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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 69

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Wow I Love Science! edition
bill nye has a tv show again? he's always stricken me as looking like he has a wasting disease of some sort`
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tfw no gf
unironically wouldn't mind being a janny haha

have nothing better to do with my day
you fit the requirements.
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get angry at silly left nonsense all the time, every day. I'm becoming such a rorke
love pints
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>Man losing control over his consciousness and giving in to primal unconscious desire.
hate the ocean
i heard they actually take it very seriously and i can understand why

not sure i can handle the responsibility
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I was never a huge fan of him because in middle school all the teacher did was show Bill Nye videos in class. Got tired of it.

If we're gonna talk educational programming, NOVA on PBS has always been GOAT.
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Indians frankly make me nauseous and the mere thought that I unknowingly converse with them and treat them as human beings on boards without flags has me sick.
why are little things so aggressive?
like those fish that climb up your dickhole or bugs that scuttle into your ears

imagine a huge tapeworm living in side of you
apparently the mods are cunts that will treat you like a runt too.
just ignore it
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Anyone else here fantasize about killing their roommate
Just join Britain First.
no only my mum and others I care for
Swedes frankly make me nauseous and the mere thought that I unknowingly converse with them and treat them as human beings on boards without flags has me sick.
i never heard of bill nye until reddit got big
the fuck is that
no only Tony Blair
i dont know who to believe
reckon a good compromise is making cross statements on anonymous imageboards

hmm not really
leafs are only one small margin better than swedes
got asked to leave the club by a bouncer after i slapped a middle aged woman who i was flirting with on the ass after she told me she had to leave to make a phone call
Thailad seems to know a lot about being a janny on 4chan...

perhaps he's our denizen janny
me bumming a yank (you)
>i dont know who to believe
sounds like a plan
I spoke to one last year. (or a great pretender)
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wonder what my willy head looks like after 23 years of phimosis
23 years? christ mate cut off the foreskin, let it breath
How does phimosis even happen
>mfw slept with a 10/10 Scottish chick.

Feels good giving her that averaged sized nonwhite dick
yeah you'd like that wouldn't you Shmuel
When the penis foreskin kind of get stuck in the penis head
Show yfw nigger faggot
Side effect of being a virgin
Feel like I need to drastically alter my life, lads.
sounds like paraphimosis
I'm a virgin and my penis is very healthy
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suicide is the answer
The jews are clever about circumcision;
*Posts image of giant black cock*
hi all
just got to the thread
will post again once ive got to the bottom of the thread with any notes i take
Watching the second Louis Theroux doc about Jimmy Savile. Prurient and salacious but still not very illuminating imo.
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Going to sleep lads, may God bless us all
just bummed a yank after convincing him i was a scottish lass. dumb cunt had no idea haha
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>watch an Adam Curtis documentary once
actually god doesn't exist
So may whatever you believe bless you champ, have a nice breakfast
just finished reading the thread
didnt take any notes
off now laters
have a good one
*looks around furtively*
since your dads not here, have a good two, but dont tell anyone
virgin twat
swear rick and morty barely ever touches on religion
Have a good night. Thanks for the (you)
Virgin shaming is wrong
dont think ive ever listened to a whole beatles album which is odd because you can't cross the road here without encountering beatles stuff
Doing a chill lads

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My dad works at Nintendo and he said that Elon called him for tips to beat Pikmin 2 and that he was a real dummy.
if god existed then we would have found him with our telescopes by now
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So what did you guys think of Bill Nye's new show?
loved pikmin 2
Pikmin has been consistently good
Might just stay up now
dont care about leaf opinions
business idea: a pornograph, but not shit
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she almost had a point until "empowerment of women"
Justice is a spook
all anyone "deserves" is an inevitable death
Literally nothing wrong with what she said
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VERY interesting youtube channel lads
Fucking hate yanks.
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Even me..?
>No, I don't vote for the party that represents my politics
It's not about winning, it's about being heard. If the mainstream parties see that the UKIP policies of anti-mass immigration and multiculturalism are becoming popular, they'll bend towards those policies too.

The small parties are like a marketplace of ideas, the bigger parties will buy from that marketplace when they more votes. Any party that lives for long NEEDS to bend to the will of the people otherwise it shan't survive.
not me haha fresh out of those feels

actually wait let me check out back
*walks out to back of store*
*realises I in fact have a large abundance of no gf feels and no gf*

>replying to an hour old post
theory: life is pain death is peace god is evil satan is good
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counter-hypothesis: pain is good
whatever happened to caraposter?
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me tomorrow morning after drinking too much alcohol and not enough water
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me and my brit friend
Voting for parties that have no chance of winning in your constituency is a sure fire way to make sure your voice isn't heard.
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you could drink some water then

me the friend
>mfw australia doesn't have this issue because of superior preferential voting
does this woman honestly believe her own bullshit? i can't help but think she's an actor meant to make feminists look bad
*calls 999 hundreds of times in a short space of time*

why you ask? to waste their time? haha oh no! I would never do such a thing considering how much I honestly value them and their service and selfless commitment to their community. I would NEVER trick them into some wild goose chase for the sake of a 'lulzy' phone call

oh no!

oh ho no!! haha! that call is very much based in reality. a reality ... that you ... wiLL-

That's completely false. The reason we had a referendum on EU membership in the first place was because UKIP was successful (in getting votes at least) and the Tories wanted appeal their voters.
>thinking your votes matter
shan't be reading a single word of this.
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This doesn't have any relevance to what I said. If you vote for UKIP in Orkney it's a wasted vote. If you vote for them in Clacton it wouldn't be.
the girnrnick
It does have relevance tho, UKIP won only one seat but had a major influence in the calling of a brexit referendum
got loads of assignments but just want to play video games lads
>If you vote for UKIP in Orkney it's a wasted vote. If you vote for them in Clacton it wouldn't be.
thats only with hindsight though, before the votes are counted whilst it may be likely X result will occur that's by no means certain. use some logic fool.
You're literally retarded mate.
For me it is the United Kingdom Independence Party
dont know this feel
t. neet
wondering about what language to learn
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the best fast food sandwich
It is absolute certainty that UKIP will not win in Orkney. You may as well wipe your arse with the ballot.

They didn't though. Eurosceptism has existed in the Conservative party for literal decades before UKIP ever existed. David Cameron only called the referendum to resolve this internal issue in his party.
just never did mine and ill probably be kicked out now
be a good lad id suggest
we'll all either be speaking english or chinese in a few years
woops, looks like you dropped your gay card mate
I thought it was more that UKIP was splitting the Conservative vote. Dave was pandering to fence sitting UKIP/Conservative leave voters.
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For me it is the simple fried egg and cheese sandwich

might've already said this on /brit/ but my uni actually has some society that gives gaycards. Since all students are gay most people carry around actual gaycards in their purses. completely changes the dynamic of the gay card gimmick
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So-called "feminists" are trying to block people voting for a woman.

She would be the first female president of France.

Let that sink in.
spanish or mandarin give you the most travel options
german or french is probably the easiest to start with
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When you fart a bit of your soul escapes.

Prove me wrong.
You can have

A) a short, fat gf with big tits and a big arse
B) a tall, slightly underweight gf with the absolute flattest tits and arse

Considering ALL other factors to be equal, which would you rather?
>Let that sink in.
tall and skinny

mates cant dig into me if she's not a porker

My dad would tell me about his deadbeat friends growing up in the 60s who would ditch or drop school to do drugs whose story would end with moving out and entering a factory or lumber yard or something, and this is how their story would end. Losers then would just plug themselves into a low-wage dead-end job and that's that, but now every deadbeat I know is a NEET. Really, a lot of people I knew who were just low-average or overly anxious are NEETs as well.

just wouldn't feed the bitch
Australia is reddit: the country
>getting a gf based off what your mates will think vs what you want

Having a very small howl at you mate
what's the male version of a coal burner? A coal...mixer?
an aeropress
>wanting a hog for a gf
The Tories forever shall remain a party of the landed aristocrats, monarchs, and capital class. They've pulled the wool over the eyes of the people who should despise them thinking that they're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Work hard and you too can gain the affluence and wealth of those who have kept it in the family for generations or stolen it from other nations.
Seeing a tall girl at the moment
A mud mixer. Bob ross used to joke about it all the time.

>And nobody wants to be a mud mixer *chuckle*
how fat are we talking
either way fat can be lost
Not about him picking either option mate, it's why
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>You don't want to look like a whale-humping runt when you're out and about with your hog gf?
>Having a very small howl at you mate
we should just kill the poor and let that be the end of it.
The alternative being champagne socialists I think the people made the right choice
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yesterday's updates
incredibly interesting that the cat's actually properly visible, definitely not a figment of his imagination
*kills you*
Consider them to be equally distant standard deviations away from the mean weight

Would have said the same thing if you had picked B m8
Double snap
need my boipussy bred lads
post toot
You said fat and slightly underweight
bit gay
jobs aren't as easy to get now
Both of them being terms for being either above or below the mean weight, what don't you get paddy?
every now and then i get a bit jealous of are tim
doesn't have to work, has infinite free time to pursue his art and hobbies
but then again he's off his rocker so I'm quite okay for now
What money does Tim live off?
Did the mental irishman step into the train tracks then or was it all for show
Going to work in a bit

Going to try to use a holiday and a sickday this week

Just not feeling it
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dare me to do 10 push ups
dont engage it
I dare you to do 7 sit ups
dont bother desu
That's not one standard deviation descriptors
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just watch me

i double dare you to do them
..but wait
BOY push ups
You'd just lay about watching telly and drinking skol mate
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>"re"-nationalise health care (implying privatisation is a bad thing)
>nationalise railways
>de-arm the nuclear program
>refuses to say he'd take action against ISIS
>explicitly says he'd take action against Assad
>free higher education

I'll explain why in a bit if you even still care but I gotta catch a bus home from work.

Also it is here, do not reply.
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Wish I wasn't so anxious all the time.
yeah he seems to have a very comfy life
i'd say he's a bit lonely but he actively chooses to ignore people on facebook, and instead seems to prefer the company of just his bears
In the pocket of the Jews then
bio oil money
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the Alt-Right endgame
wonder if tim wanks
mental how much yanks care about 11/9
you don't hear us going on about the lindt cafe
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No more videogames
No more wanking
No more junk food
No more coke
No more weed
And...No more... /brit/....
So long
*Presses the little x in the top right corner*
Shower time

Wonder if I should wear slim fit jeans and my pink hoodie to work today?


They literally made a 9/11 museum featuring individual tributes to all the victims inc their life stories
A shame then... that you'll never see this (you)
I've nowhere NEAR finished my poo but I have to stop or I'll be late for work
haha see you tomorrow
Communism will prevail
my doc has me on hydroxyzine for my anxiety

works wonders

maybe you can ask your doc for some
A shame then... that you'll never see this (you)
Fun fact: The landfill they took all the WTC debris to included some human remains. Which were then mixed into what was used to pave roads and fill potholes.

NYC has literal 9/11 victims remains embedded within it's roads.
Doctors in the UK are very reluctant to hand out drugs
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don't believe
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wish my GP could give me something to stop my breathing
>go to yank doctor
>feel a bit sad because my dog died.
>10 different kinds of powerful medication.

>go to Brit doctor
>depressed to the verge of suicide
>Prescription note saying "just be yourself x"
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tell the doc your yank friend in /brit/ takes it and it works great for him
how bout this?
*heems your adam's apple*
alri lad
*gives u chlorophyll*

haha now u can photosynthesise xx
*writes you a prescription for a .44 cal hot lead injection straight to the third eye*
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I'm completely lost for meaning in the world
not really

most doctors won't prescribe serious drugs for people who have/had addiction problems which sadly is the case with a lot of people

a drug like xanax is virtually impossible to get
the meaning of life is to give life meaning x
It wasn't like I was exaggerating or anything.
whose this little furry fuck?
*heems your dog*
me and my psychologist agree theres no helping me
sounds like time and money well spent.
you tried being yourself mate?
who's this little furry heem?
*fucks your dog*
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bit warm
you're getting jewed
dont actually have a self
just a shell
medicare covered a fair bit at least
Dont care about your life in thailand

Post in /thai/ if youwanna blog about it
>medicare covered a fair bit at least
still tax money though init, these people aren't cheap.
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DO NOT tell me what to do.
ive never paid tax
why do asian girls look so weird
they're like corgis, they're cute but very eerie
fuck science and scientists.
they are useless parasites
Fuck off ypu attention seeking cretin.
me too
le pen and drumpf are fascists
It really isn't hard at all in the US, they're gagging to sell it. Also thailad my doctor in the UK jumped at the chance to give me SSRIs but I said no way
ok, well if you ever get round to it, consider the amount of useless twats getting their share for doing fuck all.
don't know how to answer this
or wot, or wot, or wot, or wot, or wot, or wot, or wot?
crazy innit rnate
Or ill call you out and make you get all sad and defensive about your internet persona like yesterday

hmm, this gimmick frustrates me for some reason
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just started raining
Crack on pal
Why are Russians so good looking? Of all the three people I know who were adopted from Russia and raised by Americans, every single one is tall and has sculpted facial features.
Well 3 is a good sample size of over 200million people
Thinkin bout testicular torsion
think this is very far from the case irl - they're quite short and have very rounded features compared to other europeans
Also now thinkin about testicular torsion
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bullshit it doesn't rain in arsefartia
SSRIs aren't hard to get its the good stuff
It does Im in Geelong right now and its raining right on my head
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Why is the American face more masculine than the others?
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breakfast lads you?
i, too, am now thinking about testicular torsion
Currently in Geelong
Some fucking dunce is standing out in the rain on his phone
Pouring right on his head it is

In America the good stuff is easy, in the UK ITS HRD BUT THEY HARDLY GIVE YOU A NOT, SSRIs are powerful stuff

>left capslock on after UK and not retyping that shit
This looks like something I would snake out a drainage pipe.
fucking hell lads i need to go to bed earlier

utterly knackered on my way to work
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ssris did nothing to me so maybe i just have a stronger brain
because your brain has been tricked by constant US films and TV perhaps? because its an amalgamation of Europeans in reality perhaps? who knows, ask an expert not us.
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perhaps because we're the greatest
I will take a picture of myself when I get in Im fucking drenched. It's pissing it down rn.

This is NOT okay
Got the week off work.

No plans.
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wa la.png
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can confirm it rains down under, went through a waist deep flood near port maquarie and Melbourne pissed down for nearly 2 weeks when there.
perhaps this


Ah-ha-ha yes, yes! Dodge the question Brit, but I'm sure you can pierce the veil of artificial masculinity standards and see that the anglo, Iranian, and American are the most masculine.
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the bread represents life
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Me last week. Due at my desk in 40 mins.
Aren't they manlets?
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Mine is much more manageable.
shaved the pubes
much better
willy looks bigger
post pics
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Oh dear
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>two pedals
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now do aus
Lick it slave!!

every time a thunderstorm hits i stand outside holding up a silver spoon in the hopes that i'll get hit by lightning
>shares up 3.2% this morning

thanks Macron
Why would you need more than two pedals on the passenger side?
Alri Phimo la
You raise a fair question
Can't be arsed lad. I was thinking other people would run with it if I did the first one desu.
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By Jove, I speak so little that when I somehow get roped into real conversations I can't help but sounding like a literal retard. My mouth and tongue are so unused to animated speaking that I will get the accent of a genuine Autist. It happened today.
haha look at him go
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mum says i can't say
it shows in this post
getting my daily dose of protein powder milkshake
going to the doctor soon! x
Yes, yes, the virgin writing style.

Anyone here that can say that they speak less than 100 or even 50 words a week aloud?
reminds me, what became of that lung cancer twat
Parents probably revoked his internet privileges.
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>so anon, what do you think?
>well i, uh, you know, i just, er, sorry did you say what do I think? well. uh, hmmmm
>Anyone here that can say that they speak less than 100 or even 50 words a week aloud?
no cunt
Poor kid.
I've spoken more words than that alone in my house this morning sunshine.
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>"so what do you do for work now?"
dark out
windows open
smells like rain
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>got a gf anon
>that's good i like seeing a happy man haha
>h-ha yeah
I've done that as a child. It doesn't kill you.
>United Nations Elects Saudi Arabia to Women’s Rights Commission

the un is a joke
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dont feel very good

Early new because fuck you
protein wanker loves his fucking protein
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cornfy rn

ill use it anyway
I was first in line to inherit my father's title and lands in the Hebrides, but alas, the bagpipe whose melody is my own crying voice--its threads be torn by the relentless growth of mine own cells. Oh, a prince such as I to be doomed to such a quick end.
thread choon
Thread posts: 296
Thread images: 69

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