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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 348
Thread images: 56

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>I dont smoke weed edition
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>tfw superior Anglo Saxon
British twinks
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British Chavs
Zan fish is shit
Did all the chavs become Deanos? I just don't see them around any more
I don't puff the chron

Pastor Pete told me to stay away from the Devil's Lettuce
oh look like we've got a psychic person here!

haha fuck up derek acorah
what the fuck does this thing do
They still exist, they're just polish or yugo nowadays
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the gf
Keeps the box from touching the cheese, also serves as a mini table for mice.
Haven't seen one of those in a decade
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606 lads.

Robbie Savage salt mine.

England fans mad England won
Keeps the top of the box from sticking to the cheese.
I wonder what the people on 'communist twitter' do with their lives.

I'd imagine they're in university.

Seriously if you're still doing that role-play shite past 22 you need to have a word with yourself.
why are my arms so thin and how do I fix that
>yank edition
>dude weed lmao edition
dire choice
Am I not right though?
in here lads

commie twitter makes me angry and wince in equal measure
protecting my ears
>willingly listening to r*bbie s*v*ge
don't do this
The sheer amount of grease on that is astounding.
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>also serves as a mini table for mice
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Saw Manchester by the Sea last night, good film desu
how do i get the ol' ex gf to suck my willy without thinking we're back together? she's just really good at it
Just wrap them around me so everything will feel okay.
Woah sorry derek acorah
haha why arent you off hunting ghosts?
trannies on tap
Just get it out and shove it in there
white """"women"""" fuck dogs
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*has a word with myself*
got voted the most attractive person in school when I used to go and now I havent had a gf in five years
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wtf i love ulster now
ironic ha
Bet your ego was in the clouds back then.
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out walking the dog lads
Actually no I was pretty autistic but I only had friends because I was attractive and could fight well
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you arrive in hampstead heath
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Starting to get sick of having no money

Might have to get one of those "jobs" people keep talking about
give me some dystopian film recommendations lads

seen all the obvious ones
Top shelf post
Wow is that actually Hampsted Heath? And jf's say there's no nice countryside in the UK, 1-0 us I guess
Are they still your friends?
the one with the train
not really the dystopian-type but good x
Im getting real fed up of this Bradley Lowry stuff, i know that sounds edgy but I mean he's hardly the only kid in the world to be dying and yet he seems to be here there and everywhere
Plus he looked like a smarmy shit on the football today, guarantee he always pulls the dying card to win arguments on the playground
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How true is this?

Bit mad

Somebody redpill me on the Pharisees
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>but I only had friends because I was attractive and could fight well

Did you go to school in a prison?
Piers Morgan defends Trump

Feminists support men cutting their dicks off and calling themselves women

The right wing are using LGBTQ+ rights to support their anti-Muslim views

We live in fucking bizaro world, right now. Everything is subverting eachother
Who's 'them'?
>tfw radicalized
it's not my fault tho, right?
no idea who that is

sounds to me like you need to disconnect yourself from tesco-tier information sources
Bella is ugly
It's cause people said mean things to you, so you had to do it.
*gives my head a sort out*
Gimmick idea: Everyone tries their hardest to post original, hilarious material over the next hour.
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No on the first day someone said something about my mum and I grabbed him by the scruff and pinned him up against a wall and repeatedly hit him, no one fucked with me after
fuck off yank
>those sandals
Still don't get how some people find it attractive t bh
>Youtube intellectuals

Literally just memeing faggots summarizing Wikipedia articles.
Agree desu and was going to post something similar on /brit/. The whole thing is just deanos virtue signalling
this is some new uncharted territory
kinda scary
That was me you fucking prick.

If you still live in Wakey let it be known I'm on the lookout for you.
making a budget
fuck off yank
Ill smash your chin into fucking shards sonny jim
Don't ever count these in my post:(you) ratio
wrong thread AND board lad
Absolutely Tesco-tier thread
fuck off faggot
Lads would 35c-40c be bearable in low humidity and slight wind?
It's where you place the dipping sauce
chai latte haha
Why is every single British town exactly the same? You can go to a retail park/high street in ANY town and correctly guess what 95% of the shops will be. Only difference being slightly different layout of the roads
Business idea: construct a massive monument dedicated to myself, put a fancy bar in it and charge an entry fee
Just did a Tesco Value post.
You'll be shitting shards of teeth when I bash them in with a spade you fucking brush
@ 72801278
Poundland-tier post
fuck off yank
Aye no sweat ya fucking dung picker
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>work tomorrow
>tfw work at Poundland

get to tidy up after working class women all day
This is why people live in London, Bath, York, Edinburgh, etc

Or a small market town
>tfw work for Tesco
i am 12 of the (you)s in this post
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>Moths return soon
Because people like everything to be the same.
Do runts still shoplift from there?
nothing wrong with Tesco
>bees and wasps everywhere soon

>im fatally allergic to them
haa -a ha ha
yeah but you get fucking roasted by the sun if you don't stay in the shade and dress properly

also any remotely strenuous activity makes me turn into a boiled egg in that heat
Absolutely love moths, beautiful creatures.

They can land on me any day.
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No work tomorrow :)
>How can you blame all muslims for the actions of one nutter? All right wingers need to be shot.
The Guardian, I fucking swear...
Just bought two bags of heroin and some crystal meth anyone got any tips for a first time drug user?
Never even smoked weed. Am I going to die?
Moths are completely harmless. Already seen a few this year.
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nice night out there again
fuck off yank
Room smells like vagina
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Just saw some mug take a picture of the sunset, might go cave his skull in
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>Just bought two bags of heroin and some crystal meth anyone got any tips for a first time drug user?
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maybe you should step out for a bit
these faggot yanks ruining another thread
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Yugo's are actually genuine niggers tho
is that a bloody VOLCANO on the horizon
Why do state school mongs always wear their ties like that?
local weather channel says this is going to be one of the biggest moth seasons in generations, globally
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Bet all you fucking runts in here get hay-fever too

Who /no allergies/ here?
Who /white, blue eyes and tans well/ here?
Who /likes the spring/early summer months/ here?
looks cool
After all, it is a common fact that women are more interested in the tough guys and tough guys known to smoke tobacco.

> Tastes good
> Smells good
> spice up
> relaxes
> Provide social Boost
> Women are weak
> Other men give appreciation
> Looks cool anyway evening
> While waiting to give to do
> September to get out of bed in the morning
> Good piece of cake for protecting the army
> September take a break from work
> You can always offer a gentleman cigarette
> Or fire
> Remains well in the mouth

> Wasting 3-7 times a week for 1 hour at the gym in order to get a woman
> Could many times more pussy in plain tobacco smoking,

List of good reasons to burn could go on forever .
Mix them together and use a needle. It's called a goof ball.
>tans well
fuck off yank

Best time of the year
this desu but specifically on my willy/balls area
What is it with British girls and flabby blotchy arms? That's what stands out the most to me. Why are the arms always flabby and blotchy?
there was a direct correlation between how short your tie was and how cool you were
lmao never noticed how hilarious that was until /tv/ pointed it out
*wakes up in your arms, turning around to meet your eyes with mine*
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This actually looks like a /pol/ edit

Pic related
t. pasty glasses wearing autist
>After all, it is a common fact that women are more interested in the tough guys and tough guys known to smoke tobacco.
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Rasheed to the max
more like gay-fever haha
Why do I always feel so depressed the day after heavy drinking?
good post
literally see people with hayfever as subhuman
*starts scrambling for the shotgun propped up against the wall in the corner and you start squealing deafeningly and defecating in the sheets*
Nah lad
GLORIOUS fair skin and blue eyes
rare chune
I'm the last angry man, Patterson!
haha, good man!
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>Nah lad
>GLORIOUS fair skin and blue eyes
i think i might actually have real depression, not even the ironic kind
anyone remember the cuckio meme
*you miss both shots, i run out the door and into the yard*
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No british bf
>and here we are today in the York University Library
*camera pans towards the beanbags*
*gives you a kiss then puts face on your chest*
really fucking hungry but I didn't get my mum a gift and she's downstairs and I don't want to face her

wat do
Unpopular opinion;

Relapse was Eminems best album
classic gimmick

what happened to all the lads at york uni
looks like Shkreli
wish fedoras would come back into fashion

everything is so casual these days it's a shame
I go to york but have never set foot in the library

might go one day and take pics
> oi bloimy me crumpets are comin back out
lad needs to hit the gym, christ those twig limbs
>Who /no allergies/ here?
It seems no one does, I don't understand the /no allergies/ feel at all.
go out to get something to eat and come back with a present
love a good runtposting cavort
you're shit at dora baiting you utter mess
call her mobile, tell her you're the local hospital and her brother/sister/mum/dad have been rushed to hospital
should buy you half an hour to get some grub
theory: there is an inverse relationship between walking speed and frequency of sex
Go find a white crayon and colour a zebra you runtoid
have a wank
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>wish fedoras would come back into fashion
>everything is so casual these days it's a shame
would literally batter someone if they said this infront of me
*virgin sprints towards you*
nothing wrong with being slim
>dora baiting
Wave2:buying weed! 1k ea
it's 8pm on a sunday
I walk fast and my gf walks fast too

we're a power couple and slow walkers are our prey
just bought four ounces of cannabis for $259

best deal I've ever had
Utter pleb
>Tiny Tempah

aaaand muted
should have though about this before then you selfish little cunt
hope you fucking starve to death
how do people let themselves get THIS fat?

it's fucking disgusting
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Why don't you just go give her a hug and tell her you love and appreciate her and say something about how her gift hasn't come in the mail yet. And then you can eat.
Unpopular opinion: Tubthumping was never a great song
Lads, what's the sound ov de poliss?
>'dora ing your own 'dora bait post
shambolic life you're living
think I will have a full-fat doctor pepper with my lunch tomorow
fucking hell lads such nostalgia from this song
reminds me of my first love

Make me a coffee would ya love x
What exactly is Islam's endgame?

>Step 1: get everyone to hate them
>Step 2: ???
>Step 3: profit
>walks on escalators

will admit to this aha xx
there's slim then there's that, christ, looks like he's just woken up from a 7 year coma and has undergone complete atrophy
>not a 1.75l of Coca-Cola

stay pleb
i also use full-fat for beverages
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Okay lads I'm in a bit of a conundrum.

>aunt lives in spain
>she buys a new house and offers my mum her old flat
>mum says after my sister has finished uni and moved out she and I will move over there at the start of next year
>is willing for me to be NEET until then
>if I stay I have to find a job and place to live or be homeless
>if I go I abandon my life and rest of my family here
I don't really want to go but I'm not ready to get my own place yet.
how do I fatten my stick arms
oopsy daisy I hurt you again, crushed your heart in the palm of my hands
>3.5 MB, 4032x3024

I'm autistic, retard
It would be less painful to shiv my urethra
*devilishly makes a cup*
*see you extend your arm to grab it*
*pours it over your shirt*
hate this
by the way, the coca cola business
noticed how they reduced the regular size to 1.75L
and now they're branding the 2L one as 25% extra?
Don't call me a retard.
good post
can unironically going up town with the gf, buying the CD SINGLE of the below choon from hmv, then going back to hers whilst her parents were out and getting wanked off for the first time

simpler times
>been on the phone to the gf for 30 mins

will it end?
or 15% oops.
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s h r o p s h i r e
Fuck me lad I'm nearly in tears used to sing all these with my ex back in the days. Fucking being a teen was the best days of my life

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all me
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ah yes, a regular on vang's sets
ah yes high density is so desirable


can't wait until we have a population of 100 million, that will be so great (why i don't know, but just trust me it will)
Clocks go back tonight lads
>please dont look at my forehead please dont look at my forehead please dont look at my forehead please dont look at my forehead
> mismatched bottoms and tops
WHY do girls do this
girl on the right is a good lass
Stop RIGHT NOW. I swear to god I will drive up there and drink all of your milk and put the empty carton back in the fridge so next time you need milk you will be INCREDIBLY disappointed.
felt bad for driving on euro truck sim whilst i was drunk
What's it like to have a girl sit on your face

Does it look better than it really is
2 > 3 > 1

Very fine line between 1 and 3. Three has absolutely zero chebs but her face puts her just ahead of 1. Would be interested to see them without glasses.
me and the gf used to love this one

at least we got to experience teen love whilst we were young
Does the Quran actually tell Muslims to kill people or is it an alt-right meme?
>spring forward
>autumn back
never made sense to me
feels like being suffocated by wet sticky ham with a slightly foul odor
There are over 100 mentions asking to kill non-believers
can be nice
jokes on you i have a milk jug not a carton
No, not in times of peace. If there is an actual war and you're fighting in it then yes.
it's kinda nice to be surrounded by legs and bum and minge but you can't really do much

would be most fun in a femdom setting imo but the gf isn't into that
The Bible does too...
good if you want to feel like a submissive little cuck boy
alri though i suppose
I gotta leave, I gotta go,
There's nothing here for me no more
I gotta be free, I gotta be
Somewhere that I can just be me.
And I run run runaway, run run runaway,
Run run runaway, I runaway.
"And what do you do, sir?"

"I put milk in bags"
I'll still drink all of your milk you fucking asshole.


What are they singing?
some inbred football shit

can never understand what they shout and sing
lads please post british anthems from back in the bluetooth days

Alcohol, grass, coke and seroquil lmao
it's literally a war book
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>BUT BUT all religious books say it's ok to kill people!

hmmm maybe this religion lark is a bad idea then?
It's something sectarian triggering the Irish lads so I'm intrigued
>sister: have you lost weight?
>me: have you found it?
didn't mean to say that
feel really bad now
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Wanna slap some bags of milk around lads.
It tells them to hunt and kill infidels and promises eternal agony to muslims who don't
stop posting this fucking womble
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When I'm up I can't get down can't get down can't get level
How do people have ordinary arms if they don't even work out?

My calorie intake is average yet they are so thin
>work in 12 hours

end my life
three six mafia is actually so good
it is clear that heterosexual men are the nonces since they keep breeding females that at age 20+ look like children
this is why yanks are the strongest race

spring forward
fall back

(secretly we also used to use the word fall but we decided to be posh and go hon hon hon le autumn instead)
that's not a bluetooth anthem
THIS is a bluetooth anthem
funny how nation states used to be focused on ethnic peoples within these states, stress on "one nation, one people", providing for the majority of the nation's group.

then nazis started to kill minorities and everyone got disgusted

now nation states are all about turning populations into hundreds of small minority groups rather than a singular majority group
oh ho shite i fucking forgot, this is what i get for being an autist who consumes no media
going out for a toke and a walk in the nature

see ya later nerds
oh shut up about your arms and give us a kiss
wasted like half a bottle of flash spraying at shitstains inside the bog
fuck off i hate this gimmick
it's a lot better when i don't think about it but you cunts keep reminding me

I didn't forget I just actively didn't get a present hehe x
>Ah yes I think I'll listen to what a bunch of brits that have never even read the quran tell me what the quran is about
not an anthem but a classic video
define "ordinary arms"

also you can do physical work or play sport. there's more to being healthy than being some gym runt.
Fucking prods
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'sheed levels off the charts

need a FAS-esque gf
Proudly British DUP voter but said I was Irish when i was in America so women would like me
probably does, but giving the time it was written such sentiments were hardly out of left-field. heard many times however the 'kill one person and you kill everyone' passage that gets thrown about is actually referring specifically to other muslims and not people as a whole

40% of muslims cannot even read lol
I hate those

if someone asks for change, I can clock them immediately
if I have to read a plea, that adds about half a second for me to realise what they're after
how do you feel knowing nobody in GB cares about norn iron
but you literally are irish
just not of the republic
having to define yourself by a cardinal direction is the pinnacle of cuckery lel
Might print out some notes saying 'please don't try and guilt trip me into giving you money by thrusting a pack of tissues that I did not ask for into my hands'.
Don't care. You can't get rid of us. It's peaceful now. Unionists wouldn't take being cucked like the nationalists have
Just wished her a happy mothers day, have no money for gifts
Do any of you lads get random sudden bursts of tinnitus
only when I'm tired
imagine being a paki
What the fuck is this.
Yes of course. Scottish, English and Welsh people are exactly the same because they are on the same island
cindy lou who
can't imagine not being white
love being white tbqh
New Top Gear a shit, jesus christ.
Move out
>deleting a thread 100 posts in


el janitoro
why'd he delete my thread?
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he's here
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>he's here
hmmmmmm yes
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my feelspost got deleted

fucking janny
/brit/s should have our flag
because it was racist
love the smell of the so-called gf lads
*makes a new thread immediately*
*it doesn't get deleted*

ahh yes
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nut status: done in
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I have a German midget who licks my arsehole clean after every poop.
fuck off yank
tad jealous of you lot
just spend a few hours cleaning my flat up

feel accomplished
Redpill me on the Rothschilds.
How did they start and how did they assume their massive power?
Really have no idea why people rate Lexus
*jumps out a window*
going to make a cup of tea

except put the tea and boiling water and milk into a glass instead

im a genius
how about we test drive those new sheets eh x
When I clean my house it makes me feel more depressed.
and banking
I need some encouragement to exercise other than shame and self-hate
Every major war since the French Revolution would never have even happened if the Rothschilds didn't exist

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There was a massive copypasta detailing their very origins right through to today on one of these boards a few years ago. I think it's on a website, too, but I can't remember it.

I vaguely remember a key moment where a police officer had evidence of them in their early days detailed in a book and he got struck by lightning and died before he could even stop them
probably began as roaming bandits, as all eventual dynasties/nobility did
just stuck my index finger in a pot noodle and left it there for three seconds for no reason at all

Thread posts: 348
Thread images: 56

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