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anarchism? edition
Don't like normies
what happened to cara...? ;^)
Couple of rules for /brit/ lads:

Don't reply to the goblin
Don't reply to anyone who replies to the goblin
Have fun

Those are all the rules
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/k/ is a good board lads
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don't believe the anger and false claims against the algerian are justified 2bh
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a dutch guy that obsessed over cara? nah never heard of him
going to order some fried chicken tomorrow
where's cara
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just watched this


#Blessed #Buzzing #StayHungry #HungryLion
'nads are officially in the proverbial doghouse
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would the two trusses (highlighted in red) just have 2000N each in them? assume they are of the same dimensions and in the same orientations
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*blocks your path*
he is STILL trying to justify noncery

makes me fucking sick
just thought of a new number that goes between 5 and 6 and looks a bit like a 9
if you were sent to an american prison how long do you think your arsehole would remain intact?
Cool guy in the middle only needs a bap chap and he'd get a gf easy.
But then the bankers would have lass money, how is that fair?
areshole isn't in tact now though
is this the end?

absolute choon and I don't care what anyone else says
is this the end?
business idea: the bankers the bonuses
frick off adele
business idea: give the bankers bonuses to /brit/
Need a poo
*picks up a passing runt on its way to the slop trough*
*picks up another runt as it waddles by*
*applies superglue to both of their buttocks*
*smacks them together as they squeal hysterically*
*holds them 30 seconds*
*lets them go*
*laughs as they both spin around in circles, crying and squealing in confusion and fear*
business idea: nationalise all banks
business idea: give the bankers footballers wages
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/Brit/ is the only place I like to visit on /int/ on a daily basis.

Get myself a good chuckle or two to keep depression away
Third eyeidea: The bankers are the bonusers
I can't believe some people. I just found out last night, that I had been lied to by a jerk named "Dusky Novel" and thanks to my favorite narrator, "TheLostNarrator" it's all been cleared up that he has lied to MULTIPLE individuals, and even Scribbler and Magpiepony have clarified he's a fake *yay* who claims to be in contact with all three of them, when really he's not. I've block his *yay* and will not be in contact with him ever again. He was trying to make me look like a bad guy, until a friend of mine backed me up, and he finally was caught for who he really was. A dishonest, fake, and disrespectful person. If ANY of you are in contact with him, watch your backs, because now that he's been exposed, and is on the blacklist of Lost, Scribbler, and Magpiepony, he's finally getting what he deserved all along for being a no-good liar. He's lost all respect from me, Lost, Scribbler, and Mag. That's a record to lose respect from four people in a period of four hours. I'm just glad it's over and I can get back to doing things my way. Video coming soon on the subject.
business idea: nationalise all gfs
spongebob is best anime
yeah why not
*cackles to self on 74100643*
ermm but the banks can print money sweaty xx
hey, that was my post!
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A friend said that she wants to kiss everyone because It's spring. Would it be pushing it if I said "hang on I'm catching a plane to get my kiss"? I ONLY WANT HER TO TAKE IT AS A CHEEKY JOKE WITH A HINT AT SOMETHING MORE.

harry and paul was fucking class
just put 'on my way'

blunt and to the point
apparently there's a leaked sex tape with john terry's mum lads
goatest living comedians
I downloaded reddit flags just so I could filter all reddit flagposters
want to look good but im a lazy cunt
what the other guy said
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Joke's on you, I hide mine
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*crossfits in front of you*
>i fucked multiple gay blokes just to tell them I hate gay people
my phone's started to recommend me 4chan threads, not sure how i feel about this
I don't even use /tv/
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alri mate.jpg
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alri' mate
kek STATE of hiroshimook
*kicks you to the curb*
eating a 'zza

guess my toppings
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she gives a cracking bj desu, gonna need a wank now
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theory: when you die your soul returns to the Void
I know yellow is ancap, red is gommunism and green is tribalism but what are the rest
Not got much booze in the house but I don't want to go out, so I've decided to eat nothing all day and then drink what I've got left really quickly.

Feel like a fucking genius desu.

Semen and pubes
31st October 2015

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The goal
'dit 'cing
theory: pigs are people and people are pigs, we swap between lives upon each death in the inbetween lives area
hahaha alri 'anon'
it knows
you fucked it

Bet your on a list at the ol' GCHQ
*hangs myself in my ad agency cubicle*
orange - mutualism
blue - transhumanism
purple - feminism
white - pacifism/christian
lay down all thoughts and surrender to the void
*slurps coffee loudly*
the goal
Only soft cunts peel the skin
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good reference
how I know you're gay: toppings on pizza
My brother is fat as fuck but he loves fruit

Why is he fat?

>you will never be get through half a bottle of scotch before driving your E-Type through country roads listening to Waterloo Sunset
why live?
Lad women can tell the emotion of the sender from a message... there's just a certain "air" and "feeling" they can perceive. The exact same message sent by two different men of different confidences will have a different effect.
that's a small banana
Globalisation could work, but only if everyone in the world was devoutly Christian.
because he eats junk when you're not around
green is 'anarcho-primitivism'
purple is anarcho-feminism
white is anarcho-pacifism
blue is anarcho-transhumanism
orange is anarcho-mutualism

Yes, I know it's all retarded shite but I made a point of trying to at least read up on this retarded shit before I made an opinion. It was a genuine mistake.
>all these mad men posts
a thing like that
Just drink some tins stood up on a crowded train while listening to spotify on your phone. 99% the same.
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the goal
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how did a few slavs with some computers and vodka manage to churn out a masterpiece like witcher 3 when other teams get a much higher budget and make shitty games?
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Alri lads
imagine being the sort of gay cunt that doesn't hug and kiss his mate
For you
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the witcher 3.jpg
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Because you're an idiot.
why do all IT companies have those same shitty drawers on wheels
Made the game they wanted to play, instead of making a game that "everyone will totally want to play".
Budget can't bring you good ideas and also most high budget western games companies have been invaded by feminist 'coders' and 'activists' who are shit, get paid higher and force diversity on gamers who hate that shite.
They actually love what they do and don't have suits in a boardroom to suck off
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RARE photo of thainonce I digged up
*being extremely scared*
Used to think the song "Secret Agent Man" was actually called "Secret Asian Man"
*takes your soul*
going shop what u want


i assume they weren't being dictated to by greedy higher-ups
need a bf lads
>call of duty ww2 revealed in big event in london
>not british campaign included
see >>74100978
Slavs are probably the most skilled technical workers in the world today along with Asians, lower education budgets mean having to learn how to do more with less
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so? the western front/north africa is so fucking overdone

i want more of Barbarossa, china/japan and partisans in eastern europe

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>Sorry I got to sleep now
Used to think Jessie's Girl was a song about a man who wished he was a woman so he could fuck his best mate.

>I wish I WAS Jessie's girl
Hate to think of who works here
Honestly tempted to jack in my hatchback and get an early 2000s MX-5 for a couple of grand, I love chucking my car around country roads so that'd be sick
Probably end up burying it in a hedge though
I am wondering why they chose to have a big reveal event in London if Britain isn't even included.
western front games should be boring, well equipped, well trained allied soldiers with massive air superiority fought german reserve troops while the real fighting was going on in the eastern front
just had a lovely pint of porter and some venison pate on french bread, all for a couple of quid from lidl

good old germans
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They're cheap
what a reddit workspace
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Good lad

you probably took too long you fucking autist or sounded really unnatural
thread is shite
A Burma campaign in an FPS would be great, spooky jungle (like Vietnam but no helicopters or Creedence Clearwater Revival) and machine gunning the yellow hordes
*opens the exit*
Yeah it must have been really dull, surprised the lads fighting didn't fall asleep.
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business idea: convince people that pigs are humans and humans are pigs in order to make the animal sacred so that the welcoming of our muslim overlords to the west has a smoother transition
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>turn on the cod livestream
>first thing i hear is "jewish american private"
fuck off
what's a cheap brand of ciggies that don't taste/smell like burning plastic lads?

usually smoke marlboro red which are glorious but I found chesterfields to be ok
because they don't get diversity quotas forced on them
The Dad used to work as a game designer with his mates. Their office was in some old farm house in the middle of nowhere and they were all skint as fuck, but their final product was 10x more enjoyable than most of the big budget shit that comes out today
Amber leaf
fab chebs
How come we have electric brushes for cleaning our teeth but not for anything else
That one fucking twat who doesn't like cheesecake.
>.jpg large.jpg

what is this?
cutters choice
*sees you emerging from the ground*
*run over and kick you back down into the runt pit*
Twitter filetype
brushes for what?
it's called a hoover mate
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more please
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fucking STATE of you lad
Sterling, Player's, Pall Mall
Rollies leave you stinking
I didn't like Cheesecake until I was about 15 because the concept of cheese in a cake just didn't seem right
business idea: pigs are people
Do they still sell woodbines?
That's a good slag
Benson and hedges BLUE
£7 for 20 and little difference from silver/gold
>few weeks into job search
Confident, getting good feedback from interviews, keep being told I "just lost out", still feeling positive
>month and a bit into job search
Having to fake it more, still getting good responses but seem less enthusiastic, trying to fake positive outlook
>now nearly three months into job search
Nervous, know I don't look as good as I did, feel like every interview goes badly, constant self doubt

It will be the n...n...n...next one r...r...right?
tough guy cigarettes
Business idea: Strasserism but without the genocide
Things that need brushing
will go for this I think

not a fan of rollies
remember when Bogfart made a series of grand announcements at the start of his presidency and everyone thought it was all coming true

but enough about your mother's arse hair
Could really go for a cigarette now.
Gf went for an interview the other day and literally got the job on the spot

Maybe you're just a spastic and/or applying for jobs too far above your skill level
well the only brush were I think a vibrating head could be useful is a wire brush for removing rust because it's the same concept as a toothbrush
Lad, those are fucking atrocious cigs

Taste like pure car exhaust
None of what i said was rollies, and all 3 i listed are cheaper than £7
she probably sucked off the lad giving her the interview tbf
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Been noticing a recurring trend in Joe rogan podcasts. Comes up every 5 episodes or so about how he thinks straight men can have gay experiences. The latest was about how some men perhaps liked getting their dick sucked by other men but were otherwise perfectly straight. Hmm
That's a good business idea
fuck off
blowjobs always help at the end of an interview, i'm sure she'd tell him that
43 dimensional hyper-chess
he hasn't put it in the budget now because he will do it with an executive order later on
strasserism isn't genocidal
It's easier for girls
>because he will do it with an executive order later on

And some smug liberal judge in California will just block it too
I have the exact same rug that the pool table is on.
Business idea: stealing british peoples' cars
Can't imagine being a NEET for longer than a month without suffering from mental health issues.
I don't understand where this meme comes from
What are your credentials
lmao, not listened to brogan for a while

does he still talk about having mma fights on a basketball court?
reddit grammar
business idea: annex Sweden
Can't imagine not suffering from mental health issues
do you reckon you could ghost a 1 gram dab
going to see a runt who knows a man
might move to china so I don't get bombed by north korea
sorry but even having ' in your grammar is retarded
fuck off
Haven't used shampoo on my hair in 6 months. Looks better than ever
Don't even know what that means
Go away
all swedes deserve to be replaced by somalis and afghans
havent had a shower in 5 months
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rate my beard lads.
Sounds exactly like Ribena
*rejects your application*
this is very lewd DO NOT open
So you know, when you smoke DMT and you use your pineal gland to its full potential, did you know that Shroomtech can make your pineal gland 50% more functional, it can make you open to a wider range of experiences that might even be homo, but no homo yakno? You ever seen a full grown chimp? Those things can rip your arm clean off, get that video up man
i did that for one month and it fucked my scalp up for a year
coming along nicely
ah yes, the classic /pol/ wog
christ, i feel ill looking at this
honestly this is why i prefer to be clean shaven, in case i look this greasy and ratty
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did you know studies have shown DMT cures cancer?

jamie pull up that video of a dingo eating a baby. holy shit look at him go.
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>Power keeps cutting out

Ah yes...the 3rd world
>It actually was Ribena
I am a fucking genius
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mummy and daddy sent me £15k as a windfall for selling their house lads

any business ideas to invest in?
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might want to cut down on the bio oil


i thought capitalism rewarded hard work????
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Can you solver the riddle of Nye?
A bairn, wee 'un, child ur littlin is a youthie body, a lad or lass. Whiles a bairn is defined as bein a body afore tha oncome o puberty, a body afore tha end o puberty, a body unner tha age o majority, ur itherweys. Tha term micht can define a relationship wi a paurent ur authority feegur an aw, ur seegnifee group membership in a clan, tribe, ur releegion; ur it can seegnifee bein fell affectit by a specific time, place, ur circumstance, as in "we're aw Jock Tamson's bairns" ur "a bairn o tha Saxties."
princess chelsea

4chan passes for the lads
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dont tell me you spent like half an hour in between those messages
rogan is like the homosexual/bisexual version of matthew mcconaughey in dazed and confused
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Never knew bairn was used in Scots as well, always thought it was just a northern English thing

He's an autistic retard trying to make webm 100% used
underage fuck off
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I can't go on like this /brit/.
fuck off
>ww2 game involving d day
hmm yes how fresh
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Would you, goys?
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>Barclays debit card expired
>They send me a new one
>Give me contactless without even asking me

Fucking cunts, I don't want that contactless shit
Only thoughts are "what" and "why"
I'd love there to be a D-Day campaign focusing on the Canadian landing.
*passes a fresh meme your way*
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the role involves significant public speaking, is that okay anon?
Russo-Japanese War or Franco-Prussian War games when?
alri grandad
im not autistic that's totally fine
t. tinfoil

alri granddad
*places a tin-foil hat on your head*
i gotchu senpai
Communism and unregulated capitalism are both undesirable extremes. We must meet somewhere in the middle for a sensible and just society.
plenty of rape fetish out there
he's 20

makes a post about contactless every day, ignore him
honk honk!
*plows truck through /brit/*
that's what we've been trying for the last 70 years, hasn't worked out so well
nah, mostly near capitalism, mostly
Never because their markets are too small to matter, it is just non stop America with the odd meme British character because Americans like the accent.
ah yes hello everyone steal my money
*Hacks military satellite and uses it to scan your card from orbit*
nothin perssonel kid
can't believe I don't have a pretty gf that fulfills me
*prays for /brit/*
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rate the bank balance lads
Literally nothing wrong with contactless
What's being a programmer like?
i also don't like contactless

>lose card on a night out because im off my tits
>only come back to my senses at like 2pm the next day
>call the club to ask if they have my wallet but no card
>cancel my card
>someone has taken £15 out of it
>cool, ill get that back when i go to the bank
>go through some interrogation process to prove im not just scamming them
>get £15 back

>get home
>suddenly more transactions (that didn't appear on my internet banking thing appear)
>another 20 quid was taken, but it didnt appear because the transaction was pending or whatever

ahh yes contactless.
*scratches at tippex, revealing a minus sign*
i wish there was a ww2 game from the axis perspective
What's being a homosexual like?
you either love it or you hate it
All I want is a good Battle of Britain level desu
bit gay
>Half of the ol' payslip goes to gov and to the landlord

Ahh yess there is totally a point in not just working a minimum wage job and living in the mums cellar... going to london to do a proper job is totally worth it!!
good post
Do they sell alcohol in paki shops in the uk?
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>earning enough to be taxed
'rhoids playing up again
Didn't give a fuck the first two times you posted this.
4chan is going to die soon
I can feel it in me bones
all this media attention, too much positive stuff, its bad for the site.

Really attracted to this woman
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>tfw being broke
where will we go?
*sombre orchestral music plays*
Thread posts: 304
Thread images: 56

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