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/mtfg/ Transgirl General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 599
Thread images: 152

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Transbians are not allowed to post in this thread edition

• Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
• Makeup for beginners: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• Correct hormone levels: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
• (you) are best buddi
• Checking your levels: http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php
• Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg

Old thread >>7666379
fuckin finally
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it's okay to be gay
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I sucked a chasers dick tonight because I was lonely and thirsty af. It was pretty good. Does this make me a bad person/slut?
but you are a straight


ew lollll
i suck penis all the time

you just gotta be a good person

honestly tho in what world
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lololol edie is gayyy
Too bad. Kys
edie u r gay
I'm not really one. But I don't see any problem with it.
gas all transbians except nim and eva

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk dude lmao
that's gay af no homo
ik. im saying theres nothing wrong with being a transbian qt
yo wtf i thought we were cool

lmao thats like, really gay dude
robin confirmed for skull size autist
you know what I mean, I'd have one less godawful thing in my life to deal with at least
it's the sheer NUMBER of things I have to deal with that make me as fucked up as I am
gas all transbians except nim, eva and sertii
I miss my tol cis girlfriend
of course not, silly.
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I hate cosplaying a fugu
more like jaw size autist

also just realised I left my trip off whoops

fuck dude lmao
naw i'm not into that gay shit sry


are you sure about that
Why meeeeee ;_;
no, it just makes you a normal person trying to cope with loneliness

i dont believe u
why respond to that post otherwise huhhhh????


wait i thought you were into women?
>tfw like penis too much to be gay


cause it was gay and i needed to ew at it cause homos are gross.............obvi
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>people caring about transbians
>tfw this person still passes because of thighs/shape of knees
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>tfw you finally get a telephone interview and just completely fuck it up
i'm just not built to socialize with other human beings
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you should date boys that want to stay boys like me
I think thats true for anyone who has tried it
faye is in the same position as ufufu was where she is too scared of liking dick if she tried it
Homeostasis is disgusting.
>wants to stay a boy
>takes hrt
it's okay anon
phone interviews are really tough to deal with
You're gross
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edie wtf i distinctly remember you saying its ok to like girl

ya it is lol fuck that gay shit man


i didn't mean me ya faggits ew wtffffffffffffffffffffffffff
i mean date boys like i dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
don't you want dick? boydick? likeeeeeeee


[[it is but just work with me here it's my shtick]]
>tfw she passes because of thighs
YFW she owes it to testosterone.
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life is tough to deal with
i should never have left my elaborate inner fantasy world
my back hurts and I have to work on my smol laptop today ;_;
Romantically or as friends, yes. I'm asexual, I'm not attracted to either gender that way, sex is something I'd rather avoid altogether.
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But I already have a bf and 2 gfs
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that feeling when the only people who hit on you irl are gay dudes who think you are a femboy
i used to like girls alot and was scared of guys and always thought I was too ugly for male attention

well turns out it wasn't difficult at all to find guys and sex with them was amazing and felt gud. way better than the time I tried with a girl and no dysphoria after or during

girls are cute and stuff but i dont have any romantic or sexual interest in them anymore it kinda slowly withered away
>constantly in discord talking about wanting boy dick in your underage ass
is it gay if I wanna fuck a cute boy at least once
well, ur still clearly gay as FulUCk

proof is here

liking girls romantically still makes u pretty gay tho :3

loll that's fuckin gay man


ya it is
i'm not gay wtf
i just sucked on some girls tits a few times like tf is the big deal
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Beats most here
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dude thats extremely gay

i knew birdo was gay!
even if he looks like a girl?!
No I'm legal age in my country
yeah dude
even then

but that shouldnt matter now should it

lol i'm homer in that pic tbqh


fuckin fight me


ya fagit
but I thought u were a boy
i don't think it's even possible for you to be gay, since you're one of those special snowflake no-gendered things

you're like the straightest out of all of us
is wanting to be a medieval princess in a simplistic fantasy setting agp?
*fight u*
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edie stop bullying the homos they're our friens
no, its a common fantasy of 7 year olds :p

ive always wanted to be a woman knight, ever since i saw the matrix when i was 8

ya i fight like a man


just because i love men's BO and cocks that makes me straight??? tf man wow alright fine whatever


f u c k i n d o i t


lol rad


i refuse
>isnt bisexual
lmao monosexual losers
women can't be knights, retard

they can get raped by knights too

i've been listening to a lot of dungeon synth and i can't get the thought out of my head
Joan of Arc?
monosexuality is a meme

but trinity was awesome and fought bad guys but she was a woman
so why cant i be a woman knight??? checkmate
>not fucking at least two diff men this month

you're doing it wrong. you have today and tomorrow to collect the cocks required.
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this is a no bully zone tyvm ill have to call the police on u
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The only fighting you do is use cheap words to bring down people
n-no I'm straight

I only like girls and boys who look like girls, what's gay about that!!!
but still not a transbian so you're safe from the gas chambers
doesn't matter if they're smol and cute desu
joan of arc wasn't a knight, just a maniac on her period

call the popo hoe. CALL THE POPO HOE


loll righteous dude. i'm seriously #1 at that. how do i do it?


accept it queermo
Waddup bros
not really. a person likes what they like. it's perfectly fine to be straight as it is to be gay or bi. they're all equal

watching streams and drinking a rockstar. suh dude?
>I only like girls and boys who look like girls

lol but you like me and i look like a boy just with tiny boobs
face it you're g a y now :p
im getting my eyes zapped tommorow
ive wanted my glasses gone since i was 10


momosexuality being a meme is perhaps a meme in itself!
they are on the way to ur place rn. ur goin to bully jail bub. make ur peace with it now
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2 many memes does not compute

it can't be
lmao I like you cause you're a cute girl

also smol bobs a best

fuck it i've lived a good life lol


oh but it is
I have two days off looking for something to do : s does gamestop still have GameCube games? : s
Nice!!! I remember crying when I got mine in elementary school..I think I also threw them off the bus

nah i don't think so. play OW bby
i hate the cold :s
I don't know my man

Nothing much bruh

You should be use to that since your heart is made of ice
Yup ;_;
and yet hell is so hot
I should!!!! I've never done that before tho..it costs $60 right? That's ok I guess..
Bruh don't you hate when you wake up and look like a total alpha male without even trying
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i love coldddddddd

my heart is made of love


wouldn't hell be what-ever weather you don't like

i'm just that fuckin cool


ye!!! idk it's hella fun and addicting tbqh
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Lol I can't even look like a male anymore if I tried

>heart made of love
>wouldn't hell be what-ever weather you don't like
in that case i definitely do not like nice and warm 20°C, lying on a sandy beach, with warm and clear water to jump in whenever. ugh, that'd be totally awful.
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What will you do?

What life will you lead?

Do you think anyone will want to be around you?
i hate my body

You still around SAnon? <3

Sorry I was dealing with this whole... thing...
do you not think so?

i really hate spring
only just

is everything okay?
Take HRT until I die

Never transition socially and live essentially a double life

Who knows
Oh..I'll shut up then
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iktf anon
i got man shoulders, man knees, man face, man nose, man voice
i feel like a ghost in the shell type robot body is my only hope desu
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Just be glad you don't look like a puffer fish
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>tfw you open your Hanna folder
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so like i'm drinking this rockstar being a faggot and like
i was thinking back to the first time i drank one which was like .... when i was in elementary school?
and then i started thinking back to how i used to get starbucks with my mom every day from like 7-9 and i would read ranma 1/2 and garfield
cause i learned to read using the garfield dictionary basically and i read lots of ranma cause i'm a shemale etc
and my mom was an accountant so she used to work late and i would drink 3-4 dr peppers while at the office with her playing neopets
and i'm slowly starting to realize that on top of having an eating disorder for most of my life and insomnia forever i think i was also addicted...
...to caffeine. and dick now i guess but mostly caffeine. is that why i developed so weird and also why i have autism?
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You have chosen fear
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>having a hanna folder
literally the top tier
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i have a chara folder too, in case you were feeling jealous

it has a few different "charas" in it and i don't know if any of them are real, but i still cared enough to make one
We all have it don't worry you're p high functioning
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one of them is real you figure it out
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This Hana?
The ones you posted on /soc/ ?
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I have an idea... let's post random pictures!
You don't have autism :3

You felt sad for Trump in your dreams, that's like the most anti autist proof ever
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rip trip
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we need more ferret posts!
You look fine then, why did you rp as that other girl

Of course darling, nothing can stop this one :) Plus I am home now and suuuuper comfy :3

I wanted to tell you was that it's OK, you know?
It's OK to be stressed out and anxious, this isn't everyday home'n'away tier bullshit, eh.
It isn't anyone's fault, and most certainly not yours...

But you know what? I love you, and accept who you are no matter what :)
You may not be certain about anyone else's acceptance, but you have mine.

You just do what you can. Life is suffering, and most of it is out of our control.
No one in their right mind wants this, but to move forward we must accept it.
There's no running, there's no repressing forever.
There is only acceptance of reality and commitment to change.

One day you will look back and think, why was I so worried.
I hope that day is soon for you :)

You've got this bub <3
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because it was funny
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Am I doing it right?
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r8 sweater
the neck thing is a bit weird imo
looks like it's going to get dirty very easily
I guess it was
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From my debut film:
Wasp eating carnitas
It looks very nice, good choice
yeah, thats true
i have shoes with the same color tho
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Not bad.

Who is this sexy transwoman?

there is no way african childrens' organs aren't involved in this in some way, right? who tf launches a website like this on the public net
holy cow you look great
Pretty damn jealous of your body proportions to be honest
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now I feel even more like the ultimate Hulk
i know
the good thing about worrying about everything is that when i stop worrying everything seems super okay

it'll be fine
Omg you're already passing, right?
I love you~ :)

Yes, but she doesn't believe us
I love me too~

Dysphoria would be cured if society was segregated and males and females never got to see each other

And therefore dysphoria can't develop
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>cochineal beetle maggots are crushed to create the dye used to add colour to canned mushrooms

wtf im never eating mushrooms again
:3 thanks snick

i used to hate them while i was repressing
now i thank the lord every day for them and try to emphasize them.
they arent as big as you can see because clothing that wraps around them makes them look bigger

no boobs
short hair
boy glasses

i need to fix those before i have a chance

If it were bad for you, they probably wouldn't put them in there. I wouldn't worry about it.
Ahh that's good, because way too many people here hate themselves :O
I'm really feeling like going to an IKEA just to have dinner there
ikea is NEAT
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Tfw my bf beats me up for not making him a sandwhich

Not sure if it objectively makes you a slut but if I knew you irl my opinion of you would be considerably lower after this incident. It's really not that hard to stay out of people's pants even if you are lonely.
Yeah, he drew on my face.
Didn't do so well trying to make a magic marker penis
Yep. I love my dick.

You made me hungry. Sadly, the nearest IKEA is over 3 hours journey away.
>Yep. I love my dick.
are you sure you're trans

most of them can just about hold themselves back from attacking it with a pair of scissors
>tfw you hons will never know the joy and innocence of being a little boy who asked to be a girl
I'm sorry ;n;
>tfw I've never been to an IKEA before :O
Is the political autism gone?
but i do
i wish i asked to transition though, nobody knows what to do when you say you wanna be a girl apparently
Heil Hitler
True, but at least I feel a little bit better about myself for still trying even if I didn't start young.
For now. We can start up again if you want.
what?? ok, add it to the list, were deffo going
Pls don't
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>Sweden sees historic gender balance shift as men now outnumber women
>Sweden’s biggest male surplus is in the 15-19 age group, where there are 108 boys for every 100 girls. That imbalance could grow to 115-to-100 this year when the impact of last year’s record number of asylum-seekers — including more than 35,000 unaccompanied minors — is reflected in the population statistics.
Ahh I don't even know if there is anyone near me, and what are we even doing there? Buying a bigger bed? >////<

Good girl <3

You know what is going on ;)

Nini ~
I need friends.
:3 ikea is fun, we can at least get dinner there lol

ofc under the assumption that theres one nearby
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I told my psychiatrist that I wanted to cut my testicles off and she still didn't get the hint. Really makes you think.
i will sell you some friends

what are you in the market for? we've got some trips here that are available
This just means that 4 out of every 108 boys need to become girls. Problem solved.
>are you sure you're trans
I don't like looking like a man and having a flat chest. So...

>most of them can just about hold themselves back from attacking it with a pair of scissors
Are you sure they're women, not eunuchs? There's more to being a woman than lack of penis.
I need a bf and some chocolate.
Just tell them you are trans. ???
Am I allowed to post here?
i cant sleep /mtfg/

tell me night night story
>political autism
That's degrading. Are you sure you're liberal?
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OP here. You're one of the only good trips and i like you so yes :>
by imperial order

I have choclate we can make a deal <3
unfortunately, yes
>Just tell them you are trans. ???
I didn't know I was trans at the time. All I could think about was putting a stop to male puberty, I didn't even think about being a girl.

But after doing some research it looks like they might not have referred me to a specialist even if I did explicitly say I was transsexual.
Meme autism, not literal autism
I'm kinda liberal but I'm not the language police
is it wrong / agp to be okay with keeping a small useless feminine penis rather than getting a surgically created wound that requires daily dilation to keep open??
i want to get high and suck a dick

fuck my mom and family
No that is normal
I arrest you for grammatical incorrectness.
But I don't know you at all ;~;

>they might not have referred me to a specialist even if I did explicitly say I was transsexual
sounds like german thrid world psychs
You should probably review your perception of SRS. It's not a wound and it only needs daily dilation at the beginning. Your options are a hundred times better than what FtMs get.
Who are the most sociopathic tripfags?
Or you could get a big hard feminine penis instead. It's a win/win.
I think you should just keep the dick, but make the rest of you as feminine as possible.
>>they might not have referred me to a specialist even if I did explicitly say I was transsexual
>sounds like german thrid world psychs
The policies might have changed now. But back in the day there was no routine at all for this stuff.
Than lets get to know?:0
But I'm a dual citizen of the straight and transbian nations


T-thanks Sophie

Sure, if you have no genital dysphoria it's fine but otherwise you're probably selling yourself short
4chan stop being an autist and leave my trip on
yeah, me too
youre still gay if youre bi
I'm bi so I can post only when i think of penis.
>>youre still gay if youre bi
this - it's called the one-drop rule

(if one drop of semen gets inside of you, you're a faggot)
But what if you're a girl??
Stop being binary faggot.
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It isn't agp transbian scum if it's between us btw.
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>youre still gay if youre bi
one drop of girl juice, i guess
look at this cute deer that was outside


he looked hungry
I dont know when back in the day is, but our trans law is like 30 years old.

Am not good at that tho. How do you get to know people
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its okay to be gay bby
dont fight it
223 replies. Time for a new thread.
Why does V ruin video games?
No matter what you do, you're going to die. All who you love and have loved you will die as well. You will be unable to do anything about this.

When the time comes when someone you love dies, you will forever remember this moment when some third world tranny reminded you of how you wasted your life
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Yay new work cloooooooothes
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I'd love to be someone's exception
That seems fun

what's you job? it looks like something blue collar
yes the color is blue
>not blocking out the whole logo
Jesus you're dumb
>Transbians are not allowed to post in this thread edition

Is this the AGP thread?
I thought you were going to bed
no, its the trutrans(TM) thread
i cant sleep

tell me bedtime story
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>no transbians
Good, disgusting tranny lovers make me sick
Vag on vag love purest
one time someone hit me in the head
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AGP is specifically for transbians.
I'm a "transbian" but I would never date another tranny, does that mean I'm not really a transbian? Just a lesbian?
To prevent the repeat of the last thread's scenario.
Just a lesbian
What about amphibians?
new thread goes up when image limit is reached

that is the UNBREAKABLE rule
>avatar fagging
Pick one.
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The purest form of love is when one tranny uses their feminine penis in another tranny's vag
Did something happen last thread? That thread happened while I was asleep and I don't bother to read old threads.
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Ill take the full menu
tell me more ples

>Did something happen last thread?
It failed to end. In fact, it's still going on as we speak and will pollute the board for future generations since thread particles degrade very slowly.
Wait Im confused what defines a transbian.
Having gills instead of lungs.
no hope of getting ffs or srs anytime within the next few years ):
u can't be srs
Same, unless a miracle happens. I know I'm going to die and it sucks. I'm just glad I'm not in a relationship, or else I would feel like a total dick for giving up.

Is this pro repression or pro transition motivation?
This thread is slow. Something is killing the posters.
> tfw still alive
why am I always last
weaponized dysphoria
Suicide, duh.
>tfw no hope
*** You are know nown as Phrankenstein
And you even got both of those
Ohh there is one in the city where my sister lives apparently :o
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lmao, I love that ome

yeah, thats the problem.
I am too far in and have had surgeries, so the only thing to come is even more decay

at least I look pretty good for a man I guess
Aww I thought you forgot me ;~;
Pics? Which surgeons?

Excusez moi, I'm looking for Mme. Phrankenstein.
Tfw my gf tells me I'm too tall to be a woman

its probably robin
I misquoted your post number the first time.
You sound like a nice transistor.
I think I love you.
spam her pictures of tall women, then aggressively have sex with her when you see her next.
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no pics
Bart and suporn.

they did well tho, I am happy with the things theyve touched. unfortunately my bone structure is still super manly and voice is unfixable cause throat defect and my skin is terrible.
I guess I pass to some normies though

hello yes, that me
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I'm still alive I was just schlicking
Be careful I am a twisted transistor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iigUfm21TN8
Oh, do you see Bart as being a "good" FFS surgeon, comparatively? Sorry about your voice, that's actually the most important thing for passing, since almost no tranny has a good voice, and people who have experience with trannies will just think you're cis if you do have a good voice.
>I dont know when back in the day is, but our trans law is like 30 years old.
I was a minor at the time. If you are a minor you need a referral from child psychiatry, but child psychiatrists weren't trained to send referrals so chances were you'd get stuck with them.

It almost happened when I was an adult, except by that point I knew how to google to I could tell my psych where he should send a referral (because he didn't know there existed gender clinics).
How does that feel like compared to fapping?
Most, probably
>inb4 they're all shitskins
hope you're okay with answering, but what made you choose bart over other surgeons?
Fucking midget. Tell her "no, YOU are too short to be a woman".

Ew. Trannies shouldn't be allowed near cis women, that picture is disturbing.
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yes. imo best one in europe at least. Idk if deschamps is better, maybe.

ya I talked to 3 speech therapists and a mouth surgeon, they were completely blown away that I made it this far with my voice and had no idea how to fix me further
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Unlike fapping it's a bit boring without using a dildo.
Feels like having a dildo shoved in you
Better than Facial Team? I'm probably just gonna go to Braley because I might be able to finagle my insurance to cover it.
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I wish it was the future and everything was better
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How about a vibrator?
Anyone else want a relationship but always get scared and back away when someone actually shows interest?
What about sunrise?
What about rain?
Idk I don't use vibrators I don't like them
Yes. I realise I don't know what they want from me, besides perhaps sex and money. It's not that I don't like sex but I'm not into sex with random people and throwing out money.
there are some people out there looking for love and companionship. I know it's rare but still there are some people.
I wish I was this tranny.
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I think so

dont think the difference is big though, more a preference thing.
I live close to bart, its like 2 hours by car, so that was nice
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Myrthe and Eirini IKEA meatball dinner trip when?
how much was it?
But love needs some basis. How can they want love from me if they don't share my basic passions?
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I'm a mech a nick for a dealership
You spelt it wrong. It's €16k.
just hmu
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Is 4chan going to IKEA together?
They way (You) spell it makes it look like )You(.
sometimes you fall in love for other reasons. I only meet up with people who share at least one hobby with me other people don't want to meet up with me.
I should really stop listening to my mom about medical shit, this is like the fourth time in a row she corrects me on what I'm going to be doing at a doctor's appt, then I go and she's completely wrong and she admits she "assumed" half of what she said.
you should share your drugs with me
yeah make your own decisions. the only decisions I regret are the ones where I did what my mom told me to do.
it's not hard to ignore someone.
Holy shit, I'm getting face laser as a birthday present from my mom.

Um. Thanks everyone who egged me on to make peace and stuff
>sometimes you fall in love for other reasons.
Like what? Appearance? Because that's all they know about me... unless they have stalked me.

Appearance matters because there's no sexual attraction without it. But it's only a starter. Looks alone is no basis for a relationship.
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>Exclusively using anime girls as reaction images/avatars
When did you grow secure enough in your femininity that you could start posting boys, /mtfg/?
Where you place the euro sign varies by country sometimes, som>>7668270
e parts of germany usually put it after the number, UK and America is usually before.
We're going to Eindhoven soon but you're not invited :^)

Posting boys is gay
I need someone to check my engine oil and lube.

Can you do this?
>mutually contradictory things can be both right
Posting gays is hot
thank you. i guess i know how much i need to save now. maybe in 10 years i can get it + srs, exciting stuff.
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I gave this real hot guy my number at the con
I think he forgot my name, or didnt think I was attractive because he didn't text me ;;

Anyways please help me and give me water and food
Forever and always
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If you're a girl it's very very straight.
But how? Is IKEA going to expand to the geographical size of 4chan? Or are you going to use the Amazon drone to teleport the dinner to everyone?
She isn't making decisions for me, she just keeps correcting me on shit the dr. told both of us and being completely wrong. I've been telling people for a week that I'm not going to be able to be close to them for a while because of a medical thing I'm doing that my mom said is tomorrow, but tpday I went in and the dr. said I'm not even scheduled for that yet and today/tomorrow is only tests.
if they don't know you at all then it's just appearance. I meant something like when you meet someone new and hang out a bit and then you realize this person is really your type. you want to get to know this person more and more and see what comes out maybe friendship, maybe a relationship. also your appearance kinda reflects your character.
The anonymous hacker group 4chan isn't that big silly
>Tfw there is no ikea in your country
>UK and America is usually before.

you dont say
ill be recoverinf from surgery anyway the next few weeks lol
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Being a girl is extremely gay
Oh right then that's good
See you soon though, hopefully.
When's the surgery?
MFW there is at least IKEA in my backwater country.

Oh, it's good to know you're all near me.

Or we could videoconference over a table in each anon's local IKEA restaurant.
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>"countries" that put the currency sign after the amount
>"countries" that use commas to mark decimal places
>""""countries"""" that do both of these things
>Oh, it's good to know you're all near me.
Where you from Anon?
Sorry, I can't see... it's very blurry out there.

>asking anonymous about his address
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I usually just get attention from the wrong kinds of people.
tell her you want to take care of that stuff on you own. trust on what the doctor tells you.
This isn't a matter of choice there are standards ro follow on accounting and financial annotation for moneys
City or region would be enough you dafty
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But it's great
We have habitat tho. So I guess it's a level of being poshier?
My guymode is failing and my girlmode doesn't pass. Can someone please kill me to cure me of this sickness?
I'm pretty bad at dealing with people in general. I don't like to include myself so I always wait to be explicitly invited which rarely happens, so I end up being a loner every time.

Can you describe why this happens? I used to know a girl who did this all the time. She was mentally ill, though, and you might not be.
Well, maybe they should change those standards to fit in with the rest of the world.
hi im here now
i'd back away for a lot of reasons i think
But being a girl is objectively worse than being a guy
>Get electrolysis done on face
>Still looks like stubble months later because the follicles are very large

Anyone had or dealt with this? It's incredibly frustrating
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It's amazing what we go through just to be comfortable with ourselves
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Shitty people are drawn to me like moths to a light, and I bathe in the attention they give me.
between you and me i think id like being a girl more
Depends on social status/privilege
Besides we're girls and have to deal with it.
100 years ago people would think this is the most insane thing ever
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no, but that's only because nobody shows any interest
So you lead them on and encourage them? I have no sympathy for you then.
What do you want me to do? Wallow in self-pity like a suicidal faggot? Absolutely not.
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That's ʰᵉˡˡᵃ ᵍᵃʸ

When comparing within groups of the same social status, wealth, and privilege, the women are almost universally worse off than men, the question is less one of if they are and more one of how wide the divide is.

Think I'd get my male privilege back if I started using my guy voice?
Pepe is constantly morphing. Where do you acquire his latest morphs?
Who knows how wide the divide is.

I know you're shitposting because you don't want to go back to being a guy
Women almost always have a higher social status than men though.
Develop some self-respect and only associate with real people who appreciate you.
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Welcome to the family
mfw male privilege wasn't enough to suppress the dysphoria
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How many of you have rape or ravishment fantasies?
My friend, who I thought appreciated me, told me that my father would be grateful if I killed myself over the weekend. Just to top it off, I was nearly raped by someone that offered me a way to escape the bitter cold and get out of a very unnerving area. I'm not stupid, just desperate for people that actually have time to give a shit about me.
I don't know this feel.
>male privilege
like what? doing dirty jobs you hate that slowly and painfully kill your body?
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Obviously I'm shitposting, but I'd be lying to say I'm not vaguely curious what being a man is like, I kind of gave up on it before the interesting part.

It's cute that you think that, but no
m-me :c
You'll obviously be of a lower social status when you still act like a man; your "facts" are fundamentally biased by your experiences.
there is literally nothing gay about wanting boobs
>tfw I could have had a tiny, ultra-feminine body if I was cis
I was waiting for oppressive trannies for the duration of the whole thread.

What happened to oppressive trannies?

Are only nice trannies left?

Have all oppressive trannies got job at Google?

Why am I not banned?

>so many questions without answers
I will never lose to dick
lmao judge judy is an actual show and not just a cartoon trope

mind blown desu
im gonna buy overwatch wish me luck
i've got a lot of wild fantasies :33
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excuse me, but that is not a pepe, it is an apu apustaja
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I wasn't aware that I act like a man

Lol no
>that first experience must have jump-started my hormones or something, because now I want sex ALL THE TIME.

I am unironically scared that this will happen to me. I'm very reluctant to lose my virginity.
i need some anonymous advice guys

there is a guy that i like, right.
how do i get him to put his penis in me?
in fact, i don't care what goes in where as long as it involves the both of us

what do i do?
Sorry wait

I will never lose to penis*

*limited time only, exclusions apply (girl tinkler)
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Men talk about their dicks, other people's bodies, and how much they want sex. That resembles you, does it not?
good luck beep!!
has he shown interest in you?
saved. that's a very comfy pic anon.
tfw you get unironically bothered people say transitioning is gay
What are you talking about my dick is huge

That's because you're afraid of being gay
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hurry up and work lorazepam!
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>"That night, I think I experienced more sexual firsts than anyone in history: my first good kiss, first “make out” session, first boob fondling, first fingering, first touching of a penis, first reception of oral sex, and first sex. "

friend isla
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I got it on /wp/ lol.
no not afraid
>tfw beep goes to the dark side
he's hard to read
White people are such pedos.
Why is Mr. Apu Apustaja slightly similar to Mr. Pepe?
when they go low we go high
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I just want to be delicate. Sorry.
distant cousins
>tfw can never be a smol girl
just call it ativan
hai emi
oh no idk what my gamertag should be
michelle obama is a tran

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My legs are long and my arms are tiny, I'm just kinda masculine beyond that.

I feel like everyone is clocking me today.
im gay but im also a good girl
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It sucks
Well at least imo.
I felt like an empty shell

Fft banner cheated me
if HRT makes my shoulders less broad and gives me a few inches to my hips i think ill be okay
no seratonin left
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You can't be a woman if you want to be delicate.

sounds like a bad time
well i ate food so its less bad
but this oven pizza thing has a nearly peanut like taste

peanut pizza don't sound like it tastes good

i guess it'd be worth it if you had fun at the convention
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>all these generalizations about what is and isn't women
are you being easy to read
UK made a mistake
should you really care senpai
The real agp posters honestly
i don't know
>tfw will never be a 10/10 chink super model like in my cartoons

Scrolling through the thread because I don't have anything to do right now besides silently panic at my desk. Just gonna drop in and say that the wasp is a lucky one, hooray for it.
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i don't know, i'm not good at thinking
tswiftt maybe

ow: licorice#11389
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The only mistake the UK made was not leaving sonner.
women are a magical, unknowable creature, kind of like fae. the only means we can know them is through anime and through the anecdotes brought to us by brave /r9k/ posters who survived encounters with them. they're the most mysterious cryptids.
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As you are well aware and often encounter I like to point out when people are being tarded.

If AGP existed I'm sure it would manifest in similar fashion

oh it was so much fun holy shit
its ok though, it tasted ok still
im ok feeling i think
lani i like ecstasy
it was a joke tho :p
ill add yo ulater..
im too dead atm ;-;
i wasnt aware of that at all
globalism is good. we need to impose western values on the entire globe. europeanism doesn't matter.
Besides UK is a bunch of inbred morons, we need to keep them safe from themselves.
>a few inches to my hips
Here's the "HRT" for that.
It won't work without testosterone though.
>globalism is good.
My anon.
next time you hang out get closer to him uwu
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>globalism is good
If you're a large business owner, sure.
fat redistribution

maybe a lil hip growth
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That's because you're tarded
Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.

Oh dear

True words
good :)
you do kinda seem like the person to believe that anyone who doesnt pay attention to you is retarded
is 5'2 a good height
no one likes nuclear war. or disagreeable nations existing.
We need to conquer the people that suck, and tell them not to suck
yup yup yup. gotta work out those legs
hell yea
O b s e s s e d
It's pretty damn good I'd say. I'm happy I didn't grow taller than 5'7 but I sure would like being shorter.
>We need to conquer the people that suck, and tell them not to suck
that's called colonialism and you're not allowed to do that anymore
dw its a convention ONLY kinda situation
if youre 14 years old
that really doesnt work there at all...
are you sentient?
wales why
please don't talk about height ;-;
I don't care, it's the right idea. and it's globalist.
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>tfw jelly of Ash and boo thinking she is cuter when mom says her makeup skills are quite proficient and reaching Kayla level tiers of envy despite Ash making positive comments on my terrible selfies

._. I am so tired and wanna cry
And break down hang in their girls
I'm taller than you
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You always seem so bitter when I remind you that not everyone in this general has low enough standards to kiss your ass
It's kind of cute really

im 18 though
Thiccness = fat on muscles. A woman needs testosterone for that.

Pic is what happens with fat and estrogen only. That's not thiccness.
elanna do you have discord or any kind of chat program
its not good to compare yourself to others

how tall
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>tfw you realize you consume music via anime amvs on youtube because seeing real girls all day would break you

I always thought I was a weeb but apparently I am just pathetic (or both)
i dont wanna be thicc i just want a lil more hippage
then no
what on earth are you talking about

you must be nuts

anime is gay tho
u mad cuz u not petite
I consume music through Final Fantasy XIV gameplay videos and then get mad at the people playing for minor mistakes even I would make. I think I'm autistic.
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>i dont wanna be thicc
Okay then.
you might shrink a lil on hrt
But competition is natural

Im being silly again. My mom put on make up today and it make meh Dsyphoria because like of what happened ten years ago.. Ash is a good person
really gross
its too small
so that's what shakira has been up to
just be the best you you can be
why would you even want to talk to her

you could make better conversation with a magic 8-ball
its smol enough
it ok i dont like real girls for this reason too
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Every time I interact with you you call me an egotist because I'm not willing to lick your boots or take your dumb opinions seriously
If I didn't know any better it sounds like you want my approval

That's what they all say

I use discord infrequently idk if it's worth it but if you want I can add you
i actually dont interact or think about you at all
thats the mixup here
That's fair I use it infrequently as well.

That's where you're all heading if you don't want to be thicc.

>i dont wanna be thicc i just want a lil more hippage
Also it's like saying "I don't want to be too feminine, only a little feminine".
but my body would look feminine with a few more inches to my hips
I grew up with around girls mostly so it's just normal for me. I have more problems socializing with males.
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in a cuddly mood
well it was the first time in years
but we shall see :3
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we re all faggots here

I could never watch gameplay videos I dont have the attention span for that

I downright hate them. Women are terrible. I am self aware enough to not let them feel that though

Its already 7 pm but I need to clean the entire kitchen and work all night again.
when will my torment end ;_;
cudd hanna

i wanna b dat smol

no not me
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Your memory must really suck.

In 3 months ;_;
that sounds like a pretty exaggerated ultimatum
cuddle bug
Yeah maybe 1cm or maybe even 2
Maintaining is hard when all you want is to sit alone in the dark but you wore a loud outfit to feel better in the morning and everybody keeps looking at you and complimenting your pants. I'm way too skeptical of most crazy meds and very wary of dependence but I'm right about at the edge of being able to function today and maybe I should ask about Xanax or something.
i wouldnt wanna be that small x.x
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cudd nim
well cuddling is nice ._.
>Service center
Ya, Google that.
I can also repair your undercarriage
but you can have people carry you and stuff
>thinking big hips on chicken legs can look good
Hello, Kim Kardashian.
I guess in a few months I really should start looking into a change of ward robe... some of my cisgirl friends have offered to help but it makes me anxious. Nobody teaches you how to be a woman, you have to rely on internet information for this shit.
is soto doing okay?

maybe you just arent interesting enough to remember

xanax is great for feeling better about life
yeah it is
i'm in a cuddly mood as well
but there are no cuddles anywhere to be seen
Did and found the logo with ease
>some of my cisgirl friends have offered to help but it makes me anxious. Nobody teaches you how to be a woman
So you're saying nobody teaches you how to be a woman but you have friends who want to teach you how to be a woman?
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Tsun tsun~
Being bitchy isn't a good look on you
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These threads have been unusually slow lately, even during peak hours.

maybe we're just using fewer images
Fine I mean nobody teaches you in like, a structured way, you have to rely on informal channels.
i get carried anyways :3
An unknown number of girls here were randomly turned into perfect cis ladies via alien abduction and no longer have a reason to be here.
Funny, I googled it with the name of the town + company with no results.

Stop being angry
desu yeah. theyre v ungrateful and are totally ok with taking advantage of stereotypes when its in their favor.
you learn how to fit in by spending time around others.

some of them just don't like how they're treated. Some of them hate all the gross, attentionwhoring trips.
Maybe it's because he don't know how to use google properly lmao
its a little weird that you take disinterest as being bitchy
is this normal behavior for you?
It's not even summer yet
Or some of them hate all the gross, attentionblocking anons.
>tfw watching videos of car crashes gives you a ridiculous boner
what is wrong with my brain
That puts a brand new twist on AUTO gynephile! *laugh track*
delete this
i really think you need to be euthanized by the state

Good one
>tfw the NHS does not offer anything except SSRIs
reeeeeeeeeeee I want xans ;-;
Do you need to share this stuff?
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blocking? Sometimes I like having a normal chat with another person.

did you really just...

congrats drake, you just made my day
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You're a cis male that spends more time in a tranny general than I do.
You're obviously desperate for female attention and always get super salty and petty when people don't give it to you.
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post a cute image anon
Closet trannü
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>get ffs revisions
>mention on fb about getting ba or srs next
>tranny gets mad because she thinks I'm still not happy and should just learn to be comfortable in my own skin.
you definitely post more here than me
i dont think ive acted particularly angry at all
especially not now lol

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$$$$$$$$$$$ :(
what's ba?
this is now a cis women hate thread
same, I wish it was a thing in the UK
cute boys uwu
then i h8 u
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Breast augmentation
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I know they're almost indistinguishable, but being a loser and being closeted aren't identical.
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cis women appreciation thread
there is literally nothing wrong with a cis male spending time in a tranny general
Where were you before hrt
omg rude
i hate cissies they get to be japanese and anime but i have to be hard working factory boy nail the board to the other board
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stopping being a closeted tran is easier than stopping being a loser imo
okay thanks.
I hope my boobs will grow big enough that I don't need it, but I'm sort of worried about that.
but every thread is roastie hate thread

Idk about ungrateful, I just hate them cause I dont look like one
there are strong guys out there
cis women have been nicer to me during my life than cis men.

i still feel deeply envious of them and its difficult to deal with feeling envious of people you care about.
ill look like a goof getting carried around though
>I just hate them cause I dont look like one
what a petty piece of shit
it's very deplorable
why does hrt sometimes set mental ages back like 20 years
Don't you have a sister who you like?
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In a tranny general, being a loser

There is too much wrong with it to list

But not exactly wrong.
Being a tranny is at least correctable though

True words
>Being a tranny is at least correctable though
Being a loser isnt?
you havent changed much since then i see
thats what i thought
but i learned to stop caring
have fun
because in order to develop in life, you have to be a real person. You'll never legitimately mature if you fake emotions and interests through adolescence.

That said, transgirls hiding the fact that they're not really boys through their teen years will simply release all of their pent-up loathing the moment they're given the opportunity.

And especially in the case of Phien, who never leaves her room or talks to anyone aside from her /pol/ boyfriend and the cancerous community known as /mtfg/. She hasn't had a chance to legitimately interact with well-adjusted people, and everything in her echo chamber affirms her beliefs.
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>cis women have been nicer to me during my life than cis men.

ya I ve had a really good friend that has always treated me well, I still like her a lot. Overall men always treated me better though, especially now.

but Id rather not hang out with them, for what reason would I?

>what a petty piece of shit

theres nothing wrong with hatred. its one of the most honest feelings that exist


we barely talk, she wass turbomad that I got ffs even tho she said I didnt need it, and that I didnt ask her to meet when she was in town while my face was still completely smashed up and I felt terrible (she didnt ask me either btw)
I do like her but that doesnt mean I cant hate women.
Yes but it's not like you can or should choose between the two
her boyfriend isn't /pol/

just an edgy neo-nazi
don't say theres no difference just because i left myself open there
but you like girldick
same tho
men have been nicer to me.
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Take one look at r9k and tell me with a straight face that they can get better.

Why are you replying to me?
>tfw not sure if tranny or just a loser who likes HRT
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nobody likes someone that's perpetually hateful. I find it hard to believe that the world is mean to you because you're trans - it's more likely that you're just a maladjusted cunt.

Her boyfriend is literally from /pol/, unless she broke up with him.
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its been making you very upset with very little effort
good efficiency

i dont mind either
cis girls usually have cuter faces
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She's shitposting or BDD
You really do crave my attention, don't you drakey
Is /r9k/ that bad? I don't frequent there, but how worse can it be than the rest of 4chan.
Lots of losers turned their lives around.
Have you even talked to her before? Obviously BDD mixed with some kind of paranoia-inducing mental disorder.
lmao, not everyone is an autist. I am not mean to people irl. I treat them with respect, and the two grills I held presentations with seem to like me enough to go out of their way to help me out and send me stuff when I miss a session, and obviously I return that favour. I just hide my powerlevel like a normal person
there are a lot of different types of people who go to /pol/

german neo nazis dont believe in rational logic like half of /pol/ but just random hate for different people like the other half

its a very different variation to make

not too much

youre a little boring when not angry
"Be the mommy domme you want to see in the world." - Gandhi
>hide my powerlevel
I don't understand what it's like to loathe others. What is there to hide?

I don't know which he is, I just know he's from /pol/
>rational logic like half of /pol/
shut up or buy me ffs
boo doesnt know anything about him either, hes just trying to get me to react

>What is there to hide?

I can hate them without telling them I hate them pretty easily, obviously I interact with them normally, and nobody gets hurt. not sure whats wrong with that
R9k is Elliot Rodgers: the board
Too socially impaired to function
They do legitimately have it worse than trannies

OK, so you want me to hatefuck you then
normal people don't hate EVERYONE

I'm not talking about interacting with people you hate or don't care about, I'm talking about interacting with people you enjoy spending time with.
I am too weird for rl friends that arent trannies anyway. and I dont talk to anyone irl regularly except for my bf, obviously not hiding that from him
bretty gud 2bh
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