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Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 71

Rachel Riley edition
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the gf
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10 lbs to goal weight
dutty byach
cannot think of a future position i could have where i'd ever earn 100k

chose the wrong fricking LYFE
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R janny
getting sick of this early new malarkey
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worst outcome of the election -

tories won't do as well as expected. but it will mean that corbyn is vindicated which will still be good for them . continued poor opposition and pressure from backbenchers will mean extremely hard brexit that will destroy industry and jobs

best outcome of the election -

may achieves an even slightly greater majority and any gain in scotland allowing her to pursue soft brexit that satisfies the markets and puts indyref2 off the table
reminder that colonialism was the best thing to ever happen to that giant wasteland known as Africa
New Paramore track slyly bangs uno

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can't decide whether or not to have a wank
Tories will probably gain 100 seats...
best income - you get blown up at the polling booth by a political terrorist and I never have to read your shit posts again
Can you explain we each election outcome leads to each different brexit deal for me?
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>I am pleased to have the honour of having been chosen as a member of a Special Attack Force that is on its way into battle, but I cannot help crying when I think of you, Mum. When I reflect on the hopes you had for my future ... I feel so sad that I am going to die without doing anything to bring you joy.
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Post your best Rachels
>ugly mongy parents
>attractive/decent offspring (over 18)

How does this happen? Why do I see it all the time?
why are micks so obsessed with blowing people up?
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caty cole on studio 66 tonight
go on mate, you've earned it
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She's worn more revealing dresses on Countdown

What gives
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guarantee this yank who thinks hes too good for a £40k job will get absolutely fucking nothing when he leaves uni, for a good amount of time, before landing some mediocre job and wishing that he'd done what his mum said
What are you, 15?
if the rorke tories doubt her strength and legitimacy they'll freak go full farage. She will need to satisfy them to maintain party discipline. leading to angry uncooperative brexit negotiation
all tories are rorke tories
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how will the alt-right ever recover?
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$40k is only £30k
They call it a revolution, but in fact, it has nothing to do with revolutions. A revolution needs thinkers. A revolution is built on thought. Where are their thinkers? A revolution needs leaders. Who is its leader? Revolutions are built on science and thought not on ignorance, on pushing the country ahead not taking it centuries back, on spreading light not cutting power lines. A revolution is usually done by the people not by importing foreigners to rebel against the people. A revolution is in the interest of people not against the interests of people. Is this a revolution? Are those revolutionaries?
top tier girl

bit of a wide head though

hardly surprising is it
Iran is a very fascinating country, very different to the rest of the ME
wonder what's her effectiveness compared to viagra on old folks that watch daytime tv in the nursing homes

literally got hacked without being connected to the internet
fucking scrubl0rds
*kills in the name of religion*
Dave Chappelle’s comedy special a huge success after he warned other comedians boring, stale Trump bashing jokes weren't funny. Coincidence?
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>"My dearest Dad

>by the time you get this I shall be one of the many who have sacrificed their unimportant lives for what little ideals we may have - my own ideals I can thank you for.

>We have been on this boat for a fortnight now, and we are all determined to see this through. I salute you all, No.2 Commando - they are a great lot of lads.

>The reason I am writing this at all, Dad, is just the thought that it might be a little better for you to get this rather than the dreaded telegram.

>We've just finished our tea and the sunshine is streaming through the portholes. We've been on deck sunbathing all day. Peter is very red now, and I am myself, and everything seems so far removed from the job ahead of us.

>Well, Dad dearest, I'll close now. Don't worry and don't be too unhappy - remember what you always told me - to keep my chin up. I'll have done what chance has made my duty, and I can only hope that by laying down my life the generations to come might in some way remember us, and also benefit by what we've done.

>In a time like this I turn to you, Dad, and God - I hope there will be peace for everyone soon. Give my love to everyone - I'll remember you.

>Your loving son, Bill"
if only ukip had 6%. babbies could learn multiplication with opinion polls.
Not even going to bother on a post as stupid as this

Thick as shit you are
because I blew you the fuck out haha
Then another date point would be higher you numpty
the girl who made that video is jewish you know
why is it so dead
>Polls meaning anything
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have a penchant for violence lads
*tenses fists*
if you read his post again he stated £40k not $40k

in other words he had already done the conversion
why are you so angry about it
Nearly 11pm, time for bed
>install game
>play for ten minutes
>get bored
>unistall game

Onto my fourth one now, hopefully it'll be fun.
Exam time has just started for the arrogant students
*heems you*
You're right, Conservative support is always under represented in polls
no he didn't. why would he say pounds if he's a yank . mong
r/badphilosophy is by far the worst subreddit
that was me about 13 years ago, anything I played was shit so I went back to BW

haven't even bothered trying a new game for at least half a decade
bet you think her husband and son are black too
sit down
Pretty good old style trolling going on here lads
i said $48k which is closer to 40k gbp than 40k usd so.. *shrugs* i don't know guys
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not any more.

toryism is the new mainstream
Black and White?
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why does /brit/ hate software development so much?
AFTV when?
Brood War

wahey, full kit wanker
smug fucking students who think they know better than everyone else
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Westminster voting intention:

>CON: 48% (+4)
>LAB: 24% (+1)
>LDEM: 12% (-)
>UKIP: 7% (-3)
>(via YouGov / 18 - 19 Apr)


>tfw too intelligent to be a software developer
I'm trying to force myself to play something new. I've got about 40 games in my backlog.
>Breitbart is Jewish
>Trumps entire family is Jewish, loves Israel
>key leaders of the 'alt-right' are Jewish

same, the anterior one had 7 'til bumpslimit.
If wealth should be redistributed, should we also redistribute sexual market value?
yes because it's unhealthy for people to not have sex
doesnt feel like a choice does it? 'hey we started negotiations, would be a shame if something were to happen to that'
Is that the British version of wheel of fortune?
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ah yes
Excellent taste then
You going to get the remaster?
I can't play my old CDs on my computer anymore and can't find them either
I still have my prima guides though
ugly ass dress
>people still use the term "alt-right" unironically

Wish the alt-centrist would fuck off already
Cons could literally get over 50%, mad really.
no, it's countdown

ty, ty

I will give the re
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*hacks your lappy*
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oops, it autoposted before I finished typing

was going to say yes I will give the remastered a try

the new patch was released today, you can download it for free: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/starcraft/topic/20754425295
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Melanchon Megatron stomps into John (la toilette).
any of the irish posters wanna get kissy wissy with me
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Can't believe people are voting for this racist lying bitch. I don't know a single Tory voter so I am starting to think this is all a rigged election.
right lids

whens the 300k starting coming then
Is Labour, dare I say it, finished?
Not really a fan of the nanny state's physical form.
>that chin
ah yes truly the master race
DOEs she have shit approval rating or something?
any job you want, when you get your PhD in maths
I find this weird too, I work in a fairly middle class company and not many people will admit to voting tory.
there's something of the night about Andrew "Developmental Secretary calls copper a 'pleb'" Mitchell.
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No, she has overwhelming approval. It is really weird how the entire country has become a cult around her just because she keep saying "Brexit means Brexit".
nah, it's just that she was never technically elected as PM, just as an MP and then separately as party leader
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the goal
Fucking hate Yvette Cooper
but she's a feminist
brexit mongs like her because she's going through with brexit
Why are womens bikes shaped like that
Your average spastic has basically been brainwashed into believing everything shit with their lives is somehow the fault of the EU and ole Theresa's gonne give dem euros what for and show em what Ingerland is made of.
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She and I might disagree on what makes one a feminist.
so they don't expose their fanny when they wear a skirt
shurup or I'll put your chin to the test
going to be purchasing a car soon and want to go for drives whilst playing some choons

do all cars come with some sort of connectivity for phones to play music or will i need to get a new stereo?
more lady-like
Where are the tits?
so that they don't reveal more than the want when wearing a dress and getting off of bike.
hm very smaht
>not true feminism
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ohhh noo
sersha is fine as is
A lot of older cars won't, most of the newer ones have Bluetooth although an aux is good enough
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Think I might be inheriting OCD from my dad lads

I check the ovens off 10 times a night and lock the door 5 times

Now i've started only washing my hands in boiling water

fuck my genetics
business idea: replace that seat with my face
Should have realised how much damage mass immigration does
given those voting intentions it appears she has overwhelming approval, relatively.
for some reason no other party except ukip are willing to make a pro-brexit case, and I think even ukip want the conservatives to do it for them. maybe nobody else is actually confident enough to negotiate ouside their own country.
Freddie mercury is a very good singer
don't understand how people manage to get hit by cars
>tfw feminists will ban Countdown eye candy in your lifetime

At this point... why even live?
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NEED theresa to trod on my bollocks with those boots whilst she calls me a naughty boy for watching too much porn
how do I use the aux with my phone?
George Michael is unironically the goat
*closes the borders*
*elects a Tory landslide majority*
>That mongoloid in the replies who thinks "Westminister voting intention" means what people in Westminister are voting for
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Intriguing... really make brain works
*lends you my chi energy*
did that "I side with" quiz for a bit of a giggle
got Lib Dems
might just skip this election
Arrrooooo don't like foreners.

Buying up all the homes and renting them out to young people, taking all the shit jobs British people don't want, being young and of working age thereby somehow taking more out of the health system than they put in.

Can't stand em.
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this is me
good girl
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did you get lost

/unitedkingdom/ is that way
imagine basing your entire life off of ideologies
>watching old biographies or reading them of old bands
>bunch of kids practicing all night in an attic or corrugated metal shack
>slowly becoming masters of their instruments

>modern musicians dont know any real instruments or have bandmates
>they fiddle with computers all day because most popular music now is faux indie or electronic shit
>sponsored by millionaires and/or are niggs
>scrawny pale numales

ah yes
>tfw got 50% for every party
>increased housing costs
>increased competition for jobs
>lower wages

who was she who sat behind Nige?
alri rasheed abdullah mohamed
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that's good, but i can do one better:
replace it with mine
in the trap with the press (trap trap)
whip and flex (whip em)
brick phone in my right hand (brrrt brrrt)
pyrex in my left
This must be the American wit I've heard so much about
who has the zizek of him cosplaying as chris chan
how naughty
I'm sure a lot of British people are pissed off they can't pick fruit during the summer or wipe shit out of McDonalds bathrooms. Too bad all the immigrants had to take those jobs.
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need a mummy gf

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not him but is trite electronic shit

it seems these days that if music isnt electronic shit its millionaire sponsored faux indie aimed at teenage girls
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Ran out of rachels
You are ignorant to what it does when it happens in such large numbers in such little time.
They've existed since the Marx's time.
ah yes, may as PM forever
what can go wrong
anyone else having a dance? doing a little dance now haha

*does a little dance with a cheeky grin on my face*
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>alt-right = generic Tories & NeoLibs instead of NRx
He's a bit of a nutter really isn't he.
is this some sort of rachel/holly willoughby hybrid
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long before that laddo
the remember the Gracchi
ah yes found another Instagram electronic artist who has never touched a real instrument in their life and yet postures themselves as some fashionable modern bohemian
business idea: become a tribune of the plebs
Explain why these jobs get about 300 applications per job then

Business Idea: Get good at sex and bang J K Rowling
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carol 4ever
As if this is a valid argument against immigration. Nobody cares that they do slave labor that most Brits and Americans won't do. It's their very presence. You have an overly materialistic/economic view of migrants.
Think it's about time to get rid of the ol' hair

Ahh yes balding at 21
ordered some louboutins
at least you're shaving it off
always bothers me when knobheads try to hold on to their youth and not shaving off their obviously balding shit

this guy says "you like dick in your cock?" at 8:15 when hes fucking her
good for a chuckle
I work in McDonalds and all our staff, barring one Ugandan, are English. Go fuck yourself. Every time we advertise a job we get hundreds of replies from locals.
*slaps you as hard as possible on the back of your head*

t. you
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>tfw 31 and full head of hair
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bit surprised by this
always thought of myself as a lib dem man
its all fashion, we're beyond the veil now
>those replies

*Vetoes some agrarian reforms*
Why do brits hate America so much?
Imagine being as cucked as Cleggy when wifey never stops bitching with her retardative Castilian accent and won't change her name, not even incorporate hubby's name as an appendage to her own familial name,
and being forced to smoke outdoors!
honestly where I was when I did it a few years ago. god knows where it all went wrong
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don't know what you mean by this

There are people who do the same thing but instead posture themselves as indie artists. What exactly is "indie?" This word doesn't describe Lynyrd Skynyrd practicing in a corrugated metal shack or the B52's skipping meals. It's a modern invention for yuppie richfags pretending to be bohemians.
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What do British people think of Benedict Arnold?
that's literally all you guys. i made the same post a few days ago and i was told not to settle for it because it's mediocre pay for someone of my caliber
in Latin nations the wife usually keeps her name to basically mark her fathers family.
Why do you equate poverty with authenticity?
*has you murdered*
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Need a Davina gf
You'll never hear a working class person make that argument. Fruit picking has been a traditional summer job for working class British students for decades, I nearly did it myself and know lots of local lads who did. And cleaning McDonald's bathrooms is fuck all compared to working in a nursing home or being a nurse on a ward, something lots of local folk are happy to do, week in, week out.

Just because you find it more appropriate that your arse is wiped by an immigrant, doesn't mean a British person wouldn't take that job.
The fat woman actually lost a lot of weight. We are actually thinner than Brits when you take out minorities
most people won't even know who he is
bet she is an absolute freak
actually really interesting question.
How tall are you kid?
only just finished me bloody easter egg haha

neurons in overdrive

some notable replies:
>The fat woman actually lost a lot of weight
how do you know?
190 cm
99% won't even know who he is.
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Honestly reckon /pol/ would in the development of human consciousness on the Jews if they could.
really dont care
all religion was created to control people
got one triple eyelid and one double eyelid lads, considering surgery desu
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She dropped 150 pounds
Business idea: become a 'novus homo' and ascend my descendants to the rank of nobles.
The style/brotherhood created by The Smiths or The Beatles was formed by shared experiences and hardship. There are modern day bands which would be attributed the same authenticity as The Monkees under the title "Indie" who manufacture trite music and style themselves as starving artists. To some extent, in the realm of music, a great deal of the authenticity of a band is formed by shared life experiences, hardship, and whatever it is they are singing about.
I mean that in the past, action both real and symbolic were intertwined. the status and image these bands had was "genuine" in that it had a real reflection in their lives (the hard work they put in to get their, their years of songwriting and skill with instruments, and so on) so these signs or "images" had real and symbolic meaning.

now meaning had been utterly eroded to the point where there is no real meaning, just echos of echos from ages past, completely degraded to the point where they exist only as symbols, yet without the meaning behind them. they especially symbolise themselves, or to put it simply are self affirming.

basically people can adopt the "trappings" or mantle of what they want to be (or want their image to be) and in essence they become that since the symbol, however devoid of meaning, is as good as the real thing.
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really think you do, since you just had a stroke over it a few minutes ago
going to see a man who knows a thing or two about business ideas
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/northernirishgf2017/ is going rather swimmingly lads

rather swimmingly indeed
*stabs you*
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5'11", king of manlets
What can Brits tell me about Northamptonshire. Turns out I've got roots there going way back. They appear to have been an Eydon dynasty.
*kneecaps you*
you know what's crazy?

Most conservatives would actually probably be okay with socialism and welfare, if they lived in a homogenous society
oh really pal
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The home of runts
Got my willy sucked by 10 blokes there once.
>agree with corbyn on immigration


also why do they still have the BNP with nick griffin? they've updated all other parties, the BNP were relevant like 5+ years ago but not today
The Beatles were shit
*slaps your bass*
All me
yeah, like my sperm.
BNP was a false flag party to make right wingers look bad, of course they're still perpetuating it
how did you find this out
hello ______
went there for an away day with the lads, porked this fat single mum whilst her kids were playing in the next room
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Absolute runt desu, she's clearly not into that. Literally no women enjoy being dominant, they just want Chad to throw them down and fuck them.

t. bitter femdom enthusiast
you're unironically right

they're a 4 chord boy band
how can you like oasis but think the beatles were shit
not a very english name
Beach Boys > Beatles

Across the Universe and Elanor Rigby were choons though
>Lorenzo Smith

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears your family lived in the Jewish leper colony just right outside the city walls
is it bad to put an unironic selfie as my tinder picture
looks like she's got another 150 to go
>dissin' Beatles
this, to be fair
John Lennon solo career/Yoko Ono colabs > the Beatles
I think less of him than of his revolutionary contemporaries. A traitor is a traitor. I guess he deserved a second chance from the Brits after fighting for the "wrong" side, and if you're going to defect then you might as well play your hand as best you can. But unless I'm mistaken, he swore an oath upon joining the revolutionary army, and went on to break that oath.

His achievements and ability have obviously been overshadowed by his defection and the sly way he did it, but if Britain had won the war, he'd probably be considered a great man. If Germany had won WW2, Oscar Schindler and Claus von Stauffenberg might now be seen in a similar light.
Good work
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I knew that Carrie Smith and John Abrams were my great great grandparents and someone else did the work backwards from Carrie Smith which I just piggy backed off of. It's not too clear to me what that person was basing this on but I'm kinda trusting of it.
*Blocks your path*
no one gives a shit you little niglet
just played connect 4 with the gf at the pub lads and she won like 10-2 haha

I wasn't even letting her win and she's not as smart as me but I have absolutely no tactical foresight or vision at all

gonna give her a damn good porking later for embarrassing me so much though haha
*unzips gold experience requiem*
fuck off scaruffi
Going to Dubai in September.. Will be flying over Syria apparently

Oh and were flying on 9/11
we've been here before
don't fear me
don't stand by the door
come near me
what the fuck do you think tinder is for you stupid cunt
Bit rude
>Will be flying over Syria apparently
you won't, all airlines are banned from doing so
>just played connect 4 with the gf at the pub
>Oh and were flying on 9/11
thought you said you were going in september
No one gives a shit what you think
is there anyone here who fancies meeting up for a quick chat?
File: vhcohx.gif (3MB, 160x300px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 160x300px
you're meant to use a picture of you with mates but i have no mates and my most recent picture with other people is awful
*steps in the light*
*unsheathes claws*
Back off.
A-ha such wit, let me add that into my list of 4Chan posts I'll never think of again
>an away day
wut is this

yeah I was surprised by it too but both his parents were born in Northamptonshire
dumb yank
you're ballsy enough to use tinder but not enough to take a selfie, come on lad
men are often pretty bad at selfies, but yeah if you can get a good angle. women will notice your lack of friend-pics, so try and find something even if its old
femdom only works with escorts, a trusting gf where you do it once every few months or one of those rare, psycho girls that happens to be into it

Is Ethiopia, dare I say, /our rare/ ?
Agreed. It should be removed
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