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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 52

oi lad who was going to fabric can i still join u?
>sell the goy shampoo to clean their hair
>luls them into using it more
>thus you can sell more shampoo
>then you can con them into also buy moisturiser and conditioner to further make more money

capitalism, baby
business idea: gf with massive tits who cuts your hair for you and her tits squish into your head
I'm not racist but...
rather not say
tfw first time i ever "felt" tits was at the dentist when they leaning against my head lol
i love pints
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bash the fash
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Bit mental that she will get more messages and matches in one week than most of us will in our entire lives
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the first time i ever felt tits is yet to come
or is it
...Gang raping little kids is a bit out of order.
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Been tired as hell recently lads

Not just lethargy from my shit lifestyle or moderate depression or anything, but pure exhaustion

Think I might have anaemia or hypothyroidism
Hi, I'm Gary Lineker. You may remember me from such tweets as "Let the 32yo refugee kids in, you hideous racist idiots" and "Dick". I am currently being cucked

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just bought this
slut shaming isnt sexist if i hate all promiscuous people desu
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rate the form
just ordered food ddin't see where restaurant is and just seen it's fucking 45 minutes away in london da fuck
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>atheist (and very serious about it)
>locking out your knees on a leg press
>doing vanity weight so you cant even do full rom
served the cunt right desu
Same. Think it might be diet or sleep, or lack of exercise. Maybe need to drink more water.
Don't pay a hairdresser to cut my hair, don't buy shampoo or body wash, just soap. I would like to cut out deodorant too seeing as it's incredibly harmful but I'd rather not smell bad.
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home alone for the first time in ages
going to run around the house wanking my fucking cock off
u couldn't pay me to wear branded or graphic clothing desu mate

imagine being this lads father
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and hwere do you live
saw grenfell tower today. mad
Ego lifters eternally btfo
you also wear black skinny jeans with rips in them and wear flattops

t. primark clothes wearer

Wear neither of these things. Flattops? You mean Snapback?
went to look at it and some angry black woman was giving me dirty looks
What is the thing with skinny ripped jeans these days? I see every cunt wearing them. Even the girls look like absolute cretins.
hector what if i pop
hello nigger
unironically wear unbranded plain colour clothes.

like a cartoon character me.
Fucking state of this pretentious skank
just what's in init
how'd you know she was angry
Maybe if I stop sitting around doing fuck all, some of the basic maintenance I keep putting off might actually get done.
>naming your child sir
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just copped this
there's another webm of this happening but with a girl
*something that is completely normal but said in a silly manner so that it seems absurd*

mad that
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How come Britain looks less white then Portugal these days?
workers of the world untie
raced the toilet flush and lost
whats the point of a legpress machine when you can just squat?

when do you ever have to press your legs like that while you're folded over like that in real life?

might go actually
Hello literal child
mummy's credit card: the t-shirt
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white genocide
for if you ever get stuck in an elevator door
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Paid for it myself with my own money big boy
this is what london will look like in 2117
perplexing how people actually give celebrities and rich people such attention.

on a similar note
>watch foreign news
>"despite signing the agreement the interim government of burkina faso has been still attacking rebel strongholds, the report found., now to our correspondent in ougadougou..."
>turn on brit news
>"and kate wore a blue dress and shook hands with a bunch of character people and william is there wearing a rose on his jacket and now he shakes the hand"
*blocks your path*
such utter bullshit. moron
I wish the entire country was like this
love countryside
love villages
hate concrete
is that an asian footballer (6)

bloody hell never thought i'd live to see the day
filled with unexploded ordinance? not sure you thought this through lad
nice, ive got a shirt like that
sounds complicated
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do you mind the white race being genocided as long as we get better at footy?
tfw put a mix on mixcloud last week and not a single person otehr than me has listened to it
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oh right I didn't read the sign
more like this then I suppose
Donald Trump Forgot To Eat Dinner Today - Here's Why That's Scary

Opinion piece by: David Silverstein
how many people have you shared it with?
this is how the bbc want their staff ratio. 90% black women, 9% paki men. 1% chair holders and guys at the very top will all still be white though
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wait a minute... that driver....
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just copped this for my wife's son, he likes minecraft and anime will he like this?
no one

show us
>white genocide

there's no such thing
wish our countryside was like the cotswolds and our cities like Bath/York

britain would be so pleasant
ive stopped using soap and just use a shampoo with a few natural ingredients in it once or twice a week. don't smell at all, going into it i thought it wouldn't be sustainable but its been well over a year.

haven't cut deodorant out either but you can buy some without harmful ingredients in them.
steak was cold
holy shit who is this guy ooks just like me but taller
literally what i would look like if i went to the gym, sans all the tattoos, cap, earrings, dyed hair, beard, tanktop and weird pants of course.
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>>white genocide

>there's no such thing
imagine that shirt except it doesnt say supreme on it
business idea: scrap greenbelts and just give everyone bigger houses with bigger gardens
I'll have to go back and watch that scene again, I don't recall an anime wank doll on the mantle.
honestly we dont need green belts if we built housing on them it would be cheaper
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>Genocide of the Jews
>Jews sent to concentration camps where they are gassed to death

>Genocide of the rwandan
>Gangs of hutus hunt down, raping and killing any identified tutsis including children

>Genocide in Darfur
>Janjaweed rebels destroy crops and water supplies to force the darfuri population into starvation

>Genocide of whites
>White person has a black neighbour and also decides not to have children
If you don't remember Maisielad, get the fuck out right now
Business Plan: Buy cheap £5 t shirts from China, print 'Supreme' on and sell for £70 to Children with rich parents.
Lads, help

I've been going out with some Italian lass I met on Interpals for a few months and things have been going really good. We've seen each other in our own respective countries a few times and have a great time together, she's really clingy and obsessed with me so I have no doubts that she likes me a lot. However, she sent me a couple of nude pictures lately that she already sent me before a month and a video of her 'ingering her 'ussy where it sounds like she moans someone else's name.

This name sounds like "Beni" and I did actually hear it one another video she sent me early in the relationship, but I shrugged it off.

I'm not going to be fucked around with will break up with her if she's involved with other guys whilst we're going out, but I don't want to make a rash decision unless I know what's going on. Already saw that she was talking to some English guy the other week who texted "I wish you were here with me in bed" but she just fobbed him off and didn't reciprocate - I guessed he was just some beta orbiter type.

Dunno what to do lads
This is not a "now" concept, you know. People have been talking about this for decades.

post depression choons for the comedownâ„¢
bene is 'good' in italian
nigga it's the weekend you finna bore me to death with these essays pham lmao
you realise that the majority of immigration to the UK has been from the EU?
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lmao this dude know what up
how do people have the energy to raise children?

Seen from >>77204799 I seriously doubt that.
hope this cute girl i'm talking to doesn't commit white genocide by not becoming my girlfriend
the state will imprison you if you don't
beni means good in italian you dipstick
shrinks just invent disorders to sell meds and gain patients
gay genocide is real yet barely acknowledged
I know lad, but it had a distinctive 'i' sound at the end, like it could've been shorthand for 'Benicio' perhaps

gays are spreading like the plague thanks to cultural marxism
They're building so many of these £700,000 one bed flats

Who actually buys them?
Who you finna try nigga
sorry im a bit dim, what is cultural marxism?
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jews inflicting degeneracy on the west using the left
Everybody squirrrrrrts...

Cum times hahaaaaa
arent jews like anti marxists because they are rich and want to stay rich though?
Morons who don't realise 700k gets you a mansion in loads of paradise Euro countries
might look at some naked ladies
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>tfw I have an extremely specific and unusual fetish to the point that no porn exists of it so I have to go to ELM and pay a girl to make a custom video of it for me
Girls on ELM will do anything for enough credits.
fuck off hetero
dunno I just keep making variations of that post changing "gay" to something else
don't bring logic into this ye shit

Autism is caused by agricultural fertilisers and lead poisoning
jews don't have political allegiances they just use the left at a tool or a pipeline for their destruction of the west
Lead poisoning hasn't been a thing since the 90s

And it doesn't cause autism, it causes low IQ & aggression
yeah I have the same fetish
but then they wouldnt be earning the money to pay the mortgage each month?
because the people who genocide gays are also the same people who genocide for religion, race, etc. no one pays attention to african or asian genocides in 3rd world countries because they keep their problems to themselves for the most part, but people do acknowledge muslim genocide on gays/other people because some muslims like to come and blow things up in our countries
i dont understand why they want to destory the weest though when they became rich here surely that wud mean they could lose their billions
divide and conquer
foreigners and mentally ill yuppies

Chinks, Saudis, Qataris
vodka literally doesn't affect me wtf
they want to create a world government ruled by jews and the only way to that is by importing half of the middle east and cultural marxism to destroy the west and then they step in and take over

they are planning a 3rd world war of islam vs the west in the next 20 years
rich foreners who use them as bank accounts because they think their own countries are going to the dogs.
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just watched 3 jews debate over how comparatively UNjewish they all were haha
sorry i must be stupid I just don't understand why they want to do that when they already conquered the west lol especaillya merica where they basicly run the place lol
Head is frazzled and fried and literally quite gone

FUCK, just wanna feel something without using substances 2bh
ah yes and where's your proof for this?
>control the world enough to genocide white people
>doing it to control the world

it's not good enough they want a world government

the rothschilds own all central banks and have plants in most governments but they still want total control
it's almost as if they're not a hive mind working towards the same goal, but individuals, each with thoughts and opinions of their own
>People have been talking about this for decades
paranoid racist mongs who fear being swarmed by evil swarthy hordes previously under their colonial boot? yeah
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they are creating a type of mix breed low IQ human who wont put much much of a fight and will be easy to control

just like your average normie who sucks in all their propaganda

they know white people are the only ones left who can stop them
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>they are creating a type of mix breed low IQ human who wont put much much of a fight and will be easy to control
>just like your average normie who sucks in all their propaganda
>they know white people are the only ones left who can stop them
huh white people seem pretty brainwashed to me desu why else wud they vote remain labour democrat etc
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but all the rich ones all live in the west
absolute state of porn addicted 'rates
low level jews yes but the elite don't give a shit about them, they even killed around 2-3 million of them in the holocaust using their plant named adolf hitler

the elite namely the rothschilds see themselves as an advanced type of human because they have got rid of disease, disabilities, low IQ and other impurities from their bloodlines
jungle beatz holla @ me
still no proof of this
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When I hear white nationalists talking about Jews I'm instantly reminded of how insecure blacks talk about whites.

>they be keepin' the goy man down

>they be infiltratin' our culture and shit

>they see us as a threat

>they think they smarter than us but dey aint!

>dey got this big conspiracy n shiet... I'm a bit short on the details of how it all works but just me........ fukkin Rothschilds bro... fuk
a lot of them are waking up though they have gone too far with the whole islam/cultural marxism thing

people with a high IQ will catch on to their plans
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The mouth breathing drongos and intellectually stunted morons discuss politics and racial relations: /brit/ edition
>the elite namely the rothschilds see themselves as an advanced type of human because they have got rid of disease, disabilities, low IQ and other impurities from their bloodlines
if that is true then surely they're correct? if the rothschilds have managed to run the world basically in secret for centuries then surely they are the rightful masters of the world, no?
u certainly gota be a lot smarter than me to link this all back to the jews, not gona lie. I just can't see any connection must be some kinda 8d spce crabble or something
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>whining about the jews again

hello leftypol
any one else here an ethnic minority?
we're not white nationalists

if someone is actively trying to wipe out your race and you don't give a shit you're part of the problem
The Elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this; some are good, some are bad, some are mixed. But, the good ones don’t ever want to organise, the bad instead are the ones that organise, because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together. Evil is always defeated, because good is so much stronger. And, we’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics showed it, Maxwell’s physics showed it, all of it, that there is at least twelve dimensions, and now that’s why all the top scientist and billionaires are coming out saying it’s a false hologram, it is artificial. The computers are scanning it and finding tensions points where it is artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe, that’s what they call dark matter. So, we’re like a thought or a dream that’s like a wisp in some computer program, some god’s mind, whatever. They’re proving it all, it’s all coming out.
Anon the Germans arrested and held one of the Rothschilds for ransom.
ITT: Rothmayer, Bergenstein & Schnitzsky
>people with a high IQ will catch on to their plans
*looks at the average anti-semite*

ah.......... yes.
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new poppy
the gf is so bad at trampolining aha x

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kim il sung was hadsomer than all of these fuccbois
Now, there’s like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension that’s just turned over the most horrible things, which is what it resonates to, and it’s trying to get up into the third dimension, that’s just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up to the fifth, sixth dimension consciously, our best people. But there is this big war trying to like, basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will, and there is a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evils will have to contend, not just good. And the Elites themselves believe they’re racing, using human technology to try to take our best minds, and build some type of breakaway civilization where they’re going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the failed species that is man, which is kind of like a false transmission because they’re thinking what they are as ugly and bad, projecting on to themselves instead of believing, no it’s a human test about building us up, and so, Google set up eighteen, nineteen years ago. I knew about this before it was declassified, I’m just saying I have good sources.
This is actually true but it's not the Jews doing it.

t. surrounded by thoroughbred low IQ humans
yes they are but there is still a resistance to them as shown with brexit and trump

they hate people still having democracy and some types of freedom

they need full control but they need to brainwash people into thinking a world government would be a good thing using propaganda and some white people don't fall for that propaganda
shut the fuck up you pathetic worm
They want to build a giant artificial system, and Google believes the first artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into the internet exchange (holy shit), and so all of our thoughts go into it, and we’re actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time that’s also psychically connected to us, that are organic creatures so that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball. But the big secret is, once you have a crystal ball and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that can control the future. And so then, it’s the end of consciousness and freewill for individuals as we know, and a true two-point-o, in a very bad way, hive mind consciousness with an A.I jacked into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us, not in some PKD wire head system, where we plug in and give up our consciousness because of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to this system our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system. There’s now a human counterstrike taking place to shut this up before it gets fully into place and to block these systems, and to try and have an actual debate about where humanity goes, and cut off the paedophiles and psychic vampires that are controlling this A.I system before humanity is destroyed.
you missed Honecker
is that putin?
set up

hitler was working directly for the rothschilds to destroy european cities so the jews could come in and gentrify them
>the rothschilds see themselves as an advanced type of human because they have got rid of disease, disabilities, low IQ and other impurities from their bloodlines

What the fuck are you idiots talking about? Jesus Christ, didnt realise we had this many Tim proteges on /brit/
>point of the post went completely over your head
why do they want a one world government so desperately?
absolute state of saturday night brit
pretty sure all the jew "cultural marxist" people are false flags trying to undermine the right wing desu, no one is this stupid lol
it sounds preposterous but it's true

if you had unlimited money wouldn't you do the same?
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where is enver
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But they're still full of Europeans. Poland was hit the worst and there are practically no Jews there now.
was alright like 15 minutes ago, can't stand this boring politics shite
transcend, look beyond
yep been thinking this too
they are just power hungry they think they are superior breed of human and should rightfully rule over humanity without objection

all is going to plan too and once they gain power they will wipe out half of the earth's population using controlled spread of disease and war within the first 100 years
Bought a quality wooden pipe and John Cottons No.1 blend of English, Virginian and Oriental pipe tobacco

Am I fedora?
dont care
who's the bottom right?
spend 2 hours on /pol/, see for yourself
gentrification destroys cultural and national identity
it doesn't sound that unreasonable 2bh
yeah but why? if they're so incredibly smart, which if you're to be believed they clearly are, then surely their motives must be a bit more substantial than ruling over humanity for the sake of it

they're trying to rule the world, but to what end? what are they going to do when they seize ultimate power?
And yet they'll all still die and never exist again just like everyone else
Probably controlled opposition, as I assume David Icke is as well. If these people posed any kind of threat to the system, they'd be silenced, and an approved "revolutionary" would take their place, before you could say "Bilderberg."

>'if there is a left-wing movement in Britain bigger than a football team our man is the captain or vice-captain, and if not, he is the referee and can send any man off the field and call our man on any time he likes....'
-former BOSS agent Gordon Winter
Pol Pot,
he lead the communist government in cambodia.
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brown reggaeton shithole gf talking with some shitsack
will have a talk with her about this behavior later
>there is a global Jewish conspiracy to eliminate the white race and establish a one-world government
>just for the sake of it

seems a bit far-fetched desu mate
wow, very powerful

what else is there to do?

the just want humanity to be a mass army of low IQ mixed race slaves essential who have little to no freedom and work for the world government
Fucking sad cunt you are
pol pot was white?
getting a tan is the quickest, easiest, most foolproof way to pass as a normie
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honestly nearly got raped earlier along a dodgy stretch of canal near brum city centre
some black bloke started following me, repeatedly offered me head and said he could say I had 'big tings' through my trousers

was a very worrying situation
the reptillians are ordering them to do it duuude`
what's stumped me here is how they let slavery etc be abolished to begin with if they contorlling the world how/why they let this happen seems a bit silly hahah x
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>And yet they'll all still die and never exist again just like everyone else
they'll probably renew their life force at one of those occult rituals everyone knows is nonsense but the rich and power still tend to engage in anyway.
>hes going to die someday
haha have fun with that loser, ive got different plans
I'm not a cuck but...
If the world population keeps growing at this rate we will run out of food and energy so they want to cut it in half by genociding 4 billion people

they see us as nothing more than ants
what work are they doing to do for the one world government? if they're low IQ slaves then surely they'd only be used for grunt work so why not just do all the work with robots?
yeah his name was paul pot

but the cambodians called him pol
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Post are Tim
Reminds me of Limmy's show "Moonbeam" sketch.

Fucking class. Wish he'd do more sketch show comedy, but apparently it's really hard to write good stuff. Easier to play Overwatch and shill books.
Yes, quite thought provoking
*wanks intellectually*
...I only have sex with condoms on.
because black people are now destroying america

slavery is still alive and well in other countries
so they're humanitarians who don't want the world to starve to death and want to humanely reduce our population?

sound like decent rulers desu.
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still can't believe i'm only 9% british wtf
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stocked up my pepe folder with punching pepes
limmy is shit
>some black bloke started following me, repeatedly offered me head and said he could say I had 'big tings' through my trousers

he was also a liar which is a lot worse
they don't care what work they do they just want complete control over them

that is all they need to be satisfied
his wikipedia page shows him as chinese. who's the picture really of?
Very good, now hand them over
Alri lads haha
I'm a big lad ngl he was right
Sure but it simply hasn't happened. Very few glass skyscrapers were built by Jews. That's all been a result of postmodern consumerism.

Pic related was literally the location of the first World Zionist Council and practically all of it's traditional architecture is still there.
agree to disagree
in one way it's good yes but killing billions of people in cold blood is just as bad
estimates are that governments directly killed more than 260 million people in the 20th century, and the population wasn't as high during most of that time either. its not that preposterous to think that the people who run international affairs don't care if we all live or die
>Leon Trotsky's real name was Lev Borenstein
Oy vey!
you were probably asking for it then slag
this makes them sound like generic one dimensional movie villains desu

if you say think that is who is controlling the world though then that's cool
ah... the bee... of course
think I know you, does your name being with O?
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no lol, it's a pretty common occurence no?
Hilarious how this board bags on Thailad who had the stones to move to a strange country on the opposite site of the world while most of you lot have too much social anxiety to leave the house most days
I think about 80% of the Bolshevik leadership was Jewish
the worst part was when I managed to get away I sat down on some bench and he came past and started talking to me again
Now check Stalin's real name
surprise surprise, a third of all bolsheviks were probably jews
how does the rise of china and india factor into these rothschild conspiracy theories? why would they want that?
ate mushrooms the other day in my pasta and i pooed like literally fully intact pieces of mushroom :(
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they can't control everything
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>how does the rise of china and india factor into these rothschild conspiracy theories? why would they want that?
Nobody cares about Rothschild

Its one autist here, probably Jewish making up some right-wing crap
you little tease
probably not a good sign lad
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take this, zionist!
most of china and india still live in abject poverty there is nothing much to worry about

one accidental crash in their economy and they will be north korea tier
seems like a pretty massive oversight
Just had a sneeze with a fishermen's Friend in my mouth. That's about as exciting as my day will get.
They're working on it
It's Jugashvili, which sounds more Italian than Georgian.
>muh population growth
it'll peak between 2050 and 2100
do Jews control China? they have historically had such little presence and influence in East Asia that surely it's incredibly unlikely?

in which case why don't China blow the whistle on them and tell the world what is going on? surely they would know? surely this would plunge the west into civil war and benefit them?
No, you are wrong
>which sounds more Italian than Georgian

Only to a person who knows absolutely nothing about Gerogians

"shvili" is literally the most common suffix of Georgian surnames
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That's literally as Georgian as could be you mong
because there's no conspiracy
China don't have the power or balls to do that
they need the jews
>which sounds more Italian

I'll kill you
post fucking machines
idiotic burger
New episode of Athletico Mince, lads.
it doesn't sound italian at all you retard
not that autist
80% of Bolshevik leadership was Jewish
fuck off then and leave us alone
hmm... under Mao they were a closed economy and didn't need the West at all. and revealing that a small ethnic and religious minority control the West would have thrown it into chaos and massively benefitted China

doesn't make sense
Bit rude.
no it wasn't
back to stormfront you go
the first thing you have to understand when talking about jews is there is a higher class elite and the normal average everyday jew you see on the street who has nothing to do with white genocide or cultural marxism
have you ever studied russia?
hmm yes quite convenient
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sounds a bit like hwo ur average muslim isn't a rapist
rarely ever see normal average everyday jews 2bh.
i certainly have, and i'm aware that the myth of judeo bolshevism was spread by bitter white russian exiles and taken up with joy by fascists in europe to justify crushing workers movement
are we, dare I say it, being replaced?
you do but you just don't know it

they look exactly like us
just so you know lads, every day I am here talking to you all is my worst day in life

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