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Thread replies: 293
Thread images: 51

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temporarily embarrassed millionaires edition
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wonder when leftypol will realise that no matter how long they spam their tiresome shit they still won't win anyone over
and we'll destroy it again inshallah


kill them all with fire
any temporarily embarrassed chads here
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normies have a permanent form of the confidence you get from being semi-drunk
shit edition desu
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me eating a snickers lads x
want to top myself
think the /leftypol/ raids pushed me away from Labour if anything

what a horrific irritating bunch of children

can only imagine these sniveling rats forming 'communist clubs' in their secondary schools
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<mrw when someone admits their support brexit
want to top a twink
so do I
going to try again now
you're cute x
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want to cop a sink
not really horny but will joylessly masturbate anyway
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dont do it lads, please.
very angry


ah yes, where any meaningful post requires about 20 tweets in a row that take you an age to read and your timeline is backwards

fuck off you underage turd. twitter is literally the antithesis of a medium catering to good levels of discourse, which is why you find so many niggers and left wing runtoids on it
why is that
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who /thicc/ here?
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happy nicholas ii execution day /brit/!
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not how you make a meme mate
h-hi x
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>N word
This isn't the place for that son
these are from different angles mind

left is old, middle was current, right is how it will probably end up looking when they >fix it
could do with her as my gf
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too hot
hurr durr i britbong i stupid grammar for americans
Hello 13 year old insect

Back from 'communist club' at school?
I really want to die, I just want to die.
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>mfw someone came to /brit/ just to anonymously virtue signal their leftist superiority but has no idea how people even meme on 4chan
Why do you keep posting this?
Is there any reason to be optimistic for the future of Britain lads? I literally have no hope.
I love this awful, cucked, Islamic shithole embarrassment of a nation.
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why? women and/or money?
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thank you
>the jews are importing brown low iq hordes because they are much easier to control than whites
>white people are facing genocide and extinction because the media is telling them to

very interesting
>Unironic ledditors posting here
Piss off
jobbies is a better word for poos ngl
Hello rorkies. Please leave the country, well be better off without you!
i feel the same way quite often. But I know that there was a time when i didn't feel like that, so I know there can be a time when I dont feel like that. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, but killing yourself just ensures you never get to it.
give me a galway girl
>da jooz !

Fuck off mentally ill schizophrenic conspiracy theorists
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don't rate tattoos normally but this bangs

would look better if he was a bit bulkier but still, it's the thought that counts (it's not)
the low iq hordes don't seem easier to control

terrorism, tribal wars, gang culture all quite difficult to make inroads against.
that's why I'm studying Chinese and plan on doing Russian, Arabic, German, French, or Spanish soon
Which is why you don't go to Twitter for meaningful posts, moron. You go there for general updates, funny quips, pics you're interested in etc.

Not my fault, or Twitter's, that you followed all the worst people on there and think that represents the entire site.
>Is there any reason to be optimistic for the future of Britain lads?

no, move to somewhere white like rural wales or the southwest
>more white people than at any other point in history
The Rorke is such a specimen
I've felt like that for years, there honestly is no light for me, I swear.
how is the UK remotely islamic?
i don't mean to be rude but it's strange how just by looking at some people's faces youc an tell they're not very well off/ a bit thick
why the european languages
they're all in the same boat
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Why are Londoners so weird?
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>ywn be in the Yakuza
>There is no private property on Utopia, with goods being stored in warehouses and people requesting what they need. There are also no locks on the doors of the houses, which are rotated between the citizens every ten years.
>Slavery is a feature of Utopian life and it is reported that every household has two slaves.
>premarital sex punished by a lifetime of enforced celibacy and adultery being punished by enslavement.
>Travel on the island is only permitted with an internal passport and any people found without a passport are, on a first occasion, returned in disgrace, but after a second offence they are placed in slavery.
> Only atheists are despised (but allowed) in Utopia, as they are seen as representing a danger to the state: since they do not believe in any punishment or reward after this life, they have no reason to share the communistic life of Utopia, and will break the laws for their own gain.
>Gambling, hunting, makeup and astrology are all discouraged in Utopia.
>Privacy is not regarded as freedom in Utopia; taverns, ale-houses and places for private gatherings are non-existent for the effect of keeping all men in full view, so that they are obliged to behave well.

sounds like a fucking shithole ngl
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he unironically looks like me
I'm in the picture lad
Kill yourself
>decides to watch some obviously reddit nu-male garbage

feeling for you since it's like a drug to hate something so badly.
shit is not healthy and not very adult
might do a cheeky suicide

hate everything
>5 minute drive from London bridge
>marked self safe in Manchester

have you considered/tried therapy? I've been feeling like this for about three years (have had bad spells before then too, but its been consistent for the past three) personally, and am beginning therapy when i get back to the uk. The way you feel is based on your perception
good luck god bless
what method?
If he's not Japanese then it's a bit weeaboo, but still a lot better than 99% of tattoos I've seen. If I was gonna get a tattoo I like to think I'd get something similar.
>part and parcel mayor of capital
>explosive diversity
>Sharia controlled zones
>politicians' Paki pandering
>cultural enrichment of British children
>more Muslims than Christians
>everyone avoids offending Islam
Spanish for Latin America, France for Africa, and German for Switzerland
>don't rate tattoos normally but this bangs
>would look better if he was a bit bulkier but still, it's the thought that counts (it's not)
lads when i need to go out and be social i pop a pill and it makes me lose all my anxiety, gives me confidence, and i can look a girl in the eye. good stuff.

legal too.
the old library was fucking vile
get a grip lads
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Whoooooo can saaaaaaaay where the roaaaaaad goooooooes

>at war with t*rks because of Poland
dont worry i'm ugly too but at least i'm an "intelligent ugly" to quote other people LOL
just don't live in london or the north
simple as
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REALLY like this image
Is there a way to use xanax consistently in a healthy way?
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gf just sent me this
Yeah, it didn't work
Essex spotted
if europe goes to shite why would you want to go to latin america or africa
if you've been around 3+ year old kids at all in the past year its easy to be passively exposed because they watch dumb minecraft youtubers like that on the TV for hours.
>>part and parcel mayor of capital
he's right though? terrorists attack urban centres not rural villages. this was true during the IRA times and its true now?
>explosive diversity
what does this even mean
>sharia controlled zones
literally a meme
>Paki pandering
>cultural enrichment of British children
how so? what does this mean?
>more Muslims than Christians
unironically false.
>everyone avoids offending Islam
again not true, there are plenty of people offending islam.

I think you need to lay off the daily-express or the PJW if you're getting all depressed about life for things which aren't as bad as you tihnk they are.
yes mate, check out my post here >>77276888

what are you using xanax for? anxiety? or are u a bartard
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added more freckles this summer
meh the new shite they're going to put in there won't make it look much better.

the 0121 is a sinking shithole though, glad im out. im just going to exploit it by buying property there before the ol' HS2 gets built.
utterly worthless post
It's funny how height works. I mean if you hear a lad is like 5ft6 you think wow, they're short. But then in person it's actually not that short like the magic cutoff isn't like an inch you know.
>just don't live in our largest, most important economically and culturally city
Hmm yes, it's not like it's getting worse every day.

In 100 years all of England's pleasant pastures green will be grey concrete council estates for Jamal and Mohammed.

i have intense ambient anxiety and paranoia
That's wrong. I'm 5'9 and I look like a fucking midget
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some girls like freckles m8. i get em and hate them as i feel like i look pic related
why the fuck are polish families so loud
I love how my skin glistens and sparkles in the sunlight, I can see colours on it, like when you look close at a TV, red, blue, green.
Ah yes, let me tell you about your country
utterly worthless person

go stuff your face on bovine growth hormone'd USDA-approved mad cow disease beef patties or something you flabby bastard.
who dares desu
we'll all be dead by then anyway
no clue 2bh
won't get the option to pick another language for a year
keep trying, maybe consider medication too, and read about depression so you can recognise better your own pathological thought patterns. Im going to bed, I hope you're alright tomorrow mate.
check out phenibut. if you're using xanax to relieve anxiert rather than for a benzo addiction it'll work. basically takes 2 hours to take effect so plan ahead. take about 1.5gs on an empty stomach, wait 2 hours, then have some food.

works well if you drink it with coffee too.
any shia in innit?
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Yeah but have you ever even lived in london? It's a great city. No you just sit at home reading memes about it from jealous people. What a fucking joke. Funny how anyone who actually lives near these hubs admits there aren't any of these made up problems.

>tfw I wanted to take Southern England but scots cucked me
>when you look close at a TV, red, blue, green
You mean old CRT tellys, right? I remember being fascinated by the TV as a kid, and being mystified when I looked up close and it had those little red/blue/green blocks.
been on medication for quite a while, that's done nothing
still, thanks for your thoughts, I hope you feel better too
s-stop bullying me
doing an actual, proper, thinking man's depression

very frightening
phenibut stops working as you build a tolerance

i need a permanent positive change in my brain chemistry
>what does this mean?
if i were to hazard a guess
and the led lights in modern ones
wonder why my skin is doing that, it's really pretty though
do you ever go in one of the bizarro generals like /ex-yu/ or /polska/ and just wonder what the fuck is going on
drugs won't help you in that sense. i just take phenibut once a week so dont think i have a tolerance problem.
the so-called gf

the irish bombed london 25 years ago you just got to accept radical islam as a part of life now
Insecurity. 5ft9 here often complimented on my height
>I doubt you even a Muslim!
>You probably a Shia innit, you probably a Shia innit?
>They all kuffar! *waves hand*
>They all kuffar! *waves hand*
>What, who can do anything about it, what, what?
>Shia are kuffar, what?
>Do something!
what compliment?
that's how I feel too
freckles are cute :3
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well rorke, what have you got to say for yourself?

Don't even understand what people are trying to say when they make this argument, we were far too much of a soft touch on domestic Irish republicans
thats not the point he's making.

the point he's making is that terrorism is a threat, so you need to be prepared for it.
Stuff like
>You're pretty tall, nice
Etc. I am 5ft9.5 though so above average male height. This may not be the case for 5ft9 flat people
>dude capitalism lmao
fake news
who /middleofthemonthpayday/ here?

get paid tomorrow
psychetruth asmr is best, shame they've got so many munters doing it though
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>open borders

ooooy ve----*creams myself*
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>capitalism is bad
might rent a cottage in wales for a week and take loads of acid
straight up the shit PIPE
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fell in love with a girl i saw in the supermarket again lads
please take Essex and give it its independence my frog friend
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would like a massage from the red haired one they sometimes have as a model desu
any willyman in? x
the london experience

the newest design is the worst
Why do I let myself run out of benzos? I know what I'm like, I need those pills on hand for an emergency, yet every 6 months or so I let myself run fucking OUT, usually days before I have a proper benzo need.

Really doesn't add to the current ambience
dog breed idea: the runt hound
what would they be like?
euuugh meeting girls is such a fucking effort

need the ex back NOW
ah yes the economist
is that photoshopped?
Based communism
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>removing these barriers would be beneficial in any way for the people in the first world
Ah yes, thanks for my £10 million bribe, be nice if I could spend it on something other than ammunition and basic supplies to try and ride out the apocalypse.
Tomorrow maybe

I finally have the opportunity to colonize, so I'm colonizing N.America, if Scotland breaks the alliance and become more and more agressive, then maybe I'll do something
No amount of personality can save an ugly face.
dont expect yanks to be rational
enjoy your ego-death
fuck off yank
>watching game of thrones
>ed sheeran pops up singing
>gets asked what song that is and he says it's his new one

jesus fucking christ, what the fuck were they thinking?
hello x
>take your shit jacket

make Devon independent too and in charge of Cornwall.
>lol dude just life with Muslims bombing you, it's worth it for ethnic restaurants :)
>w-what do you mean the largest city in the world (Tokyo) doesn't have any Muslim terrorist attacks??

>hahaha rorke there's no such thing as Sharia law in the country
>just ignore honour killings, fgm, etc


>pakis do not en mass rape British children

>Christianity is still totally larger than Islam
>I mean, look at all the devout Christians in the countr....

>critics of Islam don't have to fear deadly reprisal for the least offensive shit
>critics of Islam aren't universally mocked as morons and despised by the media

Fuck off you cunt. This nation is beyond saving.
colonise? :^)

(I should use this, it's even closer to the french verb)
That's really the prototypical "farmer marine" face
No one actually wants open borders. It would utterly destroy your comfortable middle class lives if the world's hungry millions were allowed to move here without restrictions. The young people who advocate this sort of thing are being intellectually dishonest - espousing these radical internationalist philosophies is just a form of fashionable posing for them, an essential part of growing up under a Tory government
thinking about tryng LSD but afraid i might have a bad trip and top myself under the influence
>increase wealth and destroy any sort of cultural, institutional, genetic capital to do so
dont think so sweaty
Bi-Curious White Boy Needs a Strong Black Man to Break Me in and Make Me His Fuck Toy


I am a bi-curious white man living in NYC who has fantasized about being dominated by a strong black man. I have never done anything with a man, and I need a dominant black man to take charge and show me how amazing it can be to be his own personal fuck toy. My mouth and ass will be at your disposal when you want to use them. I'll be your slave who'll worship you the way you deserve. My biggest fantasy is for me to be on my bed with my ass up in the air as you and your friends take turns fucking my ass and dumping your loads in my ass. During this, you and your friends insult new and verbally abuse me while using me like a cum dumpster. I would like to get started on Kik getting to know you before we move our conversation offline I can host or travel to you. I'm big into verbal humiliation, raceplay, and, obviously, interracial porn. PM me for my Kik.

Been off benzos for 2 weeks as of midnight tonight, feels good, First few days manifested bizarre withdrawal symptons I've never had before like REALLY bad vasoconstriction which made my hands and feet totally numb. Still feel terrible though, still getting muscle spasms and jerks.
I'm obviously playing as France and I want to have shiton of territories, not giving independence to other kingdoms.
took a bunch on saturday and it fucked me up, still not recovered
everyone here grew up under a labour government though, from 1997-2010
*pats your little rorke brain*
fuck you then cunt
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Just bee confident. Looks are 88% confidence
he just said "it's a new one" not it's 'his' new one

still ridiculous
only keep them around for comedowns 2bh

fuck developing a benzo addiction
Love making weird posts on craigslist in the m4m section to see what benders are interested in
>It would utterly destroy your comfortable middle class lives if the world's hungry millions were allowed to move here without restrictions
It would be a violent extermination of white people, beyond the scale of the Mongol invasion of China. Even the Mongols had to at least fight to get into the cities.
love this toad
do you have a rainbow version?
*flashbacks to two summers ago when me and a couple of other lads on /brit/ were going ape on psychs*

Used to be so fucking monged from weekly acid trips that I did the most bizarre shit. It certainly wasn't bad for my mental health but it wasn't good either. I've seen all that drug has to offer me now though. It wasn't much.

you won't
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Don't be rude
>REALLY bad vasoconstriction which made my hands and feet totally numb
Sounds dangerous. Do people lose like fingers and toes occasionally when they go off benzo?
Gonna havet a magnim lads
examples lad
I've analyzed the posts in these threads for a while and I'm convinced that most of you come from lower-middle class families with histories of alcoholism and absentee fathers.
kinda this drugs are just kinda meh, annoys me when people act like it changed ur life. Only chance drugs have of changing ur life for a positive is if u're already super fucked up
You know you can have large, lovely, great cities without acid attacks, constant Paki and nigger crimes, and the occasional riot right?
Look at Japan, Eastern Europe etc

I grew up in London. I saw my local community drowned out by nigger and pakis. I saw the crime rise. Fuck you.
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doing a bit of cultural appropriation

wearing a bandanda x
Most of the underage twats here only became politically conscious under David Cameron though
was thinking of keeping a couple of xanax bars on hand just in case shit gets bad

good idea y/n
How are there so many UK cunts on benzos, do GPs hand them out easily or are ye buying them on street corners?
don't /you/ yanks actually come from upper-middle class family and parents rarely drink

Think I was one of them, my biggest binge was from Oct 2014 to June 2015. Including the 1200ug AL-LAD one.
I'm a professional psychologist and analysed most of the posts in this thread.

Have concluded that majority of you are all underage faggots or man children highly susceptible to easy bait.
i wouldn't believe anything u read on /brit/ mate
What's your alma mater tho
yeh i remember you banging on about it all the fucking time
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We are all good little Christians who take responsibility for ourselves.
wowwwww drugs dude legalise it all dude.man its natural bro........

*brain explodes whilst having stroke*
dude im tellin ya the elites are controllin us
onions m8 :^)
acid mixed with benzos is suicide
don't /you/ yanks actually 32 and own my own house

in my experience 2mg xanax will reduce a trip by half in both time and intensity. you won't need it for beginner doses though, you won't freak on 150ug
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Mr. Goldstein asked me to work on Saturday
saw some pretty things, flew around the universe and saw creation, discovered the nature of reality to be beautiful fractal energy cascades which fall down to nothing in the end, etc, so forth.

It was fun but I'm absolutely over LSD and probably drugs in general now. You'll get there too.

was that the one where you actually went to hospital? glad I never went that bananas
Will you?
LSD made me racist desu
this is my post from about 2015
t. alcoholic
"Cannabis should be legal, it's completely harmless, and-"
what do you think
shrooms are better than LSD sorry not sorry
alcohol isn't a drug. its a drink.
>If a working class Englishman saw a bloke drive past in a Rolls-Royce, he'd say to himself "Come the social revolution and we'll take that away from you, mate". Whereas if his American counterpart saw a bloke drive past in a Cadillac he'd say "One day I'm going to own one of those". To my way of thinking the first attitude is wrong. The latter is right.
For the sake of anonymity I will not disclose it on this public forum. But rest assured, it is a prestigious and statistically significant university ranking two standard deviations above the mean in both academics and sports, aka tier 1 elite.
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fucken based tories keeping uk society degenerate free
good goy
i'm working saturday myself as well. i'll earn like 500 quid doing it tho lul
not like i have anything better to do on a saturday lel
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>One day I'm going to own one of those

would be if not for the nausea
There is literally nothing wrong with this
its a fact the governments outlaw psychedelics because they open peoples minds and give them a different perspective on life that doesnt align with current capitalist industrial society
that must be an annual wage in Haiti, do you work for the government?
simple as

did i use the meme right haha
Fan of:
The British empire

Not a fan of:
modern britain
>ssssst *holds breath then exhales*pflllahhh
so totally THIS ..we should start a revolution maann
>Legalising guns in Britain

Oh, yes, oh, yes indeed. A generally miserable populace with suppressed anger issues relying on the police to sort their problems out and can't live their life without the government telling them how to live it, stuck on a tiny cramped grey island where most of the people have nothing to do but go to the pub and drink and the youth are becoming more sexualised and laddish the younger they are, never too far away from a chav council estate no matter how nice a place you live. British nightclub violence a nightly occurrence but now with guns. Increasing knife crime but replaced with guns. Old people living in bungalows scared of Polish scam artists or young people breaking into their homes, but now with guns.

And that's not even mentioning the pikeys.

Yeah, stick your """freedom""" up yer arse
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>Lives in a mortgaged 2 bedroom house several miles outside the ring road of a major city
>Successful and ambitious, but only within a very limited set of horizons (working in a high street bank, estate agent, etc.)
>Very proud of his middling success and jumps to put down others for their perceived failures
>Very concerned with what sort of car he drives
>Shops at Sainsbury's, which he considers upmarket. Special occasions merit a trip to Marks and Spencer
>Only books in the house are cookery books, mostly limited to Jamie Oliver. A couple of Gordon Ramsay books for special occasions
>Wears polyester suits to nightclubs
>Has an extreme short back and sides haircut.
>Uses hair products
>Has a study which he often refers to as a 'man cave'
>Has a matching sofa set
>Owns a games console
>Owns a set of champagne flutes
>Once considered buying a motorised tie rack
>Eats turkey at Christmas
>Watches ITV and has a Sky subscription
>Depending on his generation, he either went to the 'university of life', or read a meme subject at a plate glass/ex-poly. Isn't an Oxbridge reject because he didn't even apply for Oxbridge
>Has Bradley Walsh reaction images saved on his hard drive

Might invest in Babestation
love shitting on poles/east euros on /int/, drives the yanks ballistic
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business idea: give women money in exchange for sex
good post

wish they'd put an outright ban on porn instead.
The English working class is among the least leftist is the world lad. Literally no revolutionary tendencies in us.
split my head open and got prescribed diazepam
why does it bother us?
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honestly farted at this
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the govt attempts to round up white people for the death camps but the whites have guns
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>Dude the reason the guverment made drugs illegal isn't because of how harmful they are for your body. It's because they don't want you to open your third eye man.... if we all just smoked some Mary Jane we could stop fighting over resources
pipe down craig
doctors don't prescribe benzos here, that's absolutely third world/yank tier

you get them off the internet see
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temp for a unionized factory
it's pretty interesting, the union has established that temp workers have to be paid no less than the average salary of full workers. i actually earn more than the guy i'm working besides who's been there or like 30 years and is much better at our work than i am. why did the union not only agree to this, but demand it? i'm not really sure, but i've gathered that it's probably because they don't want to make it easy, i.e, cheap, for the company to use too many temps. i'm not complaining but it's a bit awkward at the same time. also, it still hasn't stopped to company from employing like 20% temps
Had a brief chat with the 19yo at work, she wore tights today.
using gun
So do I deluded fucking yanks with their "BASED POLES SO WHITE" when they're Slavic non white shits from shithole countries
hello cucks

dont you just want to run your hands over them
shit poo willies haha wahey
>le based poles
Saw a blonde girl with visible asscheeks today. Nearly pulled out my dick and shagged her right there lads.
people are way too sensitive lmao
company still hasn't told me if i'm due to come into work tomorrow or not
pot calling the kettle black
will literally never work

99% of porn sites arent even UK based and not subject to our laws
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fuck off yank
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Are you ready for the upcoming race war?
as long as they dont touch myfreecams we good theresa
have you ever made sure to use the toilet straight after her so as to smell her poo?
What is it called in Britain
actually any website that doesn't comply to the age verification thing will just get blocked
Americans outside are doing reddit voices & animal sounds

I fucking hate Americans so much. Cringe reddit race of immature children
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I need the government to legislate what I can and can't do with my own body
>tfw you'll never have a qt like this tied up in your basement servicing your every need
why don't we get to have harems like the 3rd worlders
>a resounding "no" is heard from the skinny, pasty-faced denizens of /brit/
how hard is it to download tor/use a vpn
>lefty mongs oppose surveillance
>they're the ones who made it a necessity by inviting the fifth column

she would need to poo in the disabled toilet for that to be possible
>he thinks every man is an island and that "le do what u want lol" would actually work
i'm ready for the class war


fairly easy, but it's only a matter of time before the government ban that too
then you'd be breaking the law
was completely baffled at a nice sing song happening in the middle of the woods in game of thrones. didn't recognise ed sheeran's face but of course they put him there so everyone knew it was all safe for little arya
they cant, and even if they tried, they'd never be able to enforce it
foolproof plan
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