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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 106

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A Perfect World.png
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worldwide edition
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wojak 39.jpg
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>>anything BUT Dubliners
you already posted this
we saw it
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Reminder that in a world of completely arbitrary occurrences, women are the shining beacon of meaning
You literally cannot justify it any other way
I feel better about my life now
Delet this
average texan
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Why did North America fall for the circumcism meme?
Average /cum/ poster
big dumb idiot
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My manhood is intact senpai
Why do spics like Mikey mouse so much?
I am officially out of the closet
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Bless her heart.
Wanna fap but I'm too lazy
Wish I had a gf to do this for me
So that's what wealth makes with people.
Why don't guys like this hire a hooker? Seriously, what the fuck do they have to lose? Their dignity? Risk of disease? hahaha
That'd be good if it wasn't made with such low-quality ingredients.
This makes me hard
already got offered my job back after my suspension is over
Reminder that if you are over the age of 19 and have not read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man you have missed a fundamental part of your young-adulthood, no wonder you're so miserable!
Bugs Bunny > Mickey Mouse
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wojak 25.jpg
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he wants love
Americans smell
They're too expensive

I think I'll survive
Does anyone ITT live like this? Like live in their basement?

Sometimes I think that most of you are normie chads but then sometimes someone posts that they're a pathetic loser.
Fuck that shit, if you're a virgin at 30 go fuck a hooker
Some are pretty cheap I hear
I'm pretty much a toned down version of this guy
This is why boys need a father figure and not a mom who babies them their whole life
donald > daffy
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I have a basement apartment. Otherwise social and neurotypical. Just no gf
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Been thinking about this a lot
>Like live in their basement?
I live upstairs actually, but yeah
wrong. daffy is best duck
All the ones here are pretty fat and gross but the ones ive called are all about $300/hr
Price of pussy is too damn high
I'm in the middle. I have had sex and I have friends and go out sometimes, but I still live at home despite having a job and paying for my own things.
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At least he can talk to girls
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>tfw no wing mom
can you get a half hour for $150? that might be worth it
Jesus christ mate at least have some dignity
That's insane WTF america? Pretty sure every woman would be a hooker if that was the case
Whats wrong with that?
I have an American flatmate...he has a very interesting sign on his door....

"This door has no lock - so please knock or you might see a cock"

daffy drumpf for president 2020
fat bugs bunny>everyone else
you have no idea who you're talking to
>at least have some dignity
Um, sweetie, we're posing on an anonymous anime imageboard, in a general named /cum/
yeah but the downsize is that you have to get involved with weird people (mafia, killers, other dangerous people) and not to mention the STDs
Ah yes based donald amirite fellow kekistani
that's tragic
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>tfw you can finally filter fk without filtering all germans
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I am waiting til Marriage to have sex

WTF, I HATE Donald now!
is there a single show left on american television that isn't scripted?
good man. resist the thots
nothing like disappointing her on her wedding night
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fire n stuff.jpg
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/our guy/?

Footkraut is cool as long as he isn't yelling at me for saying bro-science.

literally me every winter
Literally no one will do this. Girls want sex. No one is going to put up with years waiting to get married before doing it

>sargon !E7LiDmpslw
that's how
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If nobody wants to have sex with you...

It just means you're too good for them!
I thought that german with the trip was him

I guess not
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>Um, sweetie, we're posing on an anonymous anime imageboard, in a general named /cum/
This. And someone last thread told me to stop being autistic and go help someone move. As if I want to spend my weekend doing free labor instead of staying inside and shitposting. Fucking normies OUT OUT OUT
Are you retarded? Thats not fk. Sargon is from /mena/, hes an assyrian living in germanistan
umm lol NOPE haha

he doesnt use a name tho
No. I unironically think that both Footkraut and ""The Dane"" are good for this general.
well you could use the exercise moving
I am a voluntary celibate
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>I unironically think that both Footkraut and ""The Dane"" are good for this general
I would imagine he thought that was FK using a trip.

But thanks for the /mena/ information
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tim byrne.jpg
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What're you laughing at, sunshine?
we are two distinct entities tho
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>No. I unironically think that both Footkraut and ""The Dane"" are good for this general.
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fedora tip.jpg
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>>I unironically think that both Footkraut and ""The Dane"" are good for this general
>when you accidentally blow your cover but other people set up your alibi

haha what no i never post in mena
the youtube skeptic community
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I was doing this then I got a girlfriend and within 2 weeks she had successfully seduced me

He doesnt look that bad to be a 34 year old virgin

you know except for the part where he is obsessed
is for brainlets
anytime I see anything asian feet related, I think it's you
who here watching twitchpresents
i've never liked anime before but i think i might get into it now
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>Closest Match: Centrist
if it's a german flag it might just be!!
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Judge me harshly
and this was the beginning of journey into degenerate neetdom
Nice digits. Or i can go down to my apartment's gym
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>Jefferson chained by Cali
Somehow I don't think this helps our case for trying to be good to them. Probably not a good idea to treat them like a foreign element, especially since they are actually pretty chill.
what's wrong with your computer?
moron for posting this test
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Does anyone here play Secondlife?
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>No. I unironically think that both Footkraut and ""The Dane"" are good for this general.
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Not sure I catch your drift.

jeffersonians are fucking retarded and think a region of counties entirely devoted to retirees, innawoods wackjobs, and the service industry will sustain itself

source: I live within its proposed borders
>me in the back

i tried it once after having seen those esteban troll videos on youtube
the people there are just fucked in the head
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I don't know what that word means...
they look like completely normal people...
The CIA caused pearl harbor to prevent the creation of The State of Jefferson
>In November, the elected representatives of the State of Jefferson declared independence on the steps of the Siskiyou County Courthouse. National newsreel cameras recorded the event, which received front-page coverage in newspapers across the country. San Francisco Chronicle reporter Stanton Delaplane earned a Pulitzer Prize for his series of feature articles on the State of Jefferson. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, ended the episode, and the former Jeffersonians publicly pledged their loyalty to the war effort on December 8.
thank god
There's nothing wrong with this. Just cum again.
For some reason this image put me in a Christmas mood and I feel happy inside now.
I can imagine the happy and easygoing atmosphere at this little get together, having some drinks and loud chatting over some snacks while it's already dark outside past 5pm and then you walk home in freezing cold when the party is over but it doesn't really bother you because you had some drinks and they keep you warm.
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>the invisible hand of the free market will correct itself
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muh life.jpg
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Can somebody explain to me what these guys mean?
i will try to masturbate

wish me luck
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I can't even play first life very well
look at your font
it's all jagged

turn on font smoothing
J-just making a g-g-g-greentext doesn't m-mean it isn't t-t-true
what's your favorite animu?
i enjoyed the Dragon Maid thing two days ago
and now this "Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers" is playing and it's nice
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Yeah, you have jagged fonts and everything is all squished together.
Bonne chance

Test link?
absolutely based
Sauce? What's her name
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Thanks, fren.
Just woke up buds
god speed bud

cowboy bebop is my personal fav. i also really like initial d
i'm probably the worst person to ask for recs
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hmmm very nice
Beta male
are you the guy with the surface?
>What's her name
for real?
Believe me, I think it's a horrible idea and they are being conned, but they are still Californians and we have a duty to them. We need to give them positive reasons why California is still worth it.

its 12:30
i thought the dubs were terrible for cowboy bebop so i couldn't get into it
need a sub version
Real intellectuals only
>the surface
Explain dis pls.
We need to massacre them for being separatists.
there's a canuck with a surface tablet
>tfw no comfy sandbox medieval MMO to play
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tfw no gf
>he didn't grow up watching cowboy bebop re-runs on adult swim
NAME? NAME?????????
Ah. That ain't me. I got a PC built out of junkyard pieces.
Belatrixxx Shy
Yeah, and? I went to bed at 4 and woke up at 6, then went back to bed at 7

go to bed earlier
tfw gf
Thanks footkraut stay as long as you like
it's nicole aniston. Welcome to the internet
i was more of a nickelodeon/disney channel guy
I was doing things that stopped me from going to bed
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*tips ushanka*
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Our Guy.png
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Im a radical centrist
strongly agree
thoughts on labour unions?
get out of my country

good in theory, bad in practice
dont care
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If anyone needs to be massacred its Berkeley. I'm liberal as shit but their abandonment of their values of freedom of speech and their rioting have brought shame upon us. Maybe we should just start practicing seppuku.
i have mixed feeling about them
i can't think of a single reason why they exist in 2017
to protect the rights of workers
don't care

Germans are the highest quality posters of /int/, just unlucky there's a lot of turkroaches amongst them.
10 min 50 bucks would be best
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Who here centrist masterrace?
>>Germans are the highest quality posters of /int/
worst post I've seen all day because I've filtered Germany
Why are ancient Japanese illustrations so lumpy looking? I get that it's part of the aesthetic, but did everybody have rampant tumors or something back then?
what a nebulous thing to say
are you really trying to imply that "workers" would have zero "rights" if not for labor unions?
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good thing I drank all that beer last night
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The future president of the United States.

put your german city of choice in the search bar and find a hooker you'd fucc
*tips fedora*
Should I buy Skyrim Remastered?
I don't think there's anything wrong with thots.
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it's an American invention
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Dumpo better look out

Delaney will win in the biggest landslide since 1988
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Thoughts: All texts voted on by either chamber must be dictated preceding any vote.
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here are some tits
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the gf
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What happened to the cat poster? I miss him.
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If the Sinaloan comes here any time soon tell him I have a new picture for him
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good idea
think i'm gonna smoke a cigarette. i've had half a pack sitting in a drawer for three months now, it's time
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what the heck
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kill yourselves
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This test is pretty sitty because it asks very broad questions like "should we open our borders to immigration" which I agree with but only high-skilled immigration, not flooding the country with low-skilled workers that'll work for less than our citizens. And like "Are regional unions like the European Union good". But I like the idea of unions for the sake of cooperation but the EU has overreached its original purpose in my opinion, but the African Union is a good union in my opinion.
What kind of mental disorder makes a man be attracted to that?
thicc ass bitch
How it goes
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yes I have more hold on
Opening borders means you let everyone in. Only letting skilled immigrants in isn't opening borders. Brainlet.
dumb head
she'd be attractive if she wasn't so fat

I seriously wonder if all those THICC posters are actually attracted to it.
it's just strange that all of a sudden 90% of the userbase is attracted to overweight women

you dont know the difference between THICC and fat, do you
I think his mission is done
you're already posting what he used o post
fresh meme
I had a dream that I was charged with attempted murder for sending a hitman after someone in a wal-mart parking lot
The hitman failed, and I was happy that he did, although I was still facing the felony charge
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don't really care, Carlos
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i'd fuck a chick, no problem
It's just not the same without him ;_;
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>I don't smoke
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Ideal female figure
does this 8values quiz use "right" and "entitlement" interchangeably?
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too skinny
Would never fuck a fat chick.
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too fat
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>Click strongly agree to everything
>Get centrist
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scrubs the lot of you
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now this is gross

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>I deliberately cause myself to have lung cancer and a host of other health issues
Smokers are literally the same as the morbidly obese.
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slimmer olivia jensen
Feels good living in one of the thinnest states in the country so I don't have to resort to thinking fat cows are attractive.
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at what cost
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and this is not so slim olivia jensen
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pretty sure my state is thinner
Not a problem for me. Latinas up here are hot.
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If you're not politically centred you are a child or subhuman
We should lynch blacks again or put them back into slavery, for their own sake

thats a lie
I had a really strange but vivid dream tonight and it's one that I can even remember which usually never happens.

I was living in a cozy hut up in the alps and sugar me (Japanese singer) was there with me.
We had a chat and all and then I wanted to gift her a sweater but when I took it out from underneath my bed it had many little holes from moths in the fabric. That's when I woke up.

I sometimes wonder what makes you dream stuff like this.

Anyway, sugar me is a total QT!!!


(short little peek at her toes in the first few secs of the video)
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>Not a problem for me. Latinas up here are hot.
>Not a problem for me. Latinas up here are hot.
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pretty racist bro
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t. Stuck with low class goblins
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you niggas only like either fat land whales or hungry skeleton woman, jesus!
All the fucking time someone post a walking table with a blonde wig and someone responds with a fucking barrel with legs claimiong it's hotter.
Damn hilarious and sad at the same time!
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What up niggers
*heems you*

no, East bay is full of mexisluts

theyre hideous
Good post.
You speak the truth.
What about this? >>77762106
t. vanilla as fuck
kys normie
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don't see you posting anything, paco
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all pale in comparison to misa
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Ma femme

strange considering how obese the adults in this state are
>people have different preferences
wow how hilarious and sad
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please stop posting
what the fuck
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One would think that she'd at least try and get rid of that tan line before debuting that.
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>East Bay
Lmao. I have family in Sacramento and there are plenty of good looking Mexican girls there, so the valley isn't devoid of them.
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>tfw green state
some guys like tan lines
No Mexican goblin women in my state of Missouri famalamadingdong
just blacks
there should be tho, they're everywhere now
most of them will probably get fatter as they get older sadly
Next American I see is gonna get it
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Get what?

subtract 20% from that ass
Not in my state thank God
Thread posts: 306
Thread images: 106

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