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Thread replies: 311
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hows /gf2017/ coming along edition

still haven't left my room yet
i haven't left my bedroom in ~5 years
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>never been in a fight in me life and dont intend to start now
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>getting into fights

surest sign of a povvo runt
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Every male should be in at least one fight in his life. Changes your entire state of mind for life
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>Every male should be in at least one fight in his life. Changes your entire state of mind for life
>closing your eyes and wildly trying to slap another man changes your state of mind for life

> Changes your entire state of mind for life

yeah, traumatic brain damage WILL change your entire state of mind for life.
do you really think this
t. Never been in a fight
You don't get brain damage you sheltered cunt
Me dear, gay dear, no dear!
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> Every male should be in at least one fight in his life. Changes your entire state of mind for life
You should win one, lose one. Ideally repeat until you feel confident and won't back down if it comes to it.
im such a sadcunt dunno if its even worth it to keep living
violence is the tool of the ignorant
its not
one day you might not have a choice, lecture the bloke slapping you around like a muppet, I'm sure he'll see the folly of his ways.
Yeah, helps you grow up. Plus how is your gf/wife gonna feel safe with you if you've never been in a confrontation and don't know how to throw a punch. Men are supposed to know this
wish the nonce would leave
>this is a balanced meal in Australia

why is this thread dead

is britannia dead2?
>punch a bloke
>head hits the ground
>man slaughter charge
nah i'm alright thanks
Hello Junker
how do you go about getting in a confrontation exactly
ive been in fights at school but cant think of when the situation would arise in england after the age of 18 unless youre a violent drunk or literal chav
do you just wait for someone to start on you
don't care what they want me to say, its still a king hit not a coward punch
Someone will start you yeah, or someone will do something that you're forced to intervene
just go out and eventually you'll get into one.

the last fight i was in was an absolute meme
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>Australians eat is every single day

*teleports behind you*
where is the toast
>leaving the house
Hate blacks. Hate gooks. Hate nips. Hate Vietnam fucking shits. Not Mark Wahlberg, just don't like them simple as. Love pints.
the person telling you that "fighting changes your state of mind" is actually a 15 year old who got sent home from school for fighting and is still recovering from the adrenaline

can you retire?
I remember lads in school used to organise fights all the time because of some disrespect they received. Imagine not living in a country where men are men
i didn't even debut
phimolad can you grow a decent beard?
hmm might have to act more flamboyant next time i go out, see if i can goad a maori into duelling
If you've ever been in a fight you'd know that you immediately size up every single male you see, every second of the day
on a bit of a self-destructive streak lately lads haha

binge drinking/drugging/smoking every night and I keep getting into confrontations with niggers when I go out

ill fight you right now cunt
no all i can grow is sparse curly sideburns
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v. tsundere
yes mate and you practice punching the wall too
Nah that's just autistic
usually some paki shoulders me or swears and my anger issues end up getting me into a fight

and then I invariably get the shit kicked out of me because I'm a 5'10 skinny pussyhole haha
mate if i acted flamboyant normally dyou think id never have been in a fight
thought /brit/ liked lowkey poofs
tuesday night NEET kickbacks

Phew ketamine still
No wanking or porn in over 3 weeks now. Don't miss it t b h
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>Oi anon, I heard Steve Thompson in year 10 wants to fight you at lunch - he said if you don't show up you're a pussy!
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>Phew ketamine
>fighting boys in different years to you
Waa frowned upon in my school
dads on a mad one
fuck it
if you scrapped someone's brother and won you could expect retaliation in some form
That's a new one on me, Buddhist holiday tomorrow lad so expect people not to be at work etc. Also you're getting awfully close to the next full moon, you may as well go check it out now.
Why? If it was a fair fight, you were both the same age and he agreed to fight you, only gypsies would send their brothers after you
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Bruce's wet dream
didn't know turtlemong could sing haha
Any other trans women here?
did you get your doughnuts and special k today
I've only been in one fight on a Cityrail train many years ago at High school.
The kid had me up against the train door by my throat lads. I wore glasses so I was vulnerable.
the ol' 'cide
Did you atleast get a punch in?
don't ask me mate just the rules of nature
When is it

>belted some kid two years below for calling me casper (have pale skin)
>he walks over to his older brother on the same playground and tells him
>him and his brother stare at me for the rest of lunch and don't do anything

one of the only times I stood up for myself. worked out quite well
knocked a chicken nugget out of a mate's hand once and he swiftly popped me on the chin
closest thing ive had to a fight
>Sinead O'Connor wants to donate 30 YEARS of clothing that no longer fit to Irish transvestites after putting on weight
Where is it
no mate i stayed up till 8am and slept all day again
tomorrow for sure or im getting a chair leg stuffed up my botty
Don't understand that at all. If you lost you lost, if you send people after someone who beat you'll just lose everyone's respect. No one cares if you lose as long is you shake hands and walk away
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would you?
>all this anglo fighting
2bh fights were punished severely at my high school (you'd get in trouble even if it were outside). You'd get criminally charged most the time, though I didn't really care about this. It was only ever to stick something to the regular trouble making spics and nogs.
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here's one for the lovers
cor imagine the back protection
koh phangan
Yes, I got him across the face. Very confronting situation tb h
Got called to the principles office also.
they never fool anyone
>be american
>get arrested for fighting at school
>get shot for fighting in public
I'm Irish

I'll watch some youtube vids of them and see if they take me fancy but i don't fink they will

normie techno being played far too loud, ewww no thx
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>be in year 9
>take the piss out of some year 8 lad who's giving it
>he wants to fight me
>absolute weights him
>his 10 mates come out the woodwork and batter me
why is it so easy to lose track of your morning when you're a neet? Maybe our natural sleeping pattern is 5am to 1pm
Always bring your mates to a fight as a nuclear deterrent

soft cunt. love getting pissed and having a little dance me
where were your mates
fucking entire student body showed up for every fight at my school
guaranteed shag on the beach if you're on it.

And where were your mates?
>my life is hard because i cried at a TV show
So do I but the music's bollox mate


how is it guaranteed?
hope u accomplish ur goals x
this was outside the co-op in my town Tbh not at school
is that about brendan or domnhall
Just unlucky then, good on you for not backing out though
The Thai girls that go there are all slags, and the foreign girls are all on holiday in the most decadent party in the world.
*holds out hand for you to shake*
*pulls it away at the last second*
might do an ol' 'cide

>not knocking him out with a single boot to the cranium and drawing your blade to cow his backup
Very rude
I genuinely can't stand turbonormies and I don't like fun
that's the spirit
absolute madman, what a GEEZAH
Posted the same thread on /mu/ and /tv/ and they have have the same amount of replies (7) hmmmm
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don't know why august ames got her lips done

makes her look a mong
smells of skips
feeling VERY banterous today, just a warning for the jfs who're browsing
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no one who posts wojak has any m8s
don't like dylan o'brien
cant be too sure now, going to have to spend the next 40 minutes watching bullies get heemed on youtube
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Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
just watched that HEEM SLEEPY video and fuck me

bet he felt that in the morning
this looks fun

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UK parliament would never let england do that to us.

have to rely on are lana and are leah now
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all nonwhites out
i genuinely reckon he would have died
Shan't be replying to this until proofs are provided
leah who? Megan Rain for me, Clive
brace yourself mate

link is spam but ctrl+f here for 'heem' https://www.reddit.com/r/bestofworldstar/comments/2xid5w/what_was_the_most_brutal_beat_down_on_world_star/?st=j2hj11gd&sh=8eeedaee
Haven't spoken to a girl outside of work or family since May 2016
Fuck off nonce
Don't know her
Proper Tune
just link it ffs
>the lad who called Ross Barkley a gorilla has to resign
Honestly what has the world come to. Is Ross Barkley even a quadroon?
only 3 <Country>'s got Talent shows are acceptable

>Honestly what has the world come to. Is Ross Barkley even a quadroon?

qt thiq french gyal smiled at me in cambodia

didn't acknowledge her and just kept walking. still think about her
it's spam you fucking fairys
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Anzu crush me please
hideous thing.
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*bumps into her in the street and she shatters like glass*
i watched it there and its just some nigger getting mobbed by other niggers
wheres the heem
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This is what I imagine all Scottish women look like
bet she's rotten without all that slap
i would both desu

imagine lads

three pills deep with some solid fuckin speakers blasting this



third eye blind
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>there are people out there who rate barkley
The lad is shite.
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its a twink
that's the original heem sleepy you cunt, it just got nicked and repurposed by /sp/ fucking hell jog on you weapon

yeah but wheres the heem from? I cant hear it in the video
you're getting awfully worked up lad
gf is pissing me off
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had a drink with some girls yesterday and its further convinced me that they are simply not worth the effort
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Just told my parents I was gay for a laugh. Now they won't believe me when I say I was only joking and my dad wants me out the house.

Why does this always happen to me?
deadmau5 seems an absolute melt of a bloke but he's made some choons no doubt

could easily heem everyone ITT with one arm behind my back
this was heem before heem meant heem you mug
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told this lass i'm fucking to annoy her boyfriend

little cuckold runt
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my back and power handles.jpg
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shaved my neckbeard for nothing lads
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*shoved finger down it*
you're a thick cunt
whats the spee premier league general these days?

/epl/ and /trans/ doesn't seem to exist
I had sex with a girl so /virgin2017/ went well. But unfortunately /gf2017/ still eludes me.
there isn't one anymore lad. kept dying til no one bothered remaking it. dead board unless a match is on tbph. also it's spuh.
normie cunt
*tiptoes into the chat*
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I wish

used to go off a few years back

still remember the UTV stalker thread

also remember 190cm posting years ago (2012?). surprised the cunt is still at uni. must be well into his twenties
you officially are now
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>Just told my parents I was gay for a laugh.
ah hahaha !!

good one, son! always cracks me up!
The UTV lovebook is an amazing read
{{sauce needed}}
did you lads play a british version of IRA bash when you were kids?
sarah snyder
dreadfully bad taste
fuck off nonce
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the gf
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Add me if you want to join the /brit/ kik group x
quality cunt

::dick nodding::
imagine being such a pussy ass bitch that you get offended by some random slag calling you a pussy ass bitch
well gay
watching a documentary on the la riots hahaha

>injustice happens
>raze your entire community
>pussy-ass bitch
their naughty words are quite boring 2bh
I love just kissing the bf
what the hell is this?
Died because of glory hunting pakis spouting their non league
awful cancerous board and no one cares about any team apart from the big 6
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turkroaches wrestling.webm
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mb a bit
and then you wake up?
XHR does AJAX but it should actually be spelled AJAJ now, for XML is ded
doing a poo in 1 minute
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haha yeah :'^)
why do yank tv characters always uncontrollably giggle at the word duty
where did ethiopialad go? haven't seen him for a while

cancerlad as well
doing a duty in 1 minute
doody = faeces
have to go pee pee
did you cum?
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>cancerlad as well
i know but why do they think thats funny
the ethiopian is a black cuck
didnt even think that was possible
pooed down the shower drain
ah fuck off has he actually died
he was a good lad
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dpd need to stop messing tim about
Haven't wanked for three days and don't really feel a desire to


should have said 'cancer'lad

he's just a massive hypochondriac

these things move in cycles lad you'll get your mojo back soon don't worry
Had a wank last night over some fit guys and their big cocks and I have to say, I think I might be a massive cock slut, desperately hungry for it

How mental do you have to be to actually believe the NHS would send you a picture of buzz lightyear saying he cums in pies?
Out of all the comics to sperg out over that's pretty weak
How do you know he died?
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you can't escape
Medicare just sent me a picture of buzz lightyear saying he cums in pies
have shit to do but honestly cbf

he thinks they sent him a papa johns pizza as well


told me he were dead and that
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>road near me has swag in its name
>every time i go past there's americans twerking and taking selfies by the sign
She's very attractive and is someone I would put my penis into 10 times out of 10, but I'm not feeling it
like this mate

oh actually he thinks DPD sent him a papa johns pizza, not NHS.
just twerked by some street sign and this limey cunt got visibly angry
why can he never hear that his guitar is out of tune? why won't he tune it?
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Post the Wojak that best sums up your feelings right now
any marcus hausens here? i wanna push you down a hole
widows peak
hahahaha this head of the brotherhood crusade or something is saying that Africanamericans rioting is actually revolt and not riots

>burning down your own communities will show the white police and racists!
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>it's a someone working in the library actually tells the obnoxious arab talking in the quiet section to be quiet episode

Phimolad in? Wanted a (You) from him earlier but didn't get it.
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high test, is all
now I wanna be her dog (ooo ooo)
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for >>74613059
quiz: what does brexit mean?
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>spent about half an hour daydreaming how an imaginary gf would playfully and flirtatiously talk me out of suicide
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may have fucked all up just a bit
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Ah yes no one post until the new thread
people like that are pathetic, which they'd fuck off from /brit/ and get a fucking life.
decided im gonna be an actor
what new thread?
Brexit? It means Brexit mate
this is why the bump limit needs to be moved to 250
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*does a poo behind your couch*
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dont respond to it
Corbyn: And what about the extremely worrying issue of Problem X?

Problem X has caused this much damage in these ways under the Conservative government over the past 7 years.

May: My right honorable friend mentions Problem X... it might be worth noting that under the PREVIOUS LABOUR GOVERNMENT....

(May pauses like a robot malfunctioning while the booing from the opposition benches calm down and Bercow shouts ORDAAAHHH...)

(May unglitches)

May: ...that under the PREVIOUS LABOUR GOVERNMENT, Problem X was [insert non-sequitur argument here].
spending time with the twitch gf
*pushes Marcus hausen down a hole*

Your wish is my command tim
less poles more pakistanis
less lithuanians more nigerians
*bums you and slits you throat*
*messes you about*
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I was going to do that until I remembered I'm an anxiety ridden, talentless, worthless, uncharismatic, stupid cunt
wheres he gone?
*puts you out of business*
nice strawman
t. butthurt leftist
could act like you aren't those things
that's why they call it acting
would like to but don't live in london or los angeles
oh shit
problem X?
not a fan in the slightest
*corbyn sits down, defeated but feeling morally superior*
I think I'd get into NIDA but don't like extroverts
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Thread posts: 311
Thread images: 59

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