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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 48

alchowave edition

yank music really sizzling my griddle
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Rate my belly
but i don't know what to do with those tossed salad and scrambled eggs

they're calling again
didn't give you permission to save this picture of me
expect 110% from all of you this thread
might stop all personal grooming lads and just go full caveman
You knew I'd reply with this:
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dodgers defensive prowess.webm
3MB, 640x360px

dont let the thread die
>this wasn't on ok computer instead of fucking electioneering

the bf wants to take up crossdressing

good thing I'm bi haha
Yeah like I said, the smart ones apply to Oxford, the dummies for Cambridge.
NEED a s u c c
ngl i rarely drink but it is pretty fun
need someone to slap and tase my bollocks
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Can't even remember the last time I celebrated a birthday

I don't tell anyone. My family often asks if I want to do something for my birthday, but I don't want to. Haven't asked for any presents since about 2011
Yet you cry about no presents
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Could literally lay one of you on the floor just by looking at him in a mean way while knocking out two others with my hands and keeping a fourth one at a distance with a cheeky low kick

alri juan
Last year I was just at work for my birthday. the year before I just stayed in bed all day and drank cheap cider.
I like baseball, shame it isn't popular here
taking the ritalin now
virus do not click
I could give everyone in this thread a bloody good heeming
he hasn't started doing it yet
happy birthday
less grime
more crime
errr delete this thanks
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he's here
remember when the PS2 came out and you would google "PS3" and look at shitty renders for what possible PS3s would look like in 5 years time
reminder to not reply
have absolutely no clue what's going on in this webbum, why isn't he out with the catch?
I'm not crying about that. Just how I'm friendless and shy.
pm me immediately when he does
Post the paki gf
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What's a good third level course/section to pursue

What'll get me s lot of money and a job 4 years from now and what to avoid?
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>tfw no enchanted doll bf with huge plush feet for me to bury my face in

why am I alive
>people who smoke anything but menthols

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sent ;)
only black people smoke menthols
having a listen
Imagine being working class
the batter is out, but the two baserunners are still in it
my dad worked for playstation at the time so I got genuine info while the runts were all having to scrounge on the internet
did a check

I wonder what psychological trauma you have to experience in order to unlock this fetish?
hello nigger
bet you smoke newports too
stayed in bed and smoked for my entire birthday, i was told I'd be given something from my parents and brother but they didn't in the end. Not that I'm bothered about presents anymore, I just don't understand why you'd say yes we have something for you then never give it
no of course not
why did the bloke who caught it throw it to the base where the hitter was running to?
love this edit
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doing a bath
>my dad worked for playstation

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rorkes hate her.jpg
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>Rorkes want to leave her to die in Syria at the hands of the madman Assad
Disgusting bigotry tbqh.
very cute
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alri skeleton

i would snap you like a twig

do squats
I'll take as many refugees as you want. But only the women.


>he doesn't realise you can doss around in a policy & public affairs role for 5 years then go into consultancy for lods of emone
Lanky twat
Could snap you in two
when a batter is caught out, baserunners must touch the base where they started the play after the catch is made before they can advance. if the ball is thrown to the base after the catch but before the runner makes it back then the runner is out.

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every time i see this guy talked my brain reads cracker as "white person" instead of biscuit
haha me too
>there are people who STILL fall for the media's shameless emotional manipulation
Will the ride ever end?
I'm absolutely done. I can't believe I spend my day talking to pathetic slugs like this. Feel a bit sick now. Been on his site since 07 and I think I've finally got to the point of leaving this place.
You actually have muscular atrophy.
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rate me lads
lanky twat
See yah in 10 mins lad.
never mention Assad again
eat and lift, or get out for a run or something christ
but eat, EAT
alri styxhexenhammer666
literally the plan lad
Hello skeletor
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Left a banana out overnight and it ended up like this

Can't believe people actually think this stuff is good for you
perfect colour
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refugee girl.webm
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>he doesn't want to take in refugees from the Middle East
Why don't you just go pull the trigger yourself and remove the need for the middle men, Rorkes.
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get on the Brexit wave lad, secured a 35k p/a job at a consultancy firm doing some piss easy lobbying with only 7 months experience in the sphere. Government are gagging for any info they can squeeze out of banks
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me and a mate bantering the local wog
>this weird nonce itt
not the best way to advertise caring for syria
poached egg are great
don't mind the kids or the women 2bh

Really stimulates the ole cortex
yeah lined up for the fast stream in a proper policy area (none of this communiciations and hr shit)
current job at a uni

plan is to jump off at the first offer of moni
It is well known that using children is the best way to manipulate people into doing things.
fucking love this video
are you synthwave lad?
what did he do to deserve that?
Ryan Gosling strikes again. Somebody has to stop this madman.

Being interviewed by a director of the company I work for tomorrow for a promotion. Never been so nervous in my life I'm literally shaking now.
that gave me an idea actually, we should take all the young girls and none of the men, so they won't have anybody to oppress them with islam so they assimilate into British culture
That sounds pretty racist tbqh lad.
civil service?
director means fuck all unless its a big company
thats mean against bellies u bully
Firm handshake and be yourself
The middle and upper classes should be gassed
Civil Service is just a creche people have to sit in until a private sec firm wants to take them on

the most valuable thing you bring to that private sector job is your network
we shouldnt be taking in military aged men as refugees full stop. from anywhere
thought you might like this x
start a riot
you're taking the piss here m8
dunno why everyone is overreacting, you're not that skinny

i reckon they're hairless fat weirdos jealous of you having body hair
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I shat myself today to see if I still feel
I focus on the stream, the only thing that's real
the pressure tears a hole, ye ole' familiar stain
Try to trim it all the way, but I can smell everything
What have I become? My sweetest friend.
Everything I eat turns the poo in the air
You can have it all, my empire of mud
I will let you down, I will make you shart...
is it worth going into it straight after uni?
alri skellig
firm handshake, demonstrate how you've been of benefit to the company thus far and how you plan to be of greater benefit in the new role

make it look like he's making an investment in you
shower beer
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lab just got some of these in
yes the 'vil 'vice

>creche till private sector
i'm treating it exactly as that.
what, the civil service?
shart yourself in the way in and remember to really stammer when you ask for a glass of water
bring back national service
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lads, if i was to go for an interview how should I do my hair? never occurred to me before that it's important, my hair is like pic related right now, cant imagine it being suitable in a professional place desu
>lab just got some basic oscilloscopes in
....wow mate
watching The Bear Show
alri granddad
compared to the shit we had before it's like going 1000 years into the future
what's wrong with you?
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shave it all off and tattoo 'model employee' on yer dome
v. nice share

Wasn't aware Tektronix were still going t.b.h
what lab is it? my uni lab has these exact oscilloscopes and it's pretty underfunded
alright lads?
Are traps really gay? discuss
just spat all over my computer screen
Got back from work, everyone else had got takeaway and didn't get me any. Ah yes, family.
yea, some woman from there did a little talk at uni a few weeks age (i do economics) and im thinking about doing an at least an ONS placement now
do you have any experience of it?
having a think
of course not it's just a meme
if you think traps are gay you have literally lost the ability to think.
community college. and we're one of the best-funded departments.
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14 years old.jpg
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The problem is that the children refugees look a lot like military aged men. This kid is only 14, for example. He is "the fastest 14 year-old in Sweden."
>adult swim
>dude dae le fundies are dumb??
nah think i'll give it a miss thanks
Sneezing actually feels pretty good
sad, black people did nothing wrong
Don't mind me, just posting some tunes
1/8th of an orgasm apparently
I would say its worth applying for the fast stream, wouldn't bother going in through the lowest ranks unless you're absolutely desperate to be in the service. I never did it, but I got lucky - it all depends on what you want to go in to

if you can get a placement at the ONS that would be good but as I say - networking is literally everything. You'll realise once you leave uni how true it is that it's not what you know, it's who you know
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Nice to see that globalism has truly taken hold and our young would prefer to work under Mister Shekelstein in the private sector than for their country.
Someone post the lisicki template please
Yeah i believe it
so if you sneeze 8 times you cum in your pants?
this can't be happening
>not being communist
>hahaha that's the first time you've made me literally lol
Do women actually laugh over text jokes? I mean I literally never feel an emotion over text.
if it means I don't have to live in a dump like your gaff
who /heart condition/ here
doing mandy on friday
How can I learn to dress well?

I'm good looking, tall and have big shoulders so look good in most clothes but have been told my style is lacking by some girls and I kind of agree as I tend to just wear grey trackie bottoms and a hoodie or a zip up jacket
Ahh yes a fellow connoisseur of boyfeet I see
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I can laugh at text but it would have to be something really outrageously naughty
thats the opposite of what the video says, its a very genuine message
always felt like a whore when I worked private so much fakery. even public sector drone work feels freer and has a greater impact
Not edgy enough
>taken 10mg ritalin
>feel nothing
should i take another 10mg?
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>tv in the corner
it was a shit joke
dress like a Nordic intellectual

black sweater, black tailored trousers and derbies. You can get away with owning next to no clothes that way as well because everyone just thinks 'wow he has a uniform that's so cool'
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i fucked it up lads
>going to bed before 9

postmodernism is a product of late capitalism
well to be honest the most you'd get out of me from a shit joke in text is a 'heh' almost under my breath
doing shirley on friday
I've tried but a lot of that is /streetwear/ and, honestly, most people are gonna think you look like a cunt in most of the stuff they wear and they also spend way too fucking much on their clothes.

I've seen people wearing mid-range clothes that look so much better than most of the stuff you see on /fa/
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>dress like a Nordic intellectual
>black sweater, black tailored trousers and derbies. You can get away with owning next to no clothes that way as well because everyone just thinks 'wow he has a uniform that's so cool'
>being a rasheed
but there is less multiculturalism in the ex-soviet blocs
i changed my mind and took it after dinner instead
ritalin is a meme. adderal or bust

might 'ank to this
>taking it with food

you goofed
environmentalism is a result democracy and science
multiculturalism is a result of capital labour flows
political correctness is a result of mutliculturalism+democracy

whoever made the second half of that pic is an idiot
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My back hurts
ah fuck do i have to poo my food out then take another 10?
I've lurked there for years. There's so much autistic shit that gets posted but in amongst it there are some gems.
there should be another line going to "accept defeat and slowly implement market reform"
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post frogs
drinking some drugs
if you haven't built up a tolerance 10mg should be fine even with food
The free market is a meme
british people pronounce yoghurt and vitamin wrong
If you wear anything from /fa/ you will be seen as an autistic school shooter unless you have an extremely nice face
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This is a hotel obviously
Got the old superking bed to myself again hahha

A 30k salary with great hours, job security and the potential for actual impact provides me with a much greater quality of life than my private sector job for almost double pay did.
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>tfw possibly have Marfan's Syndrome

heart valve might rupture at any moment and kill me
what about the failures of capitalism?
Ok, I'll check it out again.

It also goes to show how stupid they look when they have these meetups and they all just look like a right bunch of oddball cunts.
got really small hands, but I have come to accept it
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dayum Trump is thicc af
less severe than the failures of communism
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good goy dont let those big bad job providers get you
how long should it take to kick in? i took it an hour ago. Should i give it another hour then if i still feel nothing take another?
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just got some passport photos done
>that little frisson of the first can being cracked open
can't beat the feeling

the state of modern britain
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*half an hour ago
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>you said we were only taking in women and children
>these ARE children you racist monster!
>good looking guy
>had plenty of girls
>wanting to find a girl and settle down
>new girl at work
>beautiful blonde girl
>walk past her and make eye contact in an attempt to start a conversation
>she always looks away from me when we make eye contact

WHY?! Look at me, you cunt
thanks to reformist leftist policies.

and 'no' is still not an acceptable answer so don't think you're getting away with it.
*spends half his pay on a pack of fags*
reminder that you can buy more than a pack of ciggies and a beer with that in the UK
Failures of capitalism just breeds other success. That's the beauty of capitalism
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this is literally who i imagine is cucking the aus posters
oh yeah the TAXES
that finger thing means TAXES
give it a little longer. iirc ritalin doesn't hit you all at once like adderall, it's a more subtle ramp-up
>reformist leftist policies = communism
ah yes
kangaroos are fucking hardcunts
I save almost a grand a month and I live in zone 1
but it doesn't spread. it compounds and poverty entrenched.

nice receding hairline bro
mate you fucking want a go
>slowly implemented market reforms = capitalism
ah yes
love is all you need
what's a decent graduate starting salary?
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ah yes
fine "mixed market capitalism"
wrong. in a mixed market capitalist society, you help you fellow man and you help yourself
love saves the day
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manlets crying, losing hope
just looked at american salaries, mouthwatering

didn't know we lived in a 2nd world country
LOVE the shape of her chebs
If you earned 30k (49k in AUD) in Sydney you would legit be near the poverty line.

Considering London is significantly more expensive, how do people survive on that?
20k anything under that you might as well 'cide
by not spending all their money on VB and coke
wear different colours top and bottom so that they contrast, vary the colours day-to-day. you can wear t-shirts or polo shirts or whatever, its basically just about having a contrasting colour.
slim jeans seem to work better than straight jeans, avoid skinny jeans unless youre really small or skinny.
going shopping with one of your girl critics is useful if you want one or two specific outfits but they will spend your money like its nothing
fuck off
post pic
But the cost of living there is higher so it makes no difference
maybe cost of living is lower
mixed market capitalism wasn't your original argument.

not an argument. Reform isn't a buzzword.
London is not that expensive
imagine him being a total goober
living costs are higher in australia, so wages are higher in turn
>higher cost of living
Not really, especially in Texas
Work fulltime for a good £16k. Such is life in the north.
>But the cost of living there is higher
Literally isn't you lying shitbag
it's not though
What's it like in Austin? Marrying a yank and considering moving there
Me in second place
The trouble with arsenal is they always try to walk it in.
quite retarded of you to assume I was talking about a pure capitalist system, which exists in no country, as opposed to mixed market capitalism.
used to see a girl whose mum owned 3 houses in Shanghai

hmmm, should not have ditched her after reading this
can i ask, what was your 5 year strategy for obtaining yank gf?
we have way more hidden costs, particularly health care, child care, rent, and transportation
Do poms actually think Sydney is more expensive than London?
quite retarded of you to assume I was talking about a pure communist system, which exists in no country, as opposed to state communism.
london literally isn't even that expensive

maybe in comparison to the rest of the UK yes, but the rest of the country is a fucking dump
Apparently 3% of my city is Poles. But I have never met one. Feels weird.
I haven't been there but my friend in Houston said it's very nice
This is relative to national wages. You can live like a king in Moscow if you earn a salary in dollarydoos/pounds/euros.
>in 2013/14 income in the top and bottom fifth of households was £80,800 and £5,500, respectively, before taxes and benefits (15:1). After tax and benefits, household income disparities are significantly reduced to £60,000 and £15,500 (4:1).[2]
god bless progressive tax systems
the evidence says it is?
I was assuming you were talking about state communism you actual drooling retard
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business idea: knock down most of the uk
perfectly ripe
>£4000 disappears
Makes me think.
>take a girl shopping with you

Good idea, man! I'm going to ask a girl I know to go with me. I've got a general idea and honestly I'm not completely style inept, I just like comfy clothes and kind of hate shopping for clothes.
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not communism
is this real?
But why don't Americans celebrate it?
>£5 for a pint
I like his style
it is
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>ut the rest of the country is a fucking dump

disagree strongly
no its a figment of your imagination
>Rent Prices in Mogadishu are 93.88% lower than in London
Expensive as fuck

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not real socialism.webm
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>state communism isn't real communism
have memes gone too far?
Wish I had a child.
well, i would quite like to have sex with her i suppose
ah yes the countryside where barely anyone lives and there's no services or shops in walking distance
Libertarian paradise
Can i rent a 2 bedroom apt. In the centre of london for 1500 GBP a month?

If not then your "evidence" is wrong.
How do I get a Polish gf?
it's almost as if the people are what make london shit
had a good swim today lads
A practical example of socialism would be mixed market capitalism.

Seoul is incredibly cheap unless you want to buy a house (though you still get far, far more for your money than most major English cities) European stuff such as clothing has a pretty big mark up too.
be black
Is having sex with a girl like this really any better than having sex with a slightly fat, maybe slightly retarded girl? Like I don't really see how you could articulate the way in which it is
seems about right. i pay $6 or $7 for a pint of anything that isn't pisswater, and consumables in general seemed to be equivalent dollars to pounds last time i visited
I lived in a village of 150 people for 9 years and we had 3 pubs, a church, a shop, a farmers shop and a community centre.
Go to Krakow and find one. When I was there last year I saw an enormous amount of gorgeous women.
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oh but I am
I'm a Pakistani.
ye you can
I dated a polish girl at uni for a bit
nice but dim
mixed market capitalism is not socialism. the means of production are not seized
Imagine living in Stourbridge.
Best kind of girl.
Sex in general has always been pretty disappointing for me compared to masturbation desu.
It is regulated by the state.
need a qt gf to cuddle
I hate Pakis
that's not what socialism is ;)
>regulated by the state = socialism
very interesting. so every country is socialist then I guess
I hate you
maybe you're gay
Time for a new
Need a gf, as long as she is not morbidly obese or physically deformed it is ok.
I know you are, but what am I?
>ywn go to an early 90s M25 rave
fucking stream went down before the goal.
who uses twitch for illegal stuff fuck sake
>wedding ring
you're my yank bf
she's female and she has moobs
the fuck
she failed my requirements
beggars cant be choosers
What are the best things to do in London besides the London Eye and celebrity wax museums?
Erm, yes I can sweetie.
Vary colours
I always wear a jacket (either one of my blue wool ones or a green quilted one), a collared shirt - usually blue or chequered , and chino or moleskin trousers, but some people like corduroy , best to have your trousers a different colour.
Also a jumper for when its cold
Thread posts: 337
Thread images: 48

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