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/mtfg/ Transgirl General

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Thread replies: 658
Thread images: 151

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No bullies edition

• Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
• Makeup for beginners: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• Correct hormone levels: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
• (you) are best buddi
• Checking your levels: http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php
• Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg

Old thread >>7665482
we're gonna have to put her down!!!!!!
i dont understand this picture
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I like this edition!
nth for self-destruction
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Today it was

It's ok you more than made up for it by tucking me in

>i remember having to put my foot down and saying there was no way he was bringing another guy into our room several times when he started on grindr
Doesn't sound like you were very comfortable
yeah cuz it was my room

i wouldnt have been okay with him bringing a girl home either
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wew lad
do you need some help with starting self-medding?

Because I'm a Stacy bub ;)
Though I'm an oldfag, I've been coming to the chon since '07... So don't give me that shit faggot >:3
What have you been playing? More Witcher?
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its a parody of that right wing cartoonist who always puts a caricature of himself at the bottom explaining what the comic means... but with 2D anime girls who aren't being bullied because its illegal... and then the Ben Garrison signature on there is a /pol/ meme

2D girls need to be protected from bullies!
Most people just put a tie on the door
Do you need help handing your autism
>when someone from /pol/ comes here and starts spamming, only to fall in the hole and eventually transition themselves.
It happens everytime. If you're from /pol/ and reading this you've already fallen into the first trap.
it might've been selfish but i was in my room like 24 hours a day on the days i wasn't working and i definitely wasn't bringing anyone home so yeah
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Yeah I know Kelly (who isn't actually real), I was just confused about what prompted this parody.
high impact!!!'n
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They're so cute when they're repressing.
when did you first start experiencing trans-related thoughts /pol/non?
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You can't tell me that you don't know who you are
It's there from the start
It comes with the package
Any attempt that you make to escape this is
useless and unnecessary
Make up your mind
Make it up as you go
Make it the truth
Make it what you already know
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uhh?! ><
would a ferret kill me if it could
Tfw no cudds
Then leave
>no bullies
Good edition
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this: >>7666429

I've seen 5 /pol/acks in the last week come into these threads and eventually break down and transition.

It's okay to feel like a girl, anon. Being transgender has nothing to do with politics or Marxism. It's a legitimate medical condition in which the limbic system of your brain is incorrectly influenced in its direction of sexual dimorphism inside the womb.

It's okay, girl. You can be yourself here. <3 you are so pretty.

Don't you just want a strong man to tie you up and use you like the little cum rag you are?
There should be a how to get qt exercise guide type of thing in the OP
(Also, please post guide for achieving female body aesthetics)
we have to cudd more!!

turn on the max cudd drive!!!!!
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>Don't you just want a strong man to tie you up and use you like the little cum rag you are?
I only want to cudd nim
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Me neither I'm just a normal boy

Seems a bit selfish but I wasn't there
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I dunno
Your mind is already breaking. You can only fight it for so long. Just ask all the others like you who thought they could fight it.
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>Don't you just want a strong man to tie you up and use you like the little cum rag you are?

(u) owe me a (u)
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yeah maybe im selfish..

at the time i was annoyed that i didn't have anyone to hang out AND i could potentially get kicked out of my own room
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>Don't you just want a strong man to tie you up and use you like the little cum rag you are?
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I thought this was funny.
And accurate.
awww cutie <333
well don't you?

I think I'm slowly giving you cocklust, sorry girl.
being bisexual means i'm constantly losing to both cock and vagina. i basically exist in a state of perpetual defeat
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(You) can't be anything
(You) can't be nothing
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Dont you ever just wish you were born around 1930 and could have lived during a great generation?
What handsome men we would have been.
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>well don't you?
>black girls literally can't be attractive
>dark skin is inherently ugly
>any good looking black girls have "white features"

some of my white friend are extremely uninformed and retarded when it comes to blacks I swear. the white features meme is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and people unironically believe it even though it has zero facts to back it up
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That's just sort of something that comes with having a roommate though, it's not really a private space.
>what handsome men would be around to pound us into submission

I'd bait a handsome, rugged pioneer into moving out West with me and building us a house in exchange for eternal submission. He could have another maiden if he wanted babiez though.
They look nasty, and they smell worse.
>spend the entire week thinking about hugging and kissing girls
>get sick
>start suffering from cocklust
what is the correlation
I wish I was born in 2053 and had access to real vaginas, wombs and ovaries as well as blockers from a young age
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>born trans in 1930
>feel dysphoria but don't exactly know what it is
>feel intense shame and disgust at having a male body but no way to change it, and no awareness that it's even possible
>eventually become a gay man and be shunned by society while having worsening dysphoria and depression
>Stonewall won't even happen until you're in your 30s, if you've even lived that long

Fuck that.
i wish i was never born
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Well I still have some more healing/recovery to do aka sleep, night night and sweet dreams everyone~
black girls are hot
goodnight girlygirl
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nn Ash
it's weird huh, being trans still fucking sucks but we're lucky to be born in this age, even if those born after us are even luckier, I guess we could have it worse.
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i had never had a roommate before up until that point

but my point is, it wasn't a gay thing that caused me to get mad at him for suggesting he bring someone over
sleep snugg smugg
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the (You) you are owed
>tfw no nim roommate
>we're lucky to be born in this age
I feel like such a hon ;_;
goodnight <3

you post the cutest pictures!!
thanks i like dragons <3
tfw no eva to hide from dorm security
how old are u even
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We're like the first generation of trans women to have easy access to hormones through informed consent. We're also the first to experience any sort of broader cultural acceptance

Stealth never used to be a thing that was done out of desire. It was done out of necessity. I'm honestly grateful to have been born when I was, and it's only going to get better.
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Im so lost and i hate life.






I wish informed consent was a thing here in the UK but at least self-medding is easy.
I bet this is the /pol/ack from 30 minutes ago raging about cultural marxism.

you can still make it friend
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38 :/
I had really early trans feelings too, but repressed because abuse and stuff. Siiiigh.
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I'm a lot younger than you (26) but I can sympathise. I was only able to start this year (2 months ago in fact) because of my family. Had I not lived in such an abusive environment I think I would've been able to see past my repression around age 20 or so...
Are you the super passing late 30's woman from the passgen threads?

I've seen someone around here your age who looks quite amazing given the time on HRT and age.
No, but I think I know who you mean. I don't pass yet but I'm pretty sure I'll be okay eventually. Changes have been super slow :/
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Should i kill myself as a muscular man or try to survive as a hon?
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Plus the internet has really made it so much easier to get information.

I believe the internet is actually largely responsible for the massive increase in number of people with trans feelings seeking help. It allows people to explore feelings that they'd never talk about for fear of being shunned, and to find communities of other people with the same condition. I mean, if I hadn't found /cd/ lord knows where I'd be.
Just accept it and live as a guy.
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no i didn't
i wanted to but we were in public and he kept laughing at me saying i look like a ratty scarecrow
>tfw sharp lower abdominal pains
ill beat him up for you
im thinking about acquiring a pizza

should i do it mtfg?
omg dubbie trip huggs
you should acquire a pizza
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too much pizza?
nim yr too cute
yes pizza is good for your growing bobs
what kind
cheese pizza, garlic butter crust

don't let anyone tell you different
>born too late to end up repressing my entire life and then killing myself
>born too early to be a happy cis-tier young transitioner
>born just in time that I'll probably be able to pass as an unattractive woman for most of my adult life
Feels ok, I guess.
hey did you end up coming out to your dad?
I read he tried to bust into your house but you had to keep him out because you had girl stuff around, is everything ok?
idk it's been happening a lot :(

im in paainnn
it must be your first period
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stretch and drink water <3
or it allows satanic witchcraft users to poison the hearts of good christian men via the internet
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I think I have lost my sanity
fuck it im sick and its rainy im going to have soup today
then where are mine wtf

ok i will
argh what a chump. Better luck in the future though <3
oh my god im..

..im a woman now!
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What's up, senpai?
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I'm glad my heart got poisoned
I'd have been a pretty shitty man
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*breathes on your neck*
>ordered pizza at 1 AM

im like a stoner stereotype or something
tfw no mensis cage to put on and escape to the nightmare
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1am pizza is best pizza
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i-i would've been just fine as a man

you people just messed with my head!
the deliveryperson gets to see my completely strung-out disheveled boymode =)
i-i would've been a good man right eva?
I honestly can't even imagine you as one.

I'm trying real hard and I can't.
your a good girl
I hate being a man
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tfw look like chubby stoner
what wrong
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>tfw no cute girl(male) to cuddle with
good "girl" ;-;
>tfw girl(male)
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Outlook not so good

It's not that far out there, I'm not exactly super femme. Just imagine a soft spoken effeminate male with alcoholism
does hrt give you cancer?

Will it kill you if you take adderall with it?
>if I hadn't found /cd/ lord knows where I'd be.
Eat something healthy and not trash food
unsure about the first part
second part no
too late
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sometimes i wonder if things would've turned out different if i had had friends in high school and hadn't become a recluse..

i fit into that stereotype that /pol/ thinks of trannys, that we're all shut-in losers that just started taking HRT to try to go to easy mode
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ill share some with you mercury :3
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where did you get this pic of me
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As someone who had friends in high school, I don't think it makes all that much difference. Sooner or later it hits you like a truck.
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probably live longer as cis
T-that is cute anon.
it makes me feel like a bottom person sometimes though

like i latched on to this because i had nothing else left and wanted to take an example step to see if it cured my depression
im sorry, ive already said this

im just feeling weird
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>taking HRT to try to go to easy mode
why would anyone believe that?
I've been living in your girlfriends closet secretly stalking you
I can't
I'll get fat ;----;
What kind did you buy?
> tfw your best friend only answers with less than 3 words all the time
> tfw you ask if something is wrong and she says no
> tfw she just goes offline without saying anything
I hate it when I am left guessing and worried
a lot of pol/r9k believes that life as a girl is easy mode and that trannies are trying to get there because they failed as men
I fit that stereotype too :/
olive hru
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Holy shit

I might do this trans shit

Im imagining myself as a.girl and my bodyss extremely warm. Like all of my problems are gone.

Every single one of them.

Literally all of them...now i can focus on stuff i need to...i really shoild jusy get rid of these muscles and hair and jusy transition...its all adding up haha

None of this shit is real anyway i am a huge pathetic joke of a human anyway.

I could find love with a transgirl that is like me in every way and i can be a girl in the relationship instead of a psuedo alpha male. I can find friends.i can find someone who will pay for stuff. I can do anything i could want.

Ive always been a girl but never considered it seriously...

Heheh fuck it why not
>that trannies are trying to get there because they failed as men
probably what a lot of TERFs think as well
>being a girl is easymode
only autists like kayla would believe that

im trying to lose weight too but I fasted for the last 24 hours or so I think I might actually have an eating disorder xD
I don't even know. I can't stop cutting people out of my life and want to die.

I feel like I just walked into limbo, the friends I have are all so fucking depressed and I'm just here cheering them up and the ones who are not don't give me any love.
>t. repressing /pol/ anon who was posting earlier
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Im not a fuckimg /pol/ack or whatever
is that good
I suspect if you didn't have any trans feelings that you would not be seeking to make yourself look like a girl, even if you were just desperate
ok anon

proud of you :)
I wish people who honestly believed that could live as female for a bit just to see how great male privilege is and how inconvenient it is to be a woman in a patriarchal society
And to top it of, transwomen don't really get the "biological benefits" of being a woman so it's like
It's all suck instead of a mixed bag.

No periods is nice but anyone can just take birth control and alter that so idk if it's much of an advantage
I have an eating disorder
Or used to.
If you dated for 24 hours, you should probably eat lite? Idk don't eat all the pizza? How many calories do you aim to eat?
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I like nim
this is my get

this get entitles me to passing in a year
im probably going to binge all of it
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Why does anal and having your butt eaten out feel so amazing?

I'm glad you're coming to terms with it.
Good luck with transitioning!
hey eva
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hail satan!
Omg Emi
Because you are a naughty bottom :3
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But people hold doors for you.
They hold the fucking doors!
i just feel pathetic for doing this sometimes

maybe it's not a healthy mindset to have
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I failed to get it but you got it!
God speed, nim. ('-' )
I'm sleepy but also a little cranky because some skank is trying to get back in touch with me after she used me really early in transition to make a documentary about transpeople and it was fucking awful and gross and she made me look so disgusting and as soon as it was done she basically just dropped me as a friend and now that she's trying to get back in touch I get the feeling she just wants something from me again.
I literally never heard anybody say that "female is easy mode" shit until incel culture took over this site. Lots of people in 4chan have super warped ideas of what women even are like.
I haven't experience any difference in the way I am treated. I honestly don't get the male privilege meme
i like you too
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B-but I'm a good girl!
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hot dog
>tfw i hold doors for anybody regardless of gender
i think i might be a fag
that's really messed up

how did she frame you in a bad light?
guys will do a lot more then that for you

t. not dollface
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oh gosh ><
Maybe i should [spoiler] h [/spoiler]ug you then >:3
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i do that too

it makes me feel nice

it feels really bad when people don't even hold the door open for you when you're right behind them

ive noticed its mostly girls that do it too
that's rough
friendships that drain you and leave you feeling alone and empty
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4chan in general has very little to no real world experience and its an echo chamber of negativity so it's not really a surprise that this place is filled with twisted world views based on speculation and delusion instead of facts and experience. sucks but all you can do is go out and live life and have that be the proof you use
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hi grace
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Transition is literally the opposite of pathetic
It's taking your life into your own hands. It's not a healthy mindset, you should be proud of yourself for walking the harder path for the sake of happiness.
ugh I was just super early in transition and my voice was super bad and I just looked like a megahon.
She didn't really give me any direction and kind of coerced me into saying really cliche, superficial shit.
Anyway I'm going to see La La Land with her on Thursday and I'm gonna talk to her about it.
Binging is bad
Don't do that
Starving is better, cause binging is gonna fuck up your teeth.
Just portion it out senpai
Cause ur a fag lol
I guess that's something idk
Wtf fuck that bitch
Block her imo famalam
Maybe you haven't lived enough then. The gender wage gap should be enough really
Yeah....I guess this site attracts a certain type of person...but even the kids I was in high school with thought being a woman was life on easy mode
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Hey, MTFG, is this outfit too AGP to wear in public or does it look okay?

I used to like it but someone said something like that a long time ago and now I haven't worn it. I think it's cute but it's sorta anime-AGP but I am neither of those things.


pls respond
maybe she wasn't doing it to be malicious?

you should definitely talk to her
>The internet

Facespace and plebbit and all that other shit is no better. But you do raise a good point ;)
Its cute. Wear it.
but the world sees trans delusional degenerates
Pretty cute but where's the shoes
it's like an english schoolgirl outfit

it's a little out there but it's definitely cute

fits your style too
Looks fine to me.
Could use a belt to cinch your waist though

What DAW and audio interface do you use?
Or it is a cultural thing. I'm not American so maybe it isn't as bad where I live.
> wage gap
I want to go out in a skirt too but am too tall and broad
what the heck? no it looks stylish and perfectly fine to wear in public

its actually similar to a few high school girls' uniforms from the area i live in. tldr ur fine :3
but all im doing is popping these pills im not doing a lot of the shit everyone else is, im still just sitting on my computer all day
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The world has quite a few idiots in it.

Yeah, you should probably do more then
eh I've known her since highschool and she actually used to be a really good friend. I wanna see if I can bring out her good side again.

She is really oblivious. I just want her to know she painted me in a bad light and I'm not happy that all of her hip university friends know what a hon I was.
I'm glad you don't do the shit in front of your computer like apparently everyone else?!
well you have a situation that doesn't really allow you to so don't feel bad ur not any less trans or a girl because you have a homophobic mom that won't let you.

but of you are able try to do more even if it's a little bit and you'll feel better
i'm 8 months in and have done as much as you
>that trip that replies to everyone but no one replies to her
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pizza has arrived :3
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Okay thanks.

Oh I have cute black flats with a small bow that do a good job of making my feet look smaller. Didn't realize they weren't on in this pic.

Okay, thanks love.

>Could use a belt to cinch your waist though
I'll try that, pretty decent idea.

>What DAW and audio interface do you use?
I've tried out a lot of different DAWs but my native environment is FL studio. Been using it for ~11 years. My interface changes depending on what project I'm doing and how many I/o's I require or if I'm traveling. I like the Scarlett 4i/4o for my desk.

>I want to go out in a skirt too but am too tall and broad


>what the heck? no it looks stylish and perfectly fine to wear in public
okay :3 thanks Korra. Where do you live?

>tfw call others irl but no one calls me
Dis add a belt
>But people hold doors for you.
>They hold the fucking doors!
Most people in BC hold door for everyone :P
idk all i can really do is try to get in shape and maybe some makeup if i can hide it

i just have this lack of motivation that ends up getting into everything in my life

like even fun shit like vidya i cant get into as much anymore because i can get out of bed

you have some andro clothes and you have like eyeliner and stuff

yeah im pretty restricted by my mom unfortunately


good, your friendship will be better for it
Mmm I see. In that case good luck, hopefully you can restore things
I know ;-;
Pls help
also holy shit witnessed lol

Nim confirmed passer privilege 1 year.
a small rural town in louisiana there is a Catholic school in the city that has uniforms similar to that so it wouldn't get a second glance in public and everyone would assume ur a schoolgirl
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>can't sleep
>feel ill
>crying again
>nervous about 1st laser in morning
FL studio, really?
Hmm, how interesting.
Yeah the Scarlett's are nice, I love focusrite
it's gonna be fine cutie <33
I'm really scared
you've conquered electro

this is nothing!
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You'll be fine! Laser is not really all that bad! If even a weakling like me can do it, you can as well.
hm. would coming out as trans to her be a disaster? im not saying so but I totally understand if you don't want to.

i 100% regret telling my mom and wish I never did because it's something she's gone on record to say is sinful on the eyes of God and not a thing she'll ever accept or support
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When the hell is someone gonna love me back

I can see myself becoming more cynical. I don't even feel I'm being entitled and bitchy about it
>have shit life
>pull my shit together after years and can sorta keep myself happy
>other person had and still has a fantastic life
but all I can do is hug the person and tell them I'll help them though it cause I know telling them this won't help them

meanwhile I'm remembering more and more of memories I had blocked and I'm still on a wait list for a therpist
I always feel really lonely this time of night

I'm not worried about pain at all, worried about some other stuff I'm going to ask them regarding my skin...
Just keep your transstuff in your school bag or whatever, that's how I hid my mones when I was selfmeding.

> lack of motivation
You need to get a routine. I had a phase where I couldn't play games anymore too, but this will pass.
Just start with anything. Do a bit of voice, even if it's only humming or try eyeliner.

I started with painting my nails.
ive tried to gauge her reaction on trans people but ive noticed that whenever the issue is brought up in conversation or on TV things she gets really awkward and uncomfortable

the difference being that she gets visibly upset and disgusted when discussing homosexuality
you're gonna message me tomorrow about it being a piece of cake, just watch!
bon appétit
yeah, i think my problem is i always want to either stop completely or go full on into productive mode

like it's either do nothing all day or fill every available timeslot with something else
is there a chance she will stop supporting you in some way or be hostile if you tell her you're trans?

there is a chance she could not like it but still love you and treat you the same. at the same time I would recommend having a backup plan in case things go wrong if you ever do plan on coming out to her
you go from being a male-tier breast cancer risk to a female-tier breast cancer risk. So yes.
good night friends <3
Does anyone find the fem'boys' in >>7663786 >>7666050 >>7666000 especially pitiful?
It's obvious what you have to do.
First tell her that you like guys. When she is short of exploding you tell her not to worry because you are a girl so it's fine.
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i played competitive wit a guy on my friendslist and we won lots and now i don't hate OW as much lolll
how was your night mtfg?
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>when you realise that you will never be cute
i don't think she would throw me out of the house

i think she'd want me to go to therapy and i think there would be a stark uptake in the requests for me to go to faith healing seminars with her

i think once the "therapeutic" phase wears off she'll start getting angry at me whenever she notices me doing feminine things

i think she'll berate me and tell me my face and height are masculine and that im not living in reality, that boys are boys and girls are girls

i also think there will be an interested level of suspicion based around my online activities and who im communicating with online
pretty much the same but with tf2 instead of ow
>meanwhile I'm remembering more and more of memories I had blocked and I'm still on a wait list for a therpist
hope you get one soon
i suck at every game ever
That is when I stopped caring.
I still feel as numb as I did that night.

so basically the exact same thing lolol


i'm pretty good at OW i guess but i'm literally almost level 600 so that kind of comes with the territory. stay in school nimmy
but i wanna be goodie
what bag do you use when wearing a dress? like going to nice dinner
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I'm pretty sure it's because I'm filtered ^_^
yeah :p
are you a heal slut edie
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
What a lonely world
i reply to you you whore
I like you fransi
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then waste ur life playing vidya nimmy ;-; i just wanted the best for u..


like brand or style? a clutch would prob be best


nah i main flankers. primarily sombra/tracer.
i heal a lot when i'm in competitive tho because a lot of the time noooo one wants to heal or they suck lol
I reply to you, everyone probably has me filtered tho >>7666775
im okay at healer but when you suck people get mad at you and yell at you
i main power classes like a big manly man 8)
i am hoov
how did you find my selfie
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all of this sounds like very real outcomes because literally all of it happened to me. honestly the best course of action is to not tell her until you're independent and living away from her.

speaking from experience shit like that really strains a relationship because moms become absolutely overbearing and do not take into account how you feel but instead only focus in the fact that they dont like it and want to force you to change even against your will.

So just try a few little things here and there like dressing more andro and getting your hair styled and your eyebrows arched while you wait to move out.

it'll be hard but you can do it and it really is better to NOT talk about it or bring it up to her. she literally doesn't want to understand trans issues or come to groups with the fact that you're a girl. just grin and bear it
what happens when she comes and visits me in university and i look like a chick
i like u but u never reply to me so...

i dont have u filtered <3
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i hate angery people in games
especially when it's yer friends and you feel like you really let them down
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ye competitive is full of meanies. do you have OW bb?


i love big manly man hi bb wyd


my win rate is pretty high with her honestly!!!!!! ppl don't understand her untapped potential
Huh. I normally reply to everyone
But anons aren't people ;_;
i love when i get top of the board
and everyone is sorry
and i tell them that they were a serious contribution to the game
and how nice they are
even if they did nothing and were useless
because everyone's gotta start somewhere and being mean doesn't help anyone
then she can't so shit about it and you're free to live your life. the thing is you can't let your mom control your life forever or you'll end up repressing and never being free and happy.

at least in college she can't kick you out or try and force you into stuff. of due gets upset with you being a girl thats her problem not yours
ye on pc
i dont even know how that meeting would go down

would i like try to put on a shitty boymode or just show up in full girlmode or what

stresses me out even though its like a year away
you're right
i had my jacket in my arm, and my favorite tote, but it was too casual for a dress and heels
good thing i'm just practicing :)
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this pizza is good uwu
is it tasti
Getting my gt lasered for srs really hurt and I was crying and the tech held my hand and said "it's going to be so pretty and worth it" :3
I just can't think of anons as people. You are some faceless beings.
i feel like i end up saying "it's okay" a lot whenever i play and shit goes wrong
otherwise people start getting stressed and tilt

what rank are you buddi?


honestly for a first date i usually wear flats with a cute top and a pencil skirt, second date varies depending on if it's a movie or nice dinner etc
just wear whatever is comfy bb
girlmode it she has to find out eventually and hiding it at that point woukd just hold you back. I can guess how the meeting would go.

she would be unheard shocked and try to talk you into stopping and telling you it's sinful and wrong and just a phase and you're not a real girl just confused

but it's all bullshit and her ignorance and hate speaking. but it's something you have to face and not hide or run away from it. yeah shitty and no fun bit necessary unless you want to live under her control forever
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>u never reply to me
I have a second date with a rich handsome man Tuesday!!!
"it's only a game" is literally my view on life
no point gettin mad about anything

only problem is people constantly try and add me
i'm too nice to reject them ;_;
I find fellow rich people intimidating. I feel most comfy amid people poorer than me and I dislike expensive things. Am I a loser?
Glad I was here for this history. Only happened 6 times before. YEET SKEET MOTHERFUCKER.
I don't know dude.
i am a poor person and i don't like being around rich people
maybe poorer people are just better people ;)
You are missing the point which is that I'm going to have a rich handsome boyfriend
last time woulda been better
I think I'm happiest being a fag guy on hormones.
I pass ok but it's kind of ehhh
that's fair I guess
reminder to have a consistent morning and night beauty routine for max beaut
my only routine is brush teeth and shower + do face stuff before I'm going out guess that's why I look so gross most of the time
it's not terrible imo
i might have to wait a couple years to socially transition, but it won't be so bad if i get to be super femme
>reminder to have a consistent morning and night beauty routine
i would never wake up early
and i would never go to sleep early
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>tfw you always compare yourself to others and inevitably get sad
i might be a little aap but its a little hot to pretend to be a gay boy on hormones for a little while. couldn't do it for an extended period or it would make me dysphoric
( ‿) ᓄ╰U╯
don't do that !
Eh, it's beyond my control.
Even better though, I discount those worse than me, so it's like everyone is better than me.
yup, casual is best
i once had a well dressed guy chat me up, and so i'm thinking i'll work on more looks, in case i ever get asked for drinks or something
but i couldn't pass on any kind of date, so...rip
>tfw you always see yourself so far from cis
I haven't filtered you
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It's been a couple days, what did I miss?
There's no middle ground??
No compromise??
It's the worst place to be, in the middle.

Someone who passes will eventually see themselves as such, and someone who doesn't remotely pass will eventually accept that.
But someone in the middle will always be in an emotional limbo.
Well I might be able to move after starting HRT, but it isn't currently looking that likely.
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y-you too
Play the long game.
when did you first learn that being trans was a thing? What was your reaction to that knowledge?
it would be a change if you just didn't talk about the same old dreary things ALL THE TIME
hm. when i was about 22 i found /cd/ on 420 chan and wanted to be a trap since i was still messed up in the head alot. ended up taking hrt for a few months then stopping till I was 26 and worked out alot of internal issues
how to work out my internal issues?
just be urself
professional therapy helps as does talking to experienced people that's gone through similar stuff as you that can offer insight on how they got through it
but what if myself is an anxious depressive recluse who is lonely and unhappy
idk sounds same as me
A documentary about Kim Petras when I was 16.
She's an early transitioner who had srs with 16.
My reaction was "fuck, that's me but I'm already way too old to start hormones"
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its only because I dont have any way of getting out of my situation
and now you are a pretty girl
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Came out to my dad via text and I'm gonna try to sleep. I love you friends
gl juni
ni ni juni hope it goes well <3
Last time I checked there was still a tumor between my legs and my voice sounded like some dying animal.
oh boy juni OH BOY
that's exciting
Let us know how it goes
>via text
I wanna do this too but I live with my parents so it'd be weird :(
my hair looks like grape jelly

my mom watched a documentary on what i now know as intersex kids
with what she told me i thought i had to be intersex to transition
i was like 9 probably
sweet dreams, hope it works out well
This picture is horrifying. Crabs are scary. Thankfully they are also DUMMMB.
wtf fransi just let me compliment you
write a letter, put as much care and thought and information that you can into it.
its a lot better than a text
>tfw look clean shaven but feel hair
>tfw shaving 2 days in a row is bad for my skin
I don't even know who you are
Ok, hon.
Also today is my first day at uni since starting HRT
I hope my friends won't ask me what that blue pill I'm taking is for
this board is spooked as hell, my property
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I'm just anon
King Crimson isn't edgy reeeeeee
(king crimson is still awesome)
Well what makes it unlikely?
What's the setback?!
Is that the modern take on My name is Nobody?

ada pls kc isnt edgy....
I never heard of that before but sure
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age is mostly a meme. it literally all depends on genetics, effort, and attitude obviously the younger the better, but I've seen women in their 50s passing just fine and some tern transitioners that are obvious as sunlight that they're trans. hrt really really is a case by case basis. but on this board girls actively seek out reasons to be depressed and hate themselves even more. it's a phenomenon I don't fully understand 2bh
Them's fightin words.
I'm not sure if the opportunity will still exist.
It probably will, but I worry easy.
What is the opportunity exactly?
I think moving is probably the best thing, so you just have to figure out how to also get on hormones, maybe you start HRT and then move?
Or self-med?
How exactly are you planning to get on HRT?
Sorry, but I mean... Crabs get eaten by starfish!
I feel like it's mostly just effort. The woman who does my electro epilation is trans too, a literal inverted triangle and passes fine.
People in here just need to start doing things. Only taking hrt isn't enough.
I don't watch many movies :/
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Sorry girls, I was dealing with this little cutie :3

Thanks for the love though :)


King crimson are alright thought :3
You just aren't allowed to like them out loud ;)
actually it's agp as fuck because you're pretending you have a vagina
realistically effort can only take you so far if you don't pass. like I get that the large majority will pass with hrt and good effort to but there are some that literally need ffs to look convincing.

i suppose saving up for ffs can be considered effort though since even with a minimum wage job it only takes a few years to save up enough to afford it.

but ur right a lot of girls here are either too afraid to make the effort or too lazy and expect to pass as a woman just because the pills make their features more feminine

i cant sleep girls
that child brings a new meaning to half black
Hey someone asked me if you have HIV today.

Is that true? While you are here can dispell the rumors? Someone said Yume made it up.
its kind of weird that there are rumors and people talk about me since i don't even post here anymore
Knowing you have to lose weight is fucking hell

Hard math: 10 miles a day to lose 10 pounds in 35 days

Too slow

Eat ramen once a day, do 10 miles, lose it in 13
when someone mentions effort im always scared im not doing enough because its such a vague word
is it true or false tho?
it's used in a weird way
like if you haven't achieved your goal you must not be putting in enough effort
No black people where we are from tho lol whitest place on earth.

effort = learning makeup mannerisms posture voice fashion hair and skin care along with socializing as a female

obviously not all of it is possible at the same time but they do need to be learned at some point and all are important
why do you need to lose weight and yeah it is,

I've stopped going out anymore I'm so self conscious, only go for 5am runs for exercise, I'm scared of being murdered though
I have no idea how to do the socializing part, I've been a shut in for so long and the only people i seem to meet are other transgirls
A friend that moved there is open to the idea of having me move there because no roommate.

The HRT here would be legit, over there it would be all selfmed because their state apparently requires RLE for that sort of thing. I'm fairly certain that if I can achieve legit HRT there, I can transfer it across though.
lol cute

i missed by young brother's first day of school because sad ;_;
i hate myself
>I'm fairly certain that if I can achieve legit HRT there, I can transfer it across though.
I would work that then
Because if you already have a prescription, how could they tell you you can't fill it?
You could also get legit HRT, and also stockpile a little bit just in case or something?
then it's something to work on dontcha think? i recommend trying to hang out with a female relative around your age that you're out to so you can learn the ropes and then branch out from there

it's a slow process at first but so worth it. I really hate hanging out with my guy friends compared to my girl friends 2bh
its more like, it makes me feel insecure
especially the makeup thing because i really dont want to wear a lot of makeup.
i grew up amongst women who barely wore any.
i guess ill get some foundation, eyeliner and mascara but it seems pointless idk.
i guess its because people always mention effort along with makeup.
or like skincare, is there really more to it than epilating, moisturizing and exfoliating? effort just seems too grand of a word and it makes me nervous.

yeah, it makes it easier
I'm trying to, it's just hard when no one knows you and you're not in education, also no female relatives my age, barely any female relatives all together
Get new friends
thing about makeup is it helps your face pass alot better. cis woman can get away with no makeup because they don't look more masculine without it like we do. they have that luxury we don't.

yeah we can go without makeup of our face looks femme enough but it's not maximizing our potential. there are so many makeup techniques that make our faces look better and more natural that don't even seem like we have makeup on in the first place

any friends of friends you can get to know better? that's how I got started and just networked from there.

a few years ago after I moved back to my hometown I literally had zero friends and hung out with no one. I ended up reluctantly making one friend my age and it snowballed from there. now I have e a fairly large friend circle of both genders. if u would have told me that years ago I would have called u crazy

Nawwww why sad though anon :(

It's all good they know you love them :3
Secure relationships can survive a couple of moments being missed, it's the day to day stuff that matters more <3

You've got this!
how do I get good at dark souls three pee vee pee
watch it

I don't know why this topic makes me so angry, it's their time they waste.
I guess I just can't understand it.
When I see people that already look kinda fem or are already on hrt for years and still boymode I just want to punch them in the face.
I went out looking like this https://unsee
An ugly piece of shit, but it still made me feel better than boymode. I learned to girl by trying and not magic.
I better stop now before I start accusing people of being fetishists or trenders again.
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well it is frustrating to see someone squandering their looks and wasting potential just whining and not doing anything, but it's not worth getting angry over since it's ultimately their life and their choices to make. all u can do is offer ur experiences and try to point people that want help in the right direction then hope for the best
i'm sad because of personal issues i guess
maybe partly related to my posting in the thread

he doesn't see the significance yet though, so he doesn't mind
but i still feel bad
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it's so weird how so many like
kinda older successful men play overwatch? one guy i've played with for a long time owns his own chocolate company and makes lots of monies
and is totally qt and tall and we flirt nonstop etc etc...
then this other guy i'm playing with now owns his own insurance agency and does professional poker and vidya tournaments
it's real weird but at the same time i kinda get it since who else above the age of like 26 has the time to play OW unless they're successful lol
It's what I'm thinking maybe I might do.
Depends how my interactions go here.
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want time to go faster
I've kind of gone back in on myself, I used to be full time but everytime i would girlmode in public it would be bad and I just got worn down, I want to go full time again but I need some kind of antidepressant/anxiety and some councilling to make me less crazy first
sometimes i feel the same
but when now ive decided that whenever i feel like that, im going to practice voice
i want death to come sooner

Don't worry your face looks very feminine, you can just try some eyeliner, it will do a lot already!
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>tfw you might be unironically non binary
honor your heritage and kill yourself
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Help a guy has asked me over to netflix tonight from tinder? What do I do?
the time I can is very limited due to environment >>7667133
bring a gun

accept ur fate
nothing wrong with that anon. live your life in the way that makes you happiest. besides NB still falls under the trans umbrella so it's not like it makes you somehow less valid as a person

go over and enjoy yourself? tell a family member or a friend that you trust where you're going just in case
Not watching over the holidays

Ideal would be losing 50 pounds to be Taylor swift size but I know the max I can take is ten pounds of crazy workout/fasting
TFW I was told I look better in person than pictures.

is this technically a reverse catfish?
+++ "Ich war 'ne Sie": Mitarbeiter nach Chef-Outing zur Verschwiegenheit ermahnt +++
Just learn to take better pictures.
Do the world a favor, pull the trigger desu
naw some people just aren't photogenic. i know im not photogenic at all. like 90% of all my pictures come out looking way worse bc I use a shitty camera phone for everythjng.

maybe that's the case with you and in person people can really see your flattering features more?
xxxtremely rude desu I'm glad now that you're going to get deported for being an arabic tranny
It's only muslims didn't you hear, it wasn't a Christian ban

Don't worry he's been following Hitler's playbook to a T, faggots are getting theirs pretty soon after they are done with them
Fair enough :(

I'm sorry you are having a hard time bub... If you wanna vent some walls of text at me I will reply when I can. I'm a bit tied up with children and stuff ATM ^_^!

Do you have discord? :)
you speak that abloo bloo arab language so you're next better pack your things
not an argument
exactly, the left never has an argument
they just parrot the same tired arguments they were programmed with by the legacy media
you realize faye has the brain capacity of like a chicken right

she doesnt understand anything besides the 'trump is racissss' whining
she was too sheltered to develop important parts of her brain
not an argument
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Maybe because its the first time you have played a casual normie multiplayer game that you havent seen them before?
What pisses me off

>he targets muslims
>mosques get shot up
>attacks on all brown people skyrocket

>he attacks china
>two Chinese women get beat up in a coffee shop near here telling them to go home

And next it'll be
>he attacks faggots
>gay clubs shot up
>straight cis males on estrogen like me are put in the cross hairs because of y'alls deviancy
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maybe :o idk i've played lots of MMOs but never FPS games really so that is prob it
stop being lonely and started being cuddled
that is far away still
get some books to read if you can that's a good solo activity
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just curious, what do you typically do in a day? like what's your usual day to day routine?
that won't make me not lonely though
both of these just made me lose my shit

literally only time I rage in comp play is when Hanzo comes out...

How though? I feel like I'm always ready to take a pic at night but by then there is no good lighting and all my artificial sources are so monodirectional

Hmm, maybe. Idk what it is but i've gotten it several times.

When my whole body is visible rather than just my face I pass in pics way easier. If its just my face I am like clocked constantly.
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to be fair, posting here all day every day about how sad and lonely you are won't make you any less sad or lonely, it'll in fact do the opposite and reinforce those feelings and accomplish nothing other than seeming like you don't want things to change or don't want to do anything to change it
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a muslim already shot up a lgbt club, but you conveniently forget that

the fact is, its not a muslim ban, (planning on taking in primarily christian refugees once the vetting process has been worked out at the end of the 90 days is the muslim ban) its a security ban based on recommendations from the Obama administration until the Trump vetting has been arranged
ya that's prolly it. pictures don't really tell the full story and some people have a very out there kind of beauty that isn't really conventional like those magazine or runway models that needs to he seen in person in motion to be fully appreciated.

heck even professional models look kinda odd at first since they're tall lanky girls with unique faces when they're not caked in makeup and digitally touched up in photoshop
im out
I don't really have a routine, I cry a lot I guess
>all day every day about how sad and lonely you ar
I don't do that all the time
>seeming like you don't want things to change or don't want to do anything to change it
I'm actually going through transition at a very aggressive rate
Do you think maybe it's time for US leftist to reclaim their 2nd ammendment rights and start learning proper and responsible usage of pistols/rifles and battle techniques and things like that... To like defend themselves from a Trump tyranny?

I'm not even shitposting.
>Obama recommended the detention of US citizens, including a 5 year old, an 18 month old, and two 70 year olds

The damage control never stops being really sad and pathetic
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I know they're going to make fun of me at the support group tomorrow
I'll be just another hon, the young transitioners there will be talking to each other by text afterwards laughing at the new hon and the older transitioners will be all AGP and stuff and I just wish I wasn't a hon
>Obama drops 100,000 bombs on the middle east
>Women and children are frequent casualties
>Labels several middle eastern countries as problem areas where isis is embedding with refugees there
>Trump bans passports from those same middle eastern countries outlined by Obama
>Trump is literally Hitler
Ooookay then
No one is taking down a government that way, but we could use some governors willing to use the national guard to enforce court orders against an out of control executive branch
Youd rather keep the 5 year old in the USA without the parents?
Also there have been reports of children doing "minor" terror attacks.
>Trump writes excecutive decision that goes against US constitution
>Trumoettes bend over backwards to defend and minimize it's illegality
Lol wut?
5 year old revisionist view of facts won't help you understand why the entire world is going to start crushing the US for this
>revisionist view of facts
I see you are dealing in some alternative facts of your own
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you need to invest in some hobbies my dude. life isn't going to get better just crying daily about it and posting in mtfg about how unhappy you are (and yes you do in fact post fairly frequently about how sad and/or lonely you are)

you have to step outside the comfort zone and try new and scary things if you want to grow as a woman and as an adult. someone isn't going to come galloping in on a white horse to be your knight in shining armor you need to do it yourself and form a solid realistically achievable plan of action.

not every single aspect of life needs to revolve around bring trans and being upset that we are not cis and how much we hate our bodies. that is an unproductive waste of time and energy that can be put toward things that actually start fixing our lives and getting them on track
i've written the same wall of text over and over again
it's not gonna change anything if i dump it onto you as well

also, people would recognise me from it
which would upset me a little

no, but people keep telling me i should
It's not a way of taking down the government, I'm not delirious.

But more of a way of empowering communities/geouos that will be oppressed by Trump's illegal and unconstitutiinal executive orders.

Remember the hypocrisy of republican conservatives defending "State's Rights"?
-executive order ban on abortions
-executive order punishment on sanctuary cities

It has never been about state rights, it's about opressing those who's life xhoices and ethnicities/culture/race they find reprehensible....I knew they were hypocrites beforehand, but the flagrant incoherency in their discourse makes me afraid of what their true intentions mighy be.
>my dude

I already said I am pushing forward aggressively
T. Infowars tin hat anon
>-executive order ban on abortions
can you stop spewing misinfo?
Gaslight me on what that executive ban on abortions mean
Yes you'd keep a us citizen in the US with his legal resident green card holding mother

You realize how many years trump was married to his wife before she was a US citizen? Are we taking legal wives and deporting them with their US citizen children now? Is this the luls?
Which part, he's banning muslims?
He said christians are going to be prioritized over other faiths

That they are coming for LGBT people next?

His interview tonight said he's appointing an evangelical judge to the Supreme Court

Not A generic Christian republican, the group that targets LGBT and abortion rights exclusively when they vote.
I think evangelicals should be banned on holding federal offices since they clearly misunderstand the separation of church and state.
You'll win them over with how nice you are desu
He banned any federal money going to any aid group that deals with, talks about, or even points you in the direction of family planning or abortion outside the US

And has vowed he's coming for planned parenthood (where I get my medication) next

He has threatened to go after sanctuary cities, which he probably will, he's just to busy repeatedly slamming his balls in a vice with everything else, and Fox News hasn't been talking about it, but im sure eventually he'll try to enact his promises after he gets his evangelical judge on the court
they cut some funding or some shit to foreign abortion programs, please stop spreading misinfo on stuff you have not researched yourself.

can both of you just keep the politics out of here for one day, no one care, there is nothing we can do about it
i knew a full on nb a few years ago
we went skinny dipping in the summer, and they didn't have any genitals
they were a really nice person but the whole thing threw me a bit

what surgeon would even do that?
>he threatens to defund the most prevalent informed consent clinic in the US

>no one cares

I mean, it's something you should care about
>He banned any federal money going to any aid group [for thing] outside the US
Good. I don't even care what thing is. This is the America first approach that he promised.
so do some trips here stump for trump?

his bromance with putin would have done it for me since russia has literally banned gays
I mean I don't want to see it here, I just don't, I have more relevant things to worry about then things out of my control, I just don't care about it, all you can do is vote and hope it goes well nowadays. If I wanted to see political arguments over abortion(which none of us can even get pregnant in the first place) it wouldn't be here.
cannot wait until you people are rounded up and put into camps
or turned to mulch

and this is coming from a diaperfag
faye is just worried she wont be able to raise her wifes son once she cheats on her with another man instead of all the women she has been cheating on her with
>-executive order ban on abortions
When you have to resort to lies to make your opponents seem worse than they are, you might not be on the right side, Sass.

No worries darling :)
If you change your mind hmu on here, I'm always happy :3 and always happy to talk too :P
>Minimizing implications of trump's actions
>Implying funding for education on safe ways to have abortions oerformed overseas is not testing the waters of restricting abortions in the US.
>Spreading conformism and submission via he traditional "we can't do anything about it but comform" approach.
Thanks for the gaslight.

Yeah I seem to have confused Trump's executive abortion funding ban with congress's ban on abortions where heartbeats are detected. I apologize
>95% of these threads are:
>his hard it is to get medical treatment
>how to self treat yourself
>how bad we feel because of how conservative society shits on us and brands us rapists and child molesters

>speak up about the root of the problem
>I don't want to see it, I just come here to wallow in aftermath

I'm worried about women's health, which we fall under when getting hormones in most places, being under attack. There's like 1-2 in some states now after the legislative attacks on abortion (which are over turned but to late to save most health clinics)
>cannot wait until you people are rounded up and put into camps
No need to, they already sterilise themselves voluntarily.
It's the ultimate Nazi victory.
i do talk to you on here lol
just not about serious stuff
See my apology

>Doesn't want brown inmigrants
>Defunds NGO's who reduce populations of brown people via education on sex, birth contril and safe abortions

Ay ay ay!
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we are mostly harmless
its tumblrite attack helicopters who you want to go after
brown people are fine, just not brown people who blow themselves up and take others with them or drive through crowds and get suicided by cop
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God damn do I hate those over-the-top lgbt people.

Trip on anon!
they arent even lgbt
most of them are straight and say they are pansexual
That was actually one of the greatest epiphanies that I had when I had it.
It really upset me that I wasn't a woman. But no matter how much I tried, I never felt like one.
Physical stuff, mental stuff and how I viewed myself meant that it could never be.

But now things have calmed down.
People who know me accept me for what I am. For people who don't know me I present as an effeminate guy.
I don't mind either way.
I've come to terms with myself, and that is all that matters.

Good luck anon. If you were anything like me, things will only go up from here.
>when you're on the first date and she starts talking about politics
i don't have a trip though lol
i am the anon that is northwest of you by about a thousand kilometres
Even trenders need to just go
this is me

there is no point me hiding my views, cause you will find them out anyway
Doing that thing we talked about and finding a legal loophole so as to be able to send hormones (considered contraceptives) to the US that won't be confiscated at customs, I found an obgyn who works at a women's health clinic here who's trans friendly and is willing to write scripts so as to send hormones to US for transwomen. I dunno, maybe we can set uo a trans national NGO to help our US sisters if push ever comes to shove. So don't despair.

Inb4 the us pressures contraceptives to be a controlled substance here and I end up shooting myself in the foot. :3
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Also the whole concept of pride fest is just stupid.
>Brown people are fine
>willing to spen 14 billion dollars to keep them out
>99.9% of.mexicans have Christian faith
Don't fool yourself, it's not about religion or faith.
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>tfw been watching twitch streams the last few nights to go to sleep and end up waking up really well rested

am i a loser yet or

Nawww SAnon ;)
>trump is implementing ur-fascism
>trump replaced JCS with Steve Bannon
How much will HRT affect me as of right now? I'm 17, 5'7" 112 lb
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You are literally me.
Except for the fact that you're a beautiful girl.
And that you make money.
And that you have friends.

But yeah we're pretty much the same.
a lot more than someone who is 20 or 21
do it

i promised that i wasn't gonna trip until i started hrt
that was like
three years ago
This is only because you've grown up in a world where effeminate males and butch women are somewhat accepted in society and not subject to widespread violence and discrimination.
<3 u :3
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lolllllll it's just cause i've been transitioning for like 7 years and know how to use makeup desu
literally who?
mexicans flood the job market which means theres less jobs for americans
I expect once the wall is built and the criminal elements of the mexican immigrants and illegal migrants have been expelled or offered green cards if they qualify, he will offer military aid to help mexico fix its shit.

in any case, thats just a happy byproduct of a wall designed to prevent drugs, guns, criminal elements as well as plugging a hole from which ISIS could potentially send agents through
by the way, I'm an advocate for a canadian wall too.
>people are this stupid
how long until i get expelled
Most illegals overstay visas. Ie take a flight over on tourist visas and overstay
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Well I have 6 years to learn how to be good at makeup then.
Also I went up against someone named dollface in OW a few hours ago but I don't think it was you. Mainly because they only had one prestige star and you probably have 6 or 7. I still rein charged her a few times just to be sure.
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Don't care if they are accepted.
I don't see a point why they have to make an extravaganza of mental illness
omfg I wanna learn how to contour so freaking bad but I dont even have a contouring brush OR a contouring kit.

one of the worst things about being jobless for so long is that alot of transition related stuff I want to do has been put on pause until I get hired somewhere

to do list

>blush, eyebrow pencil, contouring brush & kit, new foundation that better matches my skin tone (got pale af from rarely leaving the house), lipstick that works with my look

>winter wardrobe need everything
>need new boots new tennis shoes and new flats
>need to buy new hair bundles and get my hair rebraided

so much stuff to do ugh. it is killing me ;~;
donald trump is a racist and a nazi synthesizer
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I was gonna suggest streaming on twitch but then I realized that's probably actually a waste of resources for you in terms of your business. Have you ever streamed on Twitch before? Maybe you could get a spike of clients off it vs time in? idk.

just play genji!
>Thinking the symptoms are the disease
>Thinks the way to cure the disease is to clean the symptoms

There are underlying causes which allowed criminal elements, illegal drugs, guns and violent criminals and illegal immigrants who are payed less than the federal wage to flourish inside the US. A wall wil do nothing to remedy it.
Are you implying there is some sort of ideological selection going on on 4chan and Tumblr? I wonder how that would work.
Oh wow aren't you that rapist from Malaysia who threatens transgirls with frivolous lawsuits in order to make them stoo talking about how you sexually moleated them?
the wall is just a tourniquet
like I said, he will more than likely offer military help to Mexico to help clean up their country
You forgot lives off parents money and has accomplished nothing.
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nah fampai my name is lily on bnet. well for the moment, i'm gonna change it again cause i have like 120 ppl on my friends list
and i wanna avoid them when i delete them off my list cause idk half of them so rippppppppp
what's your rank and main and all dat?


how has the job stuff been goin?


with his powers combined, synthesizing the ultimate nazi


i'm gonna start streaming when i get a good desktopppppppppppp. i mean idk
i have 200 hours on genji but i play sombra 90% of the time now so what do
yeah dude i got so much money doing that i can afford to go to grad school and get fancy grad school email addresses now
Oh I thought you were a confused trans kid unaware of lgbt history and not some /r9k/ -/pol/ idiot.

Worry for easting my time
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Michael Jackson lives!
I honestly hope you kys

But why? <3
Nah it's because your parents are rich and ashamed of you so they sent you away to the US where you can be less.of an embarrasment to them
why lol...
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You should make some Sombra highlights! I saw a few Genji webms you posted.

1st for demand of Sombra webms.
bad. literally no prospects every place I check says they're not hiring. but one of my friend's regular clients is a manager at a McDonald's one town over. she told me to submit an application and im praying it pans out :/

i actually broke down and cried to my bf about it last week bc it was frustrating me so much that my entire life went to a standstill bc of one asshole with a grudge unfairly targeting me bc he hates all lgbt
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Sass I know about the lgbt history.
I just don't see the point in pride fest because it's those fest that make lgbt look bad.
You're basically a rapist and I would honestly enjoy watching the livestream of you kys
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I wonder why you have so many friends on bnet. Its not because you flirt with a bunch of people is it? Nah couldnt be.

My highest rank this season is 3195 but been on a couple losing streaks lately thanks to Blizz match fixing so its a couple hundred lower than that currently.
I mainly play Zen, Rein or Dva.
2nd this motion I wanna see how a 600 plays sombra :3
is it terf season again? i hadnt seen them in a while but now they made a thread about their bullshit again lmao.

loll dude i heard about you camping out with that chick in the hallway. rad living sitch


; 3; o-okie i will record some the next time i get some good ones! w-w-w-wow the pressure is rly on now


i'm sorry :< it all seems so shitty. i really do hope it works out with the mcd job tho. they pay pretty well and it's not too bad i've been told..


me?? flirting???????? nah never wtff
idk cause ppl are like wow ur good lemme add u !!! and then a month passes and idr who they are and i'm like wtf...the hell...who are you.....
and ya i totally get ELO hell trusttttttttt. that's a good fuckin rank tho top tier. am impressed. ADD ME HELLOH
Starting younger doesn't mean you'll have a better starting point,
I went to a pride fest once.
Never again. Mainly because they are pretty much only for gay men and butch lesbians.
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>tfw you finally have to face the demons you avoided your entire life

I'm scared that it's just the realisation and repressed memories coming back that are making me cry and I'm not even on hrt yet

Come on Spartan. One last round. Do some good for me this time. Get us through this.
>pays well

Thanks for the comedy gold
why won't i trip?
it's a way to incentivise myself starting i guess
another reason to, if you will
What determines a better starting point?
Don't know how prides are where you live, but the local one is nothing that would make us look bad. Sure, the techno and disco get a little loud. But people like that. I see quite a few straight people with kids following every year. There's nothing squickier about it than you'd see at a carnival parade.
Then again, the French love mass gathering in the streets, and prides are more peaceful, fun and family friendly than your average protest, I guess.
shhh dont say anything let it happen

didn't they raise the minimum wage with all of the mcd jobs? fill me in dude tf
All depends on genetics.
Kim Petres started at 14 and still has an inverted triangle body.
hugg amy

If you need to blackmail people to afford grad school, you're doing it wrong. With a TA or RA position, you get all of your tuition paid, plus a stipend, plus experience on your CV. It's really the only way to go.

Anyways, I hope those trannies file a class action lawsuit against you.
Early socialization, genetics, social skills and awareness. Largely out of one's control. But even teenage transitioners can struggle if they were dealt a bad hand for those.
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But the gold....

They didn't
$7.25 is LA's min. wage
Even if it was a few bucks higher, that is still terrible.

>an hour

.......................................................W H A TLOL
it gave me a little hope. I talked with thr manager there and she said it's okay that I'm trans and I won't get harassed or anything about and can go to work on girlmode. she was even nice enough to ask my girl name and said she would make a name tag that says Chloe if I get hired.

the pay isn't really an issue either bc ive been working min wage my entire life and i know how to budget myself and work within my limits to save up.

once I finally get another car I can really expand my job search area. things are a struggle rn for sure but my bf helps alot by supporting financially and emotionally. like he's so perfect he cooks food for me to last days at a time and pays my phone bill and takes me out to places so that I don't got crazy being in my room all day and night. see why I'm in love with him?
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Uh yeah
It's the USA's federal min wage
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it will be okay Amy
put some hair on your head and you will know what you are aiming for
Was shopping earlier. There was a brat kicking and screaming and making a nuisance of himself. Heard the mother say that the lady in red would scold him if he didn't stop. He did stop. That made my day.

No, why has it taken so long to start :( I remember you saying you have no work, but like, no autismbux? No PBS HRT?

What's stopping you babe? Go get it! You'll be a fuckload happier :3
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I'd totes add you but I only ever play with my normie friend and pretty much only play OW because he still wants to.
I kinda hate the game desu because I just cant take it anymore. I've been playing it for months Edie. Months! Save me! Wake me up inside!
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aw well it all sounds really nice ^__^ like a real supportive atmosphere desu.
and ya getting a car would rly help with gettin the kind of jobs you actually want!


wow that's ................something
i live in the world of like ..........men regularly pay 30$ to get a shot at talking to me on kik only for me to reject them cause i don't find them cute


lol dude i'm fuckin like level 578 or some shit almost silver border. [[can't wake up]]

Amy, you're a girl!
Oh this is nice

I've been trying so hard to stay on acceptance until hrt gets here
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no work or autismbux for selfmed
doing it legit is a bit of work which i'm trying to do, but i only really started trying after new years

as time passes motivating myself is getting harder (the whole 'it'll be 2020 by the time i get to where i should be now' thing eats me alive)
mind you, things are looking a little better now that i've spoken to a gp
it still could take a lot of time, but it might work

why point out the obvious?
>charging people to talk to you
You are the worst
Pity you can't really do the opposite. I wonder how I'd look with a shaved head. I guess I like my hair too much to do it anyway.
>I've been trying so hard to stay on acceptance until hrt gets here

i believe!!
tough being a nigga in a white man's town....


see also

but i'm such a pleasure to talk to
Honestly, if I had an angle to get guys to pay me to humiliate them, I'd do it too. Not ones that want to be humiliated, though, that would be boring.
I don't know who I dislike more:
Bullies trolls and racists that post here or me for continuing to post here.
I rather yank the hair off my scrotum than converse with you
Oh my god this is soothing to dysphoria a lot

Thanks anon
Just ignore the scum.

i hear that


lolll same


get to yankin bby cause we talkin rn
>bullying a poor woman of color accused of rape, the tom robinson of mtfg
ur the racist
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A little from column A
A little from column B
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>Being a size queen.
cfh confirmed again for best poster
I try bby, I really do.

I know, right? This board went nuts since mid year last year

Yeah I dislike myself because of like internal issues :3

I can't be racist, I'm a minority
Checkmate hips
however, i am an immigrant and therefore am entitled to a writ of prohibition against your assertion of racial immunity as a matter of law.

w-wow it's huge


idkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk it's been pretty bad for awhileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That argument always makes me laugh, even when used ironically. Worst racist I've ever met was Indian, and a rabid "anti-racist".
Don't know. It was pretty bad when I joined back in 2014... I guess I was part of the bad back then, though.
Do you (like personally you) pronounce bread in french more like "pahn" or "pehn"

Good girl :3 You got this!


Yeah PBS is a good way to go :)
Good on you for making progress! The best time to start is always now, right? And what is starting? It doesn't have to be getting on HRT, I could simply be accepting your condition :)
You can't change the past and the future is unknowable. All we can do is try our best every moment to mould our future :3 There's a lot of factors that are out of our control, so why stress? Just do your best, right? <3
Neither. "Ain" is a single sound, a nasal vowel that has no equivalent in English. In very few languages, actually. I can think of Portuguese, languages from the Indian subcontinent and native American ones and that's about all.
It was different bad.

I know, that's why I always use it sarcastically.

I'm sorry, but people of my ethnicity which isn't really an ethnicity are hunted down actively by state and federal law officers and are detained in concentration camps for years upon years before they are expelled from the country where they worked and payed taxes leaving all their personal property and banned from entering the US again.

So I win.
Can we deport Hips?
I seriously hope you die.

Yeah I agree, Indians and chinese are the worst racists ever... Like, not even Klansmen are that racist :S
it isn't starting really, but getting on hrt is the next step
i've reluctantly accepted things for the most of the decade ;_;

as for stress?
i always stress
it's why i did so bad at university
i'd stress about stuff, and the stress would actually cause more problems than the problems i was stressed about

fuck you btw
you tricked me into telling you everything
i keep saying naisu and dude a lot cause i play OW so much but then i feel bad cause trannies don't like being called dude lollllllllllllllll
also my UK friend just woke up and i'm all spamming her cause i never slept and i've been awake this whole time i should fuckin kms
Describe how it is different bad than the bad now?
Funny thing, when I was in India, I was called a chink way more often than a firangi. They can't even recognize the people they're insulting.
i can't be racist because i am so racist that it loops over
a bit like when you drive like a hundred million kilometres and your odometer goes back to zero
it's like the "ah" sound you make when someone sticks a huge cock in your butt
let's suicide pact bb
buying clothes is the best
i went to this cheap store and filled up a decently sized carton bag
once i start i just want more and more
but why uwu
Ya, i know about nasal n's because I also speak Portuguese.

But "ai" ia supposed to sound like a soft "eh" vowel sound, but adding the "n" afterwards to my ears it should sould more like the english "end", but it sounds more like the english "and" and I wnated to know from a smart native speaker why that is. ;-;

I don't think I'm explaining myself well.... I'l try to use the french sound symbols.
"Ain" is really close to "in". Not sure how to explain the difference, it's minute. The former is slightly more muted than the later.
"ain" is the sound cluster you should be looking at, not just "ai"

Thnks! I juat need to get to my french class and I'll.look uo the sound symboks so I can explain myself better, lol.

>Tfw profficient at pre lycée level
>none of this conversation pertains to /mtfg/
>not shitposting fest

Why won't mods ban everyone?

>inb4 because mods are the shitposters
You're a rapist. Cunt.
That was never proven in court
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I posted on facebook that I'm trans
Would people believe me or think it's a joke?

Also my dad is visiting from across the country next month and idk if I should tell him because he might completely disown me
We don't want the thread to be too rigidly defined though.
The overarching connection between posters is still predominantly gender identity issues pertaining to those assigned male at birth.
mods are busy faping to all the underage posters
You're pathetic. Even drops trip. Sad.
that's how I came out. deleted my guy one made a new one and announced to all my friends.

went fantastically
Stop it, you're turning me on.
Oh god really?
I could never actually
that, I'd be far too ashamed
I just wonder more who would believe it or not I guess
>We don't want the thread to be too rigidly defined though.
When I said this in another thread, I was shitstormed and banned. I guess it's different rules for different anons.
Pls no
Nep! :3
>not even Hanzi
Your name is error.
>in a good mood
>throwing my glass around
>accidentally throw it too hard
>it lands on the floor and breaks into a zillion pieces
so not only do i break glass when i'm sad
apparently i break it when i'm happy too
thanks emotions
Ah, some things don't make sense until you're a little older.
Will this thread ever end...
I mean
Are you fucking jacking off to this shit
What the fuck
make a new thread then, you lazy anon
ashamed of what? there's literally nothing to be shamed about..... u still have a lot of repressing and self acceptance to work out
i don't mind lol
but at 20¢ a shot, it's not cheap :s
for those of you who pass, how long on hrt / what surgeries did it take for you to reach that point??
about 10 months and no surgeries to speak of. it is a lot of work to pass on a consistent basis though
>implying you pass
i wonder this too
also its daunting cus id have to do this in 3 different languages
but my biggest fear is that i'll be perceived as an attentionwhore
i think people will believe you though, espec if you write a decently long serious post
I went full-time six months after restarting HRT and had no problem passing then. Not sure how much the self-medding I did in my teen years helped. Only facial surgery I got since was a trachea shave and a lip lift. I might go for something more extensive this year, from a regular plastic surgeon, to get my lower face look better.
I didn't post it explicitly. Just changed my name and posted an updated pic when I went full-time. Didn't surprise anyone. Most people who know me have known for a very long time, the only news was that I was giving another shot at transitioning.
and if theres a chance of him disowning you then dont tell him, but are you sure of this? all your brothers are gay, would it be such a big deal for him?
Why is Edie so out of touch with reality?
Black girls are high-testosterone, so paedophiles and eunuchs don't like them.
Let him believe what he wants to believe
Where did you find this character? I only have $. Do you have a French keyboard?
it's altgr+shift+¢ on the us international keyboard
not sure what it is on iso keyboards

i certainly recommend the us international keyboard layout for anyone currently using standard us layout
it changes your right alt into a modifier key so you can write western european shit
like à or ß or œ or ñ or ð, etc

and a better range of currency signs like € and £
OMG your sooo beautiful i need to talk to you and get you in my life =)
I'm not her though. I only used her picture.
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