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/efg/: Erotic Fiction General

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 401
Thread images: 69

This is the go-to place to discuss (and produce) erotic fiction of all types, from the fap-and-go fics to porn with a substantial plot. Drawfags are also welcome- illustrated stories are the best ones! For drawing requests also check out the /d/raw thread:

Writefags, consider pastebin/titanpad rather than dumping for your stories. You can also use 1d4chan for /tg/-related smut

You are advised to tag your stories so that people know what they're looking at. This will attract more feedback from people interested in the themes you're exploring. Consider quoting the OP when delivering. This will make it easier to find (and critique!) the new stories in a thread.

People appreciate it a lot when you give them constructive feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. We thrive on it. Don't be afraid to speak your mind about a story that caught your attention. This will help everyone in the long run.

Requests are encouraged to promote a steady flow of new content.There's nothing like a good request to get the creative juices flowing. Try to expand your ideas - a bare-bones request doesn't give us much of a good idea as to what you want. Have fun with it! Keep in mind that it might take some time to get to yours, and each writefag is interested in different kinds of things.

Remember to post pictures when possible to keep the thread alive, but keep image dumps to a minimum so that more OC can be posted.

Requests welcome.


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Previous thread: >>7264296
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What's everybody working on lately?
Nothing. Because my work ethic suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Sorta novelisation of this doujin I found the other day that's like a very dark deconstruction of the cowgirl idea.

Nobody I showed the doujin to has read beyond the cover, so I don't really think I'll post it here.
Working on my commission, as much as I can.

May as well repost it:

The Grande Futapest Hotel
>tags: futanari, futa-on-female, futa-on-futa, huge dicks, balls, ballsucking, blowjobs, anal, vaginal, deepthroat, cumswapping, kissing, porn, real world, I wish the real world would just stop hasslin' me
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Reposting as the last thread died:

2000 word update, new content at "Vi's fangs pinched my ear as she leaned down to chew"

Snek 4:
>no new tags

I have officially committed to producing a Visual Novel, bought the software I need, got a musician lined up, now I have to plan it out and write it, and buy the art. It's gonna take a while but I think I can do it.
Worst case scenario I can release the project without art as a "choose your own adventure" style interactive story. I'm gonna try to have it fully illustrated if I can afford it though.

I'm working on a draft in Twine that you guys will be able to playtest.
any idea how much longer on this fic? looking forward to binging.
Probably another two weeks, maybe a bit less. I'm at 46,000/70,000 words.
What is /efg/'s thoughts on /PoFg/ over in trash?
Dangit, where's my name? It's me, dangit. I'm in the alphabet! It's right near the start.
Still waiting on that human male on monstergirl impreg and pregsex fic.
The fuck is that?
Plenty of Fish general, where you guys write fapfiction based on women you see on dating websites?

Let me guess, it pertains beef, and beef derivates.
Sneak preview of the Runt/Osha art!


Pets of Furries General. It's over on /trash/.

>I have officially committed to producing a Visual Novel, bought the software I need
I hope you didn't fall for the tyranobuilder meme.
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What's wrong with it?
Asking for a friend.

Don't you mean a...

[spoiler]Snek preview
Nope, not that I've seen.

Focuses more on the milk-related side of things.
>that runt
>would let tenderly destroy me and fall asleep on/10
Way too cute

Looks like it might be hot. What story ae they in again?
That would be Outpost.
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Snek this story lacks something. That I have a mighty need for. Don't make me get in line for a commission. Lord knows you have your wagon full.

J-jeez Osha b-big.
That tears it, I may have to scrape some money together and comission gay runt stuff

Link? It's not showing up in the smut list and the new wiki is giving an error.
I feel justified in reposting this. I have a bad habit of posting at the tail end of a thread.

Big update for my repairman story. 3700 new words.

The Repairman

Tags: Monstergirl, cyborg, M/F*, fellatio*, 69*
New material starts with: “So, I noticed we’re"

In this part, Brook and Zillon continue their trek to Brook's village, have a romantic encounter in an outpost, and run afoul of wasteland bandits. (Would a wasteland truly be complete without roving packs of Mad Max rejects?)
Hetero Edition:
Ebook: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=7718390&i=767761

Bisexual Edition:
Ebook: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=7718390&i=767763

What doth thy boner require?
I know the one you're referring to. Interesting read.

I don't visit /trash/ so I have no thoughts on it. I don't really care for furry/furryish material outside of stuff like generic fantasy monsters fucking humans, so it's not like I'd read it anyway. If they're creating content, good for them.
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Two words. Ab job.

But I'm not sure if you'll be able to do it this story. Maybe with Raz returning? I NEED it.

Have more Alaska.

Line 556 of Snek 3 my man.
Oh yes I'm aware this happened. I've read it many times. I wanted more. Feels like it was just touched upon. Please sir.
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I can probably swing it.
Well, snek did say he was planning on revisiting past stories and couples with short lewd bits, and your idea sounds like a good candidate to go with the intense thirst for gay runt stuff
>Would a wasteland truly be complete without roving packs of Mad Max rejects?

Of course not!

Osha big yes, but Runt is pretty small for a polar, clocking in at 7 feet or so.
T-this, please.
Was hoping for Snek or Raz abs personally.
I'd bet on sliding it into Snek IV, but otherwise it'd probably be Raz in short story time
One last thing before I go to bed, VN proof of concept:


It's just a short multi-choice prototype with some new content, but mostly made up of recycled sections from other stories showing what kind of stuff I'm able to do with Twine. Text-only of course.
[Terrified arousal]
Oh, this is going to be good
Do you have even a vague idea of what routes you've got in mind?

>go to mess hall
"man this would be the perfect place for a polar if Snek was reading my mi-"

Holy shit, I am goddam bursting with ideas for this of which I hope you like at least one
I'll post them once you're back
I'm thinking three romance options, Equatorial, Polar, Krell, as this will be done long after Highway to Krell is finished and females of the race are established. I'll use tropes from the series and have the Polar maybe be a medic, the Equatorial can be a brash rookie, Krell can be a BFF turned romantic interest.

I can't have many more than that, because that'll run me like a thousand bucks in art costs alone for maybe eight basic portraits each, not including all the other shit I'll need, but it's doable if I spread it out over several months.

I'll work on it on and off between my writing projects and hopefully flesh out the different paths. I'll probably have to do some studying too, and see how other devs have done it.

Sure I'll see it when I get back, gotta go now before I die of sleep deprivation.
Follow your sexy furry dreams, you crazy diamond.
For Honor tsundere MConq X FAssassin fic. I'm having a hard time picking which assassin class because they're all colossal cunts that I want to hatefuck to death.
Peacekeeper would make the most sense, as the Conqueror is a former prisoner.
A commission that is taking forever. :)

And this month's Patreon (sci-fi, surgical modification, nc).
I started working on the futa werewolves/twin elves suggestion from last thread but I think it may be 3lewd5me.

Any other authors deal with this before?
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Still the same story. I finally have some free time so I'm hoping to start getting the wheels moving on chapter 4 of Love Coils
Fuckit, I'll do it now, you'll get the red note when you wake up

Ah, whelp, I had three total ideas, two intended as alternates to the presumed standard [culture] borlean options, one nonstandard per borlean type and one krell, and the krell was just y'all's but reverse trap

For the polar I had
>[secret gay route for outpost yaoi fangirls]
>runty (he's only 6'11 but remarkably strong) young polar from the republic
>he's awful at standard polar con artist rapeist plays
>but he's very good at recognizing that shit, and smart, so he's on the pinwheel as an intel analysis specialist
>he's awkward but. sincerely friendly
>MC gets assigned to clerk intel shop and meets him
>could be an equally adorable option if made female
I actually had this idea as a full fic but pared it down
>Equatorial, but not particularly Elysian
>years ago a borlean on a ship over earth at the right/wrong moment shat out a dozen rape babies and told command they could space them for all the fucks she gave
>instead, HIGHCOM adopted them out to a dozen families who knew what they were in for, to see if they could raise them to be non-shitbirds
>this one has ended up going to U.Of Alabama (ROLL TIDE) and gone ROTC
>finally arriving on the Pinewheel, they've been assigned to the security department as a MP to handle shitcats because moralez doesn't have enough hands or hours in the day
>wears an oversized Stetson when off duty, and always refers to the PC as Sir/Ma'am, even in bed
>the PC ends up meeting them for [reason], and they decide to have a drink from their stash of actual bourbon later and get to know each other

>I figure both could be made a childhood friend of the PC's because what's a VN without the childhood friend option?
And another thing, I suppose you could feasibly make both borleans virgins if you want to cater to mutual-deflorationfag rather than your traditional experienced-woman-inexperienced male fetish

And just for a last drunk thing, for both borleans and for that matter the krell, I kinda envisioned a scene where they whip up on a borlean who tries to molest the PC, ending with moralez showing up and possibly beating the rekt guy's friends want to contest the outcome, or just telling the MC and waifu/husbindo to go home and he'll handle the paperwork
Ya have the assassin. The others would work but there would be additional barriers between the relationship like language and of course faction diffrences.

Personally I like the nobushi and the conqueror. With m/conqueror being captive following totally silent nobushi (always female), but when filthy barbarians attack he steps up to help.

Really any cross faction pairing would work if they had to work together against the other faction.
Attempting to continue my rewrite, but with minimal luck. I'm starting to think I'm cursed to be bogged down by random shit every time I try to write.
Be adaptive. What sound like a mighty great idea at first sight sometimes turns out not to be when you get down to it.

Storyboard harder and/or drop some kinks. Let it stew for a while or in the worst case simply drop it and start from scratch again.
Does anyone like this?

>Monstergirls exist. Except their society is extremely hidden.
>They walk around as humans, with a few exceptions.
>While they still look for husbands to love, they've stopped using rape as an introduction.
>Instead they aggressively hit on the men they like, revealing how they actually look just before sex.
>Unless the guy they're with likes Monstergirls. At that point they practically assault him.

I'll take 20 of these.
>the invention of the pistol finished the "traditional" monstergirl, which gunpowder and hell, even the small pocket/sleeve knife, generally had on the ropes, and the survivors live exclusively on true wub and fetishists
I could dig it
I'll commission it if you find someone who will write it!

It depends on which Monstergirl you're talking about. Monster Musume girls who try to rape men? They'd be killed. I was thinking they'd be more powerful than that, and hiding for civility reasons instead of survival. Their goal is to find someone who loves them, not rape guys for fun.
Same old trope with a slightly altered casing. It will rely on the execution, but it definitely could work.
/tg/ reporting in (who am I kidding, we're the same board on two different addresses).
Long story short, I need inspiration for a Shadowrun game where the players have to brush shoulders with corp heirs and the parties they hold, and I came here because other people's perversions are hard to write.
Imagine you're a ridiculously pampered child of hyper-influential megacorporate parents in a world where your family company owns literally a two-digit percentage of the world. You've been raised without shame (no one would ever think of blaming you) and without a sense of consequence (your parents and the corp handle everything for you), and you have the opportunity to get practically any kind of cosmetic surgery, personafix chip or cybernetics, and wear any fucking kind of clothing you want, to a party that's basically a drug-fueled contest to see who can spend the most money on the freakiest cosmetic surgery.
This is an inbred corner of a fucked-up society drowned in VR porn and propaganda for new biosculpting treatments, in which corporate kids are just going for shocking each other and then probably banging, and in which trolls and elves actually exist - 2.3-meter horned amazons are literally natural, and you're not the first one to think of giving them a dick.
What would you do? The scene is intended to genuinely feel freaky, so don't skimp on the details.
Also, if you're in doubt about what the technology in the setting can do, assume it can do what you want it to, because it probably can. The Shadowrun general has made a character with 332 cyberdicks before.
>only 332 cyberdicks
Obligatory shitting dicknipples. No one ever expects shitting dicknipples.

If we want real shock and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, you could have it so you have no skin on certain parts (or all) of your body, just squishy red muscle and connective tissues.

Polars dont rape, and I'm pretty sure a lack of consent is a massive turn off for them

Well, more specifically a lack of consent right before sex. I'm guessing they love the challenge of turning a lack of consent into genuine consent/begging for it.
>polar diplomacy classes are just kissing classes
Cybertorso or -skull that is transparent/can be made transparent under certain circumstances, allowing to see what happens inside.

Web of l.e.d. implanted under the skin as weird, adaptable 'tattoo'.

Elastin and muscle implants that allow for not readily apparent bodymods to be 'deployed' and drastically alter appearance in a pinch: distendable jaw or joints, extensible tail, etc...
y'know, i've never really considered being a patron but i think this convinced me
They're statutory rapists, the 20 year old talking a thirteen year old girl into it, not the if-you-scream-I'll-kill-you type
Only 332? They should've sprung for 333! But in all seriousness, a couple of Belgianon's fics might give you a bit of inspiration in that regard. Francisco de stiges' fic "Getting to Know Herself" also sounds like if would give you some ideas; try to take a look at them and see if they're what you're looking for.
Okay guys. So here is my request:

So like monster society and human society are highly segregated. There's like a literal wall between the two like the Berlin wall.

So anyway, seeing as how both regards the other as subhuman or whatever, its not unusual for monsters to own humans or humans to own monsters as indentured servants. However, the former is WAY more common on the latter.

So there's this human male who's smart that gets betrayed by his own kind and part of a prisoner exchange or maybe like what happened to the main character in 12 years a slave.

So eventually, he gets owned by some monstergirl, right? It's starts out as non-consentual with the monstergirl being the dom. But eventually (somehow) she starts to have feelings for him. There's like this struggle for dominance between the two and at some point they figure out that they like each other.

Later, unfortunately, she and he realizes she's pregnant. This is a very big no-no with the exisiting animosity between monsters and humans.

So they decide to run away to someplace where they won't be proscecuted. Before their great escape, a secret wedding is held with maybe a few or less friends.

The authorities on both sides of the wall are coming for them now big time. But as luck would have it, they succeed in their escape.

Story ends with an epilogue with them living in a cottage somewhere as a family with another kid on the way.

Aw. I like that.

I'm too busy to take it up, but I hope someone will.
Read this: https://www.literotica.com/s/the-vixen-1

Should be right up your alley!

The Vixen! I read that story already though. Really good story all the same.
I like every bit of this except the noncon part, that just kills it for me

Though what would be hilarious and great is a story with a monstergirl who inexplicably isn't a rapist, featuring her trying to lie to all the other monstergirls that this human is her victim, not her husband and everything they do is against his will rather than him being 100% down every time and actually initiating more than she does

As the old saying goes, you can't rape the willing.

Oh, wow... This is a WAY better idea than my original request!

There's gents of this.
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How do you write mass and repeated rape without coming off all neckbeardy and bitter? I've written plenty of normal lovey-dovey vanilla stuff, I'd say on balance it's like 50-50, so I don't actually have a problem with women or anything silly like that. I've just been playing alot of hentai games recently and felt like writing something in that vein (and I was a fukin mong and got so into it I was up until 6:30am when I had to go out that day) Just for context in this particular story it's the mass enslavement of a notorious female bandit race by the (female) main character to the benefit of all the other races.

Gents? You mean gentlemen?
hey, any writes want to pick up this request?

Super heroine and super villain constantly clash with one another in their city, occasionally leading to lewds.

However, their civilian persona are room mates and have no idea of the others secret identities and start liking and getting more intimate with one another.
>How do you write mass and repeated rape without coming off all neckbeardy and bitter?
You don't, not really. It's about the same as sexualizing a massacre, and only pure psychopaths can really do that

Will you post your work or at least the doujin from which it's derived?
If you've reached the point of wondering how you write your fetish without coming off like a horrible excuce for a human being, you've gone too far down the fetish rabbithole
Should I just not worry about it and do what I want then? One of the biggest things for me in porn is the intensity of the situation, vanilla or otherwise. I'm just concerned that caught up in the passionate writings I might go over the top.
You're either fine with your main character being a racist piece of shit or you aren't, what's the problem?
Writing pornography is like a rorschach blot test. If it tells you something about yourself you don't like, than it's not on anybody but you
So come to terms that you get off on crimes against humanity or don't, your choice
Write it out if you want to. You will have an audience. And it's not like anyone here is in position to cast the first stone.
Just go for it, I don't see why you're trying to sanitize a subject that is inherently distasteful to pretty much anyone who will look at it.

Make something for you, and the people who share your tastes, and abandon any ideas about wider appeal.

My 5 cents would be by making the victims real characters, with agency (though clearly limited) and personality. The readers should be able to sympathise with them enough that the trauma of the rape feels real and immediate.

If that awfulness and trauma isn't actually what you are after, and if thinking of the rape victims as real people is unappealing, then maybe rape isn't actually your fetish. Noncon and rape is such a shockingly common trope (especially in hentai) that I imagine a lot of people who aren't actually sadists try it out because it seems "normal", when it is anything but.

To be clear, I'm not judging, you can be into whatever as long as it stays in your fantasies. That said, the degree to which women (and people in general) are dehumanised in order to make raping them more "okay" (the bit about them being notorious bandits and their enslavement being for the benefit of all other races being a perfect example) always seems a bit unhealthy to me.

If the idea of women being traumatised and tortured appeals to you, write rape. If it doesn't, maybe dont write rape.
I was more just fishing for tips than trying to seek sanitation really. The main struggle I'm having is dialogue when the act of forced sexening is occurring. It's a bit too doujin-y.
Well, what do you tell the victim in your fantasies?
Read victim interviews from serbia and congo, and go from there
Maybe just stick to that kinda dialogue if you don't want to make the story particularly serious. Kind of like Rance or something. I think that works for a lot more people.
Yeah since I don't like the idea of >>7274464
your idea makes sense.
The question persists, if what you want to write is too unpleasant for you to want to write, why do you persist in wanting to write it?
Perhaps I just like the unrealistic hentai depiction of it. Do you know Kuroinu Kedakaki? I love bad endings like that.
If that's the case, your whole question boils down to
>how do I write this thing I like like it's this thing I don't like
>be told how
>no I don't like it
Which is completely nonsensical
My only advice at this point is to throw yourself out of a helicopter over a large body of water, or to have someone do it for you
Ah no I understand, I'm just new to writing for other people. I'm been given some useful information, for example I'm certainly thinking a lot more about the emotions the rapees should experience, rather than focus solely on my dudes fugging automatons.
Do you want your fellow armchair serbs to jack off imagining themselves as the victims or perpetrators? This is important
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Well I do have experience roleplaying Serbia in Europa Universalis
So perpetrators.
Would you prefer armchair congolese, then?
I misspoke before, you should not be thrown out of a helicopter, you should be shot in front of your family and your posts here read at the funeral
Bosnian detected.
Damn, I know there's a hentai comic sorta like this, but I'm on my phone and can't look it up.
It's about a monster girl who keeps trying to eat a guy, and him mistaking her attacks for flirting.
Everyday they bone and get married.
Ah, 'A Monster's Hospitality'. Patrician taste, good sir.

Do you have a non-sadpanda link? I am on mobile
try changing the "ex" to "e-" in the link
No. I'm not even going to post the cover of it, mon.
Reposting a request from last thread that got interest but wasn't picked up:

>I've got a cute request of extremely confused sexuality if anyone's interested.

>It starts with a young (late teens-early 20s) gay NEET being slightly desperate to get pounded in the ass for the first time, but because >Tfw no BF, he ends up deciding to get his tomboyish futa best friend (who's had a crush on him for years) to do it, reasoning that it's not straight if you pretend it's not a girl's dick.
The sex starts out a bit limp with him just bending over and closing his eyes, but he starts to get into it as they keep going, riding her and even playing with her brests, and right at the moment of orgasm, he leans in and kisses her.
It ends with them cuddling and him deciding that he's maybe a little bi, but just for her
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2000 word update, new content at "She uncoiled from me, dropping me to the carpeted floor"

Snek 4:
New tags:
>abjob, messy, bodily fluids

I like that second idea a lot for a story, but with the VN I think I'm gonna go back to basics, as if all goes well it may introduce some new people to the setting. I'm definitely gonna include Raz and Moralez and stuff though, I can't not do that, they're too fun. I can have optional interactions with them and such.

>character fucks up dialogue tree with Equatorial
>gets savaged
>ends up in the med bay and meets Kaisha

things like that.
Aye, that's the one.
>I like that second idea a lot for a story, but with the VN I think I'm gonna go back to basics
Absolutely fair. It started as a story pitch in the first place, so maybe this summer
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I'll be the hero. I assume he's talking about this pic related, although ShindoL and Fan no Hitori have similarly dark cowgirl stories (A Dairy Cow's Life and Wild Beastly West respectively).
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Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you.
for /tg/

How is everyone's fic's going?
Poorly. Haven't done anymore of it since last night.

Feel no desire to work on it anymore, so it'll probably be left to rot.
Tags or GTFO

What fic might that be, if you'd be willing to share?
Boy, that's some rough art, but interesting concept. I figured it was Degraded to Livestock because /efg/ loves their monstergirls and that's what people usually refer to when they say "fucked up cowgirl stories."

>My men never wear condoms when they fuck. But don't worry, they're clean.
>I always ensure the bitches I prepare for them are clean too.
How thoughtful of him.

I'm still chugging on my big three parter and managed to get a good chunk done of the oneshot I'm doing as a breather.
See >>7273540
Ah. I can see why that would be tricky to do, some stuff done in doujins just doesn't work without the visual effects inherent in the medium.
Eh, I've a pretty good idea how to do it.

The idea was to mainly focus on the last third, then make up my own stuff.

But then I broke my month-long no-fap streak and my interest in it withered up, although that probably would've happened anyway.

Please apply the phrase "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" to the basic theme of the polars dialogue and choice paths. Triple especially if the MC can cook and thus make delicious meals not obtainable on the station.
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I thought that sounded familiar.
Hey Parallax?

How's the orc fic doing?
I want to see this too, but apparently(and oddly for /d/), nobody in this thread writes futa on male
We have the dubious honor of being the only thread on /d/ which is apathetic to futa. Yay?
Just dropping a note to Heanee. Lots of thanks for working on the LaraxWerewolf fic
>only thread
Not even fucking close. Any thread that isn't a futa thread is apathetic or outright hostile to futa.
Good, futa is fucking gross
I have a ton of trouble falling asleep at night. Is there any erotic fiction in the archive or being made about these situations?

>Fucking in bed with someone.
>Someone waking up because someone else is trying to get them off.
>Falling asleep with someone after sex.
>Playing Vidya in bed with someone.
Most of my work tends to end with the third one, for what that's worth. But it's not specifically about that.
>>Falling asleep with someone after sex
My story has a scene like that, though it's not the focus
>Falling asleep with someone after sex.
Lots of stuff has that, but not as a focus
>We have the dubious honor of being the only thread on /d/ which is apathetic to futa. Yay?

Nope, I pretty much adore it. The only big story I have that has it is Derik's Luck which I'm in the process of getting published. I'm sure I'll do more, I just have to finish my obligations (and maybe do that elf getting dicked story) before I can write a new one.
About half way through reading this.

Caught this on Line 40.
lower jar
>lower jaw
>character fucks up dialogue tree with Equatorial
>gets savaged

Wouldn't that end with the Equatorial in the brig for that shit?
Would anyone recommend stories similar to Fenoxo's The Treatment? I love that sort of gradual bimbofication, where the main character is aware what's happening to them, but it feels too good to stop. I even love the trepidation just before they make the fateful decision, it's like that feeling of standing right on the edge of a tall building, but intensely sexual.
Would be very much down to read this
Of course polar's don't rape. They mind fuck you into consent

God tier

Seems like a much better "reality" than the stereotypical monstergirls are unstoppable both in combat and in the bed because that's just how it is and humans can't apperently come up with counter measures.
When you've been friends with a beefcake gurl for years and you've lost all sense of self preservation.

If they don't, you have my word I will repeatedly ram my foot up Snek's ass until he fixes it.

>Of course polar's don't rape. They mind fuck you into consent

Still making a conscious choice to say yes, mon frere. There's no fun in getting someone to give you a fake/mind controlled yes(Unless they are into that, but that's a case by case basis just like humans are)
So where do I go to request art?
not here
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I was just about to link that.

That one is so adorably vanilla it hurts.
>Wouldn't that end with the Equatorial in the brig for that shit?
It might not, actually. They might just shoot them
snitches get (more) stitches
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Thank you, Snek.

Females are the only mages in a fantasty world. Standard kinda of spell slinger, with their main weakness being metals, particularly iron and steel. If iron or steel pierces through the skin, and stays in then magic is badly weakened. Like how Dresden loses the benefits of his Winter knight, when he had those iron darts fired into him.

The society is female dominated, but males also fight. The miltary is made up of female mages, and male warriors. Warriors try to take out enemy mages, and protect their own mages.

I had two ideas
First. The story would follow a veteran male warrior, paired with a newbie Mage, fresh out of battleschool. Mages are expected to command, but she is inexperienced and has a crush on him. So she swings from trying to boss him around half heartedly, getting flustered under pressure and giving to ask him for advice. So he has to help guide her, through battles and later in the bedroom.

The second would be the reverse. So a older, confident, experienced female Mage, dominating her young male subordinate.

I like the second more because of femdom, but either would be good. I might write this myself if nobody has any interest, but I'm a very poor writer.
Are you a Wheel of Time fan by any chance?
Which is why they're shot while resisting arrest
Can't threaten victims from the grave
Finished reading the Polar colony stuff. Good stuff Snek. The start I found a bit weak, as I actually dropped it, and read the stranded one instead. But I came back and got to the better stuff.

I found the second one a bit funny, switching between wild sex, and him lecturing them for being Fat Cats.

Found it Kinda of weird how quickly he got defeatist, after the UN rejected the intially application. I would personally change it to him typing up a new response angrily, then seeing the Russian one. Not a big issue thought.

At this point I really want to see a story from the perspective of a runt. Most of the Mad cats we see fucking humans are reasonably highly ranked socially.

So it would follow the runt who on Borealis just gets kicked around and is always on the bottom of the pile. Then they get sent to the Pinwheel or Earth for some reason. Then hearing about how weak humans are, tries to dominate one of them. And fails completely at being convincing because they have no expirence of being dominate. Then counter rape. Or the human guiding them. Or some other excuse for sex.
No. I have been meaning to start reading it for a while, but been busy starting university and my local library obky has the later books.
I only ask because it sounds a bit like the Aes Sedai.
A similar idea that's been bouncing around my head for a while is a small borlean, almost the closest thing they've got to a nerd, who volunteers for the human military to get the hell off borleas.
When they get to the pinwheel, they rapidly turns into a total humanaboo, being like "holy shit, there's a culture out there that isn't completely terrible and miserable" and diving in headfirst
To steal an idea from upthread, maybe they ends up being reassigned to battalion S-2 because they're actually good at that stuff
They start to develop a crush on one of the other intel people, who is initially scared because they know well that all borleans are high-impact sexual predators who you would as soon shoot as talk to, before they actually get to know the cat in question, at which point they start to fall for this adorably awkward catgirl/boy
Yeah that could be cool. Of course it would have to be done well. One of the Xeno stories over on /ACO/ had a human obsessed alien. It came off mildly cringy. Like it made sense, but it felt just a tad over the top.

Snek can handle it though if he wanted to write it.
>One of the Xeno stories over on /ACO/ had a human obsessed alien. It came off mildly cringy.
That's probably because it's/aco/. I really wouldn't expect anything more from a board for fifteen year old boys who have had puberty drive them insane with lust for pornographic fanart of the cartoons they watched as kids
someone is sure bitter and asshurt
Not that much, just drunk
drink some water and eat something too

How did you feel about outpost? (The stranded stuff)
First time poster on /d/ talking.
I've been writing a couple of fics for the Mass Effect General for some times. I'm kind off not used to writing fics (mostly because english is not my first language) but could I post a couple of my fics here to get some feedback or comments ?
Sure, why not? Don't forget to post tags too.
I'm sure plenty of people would like to read them.
>posting text in image format instead of pastebin
Oh shit son what are you doing
Please put these in pastebins rather than images so that they can be added to the master list
>Apologies, I'm really not used to writing lewd fics and posting them.
Pastebin is the standard here, though if you are a mad cunt you could put them on FF.net, too

Human / Female Quarian romance :

Setting : Mass Effect
Featuring Male Human and Female Quarian
Tags : M/F ; Xeno ; Monster-girl ; romance ; action ; masturbation ; light smut content ; happy ending.
Male Human / Female Turian romance :

Setting : Mass Effect
Featuring a Male Human and Female Turian.
Tags : M/F ; Xeno ; Monster-girl ; romance ; drunk sex ; mutual masturbation ; kissing

That's it, the two lewdest stories I wrote yet.
I hope you will enjoy them and that I did not fuck up too much this time. Apologies in advance for possible mistakes as english is not my first language. Let me know what you think !
>and that I did not fuck up too much this time
It's fine, you just didn't know how this thread operates, no trouble

Actually, since you're a sci-fi, xeno and soft vanilla fan, would you be interested in maybe doing a non-ME request?
That would be the first time someone ever requested something from me, honestly, I'm not sure if I could deliver something that you would like but I can always try.

I cannot 100% promise you a timely delivery, thought, but what did you have in mind ?
Not that guy, but anyone who asks someone on the internet to do something is either insane or fully understands that it may never actually get done. It never hurts to try.
Not him, but I'd like to see something with a turian fucking an elite from Halo
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Hey /d/egenrates, I usually hang around the
edit threads but I was feeling extra creative today.
Was doing an edit of a Hatsune Miku picture and thought up an interesting story.
I've never written a full on ero story but I've been told that I'm quite good at it so I took a stab.
It's just a quick thing I threw together about an hour ago, don't want to waste time formatting and cleaning up before I get some response from it.
As far as tags go...
Breast/Ass/Thigh Expansion as well as other "cursed" modifications are the main idea here.
I've also included the supplemental image, I can't find a proper hand to use and I can't draw for shit so the middle panel is a little sloppy.
So, how did I do for a first try?
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2000 word update, new content at "She rubbed her vulva up and down my shaft"
The most recent sex scene is now complete at 8,960 words, and if you want to read it from the top you can start at "I sat alone in the living room, lounging on the couch"

Snek 4:
>no new tags

I gotchu covered fäm.

Glad you enjoyed it! I'm gonna have to do more Runt stuff eventually, people won't stop asking. "Runt's gay adventures in size queen land" coming to a Pastebin near you, summer 2017.
>Runt's gay adventures in size queen land
Wait what?
Oh, I thought you were talking about Runt the character.
Sorry it's 4am and my brain is Swiss cheese.
No, I'm not that guy, and I am talking about runt the character, I was just under the impression that everyone's gay interest in him is with the human guy drom outpost and I don't remember any size queen stuff? I may also just be a bit brain-fried myself
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Presumably Zagza and the other males also go to town on him considering he's at the bottom of the pecking order, which I assume is the kind of stuff people want to see from him.
>which I assume is the kind of stuff people want to see from him
Not really
Every single post on the subject that I've seen seems to only want runt and schaffer having fairly cuddly sex.
In fact, I don't think anybody's asked for what you're describing at all
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Alright, well I've not even begun to think about considering planning it yet, so I'm sure I'll be looking at feedback and requests when the time comes.
>Presumably Zagza and the other males also go to town on him considering he's at the bottom of the pecking order,
That doesn't really seem like the polar's style. From everything you've written about them so far, it seems more like the low guy not getting any ever is how it'd work
Actually, wasn't that literally a plot point in outpost? Schafer helping runt work up the courage to go get laid, seemingly for the first time?
Not too bad, but sadly expansion is an uncommon fetish here. Still, for something you just threw together it's not too bad. Just needs some formatting, but that's it.
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Well... it's hard to do expansion because... what are we supposed to do? Write a million different words for 'big.'

"Her ass was big, but now it was even biggier!"

The one kind of expansion we can all get behind is futa cock 'expansion,' which I've done lots of in PWA, and those are measured in good old imperial inches.

Actually... would that work for ass expansion? A girl keeps having to buy new jeans in larger sizes because her boyfriend keeps slipping her novelty Asspander pills in her food in a hilarious fashion?
Hey D. , would you be interested in a futa on reverse trap request?
Doesn't sound very erotic to me, unless you jack off to size numbers. And as far as I know, nobody here does. Well, not yet anyway.
No, I only masturbate to dimensionless scalars. Anything transformable or convertible is an instant turn off. All erotic measurements should be normalized, or else expressed in relative measure. That's the good shit.
Can you repeat that in a language people who didn't take advanced math can understand?
Fineprint to me possess one of the least likable characters of all snek stories. The mc has "error 404 spine not found" and lack pretty any drive Exept for what his fuzzy OVERMILF and her people need.
Snek can't handle the idea of cuddle sex. It must be either high-impact or mid-impact sex
I meant Runt, as in generally someone at the bottom of the pecking order. I was imagining it as the equatorial ones, because the social structure is more stratified. But I wouldn't object to a Runt (the character) story.
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Ok but by "cuddle" you mean they're wrestling and someone is being choked out, right?
Who is being raped in the scenario you describe?

Really. Because he was going out to look around the society, interacting socially with lots of different people and stabbed his sectary when she tried to rape him (he still got raped thought). He also argued with the queen over her getting fat.

But he didn't really need a spine. I mean lots of kinky sex, lots of food and a guaranteed job. What are you going to fight about.
He's also just a civilian way in over his head and has had 0 military training.
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I love Quarian smut.

Thanks, Brioche!
Any good futa on male stuff?
Same, looking for this type of smut, I love Majalis' Raquel story, but it's been a while since he's updated it and I'd like to find more of those stuff
People actually pay for this stuff? Then I had better get to work. I'm a very sporadic writer, but aside from size fetish material, I would love to write very bizarre and nearly nonsensical erotic pieces.

I've been writing for years. My book series mixed several fetishes in with a coherent, though chaotic plotline. It is difficult to find fans, however. Not everyone is into this kind of stuff. Without fans, you have no following.

working on a piece about a mutant fishgirl. not erotic. erotica will focus on a non-corporeal entity made of water.
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Hey there!

I just released the first epilogue of my futa incest story, Family of Three. This update is not a great starting point (no surprise), but if you are into futa, big breasts and light femdom you might want to give the first chapter a look!

Tags: mother/daughter, sister/sister, futa, big breasts, light femdom, big cock, excessive cum, cumflation, underage (borderline)

Chapter 1:

Epilogue 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/131taL4-eI7-yZhacH6BLcTVUiYyTDoYh_2hI5tDxTXs/edit?usp=sharing

I’m also taking votes for my next writing project, links in the story!
How do you write yuri stuff without it being boring? Serious question. I've only written BENIS IN BAGINA.

There will still be dickings in the story, but the story(s) I have envisioned are very girl-on-girl heavy. The scenarios are hot in my mind but translating that in words is proving bothersome.

It involves sweaty catgirls of the Mithra variety (tanned, well-toned muscled warriors) in heat, although the story(s) focus on one particular cat going through a particularly rough and chronic case of one and her travels.
SugarandSalt on Literotica, if you aren't too concerned with stellar writing.
Many of the skills needed to write good girl-on-girl smut are just as useful for other pairings. There are too many elements and complex interplay for me to write a real guide for it, but here are some examples:

1: Desire is really important. This can be expressed in words, in their eyes, in gazes locking, or travelling down the object of desire's curves. Also through their body language, perhaps their breath becoming unsteady, skin flushing, hands trembling, perhaps even a subtle scent of their wetness.

2: Foreplay is coreplay! Gentle kisses up someone's thigh, or neck, or along the curve of their breath. Caresses, fingernails across their skin, squeezes. Running of breath against their most sensitive places, fingers through their hair, nibbling their ear or lips. Massaging, deep or light, including breasts and butt.

3: Kisses are great. The intensity of a kiss, the way they might leave one or more partners breathless.

4: Learn more about female anatomy, and how feminine arousal and orgasms work. I can recommend the book ”She comes first” by Ian Kerner for some basics.

5: Remember multiple orgasms. They should usually be used sparingly, but there are several varieties, each with their own appeal. You might have a chain of rapid-fire climaxes, or a single, long one that keeps getting reignited, or several huge ones with long lulls in between.

And so on it goes.
Ugh, so many typos
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Reverse trap being a woman dressed like a dude?

Uh... potentially, but I'm going to be working on a commission for a while, so unless the idea is short, and I like the idea so much I can just slam it out in one big inspired burst, probably not.

Feel free to pitch it, and maybe someone else will nibble at it even if I can't.

(picture is not a reverse trap. Not sure I have any pictures of that. I just love this comic)
Could've stood to be lewder, but fluff is nice too. Granted, it makes sense here with the whole immune system thing- though upon retrospect, I'm pretty sure most pathogens aren't adapted to dextro biology anyway, at least not the ones that might be acquired from humans.
Thanks ! I really appreciate it.
The Quarian story was my first try at a lewd situation. Feels like I'm quite the vanillafag compared to what one could find on /d/ but I tried to make the situation as believable as I could.
Thanks for making this! While at times the absurd quantities of fluids distracted, overall I enjoyed the shit out of Fo3.
There's this one writer that's on literotica that writes expansion/transformation stories like that. Literally everything they write is the same thing, over and over again with exact measurements, down to fractions of the inch. They have these pretty decent ideas and concepts and then throw 1 /3/8ths inch of a nipple in there. If you want I can try to hunt it down again and link it.
>Feels like I'm quite the vanillafag compared to what one could find on /d/ but I tried to make the situation as believable as I could.

You're not alone in that regard. And as much as I wanted more explicitly lewd stuff in the fic, I understand the desire to try and stick as close to canon as possible.

Nah, I'll take your word for it.
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I'll ask one last time: can anyone recommend an alternative to PayPal? I really don't want to use PayPal because they're dicks, and not the fun kind.

Pic was the result of me trying to find a picture of a futanari on a pile of money.
I think Paypal is so widely used for this kind of thing that if there was an alternative, you'd have a hard time getting people to send payments through it.
People are generally suspicious about online payments and Paypal is pretty much the only one I can think of that has any kind of reputation.

I guess if you were really uncomfortable using it, you could do it through like Amazon gift cards or something? Like rather than paying you $20 they could send you a code for a gift card? I don't really know any alternatives.

Google Wallet maybe? Can you use that service the same way as Paypal?
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2000 word update, new content at "I swilled my third cup of coffee"

Snek 4:
>no new tags

I've passed 50k words, 20k to go.
Saw someone mention that the material wasn't lewd enough. I don't particularly enjoy over the top hardcore erotica, most of it is simply left to the imagination. I guess I can throw up a half-edited short story and see what people think.

Most are using pastebin, so. I guess I'll use that.
nice blog, now either post it or shut up
Done, and done.

Tags my man.

Content tags? I'm new at this, but I suppose you could consider it a mix of "sci-fi", "mutation", "tentacle" and "vore."
Yeah, general practice is to put some greentext tags under the story just so people can see what they're getting into.


>TF, tentacles, vore
Your formatting is very good for an early attempt, that's usually my first complaint with new authors.
Not into vore (and you should have tagged this as hard vore/snuff) but your descriptions are very good, and I'd definitely enjoy the sex scenes under other circumstances.

Are you French by any chance? I recognize the <<>> in place of speechmarks. Besides that and the very sparse grammatical errors if you hadn't told us English was not your first language I doubt many would have noticed.
Bit light on the sex for me but besides that, no complaints. Have you posted this in the /xeno/ threads over at /aco/? They'd like it.

Of course. I am not familiar with all tags, but most of them I have narrowed down. Thanks.

For instance:

>MB, Possession

I am English, US born. I've been writing since I was a youth and am now 31. I have a few SP works, but they are quite old. Erotica is new territory, I have only played with it within my novels.

Apologies if I sound foreign.
Oh I thought the Mass Effect guy said English wasn't his first language, my mistake I must be mixing posts up.

No problem. I did post the work in the /xeno/ thread.
Brioche here, the guy that wrote the Mass Effect quarian and turian stories.
I'm french, yeah. And I didn't posted anything in the /xeno/ thread, should I ?

It would be suggested. They were not very happy with my story. :D Considering the amount of ET fetishists there, I think you would have quite a few fans.
Yeah they'll like that, they love Quarians.
Tiens, un bon cul d'extraterrestre pour aller avec.
Merci mon vieux !
I posted the two stories on the /xeno/ thread. Thanks for the headsup.
Have you read the Turian story yet ? It's considerably lewder.
Nah but I'll check it out.
Romancable female Turian in Andromeda too, I hope that'll inspire some more fics.
>Romancable female Turian in Andromeda too
Oh really?
>tfw romancable krogan never
I'm assuming she's romancable, there's a female Turian squad member called Vetra. So far there are only two female squadmates and I'm sure as hell not romancing Harper.

I don't see why the girls get to have Garrus and the rest of us just have to repress our confusing homosexual desires and try to convince ourselves that friendship is enough while we fend off the trite advances of the Asari.

Oh I guess there's Peebee too, but my brain doesn't even classify her as female for obvious reasons.
Vetra has been confirmed romanceable by both female and male player character. First impressions is that she's a big-sister type of character (she has an actual little sister somewhere in the game) who cares about the team and who is mostly anatycal in her behavior.
Actual turian onee-san.
remove Asari
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Nice, I'll look forward to that.

Seriously the female characters get so many interesting romance options and the males get bimbos. Tali and Jack are probably the only ones that even have a distinct personality. The rest are just half a dozen cookie-cutter Asari who are also romancable by females.

Try to describe Liara without using words that describe her profession, it's impossible.

Meanwhile chicks get Garrus, Thane, you can even flirt with Mordin. You can get fucking Javik drunk and bang him!

I'm sure Aria is more fun but buying DLC on Origin is a nightmare.

Is the Krogan romancable by both genders?
They wouldn't let you romance Krogans in any previous games, I doubt you can in Andromeda.
No, the Krogan cannot be romanced but some leaks said that the Asari doctor from your ship has a crush on him.

why can't we have nice things?
Never took you for a quitter, Snek! I never had any problems with the male romance options myself (though I always waifued Jack), but where the games end our work begins.

I used to be a patron of the old Mass Effect kink meme, back in the day, and some of the stuff on there would make your gonads clench until space and time itself warped around them.

Case in point, one of my favourite fics was a short thing featuring Miranda/Legion, or as it's sometimes known "the pairing you never knew you wanted so badly".

Also in my travels I've found a marvellous Miranda/Garrus story that I think had some sequels, and even a Jack/Thane story.

And there's still that Miranda/Grunt prompt I found that's waiting for a story, as are the two remaining thirds of my old novelization of The Illusive Man's revenge.
That DLC is considered pretty shit, Snek. My suggestion is watching a few playthroughs on youtube, although prepare to be disappointed.
Ashly wasn't *bad* in ME 1, especially compared to liara, but she definitely got much worse in the later games
>I used to be a patron of the old Mass Effect kink meme, back in the day,
Oh God, that brings me back
>tfw nobody ever wrote that zaeed/samara (forgotten how to spell it, the justicar lady from 2) fic that I was always hoping for
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Yeah I'm kind of done with the old games now, I would have liked to buy it at the time if they didn't use those shitty BioWare points and in doing so make it impossible for me to give them money.
I'm hoping the new game will use a more traditional method.

They just don't do it for me, I feel like they're afraid to make any aliens that are too exotic. Most of the cast is human and most of the females are just Star Trek aliens.
Perhaps there's a financial reason for it, like so few male playtesters responded positively to female Krogs or whatever that they couldn't justify putting the work in. On average women seem to be more xenophilic than men it seems to me.

I just didn't see the point of romancing a human when the setting had so many options. Of course Ashley does have a narrative role, and her 'space racist' character arc is pretty interesting.
Ashley's interesting as a person and ALMOST attractive, but the fact that you can't ally with her till 3, along with her being a bit too bland, makes me just wait till ME 2 for Tali.
>I just didn't see the point of romancing a human when the setting had so many options
Eh, I've always been a character-first kinda guy when it comes to romance options. Like, a human garrus or tali would still be top-tier and liara would still be trash even if she was a more interesting species
>They just don't do it for me, I feel like they're afraid to make any aliens that are too exotic. Most of the cast is human and most of the females are just Star Trek aliens.
I feel like that was kind of the point, honestly. I've heard it argued that the games (at first, anyway) were a reconstruction of the Space Opera genre, and having the "Star Trek alien women" in it is part of that.

Besides, it's not like your Xcom snake-women are all that alien either, when you think about it.

Besides, I'm in favour of them not looking too alien, or you end up in the same situation as on /xeno/ where you can barely tell if most of the fodder there is male or female. Or if it's even sentient.
Yeah. If ashley had an actual arc in 2 and a better one in 3, I'd actually have a tough time deciding between her and tali, but as it stands I go for nobody in 1 and tali from there

And speaking of romances that never were, apparently they were initally planning to make Joker an option in 2 and 3. How fucking great would that have been?
Yeah I guess in the absence of any other options, she wins out. I just didn't romance anyone until I got to Jack. I'll tell you a secret, [spoiler]I think Tali is an uppity bitch and I genocided the space gypsies.[/spoiler]

That's true enough, but it does feel like a wasted opportunity.

I like anything I can get temp banned for posting on /d/, that's my litmus test. Relatable human features are a must, that's why sneks and wraiths are a thing after all.
Of course that's all entirely subjective, but my complaint is that there are plenty of races that scratch my itch in the setting, but all we get is half a dozen Asari each game. The aliens are present, they're just scared to let us bang them.
We're never going to get a broken pelvis from trying to fuck a Krogan, we're never going to get a lightning fast Salarian handjob, no Drell ASMR, nothing.
Well we might get some Turian action but that remains to be seen.

Maybe I should just write that shit myself, I would if I had the time.
Mass Effect is just like the Matrix movies. There were no sequels and we don't talk about it.
>Maybe I should just write that shit myself, I would if I had the time.
My point exactly. You could probably get someone at /xeno/ to shell out for it, they seem to like that sort of thing enough.
I disagree. Mass Effect was like the original Star Wars movies.

You've got the introduction to the universe, enormously successful via its pioneering of the concept and a decent enough plot of its own, abeit with some flaws.

Then you've got the sequel, which trims off the fat, refines what made the first one so well-liked, and manages to be even better.

Finally, the last part basically keeps what the second had, whilst slipping a bit back into a few of the first one's problems. Despite that, it's still able to conclude to bring the series to a (mostly) satisfying conclusion.
To be fair the lack of Krogan "pelvis breaking" is actually explained by the species lack of females via the Genophage.
Seth Green would be getting so much pussy.

I'll tell you a secret, [spoiler]spoiler doesn't work on /d/.[/spoiler]

Tali IS wrong about her race, but she's funny, talented, incredibly cute, and willing to change.

Thus, the true Renegade option is not to kill either, and instead sacrifice Legion (who is a badass).
You can't romance them as a female either though. Krogans are inexplicably off-limits, yet they seem to behave like Harlequin romance tropes, it's confusing.

>spoiler doesn't work on /d/
I know that, but the joke is it isn't a secret.

She always rubbed me the wrong way, she's smokin' but she's just intolerable. She seems mean and ungrateful to me, and snarky in a way that isn't endearing. I dunno maybe she comes off as free spirited and witty to some people, but I just wanted to crack her face plate whenever we were in the same room.
So the Oscars are almost over as of writing.

Are we gonna start rating and ranking these stories, do our own awards show, or what?

Seriously, I have a busy schedule and can only spend so much time finding stuff that doesn't make me gag AND is also hot. (See Snekguy's "World's Apart")
That could be fun, maybe like a "best of category" thing.
>implying the dicsuckers of this general won't give every award to snek and ignore other good writers and stories

We'd actually do that simply to piss off all the whiny babies that hate snek for writing well
So you'd ignore writers like AA, Cynical, and D. just out of spite?
Actually a "best of category" would mean there were multiple winners and one author couldn't take all the top spots.

But I appreciate the vote of confidence.

We've got to live up to our reputation, so sacrifices have to be made. No one would notice if we did what we would normally do and give everyone a fair chance.

That and the tears are always worth it.

God dammit shut up snek I almost had them going.

Come on. Why do you have to ruin everything ughhhhhhh
this idea sounds like a total dumpster fire ot trolling waiting to happen, so I am strongly against it
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Hey, so I'm about to write a story that involves a half human hiding their monster characteristics, but I don't know if I should place them in an adventuring party of five going on a quest, or have them with a fledgling witch still underneath the tutelage of her master. Which one would sound more interesting?
Depends on what the "monster half" is.
I see how it is, they're trying to deny me my rightful spot as the champion of the unnamed awards show that doesn't exist yet and has no rules or categories.

I vote adventuring party, lots more opportunities for comedy/sexiness with more characters and situations.
>hate snek for writing well
The problem is you thinking this is the problem people have with Snek.
It's a half-dragon, basically.
Alrighty then, I'll wrangle up some spare NPCs for the party.
Adventure party, always.
Oh boy, have you read that doujin where the wizard turns the dragon into a human girl?
I'm trying to find it but I think it might have been at the end of a compilation book.
It was fucking stellar, and possibly relevant.
Yeah here we go, it was at the end of Hyakki Yakou Lv.2 Lizerds

Agreed. All it would do is set us at each other's throats to the point where each writefag may as well have our own thread.
honestly, shiny's far worse than snek could ever be, at least snek actually writes shit instead of boasting about how much money he's spent on commissions and generally acting like the worst kind of "fan" one could imagine

proof that tripfags are cancerous scum, i guess
This stuff is so right up my ally, hnnnng! Thanks Snek, I'll try to find it on Nhentai since I'm a filthy phone poster.

I've never had my very own fan before. God damn, this feels weird. Either way, I love you man. May you never change nor invest in a tripcode filter

Instead of using words for "big" focus on the scope. Use comparisons. Comparisons are wonderful.

"They inflated like basketballs, the nipples growing to a height not unlike that of beverage cans. Liquid was indeed beginning to spew from them, as if they were about to burst into a sea of milk and fatty tissue. Her shirt was beginning to strain under the tremendous weight of such voluminous globes and I suspected that I might have to tear it off myself, in order to prevent her from suffocating. I couldn't believe that the tiny stone worked, and the old man wasn't as crazy as he seemed."

I didn't have to use one size description there. We know they're big. But let's put into perspective.
and may you never learn the concept of shame or not paying for porn which you could be making for free
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>Are we gonna start rating and ranking these stories, do our own awards show, or what?
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Oh no, she's tall.
Or, you can just have different categories with multiple winners, and then everyone is happy.
I'm hardly gonna stand a chance in the "best futa story" or "best Warhammer story" categories.

the fuck? Are you trying to taunt me into writing something myself? I'm getting mixed vibes from your thinly-veiled flirting, help me out here.
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Since it's a dragon, gotta go with the adventuring party.
enlighten me
No we don't. We've purposefully refrained from making any kind of polls or best-off or whatever in all the time these threads existed in order to avoid the stupid pointless drama that go with it. The closest we've ever had to a 'poll' were the smut-offs, and the point was to get as much participation as possible; not to elect some kind of winner.

These threads have always encouraged people to start writing themselves or to provide feed-back to help the authors improve instead. This isn't a competition.
Hey Null, I finally got to give this a real read. I think mushy and romantic is fine, you do it well without getting too flowery or long-winded or anything. Looking forward to the rest, thanks.
That was a fucking great piece of work. Would've liked to see a sequel.
>Tsundere dragon girl
He didn't suggest the idea, nor did he start any drama. You'll find that here: >>7279011
Very first first post before Snek even got a chance to comment on it.
"Oh we in the community don't take kindly to drama" fuck off mate. He's the most active member of your "community" and he made it clear that he isn't going anywhere.
Only drama here is you guys and your unhealthy obsession with putting the guy down when all he's ever done is write free shit for us, the popularity of which apparently intimidates one or two extremely insecure people.
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Not exactly anon.

That's the /doc/ "Dragon Cuntboy Knight", a Knight afflicted with a dragonpussy attempting to hide his status/urges. The prompt, the pic, and your interpretation all fit in the same wheelhouse however.
Just because other writers aren't posting five million updates a day doesn't mean they aren't working hard on their stories.

Quality over Quantity
And here comes the SIDF, missing the point as usual.
I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be ironic or not.
That wasn't aimed at Snek in particular, he just happened to be the last one in the post chain. Judging from past events both on /tg/ and here, any kind of competition is a terrible idea that only get people to quit.

As I said, the only thing that ever came close were the Smut-Offs. But those were meant to get more people to write by having anyone take a spin with the prompt, without any kind of ranking at the end.
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OK, I guess I'll do Paypal then.


Paypal wants my fucking PHONE NUMBER? It's bad enough it wants my real name.

Fuck this.
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Dammit, again my name wasn't there.

Whatever. More pics from my futa folder.

at least then you could justify your trip

You can always delete your post if you forget your name, bro'!
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I looked for that, but I'm too stupid to figure that out, evidently.

Whoever trusted me with a computer was a foolish person indeed.
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Are you living on the lamb in an unregistered trailer in the Mojave or something?
>Are you living on the lamb in an unregistered trailer in the Mojave or something?

No, I just value my privacy, and like I said, I already don't really like PayPal as it is.
it's essentially another back account, this shouldn't be that surprising
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Bitcoin, broseph.

Can someone explain the appeal of cuntboys to me? I get futa because everyone loves dick and there are plenty of futas that have the dickgina combo so people can get the best of both worlds, but what's the point of a dude without the thing that most makes him a dude?

Valuing your privacy and being retarded at computers do not mix well. You have a false sense of security that you most likely compromised years ago.

PayPal uses military strength encryption btw, can't say the same for other payment sites.
>living on the lamb

I mean, I know we get some eccentric people, but I'm pretty sure nobody here is interested in sheep (that I know of).
do we have anyone from Wales or New Zealand in these threads
I am not sure if Wind14 comes to there thread anymore, I just want to say I loved your "Elle hyper fute story" Do you have any other stories in the similar manner? Is it possible that you are open for story requests?

The world is far too large for someone to not find the anthropomorphic sheep monster from "Black Sheep" attractive, but hopefully it is not anyone here.
>Valuing your privacy and being retarded at computers do not mix well

That's precisely why I'm so gun-shy about it.

I'm sure being retarded at computers and bitcoins will mix about as well as chocolate and broccoli.

I'll look into it.

Paypal is the last place you should expect to have your privacy compromised. They have extremely strict security policies and are legally required to safeguard your information in ways that no other types of websites do(because they store financial information)
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I have a general writing question that may or may not end up in an erotic story.

What would be the best POV to use in a story following a psychologically damaged character?
The way I see it, based on my style and skill level, I have three options:
1) POV of the character in question
>focus on the PTSD and the extreme, almost irrational need to avoid future trauma
2) POV of people encountering the character
>focus on the realization that something is wrong, figuring out what it is/what caused it, and how to help and/or exploit the person's issue
3) Switching between the two
>mix of both

Which do you think would be most effective?
Options 1 and 3 would almost certainly require me to lay out the incidents that caused the damage either beforehand or at least early on, while option 2 would allow me to stretch out the mystery, but possibly at the expense of making the character so unlikable that no one would be interested enough to stick around long enough to find out what's going on.
Also, option three would require me to figure out the ratio of main character's POV v outside perspective. Should it stay with the MC as long as possible and only switching to highlight something (such as the difference between how the MC and other characters see things, or epiphany moments of other characters realizing the extent of the problem)? Or would it be best to mostly focus on the outsider perspective and jump into the MC's POV for highlights (maybe to end or begin chapters)?

I am intending to write an emotionally draining story, but I don't want it to come across as too try-hardy.

If you've ever read Mistborn, I am looking to write the sort of arc Vin goes through, but with more extreme lows and more muted lows.

Pic unrelated.
First person PoV, alternating between characters. It allows you to contrast what your MC thinks, does and how he is percieved by others.
Whether I switch POVs or not, I'll almost certainly be writing in 3rd person limited. I've never really gotten the knack of 1st person, and trying to switch between different POVs like that is a little daunting (would it be in past tense, as if all these different people are reminiscing about the same events, or present tense, with the reader popping into different peoples heads again and again?).
I find it strange that Paypal wants your phone number, I don't have a phone or a bank account and it never asked for any personal information from me. Maybe it's a regional thing.

I think the problem with Bitcoin is that it isn't very accessible, and that's going to severely narrow the pool of people who can commission you.
For the kind of story you're going for, "the reader popping into different peoples heads again and again" would be the best.
But I think it would be more effective in 3rd person. Perspective jumps in 1st person would be awkward and confusing to read, I think.
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That is weird.

I've got a different idea. I'm going to run it by the commissioner first.
Well then, go ahead! Write!
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So after years of just reading smut I decided to write a fic. Thanks to the people who helped me write it.
>Tags: m/f, bite-play, pretty bog standard.
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>Perspective jumps in 1st person would be awkward and confusing to read, I think.
It usually (well, that's how it's been done in the books I've seen it in) alternates between chapters. The only confusing part is when you pick up the book later and don't remember who's narrating.

PayPal asks for a phone number for a number of reasons, but if they require it from you in order to make an account, it's because you're from an area with high amounts of fraud/abuse. Do remember that people do all kinds of crazy stuff to make paypal accounts to appear like a legitimate business, only to turn around and launder money or use the PayPal account to accept payments for scans, etc.

If you guys want to worry about something, worry when payment sites happily let you make an account with barely any personal information. That usually means said payment site is swimming in abuse and fraud, and probably not doing a very good job of safeguarding your information.

Remember: the larger and more prolific a payment site is, the more they are fucked if something happens to your information or they get caught trying to sell it. Trust well established sites with massive customer bases and 24/7 customer support over random nameless payment sites.

Payments for scams*
>how about admitting you fell off the writing wagon because you ran out of actual ideas, and shitposting is how you cope
Actually, it's the opposite; I've got plenty of IDEAS, but usually fail in actualizing them into text.

>The writing style resembles a stream of consciousness, and not in a good way.It reads like you're writing everything down the moment it goes through your head without taking any time to clean it all up.
Which is kinda was, hence why just forcing a story went so poorly.

>The characters are just as poorly defined, and due to the style I have trouble understanding what the hell is even happening, let alone figure out if it's supposed to be erotic.
This is my real shame when it comes to CuttleDaemonette Attacks...
Believe it or not, one of the only other things I wrote was considered pretty good due to the characterization and their interaction.

>As for your proposed story, everything you listed in your post has been done before (and probably by someone far better than any of us combined), and we can't tell how good or bad it'll be unless you can actually write it.
Which is probably the best argument against me doing it; Pretty much anyone else could actually WRITE it better.

>who needs other people to make basic decisions for him.
That isn't all that far from the truth to be honest...

>Look at it this way. Is the way you post here the way you talk in real life? Most people don't put Random Emphasis and GRATUITOUS CAPITALIZATION on words, it makes you sound like a lewder version of the Time Cube guy. Same goes for the ellipsis overuse, it's awkward to read and makes it sound like you've forgotten what you were about to say partway through a sentence.
Well the ellipsis are suppose to represent trailing sentences...

>but sadly expansion is an uncommon fetish here.
What, really?

>it's hard to do expansion because... what are we supposed to do? Write a million different words for 'big.'
Very true.
And most people don't allow their sentences to trail off like that in real life either. That's why it's so awkward.
>Instead of using words for "big" focus on the scope. Use comparisons. Comparisons are wonderful.

>Many of the skills needed to write good girl-on-girl smut are just as useful for other pairings. There are too many elements and complex interplay for me to write a real guide for it, but here are some examples:
Thank you for this!

>a Knight afflicted with a dragonpussy attempting to hide his status/urges. The prompt, the pic, and your interpretation all fit in the same wheelhouse however.
Well he doesn't have to REMAIN a male...
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>that pic
If you go to the official website, they'll hold your hand through the process of getting set up with a wallet and exchange service. You might have to read a bit and compare based on your needs, but it's fairly straightforward stuff. Doesn't fix the issue of your commissioners potentially not having it, but at least you'll have options.
Are there any good threads on 4chan for discussing writing in general?
I'm writing something non-lewd, but this is the only thread I know of with a bunch of good writers and reviewers. And it wouldn't be appropriate for me to ask for help on non-/efg/ projects.

I actually did something unique with that. I'm not saying that you should use it, but it is an option. When I changed first person perspective over to another character, I simply set a

* Character Name *

as a sort of sub-chapter heading, so that the reader will know that we've changed perspectives.

Apparently, agents look for more third-person perspective based stories, for various reasons. I personally just don't really enjoy that style of writing.
While that certainly can work, I still prefer using a limited third person perspective.
I was really looking for help deciding on whose perspective to use, and the mixed MC/supporting character option suggested above is probably my best bet.

Thank you both for the input!

BTW, I love expansion. I might be one of the only humans on the planet with a DVD copy of "Mood Boobs." :)
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>And most people don't allow their sentences to trail off like that in real life either.
Yes but...

>That's why it's so awkward.
...I am this awkward...

This is kinda the reason I became so infamous as the weird fetish poster; Smut is one of the easiest conversation starters on the Internet.

Then I suggest learning how other people talk, and have your characters talk like them, as opposed to them all sounding as awkward as you claim to be.

Also, you're imfamous for completely different reasons, which I'm sure you've heard dozens of times already.
Just stop responding. It's the only way to make him stop.
Anyways, how's your smut life?
Real life seems to be going out of its way to be a bigger ass than usual. Between work, preparing for grad school, and a move, it's a wonder I can even find the time to write at all. I'd hate to see what actually being in grad school would do to my already lacking productivity.
Well you could be writing right now!
Excellent point.
2000 word update, had to watch documentaries about agriculture aimed at six year-olds all day to learn about farming edition. New content at “I might as well skip a step and just teach the lot of you at the same time,”

Snek 4:
>no new tags
Really starting to see how not giving him a name is sort of coming back to bite you.
>paragraph 743: they'll male good farmhands

Grad school? Congrats. But you won't have much time for anything once you start hitting the books.
Thanks for the catch.

Well there was only ever supposed to be one Snek story, and it was the first thing I ever wrote. Then people wanted a sequel, so I did one. Then people requested a third story, so I wrote it. Now I'm being commissioned to do the fourth entry in the Snek quadrilogy.
It's been a challenge to never refer to the guy by name in what is now...91,319 words and counting, but I felt compelled.
I mostly want to know what the name the Viper gave to him means.
Probably either the Viper word for "beloved" or "fuccboi", one of the two.
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I'm curious how you will handle Raz and Stanley will go now. You've been into this farm setting now. How will you set that story apart?

Maybe more sex and less story?

I hope there's muscle worship and ab stuff again.

Anyway, this was all used as an excuse to share this with you.
Don't remind me. Especially since I'm already hitting the books just for the GREs- if this is what I can expect from it, I weep for my writing time.
Oh, that's true, I didn't think of that. I don't want to become known for agriculture-themed erotica, that won't do.
Yeah those ones are gonna be pretty short, probably around 15k words, so there'll be a lot more sex and fewer details.

Oh I saw that on /v/, everyone over there is /fit/posting now, it's glorious.
>BTW, I love expansion. I might be one of the only humans on the planet with a DVD copy of "Mood Boobs." :)
Damn man, that's a nostalgia hit right there,.

>Then I suggest learning how other people talk, and have your characters talk like them
I try, but that takes rehearsal and heavy character investment, which greatly slows the writing process.

>Don't remind me. Especially since I'm already hitting the books just for the GREs- if this is what I can expect from it, I weep for my writing time.
Carry on our weary Archivist, they'll be smut when you are done...

I think Snekguy has the right idea with having a "Best Of Category" for each genre or whatever with multiple winners.

Consider the following: We have all these people posting on here asking how to write good smut. Instead of just trying to explain to them what works, why not just show them the "Best Of Category" for whatever they want to write? Don't get me wrong. I have no problem exchanging notes, but I'd rather spend time writing my own stuff.

Therefore, the point of having "Best Of Categories" with multiple winners wouldn't be to troll or create competition. They would instead serve as examples to inspire new writers.

TL;DR: People don't care about arguing and writing posts as they do about reading and fapping.
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2000 word update, new content at "She moved towards a large building that was protruding from the wall of the torus"

Highway to Krell:
>no tags yet
Why not both?
Space crocodile girls when?
Sneks in space when?
[spoiler]More snek one-shots when?[/spoiler]
>More snek one-shots when?
An assault specced into close combat specialist with an upgraded shotgun usually gives you plenty of these for free.
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I am still designing the Krell females, though they're looking THICC. Turns out you can't have a huge tail and lay big eggs without a bombshell ass.
Funny thing about croc/gator mothers is they're actually pretty gentle given the fact they pic up their babies with their jaws without harming them. Not sure what you could do with this, but the sex of the baby is actually determined by the temperature of the nest the eggs incubate in. It has to be just right or the eggs will be all male or all female depending if it's too warm or too cold.
So instead of borealan aggressive dom, we'd get krell's very gentle mom-dom?
Hoo boy, I didn't know I wanted this THIS bad.
Something that big and heavy wouldn't be able to move fast constantly. They'd just be able to make big heavy movements. Granted, their true power and speed would be seen if they were in the water. There's also the fact humans would be very popular with reptile/coldblooded species in fantasy/scifi settings given how warm we are and the heat we pump off. Our body heat would actually give them more energy. Which can also be used in funny ways with how most people are afraid/repulsed by reptiles, but the big scary reptile people would just want to cuddle up to the small squishy walking heat radiators.
I'm now imagining a krell cuddle pile with a human snug in the middle of it.
Also it'd be hilarious if human body temp was higher than say, borealan.
That may be possible. For instance, dogs have a higher internal body temp. than humans, but because of their fur the heat is more contained. While us furless humans are just constantly pumping off excess heat.
So a human feels warmer than a dog or what?
That's pretty neat.
Sort of. To feel the dog's warmth you have to be touching it which puts your hand in/under their fur where all the heat is being trapped. Since humans don't have fur you can feel the warmth we give off from a little distance from our bodies. The dog is technically warmer, but you have to be in contact to feel it.
There's also the fact humans without weapons couldn't even fucking bruise an average sized Krell. Borealans have fangs and claws and are much bigger than humans. If we look weak to Borealans than imagine how Krell view us.
Cute and cuddly.
Then they remember that humans are the ones with the actually big fucking guns.
I wonder how a borealan would react to human war crimes, because holy shit.
Did you decide if they get huge tits or nah?
Now that you mention it, while Borealans are more violent than humans they'd have a much lower death rate in battles and the like. Just have your alpha beat their alpha in single combat and the battle is over just like that.
Genocide is something utterly alien to them.
That and actual mobilized warfare with civilian bomb targets.
Now that I think of it, borealans are not the ones we should call "mad". It's us.
I am erring on the side of little to no tits at the moment. As much as we all love titties the Polars kind of have that covered and it's hard to justify putting tits on amphibians/reptiles.

Yeah, even for me having more than one femdom rape species inhabiting the galaxy is unbelievable. There's gonna be some non-con but it's gonna be more "happy drunk coming on strong" than Borealan style rape.

and then John was a zombie
Good fucking luck getting anyone to actually agree on the categories, though. Or anything else about it. It sounds nice on paper, but trust me when I say we have never had the coordination needed to carry out that sort of thing and probably never will.

Even if it did work, people will keep asking the same questions despite having all the resources there for them. If they still can't be bothered to use the resources right on the list, that's their own fault for not being resourceful.

> TL;DR: People don't care about arguing and writing posts as they do about reading and fapping.

If that was true, we'd still be on /tg/.
Instead of requesting a story, allow me to post an idea for a setting for you guys to take and run with. If you wanna write a story based on or taking place in this setting, feel free!

>An order of paladins worship the goddess of sex, fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. Instead of taking vows of chastity, they are expected to have as much sex as they can and "fill the world with life" by leaving/having as many children as possible in their wake. (Rape, mind control and NTR are obviously all huge no-nos and are punished with such precise prejudice that makes other holy orders jealous)

>These paladins, when they're not busy shagging everything in sight, are also surprisingly good diplomats.
Please review my work /d/, this is my first attempt at writefaggotry. I'm fairly sure it will be worth your time.


It's a pretty long sex/TG scene between two co-workers. I'm planning on making it a legit longer story kind of about how the TG experience affects and benefits both parties, but I'm just giving you this for now (it's most of what I've written.)
I will tell you though that the premise is an unconfident but talented female consultant needs to learn to be cooperative and confident in the workplace, so her boss/friend lends her an artifact that lets her swap sexes with someone else. One of her co-workers agrees to it because he's curious and pretty laid back about change.
>no breast
Dang. There goes the lizard tits.
that's why they're going to have the hips/ass to make up for it
Next thread someone must post a wide hips THICC lizard.
Please stop. You're gonna make me vomit. The whole "humanity is the true evil" is a trope that's so overdone that's it's not even funny anymore.
Better make them have a proper badonkadonk then.
Appreciate the reptile DFC; cats have tats down fine and if we're typing each race then it's only fair for the Krell to get their focus with egg-laying hips and musclebutt.
You can't do gentle mom-dom without tits. That's just not right..
I wonder if the two writers from the feminization threads are still around. I was looking forward the forced fem succubus story and the sequel to the animal crossing story

I agree, and yet I also agree with snek that huge tits wouldn't be fitting on them. Never have I been so conflicted


I did write, actually. Here:


Click it if youre tired of poorly written humans being 200% defenseless to equatorials in every rape situation ever
>>Please stop. You're gonna make me vomit. The whole "humanity is the true evil" is a trope that's so overdone that's it's not even funny anymore.
But it is not a trope it is an objective fact.
just because you're misanthropic doesn't mean everyone else is, or that every single alien race in the universe that's created star travel is a paragon of morality. science fiction is full of alien races that regularly commit atrocities because they either reproduce very quickly, regard life with very low value, or simply have a warrior culture that glorifies the death of your enemies, whoever that may be.

Please define "objective fact", then explain how you feel it applies to "humanity is the true evil". Extra credits for when you explain how to apply objectivity to the concept of evil.

Thanks in advance.
if you're not posting green or answering questions/suggestions about the story you are writing, like in >>7281496 , please drop your tripcode and stop being an attention whore. every other greentext author seems to understand this, but here you are trying to throw the "weight" of your name behind your posts.

I'm gonna need you to stop being an attention whore and focusing on my tripcode. You don't need to post about it, despite how much you clearly want to.
>you are obsessed with my tripcode
i'm gonna need you to stop being such an enormous faggot. this isn't reddit, eka's, or hentaifoundry where we care what your name is. are you going to start adding signatures to every post, too? what about posting with an avatar, to complete your cock-gobbling recreation of a forum?
Do you need me to find you a guide on how to filter tripfags? Or do you think you can handle that on your own?
sephiroth is your favorite FF7 character too, i bet.
perhaps, if you bothered to read any kind of published fiction you could nail down things like tense, grammar, dialogue formatting, and variety of vocabulary.
all these signs point to you being an underageb& gaylord without the reading experience to recognize your own shortcomings even during a cursory read of your own text. instead of focusing on maintaining your image here because some anon is shitposting you, you should focus on honing your terrible writing skills.

I'm 28, and also not actually a writer in any way. I completely pulled that shit out of my ass to make a little supplemental story for Snek when he was trying to make a case that no human could ever stop a borealan from raping them while up close. I do appreciate that you read the story though. If I didn't have a full time job I honestly would learn how to write, it's insanely fun once I get going. I just wish I had the time for it.

Never played FF7 by the way, 6 was my last stop.
even if you completely pulled it out of
your ass you shouldn't
have all these weird line breaks and break basic formatting structure. honestly, have you even read anything else here? this is 5th-grade introduction to writing mistakes here. why would you bother posting with a trip when you don't have a pastebin account and none of your posts have anything of consequence? if anything your own admission of your age reinforces the fact that you're such a faggot you come off as a 13 y/o writing harry potter fanfiction. do you even read?
keep posting, though, it just helps the rest of the thread realize just how much man-meat you much on.

Actually that was pastebin absolutely destroying my formatting after copying it from the docx file I originally wrote it in. Do you want the original copy with the actual formatting I did?

Also wait, you just called me a 13 year old and then immediately made a homophobic insult? The fuck? What year is this?

...You do realize there are plenty of gay/bi people in this very thread, right?
Umbreon man, you're being baited. Writing was pretty good, but don't help him shitpost up the thread by rising to what amounts to shitflinging. Cmon, you're better than this.
>wow just wow
where did you come from? you obviously haven't spent much time on any *chan board if you're getting TRIGGERED over me calling you a faggot, (which you are) when anyone else who's been here a while knows there's a difference between a faggot and someone who is gay. the difference is simple: your behavior, post style, and tumblr-esque posts show that you are definitely a gigantic faggot, while none of the writers here that create stories with homosexual content have behaved in the same way.
if you spent as much effort learning to write in such a way you didn't have to use the lazy-writer hallmark of EMPHASIS in dialogue with ALL CAPS as you do defending your tripcode here, more people might actually be capable of enjoying the shit you squeezed out into pastebin.

lurk more if you're going to try and posture like you know what the fuck you're doing. plenty of other anons here have already provided you with proper examples on how not to be a gigantic faggot, and yet here you are being a gigantic faglord.


Ah fuck. I've gotten rusty over the years, normally I can smell bait from farther away. I admit it, he had me going until you came in.

I'm off to bed, gotta get up for work. To whoever can't stand my trip, get 4chanx and filter everything after the ! in my trip to make all my posts disappear(and any future ones). Let me know if you can't get it working and I'll write up a quick guide on how to do it tomorrow night after I get home from work.
here's a quick guide for you: grab the nearest fiction book in your place of residence that's above a young teen level, examine the sentence structure they use, examine the formatting the use, then look back at the drivel you're shilling, realize what you did wrong, then go back to gaia or whatever forum you came from, make a new account, and try not to be such a faggot they ban you again.
jesus christ mate you really are butthurt aren't you?
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>> TL;DR: People don't care about arguing and writing posts as they do about reading and fapping.
>If that was true, we'd still be on /tg/.
I do, but that's why I miss being on /tg/...

>goddess of sex, fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood
So Ehlonna, Luthic, Lamashtu, or Nalinivati?
>If that was true, we'd still be on /tg/.

And all this shit with Shiny seems to have proved me right about that. Some things never change, I guess.
Seems good so far, keep it up.
/tg/ usually has a storythread, check there?
You're the only holdout AA, and you seem to have a problem with everyone, why is that?
Snek, Deamonette, Shiny, are you sure the problem doesn't lie closer to home?
He is neither the only holdout nor the only one telling the attentionwhoring name-/tripfags to fuck off, so no.
As much as I like the idea of that paladin order, it feels a tad bit too much like a hentai pretext.
Here's what I can think of from your idea :
>Holy order of clerics and paladins. Male and female mixed.
>Worship the love and sex aspect of a godess of fertility, matrimony, harvest and moon.
>No vows of chastity, but have to vow to protect and incite love and peace where they go.
>Self sacrifice is an important notion, they make good diplomats, crisis-breakers and guardians.
>Errant paladins are often on a quest or vow related to love or sex : seduce a recluse monster creature / grant protection to an exiled princess to meet up with her lover / shag up with an oracle witch to communicate with the goddess
>Their temple are a refuge for pregnant women, exiled lovers and rape victims.
>Every paladins are trained to be midwives. Every paladins carry a kama-sutra kind of holy book with them.
>[spoiler]They are secretly tied to a rival paladin order who worship the night and death aspect of the same godess.[/spoiler]
Something like that may should already exist tho.
All he seems to do is talk shit about other people, and then maybe once a month he'll feel guilty when someone calls him out for never actually writing anything, and he'll write 200 words of his latest story as if that validates him shitposting in the general.
He's a constant source of drama and negativity and he doesn't have the self-awareness to understand that's why they got kicked off /tg/.

He keeps going round and round in circles, has a complete meltdown maybe once every 4 or 5 threads (usually on account of Snek's stories being more popular than his which for some reason drives him crazy, even though every author who posts here is more popular than him because he never writes anything) and then tries to apologize, which might mean something if he hadn't done it 16 times by now. He shitposts until his vitriol reaches a level that people can no longer stand, and then acquiesces to the complaints and goes off to write a paltry update that he then completely forgets about next thread.

Constantly complains that he never has time to write and has no qualms about using the thread as his personal blog, and yet seems to write thousands of words a day in the thread, mostly railing on other writers or spewing negativity.

He's like some kind of malicious chatbot that wipes its memory every time a new thread starts, he forgets about all his tantrums and starts from square one again.

None of the other namefags cause any problems, they're all polite and they all contribute content to the thread regularly. I'm also sick of hearing about /tg/, if it's such a fucking burden to use /d/ he should go somewhere else.
>None of the other namefags cause any problem, they're all polite and they all contribute content to the thread regularly.

Get the shit out of your eyes and realize you're just as bad as the one you're dissing. There are many people who are sick of the goddamn circlejerk in these threads, AA is just the only one posting with a name on.
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