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Passgen thread time, do I pass (9 months HRT, MtF)

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 63

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Passgen thread time, do I pass (9 months HRT, MtF)
Eyes yes
Jaw yes
Nose no
Body yes
>want to post in /passgen/
>have cis friends who know what I look like and think I'm cis that use 4chan
>can't post my pic without risking being outted

I just want to know if I pass ;-;
Is the nose bad enough to warrany getting a nose job?

yes, you look like a normal cis girl
i don't see anything wrong with the nose
Omg your so pretty, do you have any before pics? My therapist told me I would have a pretty easy time passing, but seeing someone like you makes me doubt myself alot.

Are you using a push-up bra or do you just have big breast genes and an early start?

Anyway, you look good to me.
>Nose no
The fuck are you on about? Her nose is better than most noses i see on cis girls.
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This is me before.
Post after
post on reddit then. their hugbox is called /r/transpassing
how much hate would I get for posting the billionth time
Eyes: yes
Nose: yes
Forehead: no
Brow: no
Midface: no
Upper lip: no
Chin: weak no
Body: not enough to see
I don't see why people would hate it.
Unless you're posting the same old pic there should at least be a bit of a change no?
I think u look pretty :)
>do I pass
what a cute nose, at least from that angle
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i dont pass but im bored hello
jesus you look like me in like a year.
its uncanny
I can tell you are a boy because you are awful at taking a selfie.

Next time please don't show me the interworkings of your nasal canals.
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Think I've been on e for like 1.6 years now

you pass well but taking off points for letting the top of your bra poke out through your tank top like that
love yourself , take care of your skin and learn how to take a selfie
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Almost 3 months hrt haven't increased dose. Please bully.
Yeah, you pass. you're very pretty actually
started on 'mones a week or two ago, obviously don't pass.
hooray for awkward growing out hair phase and having people constantly comment on it yay
the goggles are not doing you any favors 2bh
Squeeze your chin more and add a filter while you're at it
Asians can have uncanny amounts of power with makeup
you pass and you're cute. skincare tho will go a long way.
get some witch hazel for your face and maybe even some African black soap if that doesn't work.
jeepers creepers where'd you get those peepers

hip cool glasses place
just got them yesterday
are they really terrible? I have garbage fashion sense and I don't know what's good.
They're fine if you're trying to look like a man.
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oh no
why do they look manly?
Is it the bridge bit? That's removable.
Yeah, it's the bridge bit. I would remove it.
Rational opinion coming through: You guys are queers increasing your femininity. There's nothing wrong with that but you're taking hormones which make you sterile...
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no pass
karen? pass
no pass currently
i pity your thin hair
nice eyes though
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ok sorry goys heres a better picture
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in boymode and plan on staying here for a while (only been on mones for about 4 months), but i'm curious
potential but fix those eyebrows holy shiiit
literally just a girl with manbrows
sort out your eyebrows and the acne and youll be a passable 6/10 girl
also make sure you figure out some way to enhance your microlips
yea I knew the eyebrows were the biggest problem, the only time I've gone to get them fixed up I went to a family friend, and they refused to do them as thin as I wanted them to because they thought it'd look too girly. whenever I come out it sounds like it won't be too difficult to pass then, thanks for the replies !
If I start taking mones will my family and the people around me notice, or will I be able to hide it for a while?
you'll be able to hide it for a good couple of months, around 4-6 months in they might start picking up on it depending on how well they work for you. i'd highly recommend starting, the earlier the better
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>Hey bro, you have started to look more handsome. You just need to sort out that hair.
>hahaha aniki, accutane did wonders on my skin.
Don't pass but with thinner brows and longer hair and a few more months hrt u have potential
fuck off
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Most of you pass, desu. Here's a pic of mine, some angle magic because I'm a bitch, but pretty close to reality tho. rate me ploxx

As for your ratings, here they are:


pass, work on your eyebrows for moar passing


looks like could pass?? pic gfrom different angle, please


Eyebrows please. Cute. Reminds me to Red, from Transistor. Loving your style, also, you need chin ffs, but not anything more.

pass, but please, get some skincare.


don't pass, wait for the hormones to change your face, they're magical.


pass as a bitch


I know who you are, won't say a word.


you're failing boymode, which is a good signal


don't pass, start to work on your looks.
>angry old man in the background staring at you
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Pardon the shitty picture, MtF going on 7 months HRT so far. Still waiting for my bangs to grow in since I was eating male-pattern baldness pretty hard before I started HRT, but it's all going away now and I'll have bangs soon.

My glasses also don't look that huge in real life, no idea why they came off as such in the picture.
Midface is too long, no potential.
Super cute but not sure if you're a hard pass desu, maybe when your hair grows out more. I would definitely be unsure if I saw you on the street and probs wait to hear your voice + name before I made assumptions.
troll, she already looks like a girl
Even without the bridge bit they're very masculine
I don't feel like I'm a pass yet, either. I feel like most of my transition is my hair growing out longer and working on my voice.

I need to see a voice therapist, I don't know how to sound like a girl at all. This is my natural voice without any work: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1fuPuo8IQrk

Bi guy here. I honestly can't get enough of looking at this passgen threads and watching the bitter ugly trannies pretend like the cute ones don't pass. Not only does she pass, but she's adorable.
I want to kiss your nose.
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Do I pass yet? I wanna be a cute anime girl!
You look male.
My boyfriend doesn't say so!
hey dont be mean
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you are a cute anime girl onii chan
I wouldn't say that baka
They're bad
Most of us just don't want to pass on our mental illnesses to our children
(At least that's my reasoning)
Try girl mode you'll look better than you think
This. I'm a fucked-up self loathing mental case, and I'm dating someone I can't naturally reproduce with anyways. Why would I want a kid when I'm likely to pass on my defective genes?
>Having Children
You look wonderful!! I want to kiss your cheek, nibble on ya a bit
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I think you need a reduction in the distance between your upper lip and your nose. Is this called a lip lift?

As others have said, eyebrows. Tweezer them starting from the bottom. And do everything you can for that acne unless you're 13 then it looks natural.
I agree with the acne bit, but they wear bushy eyebrows pretty well in my opinion. And I've seen plenty of cis girls with thinner lips.

I thinks she's cute and passes.
>many years hrt
>always boymode, not trying to pass ever, long given up
>grew fucking tits
>people are madaming me or "sir or madam"ing me

well fuq?
You look like a girl. An admittedly homely girl, but a girl nonethless. Grow out your hair and you'll pass.
You look like a potato
Welcome to the club except I'm pretty sure the sir or madaming is just out of pity
thank you my dearest friend
hey I remember you

You are a cute girl.
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i want to be a cute anime girl too!!!
me too they probably see what I am(mtf or ftm) and do what they think I want them to


well thank you

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6 months hrt
pls no bully
u pass for the most part
you made me realize that i am 6 months now
i am scared now
qt pass, age?
meant for
U r fucking adorable
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am i a pretty girl?
No HRT by the way
i don't know. take a better pic
i think you pass
pass, wear more girly cloths though
get longer hair then you will pass
if you get longer hair than you will look so good
but still pass

sorry lad, maybe next time
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apologies for the shit hair, I was demonstrating to somebody why I don't part my hair from the side
20 months HRT btw
Robin, you know the truth
how's the engineering degree going?
you're cute

let's date
average asian tranny with 3 months hrt and no effort, makeup, or any sort of skincare routine
average white tranny after 3-4 years of hrt, thousands of dollars worth of surgery, and dedicating their lives to passing

Explain this trannies. Why is it impossible for white men to pass?
I don't date anyone who thinks I'm attractive.
If you think I'm good-looking then you must be hideous.
But thanks :)
not him, but this is the most mentally ill thing I've ever read. you have an awful personality.
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>Why is it impossible for white men to pass?
Neanderthal skulls
>Why is it impossible for white men to pass?
Because whites 1. express less neoteny, and 2. express more dimorphism.
whites suffer the most from sexual dymorphism since asians are androgynous and black woman already look like men
nope, I get told I'm handsome all the time

but I'll tell you you're ugly if you want, it's np bby ;)
I think you pass completely.
you a qt
YES pass
Sorry, no pass
To change the topic from your acne, you pass but it'd look better if your cheeks had less fat.
Take a better picture next time, the lights in the way
Pass, you look like a bitch
You should dye your hair blonde and look exactly like me
I like your brows
It looks like you're getting there!
I already replied
Hon, detransition immediately
You look good, give it some time
No pass
You pass for male.
>you have to be 18 to post here
Just kidding, I´m born male and never took any hormones and don´t look much different(except for need to shave)
>you should dye your hair blonde and look exactly like me
post pics pls
no pass.You need to make your eyebrows a lot thinner, practice some eye makeup, get ffs for the chin.
You'll want to go to a salon at some point to get the hair professionally cut so it doesn't look weird but you'll probably pass fine.
pass but your hair needs help
no pass but potential.
no pass
can't tell with the angle. people don't look at you from that angle. Take a head on pic.
you'll pass ok with better hair.
make your hair not a bowl cut jeez what is with you people. You'll pass fine with good hair and makeup and female clothes.
halfway there.
nope. Start dressing your age, get on HRT, makeup and hair
you pass mostly but why can't you just try to do makeup and girl clothes. Why robin.

Y'all realize it takes cosmetic effort and more than just titty skittles right?
You guys ever consider going outside to a fast food place, ordering something, and seeing if the cashier calls you sir or ma'am instead of posting on passgen?

a few features holding you back in the face all too likely 6'2 and manvoiced

pass but shitskinned


almost there

really andro but kind of ugly either way

no dude

why the angles? unable to tell

ay lmao




delusional man

almost there

this is what a twinkhon should look like
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Been on hrt for 7 months. My t levels have only been in female range for 1 month (switched to cypro) and recently upped e dose aswell my e is still half of what it should be. This is a good pic. Is it possible for me to pass with ffs?
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Agp scumfuck wondering if I should transition. I look decent from far but hideous from up front. Wondering if it could be worth it. Adjunct 2 pics. I'm also deliberately pushing my eyebrows up and slightly smiling to make a girlier face in the first pic.
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Your shoulders are looking great hon! :) xoxoxoxo
ok 1 troll already

xoxoxoxo (kisses :DD:3)!!!!
i would fuck you
where are you from?
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yall just jealous of this
Thanks I guess(?) lel

Chile here, the good ol' land of Chile...
U look like a cubist impressionist portrait of a Greek statue, where all dimensions are amplified
ok let me add you to discord
You pass. I've never really been on this board, but you're very cute.
Please never subject this board to your face ever again
Add me up, #3941
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Posting pic with makeup.

Lost 25 kg so far, need to lose 5kgs to get to 19ish BMI. The struggle is real.

HRT got rid of like 60% of my acne.
Just started using retinoic acid to clear up the rest.
It's working but it feels like my skin is being purged by fire.

Nah, I'm engaged.

This post isn't me ._.

I'm not Karen btw.
19 its underweight you retard
Underweight is 18.5 and lower.
19 is normal weight.
Not for men (bigger bones)
Nope, 19 is normal weight for everyone.
>make your hair not a bowl cut jeez what is with you people.

I don't want to see my forehead
>Just kidding, I´m born male and never took any hormones and don´t look much different(

Sure thing. How big are your tits?
Six months on HRT today. Should I end it all, /lgbt/?
>those lips
I want to puke
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End my life senpai
At least my body is okay
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Forgot pic
I think you look pretty nice! Yep, you pass ^-^
I was skinnier but my bf said to put on a few pounds for my butt and bewbs
ayyy here is me with a smirky face
Well he doesn't control you so...yeah
But i try my best to please him

But hey thanks for saying my life is forfeit and i should die just because op is a spoiled fuck young transitioner
You really are the perfect girl.
You do have a masculine chin, but pretty eyes and lips and cute haircut. But trim your eyebrows a tad slimmer, they are a bit heavy.
Agree with the other anon, get some softer-looking glasses in a non-black color. The ones you have now are terrible on you.
fucking KILL it.
Stop holding your non existent tit pls
You pass incredibly well.
looks like photoshoped
Very soft femme features, you'll pass easily in girl mode. Advice's would be: Trim brows (obviously), do minimal make up, but get a good foundation, work some more volume in to the top of your hair. The soft curls suit you, tho.
Not super-pass yet, but your weak law and chin works in your favor, looks like brow ridge is not very prominent either. If you have a good voice, you'll easily pass in public tho.
Very cute, don't overdo any plastic surgery shit!


>gets comments from others
>responds to tips speaking about her own situation
>doesn't rate/comment on others

Attention whore detected
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>non existent tit
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just came back home from a festival
no makeup, no shower for 3 days, no fucks given
do i pass to /passgen/
i expected nothing else :)
if you're mtf you pass really well
Agree to wholeheartedly disagree

Girls are supposed to be soft and smooth, not chiseled and vascular.

Kayla is literally at the perfect bodyfat for optimum thiccness/belly flatness

Also dat ass is seriously 11/10, but when she drops 5lb it's only 10/10
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Psssshhh I'll control you too, ho
Slow down baby, ur off limits to anyone but me, btw text me, my texts aren't going through
>implying sincerity
Ha... should I take your shitposts to be sincere as well???
No baby
I stand by my statement of non existent tit.
That is an ugly tranny cone. baka when will trannies learn that their fatty gyno cones are not breasts
So Kayla and Kayla's bf are the same person, I'm assuming. Sad fucking state of affairs. gtfo AGP
Fucking show urs then cunt
Tbdesu it looks better irl
I always wear concealer and lipstick but I struggle to do anything more than that because dyspraxia

and I do wear girlclothes when I go out, that one suit pic was because I was at a friend's wedding and didn't have any other formalwear
of course I stick to the androgynous side of feminine, because if I wore anything outright girly it would look disgusting on me
Thanks brosis
Y tho
Unless compliment then thank yo
He's right

Who fuckin knows, I think you'd be qt but who fuckin knows
No one here even comes close to looking as good as cornflakes and even she's not that good. Why do you even try?
wtf i love elon musk now
Fuck off fangay
I don't know how to feel about this. But thanks
>Y tho
>Unless compliment then thank yo
face and body looks decent, but they look like they were photoshoped from two different pictures becuase different proportions and lighting

I'm not saying it was but this is how it looks to me
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It definitely wouldn't look disgusting on you. People here really exaggerate being rude to you but you actually pass fairly well and more feminine clothes would be fine. If you have issues with shoulders or arms you can always over them up and still wear stuff like that.

Dyspraxia make up tip:
>splurge a little money on something made for doing a "smoky eye" style eyeliner. They're usually like very soft crayon material and go on smooth and even, even if your hands are unsteady, plus they're meant to be smudged a little and they come with an eraser.
Oh no
My head is just huge :D
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Shitty picture from last month when I was out. Have more, but that's most recent.
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>you actually pass fairly well
>with this jaw

fair point about the makeup though, I do try and do smokey eyes for parties and stuff but it doesn't look right for casual everydaywear
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I already know I don't pass, but I want to schedule my FFS and can't decide which half of my face would give me better results. I can only afford to focus on either the top or bottom parts of my face for now. I want to get a browlift, hairline advancement, and forehead contouring. Would I be better off with focusing on the jaw and chin or the top half? Feel free to nitpick cause I'm sure I've missed other little details too on how everything else gets affected with either case.
i sorta think you look fine vivi. maybe some more laser/electrolysis

but if you insist I guess bottom half.
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do I pass?
7 months on DIY HRT
They are annoying and start to hurt when I run longer distances.
But I can hide them most of the time...
>mfw not even trans
oh god don't kill me
you are so fucking scary sometimes please lay off the meth
what are you guys talking about
she is a cutie
and she really does pass a lot better than she thinks she does
that hairline
dude if you "know you don't pass" it's because of your voice 100%. Get VFS instead and all gucci you dumdum
Be nice to Robin
Shut the fuck up faggot and go back to Susan's where you rightfully belong with your sycophantic hugbox posts.
Just tbqh, pham.

Are you really a Stacy?
she looks more like a fucking magpie than a robin with that murderface desu
Hey calm down
your tits are awful, kayla
Ya know there are more constructive ways to comment on someones looks without being a cunt. Like explaining what is in your opinion bad, and maybe saying why and offering advice on what they could do.
Fuck off Kayla's the best.
Unless you live in Europe you'll probably get stabbed on the way there
In most places in europe people don't really gender you like that all the time
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u pass if not its cuz of ur voice like other anon said
yee pass

what does passgen think about emo shit
Which proves my point really
i am greatly enjoying the emo revival desu
>what does passgen think about emo shit

Helps you pass if you're 15 years old
After a while it just becomes counterproductive tbqh senpai
plenty of women have a square jaw/heart shaped face. It looks absolutely normal and you don't have a beard shadow at all either.
I want to hug you, i just like you
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me yay.png
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25 / 11 months hrt.
You pass, your hairline is fucking amazing, your face looks like my hot HS crush, you don't pass because of your voice 100% sure. If you insist because you're a fucking retard that will ruin her face be she's a retard, do lower half. Don't mess with your lips or upper half or you will end up looking like one of those ugly old women with weird cheekbones and stupid lips. You're a 9/10 in prettiness.
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Black is best
Pass with good makeup. No pass in the photo. Stop doing that weird mouth every hon does. Get some sleep, your skin is not very good, especially around your eyes. You have a very high cuteness potential
>1 day ago
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Hey sorry for polluting the thread with the pre-HRT thing but I just can't find objective judgement anywhere else.
Do you think I can pass with a mask covering the bottom of my face, makeup and a long wig ?
And also while I'm at it eventually with HRT and without FFS and rhinoplasty do I have a chance ? If not which one do I need, if I don't need both ? I have passable voice I guess.
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I second the smokey eye.

You should also look into kajal eyeliner. It's super easy to use and smudge for a smokey look that doesn't require a lot of coordination. YSL, Laura Mercier, and Guerlain make good ones, I'm not sure about cheaper alternatives though.

As for everyday wear, using a softer color like gray, brown, or green and just being sure to concentrate the color closer to the lash line will make the look more subtle. I think a brown or copper shade would look really nice and flatter your blue eyes.
You pass as Mark Zuckerberg
I'm not sure since the photo must be a week old but I don't think I used filters so don't mind the Snow logo please
my secret is that i cant do proper eyeliner so i settle for smokey
That means no pass I guess
Babe you don't need fss even other people think so
>no waist
>no hips
You look like ryan from the office desu
i wonder how you two fight
>1 hour ago
>I post 1 day ago thinking you were gone forever
>turns out I'm just two posts below

Please begone and let me suffer in peace you massive cutie.
Aw, thank you. The flattery is admittedly nice.

No its perfect as is. Dont worry about it.
No I ain't no mere flatterer, that's the problem.
It's dumb to fall like this, but if anything, it feels tight like a grip and clouded reason.
I'm ESL so I hope you can forgive the bluntness. Guess I'll just stop now, I can't prove a thing and sharing it is enough.
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Starting HRT soon. Do you think my starting point will get good results or will I stand out?
Either way I dont care. I just want to stop feeling like a monster. Just looking for opinions.
Do it. If your friend confronts you that means they were looking on /passgen/ on lgbt too.
>that use 4chan
they're gay, you should be safe

You dont need FFS imo. If youre voice is an issue for you focus on that!

Your picture at first is like 'no pass sorry' but after a second you realize there's so much potential. I think if you had makeup with a focus on covering the darkness around your eyes, you'd be a pass.
>think I'm cis
isn't this obvious to you that you do in fact pass?

I think your forehead is working against you. I'd suggest getting a more feminine haircut that hides it. Pic related maybe? I honestly think you'd suit something like that because your face on its own is small. You just need to frame it better.

Also, LIGHTING girl!!! ok so top down lighting is THE worst lighting to take a picture in... especially when its close to your face like a spotlight/un-defused. Also mirror pics in public bathrooms are just always going to look worse... just pick your location for pics better please haha xD

Hope this helps
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Got bangs. Not good at bangs lol.





I'd say pass but if I'm being honest that's an unflattering photo


You pass




:( You pass so well. I would kill to look as good as you.


I think you're pretty. You just always look so tired.

Your eyebrows are perfect for your face.
Haven't really fought yet, tbdesu

You look amazing 2bh
You're a super qt
Hey, here's a little advice from someone who has had surgery.

Surgery does not always work out the way you planned it and often it can make things look less natural.

I really badly needed surgery on my chin and the second I had the money to work on it I got the surgery. The surgery helped but the procedure wasn't exactly perfect and now I need a revision. I'm lucky that the surgeon offered a free revision otherwise I wouldn't have the money to afford that it.

The reason I'm telling you this is because when I look at your face I'm not seeing any features that surgery would "fix" for you. Your face is very well proportioned, your brows and hairline are great, your chin and jaw are fine.

You need to remember, surgery only makes someone prettier if there is a feature that is in and of itself ugly or out of proportion to begin with. You don't have any ugly or unpassing features so I cannot really see surgery helping you.

If you were to raise your brows and lower your hairline you'd likely be left with a masculine squarish hairline and a long white scar right on the top of your face.

If you were to change your chin/jaw you would lose structure there and the area may likely not age as well as it would have. I only did my chin on the understanding that it looked worse as it was than it could.

Everyone likes to pretend surgery will transform you into an unfathomably beautiful woman but, surprise surprise, it doesn't. Surgery doesn't beautify normal things, it normalizes ugly things.

There are enough walking plastic surgery horrors to prove that.
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One more thing before I stop harassing you. The ideal female beauty standard in the modern western world dictates that a woman's forehead, center of face and bottom of nose to chin area should each be roughly 1/3rd of the overall face height.

Quite a few of the girls on this board have that ratio, I have that ratio now to, but guess what; So do you!

Pic related.
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Some days I feel great, some days not so much. I'm struggling how to figure out what to do.

Hey, at least I'm having way more sex as a girl than I ever did as a guy XD
Work on hair styling, eyebrows, and laser hair removal to start.

Give the hormones time and make sure you're getting the right dose, be really proactive about that stuff or you'll get screwed.

You look like a girl. Just rough. Hair and makeup would help.

That's it.
>tfw did this
>tfw i seemingly have this
explains my easy ride to passing, thanks anon

Timestamp or GTFO


>friends think they're cis
>supposedly doesn't know if they pass

get out shitposter
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Hey girls(guys)!
so I've been taking progy and Spiro for about 6 months. I'm 5'7 and 118lbs. I'm already fucking 22 (december)
My lower lip to jaw length is longer than I want and makes me appear like a young boy. Also I was trying desperately to repress my want to be feminine by cutting my hair off a few months ago. Long story short. I can't repress.

Any hair styling tips to transition from boy styled hair to short girl style hair??? Emma Watson did this last year I think. But my face is long, unlike hers..
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Nice job team
looks ok tbqh!!!
>I already know I don't pass

Lol, fuck off posi
all good except for the buttish chin

kayla 2.0
When did 4chan become the autistic hugbox arena? I thought that was reddit, can't even come here for a "real" answer anymore. Hopefully the trip with the kanji symbols can help me decide. Only honest one in these threads anyways.
I don't have BDD, my face just actually needs an operation. Rather than people being honest, it's better to just hugbox apparently. Might as well shove people into drugs and therapy and teach them to shut their brain off when it's trying to tell you that something is wrong.
I can't tell if you're trying to be genuine, or just an asshole.
Senpai I hate to break this to you, but your face does look fine. It's not amazing by any means, but you look female. Like why fix something that isn't broken you know?
Go fucking kill yourself you piece of shit.

Dude. I'm not being an asshole. I've got nothing to gain. You look fucking pretty.

Your hairline is good. Your brow is good. Your face is good.

You look good. You look normal. That's what I'd kill for.

I'm jealous of your looks.

I'm sorry you don't see it. That really sucks.
Because if it's not beautiful like other girls then what's the point? Other girls get to go out without makeup and not worry about passing, and still get complimented. I always get the stupid comment that I pass for a transgirl, but not cis. I want to look cis so that I can hopefully settle down one day and live as close to a cis life as I can. What the fuck is the point of passing as a transgirl instead of a cis one. It's like saying hey great job, but not quite. It's like instead of putting a small target on my back, putting a huge neon one with sound effects. So instead of being a somewhat decent looking guy, I get to be some butt ugly girl that no one would ever think of marrying or starting a family with. Just get to be another background weirdo who stays alone. I'd honestly just stop here if that was the case. That's why it needs to be "fixed", because it's extremely broken and I can't stand to look at it anymore and be told it's not a problem.
If that's you in the picture, then I don't know why you're wasting your time on a site like this and not cuddling up with some cute guy right now. You pass easily and you know it.
damn dude.
You literally look female. You don't look like a model and you're mad about that? Just a heads up not all cis women are model tier. You pass as a fucking girl half the fucking people in the thread even said it. If you want to let BDD get to you be my guest go get some surgery and risk fucking up your female looking face.
Alright you know what it turns out it isn't enough to share it. I hate to be THAT one creepy dumbfuck who ends up really liking someone but this is going to haunt me for days. I wish we could have a chat even if it is to tell me to fuck off.
I'm 26 for fuck's sake.
To everyone asking if she/he passes: NO YOU DON'T PASS
You're basically asking to others if you can be recognized as someone of the other biological sex instead of being confident enough to be convinced that you pass no matter how shit you look. And this confidence is a huge part of your passing. If you feel insecure about this you gonna be outed way faster than you can even imagine. If you're confident, even being outed will flow like water on the rock you are.
t. delusional "i pass" hon
Anon is kind of right. Nobody on /lgbt/ talks about body language, the WAY you speak and the words and subjects you choose (not the sound of the voice) nor do they talk about socialization. Those things are incredibly important, even though they're not visible at first glance. That first glance only lasts for, well, a glance. It won't take you further than that. Suspicions will grow if you don't also act the part.
I read that in your voice lol

You're not gonna listen though, just pick one and save up for it.
Pick up niya
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I agree with this.
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Pass, dem eyebrows doe. Eyebrows are a bitch.
You pass, I agree with the anon who said grow your hair out.
Pass flawlessly. Mad jelly.
>HRT for years
>look like this
take note kids, this is what happens if you sit at home all day popping skittles and putting no effort in whatsoever
I know I dont pass, I know ive put in zero effort I just feel like posting anyway.
This is something I've tried to personally stress on here, and seen others stress, but /lgbt/ is really way too hyper focused on looks. This is why I think passgen should include a voice clip along with a pic. Those things need to work together, but people don't post them together for some reason. Though, "acting the part" is something you don't need to follow super closely because that can lead into Honism. Gotta just be a natural person. Obviously easier said than done, and if you pass physically it's easier to feel validated in practicing voice and posture and whatnot, but still. Someone who doesn't pass too well physically can make up for it with a killer voice and mannerisms.

1 year 3 months HRT


Being small and Asian definitely makes it easier to pass though. I acknowledge it's unfair, but my old voice--which I can't even really access anymore--was something my friends told me would make me eternally fucked. Luckily practice helps.
Yes, hard to tell with angle tho
you actually look pretty good
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you mean short hair and no make up?

for several years I tried to persuade myself just a femboy on hrt, thus keeping my hair short to reinforce that male identity.

In the end, it's not passing if you don't pass without long hair and make up.
Your hair and eyes do you a world of good. You have very pretty eyes.
you seem to pass but potato camera, also body might help or hinder things

that's bad logic
that's very good logic, because if you can only pass with make up and favorable hairstyle, you will be clocked the moment someone takes a longer look at you.

so it's passing that fails for anyone with whom you spent considerable amount of time with-friends, co workers, regular customers...it's only "passing" for people whom you meet briefly on street, and strangers on the internet, and that's only assuming you will always be wearing that perfect flattering hair with make up in absolutely every situation.

tranny bangs? wooosh suddenly wind blows and exposes your tranny forehead and tranny balding. oops. life is full of sudden surprises.
Passing is passing, regardless of how you achieve it. The reality is that you have really androgynous features, styling is literally the only thing stopping you from passing. You could pass if you tried, if you don't want to do anything with that information then why even post in passgen?
almost pass
I'm just talking to myself. voicing my various fears that hold me back from that.
After all, as long as I'm not trying to pass as anything, im save from being hurt by being clocked.
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FTM, about a year on the 'mones. Yea or nay? And how old do I look?
You look like a cancer patient, but without any of the weight loss

You pass, though
you won it. you pass

you also look like a total subhuman, but if passing was your goal, you did it!

FtM have it such easy modo....they don't need to grow their hair, or learn to make up. Just completely disregard your appearance and keep popping the pills. Bonus points if you also disregard your fashion sense.
Lol, yeah, the barber really fucked me up.
You are super cute! I think you pass very well! And you really make that hairstyle work!
>FtM have it such easy modo....they don't need to grow their hair, or learn to make up. Just completely disregard your appearance and keep popping the pills. Bonus points if you also disregard your fashion sense.

That's because that's all we do.

t. cis male who does not match his clothing
naah just an average slav. look at his shirt, it's red white. it's likley a pole imitating it's fellow countrymen
You uh... you look like a guy. Good job!
I was exactly the same way when I started transitioning. I was so afraid of getting clocked that I would rather have just been misgendered. I recommend growing out your hair and learning how to do makeup that's undetectable. Just light makeup that makes your skin look nicer but doesn't look like you have anything on. Dress androgynously (think stereotypical lesbian) I'm sure once your hair hits your shoulders you'll fail boymode constantly. I think eventually you'll grow more comfortable to present however you want.

I'm just talking about my own experiences, because your mentality reminds me a lot of how I used to be, and that's how I was able to overcome it.
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This is actually how I usually look, like a typical gaybie.
Way, way better. You look fine.
I could out you as a girl. Most guys would scratch their bellies and probably wouldn't.
I guess, but one thing I have going for me is I don't have the high pitched frog voice lots of shortbois have
I don't know if I pass with a bald head, but you're retarded and making shit up. I don't wear makeup but I've grown my hair out. I've literally spent weeks living with my boyfriend's hyper-religious family and they don't suspect a thing.

You don't even try. Obviously you'll fail to pass.
You're asian. Nobody can see the difference.

Asians shouldn't be allowed to post

Slavpass in this pic, second pic is more androgynous but better looking

would not


would not

would not


still nope

Heil Hitler

would not


tumblr haircut, would not
would if you had a better one


would not

would not


rotate your picture

haha nope
nice meme clothing tho

it's mr. jaw again



would not
also rotate your pics you fucking tards



you kinda look like a changeling from star trek ds9




jealous hons spotted



would breed that boipucci

>emo shit
is it 2006 again

would not

Schlomo Goldbergstein


would hit it

would not
nice dubs tho

would pass if you got an actual feminine haircut
same as tumblr girl (male) above

would not

average face but great body

like a 13yo disadvantaged russian boy

way better
bald head looks shit on most people


regards, chaser
Awesome. It's basically a bowl cut if I comb it forward though aha. Trying to grow it out and maybe part it to the side.
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this is what I mean
She looks like an elf. I dig it.
You are cute damn it, just accept it!
i don't know if you pass as cis but you're still cute as hell
looks pretty good but it's clear that you're hiding your chin for a reason
easy pass, u look great
pass (asians have it easy blah blah, u look good nice job)
pass, wouldn't question that you're a guy
Please come back ;_;
You come off as desperate and weird. I wouldn't respond if I were her, either.

Work on your people skills.
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no pass, extreme autism

might pass in the future, post in future passgen with different angles and more effort. Eyebrows and hair are shit and you are obviously not wearing any makeup

extreme AGP

probably pass, but this is a retarded angle and you are ugly

Twinkhon potential

Taz let me S M A S H

>no shower for 3 days
God I hate barbarians so much

>So Kayla and Kayla's bf are the same person
Nah they arent. Kayla just a middling tier tranny thats youthful years are in the rearview, and her bf is an underachieving chaser that tries to be alpha, has some OK qualities, but also has a lot of cuck tendencies. Perfect fit for each other Tbh
xD xD xD

FP let me S M A SH ur BP bitch (:

skin quality, makeup, and fashion sense arent doing you any favors you have potential but look like shit rn Tbh

>Black is best
*sniff* *sniff*
Ayy yo gurl I herd u like black.... how bout some black dick in yo mouf?
*smacks lips*

>Mississippi flag
Die rebel scum. You look like shit and I hope you suffer horribly at the hands of evangelicals and severely under educated rural blacks in your ex-confederate shit hole (:


>/lgbt/ is really way too hyper focused on looks
You probably pass well in Anglo-Saxon majority areas that dont have a great reference point for the dimorphism of your ethnic background because you can pass yourself off as an ugly ethnic girl. In your shitty Southern Asian country of origin people might spit at you and consider you an ugly fag in a dress. Its all relative and looks most certainly do matter.

"Asians" always pass is due to xenoethnic passing privilege. You dont actually pass, you are just entrenched within a population that has to rely heavily on the VISUAL cues they are given. Which btw is a strong counter argument to your "looks dont matter".

Dumb bitch (:
AGPs can pass dummy.
>AGPs can pass dummy
When did I say they couldnt? Stick to Twitter retard
>When did I say they couldnt?
When your pass/no pass rating of >>8382625 was "AGP"
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It was a comment not a rating. Not everything I typed was feedback. Some was feedback, some was commentary, some was satire and memery. Anon are you legit retarded or are you just trolling me?

Maybe instead of spending your summer on 4Chan you should be in summer school summerfriend (:
>pass when on vacation visiting family in Asia
So saying we should broaden passgen triggers some kind of anti-hugbox? You've rated me multiple times before and always gave a positive response, so I guess you're not very consistent. Passing is about the whole package. Height, weight, body type, voice, hair, gait, cadence, etc.

People only posting pictures of their head and nothing else defeat the point of this general. You're not a floating head. If this thread is supposed to help people it should expand what it does.
I'll take that. Mind giving some advice?
Instead of strange repeated posts saying "Please talk to me", say something the lines of "Hey, I love how you look and you seem interesting, if you're up to it maybe we could chat sometime."

And if they don't respond, leave it at that. It's obvious they weren't interested if that's the case. Further responses reiterating how much you want to talk just kind of gives away how clingy and desperate you are.
But at the same time this thread isn't for that sort of business. It's a place for early MtF's to critique each others appearances and help one another pass better, it's not a socialite pickup ground for chasers. You could go into like any other thread for that.
I appreciate the advice, I know it can be hard to believe but I'm not a turboautist. Well maybe a little. I posted that last time without sage to bump the thread in hopes of her seeing it. I know it sounds desperate and was trying hard to go away and accept I'll never meet her, but I just went 'fuck it hope dies last' before leaving the house this morning. She probably closed the thread already anyway.

I'm sorry about derailing the thread and being annoying. I'm not trying to justify myself here: I don't normally browse this board, and am not interested in just any mtf the crosses my path, I honestly liked her and only her in this entire thread. I'm afraid this might be shallow and inconsiderate too. Then I start feeling self-conscious about everything else related to this website in general (like being unable to prove anything I just said), get anxious and fuck everything up like I just did. Sorry again, and thanks.
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after an 8 hour shift still got gendered male and got gendered correctly once. This thread should no longer be a thing. Rule of thumb for anyone visiting this board, if you think you need ffs you probably do.

You're a fucking liar.

If you got gendered male it's because you said hello my name is fucking Tom or something.

You're either lying now or you're delusional.
do you think id be fucking pissed rn and waste my time posting on this board if it wasnt true?
>So delusional

Got it. You may have heard what you wanna hear but that's on you.

Sort your shit out M8.
but aren't you Kayla?
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