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/mtfg/: cute girls doing cute things

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Thread replies: 572
Thread images: 150

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• Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
• Makeup for beginners: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• Correct hormone levels: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
• Checking your levels: http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php
• Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• Discord: https://discord.gg/qjxGSxY

prev >>7698659
piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy

I wish I were a happy comfy pig.
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>tfw not cute like her
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shut up and admit the thing
>tfw not cute in any way
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so what's everybody doing?
sorry birdy, but i don't think i can do that

you're my silver bullet to grace
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>tfw sad and then frustrated and then happy and then sad again and then horny

am i going insane
surprisingly i have a pretty big friend and social circle irl. it's probably because i dont act anything like how i do here and im mostly friendly and approachable

i hope you get friends too anon :]

probably yeah. she was my #goals body wise since I found her body type to be the ideal I could achieve since I was jacked pre hrt

idk now it's more about being myself than trying to be like other people. at most I draw inspiration from other girls looks but that's about it
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I don't think I'll ever make something revolutionary though, I'm not smart or motivated enough for that.
I don't think I'll ever make much of an impact on the world tbqh, I just really miss doing the kind of work that changes and grows with the research
You're pumping teenage girl chemicals into your body of course you're gonna feel things like that you fucking retard
lol that picture is in a kids encyclopedia I have from like 1985
that was honestly presented as a thing that might actually exist someday
still haven't got my first period
Eating ice cream and researching robotics algorithms.
Ur a fucking lunatic dude lolol
It has a mind of its own
I asked it but it wouldn't answer me
You're just gonna have to try your luck tbhbb

Makes sense.
Getting that paper is an inescapable thing we all have to suffer through.
What sort of art do you make?
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no that's normal, just try to keep your head up olive-chan, you're gonna make it :)
> ice cream
yumm, good food for growing boobs. :P

>robotics algorithms
sounds out of my element, sweet.
I'm like a year and four months in
going up a little in dosage shouldn't fuck me up this much should it?
It's more boring than it sounds, I'm just reading dry academic papers.
breh think how girls are a year and four months into puberty Jesus Christ how are you meant to be a girl if you know nothing about them?
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>tfw you read smart people books on public transport so people will think you're intelligent, but reading hurts your brain and you actually just daydream for the entire journey
tbqh i am all down for some of that sweet feminine benis nectar.
Weren't you pretty much on birth control dosage for that year?
Trying to decide whether to go to bed early or funpost a bit more. I gotta get up real early tomorrow.
since you asked
I'm trying to get a perfect on my name is jonas on guitar hero 3
playing rock band for so long as made me weak
friend birdo
Internet clickbait.
>tfw decide to talk to friends to stop the neediness
>works for a little bit
>topic moves to collars and stuff
>its back in full force
lol yeah
my T had been nuked for that entire time though
like undetectable through blood tests
I dunno
I think it's p funny that you expect someone pumping teenage girl chemicals into their body to be entirely rational and think things out before they post on a gregorian chant composing website

you're obviously right and I should probably stop posting for a while because I'm such a fucking idiot.
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what exercises can i do to add some muscle to my hips and thighs area to make them more noticeable?
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This clickbait is good, did you know that murica still has segregated schools in 2016?
dont turn your trip off just to do this please
Are u ready for this jelly anon???
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saved for future use
Your E must've been pretty low, relatively, which is what's causing your mood swings.
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korra you should be waist training and working the following muscle groups
Yes this
It's a big decision to think about before you even start you dork, who even gave you the OK to take the medication if you didn't know this much about it you fucking spacker
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sup dewds? :-)
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Just be fat.
i want to wait until im done gaining weight to waist train how do I train those specific muscles?
get better friends
too thick
I aint reading that shit but is Julian the Apostate the one that got shanked in the liver by Persians in 363 AD?
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well i lied friendos, heading out for food with richard take care dont do anything stupid while im gone.
nice girlbody, fag
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have fun scarlet! Hopefully your food is good :3
way too fat

any idea of reps and whatnot? that's what always messed me up idk how many or few to do.

maybe 3 sets of 20?
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>dont do anything stupid while im gone.
No promises.
damn I wish I went to one
kinda gross
people can't handle me because i can't handle my own life, and that's why they hate me
Elanna you're super smart though.
I really hope you do something great. Then again I think you will no matter what.
I already stuck my arm in the blender.
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What's mtfg up to lately

That picture is fucking crazy omg
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>wanting to go to school with niggers
>being this low test
what did I tell you about self control you absolute dumbass
Why else would he still trip here lol?
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>what did I tell you about self control you absolute dumbass
If I were actually smart I would had a very different life trajectory
youre an example of too much test
You just said I needed to have some. Which I'm doing right now.
>breaking news: transgender women invents new Estrogenic steroid, can reverse male puberty and shrink bone structure
>U.S.A gatekeepers push for federal ban
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>tfw you have no self control
Just because things are like they are, it doesn't mean you aren't smart.
Wait wtf. I just began lurking the thread. Is this legit Rem? Like legit legit? Because I've been a fan for a while cuz only LGBT player in pro-scene.
But you saw my hips
Hmm true
>Shrink bone structure
Haha I love Boondocks
holy shit wtf

that poor iguana
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i started w/ too much t
that webm reminds me of myself in 8th grade
it was a shitty school for at-risk students, and they'd always be doing this shit while i was trying to just fuck off and sleep
it is her, also being a fan of hers BECAUSE she is trans seems pretty stupid :/ be a fan because you like her/her gameplay
you are what scientists and top researchers would call 'fat'
Yeah she posted a timestamp at some point
I mean it starts with not all worked up and letting conversations steer into lewd territory
I know :^)
your shoulders are really small
even with a defined collarbone it doesnt matter much

you prolly pass fine
oh shit whoops
too many reps is not good for muscle growth. what actually matters is the burning sensation when you reach the point of exhaustion. (not your exhaustion... the muscle's exhaustion.) it is that sensation when exercise is tearing up your muscle for building it bigger.

so maybe try 3 series of 8 reps per exercise with load adjusted so that the last couple of reps in the last series will be done with the burning sensation.

if this is to be your only thigh exercise, i would go for 5 series. but better to add some other thigh exercise instead.

do some warmup before the first exercise, such as light stationary biking for 5 minutes.

also eat plenty of meat and probably calories too, for growth.
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>"I feel good about life now, maybe I'm not trans"
>remember that it's only because I've been taking my hrt like a good girl I feel ok

S-stupid estrogen. Making me happy
So are we in for a meltdown?
nice :)
Bitch I was literally writing science fiction

I don't need a source
cry me a river
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There is a large difference between being educated and being smart.
I may have done ok in school but I honestly feel dumb as a rock
why does she whine so much?
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good girls take hrt
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wwyd if you really liked sex and wanted to have it lots but you got feelings for ppl when you slept with them and you couldn't handle losing someone you loved again
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>tfw setting your alarm so you can take your pills

I was meming
find one person to sex with
How far do you space em and what dose? I've fallen into this strange rhythm of forgetting when I take em and shit and neglecting them. An alarm would do me well
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good girl
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i love that estrogen makes me happy
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Have sex anyway. Love is a meme invented by Liberals.
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>tfw no one to do this to me irl
Cypro at 7am
2mg E split in two at 7am and 7pm

thank I'll save this post for after im done getting fat
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>be trans
>take pills to feel happy
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Find someone to match your sex drive.
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Im not a fan because she's Trans, I'm a fan because there's no other LGBT people in the scene and she's open about it in a non-dickish way. I don't see a problem way.
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Those edits were hilarious.
I'm on spironolactone 100mg 2 morning 2 late afternoon/evening

Sometimes I wake up at noon and redose by like 6 pm though. Idk probably a waste of lots of hours.

>be a chaser
>post as drakeposter
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>I can write many
>haikus in greentext like you
>you are not special
holy shit lmao

this one really got me.
Personally as a /pol/ack I see transition and suicide as the ultimate tribute to slaanesh. Can't wait for my SRS. Will finally be permanently emasculated for my dark mistress.
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I love posting these in transgender groups that people invite me to on campus. I do so with a plethora of fake Facebook accounts I've accumulated as a professional shit poster over the years. I steal profile pictures from reddit. Absolutely deplorable.
>be a faggot
>think you're trans
>try to transition and fail
>sit in your room all day being mean to trannies on the internet while smoking and doing valium
>eventual suicide because no one likes you
You aren't dumb whatsoever. If you were, I wouldn't enjoy talking to you.
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>try to trans
U b quiet now

Me masturbate doctor invented lady hole
>be me
>be fag
>get tricked into taking estrogen
>too late to stop
>will inevitably suicide some day
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Drags on for too long.

As long as you are having fun it's okay. Trannies are to be made fun of.
Am I dumb?
too real
trip on moap
excuse me, but where did you go for like 2 months?
you have a lot of dumb opinions, thats for sure
im not good
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That's an inprovement for me desu
No. Kill yourself.
I don't talk to you enough to know. Talk to me more.
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The USCSS Nostromo
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer that's for sure.
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I mean maybe I guess idk

God dammit I'm dying rn
I saw some pics you were posting on discord last night, I thought you looked pretty cute
>tfw my mum just told me to get a job and now I want to die
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X files marathon is best marathon

Skully is a trans woman for sure.
youre good
a cute lil sushi roll
>after im done getting fat
the thing is, it's very hard to grow muscles while NOT getting fat.

i don't know exactly what your plans are though... maybe you are talking about dropping HRT for the duration of muscle building, but you want to get more feminine before that? that would make sense. if that's what you plan, consider the "feminine" anabolic steroid Anavar or Stanozolol – to make the most of that phase.

if you lived near me, i could help you out with a few more anabolic tricks that are meant to grow muscle specifically WITHOUT increasing masculinity. but that's not likely.
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oh man when I was living with my parents and they did this it was horrible

it was my main trigger for self-harm lol
>be friendless homo
>reddit too much, have trans 'epiphany'
>take hormones for 3 years, try and fail to socially transition
>death seems more appealing every day
>throw away poison pills
>suddenly life is 1000x more tolerable
>thank god every day I escaped
Nah. Mulder is, though.
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Probably a different amy
I haven't posted pics on discord
Well did you get a job?
I thought I was just being pathetic
I'm glad I'm not alone
>be trans
>shit post to 4chan
>become an hero
is the new xfiles good?
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>tfw /mtfg/ sees me as a dumbass
I'm actually super okay with this, I've always hated being seen as "the nerdy one".
you shut your whore mouth! scully is hot af
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I did, but them degrading me while I was searching didn't fucking help. The sole purpose of existence isn't to have a fucking job, western society pathologizes freedom as 'unemployment' and casts you as a hopeless loser if you're not being exploited for labor, it's really quite fucked up

hugg anna
if that really worked, why would you continue to come to tranny threads?
and wouldn't that make you incredibly dysphoric about your body one way or another after being on hrt for 3 years?
You're definitely a nerd though. (And there's nothing wrong with that.)
Is that drakeposter irl
No! No I'm not! I'm just a dumb junkie whore!
you just have really awful political opinions and call everything racist
I still definitely consider you a nerd
scully is beyond hot

when i was younger, i wanted her to do things to me that would make a nun blush
if you're still here I'm trying to hit 200 lbs then trim down a little while also toning up with some cardio and building muscles on my butt thighs and hips area

the point of getting fat since I started at like 150 was to distribute the fat in feminine areas
You mess around with CAD and drones and shit, that's definitely nerdy.
you're both though, amazingly enough

you're a dumb nerd
They have posted something about your teeth. This picture was my response. I don't know if you had seen that conversation.

t. chaser
am i a dumdum or a smartdude
>hopeless loser
So how would you describe yourself right now?
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You are. I promise. You've made me feel like an utter moron at times.
I saw that. So what you like me or something?
>tfw not cuddling a boy rn and teasing him for having an election before helping him with it
but grace teasing is mean
Do you count ballots?
>teasing him for having an election
Who's bringing politics to /mtfg/ now?
>having an election
"Ara ara president-elect-kun, why are you so pent up~?"
fucked i missed that
who are you erping with now?
Not when he likes it
I'm just laying in bed cuddling my blankets and pillows imagining it's a nonspecific boy that isn't even in my life
Accepting my body for what it is helped my dysphoria more than hormones ever did. And social transition made cross dressing too stressful. I want to enjoy femininity, not spend my whole life worrying that I'll never be woman enough. I like trannies though. I admire your dedication.
>while also toning up with some cardio
don't fall for it, it doesn't work. it's just for people who like to cheat themselves. cardio does nothing, except burning calories and pumping blood to muscles. it actually makes muscle growth harder. it's only good for fat loss. for growth, focus on heavy lifting.

>the point of getting fat since I started at like 150 was to distribute the fat in feminine areas
this makes sense.
Grace you gotta stop being so sexual, just think about cuddling not cock fondling u dork.

>tfw there are no girls who will fuck you back
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What about cock mongling?
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>tfw you're a single-party dictatorship so grace can't tease you about having elections
Oh, sorry ;_;

Who the fuck cuddles without fondling their partner's penis?
pvre and wholesome people you whore of babylon
well that's good to know. I'll do probably an hour of cardio and then do my thigh / butt exercises and finish up with an crunches to get cute 6 pack abs
wow, that is one ancient meme
>>7699565 #
Oh thank you bitch, I'll take your highschool dropout opinion in account the next time I want to know the proper way to wipe my ass

>>7699644 #
>>7699598 #

Holy shit. It was pretentious "woah I'm high" shit joke with Rrobynne

Why are you pople such fucking autists?

I mean you're willing to research a shit joke but take right wing rhetoric at face value.

Dang it phamalam
I'm dead SENPAI
But boys get boners when you cuddle them
I am gonna be less sexual tho cause like I'm an inexperienced virgin idk what i actually like and I shouldn't talk like I know my shit lol
Be poly...Then you at least have somebody to go cry to when a relationship fails.
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hi chara

did you just pop an artery?
Those exist?
i like you. i only didn't like your disparaging comment about chasers. you know, some of them are humans with feelings. i guess transwomen suffer from excessive number of admirers, same as ciswomen.
Don't apologize. It's a good feel.
Ur a nerd
Yeah you're a dweed stop buying sex toys and trying to be someone's mommy.
I'm sorry.
stop trying to shoehorn politics into everything

i hope you get hot sauce in your eyes for being so retarded
I remember the meta-troll meme where people pretended to be newfags on /b/ and called him "smiling man".
Why haven't u died yet? :(
*pronounced like sake*
I can understand that, I just feel as though I would hate myself too much for ever starting if I chose to stop now
>replying to drakeposter
shiggy diggy
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hospitals in the US arent dirty
is why im not dead

I didn't buy them myself, my ex did. And I don't mommy people cause I know I cant.
that is the precise reason I filtered her, and have been enjoying my time here much more since
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just bee.png
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just b.e. entirely yourself
I love that gif still.
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does anyone ever hear a song that makes them really depressed that they can't stop listening to or is that just me
>tfw crying
do you imagine the dong is your ex when you use them
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>replying to nicotine
How do I know if I like boys or not? I don't get boners anymore so it's hard to tell.
u have the right to bear arms
I am
you just did though
But are you?
what if im nobody
if they sometimes give you squirmy feelings in your lower tummy

its a sensation I didn't get pre-HRT that only guys give me, even though I'm still attracted to women
I find it pretty interesting desu
Make eye contact with a cute guy and see how it makes you feel
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Great advice.

All Grace has to do is fundamentally change everything about herself first.
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what do you feel when you see a cute guy?
Not depressed per se but melancholy
What's wrong?
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aite for real 3rd times the charm walking out the door
Ok Odysseus
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i knew there was a flaw in my argument somewhere
I'm trying
this is an amazing pepe
I do get that sometimes... Like, Archie from the new Archie show. He just looks so cute. But most of the time I don't at all, especially when they're very masculine looking.

My flatmate is very conventionally attractive, and he walks around almost naked all the time. That does nothing for me, though!
I'm sorry to have triggered you.
You know that even though alt-reality is mainstream, everywhere isn't a safe space for fascists, right?
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>tfw girls give you this feel
I'm almost out of money but I can't handle a job and they all ask for a motivation letter anyway and I have no motivation and have no idea how to write such a letter and I just wanna die instead so I'll never have a lack of money
It's ok to be gay.
1. exercises without heavy loads do nothing for muscle growth. this includes abs. use something harder than crunches for developing abs.
2. building abs won't give you a sixpack until MUCH later, AFTER you finish building it and AFTER you lose weight. that's because your sixpack will be hidden by fat while it grows.
3. for muscle growth, never train longer than 40 minutes per day.
4. never do cardio on the same day as strength training, other than light warmup.
5. just don't do cardio AT ALL in the months when you are building muscles. cardio is for weight loss, not for weight gain. you need weight gain to build muscles. cardio will only set you back.
6. so you will need to combine your thigh exercise with other strength exercises to make your workout last 30-40 minutes. which is okay, because you'll need to add another strength exercise to develop also buttocks.

just hire me as your trainer already ;)
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I'm just joshing you, Grace. We all like you just the way you are.

Well, most of us anyway.
This happens to me too. Specially since I got on HRT.
imagine a sexual situation with him, like where you know he finds you attractive and he wants you to suck his dick
and the two of you are sitting on the couch together watching a movie

or something more interesting for you, idk imagining that did it for me though
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>tfw only girls give you this feel but also only dick gives you this feel
Sass, I'm digging all these puns you make with your name.
Keep it up
im not tho
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>was out walking with bf
>he turns around and says "what are those?"
>brief paus
>"oh yea there shadows"
Thinking hes lowkey high
so when are you and birdy getting back together?
>Circuit design tonight
Choosing chips to use.
It's also ok to be bi.
Can't please everyone I guess. I just wanna be the best me i can be. And I'm concerned about what my actions do to my friends.
Post diagram. What will it do?
might be a chaser
hanna, i'm glad you found a bf who's just as cute and retarded as you are

i mean this in the nicest way possible, but i'm kind of glad you two can't produce kids
That's horrible; I wish I had some advice that could help you but I don't, maybe someone else will have some advice. Just do your best to keep it together and get through this, okay?
>Hospitals in the US aren't dirty.
Sure thing mon ami
I'll try :(
Thanks Joan
>tfw crying
This has been me for the last 2 hours. I've been trying to go out and do some cardio and I keep breaking down in tears.
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what a chara snakking on
tfw no one gives you these feels
I pretty much am but I don't want to be one, I don't want to put some poor girl that doesn't like her penis through having to use it to please me.
Oh no. I think I like boys.
>I'm sorry.
Too terse for me. It can mean several things. Such as: "I'm sorry but I can't help it. I just can't stand people like you." Or: "I'm sorry, I really love you!"
Find some girl that likes her penis then, they exist.
don't you have like social security in the netherlands too?
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hello ladies,
how is your life right this second?
haha thanks thisnis all stuff i didnt know. so once I hit 200lbs I need to do strength training for a few months until the muscle is nice and noticeable and then focus in weight loss and cardio?

when im focusing on muscles ill do thighs and butt and abs and use those fancy ab machines at the gym that add weight to it. I think I got it
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>tfw cute girls give you nerves and you get butterflies
>tfw simply looking at guys doesn't do much of anything, but when they start hitting on you or they start taking control you get the same feel but much more intense

Lol thanks.

Ooops misreplied. :3
>Psin in the Sass
put your spectacles on, grandma
>so once I hit 200lbs I need to do strength training for a few months until the muscle is nice and noticeable and then focus in weight loss and cardio?
You got it!

>when im focusing on muscles ill do thighs and butt and abs and use those fancy ab machines at the gym that add weight to it. I think I got it
Mini orgasming due to peeing
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duh mayne stream meteor is poysuning our watah supply and tuhrning us all gay
That's a pretty slim dating pool, though. Especially since I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and don't have any local trans groups I can look in.

Hey, are you gonna be free to do a voice lesson later tonight?

I'm kinda the same way i think, if a guy shows interest in me it makes me actually attracted to them when I probably wouldn't give a shit if I just saw them.
yeah : /
its awful tough to fight the powers of estrogen forever I suppose
I keep procrastinating on stuff but everything in life is going fine
>tfw imagining that situation
>tfw no bf
the estrogen in the water made me want to be a girl desu
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Someone tell Scarlet that I love her.
had a pretty good night with my friends :3
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Hey love! I could do tonight but it would be more of a squeeze for my schedule. Anyway we could shoot for tomorrow afternoon? :)
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Is there a name for a mini dress/skirt that well wouldn't be so mini i.e. to my knees or close to them?
No you're right I should stop being so distrustful of chasers. This guy has been chasing me since October and I've been distant, I think I'm gonna give him a blowjob :)
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it's ok, I just showered and made myself look cute, gonna get some sushi and watch comfy anime and try to maximize comfyness :3
Do you think I could call up NBC to up my dose, or would I need to find their supplier? It's only making me half gay so far.

Sure, evening/night is a little better for me but anything works.
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>had a pretty good night with my friends :3
good, love.


>I keep procrastinating on stuff but everything in life is going fine
I believe you can overcome the procrastination! Are you Kari? xd

exciting desu

LMAO captcha: Extra Bush
poison me harder
Those are usually just called mid length or midi
>I think I'm gonna give him a blowjob :)
hey its me ur chaser
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ty so much anon
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Please be my friend again...

>I'm an inexperienced virgin
Didn't you have a boyfriend at one point?
poison me daddy
Scarlett! There's one of those creepy autists who obsess over photos and masturbate to them that think that they're in love with you, despite the fact that they've never met you or talked to you!

These people always end up thinking you owe them something, so like, heads up!
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>Sure, evening/night is a little better for me but anything works.
Shall we say tomorrow evening then?


>myself look cute
ada you are always looking cute
>maximize comfyness :3
tfw no ada to cuddle with and be double domm'd by a guy who eventually poisons us
why live?

you are my friend tho anon...
Lol he's too old for 4chan.
We didn't get very far.
how am I supposed to read this?
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I mean on top of that with guys the whole feeling is very sexual. It's a lot less that way with girls, instead of flirting back I just get really shy. Idk why.
Sounds good.
>Extra bush
Lmao that begs the following question:
How do you handle pubes?
landing strip
trim triangled
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so who are you fellas rooting for tomorrow?
who do you think is going to win?

personally I think brady is going to get ring #5
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>you can't get pregnant
>but this person can
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Wtf Sass I thought you were cool.
>daily mail
who's the underdog
rooting for them is more exciting
Please, I wanna talk to you again
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I shave every inch of my body that isn't my hair or eyebrows.
>Are you Kari? xd
Nah lol
Fuck the Falcons
I can feel the rage in the comments.
its just very ugly and hurts my eyes
seemed pretty accurate from what I skimmed though
#16 is basically as close to a fact as you can get
El Falcones
hahah! what a beautiful world would that be. and you are the only person preventing that.

alright, i understand that you don't want sex with everyone. and i'm not even your chaser. (i'm Korra's chaser.) but kindness is in order ESPECIALLY to those who find you attractive, unless they behave like rapists.

i already sort of regret telling you that because kindness should be something coming from the inside, not taught by others.
Life advice: don't have sex with anyone you wouldn't hold hands with.
maybe you got less experience with girls

or hang ups or something idk
atlanta falcons are the underdog
the city of atlanta has been on a long championship drought in all major professional sports, I believe the last time they won one was in the 60s
>instead of flirting back I just get really shy
iktf it happens to me with strong/dominant girls.
what if the person im having sex with doesn't have hands
The underdog is Soccer.
nim is asking the real questions
Is it bad that I've already failed this?
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>i'm Korra's chaser
consider investing in suicide booths
But you would hold hands if they had them, right?
sass cant process internet humor

That's fine, but they should be someone you would hold hands with if they had 'em. You should still engage in some sort of romantic contact other than sex regardless.
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>men pay £1000 a night for this
i think i can give my approval to this.

t. chaser
The Braves won the World Series in 1995 but that's the only major sports title any team in this city has won (Falcons, Hawks, Thrashers (RIP), and Flames (RIP) haven't won any)
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you mean attached to them or like in a little drawer in their room
That depends, how desperate were you?
how about holding hands WHILE you're having sex

snugglefucking is the best kind of fucking
ahhh ok ok,thanks
if i'd hold anyone's hand does that mean i should have sex with everyone
that's how this works right
alright nice
go falcons!
do the ball!
i've always preferred soccer to football
I do the inverted triangle.


Nim, I didn't know you were so freaky!

Absolutely fine! Kissing during sex should also be a thing.


I am also a chaser.
I mean if they had hands on their body you'd hold them.
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Girls can like football!
sass doesn't seem to be very good at processing information in general
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here in the UK, she's easily worth £1000 a night, and perhaps even underselling herself a little
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On the bright side, it's the latest my life-long series of occurances that up my two truths and a lie game. Nobody's gonna believe I actually lost my virginity before my first kiss!

welcome to the tribe, bro.
let's trade porn.
if we're married sure
Maeve 1st. Class ;)
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>Nobody's gonna believe I actually lost my virginity before my first kiss!
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I am also a chaser
But I don't really have much romantic interest in men anon.
This is a sad country.
To boy or girl?
When you get raped as a child you lose your virginity before your first kiss
does liking football make me agp
Guy. I wouldn't have sex with a girl unless I really liked her, I just really wanted to see what having sex with an actual guy was like, and didn't much care who the penis belonged to.
I was raised to love it and love the packers, I'm going to follow my team forever :]
can you please stop chasing cis males who come here

some of us just want to hang out and talk, and aren't interested in hook-ups

>Nobody's gonna believe I actually lost my virginity before my first kiss!
I've met a few people like that.

Anyways, if you were super desperate, it can be forgiven. Virginity, in retrospect, doesn't mean a lot. I mean, I'm not a virgin, but I haven't gotten any action since my first girlfriend. I don't feel like losing it really changed much, except for now I know what it feels like to cum inside someone.


Blue board, bro.
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Why be a cis male if you're just going to waste your penis?
Was it fun?
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I don't think it's either
I think it's just sort of how my attraction is. I'm very much more into guys sexually than I am into girls. Guys are hot af, not so much in just being attractive to look at, but because raw masculinity and male desire makes me weak in the knees.
However, I have a tendency to be attracted to women on a much more emotional level, there's not a lot of sexual feelings involved. It sucks given I have this annoying tendency to fall for girls
i don't waste it, i always make sure to fap to hanna once or twice a day
trans AND chaser???
that's... like... perfect trans!


But you're a chasee!


Then don't have sex with men. Sex without romance is pointless.
I awaken. and shit i'm so tired
oatmeal and coffee save me gfdhdfg
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I'm totally not wearing a Cowboys jersey right now. And on that note..

Fuck you!
i guess that makes sense

im like completely disconnected from that part of myself right now though so im only gettin it on a logical level
>Blue board, bro.
I joked.
>tfw most boys ive liked have been femboy as fuck
am i just a lesbian in denial
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Sounds like your current partner is a decent compromise.
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If I'm a chasee then why is nobody chasing me!?
I know, I know, I'm perfect you don't gotta wear it out
You should be sharing it with the rest of us transgirls, chaser. We need boyfriends too yknow.
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But anon I don't like having sex with women.
Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal either. I don't think I'll really consider my virginity "lost" until it's with someone I actually care about.

It was kinda meh, better than I feared but worse than I'd hoped. The guy wasn't that great, though, he just kinda kneeled there and pumped and stopped whenever I clenched so whenever I started to get kinda close to orgasm I lost it immediately. He also stopped without a word and washed up the second he came when I still hadn't.
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You son of a bitch...

Go Falcons
>You should be sharing it with the rest of us transgirls, chaser. We need boyfriends too yknow.
i am not a sexual object to be fetishised, and i want to be with someone who isn't just into me because i'm a cis male and therefore fulfil some sort of niche fetishy fantasy that they have

also chaser lives matter
chasers are for bullying
done and done, familarino
im having feels so i ordered a pizza to help mask the pain
>If I'm a chasee then why is nobody chasing me!?
i would definitely chase you but i'm already focussed on @star, even though she's taken. i'm just content with her sympathy.
wow cleaning your living area and making it cute n comfy really makes me so much better

iktf, I did the same but with sushi :3
You got pumped and dumped.
Why do you like Korra so much?
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Pre transition sexual feels are so strange
It's like being disassociated from that part of yourself.

They really are
And they're an all around awesome person to boot
because its korra pretending to be some random chaser
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>It was kinda meh, better than I feared but worse than I'd hoped. The guy wasn't that great, though, he just kinda kneeled there and pumped and stopped whenever I clenched so whenever I started to get kinda close to orgasm I lost it immediately. He also stopped without a word and washed up the second he came when I still hadn't.

sounds pretty lame. you'll get dickeD righT sooN enougH!
i won last time
no, chasers do the bullying - it's the trips that are for bullying

you've got your standard bullycore trips (elanna, grace, sass, shakira, korra, etc.), then a long list of medium trips for mild bullying, and then at the bottom you've got the cinnamon roll posters who you're not allowed to bully under any circumstances
when do you start feeling stuff again

the way you describe it is exactly how im feeling
lmao wat who the fuck would chase korra

>Why do you like Korra so much?
and this >>7700577
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geez idk how I joined this trans discord I'm in, but the people are freaking weird
Thinking about my sexual life as "a man" before last year just makes me feel confused, like it was some weird stage of my life that's over now even though it lasted like 10 years.
>Why do you like Korra so much?
i don't remember all reasons. but she's pretty, reasonable, kind, funny, sexy, affectionate, friendly, not anonymous, not a 4chan asshole. i have a weak spot for black women too.
I thought I had a picture of romo on the ground after he broke his collarbone but now I can't find it :(

I guess that wouldn't have been very nice of me to do anyway
what country is sass from?
not a country you want to be from
Good for you.
some banana republic in latin america

one of those countries you never think about, until you read a story in the news that one of their sweatshops burned down and killed 300 people
whenever I eat the mayo from school I feel really sick half an hour later
but I keep doing it because I really like how it tastes
what do
You could at least try to make it less obvious that its you Korra.
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You're even gayer faglorddd

Idk, I think the dividing line was about when I actually was starting to perceive myself as a girl rather than a boy. About 6 months to a year into fulltime? Something just finally clicked after a certain point.

It's so bizarre, right?
I can't really seem to put myself into that headspace anymore, I just remember so much confusion.
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i feel really cute today, what the heck?
rubb tummy
If that were true it would be sad as fuck.
have you been taking drugs?
Well Korra is sad as fuck.
My make American great again hat came today. :) now I need to sew ears on it.
yeah I figured

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not today, other than HRT

(i dropped acid yesterday though lol)
that's a strangely cute idea wtf
pls post when done
san fransassco
Sew ears on your SS hat too you fucking Nazi!
is that my fault
I think you're being hyperbolic, but with the kind of people who get called nazis these days I can't really even be sure
What kind of ears? Dog, cat, rabbit?
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i think it actually might be
>average IQ 79
really makes you think
this is a very cute idea
pls post results
I may copy you
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Yay, I'm going to stay with my boy for a week and a half! I hope it goes well and that it works out :D

same desu although it's not that weird. I just wanted to experience some outlet of femininity.
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how 2 kill self
time will do it
become so cute you get a bf who just wants to eat you up!!
to be fair, if they deported sass, it'd probably go up to around 83
I am also sewing velcro to my backpack so I can attach four 5" inch diameter 3 foot long tentacles like an Octopus that sparkle like a Hummingbird.

The new look is going to make gender great again. And probably get me stabbed on campus by people who don't want America to be great again.

Oversized goggles retrofitted with screens that display 64bit memes optional.

Anime will be real God damn it.
she denies that IQ reflects intelligence and denies that race is encoded in DNA
The right is equally guilty, throwing "cuck" around like candy.
Are you all really this salty about her left-wing views?
i mean now
i already have a bf but i doubt i'll ever get to live with him because my life is awful and cant get better
: )

Up until recently, you had a boyfriend. We gotta get a signal that you're open for business, sweetie.
>Are you all really this salty about her left-wing views?
sass is more right-wing than i am though, i think she just makes leftists look dumb
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How's this
t-that'll do
>Are you all really this salty about her left-wing views?
honestly discussions about politics with nicotine aren't physically painful as they are with her, and nicotine is far more radical and anti-right wing
its just what sass says tends to be borderline retarded

also, people on the right don't get all self-righteous about physically assaulting people they wrongly label "cucks", as antifa and lefties do with people they wrongly label nazis
yeah? you wanna fight?!
you wanna take this inside?!


(I've actually been considering whether or not to chase you, since you're one of the more chill girls here).
>my life is awful and cant get better
don't be silly!
focus on the good parts, and work to improve the bad parts that you're able to!
trip on, anon who always posts that picture
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>since you're one of the more chill girls here
We both knoiw that isn't true!
>(I've actually been considering whether or not to chase you, since you're one of the more chill girls here).

...guys should we tell him?
or let him find out?
I miss slutvoice anon. She had a really slutty voice.
Aka every other week Grace
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Don't bully me.

I don't know all of the posters here, but you do generally seem more approachable than the rest.
Thats because she sits with her legs spread but when you get try to get close she closes them tight
In my country, we call people like Grace "mattresses". I'm sure you can guess why.
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I like to think I'm pretty friendly
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i haven't posted here in 2 months, kiddo..... plus i've never had a trip. I sadpost with awoo because life is suffering
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>tfw try to talk to grace
>she drops you after a few messages
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how is everyone doing tonight
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Cat ears. Red ones. Pink on the inside. I have to go to the fabric store.
baked cookies
Which country?
hmph, feels shorter than two months

>when you try to get close she closes them tight
That's when you sit next to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
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what kind isl
I'm sorry that's my bad
that's right i knew you were too gay to strugglesnuggle
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i feel good for the first time in months
It just seems to happen every time I try to talk with you
well im bored of league but idk if I want to binge watch movies or play Playstation :(
goood!! <33

wtf same

Because everyone sleeps with her? But she's not exactly a slut...
i tried to kill myself 2 months ago, around then is when i sort of stopped posting on here. i got bored, but now i've returned for a bit before i kill myself for real
It's not like I'm putting up much of a struggle

There is nothing lewd about wanting other people inside if you
Norway. We also use "texas" as a slang word that means "crazy" (e.g. "that was really texas!")
Google "flip a coin", heads you watch movies tails you play games.
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she only wants to talk about herself
Elanna. That's lewd.
sugar cookies
I think Sass is mostly memeing. Nicotine now, it wasn't so much her far-left views (I've seen edgier) but her jibes about me dropping out of school that irked me. if there's anything worse than a Marxist asshole it's a Marxist asshole with a superiority complex. Woman is literally trying to tell me that she's right because she has a degree in Marxism.
Antifa is really violent yeah, they're allowed to get away with it because the people they beat up are "Nazis". If it's Klansmen they're beating up I got no problem with that because it's not like these same guys wouldn't hang me from a tree if they had the chance but pepperspraying mere Republicans that's a bit much.
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thats not true
lizzy gave me the opportunity to
but i got distracted cause i was sleepy and thinking about napping and dinner
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I was saying some shit like that 6 months ago. Feb 18 is the 1 year anniversary of recognizing I was supposed to be a fucking woman. I remember laying on the floor sometimes in negative degree weather for hours just totally on shut down. Idk how I'm doing now I wish I could say better but it's tough. I went through some shit this year and avoided everyone mostly staying inside at my moms house. Fml
pls don't kill yourself, i like the anonymous uwu poster

stay with us in mtfg and we can all be miserable together
are they tasti
they were
my mam and her friend ate em all tho o:
it's okay i know you have other stuff to do too <33
are you gonna go apeshit
Maybe you're not that interesting.
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>Shakira will never let go of the time she tried to call me an indoctrinated cuck for not liking MRA and I responded by being equally as nasty.
Haha in the UK "cowboy" is a term used for a reckless builder.
no i didnt want them :<
if i dont kill myself or if nothing happens soon, i'll actually get to live with my bf. Which is pretty neat. so i guess i have one thing to look forward to

I'm plenty interesting
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well games won the coin toss so looks like ill be playing project diva tonight

do you want some of my pizza
nice bit of random drama to spring up
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Oh damn. How many perfects u got senpai?
Sad day :(
Just filter her, it makes the mtfg browsing experience much more enjoyable when you don't have to deal with angry sperglords
So, I won. Good.
I'm still going to take this inside. I want to fight~
what's wrong juni
She just mentioned me apropos of nothing just like a couple posts above. I really don't care otherwise but she keeps dragging this up randomly like I set her house on fire.
Yeah good idea.
sorry, you're boring me

gonna pull a grace and stop responding now
OK. Have fun
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D: what happen?
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I'd like to add to this post that nobody here should be concerned about me setting their houses on fire. I have never been an arsonist, I don't keep like 15 lighters in my room because I enjoy lighting things on fire and I definitely don't get any kind of endorphin rush from seeing things burn. This has been a PSA.
yes ples
>Responding with ad hominems about my educational level
>Equal response
Enjoy the London School of Cuckoldry I suppose. How much are you paying for your Marxism degree? 20k? 30?
cheese with extra garlic butter crust

is that okay
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I've only ever managed to get like 3 when I played it a ton

hugg june bug
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Shit, did you just give me a new fetish?
you know I didn't used to be concerned you'd burn my house down, and now I am
can i use a papertowel on the butter crust
were they on extreme or like. hard mode or something? i have one extreme sadly
why love? do you wish to speak of it?
May I remind you that I tried to bury the hatchet with you that same night and you actually cut me off for exchanging words with Mercury that weren't even about you? Dear, I don't give a rat's ass about your dumb views, but holy shit buddy, your ego is so fragile everybody has to steps on eggshells around you! Our first conversation involved you demanding I don't speak to Elanna or Quid at all, even! Chill out for once in your life, seriously.
it'd probably just be easier if you listed the fetishes you don't have - hey, i'll even start the list for you:

>any form of non-degenerate sex
Geez, England's schools are cheap, it'd cost at least $100k with out of state tuition here in the states.
Let's find ouuut~
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this looks like it would tickle so much
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all normal mode ;~;
>tfw imagining a boy biting your neck
oh gosh
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Wtf why is this hot???

You know I'm not turned on all the time right?
I do have a pretty vanilla sexuality
Everyone is changing
Becoming lonely
There is never enough time
juni talk to me
I'm intersex
how was your shroom trip the other day?
I love you trannies
you're one too
What variant thereof?
Because biting is hot, duh.
Don't be dumb, just tilt your head a bit so I can get to your neck~
me no memesex
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>tfw ywn be bronwyn
luv u2 juni
>I do have a pretty vanilla sexuality
no, i'm pretty sure that's not canon

it doesn't matter what the truth is anyway, if i keep reiterating that you're a degenerate and cock-hungry slut, people will start to believe it
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six pieces left..

you'll have to be pretty quick if you want a piece
Because you're a submissive little slut.
*steals a piece*

It is entirely possible to be very vanilla and turned on all the time.
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looks delicious
I'm glad I'm not the only one here who appreciates a plain cheese pizza
That is one of the most unappealing pizzas I've ever seen. Where are the toppings?
>Where are the toppings?
what an absolutely plebeian queston
I want pizza
>Because you're a submissive little slut.

tfw im a submissive little slut
All our schools are are what you would call state schools, even Oxford and Cambridge because they are not private for profit like Harvard, Yale etc.
If I remember correctly you got salty because in Skype I had a chat with you about the aerodynamics and mathematics pertaining my drone project on which you were generally unknowledgeable so I merely used this fact to point out to you that you shouldn't go around sneering at the educational level of others for everyone knows something you don't. Instead of accepting your lesson with humility you sperged out about me "trying to restart arguments". So this is the bottom line really; I don't give a shit about your edgy opinions, it's your imperious personality that I don't like.



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My canon fetishes are:
rape fantasy

That's not that out there

S-stop this isn't fair

Dominate meeeeee

Yeah but I'm not
Kleinfelters with some other fun tidbits.
this x100

every time at a pizza party, people say they want all these different toppings...and then the cheese is gone first
every. time.
is it bad to suck my thumb
Beating up Elanna is my fetish
I've never even heard of people eating a pizza with just nothing on it pizza. Even with the mayonnaise dip, it still would seem a little plain.
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I have enough collars to go around.
All this talk of pizza is making me want to order one
you'd have probably had bobs + wide hips before starting, along with suuper tiny balls and tiny gt
all memes aside that sucks
give me one too please reeeeeeee
You can't tell me what to do, slut. I'm in control.
I mentioned it to my GP he never followed up, should I bug him again or is this something you ahve to go private for?
I have a normal size dick but I've always had wide hips and babyface.
so is it a weird thing to really like the way my bf smells after work? there's something about that slightly sweaty scent mixed in with his natural smell that just triggers some primal lust inside me

ive heard cis girls mentioning something similar but i thought it was just memes do any of you experience this?
how are your shoulders
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