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Thread replies: 393
Thread images: 81

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No edition.
Previously: >>71932932.
stop trying to make linking the previous thread a thing you fat fucking bellend
GOOD post

Excellent Viewing
This one is better
piss of threadwars
the post count hath spoken
This was made first
Shut the fuck up
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FOY this is better
umm no sweetie x
aussie privilege
Shall be using this thread.
jaja k picardia

Is this the new Fred
don't give him a (you)
Do not reply to y*nks
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will y*nks ever recover?
snapchatting with some girl, i'm sending solidly banterful ones and she's not being funny
the river temarc
in winter
A dog and a wolf are much more closely related than whites and blacks
yank btfo
ooga booga dindu nuffin
*rubs his tummy and plays with his ears*
take THAT you feline CUNT
janny just delivered the finishing blow haha
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kpop tbh lads.jpg
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kpop and jpop is for bent mongs
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>It's a mum comes into your room and begs you to go to talk to the GP about your depression episode

Shan't be doin' that lads
you a petit filou man
down to my last scrumpy jacks
just bought some blow haha

i love those episodes
ah yes, runt juice
so you have "depression" but you've never been to a gp?
*plays with your feminine willy*
Your making such a cute face
More shocking evidence just released by the Trump White House
going to be doing this soon. really want to get it sorted because i am not coping at all atm haha x
worst value drug in the world
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Trump built Trump Tower when New York City was totally stagnant, economy struggling, rampant crime, the city had to be bailed out and couldn't even keep the lights on. But he had the balls and the intelligence to put together a very complex development and make it successful.
That's not what he said
Literally Stalin's granddaughter lads
unsurprising to say the least
me and the lads
What's wrong with dyed hair?
Did the man build a building

my anxiety is bad enough that i'm scared of even phoning the GP for an appointment, so i just self medicate with darknet benzos and booze and my health is really suffering
Cat has woken up and fucked off
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did the man bribe some officials
New York City in 1860 was 25% irish and 25% german
just get some mates lol
Mad that there hasn't been a major plane crash in the UK since 1989
Nothing in itself, the overall image is pretty unapologetically freakish/obnoxious

Follows a pretty typical trend of adopting an overly abrasive image for the sake of "individuality" which is a load of bollocks when you all look like shite the exact same way.
Nearly spat out my morning coffee
An isolated body in otherwise empty space has no inertia.

>tfw been once but the GP clearly didn't give a shit and gave me a leaflet and got me to fuck off as quickly as possible without doing anything

Literally think about offing myself daily ahahaha
imagine the banter
>An isolated body in otherwise empty space

sounds like half the lads on here
Fucking yanks no one gives a fuck
will never forget the time I came across a cat that had just been hit by a car and as a result had its brains literally strewn across the road, but was still alive and was thrusting about
>was walking my dog and she lunged at the poor thing just to make sure it was dead
go to a private therapist, gps are often pretty shit about mental health. A lot of therapists also aren't too expensive
> And remember what happened to the Aborigines. A more advanced race nearly wiped 'em out.
feeling shitty and lonely
having a great time
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holy shiit

that's how you write a a story

Literally spend 70% of my wage on rent, can't afford any kind of therapist.
Do not appreciate sad cat stories
what happened in the brit yank war earlier i had to go out
that's the thing though, she doesn't look "different"

There are a million immature idiots that look just like her. In itself, sure, that's all fine. The problem lies in expecting people to respect your opinion on important matters when you look like you don't even respect yourself.

I found my neighbours cat dying after being hit by a car, she took about 5 minutes to die, I was about 10 and I cried my eyes out
we won
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>Fucking yanks no one gives a fuck
ah good i was hoping brit won
need some ASMR to send me into a restful sleep thanks x
In the morning, after my coffee, I like to read through /brit/ and have some cheeky banter with the lads.
that's not anxiety (the illness).

That's just nerves (being a coward)
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Ah yes yahoo answers
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>that's not anxiety (the illness).
>That's just nerves (being a coward)
*taps GoPro*
*reads out registration number loudly*

not enough planes init

cant see the round in europe or america for flights

the only bit of britain that clustered is heathrow
pretty face, shame about the boff
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me irl
hes not wrong
I'm so lonely tbqh.
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rag'n'bone man.jpg
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really fucking hate this fat cunt and his shit music

is the selection of females that grim where you live? she looks about 40
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the gf
I fap twice today.
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How can Aussie 'men' even compete?

In 2013 the UK had the third highest number of passengers carried of any country, behind only the United States and China
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lol (laughing out loud)
Come lay on my bed next to me anon I'll warm you up as well ;)
Goddamn it how much test you think these cunts are on. 500? 1000?
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Dr. Rothbard, I'm NAP..jpg
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disgusting roastie flaps
>is the selection of females that grim where you live?
yes I live in Salford
me on the left
Are you a girl?
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Apparently, South Yorkshire was traditionally part of the Midlands.

Which makes sense, because it is in the Midlands. Not the North.
Quite annoyed that the cat left now
but she's 2D :/
searching for ASMR, found a poor bastard with 14 views
hello, brits
gib slags pls
need my sack boxed off by that big bastard
roasties out

front bums in
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Nice that you gave him another view
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Why are Britain and Spain so good friends despite all this old wars and battles?

go back to /cum/
all heathrow init
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is google maps taking the piss? coventry showing up before birmingham?
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>Doctor Pavel, I be Captain Bill.
>He wasn't alone.
>Arrr, ye don't get to bring yer mateys.
>They not be me mateys.
>No need to worry, no doubloons for them.
>Why I be wantin' them?
>They be tryin' to grab yer treasure. They work for the privateer, the masked pirate.
>Get them on the ship, I'll send a message.
>[water sounds]
>Arrr, the shipping plan I just filed with Pirate Cove lists me, me crew, and doctor Pavel here, but only one o' ye!
>[First Mate Smee lowers the plank]
>First one o' ye to talk gets to stay on me ship!
>Who paid ye to shanghai Doctor Pavel?
>[shoots a musket into the air]
>He didn't swim so good! Who be wantin' to try next?
>Tell me about Banebeard! Why he be wearin' the mask?
>[loads musket]
>A lot o' loyalty for a hired pirate!
>Or perhaps he be wonderin' why someone would shoot a man, before making him walk the plank.
>[Smee lifts the plank]
>At least ye can talk. Who are ye?
>Arrr, it don't matter who we be, what be matterin' be our plan.
>No one be carin' who I was 'til I put on this mask.
>If I pulled that off, would ye go to Davy Jones' Locker?
>It would be extremely painful.
>Ye be a big pirate.
>For ye.
>Was stowin' away part o' your plan?
>Of course!
>[A larger ship rapidly approaches]
>Doctor Pavel be refusin' our offer in favour of ye, and we had to find out if he told ye where the treasure is buried.
>Nothin'! I be sayin' nothin'!
>Well good on ye! Ye stowed away!
>Now what's the next step o' yer master plan?
>Sinking this ship.
>[pirates on the other ship prepare to board]
>Draggin' ye all to the bottom!
>[Banebeard punches the captain]
>Shiver me timbers!
>[swordfight breaks out, with Banebeard's crew victorious]
>[Bane's First Mate prepares to leave after blowing a hole in the side of the ship]
>Yarrr, they be expectin' one of us in the shipwreck me boy!
>Have we released the Kraken?
>[autistic screeching from Pavel]
>Arrr, calm down doctor, now not be the time for fear. That comes later.
spaniards are good guys
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Not portugal is /ourguy/
If I can't get any how can I give you one?
brie larson, elizabeth olsen, jane levy, jessica brown findlay, imogen poots, alia shawkat, hayden panettiere, ashley benson, and taylor swift desu
*rattles janny's cage*
get up you fucking runt, time to clean up after people and earn your wage

nobody wants to be reminded that birmingham exists
>alia shawkat
searching for old anime series, found this

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I'll make sure to point that out next time thanks.
liverpool mentioned
probably because we were never directly in eachothers doorstep
Brits aren't friends with mexicans
just learned how to pirate books onto my kindle
fucking hell how do they get away with making it so piss easy
lets look for slags together
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reminder there is a janny in this thread right now and hes waiting to do his virginly deeds
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poots is england
holy shit it's real
thanks you
It boggles the mind how this county can be considered northern, when it's clearly in the Midlands.
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me visiting london x
that's the coluseum retard
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>tfw I'm a gay poster AND a commie poster
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bow low.png
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Peasants, make way!

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Me in the bin
no it's the pyramids

need to put my willy in hannah while laying on top of her
it would be like fucking a marshmellow
morning lads
South Yorkshire is the Toronto of the North, I wish someone would nuke it.
I am unbelievably fucking ugly

My entire life will be shit as a result
my dad is Tony blair fucking bastard child
What is the most you have done with a girl?
and 28
holy shit

you should be king of england
more evidence of the smear campaign
'England' is ALWAYS conveniently placed there when they could easily move it slightly north or south where there's nothing there
Just stop being ugly it's not hard Jesus
which one would you put your willy in first?
post face so we can make a judgement
Greater London
What? Im not 28
so south yorkshire is actually london?
*spray paints a big fat willy on your front door*
sick of being a boy might become a girl
it's almost midnight you mad cunt
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official english divide map.png
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not even close sweetie x
No because London is not in the North.
not ugly
kangawoo hahaha learn to speak you bumbling spastic

can't imagine you trying to talk to a girl
Be my gf (male)
I just wake up from my midday nap siesta.
poor anglesey :[
>lad meets some top lad at a drake concert in london
>he sees he has tobacco
>literally grabs a pinch and stuffs it up in his lip
>goes everywhere
>asks "is it good?"
wanted to puke when I heard about this
Already packed my bags, m8. Tell the queen and her german mongrels that they have 48 hours to vacate the palace grounds.
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>anglesey isn't wales
Yeah, no. Fuck off retard.
none lol
i dont want to get dick herpes
friends found all the far right literature on my kindle today and he wont talk to me anymore
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>get council house
>be eligible to pay rent
>get letter
>promise to pay
>get another letter
>promise to pay
>get 3rd letter
>make repayment arrangement
>break it
>get notice of proceedings
>give sob story and promise to pay
>get court summons
>promise to clear entire outstanding balance
>pay £5
>miss court
>give sob story
>get court fee letter
>don't pay
>get another court date
>send representation
>get evicted
>plead homelessness
>get another council house

ah yes, very good
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>this is what southerners believe
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Nice bit of trolling.

Here's the unedited one.
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lmao rorke twat
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>all the far right literature on my kindle
Lol happened to me except it was far left lit and they all told me I was based although out of curiousty was books where they?
why haven't venables and thompson had their skulls caved in yet
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was -8 this morning and my water pipes were froze up when i got out of bed
so it's morning too :D
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the midlands.jpg
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woops x
still blows my mind that it's an island
i'm a radical midlander
that was pre industrial revolution
the midlands enlightenment created a new area which ironically is right on the borderline of your image
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mate found my dildo drawer and i caught him playing with the,
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went for a walk in the park and spotted this
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stop bringing your poorthern genes to the south
Rag'n'Bone Man?

More like Poo'n'Shit Man.
ahh yes, the height discussion
new and exciting revelations await us
t. manlet
Post cats lads
I am literally sat on the toilet shitting right now.
I'm 5'4"
doing a work tomorrow
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went for a walk in the house and spotted this
i'm miss dynamite teehee
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Would you fug?
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>Shortly before his 2001 release and when aged 17, Venables was alleged to have had sex with a woman who worked at the Red Bank secure unit where he was held. The female staff member was accused of sexual misconduct and suspended; she never returned to work at Red Bank

Wow so women will literally fuck child killers but won't even go on a date with me
Might try to do less wanks so I'll be more motivated to pursue women. Haven't really felt like I could be bothered looking for another girl since I started my new job last summer.

Do normies consider it weird to do like 4-6 wanks a day in your early 20's? Sometimes feel like the damn thing is gonna fall off.
>work tomorrow
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don't recognise people below 6'0 as white desu
what is it though
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>even if love exists most people will probably never experience it
>tfw no longer care about tfw no gf because love is a fools errand and infatuation (what most people experience) is temporary and exists solely to make people breed
Robot Wars was pretty shit desu. Only decent moment was when the all-female team got utterly BTFO
Nigga be looking like an Oblivion NPC.
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>Wow so women will literally fuck child killers but won't even go on a date with me
great post, i read it
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The fucking STATE of London/southerners
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Because you lack social confidence and Venables does not.
think i've seen this bloke before cos he's interacted with some decently funny leftist lads on twitter
doesn't seem like he gets the whole "irony" aspect though
how are you built
have read the words amitage shanks waaaaaayyyyy too many times desu
does he post here?
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Bit mean desu
was with him until he mentioned being a londoner
far prefer northerners to londoners x
Stocky, wide shouldered.
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cant seem to find the remote x
told my friends i like the daily mail because they usually have lots of pictures and they started laughing at me
Are we arguing about north v south or height, make your fucking mind up.
really activated my almonds
it's a meme lad you are supposed to say something like "like an icelandic construction worker"
>exam tomorrow
do girls fannys open up when they spread their legs?
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I don't like memes.
so dick can get in
All very nice cats, good posts
This guy is from Brighton.
literally every time i do a wee . can't help myself
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well your life is a meme
1003' and built like the Shard
I know, that is why I hate memes.
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>All very nice cats, good posts
their flaps open and close like a mouth
>agreeing with the north south divide

ahh yes good sassanachs
I don't believe it.
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How old is this now cause it always makes me giggle
Did NOT deserve a 'dora
Girls get jealous of my long eye lashes lool
thoughts on anime?
*kicks you up the arse really hard*

Get out my house you desperate bint before I call the police.
unhealthy for grown men to consume imho
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a good method to tell stories which life cannot.
end yourself
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thoughts on fannies?
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Is Luton northern?
they're alright
Going to bed now lads

>work tomorrow
i would literally suck a fart out of her arsehole
Helps keep me from inevitable suicide.
Aye ye can tell
Do fannies exist?
/brit/ uses the term 'pakis' to refer to all brown people

Therefore Northern will be used to refer to all low IQ white trash
mdma is good
Any pintmen in?
cute when they wee
Piss off Paki
havent seen any proof that they do
piss off paki
It's also quite bad though
thoughts on space exploration?
not in moderation
bit of a meme
not a fan
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Daily Reminder.
yet another thigh slapping thread from reddit: the general
Could quite literally be bumped up from 2/10 to 7/10 if the shape of my eyebrows were fixed and the skin bags under my eyes were removed
because fuck you thats why
came across u in a club sham id fookin heem ya
norks are at it again i see
let him cum in my mouth and his cum tasted absolutely rancid.

done with that
>could literally be better looking if my face was different
fucking hell, really?
t. reddit: the country
ah yes very clever, i get the joke.

Trim your eyebrows and sleep more then
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*blocks your path*

thoughts on deep sea exploration?
Still not totally convinced that people actually have sex irl
Don't care about it at all.
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Been humming a beautiful tune in my head all day. Couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. Just realised, it's the Soviet national anthem.

Good tune.
alri lads haha if i can just uhhh scoot past there *turns my body horizontally to walk past them*
haha sorry thanks
why would i be walking into a wall lol
not worth it until technology allows for real exploration
control the world island
*poos towards you*
why didn't they invade India
remember then the aral sea was a thing
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the significant other
they didn't need to, india was very sympathetic to the USSR
*decides to tax them*
This is my estate now, and you bitches are gonna pay up. Every racket you motherfuckers have, I want 20%. You sell a nickel bag in the park, I want my cut.

*has my boys Rocko and Joe smash one of them up to set an example*
The rest of yous gonna get worse than what he got, don't make me come down here again
*shoots him in the legs for good measure*
bit fat isn't she?
alri stringer
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>We actually voted to leave the EU

haha absolute madmen
still blowing my mind how easy it is to get free books on the kindle
can you post this with labels
She's American.
eurovision will be awkward this year
I only have it without are nige, sorry
that and unlocking the firestick and using the dash only once. there are so many cheats with amazon . only right since they're scamming us out of wages and taxes
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Hey guys. I've just found out a really easy way to identify different types of brown people.

Diamond turban = Indian
White turban = paki/Arab
Black turban = Iranian/iraqian
No turban also = Indian
Braided hair = native Indian

Hope this helps.
nil pwa
that's a shame. fortunately i'm actually english, so. yeah. my great great grandmum came over from camborne

okay this is a shit method
OH go on
that's a shame
Found another pic of the cat
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her house is the big one center left with the red trim

cornwall looks like a piece of shite tbqh
you're right it does
cornish towns are obviously shit
it's the countryside that's good :)
*shags a party girl in fishnets*
*dies of HIV related complications 3 years later*
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thinking of getting me piercing removed lads
is she the one who did that really good picture of pulling her shirt up over her tits?
this graph would fail gcse science for not putting a label on either axis
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the coastal towns are tight
Not a black in sight
enjoyed this post
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literally me.jpg
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You were NOBODY before I picked you up, don't forget that!
gimme that beep beep
excellent post

edit: not giving you a (You) lol
hate it when people are watching tv and they don't pay attention then ask you what's going on
water makes every landscape like 10x better .
without it a beach is just like a quarry
need an aussie or two in the /vocaroo/ thread tbqh
Reading this intresting pamphlet
*rubs willy on >>71944004*
my dad does this every 10 minutes
shall NOT be clicking your dodgy links lad
Good job we're leaving the gcsEU
edgy kids OUT
already said FOY
>resorts to platitudinous vituperation
It's not dodgy scan it for viruses if you want I want to educate brit on Marxism
hi aisha
alri clever clogs can i get that in english please
im posting for aussies desu. I NEED to hear an aussie accent.
xexizy fuck OFF
dont understand this post
alrighty lads, going to get cracking on reading The Children of Men, then probably visit one last time before sleep
bye for now xoxo
god dammit i think the chicken was off
I'm not that twink looking lad
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3 foot 8 and built like a congo pygmy
Sounds very dialectical imho
looking through some pictures that are making it VERY difficult not to do a big wank
it's not
bamboozle'd a cancuck

what's the width and depth though
take a swig from a hipflask before a job interview.
Just to loosen the old tongue

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*does a native american rain dance*

pretty northern to me
Why do I still have acne?
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