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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 66

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Quality /tv/ edition

me on the right
Real funny faggot ass bitch. You think Making fun of Akari is a joke? You think making blank image jokes is a good idea? I'll fucking murder you.

Yeah making fun of Akari is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that about Akari why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that about Akari I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of Akari hating, kyouko loving SHIT.
*neknominates you*
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any capitalists here?
the man they call jan
Most people are neither as happy nor as unhappy as they imagine
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the deano diet
my mate did one of these involving snorting creatine
*raises paw*
musicals are gay
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If the bacon isn't crispy, I don't want it.

Bacon was made to be crispy. It retains all of its flavour even when cooked for a long time. If you don't like it then go and eat a steak.
looks peng ngl
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*eats a slice*
*gains 1lb of dense muscle while simultaneously losing 5 lbs of fat*


places to go people to see gfs to fug (not really lol)
fuck off

ur gay
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whoopsie daisy

fuck off you fucking manchild
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>sports direct mug
do you ever see in your dreams

all the castles in the sky
think shes saying whats your ideal date
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can't find any photos of trump with rockefeller
you bring the sickle cause I'll bring my hammer
Why aren't you getting rich right now?
hows gf2017 treating you
mine is going along just fine although ive been alienated by my family
thinking of getting a 2nd one just for the extra challenge
Don't even know what a Deano is
Just openly suggest something. Ask her if she's free at the weekend.

Don't fanny about beating around the bush. Make the decision, don't let her.
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fuck off
t. deano
is that what happens to condoms when they go off
Ideas to improve the country -

Ban Netflix

Close down all TV channels that show repeats of
yank tv shows

Ban all 'schools' that teach UFC and replace them with boxing gyms
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could 'shido any of you runts right this second



we're in here lads
ah yes the useless autist with holes in his walls is back

What should I say though

Was going to organise something in the week because I'm only in London on week days. Not sure what to suggest though
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alri porridge
had sex with one of those so-called eastern europeans nige was telling me about
that's about it
quite upsetting really
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my university is now pushing women in steam

science technology engineering arts mathematics
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New Drake is pretty weak

fuck black londoners and their shite excuse for rap
>that room

bitches LOVE pubic hair

reminds them of daddy
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>pull up to my Barratt new build home with my 25 year fixed rate mortage in my grey Audi A3 on finance after a hard days work as deputy assistant head of sales targeting
>open the boot and take out my River Island and Superdry bags with the new gear I bought on the way home from work
>open the door
>yell hello to my wife of 2-years in the kitchen as she is already home from her work as a Team Leader in a call centre
>sit down on my leather sofa bought on sale at Sofology (haha I love those adverts, what is that sloth like haha, love sloths me)
>put up my feet on the IKEA table
>whap on the telly and tune in just in time to see Bradders going through the rules of the final chase with the contestants who made it through before they face Anne Hegarty
>perfect timing as my wife comes in with the dinner, another one of Jamie Oliver's cracking 30 minute meals
>tuck in as I pretend to listen to my wife's stories from her day at work
>send a cheeky snap to Smithster and Deano to see if they can come round for the champions league match later to watch it on the ol' Sony Bravia, maybe sneak in a few rounds of Fifa '17 on the PS4 first, bloody Smithster ignoring the rule of no tap-ins what a melt haha
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>pull up to my Barratt new build home with my 25 year fixed rate mortage in my grey Audi A3 on finance after a hard days work as deputy assistant head of sales targeting
>open the boot and take out my River Island and Superdry bags with the new gear I bought on the way home from work
>open the door
>yell hello to my wife of 2-years in the kitchen as she is already home from her work as a Team Leader in a call centre
>sit down on my leather sofa bought on sale at Sofology (haha I love those adverts, what is that sloth like haha, love sloths me)
>put up my feet on the IKEA table
>whap on the telly and tune in just in time to see Bradders going through the rules of the final chase with the contestants who made it through before they face Anne Hegarty
>perfect timing as my wife comes in with the dinner, another one of Jamie Oliver's cracking 30 minute meals
>tuck in as I pretend to listen to my wife's stories from her day at work
>send a cheeky snap to Smithster and Deano to see if they can come round for the champions league match later to watch it on the ol' Sony Bravia, maybe sneak in a few rounds of Fifa '17 on the PS4 first, bloody Smithster ignoring the rule of no tap-ins what a melt haha
actually cleaned up my room a bit. got a bed now and everything.
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brain cogs have exploded
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My Dad was shouting and screaming today. He said he just wants everyone to leave him alone. That he just wants to sit alone in a dark room.He said life is nothing but shit.
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alright which one you runts was this
>science technology engineering arts mathematics

did these people completely misunderstand the concept and reasoning behind STEM?
woke as fuck
cannot breathe
uni is good but we should do an end to the fantasy that it is meant to prepare you for a job

it doesn't
Be completely honest: why do you spend your time on here instead of Facebook?
Sounds like he has depression

Tell your mum to have sex with him more.
oh right

good job
what's there to do on facebook
not deano a yank

recommend me a film lads
what are you supposed to do with facebook if you don't know anyone?

no irl friends so no facebook
'llow it f.am giggs is wavey, chief yourself bmt
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Song Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan.jpg
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Kyrgyzstan when
the rain is fucking boring weather
Ayy my nikka come thru with tha lean tho *crying emoji*
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costcutters is getting taken over by co op. fucking kike bastards.
Star Wars

Seriously if you want a recommendation for something, narrow down the fucking categories. Give us something to go on.
watched that la

dead mans shoes
Just put all my pics on tinder to ones of me with dogs and have in my bio "A little birdie told me girls like dogs..."

alri porridge
>costcutters is getting taken over by co op

nothing can stop the gentrification powerhouse

The Invitation, 2015
South of the Border
action/mystery film would be great, something like doom , red dragon or aliens if you understand?
very good
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never bought alcohol before but i turned 21 a while ago. thinking about buying a 6 pack of bud light but i'm nervous
down mexico way
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>And you already know I love them breasts, lookin' all perky
>Lookin' all Christmas gift-wrapped, lookin' all turkey

>Spit in your face with extra bogey
>It's my time, I don't flex a Rollie

Ahh yes, the British ''grime'' scene making great impressions to the rest of the world
costcutters was always shit
What's the /brit/ discord
imagine being as frightened as you are. pussio.
lowe it bruv you're some neeky yout
it's piss beer m8 why are you scared
going bed night
might be back someday
ngl seems like a pretty decent life to make fun of, like it isn't chris-chan or boogie shit
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dont have facebook

is it like /brit/
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Fucking headache juice. Get Heineken.
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dumb tankiddies
both excellent films also
more inane and narcissistic form of /brit/ desu haha
the nice guys
I hear you're a racist now father
my dad's brother died from alcohol poisoning and his mom got drunk and suffocated on her vomit, his alcoholism also is what made him and my mom divorce

i just want to drink a comfy beer on the weekend while i watch anime and eat ramen

totally destroyed in the war of course
I think you might be on the wrong forum by mistake.This is Youtube. Do you really expect intelligent comment and debate? This is the place where ignorant morons come to hurl abuse at strangers.
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The nostalgia

aww so adorable. and I love the Portugese version of this song too. sounds cute :)
i need to do an essay now
Can't imagine what sort of a fat pathetic virgin twat you are
I was getting served at the paki shop for bottles of vodka at 15
theres a definite genetic factor involved with addiction so be careful lad.

the Deano meme is genuinely one of the best /brit/ has ever come up with 2bh

painfully accurate and excellently scathing

need high pitched portuguese gf

virtual hug for you lads. be nice, there's a lady on the screen
americans just have such a wank drinking culture that they all end up turbo-alcoholics or little bitches who get wasted off 6 "brewskis"
Westminster voting intention:

CON: 48% (+4)
LAB: 23% (-4)
UKIP: 10% (-1)
LDEM: 9% (+1)
GRN: 4% (-1)

(via ICM / 18 - 20 Mar)

wish i had an anime gf
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yanks are talking shit about Tim again lads
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anne frank.jpg
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>Rorkes want to gas this
Need gf with boobs and vagina.
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>the Deano meme is genuinely one of the best /brit/ has ever come up with 2bh
>painfully accurate and excellently scathing
I created the precursor for the gimmick
British bf soon buds
Coventry '''city''' centre was honestly one of the grimmest days of my life
pls delet this picture of me
bullshit, source?
what the fuck?
So lads, when can we officially say we are living in a one party state?
I miss kpop posting desu

5 stans 2018 i reckon
is this joe rogan?

how has this happened, did we make tim mainstream
it's always been a one party state
what's this from?
>Fall of Rome
>World War I
>World War II

How the hell do we stopped the eternal Prussian?
nice tune pham

how was the storm in NS, we just got it today and it was just some snow and rain 2bh
genuinely can't stand people making fun of Tim
he's an ill man who needs help
whats taters eh?
the silenced singer

silenced no more
Quick lads, say something gay!
My friend had a gf from Kyrgyzstan but her visa ran and out and she got sent back, he wouldn't marry her so she could stay lol. Don't know why though, she worshipped the ground he walked on.
Either joe rogan or your moms house podcast just from the people in it
less white powder than my friday night
*makes fun of tim*

sit down dickhead
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Only one way.

portuguese is such a weird language

its like a russian chinese spanish
What is actually the deal with Tim?

t. newfag
I jerked off to a video of two guys having anal sex in the woods earlier today.

I guarantee rochdale is worse
Computer, load up Celery Man please.
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tim finding out about this would be catastrophic
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merkel's doing it for us
problem is they're trying to drag down the rest of the continent with them
fuck off
english can be so ambiguous

who was in the woods?
warming up the tassimo
bit fucking haram. what would their imam think?
Fuck you leather man.
oh sorry, the two guys having anal sex were in the woods I was on the couch.
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Filbert point.jpg
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i'd get on his plane
he would try and put joe rogan out of business
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Sat on a train back from London

Letting off some really rancid farts, don't think the guy sat across the aisle from me is having a very enjoyable ride lmao
it's non-alcoholic :)

what i like about this video is it really connects with the inner psyche. the juxtaposition of innocence and reality - the fact that you know that things aren't 'perfect', and maybe rebooting yourself could be an option. she tells us to stop worrying so much but we know it's not that simple. it's almost motherly in its warmness, but then again it strays away into dichotomy of suicidal hints which a mother surely wouldn't do. constant reaffirmation of everything being okay is the clear sign that not everything is okay. the constant back and forth of warm and cold embraces cause a storm of emotion which beat us down into a primordial form, a form of which we know that cold death is coming and warmness of mother is temporary.
these guys could be from eritrea which has a large christian contingent
business idea: send Tim nice presents
Reckon Osbourne has this convo when he was Chancellor.
How the fuck did joe Rogan discover Timothy Byrne

Strange times we live in
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Matching Underwear.webm
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This power rangers stream is too much
are you literally implying mental illness does not exist at all?

some people are absolutely FUCKED mentally and theres nothing you can do but supress it
on what?
would prefer if the nips stopped culturally appropriating us x
unironically grooved at 2:48
anyone else know this feel?
DO NOT watch this video. its a CIA mass-brainwashing experiment.
Did they bash it in after this?
i dont think sharia bloody allows that mate
they going through every episode of every season?

how long until dino thunder?
>CIA mass-brainwashing experiment.
why do I keep hearing this
going to see the gf soon

do tell friend, how've you come across this info
no because I'm not a cringey gay twat
why do you keep listening?
Sounds like one of my English literature essays at GCSE, fuck off spazmoid
cant say. just consider me a concerned citizen trying to do his bit.
thanks for the blogpost faggot
thats got fuck all to do with you now fucking piss off ugly little fukcer

new girl at work looks like her
does the irish drummer still post here
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intro bonito or bonito generation?

I thought this was the top tune from the new album 2bh
Out of the following, which one is making me do awful awful farts lads

FUCK drumpf and FUCK white people

i'm definietly more inclined to tickle her private bits, if that was the intention of the nogggin washing
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try and get fresh with me and see what's good
listening to some ASMR
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This is why you are all autistic.

I wish people would stop posting stuff everywhere online about Amy Schumer

She is such an insufferable, disgusting cunt.
Put them all in a frying pan and wait a bit

obummer was the worst POTUS ever
why do you care?
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*heems you*
is this ukraine?
is that rob schneider lol
downloading the new linken park album on limewire haha
Because I don't want to hear about her.
*does a wee jig*
Aleppo la
I don't give a fuck what she does desu she's just unpleasant to look at, would rather people post 10/10s
bought some vegan chicken-style bites lads
they're not too bad tbqh
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Work in the morning, lads.
2006 was a peng year
doing a dance
just rimmed myself
so stop hearing about her

who's your girl?
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poor bloke. The war will be over soon

downloaded spiderman on kazaalite in about 2003
took a week to download 1gb
Love how she goes on about how smelly her fanny is and her explosive shits.

What a catch.
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one can hope la

got ear raped by a poz guy and now i have hearing aids
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*brings the crew and the gang*
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truly miserable month weatherwise. and otherwise aha
Alright lads that's me off to bed for an early night. I'm 19 and still growing you see and school is tomorrow
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Call me daddy
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>no work tomorrow
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talking with the gf
If white people weren't evil you would be getting gang raped in your little mud hut instead of posting in a nice safe house from you iPhone
chance would be a fine thing
find this woman attractive and repulsive at the same time
i hope these tweets come back to bite these idiots on the arse when they grow up and get jobs.
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I fuckin hate Brits, man. I fuckin HATE THEM. Like they come here and they've got that accent. And it's just... like I don't use this word often, but it's actually so cuckold. It's like this dry, whingy—it's pathetic. I fuckin hate Brits, I actually wanna just fuckin chuck 'em in the nearest bin. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 Dollars, just rot in the fuckin bin! FUCK.
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couldn't care less what some stupid shitskin thinks
Alright lads that's me off to bed for an early night. I'm 25 and still growing you see and school is tomorrow
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>no work tomorrow or Wedensday
my heartstrings stopped being tugged by all the syria propaganda being produced when i saw a vid on another chan site of a guy blowing up a jeep and then a bunch of guys coming around it and laying on the ground like they got blown up
You arrive in the Jewish States of America
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it's good you're allergic to cats you absolute predator

playin around with the audio though it does sound like some brainwave entrainment is at play here. this is spooky
imagine i'd die if i was allergic to cats due to all of the pussy i get
what the fuck is peng
which one, hila or the racist?
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>work with a 19yr old cute girl tomorrow
Same. I don't even like to think about it, I think I will have a panic attack.
My friend Abraham Yev'shoa Steinwitz said that all white people should be killed but he's white himself?

I dont understand
When you want to SUCCEED as bad as you want to BREATHE, THEN YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL
got nothing against ACTUAL refugees

I just don't think many of them are legitimate refugees, I also don't think being a refugee should mean you get to stay forever without question
the white helmets are lying scumbags yes but real people are actually suffering in syria
assad will win soon
>yfw you realise old-world cunts are just as guilty of 'muh heritage' as yanks are

Really boils my noodle
>Not whom are you quoting
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he was a good lad

there is a lot of that as well
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Whom are you quoting?

someone fedora this post

racists picture is 2small for me to see properly

new thread
He looks very comfy, in a grotty 50s sort of way
who doth thee quoteth?
it took that nigger until she was in her 20s to realise shes not white
what a stupid cunt
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>20yo qt left last week
he said
so obviously not hila
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>lecture with 20 year old neckbeards and asians tomorrow
all me
goy shut up!
whomst've are thine quoting?
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>not in work
>on provisional neet buxs
>unfulfiled, want a woman to love and make babies with in wizzadora fetish
O canada
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me irl

pussy on tap 24/7
>top gear
ah le pushy short haired woman with an attitude?
havne;t sen this one before!
earrings in the gay side though
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Groundhog day is a great film.
>gold chain necklace
alrai deano
you look like you walk around with socks and sandals
Groundhog day is a great film.
why do Americans do that? Have like 4 layers and always a hoodie/coat pairing
Groundhog day is a great film.
Groundhog day is a great film.
no it's not you're gay it's a reflection/ a selfie/ a hologram whichever means the earring is on the straight side
overground week is a terrible tv show
/qa/ is like [s4s]-lite since it got raided by /a/, /jp/ or whoever it is
hoodie + leather jacket combo's top
jannys gonna freak
Never thought I'd see another /qa/ goer here
I spend a lot of my time there joining in on the anime shitposting there desu, it was a shit board anyway
Thread posts: 338
Thread images: 66

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