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/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General

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Thread replies: 351
Thread images: 51

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This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa.se replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.
Any threads not made by PantsuDev !I6xNn/fQ2. or alucard !!PjptW1HdhEj should be avoided.


>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.

>Nyaa works!
>Sukebei is in the process of being fixed
>Categories and searching works on master
>Filelists are implemented but need to be made hideable and tree view
>People are working on improving search and making it faster.
>Sukebei and nyaa accounts will be the same.
>New theme will be added.
>Daily db dumps possibly later today/tomorrow.
>Gravatar will be removed and replaced.
>Mascots will be customizable.

Links --
Nyaa clones:
*nyaa.pantsu.cat (/g/+/a/ project; db is up to date)
*sukebei.pantsu.cat (porn version of the above; db is up to date, but close to 1 year of JAV was lost)
*nyoo.moe (redirects to nyaa.pantsu.cat)
*nyaa.rip (uses old nyaa DB, unknown owner)
*sukebei.nyaa.rip (same as above)

Nyaa alternatives:

Local Client:
>An anon made a local client in case the online sources are down: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.

Development roadmap:

Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon
You forgot to to add nyaa.si.
first for nyaa.si is down
there we go.

haven't watched any Chinese cartoons after nyaa is kill desu senpai
fuck off herkz
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I love you guys, I think the shitposting will continue overnight then patter out, but who knows.

>nyaa.si isn't in the OP
Why is this shit MIT? You'll just get into a LibreOffice vs OpenOffice situation, where the less permissive licensed software just steals all of the good parts of the MIT one.
herkz has nothing to do with nyaa.si
it was developed by meidos from 8/a/ and madokami.
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat)
>Any threads not made by PantsuDev !I6xNn/fQ2. or alucard !!PjptW1HdhEj should be avoided.
Kill yourself. These threads were not made by you nor were made for nyaapantsu originally.
These threads hosted talks for many other replacements (such as ipfs based ones, what happened with that?)
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Why would OP ever add a down site to the list?

Watch Saekano S2.
You people are going to get this general permabanned from /g/ if you keep it up.

Remember desktop threads?
All it took was one dedicated shitposter making 20 threads an hour for a whole week before the mods stepped in.

This, make it AGPL.
>doesn't realise pantsudev and alucard are the main people working on the project
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And that's a bad thing, how?
Seems suspicious when another certain site was down a few days ago, don't you think?
A thread was already up you morons:


Stop shitting up the board with this shit.
Anon have you read his name by any chance
This thread is made by the developers
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I believe that's the exact goal of all the Cartel shills shitting up these threads right now.
It actually came to this, such a shame. These threads used to be pretty calm and decent a couple of days back.
Ah well, nothing good lasts forever.
They should be for a Nyaa replacement, not to circlejerk
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Who the fuck cares? Do they give you magic powers for posting in it? Stop fucking up the board with your shit.
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Please do not post Vignette. She is the worst girl.
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This reminds me of what happened to djt on /a/.
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I'm genuinely done replying now, it's gone on far too long today.
What happened to the djt?

So what? Go worship the tripfags to reddit or somewhere else.
>muh shills
the other ones will die off soon enough
Real thread >>60415294
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>see links
>everything but nyaa.si
Banned -- forced to /int/ and another group broke off and went to /jp/
That website is currently down.
How goddamn stupid are you guys?
Just don't respond. This giant shitstorm is exactly what the shitposters want.
Can you motherfuckers take this shit thread that obviously has nothing to do with /g/ any more somewhere else?
Mods said no more general threads on /a/ and moved djt to /int/, then did nothing to any other general threads
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Anyone got the current edit for the theme?
Are you saying to not respond to this thread?
Just. Stop. Posting. And. Fuck. Off. Somewhere. Else.
Just. Don't. Respond.
Thanks Vignette.
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Just in case you fags didn't get it the first time
I'm saying not to respond to posts like >>60421443
>oh fug
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu
>what happened to the daily japanese threads on /a/?

Just. Wild. Beat. Communication!
Yes, why? The original thread was started by an anon yet this fuck wants to monopolise it.

These generals have become cancer.
Fuck off.
What the fuck are you rambling about?
Stop. Spamming. Cunts.
we've all agreed on this, just take a look at the catalog and you'll see why
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Report bomb the OP. These threads are literal cancer.
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>it's ".siitposters are at it again" episode
you cunt.

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thats a shit website run by scum of the earth that's anti-4chan and anti-/a/. never link to that shit site again.
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>such as ipfs based ones, what happened with that?

IPFS is just a meme.
It's also dead in the water. And I'm pretty sure that the guy who even was working on the GUI long stopped coming to these threads.
>we've all agreed on this
No, we didn't.

>just take a look at the catalog
Just ignore the spam and go with the first thread posted.

Nice metaposting, it really feels like that someone wants to kill these threads by doing that.

It's the 8ch herkz niggers!
/g/ cancer now?

>brb committing sudoku

What even needs discussing?
You people got a working nyaa back.
Kill yourself you fucking cocksucker. Go perform fellatio on trips somewhere else.
Friendly reminder that they win when you respond.
No, you don't need to "set them straight," just stop.
>we've all agreed on this
No, we did not.
Now gtfo.
Stop cluttering the catalog
We're building a better decentralized nyaa.
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maximum kek this new general is devolving into /ptg/ it's autism all over again
what is your problem exactly?
who's stopping us from discussing ipfs?
we need a nyaa replacement that works first
decentralization is the end goal for this project
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Get the mods to delete excess threads.
Discord fags will always be discord fags with there little operations
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>What even needs discussing?
Nothing, it's a fucking chatroom for a bunch of cancerous circlejerking twits.

>why were /djt/ threads moved from /a/ guys
Totally nyaa.se replacement related.
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This is all they want. If you don't respond, they'll reply to themselves. Let the dirt be dirt.
Anyone got the updated the design?
So build it. You have your project, you have your channels of communication. Stop using /g/ as your fucking personal chatroom. Fucking filtered, cancerous piece of shit.
It was posted about two threads back. Check archives.
Not really. They'll stick around, replying to literally every post that isn't off-topic, and eventually someone responds to them and starts the shitstorm all over again.
why are you so mad
>all the delicious weeaboo tears recently
>who's stopping us from discussing ipfs?
This faggot: >>60421266
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
Oh fuck off.
>Nyaa Replacement General
rly makes your brain click
Because your threads are cancer and I hate cancer.
Well you guys need to keep some easy backlog of your arguments because I can't be one of the only anons keeping track of links, archived threads and screenshots
>nyaa replacement general
>doesn't even mention all replacements in development
really got my noggin jogging
Exactly, these threads were originally made for a replacement for nyaa, yet faggots like alucard want to monopolise it.
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>spam the catalog with false threads
>one of the devs makes one so we know where to go
>immediately switch to "hurr durr stop cluttering the board tripfags"
Gotta be honest that's crafty.
great, you can go back to your smart phone threads and GPU threads then
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Satan's Dolphin.gif
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Are you saying that it would be evil if I did that?
It's either this or some retard anon spamming the entire board with the OP copy pasta. Try using your brain for a bit.
>Exactly, these threads were originally made for a replacement for nyaa
they stil are, anon
alucard and pantsu dev are not the only ones working on this
this is a /g/ project
you should get involved yourself
>nyaa replacement general
>hostile to any discussion that isn't off topic circlejerking or nyaa-pantsu.cat
>fucking OP declares that only pantsu.cat devs are """"allowed"""" to make these threads
You could've at least had the decency of naming it "nyaa.pantsu.cat development threads" like a couple were named yesterday. Then you'd have an excuse. A shitty one, but an excuse.
the ipfs guy already posted in the other thread as well
from what I read it really doesn't seem so viable there are too many places where it can fail
More like Nyaa Drama General. Fuck off with these threads already.
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The Cartel shills are notorious for being semi-proficient in the fields of shitposting.
Trust me on this, I can tell because I'm a professional.
Also, check the poster count. 28 unique ID's to almost 100 posts.
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Looks like the shitposter found a new boogyman to use.

Just ignore the bait
>>spam the catalog with false threads
It's easily to know which threads to avoid and which to use: filter out the ones with an improper subject and either just go with the one with the most posts or the one that was made first and then let the mods kill the rest.
Here you go: >>60415294
>>hostile to any discussion that isn't off topic circlejerking or nyaa-pantsu.cat
if you say so
>the use of words in OP triggers me, says anon
>fucking OP declares that only pantsu.cat devs are (((allowed))) to make these threads
We don't mind any of the other sites. They're all great. Just not Nyaazi, because the admins slander people.
>this is a /g/ project
It no longer is one. You have your git, piss off.
You're missing the point anyway: there are other sites besides nyaa.pantsu.cat. I'm not seeing anyone discussing those. You'd rather wax nostalgia about the good olde days of /jp/ instead.

nyaa.si is the only one that everyone has been hostile against, retard.
>I'm not seeing anyone discussing those.
We would if their developers posted here. As it stands we're discussing the site that we have input on.
>28 unique ID's to almost 100 posts.
He's a total babby at it though. You can easily increase the unique ID count by clearing cache. It kills your (you)s but it works.
I heard from my sources the Nyaazi admins are literal nazis. I will never use their site
>It's either this
No, it's just this. After all he did not need to post
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
In order to avoid spammy threads.

>alucard and pantsu dev are not the only ones working on this
>this is a /g/ project
Exactly! Yet alucard wants to make this thread only about NyaaPantsu. Just see the op.
>I'm not seeing anyone discussing those
>other alternatives are in the OP

Your shitposting is far to blatant at this point
>It no longer is one
how so
>there are other sites besides nyaa.pantsu.cat. I'm not seeing anyone discussing those
we mentioned those in the op didn't we
Are you fucking retarded?
sukebei db just needs to be transferred over and imported now.
he's whining about nyaa.si
Are you mad?
>Yet alucard wants to make this thread only about NyaaPantsu
NyaaPantsu is the project
>the admins slander people.
So just like this alucard retard? Who gives a shit if they slander people you cum guzzling nigger? Take this culture war bullshit to >>>/pol/
What happened to /g/ and hacker culture.

>wah someone said mean things about someone else
You do the same shit all the time.

Piss off already.

The OP says so

The OP seems to mind.

The OP seems hostile against every replacement that is not nyaapantsu.
pls hurry boner too long can't contain any longer
>sukebei db just needs to be transferred over and imported now.

When are you going to deploy the new theme and move the site from fucking ALPHA state already?
>muh shilllllllllss
>Fakku 1201-1300



Someone reupload this. Kinda silly at this point.



>he's whining about nyaa.si
and you'd know why if you had been here in the last few threads
With this we're pretty much out of alpha.
New theme hasn't been implemented yet.
Again, these threads were not created for NyaaPantsu. They were created for nyaa replacements in general.
>Who gives a shit if they slander people you cum guzzling nigger?
I don't support projects that are hypocritical. I get that you're mad that people aren't using Nyaazi. You should try being a less shitty person.

>The OP seems hostile against every replacement that is not nyaapantsu.
The OP literally lists nine other sites.
>With this we're pretty much out of alpha.

Alright, I'll give you this.
It's progress none the less. Good stuff.

Now please, fix the site.
stop samefagging and get the fuck out if you don't like the thread faggot
But I thought everyone is shilling on /g/ constantly? Are they posting here or aren't they posting here?
nyaa.si, so far, has been hostile so there is no reason to give them any time of the day and mention them here. Other replacements are only met with a lukewarm "oh, okay" because there is not much else to talk about with those. Pantsu, on the other hand, has its devs post here, which is the reason why most of the discussion is about pantsu
Why don't you say anything against >>60421266?
is the most updated one... we should also keep the list of intended changes from here near us... i don't have it.
Don't thank me.
Right. Which is why there are ten of them listed in the OP. NyaaPantsu is the most active FOSS project right now. Nobody is going to develop for nyaa.si because the developers are pieces of human garbage. So there's nothing to be said there.
NyaaPantsu is a /g/ project
we are on /g/
why should we prioritize other replacements when we have our project to worry about?
So then this sin't nyaa replacement general is it faggot? It's nyaapantsu general.
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>The OP seems hostile against every replacement that is not nyaapantsu.
stop lying
because he's helping pantsudev develop the site YOU FUCKING RETARD
>The OP literally lists nine other sites.
He also says
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.

No samefagging on my part. I never reply to a post more than once.
I like these threads, I have been here from the start. I just don't like the OP.
The nyaa.si developers are, yes. They're just doing so anonymously now because otherwise people would filter their tripcodes.
I'ts working.
Use the magnet.

Here they are
Because nyaa.si & co have been hostile to every replacement except for their own.
People were continuously shitting up these threads for nyaa.si.
HorribleSubs have also been spreading libel and slander about both anidex and nyaa.pantsu.cat.
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149 / 26 / 33 / 1

>NyaaPantsu is a /g/ project
Yes, I know. So what? It's not the only /g/ replacement project either.

>why should we prioritize other replacements when we have our project to worry about?
Who said anything about prioritizing other replacements?
Whoops, never noticed it was deleted good thing I BACKLOG

"What needs to be done/suggestions:
*dropdown menus
*page select on top too
*make the sorting arrow look better/bigger
*center the category icons

main changes:
Inactive sorting arrows (as in Edit6c.png) were removed due to popular user demand...
Text is now darker and complies with WCAG ( http://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ ). #474747 was dark enough to comply, but I made it a little darker (#373737), because it's more legible.
Red and green text changet to #25611d and #8e2b19 (anons wanted them darker)
Age becomes Date.
Made results a little more far apart from each other."
Fucking hypocritical mouthbreathers.
you seem like a faggot that wants to sabotage a good thing we have here

>It's not the only /g/ replacement project either.
it is
>Who said anything about prioritizing other replacements?
you implied it
>Yes, I know. So what? It's not the only /g/ replacement project eith
It's not the only replacement, sure but that doesn't mean /g/ is involved with other replacements.
This is the only fucking thing /g/ is working on
>People were continuously shitting up these threads for nyaa.si.
Do you have proof of this or are you just slandering people?
inb4 links to /a/ threads
Man, you guys are fucking braindead. Stop replying for fuck sake
>stop lying
I am not lying, just read the OP.
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.

Not sure what this has to do with my post. I said nothing concerning nyaa.si.

I don't disagree with anything that you said, but I don't think that it has much to do with my post either. I am simply against the part where OP said
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
so you're pretty much only whining about nyaa.si and not the other replacements. You're pretty fucking transparent, cartel shill.
>muh shillllllllll
Do you even know what "hostile" means?
Go back to >>>/pol/ you schizo.
here's the proof

How is this relevant to my post?

>People were continuously shitting up these threads for nyaa.si.
And OP is shitting up this thread for nyaapantsu. This reflects quite bad on your project as long as you don't something against it.

Again, just say something against
>Any threads not made by PantsuDev !I6xNn/fQ2. or alucard !!PjptW1HdhEj should be avoided.
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
if you are a proper person
If you even cared about what HS said you'd at least check their website and you'd have half of your answer. Now go do your research and lurk more or fuck off (for now)
Why do you argue with a shitposter?
They will literally never give up on their point and just keep the argument going in circles
Since when is /g/ /a/ you braindead ass swine? Go shitpost on /a/ if they hurt your feefees. Stop making /g/ even worse than it is with this shit.
>muh circlejerk

the trip-only threads will last until the other generals get purged, i did word the topic wrong originally and i do apologize for that, anons may make their own threads after this one because the other shit should be purged by then.
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>/g/ finally starts a project that goes well
>proceeds to separate itself from the project, blames the guys who're working hard on it for wasting a thread on /g/
sasuga /g/
Newfag alert
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Nice try.
I don't use HS you idiot. I COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT WHO WAS MEAN TO WHOM. You're all just throwing shit at each other. I just want you to have this shit fight SOMEWEHRE ELSE.

You continue to push people away from .si with shilling and retarded comments.

You did this faggot.

Nice one, strawman. Here's the 2nd and last (You) you're getting from me.
>you seem like a faggot that wants to sabotage a good thing we have here
You seem to want to sabotage the rest of /g/ replacement projects such as the IPFS one.

>it is
I will consider this as proof for the above.

>you implied it
No, I did not.

>sure but that doesn't mean /g/ is involved with other replacements.
Yes it is.

kill yoruself faggot
stop pretending these threads are anything more than a chatroom for a bunch of circlejerking mouthbreathers.

Use IRC you fuckers. I see you have one.
That is only meant to be temp to combat the thread spam.
Don't want to get these threads banned off /g/.
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This anon is angry that his shit thread that includes nyaa.si isn;t being used.

oh im laffing
get out
Because it was not linked in the previous thread?
>whines about IPFS
>doesn't post any development about it
what a faggot
>muh shills for nyasi
I couldnt care less about either of your shit sitesTake these shit threads off /g/.
>You seem to want to sabotage the rest of /g/ replacement projects such as the IPFS one.
we need something that works first
as I've said, decentralization is the endgame, see >>60421575
Just filter the word "nyaa" if you don't like them. Then go fuck off to /bst/ or whatever.
IPFS will sadly never be a reality.
>tfw you're trying to do the right thing but people want to twist your intentions

Such is life, I suppose.
sukebei need its own mascot!
Why didn't you use the first existing one then? /dpt/ threads just ignored threads that were not proper.

And why did you include this crap
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
>implying I made that thread
Go back to >>>/pol/ for the whateverth time, you're all a bunch of schizos.
Aqua. She doesn't wear pantsu you know.
Yep it's just one single faggot crying right now, it's pretty pathetic
But it's fun to try anyway. There's that one guy trying to work it out on paper first.

Fucking retards
just call it the pantsu general I suppose
>we need something that works first
Yes, and this is irrelevant to what I posted.
The point is that the OP is against any other attempts such as ipfs.

Even if "decentralization is the endgame" this is no reason to exinclude it from these threads.

It is a reality right now.
But you're one of ((THEM))
>call me a schizo
>gets angry that a correct name isn't used

oh the irony, im laffing
neck yourself
Are you idiots so fucking incompetent you don't even venture to the catalog outside your shitty circlejerk?

>nobody linked some thread we made before in our circlejerk autism festas
The other threads were made by spammers trying to get nyaa.si put into the OP.
Stop whining in metaposts.
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Post yfw they keep responding to shitposters
using trip codes newfag
>The point is that the OP is against any other attempts such as ipfs.
he's not
>this is no reason to exinclude it from these threads.
who's excluding it?
I'd rather you fuck off instead.
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So what?
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Really makes me wish newfags would fuck off
Kill yourself, moron.
WHEN WERE THEY MADE? HOURS AGO? Why the fuck did you have to make a new thread if whoever made those threads stopped making them? Why are you bozos so stupid?
>thread ip hasn't increased

it's definitely one faggot
you can't always get what you want anon
you should know that if you're over 18
Holy shit, how retarded can you be?
>This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
Stop samefagging, shill. It is pretty obvious.
Why can't you just take the hint already? Stop making these threads ffs.
so how is he excluding it? feel free to discuss it
cry more little faggit
You know there's a neat feature on 4chan called a filter, you can easily filter these threads and never see them, or are you on /g/ but also tech illiterate?
Thank you for making the same post over and over, it really increases the quality of the thread.
It's not like anyone is making new posts that do not reply to anyone (except you) so I am unsure what the point that you are trying to make is.
Your posts got deleted last thread.

Even the 4chan mods are aware of your cartel shilling.

Fuck off.
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I'd rather you just fuck off instead. Cancer tends to attract cancer.
gtfo out of my thread herkz
Because these threads were made for nyaa replacements in general, not just nyaapantsu. Yet OP wants this thread to be only for nyaapantsu. This is how he is exincluding it.
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Yep tech illiterate
The threads won't get banned. The 4chan mods are smarter than that.

Just report the shills and the mods will clean them up in the end.
This post right here:
If that isn't a .si shill, idk what is.
He's obviously not from 4chan.
And for advanced users you can filter by detecting posting style.
Looking at that thread, it seems the threads shitting in your hats are still up. It's probably your own posts that were deleted. Nice projection faggot.
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None of my post has been deleted, what are you talking about?
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i love this thread
>ignore the shit
>what, it attracts flies?
>who cares, ignore the shit
Still a temp measure to deal with it for now.
cry more little faglet
There are no shills you morons.
The shitposters will eventually tire themselves off. Give it another hour or two.
What do you call this >>60422072 and this >>60422132?
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ETA on next update.
That anon is wrong, but your "proof" and definition of shill is laughable
>you can filter it if you don't like it
It's a disease, putting a lid on it will only make it fester. Your general is cancer. Accept it and gtfo
A retarded measure as you ended up with one extra thread.
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Whitelist filters are the best.
Thank you for all your hard work, pay no mind to these shills and shitposters.
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This desperate attempt to remove the threads is hilarious, I've never seen someone so ass-blasted before.

it's also more obvious that the guys posting style is exactly the same which is also reason why is posts got mass deleted
lmao at your life what a fucking idiot
Hey dev, I have a question.
Are you scraping Minglong or Anidex?
SallySubs for example seems to have only been posting on Anidex and their new torrents aren't showing up in the pantsu index, not even by search, as this only lists the old torrents from the scrapped db.
.si doesn't have any of the new SallySubs encodes either.
My posts are still up in very thread I posted. I'd like to live in your lalaland though. Delusion must feel good.
Anime truly is serious busyness.
Where did anidex even came from?
Sure thing, your posting style is blatant as fuck.

It's funny how people only start discussing nyaa after someone complains, otherwise it's all offtopic shit like shitposting remembrance and talking about anime.

Can you crossboarders remove your asses back where they came from?
it was there before this shitfest
doki got banned from nyaa so they made their own site
Why don't you link to the actual thread?
They only scrape HS
then how can we see your deleted posts?

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>doki got banned from nyaa


Anidex is actually useable now.
It's still up in our own archive. The only post of mine in that thread that is deleted is a single "XD". That's it. The rest are shitposts by someone else mad that people are disrupting your circlejerk.
the cartel didn't like them
None of my posts are deleted, what are you talking about?
Wrong. The duplicate threads were made to detract from the ones authored by the Dev himself.

Don't believe me? Justify why we had 5 nyaa threads in the catalog all pitching .si earlier today.
Some faggot affiliated to doki started posting porn to nyaa.se is how. The faggot in question is gone from doki now, but nyaa.se ban remained. The rest is history.
>They only scrape HS

Fuck, man. So I have to go to Anidex now every time I want a SallySubs BD batch?
Well at least it's better than going to the cartel site anyway, but still.
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nope it's 100% you,

you just now just started complaining about the thread title when it's exactly the same as last thread.

>started posting porn to nyaa.se
What is wrong with that?
You're able to contribute them to Pantsu yourself, and maybe some other anon will, but why not (kindly) voice your opinion to them if you'd like them to upload to Pantsu?
The site is worse than down, the admin explicitly misconfigured their site.
Looking at the time those threads were created, they seem to have been made hours before this one. So, why did you have to make a new one, again?
look through the previous threads yourself retard
he didn't post in sukebei, he posted in nyaa, the other faggots got pissed and banned doki as a whole
my only problem with anidex is the javascript
Because he is a giant faggot that wants to monopolise these threads.
No wonder why he added "This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer." and "Any threads not made by PantsuDev !I6xNn/fQ2. or alucard !!PjptW1HdhEj should be avoided."
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Get your shit together
Explain how an SSL failure even occurs.
>You're able to contribute them to Pantsu yourself

That's way too much for work me. I'm a lazy shit.
But yeah, maybe someone will upload them or hopefully get in touch with them in order for them to do the upload themselves.
>he didn't post in sukebei, he posted in nyaa
By mistake?
Throw your phone in a river
More delusional retardation. I am the guy who was ironically claiming to be shilling. All my posts are still up.



All still up, except a single (1) "XD".
Mention it to the mods already.

On purpose which makes him a faggot.
As time went on Doki became better but nyaa.se held grudges so the ban stayed.
Just ignore /nag/, /grn/ and the old thread.
No thanks
So you admit it? see I caught you red fucking handed. Also you posted a lot more "XD''s trying to shit up the thread.

Who the fuck are you?
oh, i need a book like this...
Phoneposting was a mistake.
>he admits to the shitposting

Those weren't my posts you idiot. It's not just one guy who can't stand your shit threads any longer.
The fun part about phoneposting is when a range ban happens. Everyone in your area gets shat on because one faggot couldn't contain his shitposting tendencies.
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I hope you find happiness, anon.
Then why did you admit posting the "XD"'s then?
your facade has fucking dropped

Poiting out how retarded you are and how cancerous these threads are is not shitposting. It's basic board hygiene.
>si fags spam duplicate threads
>wow get your shit together

I posted a single "XD" replying to another "XD" you idiot. That's it. And it got deleted.
Nope you got caught, don't try and act retarded first you backpedalled saying that you hate the title when the exact one was used in all of the other threads.

Nice try
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>muh shills man muh shills
That level of self-unaware irony. Wew lad, get help. You have autism.
I'm not a cartel member you fag.
I wasn't aware that the thread spam was the cartels doing.
>Nope you got caught,

>you backpedalled saying that you hate the title
That isn't me you moron.
>everyone who posts something I dont like is the same person
This >>60422407
Why does no one notice how the shitposting is next to non stop ever since nyaa.si went down.
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Thanks worst girl!
Bump limit yet?
Compared to moot, Hiro has no problem rangebanning because that means more people forced to buy 4chan passes.

Can you imagine Cartel Shills giving their credit card information to Hiro?
Your post did it. Now onto page 9 before new thread.
Not really, it almost dissappeared and then today it went full blown autism. I have a feeling bassg464764213615814364 was shitting up these threads today
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it's been down for a pretty long time hasn't it, no wonder this shitposter wants our threads gone.
I think they already do. That landwhale tripfagging dev in /f/ probably paid for a pass.
Anidex actually acted an adult video category because they suddenly had JAV uploads.
It's unfair competition if one of the sites is down.

who's that
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>he hasn't seen the gabriel dropout comments
Then tell the landwhale to get her shit together and stop with the 525 SSL failure. Or did she try to insert telemetry shit again?
heya, another thread full of sitpoester shitposting, shitposting in shitposts, and asking for stoping shitposting.
elaborate pls
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>PantsuDev is a /pol/tard!
>Pantsu is down most of the time anyway! It's dead!
>Pantsu is in it for money!
>HS don't use Pantsu, it's over!
>Nips don't use pantsu, it's over!
>It's pantsufags who are shills!
>The mascot is retarded!
>Nyaa ___ General, Nyaa ___ General, Nyaa ___ General [Post]
>Stop spamming the board!
>Pantsu tripfags are monopolizing the threads!
What's next guys? Any bets?
>>Pantsu tripfags are monopolizing the threads!
How is that wrong?
Stop trolling.
They're using so many boogyman ever since nyaa.si is down.

The desperation is hilarious, that list is probably going to grow. Keep us updated
You forgot the torrents have bitcoin miners in them attempt.
Just a cancerfest that will also give you some insight into the cartel. Look at the gabdro comments on FFF & HS 720p uploads starting from like ep 5 and enjoy the ride
you forgot

>wtf why are pantsufags hostile
It's funny how the shitposting stopped once the shitposter got spotted.
New thread! >>60422542
New thread! >>60422542
New thread! >>60422542

>OP: Anon

Making a new thread after hitting page 8 or 9 is a better idea like the past couple of days. Techloli/g/y is a slow board you know?
Fuck off SHILL
>b-but muh /pol/!!
Fuck off ngiger
New thread is fine but it's a bit early.

It looks legit, but why anon, for christs sake we dont need another one yet how fucking new are you?
Someone get the mods to delete the excess threads already.
>333 / 50 / 47 / 4

Start scraping more than just HS. We need porn to win.

that new thread seems fine, this threads OP just invites shitposting

Cartel shills calling Pantsu devs scriptkiddies
So will the next, so FOCK OFF YA NERD WILL YA
This is an anonymous imageboard anon.


This thread is filled with shitposting and was doomed from the start. The sooner we move from this one the better.
Who cares? Their site is down right now, they should concentrate on fixing it instead of whining all over the internet. They're like an inferior version of umaru.
Because it isn't enough they slander about Pantsu but they also talk shit about /g/'s code

When their own code is shit if you just check out their twitter profiles.
>did she try to insert telemetry shit again?
The landwhale tripfag inserted telemetry in her flash shit collecting data on horny shota anons. There was a small ruckus over it in /f/.
Get out. If you bothered to read the fucking previous threads you would know why people are pissed at the cartel.
The real problem is they start derailing the threads with this bullshit.
On the main page, there should be another column which shows the amount of comments a torrent has.
Post on the github
Thread posts: 351
Thread images: 51

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