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Nyaa/Sukebei Recovery thread

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This thread is for the discussion of the possible replacement/mirror of the late Nyaa.se (which also hosted Sukebei);

>latest update: nyaa sent an email and confirmed it's gone for good. and yes, it was due to the EU ruling. and no, db is almost surely wiped.

Partially working indexer site using old dbs


Dev and discussion channel
#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Previous Thread

>We're STILL waiting for an alleged full rip from a based anon
My last post

Also, bump!
>I've considered hosting in some 3rd world country.

Just make sure it's a place that hates/has no ties to the EU/USA, not a place like Brazil or something which would leap if the US told it to jump.

Preferably one of those REALLY abandoned places no one even knows exists.
The best solution would be to get IPs and domains in one of those fucked up and corrupt places in Africa and then just get hosting with BGP-peering somewhere in Europe or Asia. Otherwise the hosting will be just too fucking slow.
This ordeal will cost a fortune though.
I think he should host in a country in Europe that's not in the EU and will not be in the EU for a long time.
just host in japan desu
I recently got a bunch of gold so...should I make this happen?

Any country suggestions? Was going to go travel anyway.
Hosting pirated content or pornography in Japan is just asking for trouble. It will be raided and busted in an hour or two.
Long /t/erm discussion thread: >>>/t/769815
My Balkan shithole is in the EU, and the only time they went after a torrent site, they gave up after like 2 weeks.
Where'd you get the gold, desu?
>[18:09:12] »» Daiz has changed the topic to: NyaaTorrents has shut down: https://pastebin.com/LEcqX8Pk

>May 3, 2017
>On May 1, 2017, NyaaTorrents officially ceased operations.
>At time of this writing, nothing remains of the site. These are actions taken by the owner of the site and not a result of some form of internal subversion or engagement by government or legal entities.
>The exact reasons for shutdown remain a mystery to all but the anonymous owner, but remaining former NT associates are led to believe that based on the circumstances surrounding closure, it was in response to recent court rulings that had the potential to affect site operations in the future. Rather than face this possibility, and any repercussions it would have on all parties involved, the owner decided to bring everything to a complete end. Based on operating principles, nothing will remain of the original site and all content, to include back-end, front-end, and all databases, has likely been purged.
>There are no plans to continue any activity under the NyaaTorrents banner.
>Any projects that occur from here on out are not associated with the original site.
>The above serves as an official statement by what remains of the site.
>Further questions can be directed via IRC to those remaining in #NyaaTorrents on irc.rizon.net.
>- The (former) NyaaTorrents moderation staff
There's a Somalian that posts frequently on /pol/, often with some new attempt to get rich (currently he's trying to breed Somalian cats for Europeans to purchase). See if he would be your man on the ground there.
best korea?
Argentina and Russia are good options.
try SEA, particulary that biggest country. The internet law & enforcement are pretty fuck up there.
Sounds like an absolute bro
Inheritance from my uncle. It's worth roughly 20k Euro.
I have an animebytes account and would be willing to get stuff off of there if needed.
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We can do this /a/, we can make Nyaa and Sukebei great again!
Alphabay is known to be hosted on Russia and no one gives a fuck. Yify and Popcorn time are in Argentina.

Equador and Venezuela would also not give a flying fuck.
Just look up the IP addresses of the biggest torrent websites. It will give you the country it's hosted in.
Russia is one of the fucking worst options since around 2010 or 2011.
They block, they raid, they destroy domain names of the torrent sites.
Nyaa was officially blocked in Russia too.
I suggest north korea. I'm sure kim likes chinese cartoons.
Based. We need more insiders from other private trackers too to grab other obscure stuff that not even Nyaa had too
>after the whole odex fiasco
They're still around and if you base the servers in SEA they're gonna go after you.
TPB guys are working on hosting problem:
>One of the technical things we always optimize is where to put our front machines. They are the ones that re-direct your traffic to a secret location. We have now decided to try to build something extraordinary.

>With the development of GPS controlled drones, far-reaching cheap radio equipment and tiny new computers like the Raspberry Pi, we're going to experiment with sending out some small drones that will float some kilometers up in the air. This way our machines will have to be shut down with aeroplanes in order to shut down the system. A real act of war.

>We're just starting so we haven't figured everything out yet. But we can't limit ourselves to hosting things just on land anymore. These Low Orbit Server Stations (LOSS) are just the first attempt. With modern radio transmitters we can get over 100Mbps per node up to 50km away. For the proxy system we're building, that's more than enough.

Looks like LOSS (Low Orbit Server Stations) are a way to go.
Dude, this is /g/, c'mon now.

If /a/ was capable of delivering anything in that regard we wouldn't even be in here
What's the latest ID you have on your sukebei dump? I've got an old backup with IDs up to 2147145.
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I saw it coming.

Move to Tribler, faggots. Hosted websites are over.
Every based anon on here posts on /a/ too though, but yes /g/ deserves all the praise.
Lurk around the time he makes threads, or make a thread around the same time with a Somalian flag to attempt to summon him.
North Korea has no internet though.
From the sound of it, looks like it's still in the early experimental stage desu.
holy shit, i wake up to this?

A big ship in neutral sea with a fucking cable to land sounds much more realistic to be honest.
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Get fucked normalshitters.
This is what you get for watching anime despite having sex.
wtf? japs hate piracy and will ban you at the first suspicion
If I have backups of my old (I think 2009? 2010?) utorrent appdata folder, can I do anything with the files in said folder(s)? Should still have the content I downloaded as well. I can't remember which were downloaded from nyaa or elsewhere though. Don't have that external plugged in currently but I could have a look through it if any of you wanted me to.
Fucking Daiz.
Not when nips were getting fucked in the anus for uploading episodes on Share/PD.
Thanks to whoever is working on bringing back nyaa.
Wtf i hate japan now

Also host it peru in one of the outskirt towns in the mountains were the mayor tells the prez to fuck off, i personally have ties with people in cajamarca
Fuck it, host it in mexico, they only know how to deal with physical piracy, they barely have internet.
You're safe in East Europe.

Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Slovakia, Poland.
Maybe Hungary and Croatia but the others are safer bets.
Do not think about Austria or Slovenia, they're the EU's complete bitches
what about Turkey?
Not completely true. The citizenry can only access an internal network, but they government has access to the real Internet. They have a few (< 100) servers hosted there, all from their government.

But outside of brokering a deal with their government, you're not going to be able to host a website there.
Trying to be another China, don't.

Also not Europe, might as well go more to East then if you're looking at Kebab
Yeah, East Europe is probably the best bet.

They hate pornography and chinese cartoons.
Host it in the United States. That's where The Pirate Bay is located.
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Even if Nyaa passes, please don't forget Miku. Sankyuu!
>host it where the MPEG-LA/ACTA/copyright jews have the most power
damn, can we just disguise the tracker?
Protip: do not host in Italy
at this point, there should be a tor hidden service for anime
there are only private trackers in Romania

The US will bomb it and claim the server house had terrorists in it.

Maybe Iran?
And they hate Japan so much that they'll kill and torture you if you mention anything Japanese related.

Those hosting options don't have enough bandwidth too for certain.
I know this is a meme but host in Switzerland.
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All those countries are under DMCA.
It will take just one court ruling and the site would get wiped again.

Now is the time.
I understand that he got scared and wanted to drop out, but why couldn't he of just given the db to someone else before wiping it.

What a fuck face.
What is the best VPN service out there? Price doesn't matter.
If they took down SilkRoad they would take down Chinese cartoon indexer as well. Plus there is a technical issue. I don't think TOR could handle as much traffic as clearnet.
>under DMCA.

But there's no reason to obey that DMCA in those countries.
You get between a stoner and his fix and he'll come up with something.

The nordic countries are enormous coffee addicts. During WW2 they came up with all sorts of recipes for surrogate coffee to not kill themselves.
Where Emuparadise has set up their servers? That could be a good place.
I mean, the hidden service could just index torrents and such

it would be slow as shit for dling tho
Even indexer sucks this way. Tor is just too slow for it.
Some kind of decentralized solution for hosting like H@H or ipfs might be viable though.
But decentralized database with search, indexing and shit is quite a big technical challenge.
Indonesia. The backbone connection not fast enough though so it will be slow like a shit.
That's not how it works, the providers will obey regardless of the country, besides it's not easy to find a provider with the right requirements (cost/bandwidth). I've seen it myself, there was a time when my team changed 3 different providers in the arc of a couple moths, they're ungrateful bitches who would wipe your server without notice after the first email from RYM.
>If they took down SilkRoad
You know there's been several replacements that have stayed up for quite some time? DNMs aren't going anywhere, and neither is your precious anime piracy.
But yeah, I don't think TOR is the answer, although there is some value in a hidden service.
>3rd May
>Still insisting on the "court ruling" as a reason
Just say that the admin (((You))) went rogue and leave it at that, don't give shitty reasons. Also, kill yourself, Daiz.
why is nyaa.pantsu filled with non anime shit? is the new website a piratebay copy + anime stuff from the previous nyaa?
Probably some Arab country or something. Afaik the owner is some rich arab that literally doesn't give a fuck
Tribler is better, literally TOR but for torrents:
English is a consistent language, it's just that few use it correctly. Not only in spoken language, and informal written language, but in technical document and scientific reports.

Unfortunately correct English often sounds obtuse, and is rarely idiomatic. This is a consequence of how the language has evolved, old English relied on complex noun conjugations (rather than genders and verb conjugations), as well as a clear distinction between formal conjugations (you, your etc.) and informal (thou etc.). The noun conjugations were gradually simplified, and then dropped entirely, and then the informal conjugations were also dropped (a peculiarity of English, the vast majority of languages drop the formal and keep the informal).

To compensate for the lack of clarity in the language after these changes the vocabulary expanded rapidly - resulting in very many specific words (who knows what at trivet is?). Consequently, in order to speak or write good English, one must have a wide vocabulary, a very exact knowledge of the meaning of words, and a precise understanding of the language's grammar. Which results in what is typically obtuse jargon.
>11 months ago
The scraper grabbed the random garbage some people would post before it got reported and moved.
so whos developing?? who is coding right now?? i have little expirience but i can help
What? articulate.
Don't use stable version if you are anal about bleeding edge

New Release candidate was just released 2 days ago
Let's ask him to save Animes too. I think he would be happy.
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Okay I have a 8MB/s up connection and I will seed all of your shit if you guys tell me a good vpn with a killswitch so germany doesn't fuck me over
So why is nobody talking about this. Are there any issues?
I agree, it wouldn't hurt to ask him for at least even advice.
theres almost nothing there
The real problem here is finding the previous magnets, not uploading new stuff
Seeding is not a problem. We don't have a good indexed ffs.
indeed, more will come in the future but if you want to chat with the author there is the IRC channel (just read OP's message)

Bosnia and Herzegovina should be obscure enough
No. Everybody is just too used to Nyaa being always there that they forgot sooner or later it was going to disappear just like several other torrent sites before it and never bothered to prepare an alternative for the current situation.
So, what happened to that anon who was slowly uploading a 13GB dump? Did he died? If he was a troll, he would've at least posted some fake download link here.
Aren't they muslims though?
Muslims are usually not that fond of chinese cartoons and porn.
One can't reasonably prepare for the admin going mental and nuking the entire thing out of existence.
He has some kind of real life conference or something.
we need more paranoia

Will be back at 2PM, wherever he lives. He had to work.
Btw, how I can get the database dump in case of another breakout? And, is there a way to get only the diff of the database?
see >>60188642

ipfs is better. Also tribler was a botnet last time I installed it.
I have a feeling he's just talking shit and doesn't actually have anything.
We need more mirroring.
I always thought that it's extremely dangerous how much we depend on Nyaa but I'm financially broke and didn't setup a mirror even for myself.
see >>60194608

No idea. He didn't tell that.
They changed the default setting of being an exit node to off some time ago.
Not true, just look how many people have been scraping the website.

You'd have to write a scraper for whatever replaces Nyaa if they don't provide DB dumps.
What VPN should I use now that EU punishes piracy?
calling them nodes just sounds like autistic underground hacker garbage
RARBG is hosted there. Alexa rank 282
It's called a node in tor protocol they implemented.
Nord VPN seems popular.
How else you would call a member of the network?

we need more lolis
Anirena.com is fully up and running.
>Not true, just look how many people have been scraping the website.
Yeah but even the most recent one have one month gap. Nobody would scrape the entire website daily.
That's why we need *regular* site dumps, first it was TPB, then it was IsoHunt, then KAT and now Nyaa. The owners need to stop being egocentric kids and need to start thinking of the infinite possibilities. It was only a matter of time.
Might be a good idea to contact rarbg admins.
They might give an advice or too about hosting.

Or just contact serioustubes or something.
also https://privateinternetaccess.com/
>Not true, just look how many people have been scraping the website.
All two of them?

Where's my sukebei backup that isn't older than mammoth's shit and incomplete at that then?
>based in US
No thanks.
Just write a smarter script that will scrape only new content.
Yeah, some shit like comments or edits on old torrents will be lost, but who cares?
You can go though and try to download anything you've deleted but now want back, and reseed what you have. You can connect to any peers through DHT, and can be connected to, so whenever a new site comes back up we can start re-uploading with a new tracker.
Nyaa was just too stable to be honest.
Everyone thought that he won't pull the plug that easy.
If only the web generate the diff regularly so people can get the diff, since the diff should be small enough to store... Of course someone still need to get the base though.
Fuck, did nyaa die? When?
>We will be taking the site down for maintenance/server upgrade in the next hour. Expect a prolonged downtime 24-48h.
>inb4 bbt never comes back
No one seems to care, but I've uploaded it anyway. https://f.lewd.se/TiuMul.sqlite
Someone should make some kind of doomsday backup for exhentai, bbt, tokyotosho, asiandvdclub and other shit.
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May the 1st

Keep away from it, questionable infosec practices, bad client, bad killswitch, and poor uptime/reliability. That said at least it's based in Panama.


Reliable and has a good reputation, but based in a five-eyes jurisdiction (US).

At the moment I'd say either the one based in Gibraltar (IVPN? It's very overpriced though) or Cryptostorm (ignoring their awful site they understand infosec.
Probably because nobody actually knew the guy. People knew he was paranoid but not to this extent.

One man alone cannot hold such power. It is insane and this is what happens. If even two other people had a say they could have just cut that crazy fucker out of the picture.
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never gonna happen, the owners don't give a shit, just like all the others till now.
How would one make a doomsday backup of exhentai? That's a whole lot of shit to download.
Well rip, see that at least horrible subs are having magnets so all is not lost for me.

They already have it. You just download it all.
It's backed by H@H clients
My psu died last friday, new one got delivered yesterday. Went online to HS, then I saw that message. Shit is pretty sad.

horriblesubs guys are in dispair as well, haven't you read their message?
can you link me
Isn't H@H only partial backup of some pictures?
Is shit properly indexed there?
I did, there I read about the magnets being available.
>Isn't H@H only partial backup of some pictures?
no it's literally the whole galleries distributed in chunks
>How would one make a doomsday backup of exhentai? That's a whole lot of shit to download.
Any tracker with video is several orders of magnitude larger than your porn mag scans.
Especially ADC, they deal in full DVDs and BDs. That shit takes up loads of space.
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That sure would be fun project.

>There are at least six copies of every base file, not counting H@H, and all storage servers run RAID-5/6/10. Across all servers there are about 260 HDDs between 2TB and 6TB, plus about 40 SSDs of varying sizes. So for raw storage space, you're looking at just shy of a petabyte.

>The new upload servers that are currently being loaded up have 132 TB worth of disks. Each.
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>mfw most of my favs on the panda have seeded torrents

fuck yes
Argenfag here, that means i can torrent whatever the fuck i want with no consequences?
I hope you make it open-source.
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How about Somalia or Honk Kong?
man that ponyfag sure is swimming in money
>open source
Where's the hook?
Fucking normalfag. That's how it's called, end of story.
>>open source

must be shit
>not having millions of credits from playing their shitty game
You can even have CP saved in your computer, you won't get fucked over by law unless you distribute it. Argentina is a weird country.
But in what ways?
I'm almost tempted.
>>not having millions of credits from playing their shitty game
I converted everything to hath to get those perks

I spent over 2000 haths
All reputable VPNs cost more or less the same (5-10 USD a month).
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Fuck that game, I got Hentai@Home clients running.
Somalia could work, noy sure about Hong Kong.

Russia raided a PIA datacenter without court order before, I don't know how I'd feel about it.
Argentina isn't anything special, they probably abide to DMCA too, but the real problem is finding an ISP with datacenter in Argentina that can provide good speeds for a site like Nyaa and that doesn't cost an organ.

The only way IMHO is going decentralized. The problem is going to appear again later as soon as the site get a bit popular, now in times like these RYM and friends will push harder to prevent the formation of new groups.
>that upload speed

are you literally paying a seedbox to run a porn distribution network?
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I have to say, I was a bit worried how I would watch shit now, cause I hate streams. Happy to see people already working on replacements.
I care. Thank you.
It looks like it has sukebei torrents up to 2016 February.
>Not having hundreds of millions of credits from translating, cleaning, and typesetting doujins and uploading them

Up your weeb game casuals.
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So now I am generating almost 20 hath per day, and I already got every useful Hath Perk..

At least I am not wasting these servers for private trackers.
someone's gotta do it
obviously isn't you
It isn't a permanent solution. Net neutrality protects P2P downloads. Hope you're outside the US.
how much are they?
>being a whore

Why don't you just go and suck cocks already faggot.
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Scanning is more fun than editing.
we can't even host piratebay
fuck denmark
hello Dyn******
There are some downsides to cryptostorm:
-They only have a custom 'widget' for Windows, so if you're using Linux/OSX you'll have to use openVPN and configure it yourself, and keep the IP tables up to date yourself. There windows widget (which is built around openVPN anyway) is actually quite good, and nicely integrates DNSCrypt and other things.
-Sometimes the bandwidth tanks and you're down at 15-20mb/s
-They do not handle lost connections very well, you need your own killswitch. (They do close the connection nicely though, so so long as you can kill programs with a continuous connection it doesn't seem to leak your IP, even for unexpected downtime).

So yeah, a bit of a mixed bag. They're the best I've found that isn't in an eye jurisdiction.
Legit question guys. I live in Chile and as some of you may know piracy is commonplace here and the government doesn't give a single fuck about it. Chile also has net neutrality laws. Would it be plausible to host the server here?
Third world shitholes may not care about international law, but they care about money. Give them enough and no server will be out of your reach.
To be fair I have an autistic aversion to actual editing, so I'll only do it if I really really can't find someone else.

I really enjoy translating though, very fun stuff.
This. In the future, at least two people (preferably three in case of a car accident or something) need to have control.
Not anymore.
I am from the Netherlands. I read our court caused this?
Serius question: where do you rent your servers?
I want to be a part of this action!
That just increases the likelihood of this happening. Nyaa just got paranoid and wiped the server. If you have two people with full access to the server, you have two people who might get paranoid and wipe the server.
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2€/month for online box, and OVH one is 44,34€/year after tax.

Too bad online box went EOL.

Russia recently also jailed a math teacher and Debian developer for running a public tor node.
Russia has also also jailed a guy for playing Pokemon in a church.
Russia has also recently blocked access to Nyaa, e-hentai, danbooru, gelbooru, baka-tsuki, sankaku, pornhub and a lot of other porn and anime related web-sites.
They also removed delegation of the domain for their largest torrent tracker without previous notice. And they blocked access to it too.

Russia is certainly a bad choice.
This increases the likelihood of non-insane one having a backup as well though.
>Too bad online box went EOL.
I can see why lol
No sane ISP ignores DMCA complaints and doesn't shut down few months after.

>be ISP
>get DMCA email
>"dude dmca lmao"
>ignore it
>court order imposes ban on your IP ranges
>customers lose traffic
>they change ISP
>no more income
>can't afford to provide hosting anymore
>close down
the solution, then, is to be your own ISP
>If you have two people with full access to the server, you have two people who might get paranoid and wipe the server.
Seems like it's only partially about how many people have full access; it's also about the people themselves. For multiple-admin setups, there has to be some kind of person-to-person protocol for making big decisions. Such as, I wanna shut down the servers for X reason, but I can't do it unilaterally, I've gotta contact the other top admins first and get their OK. Something like that.
Few places in the world you can do this.
the profit in murican small ISPs dried up in the 00's
No. Is to go decentralized.
>e-hentai, danbooru, gelbooru, baka-tsuki, sankaku, pornhub
Good luck to buy IPv4 block!
Mongolian erotic tapestries are serious business
Being ISP is pricey though.
The connections to other ISPs cost literally millions of dollars in equipment and traffic agreements.
Well, it doesn't really matter at this point.
how do we stop Daiz?
How do you implement a multiple-person verification for
sudo rm -rf /
Pretty tall order.
If you investigate every DMCA order then they'd just flood you with demands until you collapse.
You can just look at google and the MPAA\RIAA, they even tried to DMCA their own official sites at one point.
True patriots
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I don't have sex, still missing nyaa
I dunno, I'm not a 1337 unix haxxor or anything. Just seems to me that the people who agree to become admins should all have to agree not to do such things, at least without getting other admins' OK. I know that may lead to a "clique"-type situation among the admins, but it's better than one guy shutting it all down 'cause he had a panic attack.
Yes. See >>60195384.
>Just seems to me that the people who agree to become admins should all have to agree not to do such things
If you're getting paranoid about being jailed, you're not going to be thinking "Oh, I promised two anonymous people online that I would not wipe the server".
I want to host a bittorrent DHT node. How can I do that?
>How do you implement a multiple-person verification for sudo rm -rf

have two servers do rsync every 5min
each one of you know only one root password
Speaking of hosting warez on ISP's datacenter https://www.brutalattack.org/index.php/brutalattack/topsite/
Overwrite database with random bits. Wait for sync.
SFW Nyaa wasn't blocked in Russia, sukebei was.
I know because sukebei was all I cared about.
Among more thread-relevant things, Russia blocked PornoLab.
he made a deal with some lawyer, it's plainly obvious he didn't just throw an autism fit.
Have you ever heard about incremental backups?
Hoh? That's news to me. Source?
Use a recent torrent client, that's it
Even the https version was blocked? Are they doing SNI blocking?
>Overwrite database with random bits. Wait for sync.

implying I don't snapshot my server on a third one ;-)
No source, but I can bet my HDD he did, just like IsoHunt.
>source: my ass
So does my torrent client claim a small partition of the keyspace every time I start it?
Does that mean some magnet requests land on my machine?

That's fucking cool.
HTTPS was blocked. I don't know how exactly it's done since enabling VPN in Opera was enough to get around it.
They just leave it up to ISPs.
Some did a MitM, others blocked all access to the IP, others didn't give a flying fuck about blocking https content.
how about making a sort of a torrent-chan bot, which would have a topic on /r/, could be asked to search anything, and post results to a new post?
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>implying it never happened before
Why are people avoiding going decentralized. IPFS works nice enough.
>implying just because it happened before, it's also happening now
Nah, we should use blockchains to host the index.
Do they log DNS requests, timestamps and bandwidth?
How hard is it to set your own killswitch?
There's already a torrent-dedicated decentralized network based on TOR, that allows creation of channels in a WinMX-like fashion, which is called Tribler.
How are you going to decentralize search, database and moderation with authentication?
>competition between IPFS and Tribler shills
>grabs popcorn
Proper distributed content curation/indexing is hard. Easiest solution is have redundant/federated backend hosted by multiple people with a load balancer in front. If somebody fucks up others can put up a new frontend quickly
Why would you need moderation and authentication when it's distributed?

Search is possible with blockchains.
why not host the site on the moon
Remember gnutella/e-mule? Some people spam and flood the network with fake content, a while after finding real stuff becomes impossible
>tfw tpb will never launch those rockets
The Mooninites will fuck up your server.
Because that's what made nyaa viable and popular?
No one needs an anime tracker that is flooded with everything from child porn to south american TV shows.
IPFS has embed torrent support? it allows you to upload torrents and download torrents even from public trackers anonymously? enlighten me.

I just don't like to watch streams.


You don't need moderation, Search is possible if you attach a tag or have a node list. We would only need an app to upload things.


Yes, that's why ipfs fits just fine with the task.
what EU ruling? i missed it
so back to xdcc it is.
what a shame though, i liked nyaa for the rss feed capability.
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Moon bitches can't do shit

IPFS can publish on pseudonyms. We could use that?
Just implement filtering then.
Have the clients download a blacklist of torrents not to show. Done.
What stops me from uploading a bunch of childfucking while tagging it with anime and naming it with the file name of the newest episode of the hottest ongoing?
>what EU ruling? i missed it

Why don't you send it to me haha
Just for fun
A prank haha

Pseudonyms. You can sign a content with a name, then everyone will know it's you, and the content can be trusted.
see >>60195674
We can still have a moderation staff.
Automated bots spam can content 24/7 impossible to do blacklist filtering.

We just would need an authority that manages trusted authors, if the people actually need them.
So now we play the waiting game.

Wonder how long this will all take to blow over.
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Having RSS from iroffer wouldn't require much tweaking, but there doesn't seem to be any good XDCC Parser.
Rating. When they were flooding eMule with Mark Dorcel's porn, people used to read the rating to avoid the mines.
Then put torrent registration behind an approved form, or at least an automated form that prevents spamming, like a captcha or something.
Once they're in the blockchain they're fully distributed, so if someone seizes the torrent submission server, just spin up a new one somewhere else.
Name a vps i can pay with bitcoins?
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Wow, this sounds almost as bad as the time Megaupload went down. Say what you will about Kim Dotcom, megaupload was a huge trove of obscure stuff.
No. Their DeepDNS system prevents them from doing that. It also makes DNS hijacking difficult.

>Timestamps and bandwidth

Easiest thing to do is block all non VPN traffic, only allowing traffic through localhost, LAN and the VPN exitnodes. Whilst this isn't an elegant solution, killswitches never are. They either try to force kill programs during a disconnect (vulnerable to timing issues and everything else) or they kill the internet if the VPN goes down - which is just a firewall that block all traffic apart from that which is explicitly exempt. tl;dr it's easy on all OSes.

They did say on their forum that they were making a Windows kill switch, not sure when it'll be done though. I recommend having a read through their forums for a while, they're quite open about how it works.
Wtf Marc dorcel porn is kino

Horrible now has an official RSS feed if that matters to you.
Or maybe a better idea, implement a whitelist of authors like this anon suggests >>60195719
Its more or less just as bad. Some shit will probably be lost forever unless some people out there upload it eventually way down the road.
I remember downloading video lessons for university courses in my language from it, the closure of megaupload was really a huge loss of rare content.
That's the point. You need moderation and authentication. Doing that in a distributed fashion is hard. Retroshare is the closest similar thing, we don't need another fail /g/ project
Registration requires authentication and that's really hard to implement without some kind of centralized authority and database.
Ratings are useless without centralization for exactly the same reason.
> normalshitters
> nyaa
Meanwhile majority of people just stream.
tl:dr: ad money was declining, took the chance to grab money and run
Petabyte of chinese erotic drawing.

How much is that setup probably cost?
You can have a neatly arranged centralized rating DB maintained by volunteers that doesn't host any infringing content and add an extension in your software (tribler/ipfs/whatever) to embed it.
>Yes, that's why ipfs fits just fine with the task.
You can build a very resiliant backend with ipfs but for a small federated network its overkill. Have 10 people host the backen with a load balancer or have some of them sync with main server at the end of the day and everything is simpler.

Even better have an extra automated dumper that makes database available to public as a torrent daily/weekly

But anon, we solved the moderation issue with trusted authors using pseudonyms on IPFS (it's a feature of ipfs). It's not that hard.
Well there must be some way so that we don't lost an entire index when it goes down.
Weekly/daily database dumps? and open sourcing the code would help.
Has anybody looked into using IPFS tech to host a torrent site?
The very nature of it would make it nearly impossible to get rid of the site, as it'd be decentralized through P2P.
It'd be cheap to host too.
I don't think ad revenue was ever profitable for nyaa.

Admin was probably rich and paying for it out of his own pocket for a good long while.
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I'm illeterate as all hell on all this garbage, but I have around 700gb worth of animu/doujins. Is there a way for me to help the cause?

>kek only 700gb

Why are you saying it will be small? Japanese people could upload things to it eventually, making it big. One should think about scalability.
Seed nigga. Never stop seeding.
>Well there must be some way so that we don't lost an entire index when it goes down.
Separate archive server that contains the latest daily archive?
From 2013
>And the hosting is just shy of $100k/year at today's exchange rate.
>based in Canada
Why are all nice VPNs based in countries bad for privacy?
Nope, Ecuador would be a better place, they'll have the same politic party for some time.
Eh entire nyaa site isn't likely bigger than 20 gb. I am talking a about a torrent indexer site, not a file hoster,
It's probably just english shit anyway so just kill yourself.
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You got it boss.

Also how do I make a torrent file for some of my other stuff? I got doujins back from when Lusty Lady was a thing.
Somebody make Nyaa over ethereum !
also buy ethereum you inbred weaboos
Making a moderation backend using IPFS primitives is a project of its own.
What's your upload speed? if you can afford to spend a dozen more dollars a month, you could get a seedbox with 500GB storage and use it for both downloading and seeding.

Well, there aren't many alternatives if sites keep going down.
Oh nevermind I didn't read far enough down the thread, people already talking about IPFS.
Does IPFS even allow dynamic content like search engine for example?
I though it was only static content hosting and that's quite useless for the purpose of torrent indexer.
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you're starting from there? m8 no malice intended but >>>/g/sqt can be a good source of informations for starters.
What VPNs have a relieable Killswitch?

I live in germany so it's absolutely necessary to instantly shut everything down, or I will be in debt for the next years

Yeah. Download it, it has a search feature. The git: https://github.com/ipfs-search/ipfs-search

The only problem would be speed. Which we would solve with a list of nodes (we can generate them automatically).
So, I read the FAQ, went on #nyaapantsu and asked if help for development was needed, but no one answered, they were busy doing autism about whatever. Is dev help needed? Where do I go to get answers?
can you post your anime collection? curious to see what you might have
holy shit anon, are you really thinking about spending your fucking inheritance on a weaboo site? Like just think about that for a minute...I like anime as much as the next chan faggot but seriously reconsider, you can really set your life up with that.

Someone told you the dev is sleeping. Noone else have any decision power on the pantsu site.
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Gonna have to check when I get home. Can't hurt to add it to my buyf/a/gging.

Just googled that shit, but will check nonetheless. No harm, no foul.

Outdated. They nuked everything in Canada and moved to Iceland.
Do this, call it Skynet.
You are a fool if you don't think macri has this in the bag.
Why can't it be based in China?

Pron is forbidden.
Mars hosting when? Moon is already compromised. :(
too much chinks
Thank you.


>no unit tests
not noice
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Just go to KissAnime or something if you want to watch Naruto so much.
how can you set your life using 20k? i've got about that much lying around but im still poor desu
What's the battery life for drones like?
I can't imagine this would be a very cost effective or viable setup to do all around the world.
You'd probably have to recharge several thousand drones every day.
Take a look at the two figures on:
They basically did worst-circumstance interruption tests (hence all clients without inbuilt killswitches failed, as they didn't configure anything themselves).
Then refer to:
To check jurisdictions - you want to avoid any fourteen eyes countries really. Gibraltar is the only questionmark there, but IVPN are stupidly expensive anyway.

Iceland isn't in the EU and it's not in fourteen eyes. It's a safe(r) jurisdiction.
I'm to lazy to download and setup it but it looks like a search for the whole network rather then for some kind of single site on the network.
They don't have Japan servers, right?
I want my sukebei stuff back, fuck cartoons.

To search a single site you only need the site's name.
>These are the retards developing our nyaa replacement
>They can't even into operator precedence
>These are the people who program in Go

Future looking bleak
jesus christ you have no concept of the worth of money
As a person who worked with ISP and actually made a system for blocking sites(yeah I'm a bastard I know) I can tell you how it's done. Most ISPs use DPI servers(just google Procera DPI). These gateways can block any http URL, domain or IP, but can't block https URL because there's no way to know which URL user requesting on a given domain. So when they told to block, let's say, https://4chan.org/h/pedo_thread.html they ban the whole site by breaking the SSL handshake procedure. And if you can't handshake, you can't establish connection. Of course DPI looks on;y at requested domain name, so when you use VPN of something like anonymizer, you don't actually send an open handshake request to blocked domain, thus DPI server doesn't block it.
Thanks, much appreciated.

Maybe I will get into torrents again after expensive german lawyer bullshit a year ago cause I forgot the Killswitch imo
>implying this isn't worth more than nothing
The answer lies in botnet. Take Mirai for example. Millions of unsecured IoT devices used for DDoS. What if someone instead of using botnet for DDoS attacks, used it to host chinese cartoon indexer?
20k is quite low even for the third world shit hole I'm in.
It's just like ten months worth of basic living expenses in a sensible part of the world.
The pagination is a joke.
The page number starts at 1, but apparently 0 is a valid page too, and it shows different content than page 1, which is supposed to be the first page.
What the fuck?
Oh and if you go forward a page, you can't get back to the first page.
Peru is slow as shit.
Nah, that anon is right, I could live at least 4 years with that much in Italy. Did you steal your dad's credit card or something?
>nyaa replacement
It'll never be a Nyaa replacement.
I think that people who invented := operator instead of = must be burned alive while rabid dogs chew on their balls.
Can't right now because work. But it's a mixed bag like any other collection. Mostly stuff from 2008 onwards, with a handful of early 90s series.
Feel free to contribute, make your own front-end or just shut the fuck up.
:= is different from =.
:= means define and assign.
= is just assignment without definition.
what happened to nyaa's devs? do they have any plans?
you're fucking retarded m8, 20k is a fuck ton of money, give your daddy's credit card back
Maybe I fucking would make my own frontend, if I didn't have work in the way.

Something tells me pantsu is going to turn out to be a buggy mess.
Who much is your rent, guys?
Shut the fuck up and let him be retarded if it'll get us sukebei back
HSL said people (read nyaa devs) were making a new site from scratch.
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>this pampered baby
I was not under the impression that any new site would be coming from nyaa's former staff.
NordVPN seems like a good choice for me since no IPv6 leaks
All humanoid programming languages already do them both in =
then wouldn't it be better to get in contact with them and ask them to consider decentralization this time? another hosted website won't be enough to prevent stuff like this from happening again.
nordvpn leaked like a fauced cant you into image comprehension
>Then refer to:
Meaning what, there's nothing with green across the board. I don't really care about money, IVPN would be great if they were based in Hong Kong.
>but IVPN are stupidly expensive anyway
So what would you recommend.
What? Just bring out a calculator and sum up the rent, utility bills, transportation, food, clothing and all the minor shit and you'll be amazed at how much does it actually cost to live.
i'm still in uni but like $7000ish a semester, but my job pays for it
Other anons are nitpicking, but I see more problems with this guy's general methodology: no integration/unit tests, not much thought, apparently, given to the application's architecture, no requirements ("golang" isn't a requirement). Not sure I want to contribute to that, I'd rather have doki's tracker take over.
Have YOU done that? In MY third world country 20k euros would last me YEARS, and I live alone.

Either you were lying about you living in a third world country as well, or you're a spoiled retard that considers shit like eating out every day a "living expense"
That reminds me there was an anon making /g/hostingtalks threads some years ago, he probably knows good hosting solutions for a torrent site
I guess it was WubTheCaptain?
All compiled languages usually require definition before assignment.
Both by = are only done in ducktyped or dynamically typed interpreted scripting languages.
NordVPN are bad. Not only are they leaky they're generally considered a bit sketchy. I used them for their variety of end-nodes once, but only as a top layer from a VM. So if you need geographically diverse (faked) end-nodes, it could be part of a solution.

If money isn't an issue IVPN; Gibraltar is a bit of a grey area but they do have a good reputation.

BlackVPN is HongKong based, and good if you don't mind their more limited set of protocols. I seem to remember that P2P was okay, but SMTP was not. Which was a deal breaker for me.

If you're willing/able to configure things yourself I'm on the cryptostorm boat. They don't block any protocols, and they support obfuscation. Unfortunately they're not an out-of-the-box solution.
150€ a month in commie block, or 500€ for the cheapest 1-bedroom apartment outside town, or shared apartment for half of that.
Is it gone for good? Is there news from the owners on what happened?
Both the website and the tracker?
So which of those two requires := operator? It's hideous.
Read the thread.
It's gone.
Most probably yes. No Yes.
I could do better but have no time other than a few hours on weekends and have no money
I already told that to HSL.
I hope whatever replaces Nyaa gets a proper automated reseeding-request page to make it easier to bother digging around the hoard for some odd file someone wants.
It's definition and assignment in one operator. Type of the variable is determined by the literal value being assigned.
I think that if the EU ruling has actually nothing to do with nyaa and animus then they could just make a replacement site but have regular backup dumps and mirrors so shit like this couldn't happen again.
If the ruling isn't going to affect the replacement site then we don't really have to worry about anything else as long as we can backup.
Jesus fuck, I hated how they phrased that in the go tour (kind of like in this book), I thought I was going to get something kind of like haskell's type inference. Turns out the fucking thing only uses the return type of the function you use or what you input directly. I don't call it "type inference".
Poor man's dynamic typization. Still hate :=
Well devs for one site will probably not want to scrap their code and go decentralized. They probably want to setup their site and put ads.

If we want decentralized stuff we need to do it without expecting anything in return other than Chinese cartoons.

Doki's tracker sends you your password in plaintext in the confirmation mail when you sign up.

That seem any better to you?
>run federated torrent indexer publishing all additions to the rest of the fedverse
>someone DMCAs a torrent on your site
>someone else reposts it on your site
>your site asks the others in the network if they have any data on that infohash
>your site gets all the comments and shit back even though you complied with the DMCA

Why has nobody done this yet?
You do understand that this guy just hacked something overnight for searching available sqlite dumps? All the integration tests and architecture planning things require much more time than that.
I doubt he plans to do it like that if it takes off and he wants it to become a full-fledged nyaa replacement.
>have test answers
>teacher finds out and confiscated it
>friends hand you another copy
>teacher finds out that you still have a copy, even though you have up the original at their request, and you get expelled
Law of the strongest. Build your implementation, may the best win.
Or Gensoukyou.
>You do understand that this guy just hacked something overnight for searching available sqlite dumps?
Oh, ok, makes sense now. I learned about this whole thing just an hour ago while cooking.
Complying means you won't upload ever again. If it shows up again then you didn't comply.

Where would you host a torrent site if you had to host one? Country/provider?
>set for life
>Nah, that anon is right, I could live at least 4 years with that much in Italy
Is the life expectancy in Italy so horrible or are you just very, very old?

The *site* complies by taking down the content.
Nothing they can do about people reposting it...
How much would it cost to sent a server to low orbit? Power by solar panels, connect it to the Internet via satellite. No need to have it in the moon.
They'll just ask you to delete it again.
What would I have to set up for cryptostorm? Only killswitch?
>not hosting the new nyaa servers in Hell
So you do. Then someone uploads it again. Like on EVERY OTHER service that complies with copyright laws, just more convenient.
A shitton of money. and you're going to need another shitton for maintaining a high speed uplink with it.
How long until take-down-and-stay-down laws get passed?
Why can't there be an anon that is a heir to some random arab kingdom with enough money to support the entire weebsphere?
Going to Mars is going to be hard anon
Anyone gives that service? No need for it to have all the data, just the important data. You could keep the rest on servers on earth.

Otherwise, P2P encrypted stuff.
i am surprised no one thought about making it p2p based.
Dear leader could do it. Someone call best Korea.
Probably much more than a billion. It's incredibly hard to make hardware that will last, will withstand space radiation, won't have problems with cooling in space, will have manageable energy requirements for the task, won't require any hardware maintenance and such. Bringing it to the orbit is pricey too.
Arabs don't care for weebs or science. Google that video where some saudi retard says that if the Earth is spinning then how can we fly to china?
They only care about expensive cars and harems.
>They only care about expensive cars and harems.
Then we have at least one thing in common.
Do you think Elon Musk likes anime?
>Anyone gives that service?
I don't think so. Too expensive.
Rename site and put it up again. Beat them at their own game.
Who are you quoting?
Anon originally said "you can really set your life up with that", not "you'll be set for life with that".
Just don't make it a single site. Use a hash instead of a site, someone else hosts the direction to the current hash.
Too bad their harems are 3dpd.
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. You'd have to make a pretty tailored law if you don't want to make literally any site that lets users post content without pre-moderation impossible to host.

Without making people switch to some fully decentralised network (which have their own problems and good luck getting normies to use it), can you do any better?

Did you even read the thread?
Even if he does, he loves money more. And he won't spent even a dollar on a project that won't make any profits.
He's enough of a dipshit that we could probably trick him into thinking this is somehow a profitable venture.
How does a harem of trap maids sound, Elon~
Also old isohunt and kat obeyed DMCA and those didn't save their ass. As far as I can see torrent sites get fucked when they get too popular and attract rights holders. Don't get indexed by google for starters and stay low and half of the problems should disappear
...then you still have the 12 other federated clones run by other people.

Again, not foolproof, just better than anything we have right now.

Rights holders seem to have so far been very lax with anime. Of course that could change as anime streaming becomes more and more popular.
Is the most recent database really of one month ago? What happened to the dude that said he had a day old database?
I think the best solution is making servers as small, disposable and interchangeable as possible.
If it goes down then let it be down and switch to other one in the network.
Having a bunch of domains that are random and switchable to an extent is a good idea too.
Kim Dotcom accidentally mirrored a server in the US for a few hours. He deleted the mirror but it was enough to get him extradited.
wouldn't they just go after the host then?
Sometime in about an hour apparently
this is answered multiple times in every version of this thread
We need a new thread then.
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That's what I'm saying, screw worrying about DMCA. Put network structure up first
SilkRoad was taken down because it was profitable.
No law enforcement agency will waste resources trying to take down a hidden service for hosting magnetic links to cartoons.
>No law enforcement agency will waste resources trying to take down a hidden service for hosting magnetic links to cartoons.

Never under estimate the will of money and moralfags.
This is probably the dumbest thing I've read in any of these threads that actually sounded sincere
What about Antigua? They pretty much ditched trade relations in the US and are willing to host copyright content without question
Do they have enough bandwidth and hosting that won't kill with prices?
It wouldn't happen.
If they want to exploit the DMCA claims it would be far more profitable going after the low-hanging fruits in the clearnet.
If they have a way to deanonymize the network there are way more interesting targets that they can pursue instead of going after people for sharing links to copyrighted content.
>court order
Haha, here in Italy it'd take a few years to effectively do something about it, obviously there's a hugd chance it becomes obsolete beforehand
Bureaucracy fuck yeah
>unironically suggesting joining a botnet outside of intel or windows threads
Anta just went full baka.
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