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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions General

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Thread replies: 350
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Last thread: >>60227558

Welcome to the Stupid Questions Thread!

Now be kind and answer me.

Which DataVac should I purchase:

ESD Safe Electric Duster ED-500ESD


Pro Series MDV-1BA

Should I buy Vega?
You can download it for free:

What is the best WYSIWYG HTML editor?
I use camtasia because it just works, and I can screen record BUT apparently on a mac it doesn't record audio. Why is this?

Why can't I find a screen recording software for mac that allows me to record in system sound?
How do I find out which wireless card works for my laptop?

I bought a laptop in 2012, but without a wireless adapter. Now I want to buy a wireless card (rather than an USB dongle), but I have no clue how I find a compatible one that both works and fits in.
The manufacturer lists a few, but it has been 5 years now, surely there's something better by now, right?

My chipset seems to be:
intel(r) 7 series/c216
So my Pc wouldn't post, it ended up working again after I took the ram out and put it back in the same slots. Any idea what could have caused it to not work, or is this just shit that happens sometimes?
Oh, wow, technology has come so far. I didn't think you could download GPU's yet, only RAM
>living in a country with connection speeds so 3rd world you can't download a new gpu
Which laptop?

First, find out if your laptop has a BIOS whitelist, and if it does, can it be removed. If it does then you can only use the range of cards that the manufacturer used, sometimes even needing the particular variant with their part number.

If no or removable whitelist, you can use anything that fits the same slot, which for you is most likely half mini PCIe, an Intel 7260 is gpod, dual band WiFi 802.11ac, has bluetooth too, reasonably cheap.
I have a fuckton of .zip files

They contain folders with some other files on them. I want to take every single zip file in that folder and make it so there's no folders inside, just the files. As in, no folder structure.

Is it possible to do this with any program?
I've been trying to update my MBP for weeks. App store asks me for my apple ID password before downloading updates, but it's stuck in a loop and won't accept the password, just keeps asking for the passwords. It's definitely the right password, I can sign in to the apple ID site

Any ideas? I've tried signing out of icloud etc, making sure Safari cookies are enabled.
>Which laptop?
It's a brand only sold in Germany:
XMG A701

It's based on the:
Clevo W170HR
>trying to register on PayPal
>asks me for my date of birth
>tells me to input it in DD/MM/YYYY format
>won't accept anything higher than 12 for the first two digits

What in the absolute fuck is a huge company like PayPal doing making mistakes like these? How the fuck do I register without risking not being able to connect my cards due to the dates not aligning?
>Intel 7260
I think the manufacturer doesn't use whitelists, since he's really lenient in letting users open and maintain the laptops, so I'll just get the Intel 7260.

Thank you.
is the input of type date?
if so, then your browser started supporting its native date picker and shows you your localized date format instead of paypals one.
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I didn't even think to check the HTML. So the data format is MMDDYYYY but the placeholder text is DDMMYYYY, could this mean I should be fine inputting MMDDYYYY?
Do i get the Samsung s8+ or the Huawei p10+ for my next phone?
>input type tel
paypal dun goofed.

based on the regex the first one is month, second is day.
I've found a guy on a forum who had the same issue a year ago, but no replies, I've messaged him to ask about his experience since then just in case, but I'll end up inputting month/day/year anyway. Thanks for the help famalam.
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From where does Apple and Google get there satellite images?

It seems that Google's stellite images are older than thats of Apple's.
What browser handles large amount of mostly inactive tabs well? I've been using firefox for years but honestly it just feels like molasses

I've got 32gb of ram so don't care too much about ram usage
What distro of Linux should I use for art, music and video production?
multiple sources, they won't say.
Arch. If youre up to the challange, you can tweak it to sub 5ms. Its not easy. If youre not that technical, then stick with windows. ASIO4ALL isnt compatible with Linux in the way it is on windows. Plus reaper has grown in leaps and bounds, and you can find cracks for logic everywhere.

I too use ff and find it only struggles when i want to close 30 or 40 tabs at once, or reopen then. otherwise keeping fuckloads open isnt an issue. I too am on the 32gb time.

there are private companies that sell satellite images to corporations, specifically DOD. they dont capture their own images.

>Huawei p10+
a quick google says this is dual sim. that catches my attention. is that a feature youll use? otherwise samsung, waterproofing.

reset the pass. sign out of your iphone/ipad.

not without first extracting every single zip. best off writing a script to extract, put the contents of the each sub folder into the main folder of that zip, delete the folders, recompress, delete the remainder.

ive been building for almost 20 years and i dont know why the fuck it does this either. its been a magic solution since ddr1.
OSX technically it's unix still, and if you've already used debian, OSX is really easy to get down. Go get yourself a mac mini, their like 100 on amazon if you can.

I do music anon and I would recommend doing it on windows cause installing it all on it will just be easier with VSTs and editing.
What's the best filesystem for a backup drive?

NTFS is kinda tedious to debug when something happens to the drive since you have to get on windows to chkdsk every damn time something stupid happens.

Is ext4 a good idea? Or is there something else other than NTFS and FAT32?

I see, that explain why satellite image is different between Apple's maps and Google's map.
How often do these get updated?
Every year or so? or it depends on the area?
BTRFS or Ext4
Is Adobe's Creative Cloud supposed to function like cloud storage for your e.g. photo library? Or am I supposed to keep all of my photos elsewhere, such as Onedrive, which is where Lightroom currently references them from.
I own Intel Pentium 2020M proccessor in my laptop.
Is it a good idea to overclock it? How many %?
Nice I'll check what BTRFS is, but does it have file limitations like FAT32 has where you can't put a file that exceeds 4GB?

Also, hardware cloning (offline cloning) is the same thing as any hard drive, correct?
Depends what you mean by updated. The companies who take the images? Who fucking knows. The army base I am based at has a global map that is 11 years old now. Which means half of the fucking base isnt on it, because its too old. That company still exists though, so I know its a legit thing. Fucked if I can remembr it now.

>full Adobe Creative Cloud membership or a single app membership 20 GB of storage.
>Creative Cloud Photography embership, a trial product, or a free membership 2 GB of storage

its in a laptop, so the answer is no it is not. run speccy on it and look at how much hotter than your desktop it sits at just idling.
Btrfs is a GPL-licensed experimental copy-on-write file system for Linux. Development began at Oracle Corporation in 2007. It is still in heavy development and marked as unstable. ...
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Which protocols to share computing resources over a network exist?
Like literally "download more RAM and CPU" meme.
I guess not then. Maybe it's for quick syncing and sharing? Thanks.
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want to compare versions
found an article but I dont understand it
whats up with

I only encountered square brackets in arrays/lists like in many other languages
here it feels like some kind of operant/parameter thingie

anyone got some insight in to this?
heres the article
sorry? you want to create a server cluster? iscsi/fibre channel is whats used most commonly for full blown servers
I have an ELK stack running in docker containers on a VM
I can curl stuff into elastic search and it shows up on kibana
logstash pipeline succesfully reads files and writes stuff to stdout
But Logstash fails to get data into ES

Whats the trick to it? I read something about enabling/disabling xpack security, adding and removing authentification, but curl works fine without any of it
Does installing ungoogled chromium alongside chrome on Windows interfere with anything?

I want to use it as my day to day browser but I still need the botnet for school.
Is Total AV a scam anti-virus?
Use ClamAV
I do, but im asking for a friend (mother in law) who has already subscribed.
Not sure, seems it's new, haven't heard about it.

implies so, but that means that the site itself is new and the site isn't malicious. Though $50 for a year. Monitor it, see if it doesn't do its job right, then sure.

I'm not sure, let's see some other Anon.
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I am looking os for my old ass netbook.
Ä°ntel atom n270
1 gb ram
any suggestions?
>does it have file limitations like FAT32 has where you can't put a file that exceeds 4GB?
Every filesystem have it's limitation.
I doubt you could afford BTRFS size limitation.
I got a windows 10 laptop with kaby lake. Can I delete windows 10 and reinstall a 7 iso from microsoft? Will 7 be activated?
basically anything besides vista+
7 will not install with a 10 license key, you'd need to get a license key for 7 to do the install.

Also, 7 has no USB 3.0 drivers so most likely the USB ports, maybe touchpad too won't work without installing the driver, which can be tricky. Also there's no integrated graphics driver support, so performance will be shit unless you've got a dedicated GPU in it which you can exclusively switch on, which will make battery life kinda shit, and also isn't possible on a lot of new machines.
that's annoying to hear. will 8/8.1 work any better?
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Is there some paid service or method to use i.e wolfram alpha to get all permutations in a textfile seperated by newline asap? (16 characters, A-Z, 0-9; should be only 2,176,782,336 results aka 4GB of data only?) Running algorithms even threaded takes ages on AWS and any root I tested, due to non active split work (one thread checks only a-c etc.)
just write something in python or something to generate them
Nah even windows 7 is laggy.
correction of the math, would be 7.958,661,109,946,401e+24, still is there any possibility of getting that ~1.4TB of data?
>Nah even windows 7 is laggy.
7 comes after vista, m8
"vista+" as in vista and any version after it
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Hello /sqt/,
I own a T420 which has a HMT351S6CFR8C-H9 4GB DDR3 ram module, and I want to buy another 8GB one.
I came across this one: CT102464BF160B (http://www.crucial.com/usa/en/ct102464bf160b)
I know it is a DDR3L. My question is if it will work as a DD3R in sync with the other 4GB module on my T420.
Anybody familiar with this? (I want that 8GB DDR3L because I might get another one in the future to reach a total of 16gigs)
Actually slitaz might be a little too awkward after installing. If it's a decently recent computer, try your hand at xubuntu at least if you don't want one of these small linux OSs
8/8.1 is easier to install since you've got the USB 3 drivers now, but still no integrated graphics drivers, so shit performance and/or shit efficiency.
Clover says I forgot to solve the captcha when starting a new thread but I can reply to threads wtf is this
But what software is required? Or unix can this out of the box? I don't know shit, and this won't be a cluster, more like client - server.

So please, suggest supplementing literature.
>no intel drivers
what do you mean by this? according to https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/98909/Intel-HD-Graphics-630 they still support 7 and 8.
Make sure what's the max memory the motherboard can handle first. And make sure that the ram chip you're getting will fit the laptop.

It will work, but if you wanna be OCD, match their MHz
I know it can handle 16GB (2x8GB)
The fishy part is the DD3 & DD3L working together.
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So I formated a shitty old pre installed original windows 8 laptop and installed windows 7 instead.

Everything works fine except with one problem, windows can't find the webcam, even if the webcam driver from the manufacturer is installed it doesn't work, I can't find the webcam in "device manager" but there's one unknown device there.

Pic related sorry about the spanish

Also I can't find windows 8 drivers on the manufacturer website, only windows 7 drivers. http://www.exo.com.ar/content/nice-sl-c1443h

I only need this computer for the webcam, nothing else and it's the only thing that doesn't work
My bad.
hmm maybe i will install xubuntu thanks.
Oh, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure if it fits the slot, it will work anyway.

If there's a picture, of the ram you're buying, check if the pins, well, the empty pin location matches where the one you have.
try right clicking the unknown device and trying to automatically find the driver. How did you download the driver? Is it an exe for installation or a set of .inf/sys etc files? If it's a collection of files you can probably manually select the driver from your files.
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the fuck is this shit

i get all these nice little chink squiggles and then one ugly one
Why not reinstall windows 8 then? Saves more frustration desu senpai.

Also, if you go to the driver settings and check the ID, and look it up, you might find it.

But if I were you, I'd rather use it as windows 8.1, if it has one of these recovery partitions.
I see one beautiful chink character and shitty ones sandwiching it senpai.
It's a DD3, my friend. That's a standard pin-position.
Am I missing something?
Why can't I post on /adv/ using the quick reply box, but I have to use the reply form at the top of the page?
I deleted the recovery partition lel
If I put windows 8 again, windows will find my drivers r-right?

I did that, windows can't find anythng. unkown maker.
Not sure, I really never paid attention to names and all. My work at a computer repair shop was to match the ram when upgrading (lol) so I never bothered. But what I can tell you is whatever matched worked in my experience.


This one has the same pin position as the one you linked, so I guess as the title has T420 in it, it will fit your laptop.

I mean, if it does not work, you can return it, right?

rip, you can also use some software like Slim Driver and make it find it and update it for you.

Check: https://www.lifewire.com/free-driver-updater-tools-2619206

Pls respond
I'm considering taking apart my 5 year old laptop to clean the fans and shit

would applying so good thermal paste offer any improvement over whatever the fuck the manufacturer put in from the factory?
Well, you can make a server and have a program run on that server to use that computer's resources, but you send the files to that server via a website interface to process them?
You don't have to open up your laptop to clean the fan. Just get one of these canned airs and blow it in the fan while holding your laptop upside down. Make sure the laptop is turned off so you don't break the fan while in the process.

Applying new thermal paste won't do anything I think. Unless after clearing dust from the fan is still generating heat specifically where your CPU is, then maybe. But read what the manufacturer recommends, though any thermal paste may work I think.
>You don't have to open up your laptop to clean the fan. Just get one of these canned airs and blow it in the fan while holding your laptop upside down. Make sure the laptop is turned off so you don't break the fan while in the process.
I already partially did that, but the fan is partially blocked by the housing, so it can't fully blow the dust away

>though any thermal paste may work
I'll probably go with Arctic Silver 5, since that's what I use on my desktop
Though, if you really wanna open it up to look inside for fun, go for it. Just make sure where every screw goes if you have never done it before. Take pictures before taking it apart so you don't forget I guess. And be gentle with a little bit of force sometimes. Don't pull on the keyboard for example.

Good luck
Yes, it's like ssh or telnet, but you dont have to do so, cause client machine "thinks" it has i.e. more RAM.
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I've had a BenQ XL2411 144hz monitor for about a month and it worked ok, but now I get this one pixel sized horizontal line through the middle of my screen.
I've tried different DVI cables and reinstalled drivers but the only thing that makes the line disappear is to lower the fresh rate to 100hz and under.

Any other anons had this issue before?

Or is my monitor fucked?

Pls help?
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sup /g/ i have a question regarding the laptop ban from UK to the US and don't feel like asking /pol/ I'm flying from Europe (Specifically Sweden) to the US to visit family in a couple months and im seeing alot of articles saying that you arent alowed to bring a laptop or electronic device bigger than a smart phone.. I'm flying British Airways btw.
>'Prohibits any electronic device bigger than 16cm x 9.3cm x 1.5cm'
my question is does this apply to the 2016 macbook given that its dimensions dont exactly follow that criteria specificly its height? (1.31 cm)
I also wanna bring my nintendo switch.. I dont really even care if I cant use my laptop on the flight I just dont want to put it in my checked luggage because I dont want it stolen or lost. Does anyone here have any experience flying internationally recently with electronics ?
Wanna know should I go for the 4 core i7 7700k cpu and oc it, or should it bite the bullet and go with ryzen 8 core 1700 (with oc of course)? Or should I wait and see if intel release an 8 core "lower price cpu"?
Save your shekels, wait 4 intels next offering.
Don't know if something like that exists Anon, you can look it up though, I will soon but I will go to bed now.

Check the list of port numbers on wikipedia, it has what each port is for, but you know.
You neglected to mention a use-case. What do you generally do on the computer? If you legitimately ONLY play vidya then the 7700k is fine. If you do literally anything productive, even just installing gentoo, the ryzen is a better choice because you're only making a minimal sacrifice in average FPS. I would personally buy the 1700 and save the money you would have spent on the 7700k's cooling.
My friend flew a month ago and the TSA completely destroyed his t430. Pack them well and just spend the money to ship them. UPS/Fedex will almost certainly be less dangerous than flying with it.
But, what the fuck man, why would they pass a law like that in 2017?
what do you mean they destroyed it though? like they took it apart going thru security or it got fucked up because he put it in his checked luggage and it got smashed?
How often should I back up my HDD/SDD's
What is RAID
How often should I clean my PC tower
What is Linux and why is it so popular here
Are NAS' worth it?
>How often should I back up my HDD/SDD's
often enough that if a drive suddenly dies, you can handle the loss of data since your last backup
>What is RAID
a method of combining disks such that they appear as one disk, there are multiple types, with their own upsides and downsides regarding speed, space, and redundancy
>How often should I clean my PC tower
often enough that dust doesn't build up to the point of being a problem cooling-wise
>What is Linux and why is it so popular here
it's an operating system, free in every sense of the word, it's popular for several reasons
>Are NAS' worth it?
if you understand what they are, you should be able to decide this on your own
I just saw this http://imgur.com/a/Ly6Yd so it looks like he checked it in
HDD and SSD have something called smart info. It's a read out of the drive's health. SSDs have more space on them than you can use and as the usable sectors fail it enables the unusable ones. This is called provisioning. SMART info will let you see how much is left. For an HDD it will just tell you the general health of the drive.
I don't back up at all because everything could easily be redownloaded. Your back up procedure should be decided by how important the data is. You could buy an extra HDD and put anything that's extremely important on it every week.
RAID is redunant array of inexpensive disks. So RAID0 for example is used for performance. You can take 2 SSDs or HDDs and it will write to and read from them in parallel effectively doubling the speed. There are other configurations for redundancy as well. The wikipedia article should explain it more detail.
You should take canned air to it maybe twice a year,
Linux is an open source operating system that is free as in free beer and free as in freedom. It is popular because it is highly configurable and we can see the source code which makes the privacy nuts feel better.
A NAS is worth it if you want to access stuff from anything connected to your network. So you could like put all your anime on it and watch it from your phone or laptop, etc.
>You neglected to mention a use-case. What do you generally do on the computer?

Ok yeah, only vidya games and light fraps recording/editing. (not Twitch streaming) But your advice makes sense.
haha holy shit thats fucked up
What kind of monthly costs I'd be looking at in terms of domain/hosting/etc/idk for a single static page with a few images?

Fuck I'm retarded, I looked at the keyboard and the F10 key has a webcam symbol so I pressed Fn + F10 and it installed the webcam

tfw hotkey botnet
What the hell is a "mechanical" keyboard and how is it any better than the 9.99 USD logitech keyboard they sell at walmart?
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Why am i unable to switch capture stream in pulse audio control?
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A rubbed dome keyboard has a little rubber dome over a spring under each key.
A mechanical keyboard has a "switch" under each key. You can choose a tactile switch that has a little bump as you push it down or a linear switch that goes straight down. You can pick the "weight' it takes to enable the switch. You can swap out the keycaps. You can treat yourself to a basic mechanical keyboard for like $40 since the patents expired.
tl;dr they feel 1000x better to type on

pic related is a tactile swtich called chery mx blue
lmao Nice
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Are there some free VPN services do you recommend?
I need to bypass restriction, and not much interested in privacy.
I haven't checked in a few years, honestly, but if nothing has drastically changed it is extremely cheap, it is so cheap that I once bought a host/domain with the spare money I had as a poor college student from a third world country.
What's this?
ok, should i bea ble to mine litecoins with my old msi 3870x2?
Thanks guys, I see people talking about all of those a lot and just feel lost in the convos
Also thanks for telling me about the SMART thing, downloaded that Crystaldisk and it seems my SSD and HDD are pretty good

Coming from that, what are the best HDD/SDD makes to get, mainly for above 2TB of storage? My SSD is a Kingston and my HDD is Toshiba
I was expecting something like that. I'm asking because SquareSpace is $12 a month and if doing it the usual way is just a dollar or two cheaper, I'd say fuck it and just use SS for hosting, but if it's something like half price or less, I'd try to be responsible with money and do it myself.
best word processor for windows?
How likely is it that a faulty PSU on a computer could be interfering with a TV signal?

I'll try to cut this short. This will sound dumb as fuck, but there's no other possible way. Basically, ever since I got a new PSU about a month or so ago, our home TV stops randomly every other minute and only resumes after a while or after someone switches channel and back. Both the TV and the computer's only connection is through the house's router, which is also connected to the TV signal reception box.
Why is it the PSU, you ask?
If the PC is off, the TV doesn't freeze. Ever.
This same PC has recently gotten a new motherboard+CPU. So it shouldn't be the network adapter failing and mixing up signals either.
Both the router and TV signal box have been swapped already for new counterparts. Service provider swears it should've been fixed, and that it can't possibly be fucked on their side.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? It hasn't given me trouble at all, never shut down or anything. For reference, the PSU is a Corsair 650CX 80+ Bronze, which I assumed is a decent quality PSU.
Is it really possible for a faulty PSU to be fucking up this much that it stops the TV signal randomly?
SSD it doesn't matter much. Just get whatever is on sale.
HDD most people here will tell you to get an HGST drive but if you can't find one it really doesn't matter much both Western Digital and Seagate are fine.
Is Seagate okay? I always see people ripping on them saying they die quite easily
Thanks, I'll try and have a look into them, i've been making do with these two for the past two years having to delete/move a lot of things etc so I've just decided to get some new ones, as well as extras for backups
Which reminds me, say I bought one extra to just act as a complete backup in case the worse happened, would it be best after transferring all the data I want initially as a backup, to just keep it locked up in a bag until I need it so there wont be any wear and tear to it?
i don't want to pay
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this is the only connectivity this tv has. in my country we simply call it "antenna wire connector" it's for connecting... well... an antenna cable to the tv... what is this connector actually called and how can i connecti this tv as a computer monitor?
google docs or word in office online then.
any other word copies are shit.
you need a hdmi/dvi/dp or whatever your GPU has to coax converter.
>Is Seagate okay?
Their survelliance drives are. I have done some research before buying a pair and there were little failure reports on amazon. I have SV1000 and they're quiet.

Other than those: no, go with HGST.
>FEW failure reports
Question about using git repos on GoboLinux:

Cloning remote repos is easy, of course, but once I have it on my GoboLinux machine, how should I go about compiling the cloned program?

Can I just use Gobo's Compile command? Do I need to make a recipe first? Or just do the usual configure/make/make install routine and hope no funky errors occur?
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A couple questions:
I bought a motherboard that apparently doesn't have any 3.0 usb slots. How fucked am I? I have a cheap USB mouse that I like to use ($15 logitech wired mouse, works like a charm), and I didn't buy an optical drive to I'll have to install the OS through a USB. I heard you can buy adapters to convert 2.0 slots into 3.0 slots.

Also, I need an OS for my computer I'm building, but I'm sure as hell not spending over $100 for an OS. Is pirating OS pretty safe?
>I bought a motherboard that apparently doesn't have any 3.0 usb slots.
you sure it doesn't have a USB3 header on it?
>I'll have to install the OS through a USB.
you can install an OS via USB2, it just might take a little longer
>I heard you can buy adapters to convert 2.0 slots into 3.0 slots.
you can't convert a USB2 port to a USB3 one, but you can add USB3 ports to a motherboard, with a USB3 PCI-E card
>Is pirating OS pretty safe?
reasonably, if you get a crack from a reasonably respectable place
iirc, modern windows won't even actually lock you out if you just ignore activation entirely, it will just nag you, you could just put up with it
should i just shell out $79 for 1 year then?

my work won't subsidise me and my school just cut office from the list of alumni benefits.
What is the go to media player for /g/?

I remember years ago everyone hating on windows media player and that you should get VLC but now everyone hates VLC so whats the new good player?
If you wanted to do sketchy stuff on a computer, would a VM make you any safer?

Also if I get Party Vaned is a VM easier to wipe?
pls help
>you sure it doesn't have a USB3 header on it?
Ah, nvm. Amazon tells me it does have a couple USB 3.0 ports
>it will just nag you, you could just put up with it
How so? From what I've read, its a couple arbitrary things that can be circumvented like setting a wallpaper through a certain window and a watermark at the bottom right.

Thanks for the answer btw
MPC-HC and foobar2000
>How so? From what I've read, its a couple arbitrary things that can be circumvented like setting a wallpaper through a certain window and a watermark at the bottom right.
something like that, i haven't used windows in years
Does Pure VPN no longer take gift cards? If not, where the hell is a reliable VPN that does take them?
Guys, can you recommend me a white case that isn't some mutilated, deformed at birth transformer like pic related? All I literally need is a white box with a power button and possibly a fan in the side. I don't want windows or chintzy LED's.
When i have SuperSU installed it means i have my device rooted right?
I normally use BitTorrent for torrenting stuff, and I wanted to use qBit. There's a way to transfer my configurations from one to another?
run terminal, enter "su", then "whoami"
if you get "root", then it's rooted
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20KB, 983x643px
How do I force gmail to load the old login screen?
It's loading this new one even if I disable javascript (via about:config setting in FF).
Can I run a 4K monitor at 60Hz and a 2K monitor at 144Hz from a single display port using a splitter?
What for? What are you trying to accomplish?
Can't figure out how to make the about:blank page in firefox transparent without using stylish. Would prefer to use the userChrome or https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylrrr/?src=userprofile.
Access my botnet account without the need of JS?
>typing to a friend
>command box pops up as I hit enter, closing it
>typing again to friend, and again just as I am about to enter, it pops up and closes
>doesn't pop up anymore
Could it be a virus? Doing a scan now.
>Microsoft Windows [Versión 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
bfd587f device

C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb shell
shell@falcon_umts:/ $ su
root@falcon_umts:/ # whoami
tmp-mksh: whoami: not found

So i guess not?
your rom doesn't have whoami
doesn't matter though, the "root@" and "#" indicates being root anyway
I recently reinstalled Win 10 and can't put icons on the bottom row right next to the taskbar. I used to be able to before is there some setting I have to change?

Clearly my googlefu is weak since the few results I found didn't work.
oh, worth noting that "adb root" and "app root" are separated in android
so you should run the same on the phone itself to ensure app root is setup
I'm having a hard time getting the new login to show up without JS.
I get it with it enabled, but it gets redirected to the old one without.
Are you sure you have JS disabled entirely?
Can you try using a new private window, do you see the new login there too?
post a pic, having a hard time visualizing
After weeks of coding my code is all over the place and went full spaghetti... Any tips on how to bring order? Its such a mess i dont know wherw to start.

The good news is that everything works the way i want it to work
Just fixed it actually. I increased the icon size slightly (ctrl+scroll wheel.)

I think I might have had it this way before without ever knowing.
I disabled via about:config and have noscript set to disallow javascript, but still get that page.
And I'm always on private window.
No clue what's wrong.
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So I learned recently that you can shuck off the enclosure of a portable external hard drive and get a 4TB 2.5" drive for $110. The only caveat is that their cache size is only 16mb.

For my purposes, I want to mount them on some of my cases spare 2.5" spaces. Would the 16MB cache matter if I RAID'd them to my media drive, or am I better off using software back-ups?
Issue: I finally built my first ever custom PC build and loaded windows 10 pro from a bootable USB. I have not entered a product key yet because I want to try before I buy. Anyways, anytime I try to really do anything (download updates, download drivers) my entire screen freezes and I can not do anything. I've already hard shut down my PC dozens of times and I know that can't be good fit it. I've tried changing the power settings, I've tried installing new drivers for my graphics card, and now I've tried re installing windows 10 but now I get an error saying none of my drives are capable of loading windows on it. I want to rip my damn hair out. Any help would be much appreciated.

CPU: Ryzen 1700x
Memory: Corsair 16gb
GPU: Radeon 480 8gb
OS: windows 10 pro
Cooler: cryorig H7
Memory: SSD Samsung 850 evo 500gb and 1TB WD HDD

All of my temps seem to be fine.
When I use my USB for choosing either windows or linux to boot, why can I only do it in legacy mode? Is there some option I am missing in UEFI that is causing it to not read the USB? It works fine when I switch modes, but only not in UEFI.
Run prime95 for 12 hours
This has nothingto do with dos vs uefi.you need to go in to your bios and either enable booting from third party or give priority to your usb when booting
You just need to practice. Also, you should try to think about your program before starting to code, imagine all the structures you'll need, how to split your code across various files etc.
Try to notre make Big fonctions
How do I configure mpv to name the screenshots with the name of the file?
read the man page and look at the screenshot section with the switches used to manipulate the filename
What page?
find it your self,use the search function.
Alright, what im doing wrong:

C:\XT1032_FALCON_AMXMX_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid12_CFC.xml_2>adb root
adbd cannot run as root in production builds

C:\XT1032_FALCON_AMXMX_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid12_CFC.xml_2>adb shell
shell@falcon_umts:/ $ mount -o rw,remount /persist
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
1|shell@falcon_umts:/ $ exit

C:\XT1032_FALCON_AMXMX_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid12_CFC.xml_2>adb push WCNSS_qcom_wlan_
factory_nv.bin /persist/
failed to copy 'WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin' to '/persist//WCNSS_qcom_wlan_fa
ctory_nv.bin': Read-only file system

C:\XT1032_FALCON_AMXMX_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid12_CFC.xml_2>adb shell
shell@falcon_umts:/ $ mount -o ro,remount /persist
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
1|shell@falcon_umts:/ $ exit


>What are you trying to do
Copy WCNSS_qcom_wlan_factory_nv.bin to /persist to get Wifi working again
On monitors with usb how do they connect to the pc? Does hdmi support that? Is it a windows driver?
they have a usb cable to the computer.
HDMI also has ethernet and USB controllers.
I have no idea what im doing.

C:\XT1032_FALCON_AMXMX_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid12_CFC.xml_2>adb root
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
adbd is already running as root

C:\XT1032_FALCON_AMXMX_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid12_CFC.xml_2>adb shell
root@falcon_umts:/ # mount -o rw,remount /persist
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
1|root@falcon_umts:/ # chmod 777 /persist
Unable to chmod /persist: Read-only file system
10|root@falcon_umts:/ #
I need to dust out a pc but I don't want to destroy any fan bearings. Two of the fans are inaccessible yet they need to be dusted out. Do I stick a fucking paperclip into the power supply fan and electrocute myself or how do I go about this?
Dont use a fucking leaf blower or a compressed tank.

Use canned air or a datavac.
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Clearly, the mount command you tried fails.
what does "mount" alone in an adb shell gives ?
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Need a solid old flagship phone that I can get for 200-300 dollars in good condition.

The S6 is still overpriced, and the 6P was never manufactured outside of a handful meant for press. Anything else comparable right now?
Someone please help.
I told you what to do
You formatted your drives wrong, dumbass.

Install Linux you nig.
>friend got thinkpad t60 with oem 9 cell battery
>can't hold a charge but is detected by the computer

How long would he have to charge it for it to start working again?
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That's not what I meant.
First, enter an adb shell by typing "adb shell"
Then, enter "mount"
Then you can enter exit to go back to your windows shell.
Sorry, copy/pasted it wrong.
It'll never start working again.
Replace the cells.
Shit really? Damn that sucks

Thanks man I'll let him know
I can't do shit until my fucking computer stops freezing.
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There's clearly no /persistent mountpoint.
Is /persist just a simple folder, maybe ? Then you need to remount / as rw, not /persist.
try, in an adb shell,
mount -o rw,remount /
how do i recover a deleted partition
Yes you can, just insert the Windows CD. maybe you inserted a part wrong?

I don't think your drive is defective but you should check to see if it's spinning a lot or not.
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I want to set up a 3 monitor setup with displayport but my GPU only has 2 DP outputs. Can I just grab a cheap $60 card like this one in there for the extra output? Or, do I have to go buy another card of the same chipset/memory and run SLI?
So if the monitor had USB 3 slots they would work through hdmi?
Daisy chain
mount -o rw,remount /

Only this?
SLI would not get you 3 monitors.You would only be able to use the inputs of one card.
Get a card that has 3 dp or 2 dp + dvi
I'm not throwing out my 1080 because it only has 2 ports
I forgot to mention before this but this is what im trying to do:
Yes, unless the TV has a gimmick where it manages them.
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Then you should have purchased properly,and planned according to your setup
I am trying to restore my computer to a time before I fucked up THE drive formatting.
Also when i was trying other stuff it also said that it failed to mount /persist
You're retarded. Nobody understand the issue you're describing. Just reinstall from scratch, holy shit.
other stuff with TWRP*
Lol dont worry, this ise asy to fix.
Reinstall Windows 10, use LTSB 2016 version.

You shouldnt be angry about this, is easy to fix.

Worry when you have hardware problems.
wiped or deleted? i'd look up disk recovery tools, stop using the disk asap
>have installed Psycopg2 through pip3
>have installed postgresql
>-ImportError: No module named 'postgresql'

what the fuck?
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is this in the pic OEM or retail version of windows?
will post sticker too and it has written:
for OEM software
so thats why I am unsure
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both picks are from google images
why the fuck when I try to register my nick on webirc I get no response and I cannot see my message either?

/msg nickserv returns Insufficient arguments for command.
/msg nickserv help doesn't return anything at all and I cannot even see I typed it, same for registration.
How do I fix this? just when I thought I'd give a try to irc since so many people say good things about it, turns out I cannot even do the most basic shit, what the fuck.
My Note 4 keeps freezing no matter what I do. I've tried different modems, kernels, ROMs, wiping everything multiple times including cache, system, etc.
I've tried not using a micro sd card, using one, using 3 separate batteries, the original, a knock off, and an extended one...
Idk what else to try or how else to diagnose this problem...
Can anyone give me anything else to try to look for?
It wasn't always like this, it was perfect the first 4 months I had it but now it's constantly like this.
use a proper client instead of webshit
i've got some thin clients i want to run windows xp and windows 98 on. they can't boot from usb, theres no way to connect a cd drive to it, but i can use CF cards.
so how would i go about getting windows on those ? windows ussually shits itself when you change the hardware after the installation, so using another computer to install it to the CF card and just move the card to the thin client wont work, and installing windows through PXE requires black magic if you don't have any windows servers and probably is impossible for windows 98
Unless you get software audits, use MSToolkit and save yourself some money.
yes it worked with a desktop client.
Which WiFi directional antenna should I buy for my TP-LINK Archer C7?
if I exec a command like sudo or ssh with a key with passphrase from within bash or make, will the password prompt still be presented?
whats the distance you are trying to cross?
What's the best video player to watch my animu on, and why? The common ones I hear are Kawaii Codec Pack, and MPV. I know next to nothing about video.
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go kill yourself cringey weaboo faggot
I lost the access to the email of my steam account, and steam guard won't let me enter. It was an old gmail, i don't anything of it other than the gmail itself. I've contacted Steam support but they keep asking for CD-KEYS of games i've bought, but i have no idea how to access those now or ever. Is there anything that can be done?
now go pedo
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Should I pull the trigger, or would there be deeper discounts around June-July? In leaf-land by the way.

Also, any dates I need to look out for on purchasing laptops with high discounts?
Maybe 300 meters or less but there are other things in the way.
>any laptop other than the mac
you should pull the trigger to your head alright
so i was trying to get into linux and foss,its very interesting,im still a noob who runs ubuntu on a vm but how does stallman and the like expect people who make programs to make a living if they are supposed to do it all >for free ?
i used to use ddwrt on my old router and had snmp on it to watch my transfer speeds using a cool program called perfgraph. i dont really feel like using ddwrt on my new router because snmp is really the only service it has that the stock firmware doesnt and i really dont care to configure the entire thing all over again just for snmp. is it possible to configure the built in windows snmp to do the same thing where it shows the i/o transfer rate of your network adapters? ive been messing with it for a little bit but i cant seem to get it to show any activity and all of the mac addresses on the interfaces are either gibberish or wrong.
My ROM doesn't have a clock in the status bar and it really bothers me. Is there any way to add one?
Actually, if I put it in my neighbor's room, I should be able to get much better reception.

Also, best router firmware for wireless bridge?

Tomato works pretty well for me.
do I need some plugin in irc to see in chat the messages of music titles that people are listening to? I've seen something like this before.
cheapest chromebook I can get online with at least 4 GB ram, 1080p screen, hdmi, linux support, and cpu that won't shit the bed for basic use?
I read too many posts claiming issues with XPS 15
be sure you can return within some week if you have coil whine or crashes
Get a Thinkpad for $80-200.
go online
order notebooks by price
thats the cheapest
but go buy used x230 instead
I've been wondering about those too. To make matters worse, it seems that most issues has persisted since the older models.
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I just got a Linksys SRW208P switch for free from a friend.
I want to access the webUI but when I put it in it redirects me to the Telus modem that's connected to the Coax cable providing the internet.
Is there a way I can put in an ip other than the standard to access telus so I can access the linksys webUI?
I was updating windows and it was at the "updating do not power off your computer" screen and my power went out.

How fucked am I when the power comes back on?
dont you telnet or ssh in to cisco stuff?
If its a minor update windows will rollback it and install the others.

If its a important system restore will be needed but its rare.
Your PC is bricked, you'll have to buy a new one
This is the stupid question thread, I have no idea what either of those mean
Is too slow a PCI (not PCI-e) SATA 1.5 adapter to a NAS?
I want to buy a particular Atom motherboard, but the fucker, as usual in these mobos, only has PCI instead of PCI-e or even MiniPCIe.
Will it hurt the performance of the NAS as whole?
Want to use it as torrent box too.
Although in the manual it does say to just go to
set your IP address manually to
mask to
gateway to

ignore dns

now connect directly to switch from your PC

open cmd,


does it pung back?
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Is the samsung note 5 the only way to go if one wants good integration of a wacom pen? is there no chink alternatives?
My gaymer brother refuses to let me reboot the modem, I'll check as soon as I can
why would you need to reboot the modem?

you disconnect your PC from network and connect that cable to the switch

or if you are on notebook you take cable and connect lan to switch...
I'm trying to download Windows 10 using the media creation tool but on this laptop the download progress hangs at 0%, while the other laptop I have hangs on "getting things ready"
Any ideas? Obviously ran the program as Admin, but it didn't help.
When I go to after unplugging the switch from the modem it gives me a "took too long to respond" error in my browser
Trying to put it on USB, btw
Should I get an SSD? If so, should I get a smaller one and put only the OS on it, or should I get a larger one and put games etc too, will other programs on the SSD benefit from faster load/read times too? Also, what is the lifespan of an SSD compared to a HDD?

Thanks for any help
malwarebytes serial? i've been out of the Windows game for a while and due to my hard drive crashing on my Linux computer, I've been forced to go back to Windows via a Surface 3.
fuck browser, no one asks for browser
even your network will seem off

but the point is if you can ping the device you are trying to connect to when theres nothing else but your pc and the switch connected to each other


I might have fucked up in explaining. The modem has an ethernet cable leading to the switch, and the switch has an ethernet cable leading to my pc. In the manual it tells me to go to, and that is also the modem ip, which seems to override the switches webUI.
My ROM doesn't have a clock in the status bar and it really bothers me. Is there any way to add one?
>Should I get an SSD?

>If so, should I get a smaller one and put only the OS on it, or should I get a larger one and put games etc too
as large as budget allows

>will other programs on the SSD benefit from faster load/read times too

>Also, what is the lifespan of an SSD
10+ years

>compared to a HDD?
a not used HDD can last decades, used can die tomorow
my HDDs usually start showing issues after 3-6 years,
thats why I told you to not connect anything else but the switch directly to PC

Is the switch actually working for ya? the brother is connected to it and it gives him the internet I guess...
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is there any way to fix bufferbloat on a tehnicolor TC7200 modem/router
its shitting up my [spoiler]gaming[/spoiler] reeeee

>that video

Holy crap, guess that answers my question. Thanks for the info, I have a Western Digital HDD that has worked perfectly for over 5 years now, would they be a good choice for SSD's too? Also how difficult/easy is it to transfer programs and games from HD to SSD? Is it just a case of reinstalling the game on the SSd or is there some transfer facility to move all saves/configs/data?

Thanks again
I'm running off of it right now with internet access. and he's running directly off the stock telus router/modem. I disconnected the switch from the modem and only connected it to my pc, but I couldn't figure out what you meant by setting my ip address manually because I'm disabled when it comes to that sort of thing, but I did try and ping it, and got a 100% loss
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Is there a way to uncuck the windows 8.1 from telemetry? Would enterprise edition work?
I use win 8.1 enterprise activated by kmspico in most of the cases where I need windows and no need for games DX12

best windows, good modern features and interface(not talking metro, thats replaced with classic shell), but without losing control like with win10

telemetry never bothered me
Okay, I set up the ip as you said and pinged, but didn't get anything back
then what that means is that the device is not at that ip address or its dead, or something different.

you can get some ip scanner and try to look for it



or find out by manual how to reset to router to default settings, then find out the default IP, set your PC to be on the same network (but different last digit) and try pinging again, if you ping, its likely you will be able to use web browser to configure more shit
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Got a computer off the dell outlet and it gives the same configuration as if I ordered it new online.

How do I know if its Titan-X maxwell or Pascal since there is no indicator?
you run gpuz
What is the difference between stock rooms and gpe editions?
Why does /g/ hate Razer laptops so much? I am seriously considering purchasing one because I do a lot of content creation.
Can I use an esp8266 to display the up/down speeds and torrent statuses from the deluge web interface?
I ran netscan and got a shitload of ips, two of which with host names, and one who's ip address, MAC Address and response time were all asterisks.
On a whim I put every ip address into the address bar and found the linksys webUI on
god bless you, beautiful soul
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most likely because its for retarded gamers
you get desktop to play, notebook for mobility
if you cant live without playing gtaV on a buss ride home you are aspie fuck that better go /v/
If i want to transfer over 1TB of data to an offsite VPS, what is the most efficient way to do so? My home upload speeds are slow (6MB) and I also have a 1TB monthly data cap.
are there only you and the switch connected?
cuz that does not sound like it
I dont need it for gaming, but I wouldnt mind being able to do light gaming on the same laptop I do things like CAD work and rendering on, as well as video editing in Premier
because nothing is better than doing cad work on 14" display
and because you just need to render it on the go...
while also transcoding video...

yeah, feels like gamer pretending, post your desktop or some screeshots of your projects
Total noob here, /sqt/.

Basically I've got HTML and CSS under my belt because they are easy as dicks, and I'm learning JavaScript right now.
My question is where do I go after JS? should I learn more front-end like bootstrap/sass/jquery etc. or should I learn some back ends like php/SQL? I'm teaching myself off the web and working on becoming a well-rounded developer as I don't quite know what I want to specialize in yet.
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>How do I know if its Titan-X maxwell or Pascal since there is no indicator?
>you run gpuz
Isnt it just going to say Titan-X?
Will it say if Maxwell or Pascal?
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How do I do this effect in GIMP?
php and sql is the logical flow
How do I make a .vbs Notepad RNG program return to the beginning of the script instead of ending after the number is generated?
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it will say shitload of stuff and will indicate pascal in the name
the litography (technology) being 16nm instead of 28nm is the biggest thing
thanks kind anon.

Question did nvidia really name the same card the same thing 3 times titan x?
Am I correct there is 1 maxwell version and 2 pascal versions of this card with the same name so only way to tell is to read where it says (technology)?
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I do CAD work on campus away from my dorm where my desktop is. I mainly do work on the desktop. Sure doing CAD work on a 14" display isn't the best, but its better than nothing. Thought I also need to be able to CAD and render on the go. Sure I wont be doing all those things at once. I don't game much. Pic related is one of my works in progress, though its more /k/ related.
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stupid question here

i have a sorted arraylist of integers.

I want to find the mode and its frequency WITHOUT using a nested loop structure or any external data structure.

how the fuck do I do that? language is java btw.
So from what I get from google there is:
Titan-X maxwell
Titan-X Pascal
Titan-X New pascal from April
Do companies even have those yet?

Cant believe they all have the same name, that is just ridiculous.
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lauren taks a dick.jpg
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what app is this?
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Can someone remind me which is the good torrenting program that won't betray my freedumbs?
the cringeanimefaggottorrenter is good
now fuc koff
>Titan-X maxwell
>Titan-X Pascal
>Titan-X New pascal from April
anyone know the size in NM for the Titan xp?
Titan-X maxwell: 28
Titan-X Pascal: 16
Titan-X Pascal New: ???
if i buy a bluetooth mouse that comes with a reciever, do i have to use the receiver if my PC has bluetooth?
How much should i pay someone to flash my phone?

I give up trying to get wifi working.
Or should i just open a thread in XDA?
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Pic related.

I can flash it, everything works but Wifi cant be turned on, there is no MAC adress either.
Yes i added radio and kernel.
Moto G XT1032.
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int current_mode = list[0];
int real_mode = current_mode;
int i = 0;
int frequency = 1;
int real_frequency = frequency;
while(list.next != null){
if(list.next == current_mode){
if(frequency > real_frequency){
real_frequency = frequency;
real_mode = current_mode;
current_mode = list.next;
frequency = 1;

I thought of this but I'm not sure.
anyone got the windows 10 nazi image thing with all the telemetry stuff circled and "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"
What's the best antivirus live cd?
Check installgentoo wiki w10 section.
awesome, thanks
has anyone ever tried WPS office suite? It's supposed to be a Office clone by a Chinese company. Is it worth paying for? The full version is still cheaper than a year's worth of office.
something like this should do it
#!/usr/bin/env python

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from os import remove, walk
from os.path import join
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from zipfile import ZipFile

def flatten(archives):
for archive in archives:
tmpdir = mkdtemp()
with ZipFile(archive) as zipfile:
with ZipFile(archive, 'w') as zipfile:
for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(tmpdir):
for filename in filenames:
zipfile.write(join(root, filename), filename)

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description='flatten zip archives\' internal hierarchy')
parser.add_argument('archives', nargs='+', help='path(s) of one or more zip archives to flatten')
args = parser.parse_args()
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So I am running Windows 10.My PC has been in this constant boot loop where it would enter a screen called "automatic system recovery" or something, then shut down, reboot and repeat.

I loaded parted magic getting ready to clear my disk and start over, when I noticed that there are several partitions created alongside my OS. These include a boot partition, a "microsoft reserved" partition (with a red flag next to it, interestingly enough) and a partition labeled "hidden, diag."

Is it possible that deleting one of these partitions would eliminate this boot looping problem? Im especially looking a the microsoft reserved partition because, again, it has a red flag next to it. But also maybe the boot partition is corrupted or something?

This question may be exceedingly stupid but I would really rather delete a partition and continue than delete everything and start all over.
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i want to die.png
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how on earth do I set firefox as the default browser on debian?
no, dealing with them wont fix anything
delete them all and they will get recreated on fresh install

you should use hdtune to check your drive is OK

also another fix possible if you get in to recovery mode, sfc scannow

install windows
>on debian
Will i struggle to learn c++ while I only have barely passable python ability?
yes, why not working on more python knowledge first?
if you have no projects under python, you wont have them under C++
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Is there a display protocol similar to Tektronix 4XXX that doesnt require an entire screen refresh to update it?

>I want a simple 2d line drawing library to work on linux framebuffer
Uni is retarded and switches from python to c++ mid year.
well then its fine, its not like you have a choice
study up
>C++ in uni
Doesn't sound like a problem.

Volta will be the one moving to 10/12nm
For Java and scala development is there any real difference between using openjdk and oracle JDK?
so i put ram in slots 2 &4 by accident will it matter that much?
Arent you supposed to do that anyway? With Asus mobos at least.
If I install Windows 10 on an SSD in a new build, will I be able to use my old HD with Windows 7 on it as an extra drive in that machine? i.e. in the same way you'd use an external usb drive or extra HD. Or will I need to wipe/format the HD to use it as an extra drive in my new build?
k ill switch it asap. also when i installed windows it came up with this
Which way are you counting? Which mobo?

For most. there should be one empty space between the two sticks.
msi mobo. im counting from the bottom up. ill have it switched. also this message comes up when ever i finish downloading w 10 from usb

"windows could not complete installation. to install windows on this computer restart the installer"
2/4 is fine then, no difference to 1/3.
>Internal drive works fine on laptop
>pulled it out
>plugged into different laptop as ex HDD via USB
>doesn't work, asking for password and mine aren't working

Why? What do I have to do, wipe and reformat?
Didn't really know where to ask this, so I guess I'd just put it in here.

Planning to dualboot Linux for general use and Windows for gaming, what's the least botnet-y and least bloated Windows release?
How could one connect to Ayashii World and Something Awful back in the 90s? What was the procedure, exactly? What kind of early computer what kind of internet connection what should I write on the url etc?
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What is with this apps.ppkg file. I can't delete it.
I have almost no disk space.
You'd talk to your mom and schedule when each of you were going to be using the phone for the day.You would log on to aol and wait 5 minutes to connect listening to the sound of the internet makes.You would then wait 15 minutes to load the front page.
How was connecting to Ayashii World? Google was founded on 1998 so you couldn't just Google "Ayashii World". How was it?

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB
Search engines existed before google. In 1996 when Ayashii launched there was already Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Infoseek. Mostly english though, so people finding Ayashii would've most likely been told about it or seen it in other discussions.
Thanks. Any torrents available for it? Thanks!

Captcha: Enterprise Calle
>They know

Check tpb, there's a few good torrents on there for it.
Did URLs work same as today? Like, would I have a chance of jackpot if I typed "http:/www.ayashiiworld.jp.com"? And is the URL of the then Ayashii World known today? I'm looking for it but can't find.
Thank you again!

No problem. LTSB won't automatically update you with the latest microsoft bloatware. It has some features you won't make use of but all botnet settings can be turned off fully in Enterprise.
Great info, I read that it completely got rid of all Microshit's built in stuff and I was immediately hooked.
Yep, URLs have been standard since the mid 90s. Web browsers were a lot mpre picky woth having the http:// and www. there though, now you can usually skip them. Don't know what the particular address for ayashii was.

Make sure to download this:


Enterprise doesn't come with the necessary media playback codecs and features that the other editions have. So download this pack and it should all work fine.

This is a good torrent on tpb:

Windows 10 Enterprise N 2016 LTSB X64 en-US Feb 2017-v2 {Gen2}
Thanks! Will do!
One last question. I'm not sure how to word this but how could one become computer and internet savvy in the 90s? I imagine the answer circles around universities but how exactly? Did you have to be friends with certain people and suck their cocks? Were there already plenty of books in libraries and the like? How could one become a hacker and/or programer by himself by that time?
Can I connect my monitor to the HDMI on my GPU, and connect my TV to the HDMI on my motherboard?

My intention was to use my PC as the source for both, so I can game at my desk and watch movies and whatnot from my bed using my PC as a source for the TV on the wall.
Disregard, Ive just remembered by GPU has 2 HDMI outs.
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Would it be a bad idea to pick up a detuned 1080 ftw to run in sli with my normal 1080 ftw?
I am experiencing hicups while playing games, what could cause this?

Intel HD 4600.
>try to post a webm after converting and doing everything properly
>Error: Maximum allowed video duration is 120 seconds.
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If I install Windows XP on a machine that officially supports Windows 7 and 8, can I use Windows 7 drivers on XP? It's a 64-bit computer and 64-bit drivers.
Usually no, the driver model isn't properly compatible. GPU drivers in particular are not compatible at all.

XP 64 bit is terrible in terms of driver support.
Why not? XP was supported all the way up to 2014ish.
Well, I have a MacBook that won't boot from flash drives because Apple is fucking retarded. I have to use the optical drive and I only have 700MB CDs to use. I don't feel like buying DVDs that are twice as expensive here as they were a decade ago just to run one wangblows program.
What are the exact filesize limits nowdays for 4chan? I thought it was still 3mb but I occasionally see larger image files. I seem to remember /wg/ has bigger limits for images or something. I can't seem to find the info in the rules of FAQ either.
/b/ = 2MB.
Common board = 3MB
/3/, /gif/ & /wsg/ = 4MB
/f/ = 10MB
/hr/ = 20MB
daijobu anon
If you spill something in the middle of a fast food restaurant, should you go grab some napkins and wipe it up? Or would the employees rather you just get out of the way and let them handle it?

Happened to me once years ago and was very embarrassing and I just walked away and hid my shame but I don't know if that was the dick move or the right thing to do.
How much should i force a RAM stick?

In what i can base myself to see how much i can OC it?
What would count as good timings?
anyone know if its possible to force a macs fan speed below factory defaults? all the programs im finding cant do it

i have an imac that is not in the original case so it doesnt need to spin nearly as much as it does even at default
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