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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 57

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kino edition
only plebes drive a car
real patricians get driven
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here we are then

all the lads

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*puts a lycamobile sim card into my phone*

ready to go to london for the weekend lads
>real patricians
live on a country estate and people drive out to see them, when they have time for visitors of such low calibre of course.
>kids dont see colour
Actually sweaty kids pick on anyone slightly different and find any reason to exclude
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le fox and le grapes.gif
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>why would i get a car when public transport in london is far better than being stuck in a miserable teeny metal cage in traffic, and why would i get a car to go outside of london when trains are far, far quicker?

>We are not yanks and we are not stuck in the fucking 90s nor are we in a provincial shithole with no infrastructure or investment whatsoever
>work for an insurance company
>don't drive a car or have a licence
>people whine down the phone to me all day about car-related shit surrounding their insurance claims

shouldn't have got a car then, should you mr normo, now get fucked
its monday
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anime faggots need to be shot tb h
mum bought me a Boden suit for my graduation. is that a good brand?
french middle class brand for women & children
Business idea: keep all active /brit/ threads bumped as long as possible so the top of /int/'s catalog is dominated by /brit/ 24/7 and Janny has to come down on these early thread posting cunts.
ah yes northern education
>i can drive a car
why yes, i ~do~ love sweaty ballbags in my mouth
yes but what happens after friday every week
Londoners don't own cars because it's prohibitively expensive to own a car in London. Simple as.
Why do normies normalise becoming an indentured debt servant
does the North have electric cars yet
literal woman
nah it's it's calm
post willy

weekend comes after the week
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so many choices.png
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>go to London
>livin' la vida Lyca
Why are there so many 'dangerous dog' breeds allowed?

These thing kill dogs, kids, cats, everything
dire post
same reason pakis are allowed
they are just people who are growing up faster than you. you lack what they have so dont understand, but its coming lad and the old brain wont give you a choice.
they're banned
how do bricks get dark like that
But I see them on the street and in the news all the time??
>working more than 20 hours per week

hello wage cock
pollution, London is a horribly dirty city
This poster has a hooked shaped nose
Victorian-era pollution that nobody has bothered to clean, soot, coal smog etc

loads of places blast the bricks with pressure washers during renovation/maintenance

only see it in poor areas
just because they're banned doesn't mean people can't get a hold of them

just like with drugs or cp
>living in constant state of boredom
hello neet-e
Fuck off with this sensationalist drivel you disgusting worrywart cretin. You're the type to pick your little bichon frise up in your little noodle arms as me and my pit (off a lead of course) walk through the park nonchalantly
horrible creatures
Balls are like an absolute swamp in this heat
>Thank you for booking your 4 hour slot today between 19:00 and 23:00. We intend to deliver to you between 21:00 and 22:00.
Paki bricks aka 'pricks'
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I get around in my BMW Z4 and drive down beautiful country lanes in perfect solitude, air con gently blowing in my face, cushioned on leather seats, listening to my own music, going at my own pace. Bliss.

Londoners get around in pic related, packed like curried sardines next to Rasheed with a vial of acid in his hand and Jamal with a knife in his, grime music and the Islamic call to prayer blasting in my ear, the whole place reeking of curry and sweat, then off onto an even more packed and even more smelly bus.

Makes you think!
I'm not bored though?
government mandated chocolate gfs for all white males
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नमस्ते यह मैनचेस्टर पिकाडिली ट्रेन स्टेशन है: उत्तरी पावरहाउस में गेटवे

Hello this is Manchester Piccadilly Train Station: Gateway to the Northern powerhouse
blending in with the locals
alri deano/iqbal
the fox and the grapes
Got an idea for a recipe when the Tesco man comes: Vanilla Yazoo, blended with cold black coffee (strong) and ice.

Yazoo is just milk, sugar and vanilla, so those three ingredients blended together should make a nice cold vanilla frappuccino.
where the do you drive it to though?

Fuck all to do in the suburbs, would rather live in a major city until mid-30s or 40s.
why is it always the muslim shopkeeper that IDs me
Alri Graham
>Yazoo is just milk, sugar and vanilla
no it isn't
>mention to dad i need a suit for university
"Hmm? Oh yes, of course you will, I forgot. When I've finished with this court case I'll take you to Savile Row and you can pick something out."

>mention to mum i need a suit for university
"Oh okay poppet, don't worry - I know a really good second hand suit shop in Brighton we can take the train to sometime :o)"

Well I guess I know which parent I'll be reminding in future haha x
it's UHT milk
he can smell the kuffar
and see it
of course there's nothing to do in the suburbs, that's the point

i drive wherever i want to go - work, shopping, gym, restaurants, pub, friends' houses, to the countryside, the beach, up to scotland or wales, or on the ferry to ireland or mainland europe

I go to Manchester, Birmingham and London by train plenty but I pity people who live and work there.

doing a laugh at you thinking this would work
just because you voted labour does not mean you'll be spared from gulag when the revolution comes henri

better sip that japanese melon juice whilst you can
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Are you referring to the "Gellan gum?" That won't make any difference.

I'm hoping the strong coffee, sugar and vanilla will overcome this drawback.
had 8 magners and I'm still pretty sober

fuck's sake
can't beat a nice milkshake
>Savile Row
>pick something out
If you shop at Savile Row and buy off the peg than that's just Deano-tier conspicuous consumption. Completely pointless. I'd rather go with the second had charity shop suit and then get a dry cleaners to alter it for me
Decided to make my hair go the other way now
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Why won't it?
the fox and the grapes
what, dont think im old enough to drink mr. barman?? yeah??
*whips out passport*
what so the hair burrows into your scalp instead of growing out of it ?
nah it's pretty distinctive, tastes nice imo
had half a kopparberg and got thrown out of the club for being rowdy
think you're fucking clever do you
*punches you in the solar plexus*
try making a witty comment now
*knees you in the nose*
the fox and so on and so forth
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me reacting to doctor who
I have a car but I don't use it in London, I just get black cabs every where
The car is only useful for driving to my country house
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>the American left
>when you already laughed but she's still memeing
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me on the right
Well played mate. Will be right back, yeah?

*Serves someone else then comes back to you 5 minutes later with a pint that's 1/3 head*

£4.90 please
Fucking loathe normies like this
me at the back
holy fuck reddit please
that camera man looks like me nicked it from someone
what is wrong with women lmao cunts ought to be shot
wonder what london was like before cars
>grew up poor
>dad still had a decent car

hm come to think of it he was a bit of a deano
horses shitting everywhere

really wide roads
no street furniture/clutter anywhere which made it look far better
it was white, english and catholic
At some point he decided which side of the camera he would be on and really committed to that decision.
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Londoners have evolved beyond needing such primitive technology as "cars"
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genuinely terrified over the idea of a world without white men
>there was a time when our cities looked like Bath and our countryside looked like the Cotswolds

what went wrong
How do I become a Deano lads?
Please. I want money, friends, a nice house and spare time.
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Hate whites
the ((((industrial revolution))))
you're already living in one
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why is this so funny
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pls no
there's still time... a chance
it's the lack of expression on his face. like he's compelled by a higher power to the point he doesn't even have to move manually
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>Who's here? Who isn't. A kaleidoscope of skin colours. The world in one terminus. Barbara Roche can see it over the rim of her cup of Americano coffee. "I love the diversity of London," she tells me. "I just feel comfortable."
50mg of sertraline down the throat
>also Jewish

hum,m, fascinating
not really mate
have you castrated your male offspring? can't burden the world with more w*ite babies

Hope the nigger dies 2bh

utter scum of the earth
see you at 200, kid
*tests light switch*
Genuinely don't know who I hate more, Rasheed or Deano
a lot of them are white chav essex types
Wish the plot of Utopia was real, except most non-whites would be sterilised.
>live in london
>leave £2000pm 10 square foot flat for a night out
>tube strike again haha guess i'm walking it
>pay £10 per pint
>have to take a long detour walking home to avoid the sharia controlled zone
>get acid thrown in your face by the mandem
>wake up in hospital with your face in bits
>get discharged and walk towards home
>oh look, my tower block is on fire
t. nigger
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one less coon
Dunkirk review embargo lifted in a few hours

are you ready for the dawn of kino?
love the north korean news reporter that always pops up when they announce a new rocket/nuke

>Destroying your brain with the pharmaceutical Jew instead of solving your spiritual turmoil
i hope he lives and becomes a decent person
Go live in Africa then.
no they aren't lmao
he already is
t. nigger
>live outside of London
>choice of chain-pub or commercial club that sells WKD 2for1 and plays Radio 1 music for a night out, week in, week out.

Would sooner bin myself ngl.
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>be londoner
>woken up at the crack of dawn by the islamic call to prayer
>shuffle out of your tiny flat you share with 6 polish immigrants
>get accosted by somalis on the street
>arrive at work
>get abused by muslim customers all day long
>go to subway for lunch
>narrowly avoid being run over
>can't eat bacon or ham in there because of the halal regulations
>finish work
>get on a cramped bus with 20 different languages being spoken
>get called by your landlord mr noseberg and shouted at for being late with your rent
>spend 60% of your paycheck on rent
>get a chest disease due to the air pollution
>can't find a hospital bed because of overpopulation and government cuts
>forced to sell everything you own to pay for special healthcare
Ah yes, can't wait to find out how much Nolan spent on influencing those. Bunch of shills these days, can't trust a single one. Literally zero point reading them.
I see them speeding all the time

they come in 3 types
black, white essex chavs or these weird algerian/morrocans
Deano doesn't really have money. He just has a lot of conspicious wealth.

Deano buys his car on finance, he goes heavily into debt to afford his house, and he spends 100% of his average salary on watches and polyester suits

The Deano's facade of success is thus ephemeral, and by the time the average Deano is 45 his entire life is ruined and he'll live out the rest of his days in meagre poverty
friend in film saw it, said it was well made but lacked real substance, and the dialogue was poor.
nice spook, nerd
reviewers only tend to shill for coonwashed franchises, Nolan once again is offering the antithesis of that
Yes /tv/ is a much better source!!!!!!

part and parcel
I'm not racist I just don't want there to be a variety of races any more
Not that I implied it was, but /tv/ at least has genuine opinions mixed in with the shills.
I know WKD is a meme but is it any good? never tried it
t. american of an afro-caribbean persuasion
me on the left (the brown one)
me as the dog
I know having a gf is a meme but is it any good? never tried it
it's just tastes like fizzy pop
i am deutschamerikaner übermensch
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>The EU is ba-
nah it's a bit of a pain if you don't get exactly the right one
mine is very sensitive and it's actually annoying
what the fuck lol
Haven't the foggiest idea what you're on about mate.
>the posters from Chesire have arrived
literally would've preferred the nigger
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So, this.
This, is the power, of the Northern, Powerhouse.........

whats a good amount of xanax with 0 toleranc
lucky for you there are plenty
fucking whore
you would get the same reaction if you did the same thing in the Great Caliphate of London
lol probably no one in this thread can afford an actual saville row suit you're talking like £800+
fucking ed sheeran in game of thrones

ruins it, cunts
genuinely don't understand no jumper or how the guy who does it has so much money/such a fit gf/so many celebrity connections
My boots are 1200 sweety xx
give this a watch lads

>it's real
fucking hell, that's pathetic
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lads, need to kill myself right now, this very instant, what's something I'll likely have that I can use and probably won't fail?
remarkable post
Jumped the shark ngl
literally anyone not an actual povvo has more than £800 in savings you spacker
wank yourself to death
sick of this cunt and his shit music
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My predictions for the 2021 census:

Population: 67.5 million
White British: 53.1 million (78.7%)
Asian or Asian British: 6 million (8.9%)

Population: 9.1 million
White British: 3.3 million (36.3%)
Asian or Asian British: 2.1 million (23.1%)
We're no longer top? Thanks Calais migrants for fucking up a southern town so bad it's actually worse than Hull.
not possible, I've tried
install grindr and get a dose of aids
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no sweetie think you're forgetting about gentrification
liking these new pink angry wojacks
What exactly are you getting at?
business idea: private police dedicated to eradicating fifth columnists such as
the situation is more dire than that
Reading an escort review. The guy paid £230 for 2hrs but just took her to dinner and didn't fuck her
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By "the situation" are you referring to your autism?
*knocks on /brit/s door*
*runs back to the discord*
mexicans are white sweaty
I'm serious, help me kill myself.
watching stacey dooley interview jap nonces desu
order a rope online
Work is extremely slow so I want to pass the time with this thread.

It's about ballbusting. I've been into this shit since I was a boy. For those that don't know what ballbusting is. It's the fetish for being hit in the testicles in a variety of ways.

Often considered femdom but I don't think my version is femdom. I've been hit in the balls daily for 9 years by my wife who I started into this link at the tender age of 13.

Ask anything about it or talk about it or share pics with me for my collection.really whatever is on your mind.
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just like arabs, pajeets and georgians, right?
Do you have a painful terminal illness? If not then you need to stick it out. One day, and sooner than you think, you'll be very glad you did.
autist please
I own two bespoke Gieves and Hawkes two-pieces, one bespoke two-piece from Huntsman, most of my shoes are Church's, most of my ties are Drake's and most of my shirts are from D'avino

*Tips expensive fedora*
shut up you thick twat
Where do you lads work? Have you ever had a cheeky wank in work?
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had a wank in a sainsburys toilet today
don't work there though
2 or 3
How is Hull voted worse than this place: >>77275648?

Makes no sense. Hull's bad but not THAT bad.
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Usually find the best ones on /biz
If you're so smart, how come you're suicidal?
Helix Studios
And yes I have
*dragons den music starts playing*
umm yeah it's like a oven it heats up food but it only works for bread
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>going for a 'night out'

78.7% would be dire enough considering White British was 90% in 1991
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because I'm smart
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meanwhile in the North...
why aren't white people allowed their own countries?
that would be racist
Think I might go get some ice cream lads
Q. Do you do OWO and Facials?

A. Yes I do. OWO is a standard service that I provide.

Facials I am happy to provide with longer bookings (1 hour plus) as long as you try and avoid my hair! x



the nigger on mastermind got 3 points in total

she got 0 on the general knowledge round


*coughs up due to lack of exercise*

business idea: a website where you converse for hours with anonymous strangers about fuck all
What the fuck is OWO
what's OWO
isn't a facial some sort of spa treatment?
oral without a condom desu
come on iqbal deliver that pizza you scurrying little brown boy
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why aren't black people allowed their own countries?

what is this and when did it replace IRC?
why would you want to be anonymous
Seems risky what with that new super gonorrhea floating around
because they're too dumb to manage on their own

i believe it is called the white man's burden
white people are racist
Business idea: a white enclave in a non-white country, like muslims have in the uk, but in somewhere like india, and more respectful to the locals

And peaceful, not like Malaga
because us europeans fucked their countries up
they need to come here for a better life and white people wiped from existence
Alri grandad
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you arrive in Britain
good post
Leader beans
w h y
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up early for work lads
fucking krauts
tfw cyclist masterrace

>fresh air
>king of the streets
>faster than walk cucks
>freer than cage cucks
>happier than pubtransport cucks
>tfw pay less than all of them as well

life is but a dream laddos
ah yes, exquisite progress that
Ah yes, the famous communist utilitarian art style and respect for traditional culture, very good
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everything is too far apart in america
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>tfw never learnt to ride a bike
bicycles will eat cars


Why do yanks do this ridiculous reddit voice
I fucking hate yanks so much
i think tim might be struggling with stress
who gona watch this racist dating show on c4 tonight?
Immigrants have been allowed to attain positions of influence and power. Many have feelings of inferiority and resentment towards the native population and local culture and considering they have little connection and loyalty are happy to see it undermined and destroyed and actively are trying to make it so.
*cuts you off in a honda civic*
Oops! Never mind, just a cyclist. What's he gonna do? Crash into me? HAHAHA
if it makes you feel better i probably hate yanks more than you do
brutalism a shit

who neo-futurism here?
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doing a thinke
look how nice their house is.

i mean you'd have to be like a quadrillionaire to live like that in the UK
that's the shitty youtube celeb voice not the yank voice
Patrician detected
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>tim is likely driving on the roads right now in a real car with real traffic
*weaves in and out of traffic and rides on the other side of the road whilst you're stuck behind 20 other cars*

it's more a nu-male thing than yank thing, british youtubers do exactly the same thing
Why are you watching that video mate
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dont need churches goyim
love how architecture gets right wing runts so riled up
middle class benders
Hope he's alright
Loathe people who treat pets like they're human children
hello rabbi

fucking hate yanks
hate them so fucking much
reddit creatures
exact reason why I hate your parents so much, fucking hell
is there a blog of these abominations?
hello gentile
*pats you on your head*
*throws you a treat*
good goy
>right wing
>middle class
Ah yes, the famous communist wisdom and in depth knowledge of society
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>middle class
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Don't need this one either goy
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>fucking hate yanks
>hate them so fucking much
>reddit creatures
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>love how architecture gets right wing runts so riled up
>middle class benders
What the fuck is happening here?
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watch how reddit incarnate tries desperately to claw onto the last semblances of its dignity

watch how it fails


shoo shoo backwards runts
real emotions live on camera
hahaha someone link the video please, refuse to believe this is real
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parochialism isn't generally a middle class stereotype mate.
reddit is better than 4chan, objectively
Ah yes, the sophisticated communist debating ability
t. communist "intellectual" living in a squat shooting up heroin
This honestly
Think about your life mate
reaction videos are the very definition of reddit
this one was rebuilt, sorry goldenberg
feel like taking some class A drusg and monging out to some prodigy
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>shoo shoo backwards runts
man's got icicles in his beard?
Nowadays, maybe. Providing you pick the right subreddits to subscribe to, you can get a better dialogue on a number of subjects. It's still a completely divided shitshow when it comes to debating politics, but a lot of subjects can be discussed more sensibly there than here. Especially since so many Redditors came to 4chan and treated it like a garbage bin for their every shitposting urge.

Twitter gets a lot of shit on here as well, but like Reddit, if you're picky about the communities you engage with it can actually be fun, interesting, and useful.
Thread posts: 318
Thread images: 57

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