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Thread replies: 287
Thread images: 59

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cosmic edition
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gonna have a wank lads
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wtf is wrong with her accent, sounds half english half chipmunk
Quaker you beautiful bastard!
I was hungry today
and in an attempt to allay
I found another way
to cook you into a savory fit for a gourmet!

onions, chilies, peas and carrot
a dash of bouillon and salt to make it exquisite
roasted you ever so slightly
filled the room with a cense ever so lively

boiled for a minute, maybe two
walla, a dinner /fit/ for this Hindu!

from /ck/
sing a song of sixpence
a pocketful of rye
my tender bollocks
baked in a pie
sucking my bf's 'ly as i type this
you been watching Jordan Peterson, lad?
terrorists among us
bit gay
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theyre literally trying to change the acroynm from LGBT to QUILTBAGPIPES, not even a joke

i fucking hate """"activists"""" pulling shit like this
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Im going to say it again because i only got 2 (You)s last time
Little Caprice has been BLACKED
Love X (Y)
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so depressed i barely have the energy to post
Don't care
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"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a CIS white male's testicles - forever."
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Can't express your love for Christ and patriotism without being associated with Rorke runts thesedays. Why can't they understand Christ is best for this county, all colours and all creeds?
not really BLACKED until they do a proper BLACKED scene
want to use this image but havent had an excuse to yet

someone post something that this would make a good reaction to please
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Miss Gadaffi, lads
*hands you a calender*
ummm check the current year sweetie
Up the provos
wow rude
live a long a fulfilling life
mean to say my gf's 'is
What in the fuck
me on the right
/brit/???? more like /shit/!
dont miss him but he was better than what's there now
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Same led, they're trying to do Syria just like they did gaddafi. Resist.
killed myself a while back and am posting from heaven. still depressed
noodles for lunch
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Soort yoorself oot bucko!
name me one artist/musician/actor/director who got better with age
spoiler: you can't
early work is always the best
ur a gaydo
This desu
Does anybody get the feeling that they don't fit in even on /brit/? It's a hive of activity with funny and quirky characters with sharp wits, but all the while I feel as if I can only sit here and watch or occasionally make a really half-arsed post which might get a couple of (you)s if it's well-timed.

doesnt sound like heaven to me mate
are you sure youre up there and not... lower?
I know YOU are, but what am I
Go talk to Jeanne
not sure what your getting at
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i just mainly wojakpost
Rod Stewart
you're already dead. 4chan is hell.
nope not at all have started many gimmicks and had my OC reposted numerous times, never miss a post timer cooldown

just can't relate to that weak shit

Terrorists (I.e. irish) OUT
evil within 2 looks really good lads
After I found out that eating kosher includes not eating animals with the stuff it produces (eg. not eating chicken with egg, not eating beef with milk-based dairy), I've started doing it. Just seems a bit gross to eat an animal's meat mixed with other stuff that came out of it when it was alive.

Not Jewish, just don't like it.
fuck off
>a hive of activity with funny and quirky characters with sharp wits
all me
>david bowie
retarded list
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love pints.gif
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just bee urself
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2017 AEEY. DEE checkmate atheists
bet you voted tory too you filthy kike
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love isley from /plg/
wish i lived in london so i could fugg him
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>a hive of activity with funny and quirky characters with sharp wits,

doing a poo xdddDddddd
Just sucked of my bf hahaha bit gay ok sweaty x ;)
nary a gander
Voted UKIP haha don't tell anyone.
doing a poo
imagine not having blue cheese on steak. absolutely subhuman
leftypol OUT
Which one looked like a monkey in white skin. Was it tinytrip?
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theres an owl in my bowel
hes the most autistic cunt, and he stuck up for trappy even when it was revealed it was just some nutter using pictures of his ex gf
its gross to eat an animal.
powerliftinggeneral on /fit/
it actually has an almost identical culture/posting style to /brit/

yes lol
hes a hairdresser in sheffield now i think
theres an owel in my bowl
conference pear
meeting banana
Doing a poo
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any leftypol discord man in
i thought that was just a cover trappy used to pretend like they got the doxx wrong?
not enjoying this chinese sauce i put on my noodles. far too sweet.
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You arrive in LA
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feeling like a right fat cunt
Username upthebhoys1888 checking in
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you arrive in Huddersfield
nah it was confirmed real, it was livia's ex bf (can't remember his name)
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Alri lads
can guarantee i'm the fattest cunt in these threads
I'm sure if I thought about it for long enough, or saw it being "made," I'd agree with you. Got a load of meat in my freezer that I don't want to waste though, especially lamb and bacon. Think I'll leave meat off my next shopping list and then do a think about vegetarianism once I've eaten it all.

Never going vegan though.
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How much do you weigh

she's back
eating lidl hot salsa dip haha
>fat cunts flaunting their obesity about
you vile cunts should be hidden away in a cellar and certainly not allowed on /brit/
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yeah, it was a successful campaign imo
just waiting on word from Labour HQ when to begin the next assault
literally twice that wahey
*sits on you*
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wonder if i can bond with her over taking sertraline
How tall are you? I'm 100kg but 6'6
*chews loudly in your general direction*
whats wrong mr skeltel, can't handle a REAL meal?
imagine being one of those people you hear about on the news who are out walking up the hills or somewhere and come across a dead body

must be shaking
Business idea: Teach a political science course in which I ask all communists to put their hands up, then rob them all at gunpoint and distribute half of the takings equally amongst them, keeping half for myself.
Twenty deck of benson and hedges gold

on the so called 'oo
pretty much everyone could bite off a penis if they were psychotic enough though
*pukes up the single slice of dry toast I've eaten all day along with a gallon of water*
vile slug
what does it do
Where is Aisha even from? she types like a scot would but that may just be because of Sara's influence
replaces sadness with nothing
Girlfriend is fucking annoying lads. Clingy fucking twat just leave me alone for one fucking day.
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Would INSTANTLY go through their pockets tbqh
Worked in an abattoir for a bit so I reckon I could handle it
sorry meant 600kg
skinny little runt
she's a bit deluded eh
makes you numb
norfolk i think
fucking hate when the gf sucks my dick and grinds her pussy on my face when i'm trying to get stuff done i mean for gods sake give me some peace woman lol
Norwich South constituency
Reminder that Sara and Aisha are mental for Irish cock
Catholic commie?
she's at uni in norfolk

she's from manny
filthy pikey
How the fuck is Aisha a catholic and a communist at the same time? Is she literally retarded?
Sertraline didn't do that for me, it made me trip out like a motherfucker. Tripped harder than I've ever tripped, harder than on acid or mushrooms. Saw and heard all kinds of things, and still hear voices in my head years later.

Works for some people, apparently, but it seriously fucked me up.
I have frequent anxiety dreams about finding a dead body in my house so it would probably be pretty harrowing
she is not from manny, she's from the home counties
*glaswegian cock

irish are too traditional for them
Only thing she'll>>75974610
be blowing is republicans brains out ahahah WAHEY
yeah that probably wasnt sertraline m8
Yea actually

best of both worlds 2bh . the worst part of communism/fascism was its atheism
one of the pictures posted on here was unmistakably from UEA
t. went to UEA
shes a teenager.
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the fu

recon she's from leicester or sheffield
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I'd shoot hot loads down her throat if you catch my drift
UEA not UAE you baiting goose

leave off
>worst part of communism/fascism was its atheism
that was the best part, actually
>tfw one of Leo Tolstoy's relatives is an English writer and a UKIP member

oh lol
Jellied eels are a traditional English dish that originated in the 18th century, primarily in the East End of London. The dish consists of chopped eels boiled in a spiced stock that is allowed to cool and set, forming a jelly. It is eaten cold.
no need got my own m8
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she's fae Horsham
r/ atheism
President nigger poo
If it was a little kid I'd freak out. Never be able to stop wondering if there was something I could've done to save them. Might get nightmares. If it was an adult, I think I'd react quite calmly after a second or two controlling myself.

Pretty sure my first thought would be "Oh shit, what have I done THIS time?" Like when that earthquake hit (East Yorks.) about 7-8 years ago. I felt like I must've fucked something up and was going to get in trouble for it, until I realised it wasn't my fault.
Francis playing the 4d chess game
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the new screen saver

you making fun of me cunt? Will heem you so fucking hard in the face, you'll be unconscious long enough for me to go through all your belongings, sell them at CEX in Sheffield, come back and heem you again after you come to.
she looks really sick

want to make her chicken soup
this is a blue board
both rorkes and rasheeds are against this, certainly not haram mate
actually being unconscious for long periods of time after being knocked out is mostly a hollywood creation, you would not have nearly enough time to do that
Irish nationalism is being rebranded. Characteristics of violent struggle for the achievement of nationhood are being carried on but now it must be intrinsically linked with nationhood and Catholicism.
Sertraline Hydrochloride, prescribed for manic depression after trying virtually everything else. I still have the packet. Wasn't taking anything else at the time, and on the list of side effects is "hallucinations."

I added "Paranormal abilities" to that list when I was tripping out, because I thought I could control the smell of our wheelie bins by doing push ups.
>having a naked woman as a screen saver
utter pikey move
Would spark her before she got anywhere near my knackers.
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are you literally a teenager
President Nigger Poo or President Trump, who was better?
Yeah but when you get knocked out your in a daze. You don't know what's going on after, everything's blurred and spinning. Not nice.
Obama. Shlumpf is an embarassment.
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schoolgirls shouldn't be allowed to wear short skirts and tights
Wouldn't mind eth going to $1k by the end of summer tbqh
Always think this is tabby from the thumbnail.
go have shit opinions elsewhere
Good, hold the faith strong
it's a long way to tipperary
it's a long way to go
sweaty fucking paedo nonce slot badger
'ong 'un
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stick a pony in me pocket
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Are you people serious
you're a twatty little pikey child m8
You are a paedophile, you are a nonce, you're a perv, you're a slot badger, you're a two pin DIN plug, you're a bush dodger, you're a small bean regarder, you're a unabummer, you're a nut administrator, you're a bent ref, you're The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, you're a fence foal, you're a free willy, you're a chimney bottler, you're a bunty man, you're a shrub rocketeer
liked and shared on the 'ook
I remember when I had a corkboard of cuttings and pics I liked, and a dreamcatcher, and naive political views. And long hair. Never got a piercing though thank fuck.
not a badger
wailing at this post
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it's called culture and tradition sweaty x
Polly Polly pocket~
love a good old small bean
>his leader doesn't read speeches that are written on goatskin vellum
you can't expect to become civilised if you don't embrace civilisation
Fuck the fuck off Jacko
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XO > either/or > from a basement on the hill > figure 8 > s/t > roman candle
good ol' prop-based visual humour
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fuck off bender
>hating Islam

The only religion leddit hates is Christianity you edgy fedora poof
fucked that right up I did
need a wee
The new mordor game looked nice
Liked the orc banter
'i 'a
'pent fag'
did a wee in a saucepan
how would you know unless you went to reddit
t. world famous detective
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>yo bruv I heard u were talkin shit about Muslims online?
Don't really want smooth puffs to come to me so I won't be following directions from this picture.
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1400s-late 1800s: Aristocracy
1914-1960s: Timocracy
1970s-present day: Oligarchy
Near future: Democracy
22nd century: Tyranny
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you arrive in newport
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is this halal?
I knew it
don't think the 'ran says anything against eating farts
let me get that for you jacko
*lights ciggy*
Post more muslamic slags pls

This is a fetish of mine
your autism is probably inhibiting your awareness but you're overdoing this meme mate. dial it down a notch.
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... revolution selfie 12th June 2017...
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What Ireland would look like if the British left us alone!!!
just put the car in the car hold
me walking the 'og with my noodle arm
>In The Republic, Plato describes five regimes (of which four are unjust). Timocracy is listed as the first "unjust" regime. Aristocracy degenerates into timocracy when, due to miscalculation on the part of its governed class, the next generation of guardians and auxiliaries includes persons of an inferior nature (the persons with souls made of iron or bronze, as opposed to the ideal guardians and auxiliaries, who have souls made of gold and silver). A timocracy, in choosing its leaders, is "inclining rather to the more high-spirited and simple-minded type, who are better suited for war". The city-state of Sparta provided Plato with a real-world model for this form of government. Modern observers might describe Sparta as a totalitarian or one-party state, although the details we know of its society come almost exclusively from Sparta's enemies. The idea of militarism-stratocracy accurately reflects the fundamental values of Spartan society.

>the persons with souls made of iron or bronze, as opposed to the ideal guardians and auxiliaries, who have souls made of gold and silver
ah yes, shall be taking this seriously
remember the hoosiers lads
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Trailer of Nolan's Dunkirk film has a clip of Tom Hardy, in a plane, removing a breathing mask. He's also wearing a sheepskin coat.

Is he fucking with /tv/?
baited much
why is /brit/ so slow, post more you cunts
>he doesn't believe in the value of souls

lel, alri then...
>sheepskin coat
what does that have to do with baneposting?
Am I doing the poo, or is the poo doing a me?
yeah there was a lad at school called ray who we used to sing 'worried about ray' to, which then also grew to include goodbye mr ray
Evenings it's fastest
Wagies truly build brit
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Me on the right.
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was he our guy?
souls dont exist though. unless you consider electrical signals and stored memories in the brain as a soul. but they certainly dont go somewhere when you die. thats just silly.
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wonder will there be a third season of The Truth Detectives
really hope so, favourite program ever tbqhwy
you gay?
ah right
that's not from the plane scene though
yea lol
mum had me at 37

very dire
it was funny at school when someone had a really old mum
I would have bullied you for sure

ditto really fat parents
So they're making a movie glorifying the cowards that fled Dunkirk instead of staying and fighting

Fires up my plasmoids
My mum had me at 18. Would've preferred a more mature mother tbqh, it's tough being raised by a child.
Dying is easy. Winning is hard.
about the same. think my paretns are the oldest of all of me mates
32 here

Could have been younger but whateves
nice bod x
i wonder had the nazis won the war and if they became the world superpowers imposing their narrative of history for 70 years in the west, would that timeline's equivalent of /pol/ be full of churchillboos and jew sympathisers?
29 for me
celebrate good times
>the users of /brit/ all have old mothers past their prime fertility date

hmmmm doing a big think about this
Loving London again is such a huge step for me, the bad memories and trauma I associated with it are starting to fade


I was saying poo-urns
don't know what age my mum had me
haven't got a clue how old she is
havent seen her in more than a decade
maybe she's dead, maybe she's lost her memory, wouldn't know either way
*unsheathes my DEX main*
let's go papi
might make a coffee
that's a bit fucked mate
Thread posts: 287
Thread images: 59

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