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Could I pass thread, for people who are pre or very early on

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Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 78

Could I pass thread, for people who are pre or very early on hormones.
Remember to reply to others when you post
just post already you faggot

who fucking cares if someone saves your pics boohoo
I'm not op, I want to post my pics but I don't want to be the first one to post pics. Anyone else in a similar situation?
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20, currently trying to decide to repress and be miserable or take the plunge. Disregard stubble as I am a 3rd shift robot designed wholly for not giving a fuck. At least currently. Fuck me up, yall.
failed Chad/10
you won't pass without surgery, my dear.

Your cheekbones, chin, and nose are too prominent
thats the manliest face ive seen on a sad man
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welp my turn to get roasted

Currently trying (and failing) to self med
And of course it tilted it. Sorry.
>tfw Chad is a tranny

Pretty much how I already feel. As for the sad part, old picture and was like a day after a car accident. More just in pain.
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Good lord you're fuckin' beautiful.
Iktf I have a pretty bad starting point to and I'm unsure if I should take the plunge and be a hon or just deal with my crippling dysphoria I'm pretty sure either way I wont be happy
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What about me, no hug boxing please.
Pic without glasses coming.
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Bretty cute actually. I don't know how far you are with HRT but carry on and I'm sure you could pass :)
If self-medding doesn't work, maybe get professional medical help? (depending on where you live of course)
i feel like you could shape your eyebrows better but im sure you'll pass w hrt
youre looking kind of androgynous already so i think you'll pass too on hrt
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you're a failed numale xd, just post your progress already cara
Ah thanks. That's literally the thing most on my mind recently. (Apart from dysphoria that bitch is always there)
It means a lot to me to hear that. ;_;
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Very early on hormones, will prolly get some surgery
Look andro, chin shave would be good for you
Probably would pass with 'mones and ffs
I'd say that you would pass with a bit of make-up. Probably wouldn't pass pretty for a few months. But I wouldn't think you were a guy if I passed you on the street. That's an older picture I've had a shave since then and I shave every time I feel stubble on my face.(As emotionally demoralising as it is)
Ain't it great.
Not in the ways preferred, but thanks anon.
Ayy lmao
I'm curious how you turn out since I have a similar face
looks like a tumblr ftm
An ftm how far along their transition?
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You could pass desu
I'm paranoid. Has anyone ever been recognized in one of these threads?
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that's not even me, though
No. Does anyone you know browse /lgbt/ 4chan isn't known by normies so if no one you know browses /lgbt/ your fine.
I don't know for sure.
Too risky. Burning this phone and moving states.
Robin 2.0
Yes all the time since everyone uses 4chan and goes to /lgbt/ can I pass threads
obviously pre-t as its a tumblr ftm
How fitting then, seeing how at the moment I'm a woman (on the inside) pretending to be a man. And tumblr ftm's are also women pretending to be men for oppression points.
Well, I suppose that means you do pass
if you want to pass as a tumblr dyke then yeah its a pass
potential to be a meh woman
(FFS for chin might help a little)
Creepy proto-hon
Don't get any surgeries, pham

This thread only proves that male puberty reks 9 out of 10 lads tbqh.
Better then what i have going for me.
You're a beautiful man but would make a ugly woman
Sorry anon
Damn mate your eyes are huge
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28 in August. Already on the road to starting hormones. Hate myself :)
I may at least get a hairline fix, idk, I'll wait a little while
Aye. Got that from the other responses as well. Back to booze and repression for me.
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2 months hrt and messy hair
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Another. Taken when I wasn't paying attention so its probably a better representation of my resting face.

And one more from a headshot I had taken.
Can you take one without the glasses?
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0% chance
if you pass as male pre-transition it automatically predisposes you to never passing
Shut the fuck up cara you're a man and you act like a man. Nothing can ever change that fucking schizo freak.

Killing myself it is then
Yeah, maybe someone will find it attractive idk
I sense a lil bitterness
But the feeling is mutual
Am I really that hopeless? i'm still 18.
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One without glasses as per request
Don't listen to cara he literally has schizophrenia. He thinks hes an early transitioner even though hes 22 and not transitioning.
>>8388496 (You)
>>8388504 (You)

Dont listen to >>8388530 go look at some mtf timelines on google images and tell me you guys don't have a chance. <3
>go look at some mtf timelines on google images and tell me you guys don't have a chance

Make sure they state weather they have had ffs or not though

Requestee here. 2 months you say? In a years time I think your going to pass easily. Hair growth plus more changes need basically. If you want to pass as early on as possible I'd say start playing with makeup now and learn to do eyebrows.

hope this helps <3

Who is Cara exactly?
Just some retard that is literally on /lgbt/ all day everyday making posts like this >>8388530 Oh and btw this is him >>8387833
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I think its possible
Ignore the trolls, I don't understand how they get a kick out of making others feel hopeless.
I've been playing with makeup except I cannot get the eyeliner right any tips or is just a practice thing?

They need easy targets because they have such a low opinion of themselves.
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not best pic/angle but this me
Im no expert but just youtube is yourfriend. My cis girl friends all learnt off youtube.
very cute! Love the glasses and the your lips are really nice, cannot tell from the picture but do you have pierced ears?
Any hope for me? Took this a while ago, as i look like trash rn. Ignore GF playing vidya in the back.
high chance of you passing
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don't transition.
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do i pass? 3 months hrt
No chance, sorry hon. Your a very cute man though. I mean, i know you don't care about it, but you could easily get any girl if your any bit charismatic.
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Could I pass or no?
Not on HRT yet but will be very soon.
no. you're making a man face btw.

Anyone who isnt a troll willing to give feedback?
What do you mean?

Not me but im assuming because straight cis guys all want gf who vidya?
Have you started hormones? Id give you pretty good chances, starting a lil late tho
Thats what i thought. Shes pretty awesome, way better than me at starcraft/dota. Ive got her beat at OW though
I find you really cute, I'm sure you could pass if you're just starting hrt
Imagining you with longer hair makes it easier, if you couldn't pass with makeup then most likely without?
Really cute, you remind me of a really pretty girl I used to be friends with
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I posted this picture before but I'll never take a new one to post on 4chan. My hairs in a ponytail I have a shitty hairline my face is wide and my brows are unkempt. Feel free to shit on me I'm already dead inside.

It will be an uphill battle I saw one transgirl go from Chad to Stacey so it's probably possible. I don't think I'm better off than you and I plan on transitioning.

You will end up passing.

You will probably end up passing or at least look like a ftm that is detransitioning.

It will be tough but I don't know you probably would need ffs but maybe you be able to pass with just hrt.

You will end up passing you probably don't need surgery.

Hard to say it's definitely not too bad of a start. You'll probably be fine.

Hard to say but you have a better starting point than me. You're probably ok.

You're going to pass.

Seems like you're going to pass.

You'll probably end up fine might need to get surgery for your chin though.

Yeah normal people probably couldn't tell.

It might be hard to pass I don't know. Don't let me dissuade you if you want to transition then transition. I'm probably worse off than you anyways.
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idk could i pass if i styled my hair/did eyebrows and makeup or is their something really wrong with my face?
i've been on hrt for a while but havent really done much since i dont feel too great about myself
hairs tied back since its really messy
i dont really mind if i get bullied im getting ffs at the end of the year just wondering if its worth trying at all before then
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im like the crimson chin
Dirty passer get out
your head is really round, which is much better than it being long
learn how to take a neutral picture from the front, but your chances are grim I'd say
filename says bait, but if not then yeah you pass
Yeah you look like a twink already so you'll be ok
feelsbadman I wish God would hit me with a bus
You pass btw
You look ok for two months, you should end up ok
cute but 28 is old. consider suicide
idk if you haven't started hrt yet you'll probably be a-ok!!
If you put on good makeup your face would pass. You have an androgynous bone structure and just need to touch it up with feminine features.
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Pre everything, do i have any chance lads?
you might need ffs but yeah
cant tell if your a pre mtf or a pre ftm so yeah
yeah but fix the brows
with hormones and ffs yeah
dear god yes, you would pass now
once you start the mones you should be fine
yeah but fix that hair
do a hair stile that covers up the forehead but other than that its grate
makeup and HRT and you would pass so well
yeah with HTR
yes you pass already

Oi whats wrong with the hair?
you would pass right now if you had more feminine hair in my opinion.
Its gay
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Do I have any hope
this is the biggest hugbox I've ever seen people don't come to 4chan to feel good they come for the honesty
You pass in Saudi Arabia
if you walk around like that all the time then you'll pass better than 90% of this board!!
tfw pass threads are either really hugboxey or just trannies berating others on their looks
Aye, but you also have the likes of cara. I guess it gives enough offset.
Fckin do it m8
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18 yo didn't start anything yet, is there any hope?
Dont need your hugs, crush my dreams if needed
I'll post here later when I get home
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pictriev says this about my pre HRT face, I think it's telling mean lies :(
tfw getting 96 percent masculine
Sorry :( though I took a whole bunch of photos and they all had drastically different results, so idk if it is really accurate desu
I'd say so, only thing though is maybe your chin
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pictriev is not a good thing to test if your face is male or female. for example one of my pictures i edited. simply making my skin lighter i went from like 67 masculine and like 20 feminine to like 10 masc 80 feminine.
better angle needed
your face isnt horrible but your chin just kills it sorry :/
Yeah I just took photos at slightly different angles and it changed a shit load.
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No, no hormones yet. Ye I wish i had started at 16 :(
Pre everything nose a bit bent so try look past it
Iam 19 btw
can't tell if it's really just the nose or if the whole face is crooked
Just the nose since It got broken. A few years back and i didn't get it put back in place its a burden
Great eyes but I think you'll need FFS with your jaw and nose.
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19 starting mones at the end of the month, fuck me up
You should pluck they brows
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it looks like you have a similar bone structure to me, as >>8388115 said, so here's my timeline so far for comparison, currently at 20 months

really I don't get the point of these threads because let's be real, either you're gonna try and transition or you do nothing and kill yourself eventually. if you do the latter the chance of things improving is 0%. if you try and transition maybe your chances are good and maybe they're terrible but 0.01% chance of it turning out okay is still more than 0% and worth a shot, if you're gonna kill yourself anyway what have you got to lose? to give up without a fight is to surrender the one thing you have that is absolutely yours whatever the outside circumstances may be. give it a go, maybe you'll end up killing yourself for being a hon 5 years down the line or maybe you'll end up having the life you've always wanted, but you'll know you did everything you possibly could.
did you just single-handedly proof that girl pills are just a meme and that they change nothing?
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Robin will you please detransition and turn back into this sexy motherfucker to smash my neo vag?
I'll fucking do anything to please you I promise.
You're the reason why I have no faith in my trans radar, although you're kinda boney and corpse looking, I think you pass as a female ghoul.

But apparently you always get gendered male IRL and a lot of people say you don't pass here. Hmmm

Oh well, what do you think is stopping you from passing?
Thanks. (The Chad, btw) I had the same thought at work. I'll shoot for plan t, keep booze around for plan u, and my trusty wheel gun for plan v. Ain't gonna wake up from that one.
You guys could rate or whatever, that's kind of what this thread is about
I did rate earlier, just in a different post than the picture I posted.
I did say that>>8390462 should pluck the brows

whoa, super cute :)
I'm 6 ft 2, have a ridiculously alpha jawline and my voice is fucked because of a neuromuscular disability, I get gendered male IRL constantly but I'd be lying if I said HRT was the wrong decision, anything is better than further masculinisation
these days I'm more depressed and suicidal about being disabled than about being trans, a total inversion of where I was at pretransition and probably a net improvement
keep at it
the first 9 months will be fucking brutal and way above and beyond what the average person has to put up with in their whole lifetime, keep your druggos handy for the hard times and power through it, switching the dominant hormone in your body makes your emotions go fucking spastic to begin with

and it's never too early to start growing your hair out / start laser

Robin start to detransition, I want this handsome guy back you selfish cunt!
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do NOT listen to that man. They're an inverse fag hag who will purposely go out of their way to create "visible" trans women by convincing people that obvious, natural masculine traits somehow are evidence of 'repressed femininity'. Do not become one of their victims.

Besides, if you can handle presenting like you are now (beard, chad hair, obvious man face), you should be able to handle it for the rest of your life.
senpai I only started to transition after trying and failing to kill myself
one week without HRT and I'd slit my wrists, fuck that
anyway, everyone online and IRL before I transitioned said I looked like a sex offender, people IRL used to call me fucking "Ian Watkins"

caraposter begone, you are even more of a living meme than I
you're not a meme.
You used to be handsome as fuck. I'd kill to have you as a bf. You can live your femininity through me if you want. We'd make for such a cute couple.
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Do I look androgynous enough?
you'll probably never pass but the girl pills ease the suffering a little
that's sam hyde, he's a popular youtube e celeb and had a show on cartoon network. he's 6'4 and like 250 lbs. that's not him posting.
I had a 100% chance of transitioning, no matter what people said about me on this thread I was gonna transition, I was just curious and worried what I was gonna look like when I transitioned, and this thread eased that worry.
And seeing what people said about me helped that.
Robin was a chad o_o
and he fucked edie from /lgbt/
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I was so fat when I started uni some people were unsure of my ethnicity
I was not in a good place
Robin pls marry me you're such a pleasant lady
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first time posting on /tttt/ because I'm fuckin depressed about how masc I am, hoping to get my girl pills ASAP

hope this pic isn't too lewd...

i think u will be very cute
u will also be very cute

desu i think everyone itt will be cute :3
23 btw
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I think you'll pass just fine

Your nose is a little big but other than that you're a qt!

Now just fuck my shit up
>tfw T-ravaged at 18
>hairline is MIA
I've been on cypro for a month and on estro for a week btw.

excuse my trash camera
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also here's a close-up for the deets
>if you pass as male pre-transition it automatically predisposes you to never passing
you look super cute already, you wont have any problem passing once your have transitioned
b-be my gf anon TwT
you look so good....
youre gonna pass im sure
honestly, i think you already look like a girl,
you have beautiful hair and a soft face.
as other anons said, if you started doing make up you could pass really well to be honest...
whoever is your bf is really lucky

To be fair you already look strangely feminine

HRT and makeup will do work for you
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>>8391571 (cover your caveman forehead tho)
Future passers

>>8391520, >>8391683 (D-Daniel Jackson from Stargate?)
Future hons

Trust me on this I am a hon expert.
Everyone who doesn't already look like a girl will be a hon?
Your underestimating how plastic the body is. Also are you rating people if they pass pretty, or if they will pass. I care a lot more about passing than I do passing pretty.
thanks i definitely feel like the lucky one though
c: i think ill try it try getting some makeup
i did rate a couple pics
And what makes you a hon expert are you a hon your self pretending to pass pretty are you that much of a hon you feel the need to put other trans folk down cos you don't pass ? And I agree with >>8391926 its not about passing pretty its more about not being a man in a dress
>thanks i definitely feel like the lucky one though
i mean, im sure anyone would feel lucky to be with you anon
Thanks you too you already looking fem I wish I never cut my hair tho takes way to long to grow back
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forgot t. angry future hon
some of those future hons have a small glimmer of hope but the majority would need facial work if they dont want to be a hon or like 3/10 girl not saying it wouldnt be worth going on hrt for some but they would have to be willing to get surgery if they want to really pass... just being HONEST, honestly
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>cover your caveman forehead tho

My temples have receded quite far obviously, can't cover it with my bangs.

Not sure if I should get a good quality wig or just be in boy mode until I hopefully grow back most of what I've lost. Planning to start Duta this fall when I get more expendable cash.

Here's another pic, am I really not going to become a turbo hon? Can someone else verify this or am I getting memed?
You look girly to me
Get out, passer kid.
There is this thing called "sexual dimorphism" that prevents most men to ever look like a convincing woman.

It's pretty obvious why >>8387862 will pass and why for instance this lad >>8388845 will never pass.
>you already looking fem
aww thanks!!

I got a buzz cut about 1,5yrs ago during my last repression phase. It was one of the worst times of my life.

But hey, at least your hairline isn't trash like mine. You'll end up passing way better than me for sure!

The fuck? I unironically think I'm a 1/10. Thanks though..!
Just accept your hon-ness.
Wigs are hell.
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Usually the best option if you're not sure wether or not you'll pass is to wait a few years to see if your continued feminization increases your chances of passibility.
Yeah I got one too done it when my hair was realy long for some stupid reason its been like six months since I got it buzzed off
(>>8392106) wasn't me obviously. I'm the one you replied to, thanks for the tip!
Oh the post got deleted. Oh well!
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I'm FtM with a similar face and I only pass to little children and drunks

No clue if it's my face or body but you're probably lucky in the face department

You're so fat you would probably pass with just makeup and voice training

Your face already passes
If you don't pass offline it's probably your body or voice
Do you normally wear your hair loose though, I find that ponytail + bangs makes most faces look more feminine than regular long haircuts - if that's not how you present normally maybe try going outside how you do in the pic

Pictriev is mostly just makeup detector
You act like I wouldn't be more than happy to be a 3/10 girl
Well iam not rising to the bait from you mate until you post a pic your the hon and you obviously don't know what hrt can do for some people and iam not raging just don't like when dickheads like yourself put down other people because of your self hate instead you should look at yourself before you put other people down like you do just being honest honestly
I feel like I don't look fem either but everyone says I am so idk if we're the best judges
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Pre everything

If you transition asap you'll look like a cis girl for sure. Youre very lucky.
Aww thanks. :3
Also I'm just gonna clarify I don't think all ftm's are transtrenders just the obvious ones. I know we have to go throughout the same shit just weirdly mirrored.
Why don't you post a pic as well, you generally look better then you think.
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i already trained my voice but im too nervous to use it outside >o<
im 5'2"
I definitly think i dont pass with my hair loose which i normally keep it loose, its really really wavy and just looks bad. I definently think keeping it in a ponytail helps a lot. :)

im going to try a lot harder to try to present as a girl ill try out my girl voice when i get some makeup c:
>o< too nice hes like 8-9/10 so i think ill always feel out of my league since i started as just a boy and hated myself
Exactly don't listen to him clearly hates him self
18/ Born male/ Genderqueer,AGP
(Dysphoria is a bitch)

Is there hope for me /LGBT/?

Also I don't dress like this most of.the time, this was an ironic thing for friends,(Hence the expression)
No idea your face is tiny in that pic.
you look super friggin cute anon
you will become passable for sure!
you basically already is passable imho
To properly assess your facial features you need to be closer to the camera, facing it, with your glasses off (since glasses neutralize gendered features)
i think you have strong features but ultimately will still pass with them
Nah. I can't really. I work 3rd shift in a place where I might see 2 people a night. I'm usually clean shaven, but depression and apathy has gotten the best of me lately. I'm tired of pretending to be someone I'm not.
I have been through hell already. So nothing much will change there.
I really know how you feel Chad. I hope everything works out for you.
Hey, don't worry. If I get fucked, I'll just shoot myself like I want to do now. If not lucky me. I will post updates here, though. Keep your eyes out.
Don't listen to Cara hes a legit schizo
Oh shit hi Shmorky
I think hugboxes also need a little bit of murder box in them. Helps keep a little of the realism. We all have those fears he talks about. A physical representation that is able to be confronted may do more good then harm. It's made me see that I'd much rather take the chance to be a dead hon in the future or a dead alcoholic now.
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any hope ?
Aye, you got this
Why do people just post pics and not reply to other people?
Idk, I made it pretty clear in the title
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you're all gonna make it :^)
as for me, 19 mtf, 6'6 160 lbs. and not an ounce of fat for redistribution. honest to god think there's no hope for me.
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You'll pass.

You're not hopeless.


I don't think so.

I think you could if you put in the work.




I don't think so.

I think you have potential.

You will pass.

Change your hairstyle to cover your forehead and you have potential.

Already passing desu

I'm getting feminine vibes from that picture, I think you'll pass after a while.

5'5", is my nose as bad as I think it is?
you have a nice round face and a hairline that I envy. your nose won't be too bad, and you'll pass
You're actually fucking beautiful, holy shit, I am not gonna lie, grow out your hair into a little mullet, and go for that "Spaceship Engineer" look from 90s movies and you'd be a legit 10/10
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I'll rate you when you rate everyone else
I did in a previous fucking post.
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Oh shit, didn't realise the resolution was so bad, also just posting a new pic now since I made this post as I was going to sleep.

Heres a new pic without glasses.
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Figured I should upload a better one too. All cleaned up and shit. Not so sad Manish this time.
Aye, you will get there!
okay so what are you trying to pass as
You just look like a teenage boy, my pal.
You look like a sweaty teenage boy.
None whatsoever.
I don't understand, are you trying to pass as a man or a woman? If man, yes, you pass. If woman... fuck me mate. Stop.

Brutalise me. 6mnth on E
Oi, looking a lil' more better this time. I'm sure HRT can wonders for you, though that chin of yours might need some trimming. Motherfucker sticks out like a sore thumb.

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Holy shit classic hon
I'm pretty sure this is a could I pass thread. As in the future, lmao. Most of the people here aren't even started on hrt or anything yet. Or they aren't in a position where they can start.

Is that You? Wtf is up with your shoes? Are you an elf?
Hey thanks. I would but cell phone and no idea how.
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you pass as someone that rifled through a clothes donation box.
also are you smoll or is it just the angle.
i mean you really, really look like your homeless but you have some potential due to roundish face, although you seem kinda chub so maybe thats why.
fixed your image, also yes you pass as someone that will need jaw, sorry friend. I think you need to accept that.
if you want to pass as a girl or genderqueer thing, you have potential. jaw looks ok but that might just be the lighting.
You look pretty cute for what its worth, anon.
I hope you end up passing when you transition.
you pass as chris(tine)chan to be honest in this picture. Can you just take one normal photo>
Oh thanks, i was super worried and afraid that I looked way too masculine in terms of face structure and body structure

I'm 5"11 and 64kg, i'm,skinnier then some of my friends. So not that chub or smol. I also dress like this for comfort.
Does this affect my ability to pass?

I want to be able to pass as androgynous or slightly fem.
Please get some new clothes and straighten the hair pluck the brows in to a more fem shape loose most of the Wight and there might be a glimmer of hope anon also get some fashion sence my 75yo granny has a better fashion sence just saying
What was not normal about my original photo? Here's another...

I actually did get these clothes from a donation box at a transgender event for older people transitioning.
Shave, you dolt!
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Most say I should transition, So I'll get an opinion on it.
Not bad, Definitely pass
You have a chance, I'm not good at rating though.
Why did u go to a hon convention?
Nice under $20 wig, hon. Did ya get it from Party City?
I don't like shaving much. I've had a few sessions of laser on my face but I've given it up because of costs. My chest is completely hairy still.

My younger siblings have been beaten up because of my appearance and they beg me to fit in but whatever.
Thanks and nope, Just my natural hair.
You are a qt! You'll easily pass with makeup.
It's not a problem. This >>8396185 is me so, you got a better chance then I do.
what the literal FUCK am i looking at

Get out, hon. You are disgusting!
Do my legs pass ?
%100 do it!
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Posting here again with a better pick not even bothered what anyone says so if u have dome constructive critazisiam feel free
You are selfish desu why should your younger siblings get beaten up for you its just wrong at least try harder not to look they way you do get a stylist for god sakes anon
Shave better
It's been a week since the last time and it was a joke any way
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18/pre-anything MtF/5'5 117lbs, feel free to be brutal.

I'd say you have potantial.

You'll probably need ffs for your jaw and maybe nose.

A new wardrobe and laser for your beard shadow could do some good.

I think you're going to pass just fine. Good luck with your transition!

That jaw might be a problem, maybe just try HRT and see if it does anything for your face? You could also try opening your eyes a bit more.
Your starting point seems better than mine, and I turned out just fine (partly due to Dutch women being more similar to Dutch men anyway than other ethnicities are, so I fit right in). If you live in a European country you'll probably be fine too if you try.
I chose a shit picture cause it's what I had at the time. Everyone else was afraid to.
>>8396222 Check this one out.
Everyone else was afraid to post.

Sorry, half asleep.
Don't get why there afraid were all in the same boat
They were not OP, lmao
I posted, just had to get home to take a photo, sorry
I took the jump anyway cause fuck it
Proud of you anon, going first is scary
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I tried my best to picture my least flattering and most objective angle. Not that it was hard
I'm not gonna make it am I...
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You look like a girl to me Anon! But they're right, your eyebrows are too big. All the cis girls I know either trim or have naturally tiny eyebrows.

Look like a cute boy, I have no idea, but you do have "long face". I'm jelly about your height tho.

You could totes pass. I've met a few girls that look similar to you. Your glasses are super cute! I'm also assuming your mtf cus I could see you as a girl trying to look like a guy.

Here's my pic (pre everything) , I'm not on anything but my therapist says she think I'll pass. But all of her other clients (from what I've seen) don't look good at all, so who knows :/

Oh yeah, you will pass for sure. If you got your eyebrows done, shaved that little bit on your upper lip(I have no idea if it's just the lighting) and wore a little makeup to lighten your skin - I think you could pass right now.

BTW how tall are you? (I'm 5"5 if you're wondering - still the tallest in my family though)
>>8397239 Actually now that I look again, makeup is not necessary at all
5'10. It's pretty bad being so tall, but I'll get over it. Plus the mustache shade is permanent, so I'm going to get it lazered to see if it does the trick.
you look EXACTLY like someone i know
you're not from germany, aren't you?
Thanks so much just made my day and yeah mtf pre everything and hrt can do wonders for people so I think you will be ok anon
Inigo montoya? I loved you in the princess bride.
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Nearly 28. Ignore my shitty hair, Im trying to grow it out.
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So do I have any hope? I'm 18, turning 19 at the end of next month. Pre-everything, 186 tall and about 60-63kg. My hair looks like shit I just woke up and it's growing out, at a very awkward stage right now.
Whoops forgot to give others feedback.

You have a similar look to me lol. I think you'll pass for sure once you start HRT.

Are you pre everything? You already look 90% like a girl imo. You'll be fine

I think you will pass with HRT. I would suggest cutting your hair into a style that has a fringe once its long enough. That way it will make your face smaller and more fem.


Will pass for sure. Your young and have a great complexion .

Youll pass pretty early into HRT i think
You should prolly take an actual photo
I think others have been overly critical of you. I think if you lost a little weight and shaved it would be a different story. If I look past the eyebrows and small face chub I can see good potential. Dont let the people who just want to feed of your sadness win! <3

f.y.i Im not just saying nice things to make you feel better. Im always honest with my opinions in these threads
By that pic its hard to tell the you do look andro a bit so you probably will be ok
You'll pass fine. You'll actually turn out pretty cute imo.
20/Tell me the truth anons
Phone uploaded my pic sideways. Now I look like a retard
Yeah I think you will be a qt anon how tall are you ?

Anyone? im 6'1 170lbs
Iam 5 10" and I don't know what I weigh >>8396293 that's me

Ive already given you my opinion.
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19yo pre-HRT, 5'6, around 140lbs
You could totally fuckin' pass

If it weren't for that disgusting shit on your neck
these threads are irrational enabling none of this matters

passing is an illusion, stop chasing it

cara or imitation caraposter or whatever needs to die already or get on mones

youre all sick, depressed. there are better things than just being trans it isn't the whole of you, get help. if you dont take the mones you will all off yourselves anyways, it doesn't matter if youre ugly if youre dead

cause then youre just dead. work on your soul and your shitty personalities and maybe youll learn makeup because you stopped being lazy entitled cunts. you dont have the genetics so just learn to be happy and learn to fake it well
yeah you could pass pretty well just get a different haircut that isnt so boyish
also i know its a meme but you might actually want to wear a choker or something that thing is sticking out pretty bad
I can pull the apple up a bit but yeah... maybe surgery, I dunno yet. I unironically like chokers and am growing my hair out luckily
These threads are fun homo. And unlike what you actually think about us, and I can't speak for anyone else, but I can garantee I've done more with my life than those losers at pol. You have no idea what it's like to lose your mind over this "trans" bs.

>Work on your soul
Ha, I'm a little further west. Must be a coincidence.
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20, 5'8, 3 weeks hormones :)
We have souls? Fuck. It must of been pretty pathetic. I'll be better off without it.
WOW your eyes are everything
You are looking great!
I think you are a hottie
Wow, thanks anon
I've met tons of cis girls with a face like yours. Grow your hair out and you'll pass just fine.
Certified qt.
>Black trans
Your my inspiration now thanks
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Do your worst, 20 months btw
>those cis-girl-tier tiny shoulders and feminine hips
REEEEEEE fuck you

yes you pass

Nobody? :(
i am trans and also not an insecure loser and i pass. bullying retards is what we do because you have no guidance and dont have any ideas about what to do other than "lol pass thread"

either kill yourselves, get to passing, or dont and stop bitching

if you need validation on 4chan youre already brain damaged from lack of use
you will pass pretty well I think
you look like a girl already
You will be pretty
can you do a pic with glossy lipstick? always seeing matte nowadays
Ya you look better as a male. I'm pretty sure there is no going back when your testies die
Fuckin beaut
I think you might be a bit too late at 28, but I'd say start. People have started later.
Are you saying that based on age or do I actually look too old?
I'm not that anon but I'd put you in like mid twenties, you don't look that old to me. Also big eyes and a decent jawline
ok thanks for feedback. Been waiting a whole day and my dysphoria went into overdrive when the other anon said i was past it :(
Ah thanks babe. :3
Youll look good once you start living it
No, you look young but age is pretty big in how much hrt affects you. I think you have a chance, but it will take work.
if im being nitpicky your jaw is a little big, but almost no mtf has those cis-tier proportions like you so I'd say you pass 100%, qt too
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I'm so worried about my chin and my brow /:
oh sorry for sideways pic. idk how that happened, I blame autism
you'll do fine, you look pretty androgynous in that pic, and chin ain't really that bad. if hrt fat redistribution smooths your face out a little bit then you'll pass pretty well imo. as for eyebrows, i've seen much worse, but in any case waxing is the way to go
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