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EU turned 60 today. Say something nice to it.

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EU turned 60 today. Say something nice to it.
u gay
fuck the euro
fuck brussels
fuck eastern poland
Thank you for flooding poland with monies
60 years and they've only partially destroyed every country on the continent
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I love you EU. I know you've been having a hard time, but you are still my baby and I will always be there for you.
Poland is the only good thing to come from the eu
But now they are becoming cancers
It made us rich
I like the flag.
y tho
it did?
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I'm going to second this. EU is still shit
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OP is being a faggot
Yes. It's the same deal as with Germany, our currency is a lot more worth than on paper
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ya all are homoboys, haha
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Gonna have a big laff when europoors wake up one day to a totalitarian judeo-technocratic superstate which not only robs them of identity and wealth but also out of dignity and pride, they will realize that they have been reduced to feudal serfs AND THEY VOTED FOR IT.

Orwell had a fucking crystal ball.
Your economy grew by 30% last year senpai
We love you EU.Stay strong and make USA and Russia butmad, every day EU exists they are butmad!
But you said were becoming cancer qq
More like buttsad 2bh

I remember when people here used to want to visit Europe. Now it's seen as a bit of an unstable landfill.
>I remember when people here used to want to visit Europe.
Yeah ever since the EU is a thing Americans don't want to visit Europe.

So like 60 years of you not wanting to visit?Right?
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I actually like the Union and think the best is yet to come. Too bad this board is slowly becoming a copy of the one-sided arguments found on /pol/
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Stop watching EU-propaganda
I can't read all this EU hate seriously while living under russian protectorate.
The second we manage to actually work for the common good and not screw each other we become the #1 world superpower and no, I'm not trolling.
The demographic has changed bud

20 years ago everyone saw Europe as a bunch of cozy little villages and a few old cities with deep rooted French/German/British cultures.

Now with the immigration problems people have started to see it as the mass of ghettos that it has become. I guess that might be hard to relate to when you're from said ghettos.
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Look forward to doing trade you with euroniggers.
get rekt
could be worse
>I can't read all this EU hate seriously while living under russian protectorate.

You are russians in denial.
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your post reeks of butthurt and /pol/, fatty :3

>I guess that might be hard to relate to when you're from said ghettos.

fuck you and fuck russians
It is probably a Russian on vacation or a Russian using a VPN. Flags are highly unreliable.
Don't be rude Mexieuro.
Bit depressing when your vacation spot self destructs
Is it, Sven? Sorry I must have missed the notice about Virginia becoming the rape capital of the continent.
Truth hurts, right?
Lo dudo mucho, puto turco de mierda.

I am right whether you like or not, leaf.
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This desu. Southern Europe is economically not doing well and Eastern Europe is actually growing pretty fast. The economy in Northern/Western European is obviously doing well.

Once the immigration debate actually produces a workable solution it's going to be alright

The non-stop Putin apologists are getting pretty annoying on this board

Americans misunderstanding the way Sweden reports rapes is getting pretty tiresome too, come to think of it.
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Not an argument.
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> russian protectorate
what? again?
I hate you and everything you stand for.
>The non-stop Putin apologists are getting pretty annoying on this board
I am starting to believe that those are not normal people posting but real propaganda agents.I smiled when i read in the news bout the Russians flaunting their new cyber KGB unit, but i am starting to believe it now.
I don't know why they always use the term technocracy like it's something bad.
In my mind it's a superior form of government.
literally can't handle the truth

t. kgb leutenant
That is because you are a retarded slave. Slaves don't know how to be free, only how to bow down to one master or another.

Remember, freedom isn't free.
Ojala me pagaran por decir verdades. Por cierto, los búlgaros sois turcos en negación :^)

I wish I get paid for saying the truth. By the way, you bulgarians are just tuks in denial.
>Faceless bureaucrats who don't care about the citizens but just arbitrary percentages is the best form of government
Technocracies that actually exist end up looking like China or the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, because the state simply sees you as a cog in its machine. You are expendable waste to them.
low quality troll
Bulgarians are Turks.

15% of them are actual Turks.

85% of them are Slavic speaking Bulgars, ie. Turks.
t. Ivan Russianovich
>tfw no Europe empire
Hold me bros
>pulling numbers out of his ass
>insulting people he knows nothing about
the anglo ignorance is on another level
Now i get it.You are an anglo immigrant in Spain.
>Anglo inmigrant
>Being able to Speak spanish

Choose one and only one.

Whatever, Spain is turning into a very pro-Russia country.
>pulling numbers out of his ass


Turks: 14.2%
No English people in Spain speak Spanish beyond a few words.
In varietate concordia.
This. Purge /pol/.
Press S to spit on the EU.

>I am starting to believe that those are not normal people posting but real propaganda agents.
Of course they are, and it's a well known fact since some time already. And we need to fight this blatant propaganda.
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>tfw their arguments are literally just based on "MUH FEELINGS" by autistic NEETs who are terrified that the scary brown man will rape their anime pillow

Everyone in America still sees it like that. Believe it or not, /pol/niggers don't make up a significant percentage of the American population.
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I've got a sick idea about a propaganda pic.
It takes from the join or die poster of Franklin, with the snake.
So you make the stars in the eu flag into a continuous blue-golden snake, than you have both ends at the top end with snake heads looking at each other pulling back.
Than you have the traditional 'join or die'.
Either at the bottom or through the middle with the snake body separating the words.
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>he shitposts for free
fuck UE
fuck other european countries
fuck M*rkel
Francie über alles
If you join you do die.

I am not autistic or a NEET.
In varietate concordia

happy birthday EU!
And a pleasant day to all my european brothers and sisters.
Why are anglos so stupid?
You idiot did you check the ear of the data you were looking at?

14.2% was the year 1900 you fucking imbecile.
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Stop hating the EU.
It's the best thing to have ever happened to Europe.
Also can we federalise already?
Dont worry. All the north Europeans are like that. People in the zone of the coast think that you are all subhumans (white niggers), not even joking. You come here, create your ghetto and dont learn our language. Just the irish people who come here to live, adapt to the local culture. The only fucking north europeans who do it.
Maybe in your yuppie echochamber
the cucked southern euro strikes again. Truly a manifestation of the Latin inferiority complex.
I am posting from 1900.
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I am pro EU but lad isn't your country fucked by EU?
>No English people in Spain speak Spanish beyond a few words.
Are anglos really that stupid ?
Isn't the Euro the reason Spain has 40% Youth unemployment because you can't devalue your currency?
What's wrong with being ruled by superior countries again?
I like german and french cultures, and their states are far more powerful than ours. Joining them and learning a thing or two isn't bad.
We don't do it because there is no point in doing it. Wherever you go as an English speaker there are English speakers, it just doesn't make sense to learn local languages.
Hardly, given how half of our economy depends of inter-european tourism.
I'll be honest: I don't know.
T. Kikelonian
No, it is the lack of necessity. If you are an anglo you never need to learn a foreign language, because everyone learns yours.
the katechon between us and the impending barbarism
I know it is the reason Greece is like that, so I made a presumption it is probably the same in Spain and Italy.
Mate most people here don't speak english
Well now that you've left Spain and Italy are the 3rd and 4th largest economies in the Union. I don't think it harms us.
>Just the irish people who come here to live, adapt to the local culture.
I can confirm this.The Irish that i've met here were learning Bulgarian and were adapting to the life.They were also pretty cheerful.
Pathetic, you are literally at the bottom of the pyramid as your entire country has been turned into a tourist playground.

The Euro is geared for the success of Northern Europe to the detriment of the South.

The Euro is an unnacceptable currency for the economies of southern europe yet the only reason you adhere to it is because you're culturally cucked

Meanwhile an entire generation of spaniards and other latins have lost the right to a superior quality of life.
aged badly
Well it is nothing to do with how big your economies are, it is about how they relate to other countries economies. Simply put, Germany is richer, so being in the same currency as the Germans causes the Euro to be overvalued for southern European states, causing them to be unable to function properly economically because Spanish money should be worth less than it is.
The European Union is the best thing for our continent. I hope all the populists politicians and pleb idiots don't ruin it for us all.
>Mate most people here don't speak english
They do where people actually go in Spain.

Nah, anyway this is just how multiculturalism is. Your Spanish culture holds no value according to the Spanish state, so it can be safely ignored.
>the one french /pol/nigger who constantly spams threads with call center english

Learn English the correct way, you dumb frog, this is an Anglo world you live in.

>I am not autistic or a NEET.
t. autistic NEET

>calls me a yuppie and says i live in an echochamber
>meanwhile his echochamber consists of calling (((everyone who disagrees with them))) a shill
You are the reason America is an embarrassment.



Aren't you euroskeptic faggots usually the ones who are begging to suck on the UK's cock in a Commonwealth union?

this is why the eu need an monetary and a fiscal union instead of just monetary
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r8, h8, but no b8
Would only make the problem worse because the disparities are so large. It would only work if Germany and places like Spain were as rich as each other.
>I'm culturally cucked
Well yes, obviously. It's hard to like Spain's culture
>have lost the right to a superior quality of life.
If only there was an organization that'd make it easier to live in other Euro countries.
As I said before, I don't really know anything about this stuff. I won't say you're wrong. I wouldn't particularly mind if you were right.
>t. autistic NEET
Hmm, no.
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What were my mistakes, faggot?


EU is the only thing that makes our continent relevant
Europe is only relevant because it is the pawn on the US chess board against Russia.
Theodora was slut
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>if i keep saying no im not he might believe me
Fuck off, NEET.

pic related


only if by europe you mean the UK
I haven't called ANYONE a shill, cuck.
she wasn't a slut, sluts do it for fun, she was a prostitute
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Today is my little brother's birthday as well.
>only if by europe you mean the UK
No, it is true for both.
>comparing the EU to Yugoslavia or the Soviet Union or Austria-Hungary
Every time.
But strangely I can't remember the Euro tanks and army occupying my country and killing everyone who disagreed to joining.
>Fuck off, NEET.
Do I have to post my payslip?
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>le cuck xDDD

Back to >>>/pol/.
Only because it does not have an army. It gladly would if it had one. Why do you think they want one so badly?
I hope you snap out of your self hatred one day.

Why is this so hard for southern euros to understand? The entire subcontinent suffers under the oppression of G*rmany yet again
That would make you more autistic.
>losing the debate
Won the election :^)
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>le funny reddit MS paint comic
Fuck off
Southern and Eastern Europeans tend to suffer extreme retardation so don't understand economics.
>Why do you think they want one so badly?
Yes, Nigel, you're right. The EU wants to have an army so that it can annex countries!! How stupid of me for not seeing the obvious!
It's hard not to call someone a cuck when they ask you to disprove their brainwashed drivel with arguements when we know perfectly well arguing with someone with no capacity to reason is a lost cause.

I live in the South also known as Andalusia. 3% of our population come from your disgusting island and most of them are living in fucking English ghettos. You dont learn anything of our cuture or our language either. Sooner or later They will have to go back or learn to be one of us. Spanish state which is a disgusting castilian sect can go fuck himself. As an andalusian, they adapt or go back.
I won't, fuck this place
Tbqh I'd rather live in fucking mongolia
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No, it wants to have an army to keep the countries within it inline. For example if the EU does not like the policies of a particular government all it can do right now is fine you and put diplomatic sanctions on it. But with an army they could remove that government. It would be similar to the Brezhnev doctrine in practice. Governments such as those in Poland, Hungary or Greece would be the obvious targets for removal.
if you like the EU so much, why don't you move there.
you'd live in a place you like and make America a better place.
They will never go back, welcome to the glory of the EU. Those Anglo colonies are there to stay.
*cough* Sanders is a tax leeching hypocrite and Clinton is a murderer *cough*
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I am against EU, you faggot. I am not the kikilonian German-loving. If they dont learn the language or go back, we will fucking exterminate them. Andalusia for the andalusians.
You're deluded. The common EU army is so that the it can protect the borders (and not rely on the border countries' armies only) and to send missions abroad (like in the Middle east).
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>be Br*tish subhuman
>move to a sunnier place for retirement, because who the hell would want to live on that miserable island anyway
>straight out refuse to learn the local language because muh anglo superiority xD
>foreigners from your former colonies and countries in Eastern Europe move to your shitty island because the jobs there pay better than back home
>throw a bitch fit and vote to leave the EU, despite the fact that it pretty much means more mudsking immigrants in your country
>but we wuz emperurs n shiet

pathetic, next time some britshit asks me for directions, he's getting them in Russian
No, I am just looking at history and learning from its mistakes.
A MEME president like no other.
His whole team is a MEME.

I mean if i want to have a good laugh i just watch some American news.

*cough*let's elect the orange clown that will drive the country to the ground *cough*while cutting taxes for the super rich and destroying the environment*cough*
I don't if this post is ironic or not but Trump is president now so we should talk about Trump not Hillary and Sanders
can trump supporters defend trump without bringing up Clinton?
Even once?
Are you still going to excuse his fuckups 3 years down the line with people who would be out of politics at that point?
Can Trump stand on his own two feet? Or does he need that Hilary cane as he limps between the swamps he falls in?
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>pretty much means more mudsking immigrants in your
Lol nope. We are closing the noose on all immigration, you should actually try reading government policy before you talk about it.

Picture related for example shows how the UK government has brought immigration and residency rights down for non-Anglo nations.
Hey, germanboo here
Good luck with your independence southern bro, I hope we get ours soon too.
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>haha i won that means i dond have to hab an argumend :DDD

So does 51% of the UK, evidently.


>ameriga: lobe it or leabe it :DDD
When did you get internet, Cleetus?

pic related
It will never happen. It goes against the tolerance principles of the EU and Spanish states.
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Time to retire
why would you stay in a country if you don't like it.
We didn't vote for it because of economic reasons you dumb cunt. If you bothered to read the polls you would know that the main reasons were sovereignty and immigration.
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Who's the artist m8?
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My message to the EU:
(Bulgarian Socialistic Party)
I want you to be destroyed.
>We are closing the noose on all immigration, you should actually try reading government policy before you talk about it.
So you plan to collapse your economy?
>inb4 we will use only anglo workers
I'd love to see you do that.Would be lots of fun watching you squirm and agonize while the rest of Europe passes you by.

You are not going to shut down all emigration. That is just crazy talk.

And god forbid if you antagonize the Poles and the Romanians living in England enough so they all leave.
Country is doing fine actually. Still standing, still independent, no major economic problems, President paid twice as much in taxes as his opposition and we're moving towards being completely independent on fuel production so we don't have to play games with the arabs.

I'm not gonna take political advice from non-countries, but I will say he has either done or attempted exactly what he said he would do. He's continuously trying to meet his campaign promises. Euros might not like it but that's not our problem.
You dont get it. I dont care about the Spanish State. I am an andalusian nationalist (Nationalist in the old sense of the word, goddamit I hate those fucking leftist who try to steal the andalusian nationalism)

We will need it. We need to create a nationalist right-wing movement. That is the only way to have a stronger nationalist movement. Althought, we have to remove the left from the andalusian nationalism.
neither of the (yous) you gave me contained any arguments 2bh
ah yes, I'm sure all those poo in loos and pakis etc with British nationality will somehow miraculously disappear and go back

>n-no more immigrants, h-ha ha
and the low skilled manual jobs are going to be performed by.....?
>ur nod allowed to have a disagreeing obinion :DDD

>nod an argumend :DDD
t. steban bolynew
>So you plan to collapse your economy?
No because we are not idiots like the Europeans.

>>inb4 we will use only anglo workers
>I'd love to see you do that.
That is a long term aim, in the short term foreign labour will still be used, for example by giving out work visas to eastern europeans to come pick fruit, then sending them back once the job is done.

>And god forbid if you antagonize the Poles and the Romanians living in England enough so they all leave.
My gf is Polish so why would I want them all to leave? That is not the point. The point is to have controls on who can come.
But most of his campaign promises are stupid
Pretty sure that's the longest Western Europe has ever gone without a war in like, a thousand years or so right? That's a pretty huge accomplishment
>We have to remove the left from our nationalism
No you fucking don't, stop flinging shit at each other for a fucking second and focus on destroying the eternal castillian's state
>'m not gonna take political advice from non-countries
Do you think those posters are the prime-ministers of those countries or something? You know we're all just people sharing opinions and having discussions and not role playing as countries, right? Right?

There will still be immigrants to do shit jobs, like Czechs to work on farms, they will just be temporary as it will be a work visa system rather than the stay forever model currently used due to EU membership.
He is an amerilard.They think themselves special and above everyone else.
Same thing with anglos.

Arrogant and rotten to the core.
another 2 (yous) without an argument.

You've resorted to intentionally mispelling childish insults, put the bottle down Hillary.

Maybe from your perspective, but again your negative opinion of how we run out country is not our problem.

Oh see in my country we vote on what we want and then we get it. Not sure how you guys do it but you should probably sort that out.
Nah, this is actually about average. On average Europe has a great war every 75 years or so. The longest period was when the Romans dominated it and that was about 100 years without a major war.
So say, if I wanted to live in England and obtain citizenship what would I have to do?
Kill three hundred zulus in the name of the queen?
In Bulgaria their country is run by the mafia and it is basically a matter of bribing your way to power.
Either save your currency or disband please
>On average Europe has a great war every 75 years or so
Ah, I see where he's coming from now then.
Fulfil some sort of economic need, eg. by working in a sector with a worker shortage.

Then moving here, living here for 5 years without ever claiming benefits or being in trouble with the police. Also earn over a certain amount for all those 5 years. Then you go through residency and then you can get citizenship after that.
fuck off you cunt
Do you even know European history? I know you probably don't learn it in North Turkey because the history of Arabia is more important to you, but here in the UK we actually do cover it.
>Oh see in my country we vote on what we want and then we get it. Not sure how you guys do it but you should probably sort that out.
What the fuck are talking about? You didn't answer my question - do you actually think I'm a representative of my country and this is some discussion in the UN or something?
I hate the view of the left nationalists MUH REFUGEES WELCOME. I fucking hate that with all my forces. Destroying Castillia would be a dream made reality, but man, nationalism is right-wing by definition and andalusian nationalism will fail over and over till the nationalist movement are right-wing.
>by working in a sector with a worker shortage.
Dunno about that, but it seems manageable
Thanks anon
>and the low skilled manual jobs are going to be performed by.....?
I know its hard to understand for third world countries, but in the west a lot of low skilled jobs, including manual ones will dissappear through automation
So what you're saying is you don't feel that you have a say in what your nation does and therefore don't feel that your opinion matters?
Right no you can come anyway because we are still in the EU. But those are the rules for non-EU migrants, so it will be extended to EU migrants once the UK actually leaves.
We're finally getting rid of that old hag
Wow, he called me Muslim. How original and witty coming from a Brit.

And that stupid thing you said is just something you read somewhere on the Internet (because WWII was ~75 years ago so OH MY GOD that means the next war is about to happen any time now) and being a retarded idiot you parrot it and pretend you're intelligent.
>Do you even know European history?
Do you?What do you qualify as a great war?
Bloody brexit eh
Fair enough, I imagine the hardest part would be to get someone to hire me for anything other than teaching Spanish.
>So what you're saying is you don't feel that you have a say in what your nation does and therefore don't feel that your opinion matters?
I never said or implied something like that. It's something you made up and are now pretending to have the high ground in the discussion. You lack basic logical skills. Did you voted for Trump?
EU was nice in the 90's.
>I never said or implied something like that
"Do you think those posters are the prime-ministers of those countries or something? You know we're all just people sharing opinions and having discussions and not role playing as countries, right? Right? Idiot."

"What the fuck are talking about? You didn't answer my question - do you actually think I'm a representative of my country and this is some discussion in the UN or something?"

Yes you did, actually.
she's a futa
do you still need it?
i can find it
A continent wide war involving the continent's major powers. Examples would be the Seven Years War, the War of Spanish Succession, the Napoleonic Wars, the first and second World Wars.

Most Spanish people in the UK work low skilled jobs like factory work or farm work. Portuguese also tend to be in these fields. Although there are also a lot of Spanish care workers.

>because WWII was ~75 years ago so OH MY GOD that means the next war is about to happen any time now
Not the implication at all. Instead what it is saying is that the EU has not yet accomplished anything of note in terms of peace, because this is well within the historical average. Now if it lasts 150 years then it can have a claim, but right now it has none.

>Wow, he called me Muslim. How original and witty coming from a Brit.
Bulgaria is 8% Muslim. Britain is 4.9% Muslim.
He did?Where?
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Appreciate it mate, I'll see what I can do.
I really like britain and I'd love to live there even if my job were shit.
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>Bulgaria borders Turkey
>England is an island that borders France and Germany
>Bulgaria's muslims are in decline
>England's muslims are on the rise
really made my neurons fire up
In both of those posts where he equated his opinion of how the country is run to something below an actual vote worth of influence.

It's interesting that all I'm trying to point out is that the opinions of citizens of any free and sovereign country matter and you're trying to dispute it for the sake of spiting me. Sort your nation out.
>Bulgaria is 8% Muslim. Britain is 4.9% Muslim.
Wow, you're so much Christian and white. Truly you have the right of calling me Muslim then.

>the Seven Years War,

>the War of Spanish Succession,
89 years difference
>the Napoleonic Wars,
99 years difference
>the first
21 years difference
>and second World Wars
72 years since

There's no correlation. If you could the more regional wars it gets even messier.
Do you believe in horoscopes too? Do you buy homeopathic "medicine"?
>draw qt animu grill with big titties
>add penis

I really hate this
>There's no correlation
I said average. Did you fail maths or something?
Fuck you
You know what isn't in decline though?

Your gypsy population. It just keeps growing and growing according to your censuses.
No, you said you're not taking advice from non-countries (two posters, one Bulgarian and one Polish) and I pointed out we're all having a discussion as private normal regular ordinary citizens. We're not role-playing as countries as you seem to think. Then you sperged out and started blabbering about democracy.
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>I said average.
Yeah, two wars were 20 years apart and other two were 200 years difference. On average we should expect a big war this year. Truly a math genius.
Yes, because neither Bulgaria nor Poland are truly free and sovereign countries. The difference in mentality clearly shows.
>Yeah, two wars were 20 years apart and other two were 200 years difference.
Those are not all the wars you retard. I just gave you a few examples to qualify the statement of a "great war". Try reading for once.
>Your gypsy population. It just keeps growing and growing according to your censuses.
What a mathematical genius indeed.

>1992 census
>313,396 gypsies

>2001 census
>370,908 gypsies

>2011 census
>325,343 gypsies



You also managed to lose 2 million Bulgarians during this time.
You are an idiot.The gypsy population is not going up.The Bulgarian one is going down.
Are you blind???
>gypsy population keeps growing
>uuuh i meant percentages, not total population
Throw yourself under a train.

>It is possible that the number of Romani does not decrease along with the rest of Bulgaria's population and, according to some estimates, their number may have risen to 600,000[2] or 800,000[3] including those who prefer to identify as ethnic Turks or ethnic Bulgarians.[6]
>The majority of the estimated 200,000-400,000 Muslim Romani tend to identify themselves as ethnic Turks which decreases the Romani total figure on the census.
>(2013 estimates; 6-11% of the Bulgarian population)
>While Romani have the highest birth rate in Bulgaria and are considered the fastest growing group, and the largest minority, there is controversy about their number.
Are you a gypsy yourself?
>Are you a gypsy yourself?
You're quoting two different people, you inbred moron.

Also yeah, I'm a gypsy Turk Muslim Russian pickpocket. Also I'm stealing your job and raping your beautiful British women.
>You're quoting two different people
All you gypsies look the same to me.

>Also yeah, I'm a gypsy Turk Muslim Russian pickpocket.
Glad to have you admit it.
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I've already refuted several of your pathetic attempts of arguments and insults.
I would advice you to grow older and smarter, but I know stupid people remain stupid all their life. Good luck with the name-calling and that unexplainable sense of superiority you have being a British peasant in 2017.
Why must the southern EU states suffer so. It's not benefiting Germany at all :^)
You have only lost argument after argument, and desperately tried to change topic every time.
>this is the person who first goes for %
>when the %fail him switches tactics and fails again
>the same person who posted data from the year 1900 not knowing what he was looking at
You are delusional.
Austria-Hungary collapsed due to Serbs
unfortunately we were born lazy
>he spends all day defending the EU in every single thread that remotely mentions it
you're the most blatant paid shill in the history of paid shillposting
This is a MEME graph.Read the filename.
>youth unemployment not overall unemployment
>December(young people generally seek summer jobs so they can study)
>doesn't give what age range is covered
>doesn't show if it is counting people who are in college
>he thinks that all BG flags are the same person
either that or Bulgarians are morons with severe autism and a throbbing hatred for the sovereign European nation-state.
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EU unemployment.png
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>>December(young people generally seek summer jobs so they can study)

These were the stats for last June.
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>still a MEME graph since only the *marked countries are from June
>it also doesn't show young people who are working out of contract
>doesn't show if it is counting only people who are on full employment
>doesn't show freelancers
>doesn't show if it is counting people from other countries or only people from the said country with the same nationality
You are not invited to this party. Go home and think about what you've done.
We took migrants from Donbas (western Ukraine for morons). They know the language, hard working and assimilating with our society (which is easy because they're Slavs). Keep your sandniggers for yoursef
Well we know you're not unemployed, continually shilling for the EU. I hope they're paying you well.
Congratulation to germ*ns who destroyed the EU.
Brits are probably the only people who don't see the true value of a united Europe.

Must be that isolation on their island.You were always disconnected from the mainland.You never experienced the true horrors of war.

It is no wonder why you think others would claim they want a united Europe only if they are payed money.
>Western Ukraine
South-western Russia maybe.
You will be a powerful country as USA
I want to sexually fuck Europe.
As opposed to what
Non-sexual sexual intercourse
>one nice thing

Every day is a day these fucks are closer to the collapse.
Fuck Juncker and fuck European del*gates
i'm gonna screencap this for future generations :^)
When I was young, I remember people who said euro will compete the based DOLLAR. I can't stop laughing now.

US >>>>>>>>> Europe forever
Allah Akbar
you're a meme
no you
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die cunt
I'm moron, I mean eastern Ukraine
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Why do you hate us Castilians so much? Are you afraid of our high IQ? kek
I mean it was for a long time. Only recently has that changed since we bounced back from 2008 better than most of the world.
t. British immigrant
so you would rather be a moor? Interesting...
>uses 'die cunt'
>not a Brit
You must be 100% pure Frenchman.My mistake.
Are we not moors? I mean, We get called moors all the time . No, I hate the fucking mussies but You came here and did the same shit that mussies did. You are not better than them.
Kiss and make up right now or there will be no ice-cream for you tonight!!!
Shut up north turkey
Ok! That's it! No ice-cream for you mister.
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I'll just leave this here

>60 years old
Ummm no honey
>20 different countries versus 1 giant country
>surprised when the 20 aren't functional
Your graph shows them steadily climbing until the global financial crisis and tries to fake out by using smaller units in the first one.
Eres un trozo de mierda ignorante, sigue votando a zuzana y tragandote la mierda del musulman Blas Infante
Supresión de las comunidades autónomas YA
Menudo puto subnormal, no eres más tonto porque no te entrenas. ANdalucía es un invento que tiene 50 años
Pero que nacionalistas?? Si cabéis en una casa
Ni vote por Susana que es una puta traidora y sin ningún estudió ninguno, ni la votaré. Ni concuerdo en algunas cosas con Blas infante, y si estaba un poco tarado, pero el muh repoblación es una farsa aún peor. Somos descendientes de conversos, os guste o no a los del norte.
I can't wait for the USA put an end of the EU.
Pero si tú serás descendiente de los que reconquistaron España, no sabes historia, ignorante. No sabrás ni lo que es la expulsión de los moriscos, patético. Esto es lo que hace la educación pública en manos de las autonomías
Yo soy de Huelva, a ver si desaparece este puto invento llamado Andalucía
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fuck off

nexit when?
En España TODO debería estar en manos de los castellanos. Como en la época del Imperio.
Lo que tú digas, mi apellido es el nombre de un pueblo de Cantabria
>ANdalucía es un invento que tiene 50 años
España es un país que una pareja de reyes se sacó del culo. Pero aquí cada uno a los suyo. A fin de cuenta, todos son inventos, ¿no?

Suprimir las comunidades sería como intentar curar una herida con sal, es decir, sería peor.

Al igual que los nacionalistas en otras regiones de España. Todo a su tiempo, todo a su tiempo.
>España es un país que una pareja de reyes se sacó del culo

El concepto de España es anterior a los reyes católicos.

>Suprimir las comunidades sería como intentar curar una herida con sal, es decir, sería peor.

Las autonomías son el cáncer de España, el origen de la mayoría de los males pero tristemente la gente está tan manipulada que son irreversibles

>Al igual que los nacionalistas en otras regiones de España. Todo a su tiempo, todo a su tiempo.

Los cojones, solo hay que ver al PA (que ni siquiera es nacionalista) el apoyo que tiene. No entiendo tu afán autodestructivo, tú eres español por mucho que te joda
Eso no significa nada. Muchos judíos y moriscos se cambiaron sus apellidos por topónimos de pueblos o de profesiones.

Mi primer apellido es Atwan. No parece muy castellano.

Iros con los portugueses. Al fin del cuenta no sois más que toalleros. kek
Me voy a cenar. Muerte a Andalucía (de parte de un andaluz) y viva España. Mejor nos hubiese ido a los onubenses en Extremadura.
You said UE instead of EU.
>El concepto de España es anterior a los reyes católicos.
MUH HISPANIA. kek Patético. España como nación moderna nace a partir de la pepa que es cuando se la reconoce como tal por primera vez. Las pajas mentales del reino visigodo te las puedes guardar. Ni si quiera la corona de España de los dos reyes católicos podía considerarse estrictamente como un país o estado, pues estaba conformado de reinos muy independientes los uno de los otros, al punto que hasta tenían monedas diferentes.
>Eso no significa nada. Muchos judíos y moriscos se cambiaron sus apellidos por topónimos de pueblos o de profesiones.

Se ponían topónimos de ciudades conocidas como Sevilla, en cualquier caso, la mayoría de moriscos y judíos fueron expulsados y somos descendientes de los que reconquistaron España. Los estudios genéticos también lo apoyan.

>Mi primer apellido es Atwan. No parece muy castellano.

O sea, que eres un puto moro que viene a destruir mi país, vete a tomar por culo

>Iros con los portugueses. Al fin del cuenta no sois más que toalleros. kek

Seguro que eres un miarma rancio, os tengo calados

En fin, hay de todo en la viña del señor
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good goy.jpg
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Buen goyim.

Quién está hablando aquí de nación moderna? TODAS las naciones modernas nacen en el XIX. Algunos no daís para más
>O sea, que eres un puto moro que viene a destruir mi país, vete a tomar por culo
Toda mi familia es Española, paco. Es un apellido común por la zona donde vivo.

>Seguro que eres un miarma rancio, os tengo calados

Soy del este de Andalucía. kek

Y no no decimos "mi arma" aquí.

> Los estudios genéticos también lo apoyan.

Cree en los haplomemes. kek
La idea de España actual no tiene que ver con la de Hispania. Es por eso que hable de naciones modernas. España es un concepto moderno, que perdió su antiguo significado. Anteriormente, todo el mundo nacido en la península era español incluido los toalleros, era más un sentimiento de hermanamiento que uno nacional. Como puedes imaginar el concepto cambió, ya no tiene el mismo significado que antes, ahora significa que un grupo de personas entre x y E sitio son parte de una nación, la cual, es artificial de cojones.
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