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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 83

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Greatest living American edition
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Should've let me make the thread man
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ew get this thot off my monitor
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What does /cum/ think of the future first musician president of the United States?
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I'm down with it
a fucking stick
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Waywt /cum/
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any1 here watch ESA when it was on?
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Really need a ginger gf to breed and create a compound of ginger soldiers with.
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Every man deserves a cute thot
I want to secede to be honest.
And maybe invade Canada.
Need the discord link again
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Really need a dozen donuts rn, I'm hungry as shit.
DON'T GIVE INTO SUGAR, brother!!!!!!!!!
you're better off without it
im rly drunk tonite

good man
HH (88)
do you regret it
i'm slightly drunk tonight
Dont want to be alive anymore, but too much of a pussy to end it
gib link
Now go drive
need alcohol
Me too. But Death will eventually do it for me.

so go buy some
It's been hours since I last drank.

Living that sober life.

this is nice
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>Tfw 2 girls over me and maybe a 3rd one but im too dense
>But dont wanna get my dick on crazy since they all are from the liberal building
I dont even like them but i feel like i should lower my expectations before i hit 25.
They are 8/10, and 2 7/10.
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checked, send discord link
Speaking of flat koreans, this girl is pretty great.
im 20
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yes very im going to get in bed alone, and be really sad
to what?
i dont even have a license :3
im all out now, just had my last show and i have a headache now :(
sober life sux
She would be a handsome man

so what?
How do you not have a license does your mom drive you everywhere?
>Americans have to be 21 to drink alcohol
>amerilard has never lived in a system with good public transportation
america everyone
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How can I tell when my drinking is becoming a problem?
>hurrrrrrr XD???
fuck off moron
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immigrant power rankings
>legal Hispanics
>non-muslim Arabs
>blacks who aren't from Somalia or an island
>illegal Hispanics
>Somalian blacks and islander blacks
I take the bus and bike! I dont have to go anywhere super demanding

i have a horrible fear of driving

absolutely atrocious post and opinions


just get someone to buy it for you
Buy an airlock, put some yeast in grape juice and wait 7-10 days. Not the best but it'll get you rekt.

you've obviously never been to canada. fucking parasites who dont assimilate (see Richmond, BC)
>Relying on others still to get places
The ultimate manchildpill
Its so much nicer when you need to go further to just drive.
who would want to assimilate to americunt "culture"
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I hate it when this happens
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Tattooed covered thot with curves
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it's 2 degrees colder than it should be
thank wildfires
How do I avoid the negroization of America and get bad to my love of skinny girls?
then why the fuck are they there? go back to china if you don't like the culture
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did i tell you guys about the qt with ribbon tattoos on the back of her thighs.

omo... omg i wanted to die...

holly molly.
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Forget girls

Embrace thots
That first top right one is an interesting take on bitching about jews. Never saw it like that before.
I actually feel bad for this guy. Americans were a parasite for people that just wanted a quiet life :(
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>Embrace thots
>tribes waging war
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You're using the meme wrong
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>using discord
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>You're using the meme wrong
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>You're using the meme wrong
he isn't
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He's from Canada and even explicitly mentions it. Anon, can you read or do you just go around spewing your "college educated" bullshit everywhere?

/cum/ tell me, should I just give up on America and our way of life, go around fucking anything that moves without regard for consequences, make nothing of my life and blame the government, and become a retarded millennial that hates America and wants desperately to learn Spanish and convert to Islam?

Genuine question.
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i want to impregnate a girl, but i dont want kids.

do you guys feel this as well? it no make sense to me.
damn it
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Good night, faggots
>going to bed at 10:30
>having a job
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It's instinct, anon. That's that biological clock women always talk about when they get older.
have kids
i go to bed at 9pm when i can
so peaceful at 5am
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wanna wank
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Post a cheekier image
don't do it
Jesus is watching

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dont care
Go to sleep man, you're done for the night.
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>dont care
Guess the race
Had a foreign friend tell me that Americans were all "generically attractive". Weirdest compliment I've ever received.
nah its a nigger
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Damn she was only 8 thats sad
Who is this girl i keep seeing?
evrything is real shitty over here
google image search tells me it's kina shen
Google image search tells me that you're gay lmao.
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not true
who has the biggest COCK here? reveal yourself
Boys tell me how my new mic sounds, tinkering around with her a bit.


If you need some more tests let me know
Self-loathing never ceases
why do I keep forcing myself to play mahjong

Im not good at it
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tfw no gf
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i want to make a girl pregnant four times
me too
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tfw you've gone so long without a girlfriend you've reverted back to being a virgin and legitimately don't care
I am turned on by anime girls
you're so fresh to death, i'm sick as c-cancer
HATE mahjong
>tfw perma forever alone virgin.
get better
Only two things I require of women:
- british accent
- fat ass
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you have to be in MENSA to remember all the stupid rules/hands
Being a leg man is suffering
I can't handle tay's legs without getting a massive boner
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is jellybean a thot?
yes very much so

Kill me, Pete
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Are you all ready for the future?
What the fuck, Orwell was right
If you need to ask that, you have a problem.
mexicans are so embarrassing
Lovely you mommy
self employed it is then.
i want genocide
what would you tell to your 11 yo self?

enjoy runescape while you can, its about to go to shit
defend yourself. throw punches. don't let people push you around. study hard, get good grades, seek help with your schoolwork, go to college or the military asap

Don't trust you gym teacher
don't pretend to be happy when you aren't
there's still Old school runescape
Tell myself to confirm that i wont dont bang the fatty to dont do it, and explain myself the wonders of never get your dick on crazy.
Also To calm down with sadpanda, the fainting came from fapping 8 times a day for a month nonstop.
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don't do drugs. whatever you fucking do, don't do drugs. because you will come to regret it with every fiber of your being.
I think I gave myself brain cancer trying to read your post, anon. Get your grammar together.
I guess i reached the point where i cant type correctly anymore, good night anon, im too sleepy to write.
Good night, buddy. Have sweet Mexican dreams for me.
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I have a headache
What is some music you would never admit to liking?
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LITERALLY ICP entire fanbase.jpg
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>I enjoy ICP
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I want to stay up and take it easy dammit, becoming a wage slave was a mistake

I just get shitfaced before going to bed.

I have fun, get drunk, stay up late, and the alcohol turns into a stimulant as it's broken down which makes it super easy to wake up in the morning without being groggy (still tired though). Luckily my job is filled with cute girls to flirt with all day to keep my energy levels up.

I'm only awake right now for above stated reason, even though I don't have work tomorrow.
i'm kinda older than i was when i rebelled without a care
Is she coming out with a new album?
Nothing because I wouldn't want to ruin my innocence. Probably lottery numbers from next week or something.
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I won a game

fuck you, pennyslvania
>mfw someone finally recognized one of the lyrics I post
And yeah she did actually like a month and a half ago
You were still innocent and pure at 11?
driving through kansas tomorrow

how bad is it REALLY? interstate 70 west
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Does /cum/ like cute autistic girls?

>posting while driving
how many people have died like that?


corn everywhere
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Leave /cum/ forever if you pour milk before cereal.
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proof that real ones actually exist?
You're not a girl, you're not actually autistic, you don't have clinical depression.
I forget the video name but I did see a cute autistic girl flipping pancakes. If anyone knows what I'm talking abut please post.

I know I'm not a girl If you looked into my channel you would see my name is Chaim.
I'm content with my life.
This is pathetic and blatantly untrue.

There's the occasional tree here and there. And sometimes there's a city. But you gotta search through the corn to find them.
I thought she had palsy.

She looked retarded to me.
Gal Gadot is NOT attractive.
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good morning /cum/
nowhere in north america is good morning, except maybe greenland

It's 3:39 in the morning pablo.
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where will you be 5 years from now /cum/?
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cool chinaman.jpg
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America's not so bad, if I don't think about it too hard.

dead in a french brothel

Doing your mom!
same place but with a job and an education and a car hopefully

Probably in an apartment by myself still browsing /cum/ and still a virgin.

You will have powers!
Only do good with them.
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Fuckin' leafs!
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Has /cum/ ever lost?
This Wiz kid sure did.

How to be racist but still make friends and talk to girls?
what is the age of consent in mexico?
I feel like a new man
Also I redownloaded a bunch of the Paramore songs I used to listen to as a kid
in the same place, but things will be different. Hopefully I will own a house
>paramore members are soon gonna be 30
Dead hopefully, and I say this as someone who isn't suicidal
If not then either in more or less the same place I am now or something entirely different, like living in a different city or even different state
What are the best places in the United States for someone who hates rejects and can not stand autumn and winter at all, and who just wants to live and be in places that are warm all year round?
>hates rejects
For lunch in 8 hours (it's 4 am here):

chick fil a
pasta from a bag
five guys
kraft mac n cheese

vote pleaze
30 is not too bad, once they hit 40 it'll really be time to throw in the towel
Alaska is a Whore Refrigerator
kraft mac and cheese, gonna go make some now, thanks for reminding me
(its 1 am here)
What ethnicity are you?
All bad options
Eat a salad, fatty
She had cerebral palsy, retard. Her channel name is Charisse living with cerebral palsy.
Alaska is a Shit Cooler
>having low metabolism

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Even if you're skinny those are still poor nutritional options
Re-evaluate your life choices my man
The fact of the matter is that we are enemies


Watching what you eat is a betamale activity
haha! BINLAND!
haha! BELGIUM!
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asmr lmaoooo nigga
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Does /cum/ like feet?
>does cum have autism
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You like?
>tfw you clog the shitter
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what happened here?
the depression and regret is setting in
go to bed
Lovecratian shit, CIA, and weird French speaking hicks.

kek at the indian butthurt in the comments

>it's just massala nothing gross!
>please stop insulting him!
>he is trying his very best
>if you say this is unhygienic you have a lot to learn...
>please like this comment if ur indian
no kys
yeah but real ones
cum is pro-indian general, aryans are based
any americans living in washington, can you sneak into the valve offices and download the date on their current projects

that would be great
Honestly I bet that tastes pretty good but is filled with traces of shit.
americans are subhuans
Tfw no huan gf
Bonjour, ça va ?
cute FULL HD toes :-)

watched one too many videos of roasted pork belly with orgasm inducing crackling

REALLY hungry rn

REALLY dead thread too LOL
fuck off
no i won't?

but i admire the extra effort you go through to remove the >> and make @ out of it LOL

guess I mean more to you than you would like to admit! hahaha
haha you got me! :^)
Trips and Canada becomes part of the USA.
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What r u doing today /cum/?
get over it
>its a trap
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At work so drink coffee, listen to music, read some comics and shitpost all day
Why can't the left meme?
t. Skinnyfat betamale
as long as she doesnt wear long trousers, she can rule land and sea, idc
me on the right, /cum/ on the left
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>his state pays over 1 billion protecting illegal spics
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im back from work you guys
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Official languages of /cum/: English and French
game's gonna be shit without time travel
brush your teeth more
wipe your butt better
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Mirriam Leone was built for BBC
She looks like a mature lorde
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Tfw no one to fuck my boipussy
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Obama was the worst president in the history of the country
Ummm don't you mean English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese?
Traitorous fifth columns who want to join the leafs.
no, Reagan was
Tfw internet slows to a crawl
He wasn't good, but we've had worst. Personally I'd say Reagan as of recent history since he started Corporatist/Neoliberal path were on.
half a year in but i can already tell drumpf is the worst and most pathetic that ever has been and ever will be...
Since being an adult virgin is considered a disability now does that mean I can get a pass to park in handicapped spaces
made a VERY, VERY highly controversial post on /r/taiwan with my throwaway account
You can always just try to get laid. I'm sure you're able to if you try.
Very good question
At this point I'd rather just take the parking space
yeah just tape some of your pubes on the hood of your car and cops will know
Are you ready for the 2017 Universiade held in TAIPEI, TAIWAN?
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Get a fake id nerd
I hate my self so much I'm willing to sabotage my future with drugs just to get back at all the people that said I was stupid

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Make real friends instead of going on the internet
It'll be harder but you wont regret it
white people

looked into this a little bit. Turns out that the black groups likely banded together to all change the point of the debate to being "against blackness". They used a style that would essentially force the other white people to say "blackness is wrong" or something like that. Since no one wanted to sound racist they let these people win.

chocolate covered watermelons.
Why is this music video so awkward
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>slut gets jailed for talking her online boyfriend into suicide via text
>ameriturd brainlets say the verdict "violates free speech"
It does though
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Found footkraut
how is cum today
It's gotten really cold today. Summer is done.
feeling terrible desu

have bad acne. just feel lke killing myself at the moment because i'm such an ugly piece of shit
how about you change ur lyfstyl and get rid of the acne
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>just feel like killing myself at the moment because I'm such an ugly piece of shit
Same bud but at least you're white. Ahahh
jesus fuck

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i change many times.

i've been the doctor many times with prescriptions, some of helped but nothing has cleared it

tried many different products over the years, nothing has helped

lately i've become desperate and cut out all traces of caffeine, alcohol, etc. tried taking vitamin supplements, eating food that is supposed to supposedly helps acne (nuts, green food like spinach and shit)

nothing has helped. might as well shoot myself at this point. i'd rather be a fat ass than look like this
how about you leave your room and get some fresh air and exercise
haven't been to dentist in about 2 years

how fucked am i?

going next week scared as fuck literally shaking

longest you've gone without going to the dentist?
probably more tartar than actual tooth in your disgusting stinkhole
i brush x2 daily, floss at night, brush tongue 2x daily
oih shit you're right fresh air will solve my problems thanksss why did i not think of this sooner
i've increased to brushing once daily and flossing once a month
Whatever pizzaface
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*steal your freedom*
Jokes on you we haven't had freedom since before 911
Stop using milk products, if no good stop using grains based stuff too
those michelle carter texts are weird as fuck.

A) what was wrong with the guy?
B) what was wrong with the girl?
classic case of an attention whore

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I started posting on this site when I was 13 and I legitimately think it has negatively affected me.
Thread posts: 305
Thread images: 83

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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