[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]

/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 52

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CUM ded.jpg
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Graveyard shift edition
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America's Peak.png
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NEED a gf(female)
bit gay
>be white
>have gf (female)
>get cucked

t. actually gay
I'm at work right now watching best of the worst.

One more night after this then my off week

and why would you link it here?
I didn't want to be alone when the FBI/RCMP gets everyone.
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>tfw the only /cum/ poster
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wassup senpai
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CUM map.jpg
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Watch the thread while I'm gone alright?
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ill do my best
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o boy
watching modern marvels buds pretty fucking comfy

Definitely going to watch this
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>got banned for braposting on /cum/

wtf I thought this was my safe space
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>janny ignores gay porn
>bans for clothed women
>he does this for free
you into fat fucks m8?
my stomach hurts should I call out of work again
Eat more fibers, stop drinking milk
Question for 90s kids and early 2000s kids: Which version of Sabrina the witch did you think looked cuter and hotter? 3DPD or 2D?
3dpd sabrina is very average looking
So 2d it is then?
>tfw no MH on vita
Hello fellow graveyard shift buds
my doggo had the same sweater...

I miss you doggo...
I watched it a while back. It's alright. Not bad, but it could use better dialogue scenes
Just got done watching Men in Black 3

Lovely way to end the trilogy
wuss poppin jimbo
why was 4chin down
fuck this miserable heat. it completely drains what little energy I had
because gookmoot cant run a site
Just stopping by 4chan to laugh at your dead general. Later, losers.
I cant upload pictures
>call doctor to make an appointment
>talk to desk lady
>tell her all my symptoms
>instead of making an appointment says the doctor will call me back
>never calls me back

I just need some fucking anti-biotics fuck
>contributing to anti-biotic resistance
>not taking anti-biotics when you have an infection


oh wait you already are trying to
i'm sure he has a serious life threatening infection rather than a virus or something antibiotics won't even work on
What job do you have?
I have a penis
That isn't worth very much t b h
yep, pics down
You're sure

Based on literally nothing at all.
I have two x chromosomes
i have a very feminine dick
as sure as he is that he needs antibiotics
I literally have an infection growing on my lips, I had it growing in my salivary gland, I had a sinus infection. I tried to wait it out for over a month and it's only gotten worse.

There is a much stronger chance that I need anti-biotics than not.
maybe you should leave that judgement up to a trained professional instead of literally calling them up and saying gibsmedat lmao
*plays xcom*
>maybe you should leave that judgement up to a trained professional instead of literally calling them up and saying gibsmedat
When did I do that?
*cucks you*
Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his supporters
>I just need some fucking anti-biotics fuck
a mature and intellectual stance on the issues
it's starting to be more fun to troll conservatives than liberals now with the advent of so many redditors swallowing the_donald koolaid
buy some antibiotics for fish, it's the same shit
Did you skip over the first part of the post?
>his supporters
*white people
i shit on dead american soldiers grave and wipe my ass with american flag.
literally me
Still mad you didn't get a green card?
alri lads, /cum/ is formally invited to help /brit/ rack up as many posts as we can

we're aiming for over 1000 posts


>in the 90s today
>going to be in the 90s tomorrow
NOT a fan of this I already miss winter
piss off
don't piss off
stay in here, and don't invite any of these wankers to /brit/ again
high of 30 here today. I don't know how people live in hotter climates without being completely exhausted all the time
I'm just sitting here and sweating my buttcheeks off. I'm glad I don't have to work the next 2 days
fuck you i would never join ur shitty general anyway

whats wrong with japan
need to replace some spoke nipples on my bike
would rather just throw it out and never ride again
Go fuck yourselves
Whoever drives the green sedan...you left your lights on
global warming die
you will sink into the sea
I think florida has a much higher chance of sinking into the sea than new hampshire
it's been 90 here for months and nothing's happened
Why can't I stop coming to this fucking site and endlessly beating my dick?

I was on a good road. This is ridiculous
That's how I feel about any clothes that require ironing.
They just build up in the closet until I throw it all away every so many years.
Fuck wypipo
deadass fuck thots on god
*is white in front of your gf*

heh, nothing personal, kid.
didnt get enough sleep last night
Heh i kept you awake didn't i?
Aliens killed me
I'm white too and I don't have a gf.
How can you still post?
Test post

I keeping getting "Error: Upload failed"
>be me
>hear ding dong
>go to door
>some black guy in normal sans nig-nog accent walking his dog says my sprinkler thing is running and it can be shut off
if he's not gay he probably has a gf
almost every post on the whole board is happening in /brit/
Why the fuck can't I post images?
>I visit /brit/
at first it only happened in /brit/ so I figured it was because they reached max images
/dead/ general can't keep me satisfied
I am sworn to stand by Israel as a follower of my Rabbi Jesus Christ
I read /int/ before it went down and apparently the CP pole poster was back so many that has something to do with it. Maybe gook moot put everything on lock down
*invites you to dinner*
*respectfully declines*
>CP Pole poster
I'm going to need the story behind this
There's a pole poster who comes to /int/ every once in awhile and spams CP

It's the first time I've seen in him months though
reddit >>74954628
should I buy a car or keep driving my moms car?
>tfw no strong, masculine, muscular male (((((friend))))) to softly dominate me and use me as a toy
*insits on taking you to dinner*
cars are bad

stop supporting their existence
have 2 (TWO) dominos interviews today

what if I have to deliver a pizza to some apartment complex and can't find the particular door? seppuku?
Is a punching bag a toy? If so I'll take you up on that
tfw no gf
*bald cancer patient.jpg
gym equipment are not toys
Huh. I would have though this was strange, but we're talking about Slavs afterall. Autism is hardwired in their DNA.
I'd use hers until it conflicts with schedules or something
tfw no gf(male)

Sad green man with red lips.jpg
its a match made in heaven
>come home from work between 1 and 3 pm a lot
>crossing guards are usually out for the school kids
>i always cross early instead of waiting for them to wave me over
>look like a jackass every time because i either force traffic to stop to accommodate me or i get trapped in the middle of the street until another opening

i'm pretty sure they usually call me out on being an idiot when i do this but i can't hear them because of music
one of these days i'm gonna get hit by a car and they're not gonna be surprised
>tfw no friends
Should I shower before or after I go to the doctor?

*pondering frog.jpg*
before, so you can clean your ass before you go get fingered in your bum when you get your prostate exam today
if somebodies going to finger my bum I don't want them to enjoy it
honestly don't understand the point of friends
a gf on the other hand i want
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I like driving when I'm stressed out
>until it conflicts with schedules or something
she actually has another car. I used to have a car but got rid of it. She got a new car but they didn't want to sell because it has a rebuilt title so it's only worth half it's price. They let me take the car 300 miles away to college and will let me do it again in the fall. I really like cars though and just feel no personal connection to the car. it's boring to drive and just feels like a mom car. it's a 07 passat
>university housing is giving away free A's game tickets

kick ass
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>A's game tickets
Add is right
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neat, pics work again
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ideal gf
Need to succ
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That's a boy.
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Gonna head out and get a burger lads. Which place should I get it from?
i would suck that girls penis

5 guys
carl's jr
Stop bullying jeb bush
you wanna get one together? have an awkward meetup?
it snowed this morning
send me some warm weather
do you want to help me pick out a car?

wanna trade? havent had any rain in like 2 months
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64KB, 240x240px
>That's a boy.
>i would suck that girls penis
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heil hitler (read: i have returned)
It seems like it could be a good back up car (though that seems impractical if you're in college). but if it were like my parents' minivan I'd definitely get something different
>wanna trade? havent had any rain in like 2 months
ah yes the state of CALIPHornia
get an audi a6 or a7
>that second one's comment
yes gimme some of that cali heat

its not that hot, desu, only like 75 degrees
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apu 28.png
93KB, 1094x575px
I'm pretty sure it's high 80s or mid 90s for me
I could feel the sun wanting to burn my skin when I went out for like 5 minutes
no one must know i listen to kpop
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29KB, 661x504px
75 sounds nice
*cuts the string*
more like K-poop
Korea? More like Shouldvenukedthemtoorea
get a honda civic
I wish it never got warmer than 23 degrees Celsius
*cuts the stool*
that feel when i will never be beaten and raped
made an imgur album oug of uglyfu


you're absolutely right

is anyone else having posting take a long time?
>is anyone else having posting take a long time?
i thought it was 4chanx fucking up as usual, but maybe there's a glitch in the matrix
Dafuq is wrong with 4chan at the moment??
i succed a dicc
>tfw no gf(female)
how long should I keep my milk in the fridge if its 3 days past the 'best by' date?
-3 days xD
how long should I keep my milk in the fridge if its 3 days past the 'best by' date?
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grinch in pain.png
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i woke up several times last night with explosive diarrhea

i am both mentally and anally exhausted today
don't know
thanks for posting it twice, captcha
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Fug I just got my dicc succed!
going back to taiwan in september lol
(gotta put a ring on it)
good night /cum/
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What do you think of those Japanese Toes
That's not a grinch
shitmany needs to be destroyed
Bit long for my taste
Some people hate me
I hate you
what should i make for lunch lads
the news said it is

you probably read fake news
a chicano made that album
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109KB, 405x381px
who's that sloot
is a 12h layover in hanoi a good idea?
wanted to fly into kaohsiung this time but the only reasonably priced flights are with vietnam airlines via hanoi
probably not worth the visa fee
LOVE this cat
I think a woman speaking french is incredibly attractive
There i go, there i go again
Look everyone! I posted once again!

Am i the funniest guy around?!
yeah, hanoi looks great imo
I feel bad that my lab partner is doing our entire project basically on her own
suck her off to relieve stress
jeg ler
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cute (3646).jpg
52KB, 800x562px
felt like i was gonna puke on and off throughout the day and i still feel sick
Niggers were laughing at me again buds

who still listening in 2017
who gives a shit
i've been laughing at you too
Yeah, who gives a shit. Dumb nerd
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B-but why?
I care
get well soon qt ^3^
you should. why don't you do stuff
hate when young runts say they're "still" listening to a song in the current year
I'm a zygote and I love this song
Shanghai based math rock duo FOSTER PARENTS have just released their debut album "Grim" on bandcamp


Physical release next month!!!
Hate this cat
The less a person
accomplishies in a day, the
more he talks during
meals. But that's OK.
I will move to Germany
Unh! Get fire up, y'all!
Feel the adrenaline rush
FLOWING, desu!
I will move to Taiwan.

Please enjoy your time in Jermany.
Sounds good
Enjoy your time in Taijuan
stop dying
file hosters that throttle free downloads to 9kB are cancer
just want to fap lmao
someone stop me
*tells you to continue*

whoopsie xD
how do I git gud at getting a driver's license

I'm so incapable of it and I want to get my motorcycle license

its possible to get my motorcycle license first, but thats after 6 months of riding with the permit
scheduled my driver's license test yesterday
probably going to fail
>everyone on /cum/ is 16
really doesn't make me think
i get hard when people talk about beating fags
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apu 4.jpg
96KB, 880x640px
>phone rings
>get excited, this is the first time anyone has called me in months!
>it's from another area code but decide to answer anyway, someone actually wants to talk to me even if I don't know them
>as soon as I pick up they disconnect
>tear up a little
tfw a waste of existence
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s-sure...heh heh...bunch of underaged fags amirite heheh
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bit gay lad

kinda makes you.. ahem.. a fag
Is that a boy
im 32
im 21
im 20
this thread is 12 hours old now let's get moving
Shut up black person
i'm white (brown hair)

the site was down for quite a while
Donald Trump?

more like

Xirmfauld Bin Graemfp
why was this funny
don't bother posting again
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677KB, 1075x1326px
Flunnelfd Fruninampf
Please reply to my stupid ass posts. Please

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I've completely lost motivation
I love this
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*motivates you sexually*
piss flavored ice cream
donnie blumpfkin
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899KB, 600x600px
are you a girl??
>my edition still up 12.5 hours later
RIP /cum/
I love u
I'm Californian. I can be anything you want me to be. All you gotta do is cross that wall before it gets bigger.
4chan was broken for hours

also super fast generals aren't good, have you looked at /brit/? it's SHITE
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39KB, 576x745px
Thanks, I'll take over now.
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>tfw post on /cum/ and /bant/
There's an ideal speed and /cum/ has been just a little to slow lately.
the wall just got 10 feet higher
im a manlet
Don't really like being black lads
it might be cool somewhere in the world
But black people are really smart, they don't even need to be alive to get a degree.
what state are you in
maybe move to a place where black people have more power and wealth, like Atlanta
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184KB, 1920x1080px

When will I be able to change my race?

Wisconsin, also I don't really like being around black people
move to africa and become a plantation owner or something, liberia style
>being black in 2k17

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>aeronautical science

nigga dont need to be an astronaut to fly to the heavens
get the fuck out
honestly from what I've heard, Wisconsin is a shitty state to be black in. People there are very Nordic/Germanic and wary of non-whites. Maybe you just don't appreciate being black because of the people around you. Maybe look for a more accepting place?
I've never really experienced any racism, but I do live in the Nigger capital of Wisconsin
real talk

how big is it
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How big is what?
How well do you resonate with Sam?

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black crime.png
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>People there are very Nordic/Germanic and wary of non-white

considering they're like 10x more violent than whites there's good reason to be wary
if my ancestors could see me now they would have chosen not to reproduce
hm, apologies for the generalization. if you don't face any severe backlash for being black, why does it bother you?

vikings aren't people
most honkies are vikings
therefore honkies aren't people
same rofl
>doesn't know about Milwaukee
might be because he doesn't like other blacks and can never fully fit in with whites
Not a huge fan of black features.

Also just hate being around black people, but It would be weird to move to a majority white state or city
i want a mommy gf
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12KB, 316x421px
Black ppl stink t b h
hello friends
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Hello, how are you?

I agree

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whats this kind of black man called

they're very aesthetic
it's not that weird, but then again I'm not really that white and I've lived in 90+% white areas pretty much my whole life. >>74959884 brings up a good point, but you'll find that if you try and fit in, most people won't really care. I've had people of my own race fit in so well with whites that when one of their white friends started banter about my race, that guy joined in on their side like he didn't even realize who he was (it was sort of cringe)
explain what this is
File: Very nice.gif (2MB, 350x255px)
Very nice.gif
2MB, 350x255px
Too hot outside rn tbqh. Did you ever try to join the mlitary or was that just talk?
how hot is "too hot" for you
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canada temp.png
806KB, 757x1146px
here is a chart to explain canadian physiology to you
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28KB, 300x300px
It's +30C (over 86F) outside, that's too hot.



Wtf is this
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Commie units
Thread posts: 308
Thread images: 52

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