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Thread replies: 346
Thread images: 65

The Black Feels edition
Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!


OP pastebin:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script (javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension)

A bit early but I'll claim this thread for my European nd anyway
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Second for hearing my qt sing a lullaby in their language.
So which is the best country I should try if I also want to learn german?
I'm assuming Austria
Austria or Switzerland
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5th for being autistic with my qt
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the official soundtrack of the thread
all acdc songs sound the same, you know this to be true
So in general what's the hardest part of interpals for you guys and getting chicks?
Can anyone give advice to my profile?

Little much on the beard, make it less neck more face
better acdc
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its the attack of the no picture clan
>joined the site to get some nudes
>stayed for the convos with smart qts

I don't know lads, but the second option is more satisfying.
It's like the opposite of hellotalk
nth for being nice to qts :)
I don't have a picture on my profile because every selfie I take makes it look like I have down syndrome.
But you're a qt.

Just try it? I spent too much time focused on my own goals so decided to not bother with qts hitting on me.

The time came and I had no skills to deal with qts, so I just gave it a try. I'd say just find the right qts, I didn't change my way of life, just choose a qt (even if you think she's out of your league) and go for it. Be creative about the way you approach them and be confident. At first I failed at not being warm enough, you should make her laugh and feel comfortable with you.
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>This user only accepts messages from 17-30 year old male users from Asia
most austrian girls profiles are fake, so keep that in mind
If you think any girl is "smart" you're probably a brainlet.
I talked to one girl who had scored 154 on a legitimate iq test, she was autistic af tho in convos but i never for a second doubted she was smarter than me regarding anything theoretical
Greek by chance?
nah she wasnt, but she was euro
i'm doing it again
pray i dont die please
Intelligent women honestly intimidate me
You need to shave then surgically enhance your chin. Good luck senpai
Went to the doctor and he gave me pills, but my fridge is full of beer. What do?
it's a gay guys profile who messages people. If you view him expect him to send something flirtatious to you
that hit wasnt that intense
i hate this risky business
Eh whatever.

Someone give me information on Italian qts
I'm more enjoying the language that these people speak than the people themselves
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So, you be sayin that I was 2 hours without knowing that this one was up?
Btw sorry for creating a new one.

Also, happy birthday to me
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Is known for having a lot of nutrients.
beer cured a lot of diseases in old ages
Beer is like taking a shower. You gotta do it everyday
Ahhhh I don't want to do anything
No one does lad, yet we're on 4chan
She's crazy
Two more days.
I would bang her and then tell her I'm 1/4 nigerian just to fuck with her head
>Implying that type of person would have sex with an Italian regardless
anon don't kid yourself, literally every girl in existence would have sex with an italian
Happy birthday
Thanks :3
What are Italian qts like?
on interpals? No idea, I stay clear of them. The only one I'm speaking to is a virgin though, which is weird considering she seems to have daddy issues
Why? They are qt
who knew korean guys were the actual aryans this whole time
>They are qt
>view from a thai
it begins
You must be gay
Not looking for judgement, just a quick yes or no. Would it be unethical to give Syrian girls false hope for refuge in the US to get them to send nudes?
>qt views you
>she has no information on her profile
what do?
Ask "how are you?"
Then ask her things
i always assume that no info on the profile = catfish
Foreigners seem always cuter than they actually are. Well, it's always relative, so I understand italian bro.
Why'd that guy delete his message. ROOD
Probably saw something that could lead to her profile. I would do thd same.
I already post the least information possible about my possible qt.
Who the fuck is this fag?
That would be me
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Whoever the fuck is this, it's NOT funny.
>Foreigners seem always cuter than they actually are
I don't know about that. I think the attractive-unattractive ratio actually does vary among countries.
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It's still NOT funny
wheres the irish girl i want to HUG her
Post her profile pls
How can I trigger that """Japanese""" rapebaby?
Could be true, I think chileans are not as qts as other latino countries, we (men and women) don't care as much as others about our appearance and staying fit. Might have to do with income too, usually wealthier people care more about it and have the resources to do so.

You can hug me in the meantime :^)

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hi all, morning
-15 wievers
-2 messages
Say Korea is better and that Hitler did wrong to pick them as Honorary Aryans
have you put "send a message or your mom will die in her sleep"?
Say that with Japans declining birthrate, it's only a matter of time before they import muslims to give their women rape babies
Why are you even wasting your time with a /cp/ profile dude
>anal leak

it's a fake my man
I think that it was from another thing.

The "" bitch"" blocked me
idk her profile but it's not so important
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Get on my level
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>viewed -598 times
ure just mad you didn't get a hug
>13 viewers
>3 messages
>my birthday
>I've been bullied just now and I think that those bullies are exposing my profile.
Redpill me on Albanian women
only albanian girl I know is cool but very crazy
Do you need to know more?
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They don't know what they want
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hapy birth day =)
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Thank you
me on the left
I can give you a massage ;))

This >>76608035 Does her user name start with B and name with S?
Damn, this reminded me of my little sister
nah and I didn't even know her from interpals
It's called negging, something I didn't know girls did.
It's being a fucking cunt that needs to stop that's what it is.
hit your sister in the head with a brick, that'll stop her
Remember goyim, just BEE yourself
Nah, last guy I know that beat his sister got killed by a muslim
Just BEEE yourself (a normy) until the girl is comfortable with you enough to not be completely put off by your true self (autistic)
on the mimi android app anyone know how to close tabs or threads completely so I stoo getting notifications? I never remember how I do it
Don't know. Only use clover
somehow the korean american talks to you but not me. bullshit
They're eachothers qts.
kinda want to have a go at swedish but all swedish girls in here seem stuck up and too good for anyone
They're like germans. It's not worth talking with.
I don't know why anon. Don't take it out on me, I don't decide who she does and doesn't talk to.
i know. we messaged long ago before i found out shes from here
we were having a good conversation but she stopped tho i didnt do anything bad
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She's indonesian and older, is there still a chance for nudes?
but how do I find a language partner that doesn't have a penis :( I don't like making male language pals
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>she likes the smiths
sorry for that, im not trying to steal your qt. i just want to continue the convo
You have russian, Spanish, portuguese, polish,...
why do weebs have to be so cute
I want to talk to them but I can't stand them
We got any polish regulars on these threads?
That guy is attractive, and you probably aren't.
if by gay you mean "not blind", then totally
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about 40% of everyone here are gilrs (or fake grils)

t. now seen most cp profiles
havent seen mine :^)
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I'm a dude, openly.
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maybe i have
i doubt she cares. actually doesnt come off as a person like that. even in last thread she said the best person on ip was a photoless person
i just want to continue the convo but dont want to double msg
>i doubt she cares
Message me again so I can see if I ignored you because I forgot or got bored. We can continue it if we got lost in the middle. Though, posting about me in the general isn't encouraging me.

Take your /r9k/ somewhere else.

she's a 4/10. Ya'll niggas thirsty
I just spent 2 hours responding to messages on a mexican global currency exchange market. What the fuck am I doing with my life?
I've been here for the past 4 threads 12 hours. Even managed to make a tripfag off of a thread
T-thanks. I'm ok with that number tbqh.
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because they know how
>implying I think only women care about looks
I'm sure guys care just as much, if not more. To my knowledge, the halo effect isn't restricted to one gender.
That you jumped to your conclusion about me so quickly says more about you than me tbqhwy fampai
Tryna get nudes from a chick 4 years older, she's calling me boy and stuff. Making me angry
The lassies want a man that can take care of them and the older a feller is the more likely that'll be. A wee lad like yourself simply won't do.
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does anyone have a negative interaction with someone on IP that just demoralizes them completely?

i asked a girl for her whatsapp and she said no, i didnt want to talk to anyone for a little while afterwards
Yeah you're true, I'm only going to uni this summer
I'm making them ask me for my whats app even though I don't have one. You are the catch. Bookofpook man
it's a numbers game. Just keep qt hunting until you click with one
yeah i know this, i've gotten quie a few whatsapps already (two today)
but sometimes something just clicks in the perfectly wrong way and i lose motivation for a while
this didn't happen just now btw, this was a few days ago that it last happened
??? i dont get it
Okay so think of yourself as the catch, women are there to try and get you. You are the fish and she is the fisher. That does not mean she will do all the work, that means she entices you to act on her. If you hit her up, it is because she did something right. If you stop for awhile it is because she did something wrong. You go into her net willingly.
One of two books that keeps my confidence up.
how do you keep up with all the whatsapps? i cant stand having so many ppl to talk to
i only talk to a few of them each day
i'll inevitably drift away from them because so far i haven't clicked with many of them
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I want to post my brofile, but I don't want to be harassed by a bunch of fags writing me to share memes.
What do?
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post profile but censor the name
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im reading through the whole book now and i see a number of issues

>Of course, being desire-less is impossible. You can go up to any guy and talk, right?
pic related
it's pretty easy to find a profile, even if you don't know the username
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post profile but ban men from messaging then
Just block them when they try. Do words on your screen bother you that much?
why did I never think of that? lmao
I'm not convinced yet though, but I'll think about it
tfw sent messages to 6 random people
tfw probably get answers from none of them
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>"goodnight, Anon! I'm glad I met you :)"
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>Looking for Romance/Flirting
>This user only accepts messages from 35-65 year old users
>"I respect you"
Send more. Conversations die easily even if you get an initial response. If I send, say, messages to 10 people, 8 might respond once, 7 twice, 6 thrice, 4 four times, etc. Ultimately, you might need to go through 20+ people to get 1 to interact with over a long period of time.
>"I'm totally not a honeypot guys, a-ah"
then again pedos are complete retards so they probably fall for it
>I don't mind if you're married or looking for someone to make you feel young again or lonely or whatever but please be honest about it.
i thought the hardest part was getting someone to reply the first time
The bait makes itself
tfw you genuinely enjoy photography but everybody puts it down as a hobby
Is that your experience? Personally, my response rate on initial message is very high, and either I or the other person stops at some point
yes, the few that respond still have conversations going with me.
Hmm. What do you do to keep the conversation going? Is it usually men or women? Where are they from? I think I'm doing something wrong.
I just keep asking them stuff and they answer and they ask back or I go off on something they said. all 3 have a good grasp of english too
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Good morning.
>Hi, thanks for visiting :)
>Nice to meet you
>her profile is literally blank
someone should get onto a bingo chart for interpals
free space is koreaboo
i would have put 'qt' as the free space
Goodmorning /cp/ how was the night?

Everybody posted their profile and worst thing that happens is you're mocked for your looks a bit. But I believe in you ;)

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hi)how r u?)))
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>do you have a facebook?
Currently have 2 pics should I add more of me or not?
Add one with a dog and/or outside activity
more excited to see if the Finn got any messages than I am to see if I got any
have you got the image of Dennis looking straight at the camera?
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You mean this one?
>as friend do you like girls ? I just wonder :):)
The first message she sent to me, I didn't message her before.
She trying to friendzone me before we even met.

>Only the no friendzoning kind ;)
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no it's more like this

n-no bully
looks good lad but all your photos are selfies

also >rick and morty
hey pops
Welcome to the Chad circle
Reckon meme is the best looking poster here, he's got the original italian beaten
Wow the Italians really aren't white
>looks good lad but all your photos are selfies
yeah I know, maybe I should post a more lively one, unfortunately my sd memory card I had for 5 years formatted itself and I basically lost most photos of the past 5 years of my life lmao
>also >rick and morty
bitches love rich and morty though, I tried to balance kino-shows with popular ones
to be fair I'm darker than the average italian
Agreed, along with PaleBlue I'd say
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But I'm a manlet
don't rate Paleblue that highly, not my cup of tea but he's got confidence

how tall are you?
5'8 but memes aside I actually don't care
you're a manlet but at least you aren't a super manlet
you gave me an idea, maybe I should add my height to my profile
Exactly, I'm not suicide tier
You look good but your profile is boring.
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>not female
In Italian:
Michele - male
Michela - female
how does one make their profile not boring?
>post punk
Not bad

That TV section tho

Post-punk is obviously the patrician music genre:

>That TV section tho
what do you disagree with
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I'm just kidding but like the other anon said
>Rick and Morty
supreme hat
dont you like picklerick?
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>My name is Juho schizophrenia and autism.
>talking to a girl who majored in English literature
>only writer she can name is Shakespeare
The absolute state of the Japanese, their world knowledge is retarded
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lmao Italianlad is this you?
Why didn't you want to post your profile? I'm sure I've seen it here before
Woc, the Irish qt and the 2 Korean qts (maybe fakes) scare the shit out of me desu
Not me
t-thanks for the trust lad...
>that full on discussion about penises yesterday
These threads really make me laugh sometimes
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you still haven't seen mine
Girls that browse 4chan intimidate me

There's probably something wrong with them deep down
There's a lot of girls browsing 4chan.
I've met some on IP
>There's probably something wrong with them deep down
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Why? I don't know about others but I come in peace.
4chan is just a web site.
>Beer is like taking a shower. You gotta do it everyday

people do that?
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post profile Ola
Nice to meet you and happy birthday. It is my birthday today as well.
Wish I knew interpals was a thing when I was underage or 18 desu
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>no /cp/ in subject
Nice to meet you too.
Thanks and happy birthday for you too :3
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Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday lads)))
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birth day edition
Happy birthday :DDDD
Actually, you guys are the first ones to give happy birthday.
I only receive 2 more when I get out of my room.

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>qt says she loves me

Y-yea she doesn't know how strong the word really is in English I hope, she just means she likes me

She wants your seed.
so many basic bitches and chinkaboos out there.

this site makes me feel even more detached, i don't want to talk to any of these people.

What is the country with the docilest girls to teach English to a brazilian?
>unironically arguing with a Swede about nationalism
I bet you can guess what side he is taking
Of course

Ask him about the benefits of Islam
Well, if he says anything else he could go to jail.
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Why do muslims always call you bro
Pretty sure that's a fake or from here, viewed me a couple of times.
Lol he viewed me couple times

Probably has a thing for Brit boys but can't get us and is venting his frustration
If someone is making a fake you'd think they'd pick a less beta looking picture
That is racism with brits.
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>Tfw no Russian gf
yeah I'm sure the last thing you'd want is white people entering Sweden, Sven Al-N'kdwengo
Are you seriously talking to a guy on Interpals?
The Internet is a place to serious discussion.
>he doesn't talk exclusively to men on IP

lmao gaylord
this looks like the sort of bloke who will drink your beer when you're not looking then deny all knowledge of it

he's out
what exactly, you think, could wrong?
>visiting Armenia
Of all the places...
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How many of the Thais have pee-pees?
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There are legit ladyboys on this site, some are qt desu
This ;-;
Chad needs to fuck off desu
You are wrong desu.
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>Tfw the girl with the qtest smile on this site messaged me and viewed me multiple times
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Asians with THICC lips are my new fetish
>new message
so far so good
>two messages at once
so far so good
>it's an aussie
so far so good

>tfw replying to people without checking their profiles
who /living on the edge/ here
Hi how are you?
What are you doing?

thank u for visitin my profile :)))
I am interested in Korea))


I study meme studie at local shithole university and I want travel and make friend
can we be friend?

somebody do it, please
I'd like for us to be more than friends ;3

(works everytime with my korean fake)

I'm interested in vikings and I love Scandinavia!!!!
>local shithole university
Fucking this, why does nobody on this site have any ambition?
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>I'm a open-minded person
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>message me
>I respond to everyone
Lying stupid bitch. This happened to me last week
Really really want some nudes but her English is too bad
they literally don't exist

>what is botox
I think it's a kind of bacteria, I'm not too sure tho
good morning everyone
hey guys
hello :3
how are you today :3
Are you that Austrian guy?
What flag do u use on IP?
hey hello :3
yea its me.
what do you mean what flag?
I'm good ))
wbu??? ^^
everything's cool except the weather mate
it can be that bad desu
What's your profile?
Does your profile say you're in Austria or UAE?
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humidity up to 90% and 45 degrees outside

>This user only accepts friend requests from users with whom he/she has previously corresponded. Try sending a message instead.
deadset shitcunt
sorry portubro~
Why not use the Austrian flag?

What are you trying to friend me for? ;^)
lol didnt even realize i had this on, turned it off strayabro

because dubai is cooler than some 5k people village
wasn't aimed at you but I'll add you if you post your profile x)
What made you want to move to UEA?
N-no ... thanks.
i just got the chance and took it, i didn't actively look for jobs here - but i will be moving back to austria later this year and finish my last year of uni

u should come too, lots of british expats here.
I couldn't survive in a country that hot
How much more are you makig than you would back home?
it's literally just the summer that's awful. you have perfect weather 70% of the year here. also, i prefer dubai summers over austrian winters lmao

i'm getting like 2.5 times more + paid accomodation and other benefits
>Hii :)
>Actually, England is not just my interest, but passion. Your city reminds me of Zayn Malik from One Direction

This is like the fourth message I've got about this Paki is a week
*in a
Just say that he should be gazed.
>inb4 locked up for hate speech
>check flag
Like pottery.
>talk to the koreaboos about racism in sk
>they start to blame ignorance about cultural differences among foreigners in sk
pure autism
>that flag
>that picture
>that age
>Tfw no daemir bf
Couldn't you just take a printscreen an edit?
Ofc not: >>76618912
Do more of that. Talk with every single koreaboo and say that they will experience racism.
You can start with the entire France
It's not mine, it was sent to me by someone I talked to
As if he isn't a top qt
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lmao I can't even remember that I messaged her

bitch wasn't even worth a message
I have to agree, hell just other people that visit 4chan scare me. Swear one dude was a shooter para mi school
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After the advice I got yesterday, I changed my profile last night now I'm getting a lot more views and messages today
What advice and last brofile
I saw that and it made me kek, surprised she isn't stoned yet
This his bump limit, new one inbound
Just genetic shit about putting more stuff in my profile, unironically worked
Post profile
Wait, who are those 2 Korean """"qts"""""?
Soulseekqt and another one
Vvvvvvina is another one?
Don't know, probably.
I talked with her but she said that she wasn't from here.
This is all I could come up with.
Já está um fio novo
File: 78678467.jpg (64KB, 540x360px) Image search: [Google]
64KB, 540x360px
beep beep
File: sadcat_original.jpg (25KB, 400x300px) Image search: [Google]
25KB, 400x300px
File: 6845683567.jpg (62KB, 600x450px) Image search: [Google]
62KB, 600x450px
That poor kitten must have an eye infection
Thread posts: 346
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