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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 81

Real Nigga Hours Edition
boi u stupit
Real loli hours edition
>It doesn't give me a free iPhone 5
>tfw get paid 8000 a year to jerk off and eat Chic-Fil-A
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What a shitty thread.
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what a shitty gimmick
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I have been awake for around 41 hours
failed my test lol

I really dont know what to post, i read the whole thread and nothing comes to mind.
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I should be working out
I should be studying
I should be socializing more
I should take more risks
I should better myself every day
I should eat healthier
I should be more responsible
I should be nicer
I should listen to my family
I should advance my career
I have a networking test tomorrow, I know I'll fail

I have a programming test on friday, I know I'll fail

Join the club
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>sitting in department's common room
>slinging banter with the pals
>girl I hit it off with last week comes in again
>sits next to me and puts her head phones in
>don't talk to her since she's listening to music even though she is definitely skipping class to be here
>storms of 15 minutes later
heading down to the gf store in a minute
>Obama tried to replace the most conservative voice on the perfectly balanced court with a center leftist
I never really thought of how shitty that was. what a fag
might drop the course
>I should be working out
>I should be studying
I just finished my systems analysis project, gtfo
>I should be socializing more
had sex with a beautiful woman 4 years younger than me last night
>I should take more risks
probably true
>I should better myself every day
oh shut up
>I should eat healthier
maybe less liquor, but I'm on a chicken, milk, and veggies 1600 calories tops diet rn
>I should be more responsible
I'm very responsible
>I should be nicer
yeah probably
>I should listen to my family
I deeply respect my father and his accomplishments, as well as the rest of my family
>I should advance my career
I'm graduating over the summer
pick me up a blue eyed tan brunette lad
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>everybody hates me now

What happened.
My man nobody gives a fuck
hey pick me up somethin willya
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never forget.jpg
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I have a German friend who went to a Mexican university, he said they're actually pretty good with great infrastructure
>[president] tries to replace dead court justice with [member of their own party that will advance their ideology/agenda]
All posts below this post are good vibes
Pick me up brown eyes brunette, if they're out then a blonde

I'll leave the money on the table
What? The dude on the right is gay af
kill youself stupid fucking caraposter i would not hesitate to defenestrate you if we ever met in real life just die already
yeah i listen to pear jam, what of it???
Don't listen to him anon I care
*calls you a baby*
not at all ironically I like pearl jam
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You posted that FASexican repeatedly
no u r baby
I am boss
Whats wrong with you
I don't like pearl jam
whats pearl jam
never listened to em
jam, with the color of pearl
I'll give you a sample
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in, spoke in
Jeremy spoke in, spoke in
just banter haha
We are reaching /lat/ levels of quality.

Maybe im not wrong and this is a shitty thread.
stop posting
Every fucking thread you post the same picture and say "What a shitty thread."
Unironically fucking hate pearl jam tbqh
I can't click links my phone is on wifi
I want to make brownies but I don't want to misappropriate anyone.

all grunge is trash for 14 year olds or kids that never grew out of acting like one
You thought Vault 7 was bad......

just wait until vault 8...........

We just have a small village next to a church controlled by the cartel.

And everything is in sepia.
Nirvana for example is ebin shit
Kurt Cobain was a huge pussy and I'd HEEM that junkie fag with ease
For when you get over your grunge faze :^)
>plane flight so early I can't go to sleep
that taxi better show up
Soundgarden is the only "grunge" band I publicly endorse.
>le asspained grunge fan face
Yes they are, since barely anyone makes it to University.
I've never been on a plane before
Is it fun?
might do an ironic suicide but not actual have it be ironic just using irony as a defense mechanism so no one calls me a loser
everyone screams during takeoff and it's extremely expensive
holy shit, have fun then
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>committing suicide when there is always the off chance that hell is real
Do it for art you could get a full scholarship afterwards

which should I pick?
i will try
Not him. Mexico is Brazil-lite concerning income inequality. I graduated one of the most prestigious unis in the country, while at the same time you could go party with the lowest of the underclasses because their neighborhood is just next door. This uni was full of foreigners and rich fucks. Some of these rich kids are completely disconnected from what I like to call "the Mexican reality". People who unironically lock the house maid's room at night so that she won't steal jewelry or leave.

Sharing some insight.
>centuries old, disproven, philisophical wager
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Don't pick anything spooky
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>voting when there is always the off chance that reptiles control the government
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Where to cop slavic wife. interpals a fucking shit and i live in a cowtown without many euro immigrants.
Once I get a basic handle on the language im moving to fuckin odessa. Fuck it.
Mormon gfs
>not repenting before sudoko

east island jewfu
how old are you
business idea: convince all the impressionable adolescents they are depressed and anxious so we can sell them antidepressants to dull their emotions and make them complacent
My favorite part is when the plane lands and everybody claps
I never sleep when I've to take a plane next day because I get paranoid I won't wake up in time. I take about 8 planes a year.
Why is that? Cost? Admission standards?
3 hours to respond to 2 of my classmates discussion board posts

dont think I'll make it in time. Might as well drop out now
>voting when 1(one) vote doesnt matter
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Oh it's fun you irrelevant flyover state burger.
same. Mostly i'm worried about the taxi company fucking up. they're very unreliable outside standard day hours.
Takeoff and landing is fun. Everything else is like being on a bus in the sky. Sometimes a gay guy brings you something to drink.
Fuck that shit man. Just don't do it.
Call'em faggots

works everytime
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Hola, soy Presidente
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are you slav?
also convince them they were born the wrong gender so they cant breed
I do this too.

Once i unironically lost a flight but it was all good since there were some payment problems.
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>believing in any sort of -ism
Wew lad. I'm not even talking about pascal's wager, more like the atheist's wager. There is ALWAYS the off chance that there is an afterlife, whether or not a "god" exists
>implying repenting would do anything
>not realizing that the government has to advocate that everyone vote in order to eliminate the free rider problem, because making people believe their vote matters gets people off their lazy asses to participate in democracy
antidepressants just fuck your shit up worse unless you are a true headcase. If you arent they will turn you into one. Genuinely believe it's a conspiracy.

I have actually never voted in my life but im voting for whoever Pan chooses in 2018.

Everything but him ffs.
You can't survive in Mexico with the salary of just one highschool-level job like in the USA; so it's unlikely you'll manage to both study and work simultaneously.

Also, since most unis are free, some of them have relatively high standards in order to weed out idiots.

It's a combination of things.
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Easter is coming fast. Will you celebrate?

Mid 20s. Maybe.
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Time for bed
Humanism. Not the + "intersectional kind", the genuinely caring Star Trek kind.
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>Also, since most unis are free, some of them have relatively high standards in order to weed out idiots.
Hell no, not unless it benefits me to appear to adhere to that sort of thing

I tend to avoid socializing with my family though
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>Voting for PAN

Good meme. Enjoy a thousand years of brutal drug wars.
I have to make hundreds of pudahey for easter
>he is not only a CHI but also a leftie

And they say God doesnt punish twice.
Interesting, thanks mexibro for the info
"relatively" is the key here.

I know of uncultured brutes that are unable to pass the entry exams for being a Nurse in UNAM, UAM, UAG, fucking UABC, etc. Anything with math is almost assured to be idiot-free.
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>going to bed at 8 PM
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>i want a slav qt
>i am not a slav

Every single character and pixel within post is oozing with uninformed smarminess and body odor

This entire post is literally a fedora, this is a physical object that has somehow manifested into the internet
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That's where you're wrong anon, I am only leftist.
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Your argument really, really convinced me, anon. Your argument is so perfect I cannot believe how stupid I have been all these years. Man you sure are eloquent, I could never dream of providing a rebuttal, anon.
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>7 out of 8 of my assignments are an A or a B, but 1 F because turnitin didnt work & Im sitting at a C
regardless of if there is an afterlife you still don't know what the proper moral conduct is in order to get there

suicide might be preferred and a traditional moral life may lead to damnation
For some reason I was thinking left handed
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Feels good.png
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>TFW out of college and no longer remember the pains of turnitin
>professor hasn't graded anything since week 2
Is craigslist the online version of walmart?
What kind of strike involves employers kissing the asses of the people striking and letting them do it no problem? Why didn't they just call it #ADayWithVacations?
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>only 2 things total graded by midterm
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Welcome to Murica. Where freedom ain't free....nor is it actually freedom.
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>start slacking off in classes and rather turn to drugs because I have no set long term goals and have to manage the energy to give a rat's ass about responsibilities

There aren't any set, universal moral codes, true. But there are clear things that most peoples and cultures regard as moral things to do.

These things include honesty, loyalty, integrity, hard work, generosity, and shit like that. Basically, being a good neighbor is something hardly anyone could say is anything but right behavior.

It has always been that way, men let women believe they are doing things.

But of course also women let men believe they are doing things because vaginas, so is a manipulation loop.
Who /chilling/ here?

Taking all easy classes this semester, literally ahead on all my homework. Exams I get As with minimal effort
lol u got proof of that bullshit

no? thats becuase its retarded nonsense
What does doing right have to do with the afterlife? It could be a place just for the Manson family. The afterlife being a reward for virtuous people is grounded in traditional religious thinking.

Personally, I believe suicide is the only way to a pleasant afterlife, and I will be arriving shortly.
the juggalos near my house are so loud for hours until 4 am make it stop
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I could dig out sources to prove my claim my man

If you study cultures for the history of all mankind you how common these values are

I'm not going to waste the time I should be using to study for this deadly exam tomorrow to find sources to back up my claim but I'd rather you do that, or at least dig some source that shows how some cultures value Machiavellianism or something like that
chillin because i refuse to do my homework Tbh
But you're still rooted in the notion that the afterlife must obey the rules by human retards from hundreds/thousands of years ago. You can source it all day, my dude, but it's still meaningless jibber in this context. Kind of like the whole argument you managed to start. "We can't know anything about the afterlife, man, it's a mystery. By the way, these cultures share this belief, and I have these sources..."
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The afterlife could be anything. but I think if there is an afterlife, and it is unpleasant for you, you can at least curse God and say that you tried to be a good person who acted out of duty and DIDNT kill himself. If there is no afterlife or if it's only reserved for good, religious people, then who gives a shit.

Me, I would rather take my chances and try to appease a benevolent God who would at least reward me for semi decent behavior and not send me to eternal damnation. I couldn't give a rat's ass about heaven, I just don't want to find myself in hell
Ah, I see. One of those skeptics who hasn't shaken his true faith and who is also a huge coward.
Call the police
no you can't

you can prove something that isn't based in reality
Look, I understand it all seems completely ridiculous. I'm just saying even if it's a 0.000000000000000001% chance that hell is a place that you could go to, it's worth considering living a good life and not killing yourself.

Also see this>>72066259
If you live a good, long life doing right to everyone and still find yourself in hell, then you can at least comfort yourself in the knowledge that God isn't just and that you are in good company
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Yes, I am an internet philosopher and I'm here to talk to you about morality
wherever you are state farm is there
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You forgot

>i post anime pics all day
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K then I don't have the time to follow this
I did abandon my faith for years before I had a very traumatic experience with LSD. During it I came to believe I met God, which led me to start believing again then and there. Then, the experience became hellish. I was told things like God has a sense of humor, everything to the very last little detail has been designed, and then a bunch of crazy shit after the seemingly benevolent figures left.

Afterward, I fell for some shit that I was to be the next coming of Jesus and was "tricked" into summoning Satan into the whole experience. I was then shown horrific torments for hours and hours.

Needless to say, I was left a complete shell of a person for over a year after this experience. To this day, I still cannot do psychedelics without having horrific experiences and I still have nightmares every other night.

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Tbh this shit is helping me study a little because coincidentally my exam tomorrow is for my philosophy of religion course

>inb4 fedora

After my hellish LSD experience I had to find something to make sense of things, and this course does just that
After abusing psychoactive drugs I find that my mental state isn't what it used to be
I got myself to a healthy weight but now I feel like shit all the time. I felt like I was going to collapse walking from my job to my car.
makes me think
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Yeah, I used to be an almost completely uncaring, angry, pathologically lying, petty criminal. Now I more or less am an honest person who tries to follow a set of morals

Maybe it's simply out of fear of damnation but it is what it is
I too am very afraid that hell is real. It's probably my biggest fear.
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>tfw I feel like I killed the thread now I actually have to focus on studying
honestly pretty soon Mexico is going to have to try and keep the whites out once trump absolutely butt fucks america

so we might as well learn their culture now
be gone satan
honestly the shit I post that gets good numbers

fucking kek
the worst shithole in the US is better than anywhere in mexico
i can't escape the feeling this will be me, and I will get played by a gold digger. i'm just not socially skilled enough to avoid them
Got home from work and crashed, slept for 4 hours... now I won't sleep tonight. Might play viddy games
stop bullying mehiko
lol autism
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Stop calling me gay
ay caramba
stop bullying america

Really nice post my man.
Is there anybody out there
You don't really believe that, do you?
>Cara is below cockroaches
Really makes you think...
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dodie (1).png
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finally back to my decent computer

feels good man

Nobody cares.
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mother should i build the wall
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i got like 5 (you)s last time i talked about it you fucking goofball
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2016 was a very good year for memes.
When I was 3 I had some weird complication with my testicles. My parents told me about it when I was too young to understand and I can't remember what they said. I wonder what's wrong with them.
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hmm yes, very interesting

Well now you only got mine so i was righgt.
Hi guys I'm totally enlightened and respilled ask me anything
*allows the autism to consume the remainder of his normiehood*

I am finally the perfect being.
My Mexican gf
third eye is being pryed open as we speak right now buds
I'm thinking really hard at this.
Is she English
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Tell her to turn the flash on
Brit faces are cute
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Really terrible example of an attractive british woman, if it is actually a woman.
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Post an attractive example

No Emma Watson ofc
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>Oi luv, take a pic for the gram!
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Reply to this post and I kill this entire thread.
Think I won't?
Only one way for you and everyone else to find out.
Sorry bud but>>72066862 is better
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Virtually any of them
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>being blind
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Thats the same autist, looks like a fuckin dude.
what do you wear for a job interview for an office job, /cum/? like jeans and a polo?
socks only
Bathing suit and wife beater.
T shirt of his favorite band and golf pants.
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A suit, if anything a polo and slacks. No jeans
cargo shorts
Seriously, though, don't go in jeans.
Put on your proxy again
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Cargo shorts, socks, and sandals
glad this guy lit the place up with some candles to make it more atmospheric

I don't use proxies but if I did I'd stop cause I don't post here often enough anymore to care about psuedo tripping with a foreign flag.
gonna beat the fuck out of you
*teleports behind you*
>The caves were reportedly sealed up in 2012
deus vult????? anno domini????
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The Templars were good people.
Don't let the memes get to you.
I've failed 3 tests so far.

1 for programming, left mid-test because I don't know shit about programming. Teacher is going to overwrite it with my final grade though.

1 for math, was sick, and the teacher refused to give me the test because she already handed it back.

1 for physics.

Didn't spend a second studying any of these.
unironically wear birkenstocks
Do not wear flipflops. Crocs are more professional
checks out

are you a lesbian as well?
im a male (male)
riders and socks are comfy and appropriate for any outing

ask anyone who makes fun of you why they think it's so funny and watch them instantly come out with "u mad" and "because it is"

break the conditioning
Got a biochem exam in two days and I haven't had much time to study, because I'm terrible at time management.
This Bio Cell lab report is eating up more time than I thought.
Luckily, I'm just retaking Biochem, and this is a relatively easy exam that should only require reviewing, as I got a B on this particular one last time.
Which post will sit at the top of the historical 4chan archive in some future museum? How much will they weigh /int/'s contributions? /cum/'s?
The one about his post being art
The one about the mushrooms on the cum rag.

No post has ever reached the core of what 4chan is about like that one.
The one from early 2015 saying Trump would win the Presidency and got digits.
>someday in the future ex-4chan posters will be giving interviews on TV about 4chan
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Are you gay if you've had a single gay experience?
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Caraposting is an art.
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I'm going to fail this fucking philosophy exam tomorrow hard

If push comes to shove I can just drop out right?

Fuck me though I have too much free money riding on this :-)

a* art
What experience was that?
That's the only way to really know if you're NOT gay. If you try it once and don't like it, you're not gay. If you like it, you're gay. If you never try, you're insecure with your sexuality.
the* art
Fags need to leave
this'n* art
unironically this

I'd even try to weasel my way into co-authoring a school textbook to make sure it happens.

This, only real man confident in their sexuality can suck a dick.
I agree. Straights OUT
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I'm just wondering, I'm not gay

So if I've never done gay stuff then I'm insecure? wat
resist fag marriage
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Hey I'm not a fag I was just curious. Women have gay experiences all the time in college but are never called gay. Does that work with men?
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I just heard a godawful sound outside, like someone opening a rusted old bunker door. but amplified by 10. Time to die to the transformer aliens goodbye /cum/
>queers constantly trying to coerce others into thinking theyre fags

Keep your illness to yourself. This is why we have tranny bathrooms and 12 year olds running around thinking they are a "third gender"
Push comes to shove, go to CC, get more free money there.

>tfw I have time to watch videos about the Bogdanoffs but can't seem to make time to study
>just wondering
Shan't be believing that, who touched you?
i only jerk off to futa on futa, futa on girl, futa on trap, trap on trap, and ecchi
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I am not gay.
patrician taste
Nobody is responsible for the actions of anyone else senpai, stop spreading your shit tier ideology.
You are gay, anon
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You know not what vibrant sexual enthalpies you are toiling with.
What do all those words even mean?
I have rare romantic feelings towards men. Like I'll think the guy is really cute, but I have no sexual feelings towards them.

Weird as fuck. I think I'm seeking affection where I can find it because tfw no gf.
no shit
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How many collegegoing anons browse /cum/ anyway?

I'm used to there being far more NEETs on the chan
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>I'll think the guy is really cute
You are too far gone, just let the autism take you now.
>i sometimes think guys look cute
>i fap to traps, but im not gay
>i'd only ever hook up with a guy while drunk

its okay to be gay
>I have rare romantic feelings towards men
faggot kys
i'm NEET
I do the same thing. I think I, like most other people alive, am at least partially gay. Like I can't get sexually aroused to dudes but I can feel some sort of attraction to particularly attractive ones

Does that put me at like a 1 on the fag scale?
The fuck is up with you? Are you a drunken retard too?
Yeah, I have no idea what's going on. Whenever I get the feeling it's usually with really really feminine looking men.

I think I need a GF asap, this lack of affection is seriously hurting my mind.
>its okay to be gay

The pious among fags will repent and the rest of the deviants will burn eternally in the lake of fire and AIDS
No it isn't
i miss toontown desu
You can spot a piece of shit on the tip of a pitchfork from 400 yards away -- even if it's behind a tree. But what's more awe-imspirin' than that is the gen-you-wine level of southern charm and herd thinkin' you show every day. If this describes ya, then we'd be mightily obliged for you to perform one of the grandest chores in our saloons. 'Cuz, hay, the spittoon ain't gonna be spat in out if it ain't empty.
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No I'm a robitussin and occasionally DUDE WEED loving retard
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uhm what's wrong with liking other men?
>Does that put me at like a 1 on the fag scale?

10. You're gay if you're attracted to men bud.
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my black timbs do me well, when i see a fool and he says he heard me tell
its ok if they pretend to be a girl
It's a little gay to be frank
I do the same thing as this anon>>72067931 exactly

I am incapable of jacking off to dudes and can never feel the level of complete hnnnnnnnnnnng that I feel with females when it comes to men though
You risk whatever city you reside in of being annihilated by divine wrath.
Keep that in mind instead of cocks.
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Thank you Chris Columbus, thank you 1492
that seems like a terrible feel t b h.
Faggots have disgraced themselves in the eyes of God

>Nobody is responsible for the actions of anyone else

So if you were otherwise stable and I told you to "commit suicide" and you did it, it's got nothing to do with me? Cool.

The truth is that society and culture as well as upbringing shape the individual. I really don't buy that "i was born a fag" shit at all. Putin has the right idea, at the very least keep it away from kids.
Technically speaking the bible says you cannot lay with another man, it does not say you can't have feelings for another man.
what a gritty limerick.
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DJ Khaled - Do You Mind ft. Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, August Alsina, Jeremih, Future, Rick Ross
Just a reminder that Whites were created by a mad scientist in the Caucus Mountains
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That's my excuse for futas.
I have a question for all you faggots. How the fuck can you find another man sexually attractive? I will never understand you homos.
>he stole my indian crying gif
Damn redman!
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>waiting on new thread as 300 replies hits
>implying we weren't made in the alps and left our scientist to populate the western world
My brotha, my brotha Fist of Flames, Yakub resides in the cave of a Greek island.
Stake woke, y'all.

use old
Just a reminder that i fucking u mom
>sodomy is a sin
>fantasizing about sins is a sin
>ergo fantasizing about gay sex would have to a sin

you goan go ta hell
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