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/brit/ - The Chocolate Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 370
Thread images: 94

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chinese gfs > black gfs
elite edition
love having a dance me
First they came for
Then they came for me and cor blimey, I was the only one left

deuxieme pour j'aime la france

>Girls 'too poor' to buy sanitary protection missing school

>just checked how much tampons are
>£2 for a tampax pack of 20

How can they not afford that?
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Boss sent me this

Oasis were the shit.
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Fucking rank

Piss off jamal
They can. "West Yorkshire" is Bradord, it's muslim families where the dad won't let his daughters use tampons because the bleeding is Allah's punishment for them being whores
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listening to radiohead and doing a depression
putting your height in your tinder bio edition
We live in a poor country that voted to become a hell of a lot poorer.
>"You coming out for a few kobbabergs?"
need to do something about
ahh yes being 15
it's leeds you idiot
it literally says so in the article if you could read things longer than 200-300 characters
what? point is i wouldn't do a big meal for a first date, better to just meet a nice place for a few drinks
3 girls on Tinder want to meet me. One is tall with big tits but she's from Egypt, one is from Kent, cute face but seems high maintenance, and the other is a very pretty Scottish girl with curly hair and nice bum. What do?
lot of niggers in this thread
sounds delish
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>when his tinder bio isn't '6'2 and looking to screw'
is that what muslims believe?
>leaving brexit will mean people will be so poor they can afford to pay £2
>leaving brexit will make any significant difference money wise for the average joe bloggs
i already look like a newfag lol

>but she's from Egypt

Pull a Lawrence and ravage her beneath the burkha
janny's gon FREAK
lads, anybody have that meme of the guy walking through his white middle class neighborhood seeing diversity photos and saying "black people really aren't that bad, guys"?
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some bints start going no bra as soon as it becomes sunny thinking we aint noticing their pancake tits smH
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what do I reply lads? She seems a bit dim
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its funny lads
when i go on tinder i get hundreds of matches, like 75% of my likes get a match
She doesn't wear a headpiece, I don't think she's even muslim and she has blue eyes, bit weird.
3 or 2
with foreigners you dont know what you're going to get
she could show up riding a camel or something
Janny is a nigger loving redditor. Would destroy him 1v1 and he knows it
Lads, can someone explain to me why black people are always the least educated and most prone to criminality in any given society?
that's not it you mong

i know you have it

give it
What's the gif?
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alright mems aside that is not even remotely attractive
not fond of foreners
not racist just dont like em

if she's not muslim I dont' see why the "she's from Egypt" part was "but"

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who here /bulking/

Fuck off
because they excel in athleticism and creativity
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alright lad you can stop posting those pictures now
People are already living payslip to payslip on extremely tight budgets, the cost of living inevitably going up is going to fuck up a lot of people.
She could be a conwoman, a lot of Egyptians are gold diggers or just plain thieves
just been having a chat with one of the promoters for fabric
we're going to look into flying dj vang over for a dnb event
Jesus Christ
*looks at list of black inventions*
>not attracted to black women means you're not attracted to any women

British """intellectuals"""
chinese gf making me dinner lads
love her :)
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what do you say to this?
as in the arts
blacks are undoubtedly the best musicians
Try a french intellectual instead then :

You're a bender.
Pics of your dinner mate? I bet it's literally the dog's bollocks
aldgate place
Are you a hobbit?
>tfw never fucked a black girl
*looks at Mozart, Bach and everyone that's ever composed anything of worth*
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That's their own fault for
-having children
-poor budgeting

Cost of living will always go up and will always fuck up people but implying brexit will be a huge fuck up is unlikely. Too early to say anyway.

I don't like it.

Now suddenly those stats aren't fake when it suits him. Yet the unemployment rate was "as high as 42%" according to him during the election. Double standard.
>leaving brexit
what are you on about la
I bet it's LITERALLY dog's bollocks
Those increases are the long term result of the Obama administration's planning and investment

Stop taking credit for his success #NotMyPresident
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the only good composer is bach
every other piece of classical music gets shat on by sun ra or pharoah sanders
excellent post

the scene needs some fresh talent
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would love to see mozart or beethoven go back to back with wiley and dizzee on rinse fm you twat
We're leaving the vote to leave the EU m8 didn't you know
don't you forget about me
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>Having a chinese gf

the only acceptable Sino women are from HK and Taiwan
Grime tho
*looks at how impossibly white and middle class you are*
>east asian women

pick one and only one
nice edition dio cane
Do black people typically find other black people more attractive? Match with middle-class white qts on Tinder all the time, but don't think I've ever matched with a negress.
>Cost of living will always go up

Doesn't have to.

>implying brexit will be a huge fuck up is unlikely

I didn't say that (even though i think it is) but it's undeniable that a weak pound means more expensive imports and this country imports a lot of shit.
Mozart was black
it's a fact that theDow Jones hit an all time high and is continuing it's ascention.
So he objectively had at least one good impact on the economy
did you just assume what race I identify as?
Yeah they're drawn to their own kind much more than other races
Tom Jones?

quintessentially british
>tfw live in a 95% white town and no black girl to fuck
>those hips
Cable on these sennheiser headphones is so fucking long I trip over it all the time trying to leave my room and nearly break my neck.
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did you know that today I stole from the girl who stole from the stealer of the stealer

That's also why the Brexit remain in England campaign is going nuts
need those legs wrapped round my neck
there has been 75 months straight of job growth
They smell weird
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the welsh (britons) literally aren't white
make britain brown again
president toilet bog fart
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Haven't had sex in 3 months lads
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basildon looks like shit
started splashing my face with cold water after i shower and my skin feels much better. much smoother and healthier.
>brexit and trump happens
>dow jones and FTSE both hit consistent record highs
really makes one think
just buy a shorter lead, most of the high-end ones have removable leads
only black girl I know is the biggest whore I have ever met. She often speaks candidly about fucking blokes she doesn't know bareback. Also has a fucking kid and she's not even 20. Still would though.
drank every day for the last 3 years
just ate a whole bag of lettuce
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The greatest British athlete

nova scotia is getting a rocket launch site
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anyone fancy coming for a few pints at the weekend?
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>£10.00 for a 1.2m lead

Fucks sake
Tied almost exclusively to the weakening of the pound (for the FTSE).
Average Joe gets fucked.
>that jaw
black girls look great and age very well
except about having weird brown kids i dont see why one shouldnt breed with a black girl
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Can't decide whether or not to go to the pub
HATE black woman 'natural' hair, it looks awful.
Stop posting all these black girls. My willy can only take so much
you still with the missus?
>carton of fags
nah they look better with their natural hair than with the weird smelly fake plastic hair
>white """"""women"""""
I rarely see black people but the black women I do see are fat and ape like.
yeah but she's gone for a few days
they smell like shite anyway so I doubt some plastic hair would make a difference
what? I don't see a carton of fags
want a strong black women to curbstomp my bollocks and just beat me up nahmean
where's she been la?
playing away from home again?
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Asda Living
TK Maxx

what other shops do you normally find in a shit retail park?
someone give me a medal for writing that post
redpill me on medium rare
fuck off
just at her place, she doesn't live with me
toys r us
post toot
I prefer really really pale white women
Maybe clean up your room a bit you bum
It's actually highly common
*bums you*
There's yoyr reward;)
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>eating your steak anything but medium rare

square up
black/mixed women might have nice bodies but their african hair will stink
Pets at home
Trump makes everything he hates illegal

Steak that's not well done is now a hanging offence
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>white "women"
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Business idea: Rent a lifelike, fake willy with the size of your choice for up to 24 hours
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Nothing better on earth than a qt latina girl that's loyal to your cock. Their craziness is worth it
>tfw no qt bf
would fucking decimate that thing like it was aleppo
Always thought that people whose mum had a different surname to them were the ultimate runts, and now it's only gone and happened to me. Oh how I've fallen tbqhwy
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What are your thoughts on black girls chocolate nipples and big fat fannies?
just finished shagging the sister
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>tfw exercising makes me more horny and makes my dick harder and cum more
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What are your thoughts on the Irish?
suffering from incontinence

it's hellish
peeled back my foreskin there and my bell end absolutely reeks
>tfw gayposting with some lad
>he tells me to add him
Fug too bad I'm [spoiler] too young [/spoiler] otherwise I would've
quite positive
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we own you, yank
Makes me sad when I see families in London desu. It's all well and good for yuppies to be living in shit flatshares, but if a child is brought up in those conditions and that's all they've ever known then it's just sad
>that kid who's surname changed over the summer holidays when his mum got remarried
Please post extremely pale white women
need to taste some poontang pie
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this tickles your fancy ?
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That's not funny

That's scary

>tfw mum refused to change her name
At least mine's not got remarried (doubt she ever will desu) - just got divorced and went back to her maiden name
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top chebs
Makes me sad seeing any child with clearly povvo/dole parents, they're fucked.

But yeah, wouldn't raise children in London on less than £160k/yr household income.
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>you will never take Nicola Sturgeon's virginity

feels bad
cant really get any conversations (banter if you will) going when there is an image every other post

just my 2p
need a biscoff gf
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what do brits think?

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stoke newington has a whole foods now

my how thing have changed
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ubuntu running really fucking slow in virtualbox. fixes?
I endorse this post.
utterly disgusting
Been worried I might be gay recently, no idea why. Not attracted to men or get a boner over them but have this 'what if I'm gay and don't know it' thing in the back of my mind.
try it and find out
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Which country is England's best ally?
t. bit gay
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bit bent this post
>the black-loving croat

well well well
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alri ireland
dodgy territory

making sexual comments to the work oneitis, not sure how she's going to respond
4 day weekend lads haha
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>living anywhere in this screencap

Definitely Saudi Arabia.
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She's 11/10 but my willy is doing nothing, yet if I look at hentai I get hard.

Am I just wanking to too much hentai?
look at all that racist green space that could be paved over and turned into refugee housing

I'd rather kill myself.
why would you? nobody wants to live there
not very nice, I happen to unironically enjoy living there.

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sorry la, but I'm only into whites

gay and straight don't exist
York is apparently pretty decent
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i imagine even the poorth is better than some islamic shithole
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What's the appeal of this exactly?
no, the picture is by no means stimulating
attracted to women and want to see them with no clothes on, but not at all interested in living with one and talking to her every day
congratulations, you're male
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Me on the left
consider going to prostitutes
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bit scared for you lads
>tfw one of my happiest memories it watching this film with my first (and only) gf

That's why. I feel sick :(
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his right legs looks all off
To me she has small tits and no curves anywhere, the body of a boy with tits.

I want to touch her tummy though
classic image

>assuming my gender
have to agree on all but the tummy, I'm ambivalent on that.
Does anybody know about public key encryption?

So if I wanted to send an encrypted message to a person using WhatsApp it would go something like this.

>I send the message
>It goes to WhatsApp servers which give it an encryption that only matches the person I'm sending it to's encryption phone
>They get it and their phone can unlock it
>They want to send one back to me
>The WhatsApp server codes their message only so my phone can unlock it

and so on?
>over 3 fucking years ago

Good god get me out of here
*does 10 years in guantanamo*
would bum every one of you if i could lads
Can you get up and make me a coffee please, love x
Good thing she's really working her hip to the right, it almost gives the impression of a curve on her fridge like body.
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lads what's the superior ethnicity of women?
*gapes bp*

it's your lucky day

*releases you early and gives you 1 million pounds*

behave now aha
except you
It's lovely.
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>its another normies on facebook go into a frenzy over scaremongering mail articles about dognappers and poisonous energy drinks episode
Ahhhhh yes

Better tag all your mates in case their life is in danger from that bolognese sauce product recall
why do rasheed women have such massive arses
i will hehehe

*runs into camden and starts flinging poo at trannies*
I like how Tim's only 52
everyone has a public and private key pair
public key is fine to be broadcasted anywhere

incredibly simplified but

>you send a message
>whatsapp gives you public key of recipient
>you encrypt using their public key, can only be decrpyted using the correct private key pair
>they decrypt using their private key
got a dick appointment
What I meant is that there isn't enough to get a boner from

please bum me i'm desperate
This post is twisting my melon.

Are you imparting your knowledge of public key encryption or are you asking us about public key encryption?
don't forget the bananas injected with aids or the poisoned dog treats
west/central asian
Great anon, thanks.

Just a quick question on the technicality, if I was to say use WhatsApp and send you a message, before sending the message to the server to be encrypted, I'm guessing it asks the server for your public key which goes back to my phone, then encrypts the message, THEN sends it to their server and on to you so it can be unlocked by you?
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I like fiction as much as the next guy but come on
remembering the cuckio meme and having a giggle
Blacks belong to USA
Sorry anon, I was asking for confirmation as to whether or not I had it right, not trying to impart any knowledge.
*looks at you in disgust*
there's some protocol which gives you the public key of the recipient to your device

encryption/decryption happens on device, what is transmitted over the wire is unreadable without the correct private key
He pulls a muscle the second the race starts.
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told the gf I didn't like tattoos and it backfired on me horribly (she has four)
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What's a good bike for commuting?
would unironically attend a brit meetup
is she degenerate?
told the bf that I don't like being a bottom and so he shagged me even harder
Question : in british culture are greeks stereotyped as gay ?
not really

greeks are fat lazy bastards who sit on their arses eating olives all day while they plan weddings
Amazing, thanks anon. Just wanted to make sure I was understanding right and that the message wasn't first sent to the servers BEFORE being encrypted and the encryption/public key was already known before the message leaves the phone.

Thanks again, seems complicated at first but after ten minutes reading it makes perfect sense.

can someone link me to the original tweet where the pic of deano came from
I wish I had a gay geek bf
nah, the french are though

if you want more in depth
wouldn't say so but her tattoos aren't not completely degenerate if you catch my drift
he's fast
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the ginger kid I bullied at secondary school is in the army now
looks like a right tosser
He's here
He walks amongst us, lads.
he's here

did i get banned for posting women again?
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they used to be but not for a couple of decades, more bisexual than gay though, not fussy i think was the general feel.
nah just lazy
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he's here
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Considering downloading all my torrents on the campus wifi
Janny should make the thread for us

enjoy prison
what a fucking creature
there was a ginger kid in my school who would insult me and my mum with every insult under the sun

I called his mum a fat whore one day and he threw me up against a wall and shouted "She's got fucking cancer you prick. She's going to fucking die in a few weeks. If you talk like that again I'm going to fucking stab you"

She died YEARS later so I'm not sorry for what I said
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Janny has been exposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janny McFree is on form tonight
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what did tim mean by this?
how do you change gear on a car that has those paddle shifters on the steering wheel? do you have to press the clutch in?
haha you little scrawny cunt, would've put him out
fuck off
does the car have a clutch pedal?
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that's an automatic you bellend
>yank walks into /brit/

janny is working overtime today
voice activated

the giga normslags at work absolutely love that cashmeoutside meme
me at the bottom
no idea, don't know if you have them

no it isn't
>walk into /brit/


yeah la that'll show him
NOT going to like this
Hahaha I live in Glasgow
trying to stop objectifying my female colleagues but they've all got lovely arses
JANNY BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have something I want to post but we keep getting janny'd
But the Scottish Borders are comfy and rich
why isn't janny deleting it
still not going to risk filling a captcha put in that thread

he must be saving up for something
got caught staring at a co-workers tits earlier, she was bent over and i could see right down her top

had lovely tits, when i looked up she was staring straight at me, she smiled a bit but didn't say anything
she wants your spunk inside her arse mate
janny is sprinting through the catalog deleting everything

what did we do wrong?
no, i'm ugly and she's pretty plus she's married

waiting to get my bollocks caved in by HR
is objectifying women the same as enjoying looking at them?

can i look at women without it being a male gaze?
Janny on Gook Moot's gooch
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