, Twilight figures that whatever she drop must be under her.
>She straightens herself up, while pushing her backside against you.
>In response to keep from falling over.
>You put your hands on her waist, and thrust forward.
>Twilight looks over her shoulder.
>Eyes half laden, and with a sultry smile.
>”Oh what a naughty human we have here.”
>”All I’m trying to do is find something I dropped, and here you are, putting your on my waist, and thrusting into to me.”
>Flabbergasted you pull your hands away, and back up.
“I-I’m getting in the shower.
>You take off before she could answer.
>Grabbing all the necessary things, and locking yourself in the bathroom.
This is a good story, and (you) should feel good.
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He's still dead.
Thank you.

>Now you’re lying in your bed.
>Staring at the ceiling with an erection that just refuses to go down.
>Even the coldest of water splashed on your penis did nothing, but be a mild annoyance.
>Even if you could, jacking off would take a minimal of thirty minutes.
>And since Twilight doesn’t do long showers, you wouldn’t have the time to finish anyways.
>You breathe an irritated sigh.
>Suddenly the bedroom door open.
>Not moving your eyes from the ceiling.
>You hear the door close, and some light movement.
>”Anon are you awake?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
>What happens next takes you by surprise.
>As you feel an added weight on your waist.
>You pull your eyes away from the ceiling, to stare at Twilight, who is straddling you.
>”Now that I got your attention.”
>”I would like to apologize for the way I’ve been acting as of late.”
>”I… It’s been a long time since I’ve been intimate with a male.”
>”And then I see the way you look at me sometimes, and then you heled me.”
>Twilight looks to be on the verge of tears.
>”Even though I shouldn’t, I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
>”And I thought that maybe if we hugged one more time, I could get over it.”
>”So I tried to seduce you into doing it again.”
>But I always chicken out when I got into the bed.”
>”You also never took matters into your own hands, no matter how bad I got.”
>”For that, I’m thankful.”
>She is silent for a moment before continuing.
>”I shouldn’t have been so selfish.”
>”I was so consumed with my own desires, that I was willing to ruin both my friendship with you and my marriage with Flash.”
>”I pushed you too hard tonight, and you ran away.”
>”I felt bad after that, terrible even, and I’m sorry for how I acted.”
>”Tonight will be the last time, and if you don’t want me here anymore, I understand.”
>And with that she goes quite.
>You could end it all here.
>Or attempt to go back to how things were.
>But there is a little bit of you that speaks the loudest.
>Twilight has changed you, awakening a desire for her that you didn’t have before.
>You never took action because you didn’t want to lose her.
>And had you know, you’ve held her every night since then.
>No, it too late to go back.
>Your movements are quick.
>Rising from the bed, you wrap your hands around her body.
>Twilight emits a gasp, before you silence her with a kiss.
>Marry Celestia who lived for over a thousand years with many more to come
>Your partnership ensures that you will be given the same lifespan as her
>Live into your 80s
>Into your 150s
>Into your 200s
>As the years stretch on, time flies by faster and faster
>You find yourself forgetting things
>Names and places
>What month it is
>Your parents' faces
>Magic can keep your body from ageing, but it can't stop time from pulling apart the mind
>Sometimes you come to, and find yourself several miles from your home
>Sometimes you wake up, and are shocked to discover that twenty whole years have passed since you last noticed
>Your wife has to deal with seeing you, still youthful, slowly lose your mind and sense of self to time
>It's not Alzheimer's, it's not dementia, and it's not Pick's
>It's simply the work of thousands of years upon a brain meant only to live for a hundred, eroding memories like waves upon a beach.
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>Without_Aname's AiE: Twilight's Secret
I was not ready for this.
Not at all....

I only started reading this on a late night whim, and ended up staying up until 4:30 in the morning reading the first part.
Reading about what a complete and total shit my favourite pony had been.
I managed to get as far as Applejack finally losing it in the hospital before my eyes broke and everything turned into a blur.

A few hours sleep later and I'm reading the second part, and it's like having your heart ripped to pieces and stuck back together, only for it to happen again. And again.

This is one of most engaging stories I have read anywhere in quite a while, even if it has effectively tainted my favourite imaginary hors.

Without_Aname, you are such a shit.
Please write more! You are amazing.
it will make you feel like pic related
>You can tell that Twilight wasn’t ready for that.
>Tempered steel bends more easily than her tense muscles right now.
>At first you don’t know what she’ll did.
>But she relaxes quicker than you thought, and starts to return the kiss.
>A deep burning sensation courses through you each time your lips make contact.
>And soon, only the sound of kissing could be heard in the darkness.
>But all good things must come to an end.
>Eventually you both pull apart.
>Inhaling deep and exaggerated breathes.
>Once you have felt yourself come down, you begin to speak.
“Sorry, but I wanted to be the selfish one this time.”
>Twilight just sits there in your lap.
“Look Twilight, I know you regret doing what you did.”
“But you’ve opened a Pandora’s Box, and that can’t be undone.”
>You move your hands to cup her cheeks.
“And I know what I’m about to ask put one of your fears into a reality.’
“But I can’t sit by and watch you go through life with an empty marriage.”
“I’ll never be able to replace Flash completely.”
“But I’ll be there when he’s not.”
“I’ll hold you in his absence.”
“I’ll be the warmth in your bed when he sleeps elsewhere.”
“And I promise to not make things worse for you in the future.”
>Twilight sits there speechless.
>”This… This would forever change us.”
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Without_Aname... why...
> lifts head with the faintest of nostalgic grins, a small glint of life returning to the former write fags eyes.
Now that's a name I've not heard in a lonngg time.. A long time.
Because it's a name that lives and dies with the gen.
Don't think that a healthy brain would function exactly like that even at immortal ages but makes a good story prompt.
I figure at most he'd just have longterm memory loss, and can only recall the last 70-80years at any point in his life.
Where is LokiLorien's pastebin. The link doesn't work any more.

Also, on a side note, how long has it been since he posted?
why tainted? it's completely out of character, she would never do anything like that, even if it's still a good story
sure it's hard to read, but it should in no way change your views on characters, no fanfic should
He made it private
Too long
What do you mean "too long"
longer than i can remember
Who is the artist of that image?
Thank you
Did he give a reason why?
>Hit a brick wall because I don't know how lewd to make the next part.

So fuck it, CYOA time.

>"Chaste" lewd where Twilight and Anon spoon each other while Anon still has his boxers on.

>The above, but without the boxers on.

>Anon gives Twilight the D.

>Fade to black, with mentions of the night before in the morning.

The only thing any of these will can is Twilight's next reflection part.

>If one or two is picked, Twilight lightly touches herself on the train ride home, while accepting fantasy are okay since they aren't real.

>If three or four is picked, I cut the above reflection, and replace it with a later one where she officially declares herself an adulterer on the train ride home.

The story still goes on the same way no matter which is picked.
one and three make the most sense to me, I don't see two ever happening right now. The dude is super turned on and they are in a great position to start, so if the boxers come off they are goin. And four... I don't know I guess that could work. Maybe leave it up to RNG?
>>29234773 here, one would also be ok
You think some writefags are coming back to write for pones? Some of us are probably gone for good. I'm barely hanging on here as it is. I'm sorry everyone. I used to writefag alot of twixanon stuff. I'm just tired and done with the ride. Its been over 5 long years.

I've found another princess.
A QT bug princess
did you have a pastebin?
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No, I never put anything up there. I have giant MS word documents filled with stuff though.

I'm sad to look at this place and feel nothing. Last year or so I was really into this thread, but it seems it has died, along with much of my enthusiasm. This show just never met the expectations we all had for it. Its gotten to the point where I'd wish for Gen5, but knowing what they turned this show into and all the missed opportunities, it'll probably be equally a disaster. They had a golden goose here and they fucking blew it.

I guess it'd be ok, but I realize haven't watched the show since I stopped watching midway through season 5. I didn't like the direction the show was going at all. I come here and expect the same type of golden age shit we had going on here in 2013 and... well its just gone. I just feel sad every time I come here. If i do visit, its very brief.

If I ever find my stuff, I'll be sure to post it, as it is, I'm not even sure where it is.
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i stopped watching mid-s6. only still come her for waifu. the board is slowing down and the latecomers are more into EQG than ponies
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I've moved onto to other shows, other waifus. After 5+ years its hard to continue. Its a half a decade of time spent. I'll always remember what this place was like when it was first made. Never would have thought /b/reads would turn into something so huge.

I have fond memories of this place, and this place is not the same place in those memories. I just come here to occasionally feel empty inside it seems.

When it comes down to it, IWTCI something new. IWTCISB
My gosh you guys are all so depressing. I got into this just after season 4 and I still enjoy many of the new episodes, and often find new content. There's still a lot of good stuff out there everyhorse, we're not dead yet. Even if the show stops or turns into complete crap, that shouldn't stop us from continuing on with what we do have of the show.
Well since CYOA ended in a tie, I just flipped a coin. Chaste won.

“I know it will.”
“And I willing to take that change.”
“But only if you’re willing to take it too.”
>Once again Twilight is silent.
>The moment seemed to drag on for an eternity.
>Until Twilight moved forward, wrapping her forelegs around your neck.
>She leans in, and once again your lips touch.
>You pull Twilight’s body closer to yours, while adjusting you current position.
>Which inadvertently thrusts your hips, and grinding your penis against your boxers.
>Oh right, erection that could break diamonds, almost forgot about it.
>You try to forget about it by focusing on the kiss.
>But Twilight pulls away rather quickly this time.
>She then presses her hips down, causing the already tight confines of your boxer to be even worse.
>In return, you experience a burst of pleasure that brings out a shudder from you.
>Twilight giggles at your predicament.
>”You are a naughty human.”
>Her voice is laced with a sultry glee.
“Am I’m I now?”
“I seem to recall you being the cause of my arousal little Princesses.”
>That seem to end her mini celebration.
>”You’re right, I’m sorry.”
>Great, now you feel bad.
>”I… could help you get rid of it.”
noice, great choice
c u c k g e n e r a l
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Y-yes, "chaste"
But we love you, Anon.

Hi! You doing a CYOA?
It was a CYOA in the sense that for this part people could choose what they wanted to read. The overall story isn't a CYOA.

>”Yes really.”
>”Just no penetration.”
>”Not tonight.”
>You nod.
>This will take some time getting used to.
>And obviously, you two don’t need move thing too fast.
>With a few wing beats, Twilight lifts herself off of you.
>You move the blanket aside, feeling the breeze that is being generated by Twilight’s wings.
>She slowly descends over you.
>Deforming the mattress around you when she lands.
>She takes her time adjusting herself.
>When she is satisfied, she lowers her down on to your waist.
>Without the blanket, you can now feel her warm coat on your legs.
>And with the thin material of your boxers, you can feel the outline of her vagina, as it nestles on you member.
>You couldn’t stop it from throbbing upwards even if you wanted it to.
>Twilight giggles again, before leaning forward.
>Laying her hooves on your stomach.
>You also lean forward, meeting her half.
>Your lips collide with passion.
>Although the kiss is a moment distraction.
>You can still feel Twilight lightly grind herself against you.
>She starts slowly.
>Dragging her flower against you.
>Even at this speed, it’s enough to get a pleasant tingle out of you.
>Deciding not to be passive waste.
>You start to roam around her body.
>Your finger caressing her back, and just around the pit of her wings.
>You move your hands down.
>Dragging your thumbs across her stomach, and finger tips down her spine.
>Your last destination is in fact you being naughty.
>Dragging your hands even further down.
>Resting them on her flank.
>In a sense of pay back, you give her derriere a squeeze.
>Twilight doesn’t have the biggest rump you’ve ever felt.
>But it fills your hands nicely, and there is enough of it to have it jiggle when it moves.
>Twilight breaks the kiss, but before she goes too far, she gives you a light zap on your lips.
>It doesn’t hurt, but it does startle you.
“What was that for?”
>She smirks, before wrapping her hooves around your neck.
>”You know why.”
>She leans all the way down, and lays her chest against yours.
“What, am I not allowed to touch the royal flank?”
>”No, Naughty Humans are not allowed to touch the Little Princess’s flank without permission.”
What a tease
>Apparently your nickname is Naughty Human for now on.
>You’re okay with this.
“Okay then, May this Naughty touch the Little Princess’s royal flank?”
>She moves forward, placing her face on your neck.
>”You may.”
“Why thank you, your Highness.”
>You gently start to knead Twilight’s butt.
>Rolling her flesh around in your palms.
>While your hands are doing one thing, your mind is doing something else.
>You’ve gotten used to the pace that Twilight has set.
>When she grinds up, you surprise her by grinding your hips in the other direction.
>Pulling your boxers down while she moves herself up.
>She gasps suddenly, and tightens her grip around your neck.
>The two of you kept this pace for a time.
>Until Twilight decide that she wanted to go faster.
>Pressing her marehood harder against you, she started to change the rhythm.
>You don’t take long to adjust.
>And soon you both are panting light, and can feel an increase in heat against each other.
>Unsurprisingly, you can feel your boxers getting a little damp.
>No doubt that in time damp is a word that will no longer be relevant.
jesus fuck, TLA
Giving someone a thigh-job is not cheating if you're a princess
It's not cheating if she doesn't swallow your load.
Marital Problems thread. Hates Twilight with a burning passion, until Anon sticks his dick in her, and cucks Flash.
sounds about right
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we have to look forward
I remember the golden days, when both fife and loki lorien were churning out possibly the best green I've ever read on this board. God that was amazing. I miss them both ;_;
Where are they?
You gonna update your pastebin?
Done, while post again in a bit.
God i hate that ... Thing.

Or maybe my blood hate it... or maybe my bloodline it.
>The bed stars to creak as your grinding stops being gentle and subtle.
>It’s a minor sound in the background.
>And you would have to focus on it in the first place.
>But between the pleasure, hands, and thrusting, it’s something that you can ignore.
>Twilight suddenly lets out a loud moan.
>Which is followed by a shudder.
>And a splash of her juices all over your boxers.
>Your penis tries desperately to rip through its prison, and enter the folds of the mare above it.
>It was having no success.
>The only thing it did do, was increase the pleasure you are feeling.
>You’re getting closer to the end.
>You try to stave of the inevitable for just a while longer.
>Until you feel something different wrap around your penis.
>A tingling sensation tickles around the organ.
>You stop momentarily, the sudden halt almost made you climax.
>”Don’t hold it.”
>”Just ruin your boxers even more.”
>Twilight’s voice erodes the rest of your willpower.
>Your muscles clinch, causing you finger to grab Twilight’s flank harshly, and pushing it down closer to your groin.
>You member throbs several time, right before the end.
>You announce your with a deep groan.
>Your penis flexes one more time, before unloading your seed.
>A copious amount of cum shoots into the material of your boxers.
>making an even larger mess of them.
>The tingling sensation stays throughout your orgasm.
>The bizarre feeling somehow makes it feel even better than it’s supposed to.
>Making you climax last longer.
>It’s several moments before you stop.
>Slowly coming down from your high.
>You feel a warm suck on your neck.
>Then Twilight’s face comes into view.
>Smiling from ear to ear, with a blush on her face.
>”Well, I think that problem is taking care of.”
>Still reeling from your orgasm, you simply nod your head.
>Twilight leans in for a quick kiss, before getting off of you.
>”Right, let’s get you cleaned up.”
>Her horn glows, and the sticky wetness that was you lower legs, now feel dry and clean.
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What is dead inside may never die. But it may forget its tripcode and how to spoiler.

Apologies friendo, tactical deletion was made necessary by discovery of the stash. I'll get the greens back up when I have the opportunity.

And maybe continue them. I've been having a hankering to do some fiction writing lately.
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Welcome back
Aww yeah
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This is fake
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I'm at least 60% sure I got the trip right looking at it now, so I'm verified legit yo.

Plus, who else uses friendo all the time? C'mon.
>I'm at least 60% sure I got the trip right
Oh you got the trips allright

I'm still holding some of my hyps. This is 4chan after all, why would anything nice ever happen
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Hello old friend.
ohshit whats happening here
someone discovered how to resurrect the dead?

>discovery of the stash
a what?
i want to believe
holy shit
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Oh goodness, it's a WAN! Happy belated birthday, since it's been more than a year.

How you doin' bae?

Defence counsel in a case I was working on discovered my moniker. I felt it was necessary to take measures, then later realized all my stuff is archived anyway. Nothing came of it, tho, so it's all good.
>reading interspecies marital problems in a curt case
would have been intresting
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It was a plea negotiation, actually. Perhaps I'm just paranoid, but I was worried about blackmail and the need to bring an ethics complaint to the Law Society. That would have been awkward af to explain.

Oddly enough, the accused was the ex-husband of the complainant. Marital problems follow me around it seems.
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Loki! I missed seeing you around here, glad you're not dead buddy

Any new green from you would be heavenly, I wait with bated breath
Shit I been gone so long i don't even know how to get back in
Is AiE: Twilight's Secret 2 dead?
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I'm not saying that I know anything about marital court cases, yours in this matter, but what kind of situation will they use pony fan fiction against you?
It will be awkard for everyone that needs to review that piece of evidence
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It's a criminal case, not marital, just so happens the accused and the complainant were married at one point. They obviously couldn't use it against me in the case, I was just worried about being blackmailed into withdrawing charges.

It was a silly, paranoid thought that prompted action.

Irrespective, some greens are back up:

Machiavellian Anon: http://pastebin.com/xPKFmYBh
Father's Day One-Shot: http://pastebin.com/jAN4iuGh
The Party Never Ends One-Shot: http://pastebin.com/UnQVJ87G
Prince Anonymous & Young Celestia: http://pastebin.com/Frkd19Lf
The only criminal thing here is you not writing more.
n-no pressure
>Without is lurking
>Loki is lurking

Who would thought a three month dead period would bring tow of the thread's oldest writefags back.

“Th…Thanks Twilight.”
>”My pleasure.”
>The bed shifts as she moves.
>She doing something, but you pay little mind to it.
>Until your upper body is grabbed by the same tingling sensation.
>It forces you down onto the bed, laying your head on the pillow.
>Soon after, you feel the blanket wrap around you.
>”There, now we can fall asleep.”
>From the sound of her voice.
>It seems Twilight is laying closer to you than she did before.
>There is a yawn, and at first you didn’t realized it was coming from you.
>”Goodnight Anon.”
>Your eyes start to close, as you adjust yourself into a more comfortably position.
“Goodnight Twilight.”
>Sleep comes easy to you that night.
>You awake in the morning to find an empty bed.
>Right, Twilight had a meeting today.
>That’s why she came over.
>Totally had no intention of starting an affair.
>Well no matter Twilight main intention for staying over.
>You still feel liberated now that you laid your feeling bare, and that Twilight accepted them.
>There will be problems as the two of you moves forward.
>But you hope everything will be better for the both of you in the end.
And you can forget about light touching on the train. Changed it to a full blown masturbation scene.

>The train is especially bumpy today.
>Which makes your situation all the more worse, as you press your hind legs tighter together.
>Why are you so horny?
>It’s not even your season for crying out loud!
>And yet here you are, trying everything you can to stop yourself from moaning like a mare in heat.
>A rather startling bump causes you to shudder.
>Bringing to mind the lingering heat that you still feel from Anon’s fingers.
>You release something of a mixture of a moan and a whine.
>Court was a nightmare to get there.
>Spells to mask the pheromones you’re no doubt sending out into the air.
>Trying to act composed and professional in front of a crowd, when you can barely stand without dripping a mess everywhere.
>You’re sure you manage to fool the unobservant.
>The Princesses on the other hoof.
>Made subtle innuendo through the meeting.
>Sly comments about how lucky Flash is, and what you might do to him when you return home.
>This was a double edge sword to you.
>They didn’t help your arousal one bit, as now you started to think about Flash in an intimate way.
>But it racked your guilt because he is not the reason for why you’re a horned up mess.
>Another bump, and this time you couldn’t stop yourself from moaning.
>Your cheeks are burning, and you can feel the wetness that pools around your flank.
>You swallow a hard lump in your throat.
>This is a private train after all.
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>Prince Anon does not have (Complete) tag
You tease
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Why so horny?
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Because I'm writing the part of the story where lewds are very important to the story.

>You slowly inch a hoof down to your flower.
>Parting your legs slightly as it gets closer.
>When the tip of your hoof pokes your clit.
>A surge of pleasures shoots through your body.
>You’ve been pent up since last night.
>Might as well take care of it before you get home.
>You set your head back against the seat, and let your mind wander, as you hoof is slowly moves around your marhood.
>You couldn’t stop from thinking about the males of your desires.
>Flash always like to be in control.
>doing as he pleased with you devoutly following along.
>Anon was the first time you had any major input.
>You were joking about the permission, but he asked anyways.
>And that made it even the simple act of grinding against his boxers so much more enjoyable.
>There’s also how they grope your body.
>Flash moved his hooves quickly everywhere, rarely staying in one spot too long.
>Anon moved his hands slowly, dragging his digits across your skin, and then leaving there.
>There is no doubt in your mind which feels better.
>And you can’t wait to get Anon’s hands on you again.
>The only unknown that to you is how they compare in bed.
>Flash was only slow when you lost your virginity to him.
>After that, he figure you could take it without too much problems.
stay based you wonderful writefag
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Disappearing with a cryptic post, I thought you were literally dead. Oh and finally, I've been starving for good green.
Twilight is pregnant?
>Disappearing with a cryptic post
What was it?
Bump hidden within a reply
>Twilight is pregnant?
Not yet. But in all seriousness there's only two more lewds left, both of which won't be full scenes, and after them, it'll go back to being clean.

>Not to say Flash was a bad lover.
>But then there is how different Anon treated you.
>He let you set the pace.
>Giving you this little power trip you didn’t even know you hungered for.
>He also had no problems keeping up when you wanted to go faster.
>So he might like to take his time with his females.
>Maybe he likes to use his hands that way.
>Slowly caressing you while you whimper in his hands.
>The feeling of his fingers as they play around your vagina.
>How would the feel inside of you?
>Would you be able to feel the same heat they emit when the touch your body.
>And what about his penis?
>You’ve only felt the outline three time.
>But you wonder if it could feel you completely.
>How would he act once he has it hilted deeply within you?
>Would he start slow, so you can get accustomed to the alien feeling, just to slowly ramp it up, leaving you both as nothing more than sweaty bodies rutting together.
>Or would you dictate the pace?
>Have him lay on his back while you ride on top of him.
>The train bumps again.
>Pulling you out of your fantasies.
>And careening into a powerful orgasm.
I love your lewds though
>only two more lewds left
They better be top tier then
i am goint to read you story sometime in the future
maybe in a few weeks/months.
Lel at going through the archive and seeing everyone thought I was dead. I hadn't realized my last post was about that, they caught the guys and I got my money reimbursed. Hadn't meant to be ominous, just got stressed at the time and decided to focus on my studies.

On the plus side, came out of 1L with an A average in the top 10% of my school.

What is this propeller memery?

I've got an interview Friday, if all goes well then I'll re-read my Prince Anon story to date to make sure I remember all the loose ends I planted, then continue.
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"Here she is officer"
"Here's the mare that stole my heart"
*anon holds up hand drawn pic*
>Anon is then fined for disorderly conduct
3AM Bump. Send help.
Is this a recolor with a pink mane? I could've sworn I've saved one with her rainbow one
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Yes, dad....jpg
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It is indeed. When I write green, I like to have pics reflect the chars as they are in the scene, so I shop the eyes, manes and coats as necessary. The scene I needed that pic for involved a pink-haired Celly, so I shooped the mane.

>Pic related, I think.
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>Mfw I'm autistic enough to remember the minute details of the random pics I saved ages ago
Become a private investigator
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>Your eyes shoot open, and you gasp suddenly.
>You entire body clenches.
>Forcing your hind legs to lift from the seat.
>Moans that vibrate through the core of your body.
>And you think the puddle you’re sitting in is a lot bigger than before.
>When eternity ends, your feel your body relaxing.
>Slowly you bring your legs back down, but you move very little once that is done.
>Your afterglow last of an unusually long time.
>But as you finally lose your high.
>The feeling is replaced with guilt.
>Those last fantasies were about Anon.
>Have you really changed that much?
>No, that’s not it.
>You sit yourself up.
>Using a spell to clean away the dirty deed.
>Anon is just fresh in your mind that’s all.
>You still love your husband.
>And fantasies don’t mean everything.
>You sigh, as you lay your head back, and close your eyes.
>Lingering images of late night play before your mind’s eye.
>Then why take it so far, if fantasies mean nothing.
>And they’re what drove you in the first place.
Oh, we're back? I was afraid RGRE wouldn't have anything to bitch about.
Oh Faust, I can't tell you how happy the news of a continuation makes me. While a couple other writefags were putting some decent stuff out, hope for your return is what really kept me around.
More Prince Anon??? There is a god after all
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Yo happy bday though. Lot of work during the moon hours. Makes it very hard to be awake to write anything.


It's hibernating until such a time comes where I can re read, clean up and mentally pick up where I left off so I don't put a shit wrap up on muh shit story.

Maybe I'll do a shit one shot to ease back into it. Rust. I has it.
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Standard Without procedure, workin' too hard all the time like a giant goober.

I look forward to more greens from ye, friendo. I actually considered a one-shot to cut my teeth, but then I realized I always do better when I jump off a cliff into whatever I'm doing rather than building up to it.


>shit story
It's shit because he never finished it, and only keeps teasing.
this is like seeing two ghosts talking to each other
thats a lof of 8's
If your waifu were to fall into a coma with no chance of ever waking up again, how long would it take for you to pull the plug?
the time it would take to muster the courage to off myself
>all these writefags coming back to life
If only MnM and Fife could join the fun.
I literally do not believe what is happening in this thread.
No chance? Immediately. No sense wasting resources keeping someone who's dead pumping blood.
I know right?
I still don't
>no chance

Fuck that. We're in magic pony land. I'll go out to become a sorcerer and save her with the arcane arts.
Morning bump
One Hot Opinion I have for the Prince Anon story, is that it felt like he should've gotten a small detail of personal guard with him. Literally a dozen warriors or so. It would make for a nice official story, since he is the prince after all, and his father would have some way to control his behaviour in Equestria. All while his asshole brother was using them to stir shit between the equines and Anon
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Fair point, though one must wonder what the opinion of the Equestrians would be on a human garrison in the capital. Could be seen as an insult to the capability of the Equestrian Guard, or even a threat having a battalion of humans near the Princesses.

Also, Anon doesn't know the terms of his marriage yet, which may include certain clauses to that effect.
Well it would be some kind of political statement. Like "here, you took my second son hostage, but here is a package deal that comes with it". Though I guess nobody really cares about Anon, so that would be misleading.

I just imagined a dick measuring competition between royal guard and ironclad human warriors and found it funny I suppose.
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About half-way done re-reading the story. After work tomorrow I should be able to finish up, and can put fingers to keyboard.

Also, this story is hella long. Much longer than I remember.
>this story is hella long
Yah it is.
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>this thread
Too much habbening for me. I suppose Christmas miracles happen after all, huh?

TLA, or whoever will end up making the new OP - I suppose it's time to update the "current" and "former" writefags. I am by no means done with the story, but I am, as ever, slow as shit. I am trying to cut down the habit of taking 9 different projects at once, because it leads to situations like this. For the time being I want to finish Morbid Curiosity, then I'll be back when Loki and WaN are charging money for admission
Bro, Take your time, it's no like I'm any faster, especially with school starting back up.
Update when?
Soonish. I just reread the story, and fix/changed somethings. When I post next, it'll come with an updated bin too.
>All these empty bump posts
You gotta add some pizzaz to your bumps, like so:
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twili final
Damn. That one really spoke to me. Got to me on an emotional level. Nicely done.
>As the seasons change from fall to winter.
>Yours and Twilight’s public relationship hardly changed.
>In fact your private relationship didn’t change that much.
>Outside of the groping, teasing, and kissing.
>You both acted like the best buds you two were before this whole thing started.
>Although one major change, was that Twilight dropped the excuse to stay over on court day, to practically every night.
>You at first thought this was a bad idea.
>But Twilight already had a solution to that problem.
>She would take the last train to Canterlot, which left at eleven-thirty, so that her private one wouldn’t always be gone.
>She would then put on a disguise spell while buying the ticket, and riding the train.
>And would causally come over to your place as if it was any other time.
>She usually arrived around midnight.
>And to let you know it was her, she would knock on your door twice.
>With a system in place, it made keeping the affair under wraps a little easier.
>Speaking of under wraps.
>The sex life between you and Twilight took off.
>Oral, and Grinding was what you two did mostly.
>Even showed her what fingers can do that hooves can’t
>She loved every minute of it.
>The only thing you two didn’t do was intercourse.
>You don’t need a PhD to figure out why either.
>You know she still has strong feelings for Flash.
>And you don’t want to force her into something she isn’t ready for yet anyways.
>So you won’t rush things, and let her decide when the time is right.
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> The soft sound of rain hitting the windows.
> The cold breeze wafting in through the open balcony door.
> The ache in between your hindlegs.
> You are Celestia.
> And you are as comfortable as you've ever been right now.
> You're in bed, having just woken up from what felt like the longest sleep of your life.
> It felt almost like it was a whole year long.
> Slowly, your eyes open and you look up at Anonymous.
> He looks so still.
> You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, breathing deeply of his scent.
> His breathing is soft and level, indicating he still hadn't woken up yet.
> But your internal clock never failed to wake you right when you needed to raise the Sun.
> Even if you couldn't raise it right now.
> So here you laid, tightly embraced with Anon, huddling for warmth.
> You had tried to get up earlier, but his grip on you had only tightened, locking you in place.
> You liked that.
> Even if you felt slightly gross at the moment, your fur matted with sweat and… other things.
> The thought sent a pleasurable shiver up your spine.
> Or maybe that was just a cold shiver.
> It was getting a little chilly as the rain continued to fall outside.
> You suppose the rain must've been organized to help the plants grow after the snow the other day.
> Could plants just go back to growing after that?
> You'd have to look that up at some point.
> A slight groan emerges from Anonymous, pulling you back to reality.
> You nuzzle closer to him.
> It's a struggle to suppress a whine as his arm moves away from you, his hand moving to cover a yawn.
> He looks cute when he’s waking up.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
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> His surprised expression was adorable.
> His eyes immediately locked with yours, his mouth moving but not making any sounds for a moment.
> But eventually he relaxed, a smile crossing his face.
> "Morning, Cel."
> Closing your eyes once more, you laid your head down on his chest.
> Listening to him breathe.
> It was calming.
"We've got a busy day today. Everypony’s going to want an update."
> A chuckle rumbles from his chest, as he moves his arms up to stretch.
> "You're right... wait, what time is it?"
> You roll slightly, your eyes meeting his.
> You click your tongue, trying to figure it out based on how long you’ve been awake.
> You would check the clock, but that would involve turning at an odd angle.
“Hmm… somewhere around six-thirty.”
> He grimaces at that, suddenly having a thoughtful look.
> Was he supposed to be up earlier?
> “That’s not good. I didn’t think I’d actually fall asleep.”
> Well, you’re rather pleased that he did, even if he isn’t.
> Whatever it is could wait. You wanted to have at least one full night with him.
> Especially right after… that.
“It’s fine, I’m sure you’ll be able to make up for it.”
> He bites a lip, before looking over at the open balcony.
> Apparently he’s having the same thought you are about the temperature of the room.
> “It’s freezing in here.”
“Then go close the door.”
> “No, you go close the door.”
"I'm hurt."
> "I'm still hurt too."
> You smile, and he smiles back at you, as you pull the blanket back up over the two of you.
> Mmm… a little bit warmer.
> “Well… I guess I can wait a little bit longer now. My plans have already fallen through.”
> He shouldn’t have been planning any escapades anyhow.
> You sigh contentedly.
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> Eventually the two of you mustered the will to pull yourselves away from the bed.
> Well, you had gotten out of bed in a huff after a “Putting out after the first date” comment.
> It was a bit more of a struggle for you, since you were sore in new locales.
> The rug leading to the balcony was soaked, but the room got nicer once the door was closed.
> Anon had poked his head out of the door long enough to ask someone to fetch the two of you food, much to your dismay.
> Given the smell of your room at the moment.
> Now the two of you were chatting about… well, nothing.
> Anon seemed relatively happy, but his appearance was… off.
> You’d expected more bluster, given last night’s activities. Especially with the smell still in the air.
> And the state of your mane, tail, and entire coat.
> “So… shower before food, or after food?”
> It’s as if he read your mind.
> It made sense to shower after food, just in case you made a mess.
> Especially given the lack of magic, there was serious risk of staining.
“After food, I’d say.”
> It hadn’t taken long for the food to get to your room.
> A veritable smorgasbord of Equestrian breakfast foods, all looking delicious and well-prepared.
> Anonymous only picks at his food, seeming lost in thought.
> You essentially assaulted the arrangement.
> You were hungry. There had been little opportunity to eat in the past few days.
> Food…
> Hrmm…
> Looking up over your meal, you see Anonymous staring idly at his avocado and grape omelette.
> With ketchup, of course.
> Maybe… you should do something to distract him, for once.
> He got dibs on the first date.
> Maybe you should arrange a second?
> Already your mind was exploding with ideas, devious ideas.
> Ideas you’re anxious to implement.
“Wanna go have that shower?”
What kind of story is Machiavellian Anon? Is it just anon scheming and that is why he married Twilight originally? Or was there love at one point?
He loves her throughout the story, though his take on love is a bit... unique.
Thanks Loki :0. Going to read it now
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>dead fic alive again
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> Despite your best efforts, showering was uneventful.
> You had tried to put on the moves like last night, but Anonymous seemed to be having none of it.
> He tried to seem engaged, but you could tell his heart wasn’t in it, so you backed off.
> You didn’t take it as an insult after last night, but it still worried you.
> Whatever he had intended to do was eating him up inside.
> Or, perhaps more likely, the unfortunate events with his young guard, Isthmus…
> You certainly didn’t need the bond to tell you something was hurting him.
> The shower did give you the opportunity to ponder your plans, though.
> Extravagance didn’t seem Anon’s forte, but it was the only way you knew dates to work.
> “When is Court?”
> Anonymous’ voice breaks you out of your reverie, and you realized you’d run the brush through your mane about a million times by now.
> It’s almost hypnotic using a hoof-brush. Magic was so much easier.
“I have it suspended for today. I figured we would need a day to recover.”
> Which means mountains of paperwork for you in the near future.
> But seeing Anonymous as he is right now, you knew it was the right call.
> You needed to dedicate some time to arranging things to get his mind off his troubles.
> “And… about the funeral arrangements…”
> You put up a sympathetic face.
> That would take a while...
“It will take time to prepare the rites, a few days. She will be… looked after.”
> He mulls it over for a bit, as he pulls a simple tunic over his head.
> If you’d had your way, the two of you would spend the day in here. But Anon clearly has plans.
> Looking over to you, he flashes you a smile.
> “Sorry for being a bit weird, Cel. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”
> And you return a smile of your own.
“It’s alright, I understand.”
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> Eventually, Anon left the room, citing the need to speak with his guards.
> He left with that old friend of his from Aetherium, the red-haired one.
> She seemed… off, to you.
> Every time you heard her speak, you got the feeling you were in court listening to somepony wearing their political mask, telling half-truths.
> You’d have to keep an eye on her, going forward.
> On reflection, it seems a bit weird that you’re letting him be guarded by three unknown quantities…
> Two traitors and an Aetherite, no Equestrian oversight. None of your oversight.
> At least Isthmus could be trusted to tell you the important things.
> It’s slightly stress-inducing.
> But now was not the time to be interrogating Anonymous’ friend, given his state.
> Even if she was a mare-
> Err, woman, rather, and you were still fiercely jealous of her.
> It only amplified your determination to make this date plan go off without a hitch.
> The looming war could be dealt with when Anonymous was in better spirits.
> Looking in the mirror, you’re looking much better than you have for quite a while now.
> Not quite the usual radiance you projected when you had magic at your disposal, but acceptable.
> Opening the door to peek out, the two guards in front of the room are unrecognizable.
> Your first target is to the records wing of the castle.
> You would need to consult with somepony with more experience in romance than you.
> Anonymous had well-executed his first date, and it had cheered you up immensely.
> Those books hadn’t given you appropriate appreciation of how to orchestrate a date.
> But surely you had some expert in the field at your disposal, right?
> You hadn’t even contemplated enlisting outside help to make this marriage more stable before.
> But now… it seemed like a brilliant idea.
> What could go wrong?
damit that i just wake up and have to go to work and cant read this instantly
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That's it for tonight, sorry for the short one for the first set back. I'm hella rusty, more-so than I had realized. I also got slightly salted by my friends mid-writing, which distracted the heck out of me.

Hopefully I'll get my groove back as things go on. Sleep tight, friendos.
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>he posts
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So it begins! I guess that's my cue to stop being fucking lazy.
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Maybe, just maybe your problems stem for the fact that, I donno, you watch MLP? Like, an adult show couldn't satisfy your needs so you had to invade a children's fandom and creep out everyone in the process? Maybe that's why your marriage is failing.
>I really AM this autistic and I'll prove it
Just stop.
I'm the autistic one? Riiight ok man..
It's been so long I've all but forgotten all that happened. But man am I happy to see this going again.
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Come be a zombie with me, Without. We can groan together like old times <3.
how long did it take to re-read your own story?
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Can't say for sure, maybe 10-12 hours? I was reading fairly closely.

It's about 350 pages in my word doc.
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Are there any stories that either don't end in divorce or death?
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> “Stars, your mane! Whatever happened to your beautiful mane!?”
> Golden Locks, your Chief Records Officer, was looking positively grief-stricken as she gazed upon you.
> She has a flare for the dramatic, but you give the mare a little smile.
> You hadn’t quite understood why so many ponies were looking at you oddly, but now you realized.
> You’d never had a mane this short in Canterlot before.
> It was rare enough you were seen with your natural hair colour to begin with.
“I decided to cut it. I’ve discovered long manes are cumbersome when you don’t have magic.”
> Partially true, you suppose. But the real rationale for cutting it would be too scandalous to reveal.
> The words don’t even seem to register with her.
> She’s still slack-jawed staring at you.
> “You only had to ask! I would have styled it however you wanted, each morning! Free of charge!”
> You chuckle.
> It’s not that you didn’t appreciate the thought, but…
> “Rain, sleet or snow! I would be there before you even woke up!”
> You definitely couldn’t be having the staff in your bedroom each morning.
> Not anymore, anyhow.
“That’s quite alright, it was about time I set a new trend. Maybe you’ll have your mane short by the end of the year, hmm?”
> She doesn’t seem convinced.
> You had started several fads in the past, since your ascension.
> Alicorn chic was enormously popular.
> “I could find you a mane-grower, I could still fix it!“
> Waving off her concern with a hoof, as you move over to one of her bookshelves.
> You wish you could soundproof the room, to make sure Anonymous didn’t find out about your plans, but…
> You’ll have to make due.
“I need some help finding experts…”
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> As it turned out, the archive had an extended list of all the unicorns in Canterlot who specialized in love magic.
> There was also an Earth Pony alchemist.
> Idly you wondered if there was any connection to the alchemist from the storm, but dismissed the thought.
> It wasn’t terribly relevant, you weren’t planning on using a love poison.
“Any recommendations?”
> Golden is scanning the pages of the tome, assessing qualifications in various fields.
> While you were an academic, you hadn’t grown up in Canterlot; you couldn’t tell what half the letters after each pony’s name symbolized.
> Some sort of proper educational degree, no doubt.
> “Most of these ponies are specialized in relationship counselling or preparing ponies for an arranged marriage, I don’t see many with expertise in dating…”
> You stifle a sigh.
> It would be so much easier if you could have just stuck some pills in Anon’s food and had his heart day one.
> But… it did feel a little bit better to have done things the proper way.
> The bumbling way.
“There has to be somepony…”
> You tapped your good hoof against your chin.
> The white noise of rain hitting the windows of the archive was good for keeping you focused on your research.
> But it also made it an inconvenience to go find such an expert on short notice.
> “Well, there is a Pegasus in the noble quarter… seems she’s a ‘love-finder,’ but not the magic kind.”
> Oh?
> Looking over, there’s a small inscription listing one “Lussuria Cadenza.”
> Well, you suppose it couldn’t hurt taking a shot in the dark…
> She had a whole lot of credentials, based on the paperwork. Should be a relatively good choice.
> Maybe she’d even have some expertise in human courtship.
“Send somepony to find her, would you?”
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> You’d decided to track down a few more local experts as well, just to be sure.
> Couldn’t hurt to have a little panel of date-planners.
> And now, you were putting away the record books you had used to research.
> Well, Golden was putting them away with her magic. You couldn’t reach quite that high up.
> Especially with a limp hoof.
> So you had elected to simply chat with her. You and Golden had known one another for quite some time.
> “Princess Celestia?”
> Looking down towards Golden, you see her expression has taken on a grim look.
> Seems nopony could stay happy for long these days.
> “You and Anonymous aren’t going to do anything… extreme? To the Pegasi I mean?”
> You pause for a moment, curious as to what provoked the question.
> Apparently she took that as an invitation to continue.
> “My mom’s a Pegasus, and so is my brother… They, uh, live in Pegasopolis.”
> Ah, so she’s worried for family.
> Hopefully you could allay those fears.
“I have no intention of anything coming to violence, my little pony. Even if the worst comes to pass, we’ll keep the conflict far away from the city.”
> You would need to set the meeting ground somewhere away from the city.
> The humans… you would need to contact them with a meeting ground.
> But for the moment, you feel a rush of satisfaction when Golden releases a sigh of relief.
> “Thank goodness, I’ve been so worried since I heard the news. I saw what Prince Anonymous did with the clouds here, and was worried… with the cloud foundation and all…”
> Worried that… he would blow up an entire city?
> You scoff at the idea.
> Anonymous was a fighter, but he wasn’t some sort of monster.
“Anonymous would never do something like that.”
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> While leaving the archives, you suddenly felt yourself pondering where it would be best to treat.
> Aetherium’s forces were on the march for Pegasopolis, and that risked civilian casualties.
> You needed somewhere abandoned, but safe.
> You mull it over as you walk across the castle grounds, heading towards your next objective for the day.
> Golden had taken off like an arrow to find all the ponies you had earmarked to plan your evening.
> Said she would have them ready shortly after lunch, in either the Royal Gardens’ plaza or the third-floor meeting room, depending on the weather.
> She had apparently failed to check the weather schedule.
> It was perfect, because it gave you a brief window to actually do your job.
> The Generals would want an update. Orders.
> You were head of the military, after all. You had certain obligations, even if court was suspended.
> And so you had slowly made your way across the castle, two guards eventually finding their way onto your tail.
> You suppose Captain Sunflare must have come to his senses about allowing a magic-less Princess to wander without an escort.
> Nevertheless, by the time you reach their quarters, it’s clear something’s wrong.
> There’s only two here, both Unicorns, looking concerned at a map on the table.
> You would suspect there would be quite a few here right now, plotting out strategies…
> Had something happened?
> When they notice you, they immediately snap a sharp salute, as do the other guardsponies in the room.
> “Princess Celestia.”
> A gruff, yellow-coated Unicorn speaks, dressed in old Imperial garb.
> When you were a filly, you’d had a crush on that stallion.
> Now… he seemed fairly dull.
> All the things that used to seem to fascinating about him seem… mundane.
“General Prism. General Shine.”
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“Where are the others? I would’ve expected everypony to be waiting…”
> The two of them share a grimace, looking at one another.
> That’s never good.
> General Prism is the first to speak.
> “Your husband was by earlier, and issued orders. Most of them have embarked to follow-through, pending your approval. We stayed behind so that we could determine your position on the issues and send word to them.”
> Anonymous had been here? Without you?
> That was slightly worrisome. He knew he didn’t have the authority to do this on his own…
> You think he knew, anyhow.
“What did he order?”
> What followed was an extensive breakdown of Anonymous’ commands.
> They were detailed, and some… confusing.
> One General was sent to Cervidae, of all places.
> But overall the plans seem sensible. Apparently they had already mapped out most of it, he just made… modifications.
> He also got into a fight with General Sandstorm, a Pegasus.
> She was in the infirmary for light wounds, but nothing serious.
> While you couldn’t agree with all of them, most of his decisions seemed to make sense…
> But they were all designed around a plan to fight near Pegasopolis.
“Only a slight change. We’re not mustering at Pegasopolis anymore, so Anonymous’ orders to that effect are rescinded.”
> The two of them nod, levitating quills to write down your orders.
“There’s a small castle on the border between Pegasus lands and Earth pony lands, called the Castle of the Two Sisters. We’ll meet there.”
> It used to have a very different name back in the day, but after Discord was handled it took on a symbolic meaning.
> That symbolism could have a powerful impact on Cyclone and his ponies.
“I’ll need you to send somepony to tell the humans we’re going there, and another to invite Cyclone to treat at the castle. Aim for… three days, or so.”
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> Once you had clarified a few of the details, the two of them had taken their leave.
> It would be a lot of work for them to correct the order, but you’re confident they could handle it.
> Anonymous might not like you changing his orders without asking, but… this move made sense.
> You’re still surprised he got into a fight his first day back in Canterlot.
> Anonymous couldn’t help but get into trouble every time you left him alone.
> You were trying to be less controlling, but…
> Fighting those ponies who were still loyal seemed like the quickest way to lose.
> You’d have to see Sandstorm at some point later today. Make sure she’s alright.
> But first, it was time to find Anonymous.
> You were already feeling a slight tugging at your heart through the bond.
> A yearning to be close to him again.
> A guardspony told you they had seen Anonymous heading towards the kitchens, so that was next up on your agenda.
> It was almost lunch, though not quite.
> The day was rapidly depleting. Spending any time in the archive tended to have that effect…
> Hopefully you could see what exactly Anonymous was up to, then get back in time to meet with your planners.
> Get everything in order for this evening, with nopony needing your time, so the two of you could enjoy… whatever it is you ended up planning.
> You’d also probably have to at least check in with some of the diplomats in the interim.
> You should probably also check in on Luna…
> Ugh.
> There’s way too much to do, and not nearly enough time to get it all done.
> You needed to hire an army of assistants.
> But you never were very good at giving up control.
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And that's it for tonight. Sleep tight, friendonis.
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>changing plans without discussing

This will end well
>In the middle of winter.
>A mailed invention to the Ponyville winter ball arrived at your house.
>Reading through the invention.
>You find out that Twilight and Flash are hosting it at their castle.
>For a moment, you feel a ping of jealousy.
>You shake the feeling off quickly.
>Why wouldn’t Twilight hold a party with her husband?
>There is no reason to be petty.
>The ball starts at eight.
>That would give you plenty of to freshen up.
>You roll up the invite, and move through your house to get ready.
>If everything goes well, you’ll be in Ponyville before eight.
>The train got held up because of ice tracks.
>Postponing the ride for who knows how long.
>Because for some reason, there wasn’t a clock in your booth.
>Eventually, the train moves again, and you make it to Ponyville.
>Filing out with the rest of the passengers.
>You break away from the crowd, and head towards Twilight’s castle.
>Your heavy black coat kept the winter cold out as you make the journey.
>It wasn’t too long before you’re in front of her castle.
>And even less time getting in, as you show the guard your invitation.
So this is where the bin left off. Good luck catching up.

> Your boys coming home with who now?
"What in tha hay does Princess Luna need from tha farm?" You begin to hastily straighten out items as you walk along side Applejack.
> "Ah don't know Granny Smith! Ah was sleepin tha same as you were." She does the same as you, straightening out what she can on the opposite side of the kitchen.
"An' fer that matter, how do ya even know they're coming?" You ask as you begin to clear out some dirty dishes.
> "Princess Luna, well.. Told me while ah was dreamin. Somethin about Anon havin a rough couple days." She straightens out the table as she speaks.
> You pause looking up with an arched brow.
"She did what now?.." you ask with uncertainty in your voice.
> "Uhg..Just trust me Granny" The tired Applejack says through a sigh.
"Well... " your unsure tone has a small waver in it, "Ah suppose we do owe her fer showin up an gettin Big Mac to the hospital n' all. We should welcome her to a good ol' fashion Apple family dinner. It's tha least we can do. Sure was some luck for her to show when she did. Speakin of... ah never asked how she knew he was even in trouble ta begin with." You think aloud, trying to passively press Applejack for answers.
> An awful liar, that one is.
> "Uh.. yeah, sure was." Applejack keeps her head down keeping busy.
"Ah just wish we had a little more time to get ready. Twilight was one thing as far as guests, but Princess Luna? Who woulda thought?" A sence of worry hints in your voice.
> "Ahm sure it'll be alright. It ain't like she's comin ta inspect tha place." Applejack continues to straighten up away from you, redoing what she already did.
"Young'n... Ya done cleaned the table three times already... Somethin ya wanna get off yer chest?" You turn your attention to her.
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> "Hm?.. oh. Nnnope." Her mouth scrunched as she turned away.
> A drowsy Apple Bloom pokes her head in, her hair in a morning mess.
> "What's all the ruckus about?" She rubs her sleepy eyes.
"Wake up young'n, we're gonna need some help. Get ta cleanin the front. We're gonna have some company today." You finish the sink area with a huff.
> With a quiet grunt you try to stretch your worn creaky back.
> Apple Bloom whines, "Granny, it's too early! Ah didn't even eat yet!" Her head drops with pleading eyes.
> You turn to her giving her a 'I'm serious look'.
"Look, Anon is coming home! With Princess Luna! I ain't gonna have em comin in to no pig pen, an I ain't gonna tell ya again!" You pointed a hoof at her direction.
> She perks up, "Anon AND Princess Luna? Why's she comin with him? Is Twilight comin too?" She asks excitedly, energized by the thought of the visit.
> Applejack scrunches her mouth tight, her eyes shifting away.
> "Ah don't know an' Ah don't know. Ask yer sister." Both you and Apple Bloom turn to Applejack.
> You let your telltale 'I know you're not telling me something' face show.
> She looks up to meet both of your stares.
> "Y-ya know what, why don't you stay in here an I'll get outside Apple Bloom." She doesn't even give her a moment to respond before turning and leaving.
> "Hmm." Apple Bloom watches with a confused expression and raised eyebrow as her sister exits.
> "Ah didn't wanna go outside anyway" Apple Bloom says victoriously to herself.
"It don't mean you're off tha hook child, now get ta cleanin!"
> "But Granny Smith, Ahmmm hunnggrryy!" Apple Bloom whines once more.
> You let out a long sigh.
> Fillies these days...

> "There's... something I've been meaning to tell you Spike... Something I've been wanting to say for a very long time now, my dear. And well, I believe it's long over due..." An overly done up Rarity speaks through a sheer white veil, and flowing pearl white dress.
> Her eyes lock to yours, wide, desperate, looking for your comfort as the gentle gusts of a starry night give life to her garments.
"Of course, lady Rarity." Your voice sounds deeper, more 'adult'.
> Or at least how you imagine it should sound.
> Your hulking muscular, square jawed body takes a knee before Rarity, taking a hoof gently into your masculine hand.
> Another gentle breeze adds some flowing life to a red cape you wear that partly covers a shimmering silvery sword.
> Your eyes are relaxed with a gentle smile awaiting words of your love.
> You both close some distance as you listen intently.
> "Spike... I... well..." She seems hesitant.
"Go on lady Rarity. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. If there's anything I can do to help you, you should know I'll do it with a smile for you." Your thumb runs across her hoof admiring the maintenance she puts into it.
> "Oh Spike..." she blushes slightly looking away.
"I hope you know I mean that..." you reassure her leaning closer, your expression showing how true your words are.
> She looks up at you with softened eyes.
> "Of course I do, darling." She whispers leaning her forhead to yours.
> "And I hope you believe me when I say, how much I truly... Appreciate it.. and when i say, that i Love yo~"
> A nauseating burn swirls in your stomach.
> You hiccup pulling away from her.
> No... No! Not now!
> Her saddened expression starts to fade and darken.
> Your entire dream begins to falter as you feel the real world reintroduce its self to your senses.
> Chirps from the early rising birds, orange rays of a rising sun against your forced closed eye lids.

> You try to ignore these stimulants so you could go back to your dream, but it's no use.
> Your eyes lazily open, obviously upset and staring to the celing.
"Uhg..." you flop your arms to the side.
"Whyyyhyyhyy?" You whine.
> The nauseating swirl in your gut rocks you once more.
> You sit up placing both hands over your mouth.
> And with a green firey belch, you find some much needed relief.
> A scroll lands on the foot of Twilight's bed from the emerald flame.
> Why in Equestria is anypony sending these so early...
> Don't they know that some of us are trying to slee..... Wait...
> How are you in Twilight's room?
> You try to blink away your drowsiness while scratching your belly.
> And why is this place such a mess?...
> That's very.. very unlike Twilight..
> You remain puzzled for a moment scanning the room.
> The clothing on the floor.
> The tiny garbage pale overflowing with tissues.
> The papers in total disarray on her desk.
> You guess she wasn't lying...
> She's been here losing her mind the entire time..
> There's not one moment you can recall her letting anything become this disorganized.
> Looking over to her disheveled mane as she sleeps, obviously exhausted, solidifies your theory.
> You fight off a frown along with an empathetic sinking in your chest before you push yourself up to your feet wobbly and get the scroll at the foot of the bed.
> The movement you made causes her to snort at the end of her prolonged snore.
> She pulls the sheets in close to her chest mumbling some nonsense before her eyes open slightly.
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> Her eyes shift through her barely open lids coming to the same realization that you did.
> "S...Spike?.." She lurches up in an almost panic hugging the sheets around her.
"Easy Twi, I'm here." You re assure her.
> Her shoulders relax realizing that.
> Laying back staring up to the celing, she seems to be trying to find the courage to ask you her next question
> "Is uh... Did Anonymous?.." she leaves her words hanging probably hoping you get it.
> You do.
"No Twilight.. He's not here.." you say unintentionally withdrawn as you begin to read the scroll for a distraction.
'My Dearest Twilight,
My hardest working, most loyal pupil. Princess of Friendship, and Element of Magic. Over the years I have been full of overwhelming pride, watching you grow and conquer any and every problem that faced you and your friends. Solving issues with patience and compassion for all involved. Teaching the lessons and importance of friendship, and cooperation.~'
> You pause your reading glancing back to her.
> She lies facing away from you still upset.
> You turn your attention back to the letter.
> blah blah blahhh...
'That is why it pains me so much to see the decisions that you have made as of late. Including the measures that you attempted to take to cover them up. Both, being conduct unbecoming of a Princess. Especially the one I expected you to be. Your accusations against Anonymous ontop of your actions, came from an outburst I have never seen from you before. Claiming that you still love him, while shouting a theory that very well may have resulted in his death. It leads me to believe that maybe you were thrust into this position of importance more quickly than you were ready for. But in this position, you are already in. Perhaps I am partly to blame as well.

As difficult as it is for me to do this, until I feel you are of sound mind and prove you are able to handle the responsibility again, the use of your wings will be revoked. Though they remain visible to see to avoid alarm of anypony, you will have no control of them until I see fit. You will write me your lessons, what you have learned from this experience and those going foward, just as you once did. Please know, I do this with a heavy heart Twilight, and hope you grow from it.'
> Oh boy...
> You scan to the end.
'- Princess Celestia.'
"Uhhh....Twilight?..." you peek over the top of the letter wide eyed to a Twilight getting up from her bed.
> "Yes Spike?..." she says with with a complete lack of energy.
"Youuu... may wanna read this.." you hold it toward her.
> "Thanks but, I'm not really in the mood for reading Spike..." her voice is low, drained of emotion.
"But I think it's kinda import~ Wait!" You shout seeing her hop from the side of the bed, knowing once she got used to her wings she would sprawl them for a soft landing.
> That she did not receive.
> With a loud 'oof', she quickly plummeted face first toward the floor.
> Her rear hoofs still poked over the side she jumped.
> "Uhhgg!...." she groans from the floor.
> You wince holding the scroll tighter to you.
> "Wha... My wings... What's going on?! Nnngh!" She scampered to her hooves with facial expressions showing she was trying to open her own wing span, unsuccessful so.
> "Spike?!" She looks to you panicked.
> You decide to stop biting your lip and let her know.
"Uh Twi... You might wanna sit down.." you timidly hand the scroll toward her.
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> You are Fluttershy.
> Preparing your weekly picnic breakfast for all your pets, furry and feathered friends.
> Gently placing a large lettuce and carrot bowl down for Angel, you smile contently as he digs in along side Harry and the other many animals.
"I'm sure glad you all could make it today. Isn't it just lovely to be able to enjoy this all together?" You say happily though almost whisper quiet.
> Several of the animals nod towards you with full mouths.
> Except Angel, who continues to dig in.
"Angel, try not to eat too quickly this time. I don't want you to get a tummy ache again!" You try to show concern but he ignores it.
"Oh you. Well I don't want to hear it later then mister!" You try to act stern, failing miserably as Angel raised his cheek stuffed face from his plate to look at you with an arched brow.
> "WWHHAATT?!" Echos almost violently causing many of your animal friends to instinctively scatter in a panic, knocking over your carefully set up display.
> Harry winces, turning in the direction of the Caste, while Angel does so for only a second before forcing a swallow from his cheek full and raiding the now abandoned plates.
> You 'Eep' yourself as you stand taking a few steps back.
> Harry turns back to you baffled as you begin to scan your ruined breakfast date.
"Oh my...." you say both disappointed and confused.

Dassit for now. Might have put some of this up already but that's where the bin was left off. I honestly don't remember where I left off soooo. Ya. Kthx. Hope it's enjoyed and whatnot.
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My God the thread is alive again
Don't get your hopes up. It's just accumulated gas escaping through the rotting corpse's mouth.
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rude af
but also amusing afghanistan
Goddamit guys, I now actually have to read all this shit. Thanks a lot. I mean it
Im a freaking slow reader then.
My average is about 1000 lines in pastebin/hour.
something is fucked up in the pastebin
search for this line: "You sigh deeply, placing another log on the fire."
Its there twice.
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How strange. That repeat is not in my word file...

Spooky. I have adjusted the bin, thankee friendo.

Law school tends to develop fast reading rather quickly, I've found. I'm able to demolish novels where I used to take forever getting through them.
I had a huge deja-vu. And I found out why:

And you even continued:
Whoops. Probably did it shit faced. My b. Soooo.. for the 'new readers' there ya go.
> shifty eyes.
So close...
I'm still optimistic. Two writefriends coming back at the same time? That's as good an omen as it gets.
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>WaN and Loki are back

Truly happy days
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And with our new God-emperor, nothing can stop us.
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So we can't use this anymore eh?
ppl still have my shitty edit
The thread is reborn
5 post in the last 12hours ''reborn''
We were pretty slow even in ye olden days, the thread just isn't much good as food for discussion, unless a particularly egregious storyline point comes up which salts people.

I presume by reborn, he just means new greens.
Most of it is just lurkers here, unless something outrageous is going down. Keeps the threads lasting longer.
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> Drip.
> Boom.
> Crash.
> You are Anonymous.
> And you’re sitting in the rain at the moment, with your guards and former-guard.
> Listening as the thunder echoes from the skies above Canterlot.
> There’s a lovely terrace near the top of the castle, which oversees the entire city.
> Giant Equine statues sprout from the sides of it.
> The four of you are sitting along the edge of the terrace, your legs dangling over the precipice.
> You’d be surprised about the lack of a safety rail, but you suppose the castle is almost entirely staffed by Unicorns.
> The lot of you were all silently watching the city.
> The civil disorder which was cropping up before you left seems to have been largely pacified.
> The rest of your little troupe probably wished you could have that realization from somewhere dry.
> You could tell Shadewing was thoroughly not enjoying getting her feathers wet.
> Moonlight, to his credit, brought an umbrella which he had tried and failed to get you to use. He was currently doing his best to keep himself from getting wet.
> Felicia was just… being Felicia.
> She never was the very emotive or talkative one amongst your guards.
> Taking a deep breath, you lay back, the back of your head dipping into a puddle.
> You needed to clear your thoughts. Inclement weather tended to do that for you.
> Well, it did when it wasn’t designed to kill you and your family.
> Plus, the rain felt good on your bruised face.
> And your bruised honor, for that matter.
> You hadn’t realized that Pegasus was a mare until after hooves were flying.
> You’d given her a thorough wallop before your guards had restrained the two of you, though.
> Moonlight’s jaw was swelling from the kick she’d delivered.
> “Prince Anonymous?”
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> The statement interrupts your train of thought, and you crack open an eye and glance over at Shadewing.
> She’s shivering a bit, her wings twitching periodically.
> It’s surprising; while it was a bit chilly this morning, it was a bit more moderate now.
> Maybe all that plate armour was getting cold in the rain?
> You can see her chew the inside of her cheek for a moment, looking for the right phrasing.
> “You were absent from the meeting last night.”
> You try to suppress a chuckle at the way she says it.
> Like a school teacher chiding her pupil for not showing up to class.
“So I was. Turns out I was more tired than I realized.”
> That doesn’t seem to satisfy her at all. She finally breaks her steely forward gaze to look at you.
> “You shouldn’t be able to be tired.”
> It sounds like an accusation, almost.
> You shrug.
“Not my area of expertise. I don’t know how your crazy dragon magic works.”
> “We waited for hours. She was… upset. Very upset. She was looking forward to talking things out.”
> You struggle not to laugh at the sentiment.
> And you were looking forward to giving her a dressing down.
“Well, it’s not the first time I’ve left a woman wondering where I disappeared. Not the first time I’ve been in another woman’s bed at the time either… Felicia can attest to that.”
> She scoffs, her cheeks lighting up as she looks back out at the city.
> Equestrians and their conservatism.
> Felicia, for her part, just rolls her eyes.
> “You’re lucky you lot don’t have to deal with that Prince Anonymous. He was a pain.”
> Hmph.
> The way she says that sits ill in your mind.
> You hadn’t changed that much.
> Had you?
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“Well, I’m open to suggestions. What should I do about our missed meeting?”
> You knew Felicia had no idea who you were talking about, but she’d experienced enough of you being irresponsible to have some idea.
> Nevertheless, your request goes unanswered.
> The lot of you just sitting there getting increasingly soaked.
> Hopefully you didn’t catch a cold. It would be the perfect icing on the cake of this week.
> “Well, she did give us some idea… we’ve booked reservations for two at a restaurant in the Noble Quarter tonight.”
> Initiative. Ordinarily, you’d applaud them for getting the tickets in advance.
> But now…
> “That sounds dangerously like a date. I imagine Anon wouldn’t be able to resist the infidelity.”
> You stare daggers into the back of Felicia’s head at that.
> You’d forgotten how blunt she tended to be.
> You’re about to interject when Moonlight finally speaks up.
> “It’s not a date, just a meeting in… less conspiratorial circumstances. Perhaps the two of you would be able to talk for more than a scant few minutes.”
> Definitely a date.
> Is it acceptable to go out for dinner with other women while having a wife?
> You weren't sure on the protocol here.
> Especially given you’re not terribly comfortable with the idea of meeting Nightmare over dinner.
> You were also hoping to spend more time with Cel tonight.
> But… it was probably a good idea to speak with her.
> You needed to know where things stood with her before things heated up in the next few days.
> If the Generals followed your orders, it wouldn’t be long before a confrontation bloomed.
> You needed allies. Or at least neutral parties.
> Even ones whom you had a visceral distaste for.
> You think.
> Still not any affinity for politics, but this seemed like an obvious call.
“What’s the name of the place?”
> “’Flair’ is the name. It’s a classy place, been around for decades.”
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> “We’ll see to all the arrangements, and Nightmare will be discreet. Nopony will have to know anything.”
> You’d have to make some excuse to get away later.
> Alternately, you could probably just be upfront with Celestia, on reflection. She’d understand the importance of this meeting.
> She tended to be a lot better at this politics stuff than you were.
> But you’re horrible at being honest with women.
> And who knows, Celestia might want to accompany you.
> Which sounds like an absolutely horrendous idea.
> Briefly, you envisage Celestia and Nightmare at a dinner table together.
> Staring at one another with murder in their eyes.
> Half of Canterlot would be a smoldering ruin before the end of the night, you imagine.
> Well, if Celly had her magic at the moment, anyhow.
> What you wouldn’t give to see the two of them go at it…
> In a certified tourney fight, you mean.
> Couldn’t have Celly hurt her too badly.
> “So… we should confirm with her, then?”
> You hum.
> It was probably a better idea to talk it out with Celestia first.
> But it’s unlikely she would place anything above the safety of her ponies. This meeting is likely important to securing that safety.
> If you can get any variables sorted out, it’s better to sort them quickly.
“Tell Nightmare it’s on.”
> Pulling yourself up from your laying position, you feel the cold water soaking through your tunic.
> You’d have to get changed. But in some ways, it was worth it.
> Distracted your mind from the more depressing things there were to think about…
> Pulling your legs up from over the edge, you rise up to your feet, brushing your pants off.
“You two can go do your thing. Felicia, with me. Let’s see if we can’t find Cel.”
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Another short update, sorry friendos. Got a huge (yuge) factum due on Tuesday which has been siphoning time.

I picked a horrible time to get back into horse fiction! But I shall endeavour to deliver more when I can.

Sleep tight. No bed bugs.
Kind of hard getting back into it when it was kill for so long.

Glad it's back, though.
I certainly imagine that would be the case, heck I'm having a struggle getting back into it. But I said I'd finish it back in the day and I hope to keep my promises.

Fortunately I never promised prompt delivery.
Anytime you get back to green horse is a good time (for us)
Just knowing you're alive is enough.
Is this real life?
Is this just fantasy?
>Let’s see if we can’t find Cel.”
* -t i suppose
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>Be avid reader of Marital Problems
>Read both Loki and WaN
>Loki leaves indefinitely and never checks back in for months
>WaN posts less and less before more or less hiatusing his story
>Never any green in the thread
>With no content the threads always 404 before bump limit
>Eventually stop coming
>One day (more than a year later?) decide to click on the old thread again while browsing the catalog
>Loki returns, multiple green dumps
>WaN restarts writing
>both vow to continue
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That reminds me
>death to the traitorous whore twilight
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"What do they know Anonymous?" You continued to chew at your lip nervously after asking with almost saddened eyes, desperate to find the reassurance to answers you probably already knew.
> If only.. things.. would have occurred in a more traditional manner..
> The sight of a quaint barn comes into view as you walk along side your dear Anonymous.
> "I'm... not really sure to be perfectly honest.." he keeps his gaze set ahead towards it as he walks as if looking for something.
> Not sure?!
> What are we walking into?!
> They're going to judge us!
> Like your sister did!
> This is going to be a disaster.
> You can't help but to tense and slow, your hooves heavier from a psychological weight.
> His warm touch and light rub land on your tightened withers.
> "Relax will you? We both know Big Mac knows I was talking to you at the very least. And they're all grateful for you showing up when you did. You have nothing to worry about." He continues to rub away at the tension in your neck.
> And by the stars does it help.
> You give a little lean into him as you continue to walk together.
"They know that we arrived to see if you were alright?" You innocently ask without putting much thought behind it.
> Anonymous deflates a bit, noticeably fighting off a wince from your question, rubbing his forhead with his free hand.
> "Nooo.. maybe we just leave it as you came to help.." his gaze still remains towards the barn.
> Increase lip bite.
"Oh, uhmm.. of course!" You look foward as well avoiding eye contact
> How careless!
> "You'll see. It'll all be alright." He offers a warm smile to ease your nerves.

> For a moment you can feel your worry melt as you look to him.
> His relaxed posture, his smile through his eyes.
"Alright... We trust you dear Anonymous." Yet you still stay leaned against him as you walk.
> Because..
> Well.. You just enjoy it.
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> "Everything all done in there young'n?" You ask before stretching your tired aged spine.
> A few cricks and cracks can be heard before you sit back into your wooden rocker with a relieved sigh.
> "Yes Granny Smith..." a dejected Apple Bloom calls back.
"Apple Bloom, whaddya whinin about now?.." you begin to rock gently in your favorite chair.
> An embarrassed Apple Bloom comes through the front door wearing a light blue bonnet rather than her traditional red bow.
> "Ah don't wanna wear this Granny Smith! Ya'll said Princess Luna was comin. An this makes me look silly!"
> You can't help but to smile while she whines.
"Don't be ridiculous child, ya look mighty proper!" The creaks from the rocker begin to sound rythmically.
> "No ah don't!" She huffs with puffed cheeks and a little frustrated stomp.
> With an about face, she storms back into the house.
> Fillies these days...
> You swear..
> Had you ever spoken back like that when you were a young'n..
> The chair continues to rythmically sway as your eyes begin to become heavy from working before the sun was up.
> Why.. you woulda gotten... a paddlin.. second to..
> Without even noticing you drift off to a nap mid thought.
> Your favorite place to do it, right at the front porch.
> Where you could see the orchard, and a good part of your farm.
> Where you always felt a small sence of pride and accomplishment.
> This was yours.
> And this is what kept your family strong.

> C'mon now you big filly..
> Ya can get yourself outta bed.
> "Big Mac? Ya almost ready? They're gonna be here soon!" Your bossy sister calls through the door.
"Eeeyup.." you reply unsteadly while trying to rock yourself to the corner of your bed while also trying not to put pressure where you were bandaged.
> This was eaiser to get into than out of...
> Finally reaching the corner, you place your hooves to the floor slowly testing out your soreness and pain.
> Which is plentiful.
> You can deal with it though.
> It beats that hospital.
> "Big Mac? Ya alright?" Applejack pokes her head in.
"Eeeyup." You act as normal as possible, trying to straighten out your bed.
> You can't let her see anymore weakness in you than you already have.
> You're supposed to be the strong one in the family.
> Standing up straight sends a shocking pain down your side that steals your breath, but you do it anyway tight lipped
> You offer her a forced smile trying to sell it, ignoring the sweat the pain and anxiety triggers.
> "Ya sure? Ya look more wobbly than Anonymous after one too many drinks." She raises an eyebrow as she speaks.
"Eeyup." You simply nod with your response.
> "Alright, if ya say so.. Listen, ah been meaning to ask ya. I've heard Twilight rantin on 'n on about losing Anonymous and all of that. Truth be told I think she made her decision when she done what she did. But this Princess Luna thing.. Ya know anything about that? Ah mean not to jump to conclusions or anythin..." her voice trails off as she looks down.
> After catching herself she looks back to you.
> "Ya know?" She assumes you get her point.
> You shake your head.
> "So you don't know anything?" She tries to press.
"Nnnope." Your features remain the same.
> "And nothing happened that night ya'll went out?" She tries to prod for information not buying your answers.
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> "Even though Princess Luna was there?" Applejack continues to chain fire her questions.
> How did she even...
> "There's somethin you're not tellin me Big Mac." She gives a stern stare.
> You shake your head with your best poker face.
> It's not your place to tell anypony anything.
> "Hmm.." She squints her eyes at you.
> "All ahm sayin is, he's obviously free to do whatever he wants. It's just that, if what all ah was hearin is true, don't ya think it's a little fast is all?... Something just don't feel right about it is all.." her demeanor turns to concerned.
> You're just itching at this point to defend him.
> How it's no one's business what he decides to do now, or how fast or slow he wants to take things.
> All this was done TO him, he had no say then.
> Does nopony remember how distraught he was.
> Betrayed..
> Manipulated..
> The humiliation he must have felt.
> How WE are his family and should be supporting him, just like he would do for us.
> You open your mouth drawing a breath to voice your many opinions and thoughts.
> "They're here They're here!" Apple Bloom calls out from the other room with excitement, her quick scampering hoof steps audible from the room.
> "Alright Apple Bloom relax'n stop runnin in the house!" Applejack turns and leaves the room.
> Your mouth hangs open for a moment now standing in your room alone.
"....Eeyup.." you go to join them as well, taking your time moving.
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I guess that catches us up to speed. >>29332909 correct?

Have faith my child.

My favorite.

Vow is a strong word. Ill definitely be trying muh best.

Sooo Dassit. I have a few more done. I just wanna go over everything once.
Double dubs
>Vow is a strong word.

As you can see in this thread.
Have you previously posted this?
So what is this thread about anyways, Anon and his waifu getting into arguments and shit?
Make up sex? Breakups?
Spoonfeed me.
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A variety of things. It started out as a Twilight cheating thread, so a lot of the stories involve Anon finding somepone else and Twiggles feeling bad for betraying his trust.

That being said, there's a fair amount of diversity in the stories. It can cover anything so long as the two chars are married and their marriage is turbulent, for whatever reason. Loki's, for example, involves a political marriage to Celestia, where Anon is initially disgusted by her and their marriage sparks a civil war.
>Twilight cheating
Of course it's the pony who does immoral shit. God forbid our flawless, valiant hero does anything nearly as bad.
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Depends on the story. Cheating isn't always the worst thing in the story, in my "Twilight Cheats" story (Machiavellian Anon) it's Anonymous who's by far more immoral. Just a different flavour of immoral.

Though, at the time some people in the thread seemed to think infidelity was worse than torture and murder. Moral relativism and all that.
Anon can be the lying,cheating,abusive asshole too. Unfortunately those stories are that plentiful.

>That thread where your post killed Twilight
>Waah why did you kill her?
>She didn't suffer enough!
>Without Twilight, there is no story!
This gen was always crazy about Twilight. For Better or worse.
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> "Anon!"
> You were barely two steps out of the rain when she hit.
> You had heard the hoofsteps seconds too late to avoid her.
> A blue blur barrelling down the hallway, straight into you.
> All the air is knocked from your lungs before you can even turn your head to look.
> All you can tell is you've been shoved up against the wall, and pulled into a hug.
> A bear hug of the highest proportions.
> Looking down, you spot your sister-in-law with an adorably excited looking expression.
> But you can't think about that right now. You need air.
> Roughly she was rubbing her face into your sopping wet chest as her hug tightened.
> It comes out more as a wheeze than a statement.
> You try to shift slightly to push her off, but to no avail.
> "I was so worried! I heard bad things happened in Aetherium! I had someponies out keeping watch, and they said..."
> She's not letting go.
> Oh Gods, your lungs.
> "... then you didn't come say 'hi' when you got back, and I knew there must've been something worse going on, and..."
> She is enormously strong.
> More importantly, she's still rambling.
> "... then Nebulae told me you were here, and I came as soon as-"
"Luna, air!"
> She looks up at you, her big teal eyes filled with emotion.
> It takes her a second to clue in, but eventually she realizes what you mean.
> Her grip softens slightly, enough that you can take in a big gulp of oxygen.
> Sweet, nourishing air...
> She gives a sheepish grin as she rubs behind her head with a hoof.
> "Sorry! I was just so worried..."
> You move a hand to rest on her shoulder as you let out a cough.
> Thank the Gods your chest wasn't still bruised. You'd be swelling for days.
"It's fine. Just... a little less tight next time, alright?"
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> "When did you start going for the clingy-types?"
> Felicia's whisper in your ear causes you to once again glare at her over your shoulder.
> You could always send her back to Aetherium.
> Especially given that smug grin she's shooting you.
> "It was great! I've never felt so useful before!"
> Turning back to Luna, you shoot her a smile as she caps off the end of her story.
> Luna has been regaling you with her use of dream-magic with Shadewing in your absence.
> Specifically, her use of blackmail to reconvene the Council of Solaris.
> The temptation is to say blackmail is wrong, but... you did kind of organize the whole deal.
" It's a good thing you went along, then. I wouldn't have been able to pull something like that on the fly."
> She beams up at you as the two of you start walking towards the kitchens.
> You can feel Celestia is somewhere in that direction, through the bond.
> It's an odd sensation.
> "I know! I've never used my dreamwalking like that before, it felt... cool, to be cutting back-room deals like that."
> You avert your gaze for a second.
> Were you being a bad influence, getting Luna involved in blackmail and bribery?
> She was technically a sibling now...
> Though, you had taught Ares much worse over the course of your life.
> Hmmm...
"Well it certainly seems to have you in a better mood than when we last met."
> You reach over and run a hand through her mane, scratching at the fur on the back of her neck.
> She hums softly and leans into it.
> Naw, you couldn't be a bad influence.
> "I know, the... things I was hearing have gone away. I was able to actually have a nap for once! I feel like old me again!"
> That comment gives you pause.
> You had been able to sleep last night too...
> Was the infection weakening? You hadn't thought that was possible.
> That meeting with Nightmare tonight was going to be interesting.
> "Are you feeling better too?"
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"I seem to be. As good as I can be, in the circumstances."
> You realized, dimly, that you had soaked Luna's fur through-and-through.
> You were leaving puddles all throughout the castle as you walked.
> One of the servants was going to have an aneurysm when they saw all this water tracked through the castle.
> Luna didn't seem to mind, though.
> "That's great! Everything's looking up, I'm so pleased."
> You smile at her optimism.
> Well, there's a few things that aren't quite looking up just yet.
> But hopefully you could smooth out those issues before too long.
"Everything's looking up."
> No need to bring down the conversation with those outstanding issues, though.
> "So, Luna. You can see into ponies' dreams?"
> Felicia speaks up, at long last addressing Luna.
> The poor pony seems spooked, having forgotten your former guard was even there.
> "Oh, yeah! I've seen a million of Anonymous' dreams. They're cute."
> They're... cute?
> You give her a confused look, and Felicia sniggers behind you.
> "Cute? Cute how?"
"Yeah, cute how?"
> Under the heat of your gaze, she averts her eyes.
> Luna hums, hesitating for a moment while her cheeks light up.
> "Well, sometimes they're cute... filled with romance and chivalrous deeds!"
> And sometimes they're filthy.
> You can feel her dodging the subject of your more... lascivious dreams.
> You're sure she's seen plenty of those. She did mention being in your dreams once before...
> It feels like a horrible privacy violation, but she seems so proud of the skill you can't chide her for it.
> "Plus, I've seen myself in one of them!"
> Now you feel heat rising in your own cheeks.
> You don't remember that...
"Maybe we should change the topic..."
> "Don't worry, Anon! I won't say a word about the bat one."
> You don't remember a "bat one."
> But you're pretty sure you don't want to know.
> When you did eventually make it to the kitchens, you were slightly surprised to see a legion of ponies working in them.
> Right, it's normal hours for the castle.
> You were used to having sole dominion over them because you were visiting them insanely early or late.
> So instead, you went to the adjoining dining hall, and weren't surprised to see Celestia in there.
> Talking to a bunch of ponies.
> "I could probably distract those ponies for you if you want some time with her, Anon."
> Looking down at Luna, you can see a stern look of determination on her face.
> She's so eager to help out, it's adorable...
"Sure, Luna. I'd love that."
> And she's off like a bullet to the little crowd.
> The second she gets there, you see Celestia look away from her conversation partners and lock eyes with you, a smile crossing her face.
> You return with one of your own.
> "That little one is crazy about you."
> Felicia approaches, her hand on her hip as she watches Luna work her magic.
> You chuckle.
"You have no idea. Should have seen her the first while days I was here."
> With her desperate attempts to form some sort of three-way relationship.
> You're rather pleased she can appreciate you and Cel needing time together.
> "She seems like she'd be a better match for you than Celestia."
> The comment catches you off guard, and you look at her with a bit of indignation.
> The little jabs about your past were one thing, but...
> That hit a little close to home, given the situation.
"She's too young. Not even an adult yet, by my reckoning."
> She scoffs.
> "You're not in Aetherium anymore. Equestrians marry young, Anon."
> You're getting a weird vibe from her comments, but you brush it off as you see Luna luring away the nobles surrounding Celestia.
> No time to be getting bogged down in debates about your marriage...
"Mind giving us some space?"
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> "Hey, big guy."
> The table is far too large for just the two of you to be sitting there, but you had managed to get the room to yourselves for a bit.
> She was at the head, and you in the seat right beside that.
"Hello yourself, missus. Having a fun morning?"
> She blows some of her short mane out of her eyes, and lifts up a piece of bread, inspecting it before cautiously trying to move it to her mouth.
> Must still be having some trouble getting used to eating with hooves.
> You had ordered something different, which had to be newly made.
> Equestrian cuisine would never become your forte.
> "'Fun' is one way of putting it, I suppose. Mostly just trying to get some things back on track, and fix somepony else's mistakes. I heard you got into a fight."
> She says it in a matter-of-fact way, like she half expected it to happen.
> You laugh, sitting back in your chair and putting your hands behind your head.
"A little bit of one, yeah."
> She gives you a flat look, and you return a confident smirk.
"You should see the other guy."
> She rolls her eyes and takes a bite of the bread.
> As she chews it, you pick up your own piece of bread and take a bite.
> "Mare. Sandstorm is a mare."
"Sure didn't act like one."
> Your face still hurt a little bit, but not much.
> Besides, it's not like your face could get much more fucked up than it already was from your arena fighting.
> "Anon... if you keep picking fights with High Command, we won't have an army to fight with."
> Well, she'd be a bit of a silly leader if she chose to ditch over one little fight.
> Fighting was how a commander gained respect back home...
> Made you think of when you saw Celestia in action at the arena.
> She could probably take them on...
"Well, I'll just wait for you to get your magic back, and then you can be a one-mare army for me."
> A harrumph is your only reply, as a dignified looking older pony placed a plate of eggs before you.
> Regular eggs.
> Finally, something normal.
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> "I'm arranging something special for us tonight."
> You stop mid-munch when she says that, and you eye her with suspicion.
> There's a look of mischief in her eyes you've never seen before.
> She nods, digging into her meal with gusto.
> Tonight... whelp.
> Probably should have conferred with her before sending off Moonlight and Shadewing.
> "Something special. Make sure your schedule is cleared."
> You internally cringe, her seeming to predict your other plans.
> Unfortunately for you, she can feel your internal cringes.
> You shoot a brief glare at the ring dangling from her neck.
> Stupid bond.
> "Oh. Did you have something planned already? I can move it if need be..."
> That heartbreak in her voice.
> She clearly had something big planned, you couldn't just...
> Well, country was supposed to come first, but-
> "It's alright, Anon, I'll-"
"What time?"
> No time to debate it internally, needed to prevent sadness.
> Her barely-concealed disappointment disappears in an instant.
> "Are you sure? If you have something else, I promise it's no big-"
"You're my first priority, Cel. What time?"
> It's hard not to feel good when you see her smile at your comment.
> Smooth, Prince of Love. Real smooth.
> "I was thinking around six, if that's amenable to you."
> Six... precisely around dinner.
> Well, you might still be able to pull all of this off.
> You could invite Nightmare to whatever Celestia was planning-
> No, that's an atrocious idea.
"Six sounds perfect. I'll make sure I'm free."
> She grins, before digging back into her food, making a total mess of herself.
> Well, looks like you'll have to improvise tonight.
> Somehow you'll get that negotiation with Nightmare wedged in there.
> That's what you're best at, isn't it?
> It's gotten you this far, with minimal difficulties.
> Maybe it'll carry you over the finish line.
"Mind if we get dinner at Flair? I've heard great things."
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And that's it for tonight, friendonis.

I'll always remember the enormous salt of that day, it was beautiful. Most peeps seemed fine once they actually read the conclusion, tho.

Sleep tight.
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I got a bad feeling about this, scoob
Oh come on, this has plot hole written all over it. No reason cel would be so upset to purchase something off 1 day for national security. Esp when she gave no notice.
Not your usual standard Loki.
Cel would be entirely willing to put it off, certainly. She even tried to put it off, but you also have to consider they have a three-day window before shit goes down. She's going to want to have time with him in case the worst comes to pass.

Cel doesn't know it was a security reason Anon was hesitating. Only that he had something planned, which he immediately dropped at her suggestion, further making it seem unimportant.

Anon is the one who made the call not to delay here, and you still don't know what he thinks the military arrangements are for the moment. Further, it is fully in-keeping with his character to believe he can pull something like this off. Doubly so given his resolution to make Nightmare play his game following the Aetherium arc.
Oh no I get that it was Anon's doing, not cel. That was perfectly clear. And I but the "thinks he can juggle" line too. But this seems downright stupid , ever anon should be able to see that.
But maybe I'm projecting .
It's certainly fair to call Anonymous' decision dumb, but it's consistent with his character and the world. Given you have no idea how he's going to approach this date scenario it's a bit unfair to call it a plot hole at this moment.
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>You’re lead to the coat racks, and just from how many you can see filled, you’re quite late to the party.
>You find a free one, and put your coat among the others.
>You fix your white tuxedo, and red tie, before following a guard to the ball room.
>The guard leads you to a large double door, and opens it.
>The ball is in full swing.
>With various pony either dancing to the music.
>Or resting by one of the many tables, while munching on a snack, or drink some form of liquid.
>Not wanting to stand out like a sore thumb.
>You head over to a table that hopefully has a bowl full of wine.
>You pick up a glass, and the ladle, and pour yourself a cup.
>Using your ears to eavesdrop, you hear murmurs of gossip.
>Although none of them are related to the ponies you care about.
>So you take a swig of your drink.
>And it’s punch.
>You’ve never tasted disappointment before now.
>Downing your drink quickly, you start looking around the room.
>You finally see Twilight surrounded her friends and admirers.
>At first you don’t see Flash.
>Until he breaks through from the crowd behind Twilight.
>He gives her a surprise hug, which causes her to giggle aloud.
>He follows it up with a rapid succession of light kisses up her nape.
>Twilight giggles even more, and pushes her back against him.
>You know, another cup of punch doesn't seem so bad now.
Don't get me wrong Loki, I trust you'll make it good. You are my favorite writefag after all. It just feels like not as polished a plot point as u usually use.
p.10 bump
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I'm still with you, keep going!
Just read the Machiavellian Anon x Twilight green. Pretty good, but puts me in the mood for a happy ending.

What are some of the best "they work it out in the end" stories?
There's this one http://pastebin.com/u/Vetanon

>You spend the rest of the party mingling with the other ponies.
>Some of them notice who you are, and inquire about your banks.
>Even if you’re not fully prepared, you still answer their question as best you can.
>You even get some promising buyers.
>Hey you like more money, heck who doesn’t.
>In all honestly, you’re trying to keep yourself from puppy dogging over to Twilight.
>You know that can always just go over to her and say hi.
>But you want to do more than just say hello.
>So instead of ruining every ones night because your lack of self-control.
>You hug the outskirts of the ballroom.
>Occasionally you look towards the center of the room, and see the majority of the ponies having fun.
>Sometimes you see Twilight and Flash living it up too.
>You feel a strange sense of jealousy whenever you see them together.
>Wishing it was you were in Flash’s place, but at the same time, you couldn’t hate him for where he is now.
>You see the wide goofy grin on Twilight’s face.
>You started this affair just to see her smile.
>Even though you’re not the one doing it, you still count it as a win for you.
>Eventually, you do desire a break from the music ponies.
>So you exit yourself from the ball just for a bit.
>There isn’t total silence in the hall, but now you can at least here yourself think.
>Nodding to the guards, you start to wonder aimlessly through the hall.
>Stopping every now and then to look at the decorations that surround you.
>You stop to look out a window that leads to a balcony.
>The snow blankets the veranda, masking any color it once with white.
>Snowflakes blow in the winter, and sometimes the wind blows them into the window.
>”There you are.”
>Your trance broken by the sudden voice.
>Turing to where it can from, you see Twilight walking towards you.
>The moment you see her, your heart skips a beat.
>You didn’t get to see if she was wearing any elegant dress.
>But now that she isn’t obscured by the bodies of other ponies.
>You see she is wearing a ring choker, which connects to a sliver colored dress.
>The top of it is pretty thin and hugs her body tightly.
>It ends with a set of frills that has violet tips.
>It hides her flank, but has an opening for her tail.
>Her golden horseshoes glitter in what little light comes through the windows.
>You’re not one hundred percent sure, but you think she’s wearing some traces of makeup to highlight her face.
>”Good to know that my modest appearance still captivates you.”
>She stops in front of you, grinning like a cat that know she stole your tongue.
“You’re beautiful.”
>Her smile widens.
>”Why thank you.
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Is your Tilelover Anon a complete story or did you move onto Trials and Errors? Hard to tell from the master list pastebin.
The first on is complete, pt2 I never finished, and instead made and finished Newlywed Nightmares
How the hell is a story about a cheater so hard on the heart? It should be so easy to hate them both (ok so I do kinda hate them both but it is somehow still sad)
I know that feel
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>Marital Problems
Not really thread related but I want to share something that's kind of fits the theme.
I'm 32 and never had any gf. Usually I'm getting teased or ridiculed for being a virgin at this age, saying I'm a loser, I'm gay, I'm not responsible enough, they ask me in front of everyone if I just masturbate all the time... When I was 17-18 I had the same problem, usually with adults but also with my friends, and said:
-Look, getting a girlfriend/bf, getting married, having children will not solve your problems and won't make your life better. It won't make you a better person, it won't earn you respect, it only creates a false sense of achievement you can use to repel insults like being called gay, or irresponsible. I say false because having a gf/bf does not mean your relationship is good or stable, being married does not mean she/he won't cheat on you, having children does not mean you are responsible. It just means you are changing life style, if anything, adding more problems and challenges to your life. You will have less time, money and opportunity to do what you enjoyed in your previous life style.

Their response is usually the same all the time... I'm too young to understand, I can't judge them unless I'm married too, I'm gay....
15 years later one of these "friends" is an alcoholic because his wife left her, he lost everything, got fired, he was a chemical engineer; one is a doctor, he raises 4 boys on his own because his wife left him; one is divorced because her husband systematically beat the shit out of her, she had enough when she was hospitalised after one of the beating; one is completely broke because his wife entered a cult that drained every penny from them....
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Mostly I just laugh at them telling them "I fucking told you so, I've fucking called it. Who's the gay loser now? Have fun being a responsible father/mother. Be the fucking man you've always claimed to be you addict, you slave, you whore. Too young my ass, next time you'll have some free time you'll be too old to do anything". It's a bitter-sweet feeling knowing that I was right all along, made the right choices, but the people who used to be my friends, sport buddies are gone like as if they've died.
Even when I call those who actually took my advice and have a decent happy family life:
Hey man, let's go snowboarding - umm aaah I can't I don't have time I need to do stuff with my wife;
Hey dude let's go scuba-diving! -shit man I can't I need to save money for my son's education.
Hey bro let's go mountain climbing - no man I can't do that any more, my GF is not into that stuff and I can't leave her home alone.

I still go and do all the stuff I used to do with my friends. I still have fun too. I meet lots of new people all the time, but when they find out that I'm actually 30 and alone most of them don't want to hang out with me any more. I don't mind, and I understand them. Who wants to hang out with an irresponsible loser who refused to have his life ruined with relationships and masturbates all the time. Right?

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So I guess the TL;DR; is that there is no such thing as martial problem. Marriage is the problem. And Hitler did nothing wrong, or something.
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It's a theme thread on 4chan's pony board, not the fucking dr phil show, retard.
meh I just got reminded of something and I felt like getting it off my shoulders. Other than tha derp.
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Marriage is a game of risk/reward, and what you want out of it will entirely determine whether it's worth it for you. If all you want is (a) to be a better person, or (b) to get respect, then marriage is a horrible route to those outcomes; there are much safer routes to those objectives.

If you want to live your life with another person, whom you can share your most intimate thoughts with, then a relationship is your only option. Marriage is simply committing firmly to that relationship. Sometimes the risk is worth the reward, if you want the reward badly enough. Sometimes people want responsibility, want a challenge in life, rather than just to coast by on cheap temporary thrills.

The struggles of life are not some horrifying thing to be avoided at all costs. Life is a game, and if the game hands you victories with no risk of loss, then it's not a fun game to play. Some of us want to take those risks, because we know it'll make the victory all the sweeter in the end.

If you want to play on very easy, that's your call.
Did Loki remove The Royal Advisor story from his pastebin? It was bretty gud.
Didn't mean to reply to
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I deleted all of my fics a lil' bit ago, hence the drop from 11,000 pastebin post views to 500 or so.

I'll re-upload The Advisor and finish it once I'm done with Prince Anon.
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Good to know
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Glad you're focusing on at least one of those two great stories. Don't really which one, but desu i'm more of a moonfag.

Easily one of the best authors to grace this god-foresaken place.
Anon should have flirted with some mares to see if Twilight noticed him at the party before he took his stroll.
This is a bump.
Why even delete the bin in the first place?
Look through this very thread for your answer
Such a lust for bump
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> Law student paranoia.

On the note of which, factum submitted. Can now properly focus on the important things, like horse fiction.

Also: Apparently I got banned for Proxy/VPN Exit Node. I have no idea what this means, given I haven't used a proxy posting here, but if I go mysteriously missing again it may be to blame.
A more cleaver man would've thought of that before, sadly I'm not. But I'm repurposing your post so thanks for that.

>”And every good compliment deserves a reward.”
>She rises herself up on her hind legs, and puts her fore legs out.
>”Come get a hug Anon.”
>You smile at her offer, and kneel on one knee.
>You wrap your arms around her body, and pull her close.
>Twilight wraps her legs around your neck, but as you pull her closer.
>She surprise you by turning it into a kiss.
>Before you can do anything about it, she pulls away.
>”Might want to get comfortable, we’re going to be a while.”
>Taking her advice, you pick her.
>Moving your back to the wall, and slide down against it.
>Once your butt touches the marble floor, you give Twilight a little squeeze.
>”That’s better.”
>”So Anon, how are you enjoying the ball so far?”
“I’m liking it.”
“Good music, nice ponies.”
“No wine.”
>She nuzzles her nose against yours.
>”I wanted it to be a family night Anon.”
“Well you can have your family night, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to count it as a con.”
>She giggles
>”Okay so other than the lack of wine, anything else?”
“No not really.”
>”Are you sure?”
“Yep, all good.”
“Okay Twilight what’s up?”
>”Oh nothing.”
>Oh now she’s being coy.
>”It’s just I caught a few glances of you looking at me and Flash.”
“Oh is that all?”
“You know it’s kinda hard not to look at the hosts of the ball.”
>”You’re right, but.”
>She lets that but trail for a bit, before giving you a quick kiss.
>”Were you jealous?”
“No, why would I be?”
>Another giggle, but this one sounded a little cruel.
>She tightens her grip around your neck, and pulls you into another kiss.
>This time it lasts much longer.
>As you kiss her, your rub your hands around her waist.
>Your digits kneading fur and flesh alike.
>The pace of your kissing is both passionate and calming.
>Despite where you two are kissing, and the dangers of being found by a wondering pony.
>At least the music murmuring through the hall keep the sound of smacking lips quite.
>Twilight seems satisfied, and she pulls away.
>”There you go.”
“Was I that obvious?”
>”No, but I haven’t kissed you tonight.”
>”And if I saw my Naughty Human giving light kisses, and whispering sweet nothings to some other mare, I would be a little jealous.”
>One more short kiss, before Twilight looks deeply into your eyes.
>”You don’t have to be jealous though.”
“And why shouldn’t I?”
>”Because there is room in my heart for both of you.”
>”Flash is my husband who I can show my affection for publicly.”
>”You are my precious lover who keep me warm with all sorts of wondrous feelings.”
>”You both are all mine, and I have no favorites.”
>Her gaze intensifies.
>”I love you Anon, and never let jealousy make you doubt that.”
>”Flash is my husband who I can show my affection for publicly.”
>”You are my precious lover who keep me warm with all sorts of wondrous feelings.”

Totally not gonna blow up in her face.
Why do I get the feeling twilight just fucked up?
I have no idea what you two are talking about.
And they all lived happily ever after with no consequences whatsoever
rip thread
>page 1
This thread is dead
page ∞
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>Dont worry Anon you will never penetrate me, now go back to your shed
Well seeing that Twilight is pregnant, there's consequences to her actions.

Oh you don't know how wrong you are good sir.
So anon and flash both get cucked by another stallion?
Aye! I just read your story
Are you telling me Twilight was fucking Flash before she even dating Anon then accepted Anon's marriage proposal only to fuck Flash while Anon's hanging out with his friends?

Da fuck m80?
Hitler was a better person than WaN's Twilight
Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot are better people than WaN's Twilight
Well I guess I'll scrap the last two lewds of the story then. Your idea is much better.
You are the writer, feel free to do what ya want
i'll kill you
Well alright then.

Guess don't need death threats to keep the lewds in the story.

Also I remembered that Twilight is wearing a dress. Slight word changes in the bin.

>You get a good feel after she says that.
>She loves you.
>How long have you wonder.
>That maybe you were just filling a void.
>And maybe you still are, and she’s just saying thing to make you feel better.
>But right now who cares.
>You suddenly pull Twilight against you, and kiss her.
>She’s not one bit surprised.
>With you setting the pace, you let this kiss last.
>And when it ends, it is you who stops it.
>”Oh, I can see that you enjoyed hearing me say that.”
“Perhaps I did.”
>”Then I’ll say it again.”
>”I love you.”
“And I love you.”
>Twilight smiles, as you feel her magic loosen your grip.
>”As much as I hate to, our time is up.”
>She rises from your lap.
>”We should return.”
>I’ll go in first of course, you shortly after.”
>You stand, fixing your tux, and brushing away any dust that might be on it.
>”Oh and there two more thing I have to say to you.”
>”One, the tracks to Canterlot is frozen over, and all guest who arrived tonight will be staying at the castle until they are clear.”
>”And second, I expect one dance with you tonight.”
>With that, she courtesy, and walks away.
What did he mean by this?
>All mares want the BMC (yup)
Castle orgy time. Everyone's cucking and getting cucked.
Not sure if this was really TLA. The writing was a bit off.
I mean, green's green. It's not drastically different either.
Trading post
>"dad, how did you and mom meet?"
You ask too many questions
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> “I’m going to get going, I’ve got a lot of stuff to get done for tonight.”
> As you finish off the last sip of your tea, you see Celestia trying to contain her giant smile.
> She looks absolutely adorable.
> Her coffee is nearly done, her having drank the whole thing by lapping at it with her tongue.
> That tongue should be burned to a crisp by now.
“Of course, I imagine I’ll need to get some prep done as well.”
> She nods a little too enthusiastically.
> It’s tough not to laugh at her extreme excitement.
> You suppose this is the first time since your wedding night she has felt fully authorized to put the moves on you.
> You do recall her being a bit heavy handed back then.
> Heavy hoofed?
> “Oh, and… I think I’ve got a little bit of my magic back.”
> That causes you to peak an eyebrow, as she sticks her tongue out, intense concentration covering her face as her horn flickers.
> The mostly empty coffee cup shakily, barely raises up before clattering back on the table and spilling some.
> A flickering yellow light fading and reappearing around it, as if she’s trying to get it back up.
> Eventually she gives up, and you give a little clap.
“Why didn’t you mention that first? That’s great!”
> She’s breathing heavily, that little demonstration clearly having taken a lot out of her.
> But you’re a little concerned. That poison was supposed to take a while to wear off, and she couldn’t even take off her jewelry yesterday.
> And Luna’s feeling better as well.
> Something’s up.
> “Because... I wanted to leave you pondering what uses I might have for it tonight.”
> The face she shoots you, in conjunction with her tone, tells you they’re highly pornographic ideas.
> All you can do is keep your amused look up as her face slowly turns crimson, as if increasingly embarrassed by her suggestive statement.
> You wonder if she rehearsed that line.
> “Anyway! I have to get back to planning. I’ll see you at six?”
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> The second Celestia left the room, you let out a loud groan and smashed your head into the table.
“I have no idea how I’m going to pull this off.”
> Most of the staff were still shuffling around, but you couldn’t be bothered to keep quiet.
> Felicia’s sitting opposite you, swooping in to finish off a croissant Celestia left untouched.
> “Why didn’t you just tell her?”
> You look up at her half-amused half-judgmental face.
> You wonder if this is how Celestia feels whenever you’re amused by her antics.
“Did you see those giant, watery eyes when I hesitated? What man could say no to those?”
> You wish your tea was alcoholic.
> Maybe the kitchens had a stock of some form of the sweet mind-numbing nectar.
> “You didn’t have to say no, just explain the situation and work out a plan with her.”
> That’s far too rational for your brain to process.
> And Celestia’s already gone, you can’t just rescind your promise.
“It’s been a stressful few days, you can’t expect me to always say the right thing when cornered by those adorable eyes.”
> She scoffs, and then finishes off Celestia’s unfinished, probably cold coffee.
> “Those eyes are enormous and terrifying, not cute. Besides, I never expect you to say the right thing.”
> You don’t recall her being this cheeky with you back in Aetherium.
> She was always the serious one, and now she’s constantly jabbing.
> Maybe it’s her way of coping with change.
> She did just have to ditch everything she’s ever known, after all.
“You haven’t seen them roll back into her head.”
> And now you’ve got croissant crumbs in your hair.
> She just threw her half-eaten croissant at you.
> That seems more like the Fel you remember.
> Pulling yourself back up from the table into a sitting position, you brush the crumbs out, shooting her a smirk.
“Well, you’re right about me not saying the right thing. Nevertheless, we’ve got to figure out some way to make this work.”
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> “We’re blind here, we can’t plan. We don’t know the place, we don’t know the time of the Nightmare date, we don’t know the intricacies of pony courtship…”
> It became quickly apparent just how little you could plan this.
> Too many unknown factors.
> Pretty much nothing was certain, actually, given that you hadn’t verified any details with Shadewing or with Cel.
> “She’s probably not too far away if you want me to go find her-“
“No, I’ve got this.”
> You don’t have this.
> Not in the slightest.
> But you could probably mitigate against the worst of the worst outcomes…
> Besides, what are the odds Shadewing had reservations for six o’clock?
> Different times would solve everything, maybe.
> There’s a limited range of times most people defined as “dinner.”
> “… Are you sure about that?”
> You can see Fel uncomfortably shuffle about in her still slightly-damp tunic.
> It’s clinging to her quite tightly, and for the first time in while you find yourself really looking at her.
> A very serious look on her face, like you remember her having all the time back in the day.
> You’re dimly reminded that once upon a time, you had an elaborate plan to get her into bed.
> An elaborate plan to break her stern look and replace it with a very, very different one.
> Now she just looks… plain.
> “Well? I can probably still track her down in time, she’s crippled at the moment.”
> She gestures at you, and you suddenly realize she was waiting for you to respond.
> You silently curse yourself for getting lost in thought for a moment.
> That never used to happen to you.
> What was her question again?
“I’m sure. I’ll figure it out.”
> She seems disappointed in your reply, as though she actually expected you to listen to counsel.
> She sighs and rolls her eyes, seeming to give up on convincing you.
> “I could disguise her as you!”
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> You practically reach the ceiling you jump so hard when Luna’s voice booms in your ear.
> Especially because a particularly loud boom of thunder shakes the castle at the same time.
> By the time your world stops ringing from the surprise, you turn back to see Luna looking sheepish.
> Looks like she managed to ditch the nobles.
> She is by far too excitable when she’s not in imminent peril.
> You shake your head to clear the remaining fuzziness.
“Disguise her? What?”
> Luna nods emphatically, and you can practically feel the dread from Fel.
> But before your former guard can react, Luna’s horn is already ignited, and Fel is surrounded in a blue aura.
> She tries to get up and run, but it’s already too late.
> And before you know it, you’re staring at… well, you.
> “What… what did you do to me?”
> You can feel the building panic in her-
> His, you suppose, it's masculine-
> His tone, as he presses his hands up against his now flat chest.
> Damn if that’s not an accurate re-creation… even down to the little details of your stubble.
> Fuck, you’re attractive.
> All of a sudden that indifference you felt a second ago is gone.
> “Now you and Anonymous can trade places throughout the night!”
> If looks could kill, Luna would be dead right now.
> You don’t know if you looked that angry when you were in the arena.
> “Change me back, you crazy witch!”
> And like that, the illusion is dropped, and suddenly Felicia is back to normal.
> Well, hyperventilating and murderous, but looking normal anyway.
“That’s… an interesting skill.”
> Luna beams, her wings extending slightly with excitement.
> “Illusion magic is my expertise, and that spell is super low-energy.”
> You’re a bit afraid of what a politician she’ll make when she’s older.
> Knows everyone’s deepest secrets, and can deceive anyone into believing they’re speaking to a friend?
> Dangerous pony.
“Not a fan of being so attractive, Fel?”
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> Once Felicia calmed down a little bit, she allowed Luna to transform her again, this time without the surprise.
> You can tell she’s still uncomfortable with it, but it’s a perfect mimic.
> You’re a little concerned that Luna has spent so much time studying you she could get all those details right.
> But, there’s an outstanding issue which is niggling at you.
“Luna, I’m bonded to both Cel and Nightmare. Won’t they be able to tell?”
> She chews on the inside of her cheek, seemingly contemplating it.
> Oh, no, she’s actually chewing something from the table.
> Something you can’t identify, since it’s an Equestrian foodstuff.
> That doesn’t stop her from talking with her mouth full.
> “I have no idea! I don’t know how bonds work, I’ve never had one.”
> Idly, your hands go up to scratch at the brand on your neck.
> They probably wouldn’t take well to deceit.
> “I think the more important issue is that I can’t pretend to be you, Anonymous. I’m no actor.”
> You grin over at her.
“Just be a relentless hedonist, and they’ll assume they’ve got the right Anon.”
> So that’s what you look like when you blush.
> But she has a point, between her acting and the bonds-
> “Well… they might not be able to tell if they’re drunk. My magic is dulled when I’m intoxicated, it might work on the bond.”
> You raise an eyebrow at Luna at that.
> That might just be the most brilliant suggestion you’ve ever heard.
> Alcohol truly was the solution to all of life’s problems.
“That… could very well work, if times overlap. Just make sure whoever I’m with first is thoroughly intoxicated before I drop out. Then Fel comes into the picture.”
> You get a flat stare from yourself for that.
> “Do I get a say in this?”
> You shake your head, and push your seat back to get up.
“Consider this payback for me getting you out of Ares’ mess.”
> You had a plan.
> Now you just had to put it into effect.
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> The two of you had stayed in the room for a little bit, mostly because Luna was hungry.
> By which you mean she devoured three-times what you did.
> Eventually Shadewing found her way back to you, though Moonlight was absent.
> You had promptly sent her back out to find him, your concern for the safety of those close to you overriding other concerns for the moment.
> She had given you the important information anyway.
> Evidently, Nightmare was scheduled for 6:30.
> That gave you a fair amount of wiggle room to ensure Cel was thoroughly intoxicated before you switched up.
> You could conclude your dinner with Nightmare, and then spend the remaining evening with Celestia.
> Felicia promised she would be responsible with your drunken wife in the interim.
> You knew how Cel could get when she was under the influence.
> So you and your entourage were headed back to your room now to begin preparing.
> And getting thoroughly soaked through once again in the process.
> All these open concept gardens were lovely to look at, but they made the hallways effectively rivers under the intensity of the storm.
> You had made sure to check with someone that this storm was intentional, and not another siege, earlier.
“Why the hell are we having a romantic evening the day of a thunderstorm anyway?”
> You mostly mutter it to yourself, but it doesn’t stop you from getting a reply from Luna.
> “Rain can be romantic! It makes the whole day feel like night time, when the air is ripe for romance!”
> And at that, a flash of lightning blinds the lot of you, quickly followed by a crash of thunder that shakes the castle.
> Luna yelps, and leaps up onto your back.
> Were they sure this wasn’t a siege?
> And when it calms down, she looks at you with rosy cheeks.
> “Well, it can be romantic when it’s a little less intense.”
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> And now… the prep.
> Yet another step where you have no idea what exactly to do.
> You had sort of winged it with your lower-class date, feeling confident there wouldn’t be any protocol to follow.
> But a place frequented by nobles?
“I don’t even know what I’m supposed to wear for a fancy Equestrian restaurant. Do I go in armour? A tunic, a uniform…?”
> You’re met by a pair of shrugs from Felicia and Luna.
> Well, once again, you’re left adrift in a sea of indifference.
> “I think armour would look imposing, and threatening is what you want in a date, right? Make the filly feel vulnerable, preyed upon…”
> You give Luna a confused look at that, but she seems off in her own little world.
> Her wings are fluttering, raised at her sides.
> She almost looks like she’s drooling a little.
> “Like you could snap her neck with your strong hands at any second…”
> Yep, now she’s fully lost in a fantasy of some sort.
> You’re vaguely reminded of Nightmare’s suggestions to you the night she tried to make you and Luna hook up.
> That filly has some issues.
> “Sharp teeth grazing at her…”
> Well, you’re definitely not trying to make Nightmare feel like you could kill her.
> And Celestia even less so, you don’t even know if she’s into that sort of thing.
> Your faithful guard just shrugs.
> “I’ve never dated, Anon. Too busy keeping your ass safe. I figured dad would set me up with someone eventually, but…”
> Of course she hasn’t.
“Figures, I’m stuck with the two least qualified upper-class date experts in the world. Looks like I’m winging it.”
> Celestia’s got a strange full outfit thing made for you.
> Black jacket and pants, with a white shirt under it. Little sun emblazoned on the shirt’s collar.
> Might as well go with that.
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And that it is for tonight, amigos.

>hyp for next Friday. 3rd star here we come.
>implying we can wrap up winter
>Cheating ponies
I'd smack a ponies shit
Thanks Loki. I really needed this today.
Nice job, James
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TLA, this green has thoroughly salted me. Reminds me of back in ye olden days when this thread was a salt mine.

I await more with baited breath.

Y-you too, Jessie.
>tfw you don't know the meme.
>Defence counsel in a case I was working on discovered my moniker.

Opsec fail how?
Anon and waifu buck tradition and humarry rather than horsemarrying. Waifu loves him so much that she wanted to follow his traditions and give him a piece of home with a human wedding ceremony. (And his traditions, and cultural and biological differences, have always worked out exceptionally well for her in the past, in general and most especially in their courtship and romance; why would this be any different? The ceremony and planning are certainly to her liking.)

Herds are a thing, but subtle enough in public that Anon didn't learn that before marriage.

Human vows, as roughly remembered by Anon and provided to the officiant, include "forsaking all others". Dry-run covered almost everything, but glossed over the full vows; waifu didn't learn about that until the wedding. Waifu is blindsided by this. Loved him too much to make a scene at the wedding; said the "I do"s.

Waifu can't bear the thought of not sharing Anon, but isn't sure how to bring it up.

Anon wouldn't be at all opposed to this (quite the opposite), but she doesn't know that.
Cool. Now write some green for this and we're in business.
I'd read it.
Fund it
It's been over a year since I've seen this thread. Have we really risen up to valhalla once again?
Have some patience. These things take time.
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>tfw you were super ready to write tonight, then got distracted on the /moon/ discord.

well fug.
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Bad writefag, bad!
How would pony wife deal with anon getting his dick skin caught in his zipper?
Oh bee

that's so ebic and lulzy
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Looks like this'll take a little while longer.
I keked
an example of a cheating whorse
>Anon and poner get married
>Slowly start to notice little quirks of each other that are their pet peeves to the other
>Get into heated arguments over the most unimportant topics
>coffee vs tea
>favorite snacks that the other despises
>even fighting over their favorite colours
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>"It's called "The First Night", Anon."
>"If a stallion gets married to another, and a princess wants him... then she gets to rut him on the first night of their marriage."
>Twilight fully buries your cock deep inside her
>Oh god, it was so warm and wet, you couldn't hold back a throb
>She humps you to the hilt, and then, peeking with one eye, makes sure your waifu is watching, starts grinding on your crotch
>You can't help but instinctively thrust into her. It just feels too good.
>Your arm trembles as you try to reach out to your waifu, but your hands are bound above your head.
>"Nngh! Mmm... see how much he likes it?"
>Her perfectly toned body flexes, rolling her hips onto your crotch again
>The sensation makes you groan. Her insides are ridiculously warm and silky smooth.
>Any movement at all makes your body want more.
>And... f-fuck! She's so god damn...
>"Mmm! Tell me, Ah-ah-ahnon... tell her how much tighter I am than she is."
>It feels like a thud, the sudden feeling in your pelvis.
>Your balls get tight, and then your pelvic floor begins to pulse, and spasm
Ngh... Ahh...
>Twilight gains a crazed look in her eye, and grins wildly.
>Your mind is flooded with feeling.
>You couldn't pull out of her if you tried. Her walls contract and push, then pull, massaging your length as you shamefully pump your seed into her
>Twilight moans deeply, hangs her head, then looks at your waifu, herself hanging hers
>Her magic lifts her gaze to meet the princess.
>"I think that was a good... answer... ha..."
>You groan in a slight discomfort as Twilight starts humping you again.
>Her cunt bounces against the base of your cock, mashing the fluids into a puddle and then forming strings when she pulls off
>"He loves my tight Alicorn cunt."
>Oh no. Don't cry. Be stronger than that.
>You and your waifu both.
>"Mm, you can marry him... but I've known Nonny for so much longer than you have..."
>"He'll be your husband, but he belongs to me."
does anyone know the artist for this? I want to see the rest of what's obviously cropped.

also, damn that's hot. we need more greens about ponies intentionally causing MP and loving it.
Go to MP then, that's where it happens.
>go to MP

What, we're in MP.
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I'm going to bed, I need help holy shit.
Damn. Why must the dick always speak louder than the mind?
Image is by Hidamariru.

Search the tag "Imminent Yeast Infection" on derpi for quick results ^:).
bless you, anon
Context for this post: >>29430932
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Fucking lel at RGRE still being triggered.
Oh no, it's worse than that. RGRE responded in a reasonable and kind way, and told him to crosspost because we'd like it.

Was fucking bizarroland.
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I'd probably never forgive myself if I ever had to cuck my waifu like that, even if it's against my will. That's just awful and cruel.
You got hard and came, you have only yourself to blame
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/pol/ please go.
So, we're nearly at the bump limit right now. Are we going to do the whole hiatus-the-thread for a while thing again, or nah?
>Poaching his trouser snake, his marriage I'll break
have there been any MP stories where anonymous was not the one having marriage troubles, besides the one with mrs. cake? has he ever been the cause of it, or the rebound from it?
"Ms. Sparkle, we can't just do that."
> "Why not, my daughter is a princess. He shouldn't get anything after what he did..."
> Be Anon.
> The best family lawyer in Canterlot.
> Which meant you got to do a lot of high-profile divorce cases.
"Male ponies tend to do quite well in court, I'm sure you know. If we press too hard in the negotiation... well, you stand to lose a lot in court."
> It also meant you got to deal with a lot of ponies who thought they knew the law, but didn't.
> You hate when you have to represent the mare. Never goes her way.
> "I want to go to court! Let's show him who's really in the wrong here!"
> Fuck.
> Why do they always want to go to court.
> "He's nothing but a filthy whorse! He slept with six other mares! Six! I should at least keep the house."
> "And the kids."
> You put on your usual "Of course you should" smile.
"Your children are adults, Ms. Sparkle. Custody isn't an issue in this case."
> She whinnies indignantly at that, but you go on.
"Also, the presumption of familial care operates in favour of Night Light getting the house."
> She slams her hooves on the table, her eyes wide with rage.
> "Don't tell me what I can't get, tell me what I can get! What am I paying you for!?"
> "I want a no-contact order! He can't ever speak to them, or me, or anypony ever again!"
> "And he needs to get neutered, we can't have him hurting fillies with his wiles!"
> "And all his assets should be frozen."
> "And he also.."
> She just keeps going on and on.
> You still manage to keep up your smile, though.
> One day, you would find the sweet release of death from this profession.
> But today is not that day, so you and your trusty pen shall have work to do.
> Hopefully the judge doesn't laugh at you this time.
> Client's wishes and all that.
"Ok, Ms. Sparkle. I'll start putting together the notice..."

I want to handle horse divorce.
Anon is married to Glimmer.
Cheats on her with her best friend Trixie.
Twilight is both sad that her friend Is being cheated on and happy that she was right about Trixie and feels validated .

Anon stands outside the castle as Glimmer throws his shit out a window while yelling at him.
Still some life left in this marriage.
Yes, both of those actually:
not surprised this thread is falling far back into the catalog. how much content can you create when most of the stories are the same?
>anon's waifu cheats
>anon either:
>a) gets with another mare/herd
>b) gets revenge
>c) cucks out

this thread needs 20cc's of creativity, stat, or it'll flatline!
Hello semi.
"I can also advise you on what sorts of relationship behavior are acceptable in the court's eyes."
>"W-what do you mean?"
"Well, you can't exactly go around getting rut by every stallion you see, not until certain paperwork has been signed. Of course, as your lawyer, it's part of my job to make sure your needs are being met during the divorce process."
"We'll appeal, don't worry."
> You are best human-horse lawyer.
> And you have a small crying horse in your living room.
> "B-but Anon... what if I never get to see her again? Flurry is my everything!"
> Well, larger than most ponies, but still small.
> It's three in the morning, and you want to kill yourself.
> Cadance has wiped out all of your sugary treats in a failed-custody proceeding binge.
> For the third night in a row.
> "I did everything right, my magic said it was going to be perfect..."
> She hasn't been doing so well since the separation proceeding.
> Her mane is ill-kept, and her fur is about four shades darker than usual.
> You probably don't look much better, with how much she's been bugging you.
"We'll get visitation, at a bare minimum."
> You're in your favourite PJs, the ones with little gavels on them.
> She has thoroughly soiled them by crying all over you for an hour and a half.
> You should never have given her your address.
> "I'm just so alone..."
> Maybe if you had taken psych for your undergrad, you could figure out how to get her to leave.
> But nope, economics. Like any good family lawyer.
> Bamboozled again.
> "Do you like me, Anon?"
> Those blood-shot, horrifying, crazed eyes make you want to immediately shout "no" from the rooftops.
"Of course, Cadance."
> She's paying you a fortune, after all.
> And she's got those pretty hearts in her eyes.
> "Am... am I a pretty pony?"
> Her horn is glowing, but you don't know why.
> She's such a cute pone.
"Of course, Cadance."
> Shining didn't deserve her anyway.
> Only you deserved her.
> "Want... want to come to bed with me?"
"Of course, Cadance."

I want to be forced to engage in professional misconduct with married horse princesses.
see >>29437018 for why RGRE is a much better thread than this one.
Crystal empire is a vassal of Equestria. Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has jurisdiction. After that, House of Lords.
The goddess of the sun, of course. Luna has the job of executioner.
sure like deleting your posts, don't you semi?
Put on that trip, Loki.
>I want to be forced to engage in professional misconduct with married horse princesses
That was rather specific
green about cadance cheating on shining with clueless anon when?
Thread posts: 469
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