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/co/ boys thread?

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Thread replies: 473
Thread images: 251

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/co/ boys thread?
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Anyone have a link to the last one? I need to do some research.
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Someone was posting real questionable pics in the last one before it got deleted.

This one is probably going to be deleted as well.

Best thread

Damn Garth is looking good
They could have made token like 4 inches.

They lost out on a good joke.
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As long as they're full of boys, harems are relevant to this topic, right?
too much weebshit, fuck off
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Just friends
Isnt there a full list somewhere?
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It feels good being an homossexual pedophile!
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Not my taste but not bad / 10

Says the loli lover


Best couple
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>Best couple
But that's wrong.
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Not him but i too am more of a Style kind of guy.
I have too many /co/ boys that I love!!
>Leroy Jenkins
the only thing better than one cute hot boy are two cute hot boys making out and you know it
It brings people together. Just like in TweekxCraig
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The lack of best /co/ boy, Dipper, disturbs me.
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He's sweaty and paranoid, anon. That is pretty shit, hyper but cuddly is where it's at.
I literally just posted billdip anon, get some fucking glasses
Probably because he's related to worst girl

Yeah. Let's not post cropped pics of traced child pron please
Sweaty is the best kind.
bonus sweatyxsweaty
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We may be pedophiles, but we have standards
Marginally related, but that was the best episode of the season
Not a pedo myself but is there an actual super duper sexy hot /co/ boys anywhere? These are just male versions of uncute Gwenpools we already have. besides cat noir
it would be easier to give one to you if you gave us a description of what you think is attractive, you know
Cat Noir is the only one you need boi
I see Dipper , but who's the other kid?
my boy morty
wow I can't believe I forgot best boy ahah
Suspected so, but his hair made me doubt

Comic book morty is a cutie
That Blargsnarf pic of them

I need more
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they're the cutest aren't they?
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Incredibly cute.

Morty is such an underappreciated /co/ boy.
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you're waifus are all shit
My husbando is top tier as a matter of fact.
>Not Dipper
>Not Wirt
What a complete faggot this guy is
>Tell me one wrong thing about fucking little boys
Hoo boy, still remember that thread
>Still haven't seen Lincoln's peepee

why live
2015 called.
Best boy
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Post dead /co/ boys
*guitar riff*
gay death in one picture
good taste
but only seasons 1 and 2 fry when he had add and was a fish out of wather instead of just being stupid
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Style is cute!! cute!!
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What kind of boys
Who this?
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"But thats not me."
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>no Gumball
What the fuck guys
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Cute boys
tumblr get out!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wasn't he Craig fake boyfriend
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Speedsters always have the cutest little butts. And wear the tightest suits to show them off.

I also have a slightly bigger version of this pic, about the same size as mine, if you guys want it.
What was the thread and what were they posting? The last thread I was in was the one that hit the bump limit and also used the penis chart pic for the op.
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It's something about the way he's standing, how he's lifting himself up, it makes him look the most fuckable. Still not best boy, tho.
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Trips confirm. I want him to give me a hairjob.
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Wait it was the tall one, Michael.


Some of the comic pages, they show bulges from him and Robin.


If only superboy and damien
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Wow..... it's like you all are not even trying.

Get on my level, plebs

And NuGwen is cute......CUTE!
>the collage of that pic and all those "I want to fuck the catboy" posts

Shit, what was it? Like I can't guess.
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Really nothing special. Just one guy overreacting.
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>his tongue is a heart
What did they mean by this?

They're cute and I like their more loving relationship, but original series Ben and Gwen are best.

> yugo wears boxers

Well shit, I thought being EU and all they wear briefs or speedo briefs
Chiro is best boy
>Some of the comic pages, they show bulges from him and Robin.

I remember threads where anons were pointing them out and complaining about them. My only complaint is that they don't show them enough.
*adjusts shitposting hat*
Its actually getting the viewers subconsciously prepared for the oral wincest that Gwen is gonna lay down in Season 3

Somebody reported Yugo in his shorts? And they deleted that?! Dammit, we used to could post nude cuties, now we can't even see their underpants? I miss old /co/.
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Ezra best boy

It was 2 gif of Mac and Dipper stripping down out of their clothes. Just go on /coq/
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oh, are we doing that?

good thing i've prepared for this very situation
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Oh. That....really should be acceptable.
Top left corner...who's that?

Bulge again.
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Top left corner, who's that?
too old for this thread

adrien from miraculous ladybug
he's the catboy
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>Season 3
I don't think those two can wait that long, and based on the porn, we've been prepared since the first episode of the first series. And, while I may prefer Ben's tongue, if it's Gwen who's going to be giving the oral, I'm gonna need to see her heart shaped tongue. Maybe it's something about their animation style that's causing it, like all those lip bites from the first series.

Also, I hate to be that guy, but that stuff in the asterisks, please don't do that. It's unnecessary and you're post was fine without it.
Well, you see Pooh, sometimes it's a challenge to provide a proper amount of context for a sarcastic remark when sent o-

Ehh, you are probably right, "that guy". Duly noted
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And, i totally agree on seeing Gwens heart shaped tongue, and I've also noticed a fair bit of lip biting going on in this iteration as well. Alas, no screengrabs though
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Oh please, he's not even best SW boy.
How is there no Marco in here?
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Daily reminder Batz kidnapped Dick from the orphanage. Whole scene is funny asf
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>Christopher Robin
Great, now my boner has become a fear boner. But I guess I can still work with that.

And I shouldn't be one to talk, because in correcting your posting etiquette, I committed the gravest grammar sin of them all: you're instead of your. So I've lost all credibility, if I even had any to begin with.
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Totally, even Luke adores him
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That's because Luke is too modest to realize he himself is best boy.
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I think that's because in the original series, Gwen was the lewder, more aggressive one and Ben was more submissive, while in the reboot, that's been somewhat reversed. But keep looking.
why would you ever hold a lightsaber like that
>If only superboy and damien

Assuming you mean kissing and not dead, it's frustrating how little good art there is of them; both SFW and especially NSFW. You'd just think there'd be more by now.
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>dat bulge tho

A goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus, indeed.
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No sweat, fellow anon, we all have done something for others to openly mock.

Not going to lie, I chortled mightily at your image
I haven't really gotten into Loud House, but is that a girl and is she not wearing anything under her overalls? Because if that's the case, I might have to check it out.
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I don't think ONE even imagined how CUTE bones could make Mob look
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I mean there could always be more but it's seems to be fine to me.
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As traumatizing as it was, Christopher Robin is one of the cutest boys ever and one crazy evil iteration of him in a game shouldn't affect that. Unless you're into crazy evil, of course.
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Sadly, that is the R63 version of one of the sisters, Lana. She does wear clothes under her overalls, and they have shown her shorts at least once. Its an alright show, but you gotta watch out for /tlhg/ -they're nuts
Way more, especially way more subby Jon.
I've always been told you don't stick your dick in crazy, and it's worked so far!

Christoper Robin is an OG /co/ boy, that damn game can be overlooked.
Yes I see it now, the three lines drawn on the side of each eye makes all the difference. But whether it's girls naked under overalls or boys, it's still a show based about an incest harem, so I'll look into it. Or at the very least, the porn.

And as far as the general being nuts, I'm cool with that because all generals are nuts. I see them on /trash/ while browsing /ztg/.
Forewarned is forearmed, my Anonymous friend. The tlh booru overflows with the porn, have fun
Jon's cuter and sweeter, the perfect sub, and that's why I prefer him as a sub. But to each their own, I also understand the appeal of seeing the more dominant personality getting dommed.
Well you've been told wrong, crazy is fun. Putting that game aside, there's nothing crazy about Christopher Robin, except him being crazy cute.
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Thanks anon, I will. And since this is /co/, of course I'm partial to the goth, so I think I'll start with her. See if there's a pic of her fucking her Rule 63 version.
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I assure you there is.....

But it seems like every Lars pic is also tagged with Lucy, whether she's actually in it or not. Either that or I'm doing it wrong.
It's pretty weird Finn has never been in one of those crossdress episodes considering that happens in pretty much every toon and he certainly has the majestic flowing hair for it
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Are these /a/ or /co/ boys?
I dont know if we count toonami and dubs here.
I approve of most of this selection. 8/10
Agreed. He got totally flandernized in the revival seasons.

But i still liked him in most of the ones before that. He wasnt too stupid and it contributed to his boyish charm.
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The cutest.
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Guessing its a fail in the ppl doing the tagging, or, technically they are the same "person"?

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Every single one of the Camp Camp boys, also David.
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best boy comin through
We're waiting for you to post him.
/co/ is the second gayest board on 4chan. You shouldn't be surprised

there's a lot of competition for that title, actually
Its not that big of a buldge

Steven universe had a bigger one
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I want to spoil him
It was a 8 panel image of dipper wearing a cow suit and stripping naked with a shot penis shopped onto the last two panels.
So do I, but I don't think Flug counts as a boy.

What did he mean by this?
It appears to be the case for all the characters and their rule 63 counterparts. Or, again, I'm just doing it wrong.
The only board that tops /co/ in gayness is /fit/.
you forgot >>>/r9k/
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there's lots of womemes in these threads though
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pic related
>non-furry version
Ben Tennyson 2016 sh0ta where??

Nah only Max and the nerdy boy
Kill yourself
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Underappreciated best boy
Up here, not much, but...

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AT would have been so much better if Finn had just found a nice, cute, prince boyfriend.
fuck you I posted him before you I claimed him
an underrated best boy as a matter of fact
fine I'll post him
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Hyped that best x-men boys are going to be in the next movie.
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what did you mean by this
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a good boy that was never meant to be
also seconding on the Camp Camp boys, specifically Max, David, Daniel, Harrison and Neil
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Stars will save the universe.

Only Max, David, and maybe the illusionist are cute. The rest are not cute.

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I think he meant that picture is so unappealing that it will turn people straight?

Also, nice trips.
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Maybe Amazon will decide to pick it up in the future when they need another batch of shows.

Still sucks though.
how dare he disrespect my shameful husbando like that
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I claim Cody, Mal, Duncan and Alejandro
These character designs are hideous
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Claiming more than one isn't fair.

I'll go with Brody, Duncan, Brick, Shawn, and DJ as my Top 5.
>Pink Lars
Looks like I need to catch up.
>hasn't seen the last batch of SU episodes
hoo boy
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OG best boy right here, with Adonis being a close second
I wonder how many people will actually like him even after all that shit. Lars and Renaldo make up two of the trifecta of characters people constantly shit on.
For all intents and purposes, he does
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> Token is smaller than half the white kids
> Even Kyle... A jew is bigger than a black

I call bs
That is the joke.

You do realize "BBC" is a myth right?
Why aren't there any more cartoons starring two human boys? The last one I saw was Kivk Buttowski. Now cartoons have one boy and an animal or worse one boy and a girl. You never find rule 34 of the boy because everyone focuses on the /ss/.
Just two boys is pretty odd, normally it's a group of boys if anything. Not sure where you think that trend in particular is.
Kick Buttowski, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja and Dude That's my Ghost! all aired at the same time and starred two male characters

I miss those times ;_;
It doesn't really happen as much as the two or more girls shows. Like I said there was Kick Buttowsk. There was Ed, Edd, n Eddy, Rugrats/All Grown up and Flapjack. And in other media there was Zack and Cody and I guess Nicky, Ricky, Dicky amd Dawn? As someone who doesn't like to jerk it to animals or /ss/ there's a dissappointing abscence of pure Shota from western shows.
Really? I still see plenty of boy centric shows out there, maybe it's just because i avoid the girl cartoons.

> Randy and Howard

These 2 were definitely gay for each other.
then name some
Doesnt every currently airing semi-popular cartoon star a boy protagonist?
we were talking about TWO boy protagonists this whole time??
Well i said that two was pretty uncommon, the ones you listed yeah came out around the same time but now its fallen off. I dont think it's all that consistent a thing.

SP, F is for family, Chamberlain Heights, Clarence, RC9GN... For now
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Over The Garden Wall, Rick And Morty, Adventure Time (the girls they ship finn with aren't protagonists so it still counts)
or did you mean like two shotas that you can ship with each other? because yeah if you're not a degenerate that's rare
also I have a question: do you like your boys to dominate or be dominated?
oh come on anon
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I like a guy that knows what he likes and goes for it, real gung ho and take charge. Shame western animation doesnt have much of that.

And sometimes a little of the other is nice too but rarely.
>if you're not a degenerate that's rare
learn to read?
then why do you even list all of those shows that don't apply? fuck off
you just said two boys, you never listed specifics
yeah Rick Sanchez is such a fucking boy all right
You seem upset.
hey don't be mad, I would totally fuck Rick

Not gonna lie, i had a huge crush on him when i was young. (Only cuz he always in his underwear)
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Well two of those shows fall into the boy+animal catagory. They don't really count. And your second question about domination depends.

Whenever I watch shows today with the stereotypical bully or cool boy I always think " wonder how tough he'd be if he had a vibrator shoved up his anus." Especially if it's one of those ugly looking older kids that's only in 4th grade but bullies 1st graders.
And I think the reverse for victims. That the bully should go the full distance and force a beej from the victim.

But I'm not a paedo
That counts. Maybe Lil Rick or Pickle Rick. I mean if you can count Flapjack why not Reddit and Memey?
ok fuck you guys I got it, Regular Show. now go suck a dick
or futurama if you like benderxfry
>Tfw no beach episode dub
>he sees your dick
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Morby is my jam, pretty uninterested in FryxBender though. I just like Fry by himself.
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yeah I get that, Fry is a quality husbando
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>Tfw no cute, sloppy, lazy but employed, well meaning, casual bachelor from the past with a sweet 10/10 ass
Incognitymous is the best Ben 10 porn artist and he did some pretty nice pics of the reboot series, but they're all with Gwen. I think he did them all in black and white and some of them were colored by other artists.
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Weak willed boy
Good for dominating
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I don't watch Steven Universe, so I wouldn't know, plus I'm just not into fatties. But it's still pretty nice, Yugo is cutest boy.
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Yugo is pretty nice indeed. I like his buffness.
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Why did they HAVE to make him so young? And... I think Chibbi is the word?
Part of me wants to draw him. But A). I don't watch the show so I don't know his exact mannerism and B) I can't even draw a gun.
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Normally I like my boys to be skinny and scrawny, it adds to their youthfulness and boyishness for me. Yugo is a bit of an exception, but he's not too buff for me; he's not like a muscleshota or anything, those are gross. His immense cuteness also helps a lot, as well as him often being shirtless and barefoot.
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He's pretty swole though. Especially for a kid.
Yeah he is, but I meant he's not so buff that I don't still find him cute.
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Who is Dominic Palotta? I want to know more bout this South Park shota with the tiniest penor.
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Morty is best boy. Morty is a precious boy.
I want to see how he feels about having the smallest peen of all his classmates.
morty needs more love definitely
This shit doesn't remotely look like Morty
find me better Morty fanart then you dummy
Don't need fanart when the show is already sufficient
then post suggestive screenshots moron, show us what you got
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Actually, Cartman does
But he's fat so no thanks.
>/co/s gay thread is almost exclusively underage boys

you guys lust on lolis all the time so I don't think anyone has a right to complain here
they have loli and non-loli shitposting. this is the gay thread and consentable count is like, 3
I think xe's asking for beefcake
Here's best boy. Shame they turned him into a personified Hormone in season 3. But he was still cute.
We had a beefcake a while ago, don;t blame us for missing it
fine let's list some legal boys:
>Rick Sanchez
>David (camp camp) & Daniel
>Prince Gumball
>Cosmo & Evil Cosmo
>all those guys we nominated from Total Drama who turned 18 around World Tour I think
>does bill cipher count? probably
>Black Hat
>Personally also some furries like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Donald Duck etc
>Maui personally

now anon if you look around and analyze modern cartoons you'll discover that there aren't many interesting male adults to begin with unless they're furry or something, there are lots of shows where that spot is taken by some unfuckable dude, so of course we'll lust over the developed cute boys instead
and while we're at it, I also claim Bill from F is For Family
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Any other Mordecai and Rigby shippers here?
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read the thread before asking dude, we're here
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Sorry I just bottom and didn't check
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Daffy best duck
This isn't the gay thread, newfag. Gay Threads on on /co/ have that in the subject and have lots of posting of older guys in cape comics.

Cute /co/ boy threads have always been mainly shota posting since that was the intention of them from the start.
OH and Jack Frost from rise of the guardians definitely, and Hiccup too
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anon I'm gonna need some sauce on that
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Goddamn, I wish Villainous had some new shorts already.
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All the Daffy lewds you could ever need.
>Sorry I just bottom and didn't check

That's gay, anon. And dirty.
actually sorry to disappoint but I find Bugs hotter although both are smoking hot, but this is even better because the artist ships them so holy fuck this is great
They're also smart enough to know that Daffy is clearly the bottom in the relationship.
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EXACTLY! that artist has got some fine taste
although I'd love some noncon anonxbugs with anon dominating, you know those pics that are just like, hands doing stuff and nothing else, sometimes the arms are visible too
I'd suck a dick to have that artist draw some of that with bugs being pinned against a wall forcefully or something, fuck I've got the biggest crush on him since ever, and Lola too honestly
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The best girls are boys
The fuck is Jack Frost doing there?
Was Chiro ever shirtless?
Probably because he's the only other Dreamworks boy cute enough to judge Hiccup.
Hiro is not for lewd fuccboi
>boys thread
learn to read faggot
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Nobody wants Mac anymore but me.
because deviantart/tumblr

square head is too off-putting
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Ol' Squarehead is cute, I tell you! Cute! Also, he's shown his bare butt in three episodes.
Did..... I just read a murder???
Yes at least once. I don't have any good caps right now but when I get off work I'll take some more
Ok let's hope the thread is still up by the . Was this that time he was afraid of water or something?
episode names?
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*Hiro is a lewd fuccboi
>Ok let's hope the thread is still up by the
Yeah hopefully it will be.

>Was this that time he was afraid of water or something
Yeah. He's only shirtless at the end but I'll do my best. I can't remember if he's shirtless in any other episodes
Partying is Such Sweet Soirée
Infernal Slumber
I Only Have Surprise for You
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This anon knows what's up.

>Focusing my Literature degree on the Renaissance period and Ganymede figures because the literature/paintings of this boy are fucking great.

Im just hoping the game involves both of them more.

Tho, thank Matt and Trey for that twerk gameplay.
Mac is pretty good yeah, his cuteness though is just kind of in an ordinary way thanks to that coconut head hair style.
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Young Ben 10.jpg
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According to the wiki, he's 10 in the reboot as well, but he does look kind of younger than in previous versions. I think he looks pretty cute and that it compares favorably to the previous designs; but not Gwen though, she's ugly af in the reboot. It's still an improvement over the Omniverse art style, in terms of character design, as I really hated that art style.

I'm not sure if that's chibi, though. I thought that meant big heads and exaggerated features. You'd have to ask a weeb.
>girl threads have girls of all ages
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The lewdest, especially with that wet little bulge of his.

It's frustrating how the author never went back and finished the art for that doujin, especially considering how nice the cover is.
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Hiro in a dress by the same artist. Which boy pulls it off better?
>Which boy pulls it off better?
don't make me choose between my boys like that
i lov them both
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Hiro definitely. His shota anger at being in a dress but not able to do anything about it shines
>but not Gwen though, she's ugly af in the reboot
I think even in this thread, you're still in the minority on that. But I would like to see less of her and more of Ben. It really annoys me when there's a cute shota main character, a girl appears once or twice and everyone starts drawing her.

Oh man. If he wasn't 15 he'd be my husbando. I remember looking at him in the trailers and thought he was cute, then I heard his voice and went Ree under my breath. After they're 14 and their voices drop they're basically just ywinks.
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What show is this, please?
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!

If you're wanting a good-quality download I can hook you up, because until recently the only available version was some cropped TV rips with low quality
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I appreciate the offer, kind Anon, but I just watched a couple parts of episodes, and not sure it's for me. Thanks anyway
>I think even in this thread, you're still in the minority on that.

I remember when the design was first revealed, a lot of people on /co/ didn't like it. Maybe people have come around since then, but I haven't really seen that. What pisses me off about it is how bad it is compared to the original series design, while Ben's isn't so bad.
>there are more girls meant to be appealing in /co/ media, unsurprisingly, because fanservice is a thing
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Thanks a lot anon, wish we got something a bit more long and proper but this is still alright.
help guys I marathoned Miraculous Ladybug and now I'm in love with Chat Noir
post pics of him suffering
I think it'd be easier to find fanart of him if they had changed the name from plain Ben 10. Even if I search by Ben 10 2016/17 I get nothing.

Bit unrelated:
The only good thing I can say about Ben 10 2016 is at least it isn't designed in the "CalArts" way. The characters look like they could be 3D and they actually have elbows and knees. The actual look of them is pretty bad though. You say Ben is a 10 year old? He looks and acts like he could be 7 at most.
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adrien is better
You're welcome! Yeah, I wish. I'll keep an eye out while re-watching and see if he is shirtless in any other episodes
You mean current year anon


>tfw no shadman image where he gets railed by the BBC
Who is?
This pic is really good and cute
There is this rumor/meme among fags (fags, no homos) that fags are basically dead after 30. Like women. Stewie is a cute as at 15-16 then somehow BOOM homely at 30.
ah I see what you mean, and yeah I agree, but desu he's best in his canon age
>generic blond look
>better than the catboy in skintight latex

Kevin Reynolds from Supernoobs.

Even has a cute blonde friend to pair with
>generic superhero
>better than friendly hotboy fashion model

I like a boy who aims to please himself by pleasing me. I'm pretty selfish to be honest but I'm not a total dom.
>generic superhero

There's nothing generic about a canon cat boy in latex.
This isn't the gay thread. This is the boys thread. It's not like the OP pic was superman. The first three posts shoulda told you what this thread was about. There are also bara threads. husbando threads, etc. Lurk to a higher degree or summat.
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Shocking lack of gumball In here. Let me fix that
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he has crossdressed canonically in the comics once, but with the canon appearance it doesn't look too good, I'd rather see some fanart of it but there's basically none
also I love finn and want to caress his long feminine hair and tell him everything is going to be ok
Jack Frost/Hiccup is a big thing with shippers/drawfags
not as big as JackxElsa sadly, which is the fucking worst ship I've ever seen
Are you bisexual? Why do you care?
I am, although I don't see what that has to do with anything, I just don't like that it's popular only because they both have ice powers, it doesn't make sense and there's no chemistry, is a guy just not allowed to have NOTPs in peace anymore?
so, how about selfcest huh
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>ywn bite that perfect neck
feels bad man
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I'm sorry senpaitachi, Guy/Shezow is hot
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that brings back memories
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I miss Dipper everyday.
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But is your aim getting better?
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I just finished rewatching that episode and immediately after i see this thread.
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I sometimes watch TweakxCraig just for the big laughs and big cuteness.
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I'm surprise the mods hasn't nuked this thread yet.
Why would they nuke it?
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>We could have had a Mighty No. 9 Cartoon if it werent for what a shitshow it turned out to be.
It's not fair!
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Because the mods are all capefag retards who only want discussion of trite live action movies and company war bait threads. Anything involving cartoons, boys, or love irritates them. And there's usually a pic with a little extra skin they'll use to justify nuking us. I'm surprised they don't post the porn themselves.
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I'm surprised they allowed this one when some creep was posting 3D pictures in the short-term previous one and 3D pictures in this one. I think they were more than justified in deleting this thread, but they didn't.
Hopefully it's a sign of how things are now.
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most underrated /co/ shota in the history of ever
who has been seen shirtless a couple of times both in the cartoon and comics
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Underrated ship. I wish Robbie got more focus, I liked him a lot.

I'm thinking about giving it a watch. Are there any good scans of the comics anywhere? I just found one site that had low quality scans of english translations, hosted on Photobucket.
I'm pretty sure those are the only scans available, and I'm kinda biased but I recommend it
Dang. Do the comics and the show follow the same storyline?

Browsing through Photobucket is a pain, that crappy site always lags on me, but I guess I have no other choice.
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I don't remember much but from what I do remember the comics handled everything better, although you can find the cartoon in hd since it was brought to netflix recently
personally I'm a fan of both and own a bunch of issues of the comic, but I'm also italian and have no idea how america handled adaptations of both
I like your version of the intro though
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>no chubby shota
Let's fix that with some Gunther
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Damn, I was aware of the site that had the comic links for months, but I don't think the images are accessible anymore.


Clicking an image will just lead you to some thumbnail, probably due to pic related.
Any comics where they show the boy in his underwear (bonus for briefs)
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Because Mac is old and busted by today's standards
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Yeah, they really dropped the ball with Robbie's character development i think. Waste of potential.
aw shit
I mean, the order of the pages was already fucked up, but now it's just impossible to read, I don't know what to say
I guess you could try the cartoon, though I heard the dub is not that good
it sucks because it's truly a good series, but it's so obscure I doubt anyone will bother scanning it again
I still miss Boybox
They'll probably start hosting art somewhere again in the near future, they said.
He's a bisexual dude
He's gay.
Did he change his sexual preferences?
Last time I talked to him in a thread he stated he was bi
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Whatever he is, he needs to draw more half-dressed or naked Dippers.

Your stacking a secondary character from a crap movie who doesn't show his ass despite two onscreen baths up against Mac, God of Shotacon? Jesus.
2012 Casey Jones is possibly the only teen I would go gay for.
Didn't the shotafags hailed Lincoln Loud God of shotacon now that GF is over?
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That's just shit taste. No one can take that role away from Ben.
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no way fags
Personally I think the God of Shota should have shown some cheek. Mac's done that, Ben is marginal but on the boards, Dipper didn't have cheeks which I think should disqualify him, and Lincoln is a straight-up failure.
I personally loved Ame from Wolf Children
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Where are the comic boys? People always seems to love posting cartoon boys more.
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All of them are so cute even cartman
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They need to be more stylized and cartoony.
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I'm surprised no one has said Superboy. I can't wait for the inevitable kiss between him and Robin.
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All the boys in south park are adorable
How so?
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Needs more bear cub.

Nice butt.


Stan the only cute one in the group.
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It's supposed to be like how rule34 has the original character, the r63 tag, and the tag of the genderbent's name.
Lars is a genderbent Lucy, so looking up "Lucy" and "genderbend" would get you his pics and any other Lucy genderbent art, since there was similar content before the official ones. And any Lars pics is technically going to be a Lucy pic but her genderbent.
If you're specifically looking for a Loud boy it's easier to just look for their name, since looking for "the girl + genderbend" could get you the girl with a genderbend of a different character in the same image.
No hiro?
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Dubs confirm, Stan best boy.
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I dont think you can call him GOS if he hasn't shown any underwear, butt or have any kind of romance with his bf.

Only 3 /co/ boys done those
Stan single handedly gave me a thing for boys vomiting/coughing up stuff.
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Hey, don't forget Maroshi.
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What uhhh- what 3 were they, again?
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Timmy, Stan marsh, and Morty. (Lincoln aldo)
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Ahh, thanks! Although Lincoln and Dipper have both shown their asses (and Lincoln a diaper multiple times) no bf relations exclude them? They have both smooched girls
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what do you guys think about gay ships involving your favorite /co/ shota? do you prefer them go the hetero ones?
does anyone ship tomco or billdip? opinions? what's your gay otp?
Marty isn't a shota. Timmy stinks. Stan is the blandest of the main four. Your taste sucks.
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>kyle and kenny
>not cute
he's still underage
Artist name?
He's a gangly hairy teenager. Shotas top out at 14 max, and that's pushing it.
Nuh-uh, we've not seen their asses. We never saw Dipper in his underwear, even.
oh whoops >>93776623
Thank you very much.
I think Hiro looks younger than he is and I thought his voice was pretty cute. But what if I actually prefer twinks to shota? Am I still enough of a perv to be in this thread?
>Lars' dat ass look

I really want to see what he's actually reading under that book. And thanks, anon, I'll keep looking and fapping. One thing I was looking for specifically was Lars fucking Lucy, so I tried Lars+Lucy+selfcest in the tags. But it only resulted in six pics, half of which weren't even porn. It did, however, lead me to this absolute masterpiece: http://tlb.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=14385
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There's also the "square_crossover" tag, which is a mix of how it's supposed to be used and genderbend interacting with a regular character, but either way, I think there just wasn't as much as you were hoping for.
Yeah, it seems that way. On a related note, the world needs more goth /co/ boys.
Morty IS 14
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>the world needs more goth /co/ boys.
Wasn't there a gif or a webm from this scene that showed off his bulge?
how much do you love him?
I just saw the episode where Lincoln goes to the universe where he has brothers instead of sisters. Now I wish I had a brother
Dipper is shota god-king always and forever until someone worthy of that mantle comes along to succeed him.
Kenny is cute.

Kyle is annoying overrated shit.
I had to omega laugh how sexualizes that pic is

These comic artists are such perverts
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Oh dang this thread is still alive? I been pondering about it and can't really think of anything. The closest I can think of is this 3D cartoon character. Such a snappy dresser
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Best boys belong together.
I'm not trying to complain but how do they get away with stuff like that in your pic? If they had the girls run around in brazirres and panties people would lose their crap!

I mean.. in my opinion the pubescent age makes you a man/woman no matter how underdeveloped you look. It's not that I'm a paedophile, either (or anyone else ITT, except for like, three people).
I just romanticise innocence and young kids just happen to be the most innocent.
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it's a boy so no one cares

Technically Morty a shota, just like Wirt and Hiro. The might not look like teens, but they still boys
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Don't bully him, Kyle a cute
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I liked Kyle more when he was more like a regular kid instead of the super moralistic, uptight, mouthpiece he became. He was kind of like that before but he still acted mostly like a child like the other boys.

Moar comic book undies
What all shirtless Monster Allergy stuff are out there?
I couldn't find better pics and I'm too lazy to screenshot them myself
Yeah, like real life.

Porn is a fantasy.
Anything else apart from this?
>>93782289 this and it's portrayed as an annoying habit. They've had the girls in swimsuits and other costumes, and the younger ones "get away" with being topless with the baby constantly being stark naked, but in general doing it more than you need to would be out of character and weird since you'd have to go out of your way in showing young female characters in scant clothing, which some shows are fine with when it comes down to it.
It's sort of a double standard, but more people would probably make it weird than there should be.
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I prefered him like that too, but I don't dislike him in the later seasons. He's still really cute in my opinion.
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>not that I'm a paedophile, either (or anyone else ITT
Keep telling yourself that.

I'll cut you some slack. Having your heart flutter over 2D stuff is reasonable, and no worse than all the waifu threads.
I think it's the same with the baby. I haven't seen the show but in the intro doesn't she come out without a diaper on? Imagine if she were actually a baby boy. The animators would have no option buy to draw his penis. How did they handle that in the genderswap episode I keep hearing about, anyway? Did the kids go "I guess going diaperless is a girl thing."
The genderbend episode didn't really take the time to explore the boy characters individually, so no nude boy baby. Both the sisters and the boys were mostly just used to sell the "grass is not always greener" message that most people seem to interpret as "shitting on males" and "girls > boys".
I don't know, probably, I don't remember
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>only one chubby shota posted in this entire goddamn thread
At least that anon picked the best one.
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ghost kiss.gif
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Dude that's my ghost was fucking weird and I loved it. Also had the best bromance.
the anons posted Steven too, and that guy from South Park
I remember this show sucking really hard but still having a huge fandom due to the yaoi, is the bromance really that evident and huge to the point of almost being canon? because if it's just bits here and there I'm not interested
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Bromance is best mance
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>is the bromance really that evident and huge to the point of almost being canon?

Yeah dude they were pretty much fucking
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In dipper vs. Manliness he wears a loincloth, you can see as much cheek as they could get away with on disney, when he was climbing a tree. Lincoln was......eh, he's openly worn a diaper.... and didnt he get caught in the shower?
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sounds perfect, can you point me to an episode in particular where I can see this stuff happening? like, the gayest episode? I'm gonna watch right now and then report
how would you guys react if a bromance turned out to be canon? like the show spends the majority of its episodes teasing their relationship and in the end instead of just being teasing they go that extra step and make it canon like how it happened in south park (except they didn't really have a bromance since they rarely interacted)?
I would love it and it should happen
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Would be nice to see even if just because of how rare it is.
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I hope those two share some cute scenes together next season.
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opinions on this ship?
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Best Supernoobs shota.

Too bad his voice is shit
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>Nails on chalkboard tier voice
>Best shota
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Who is the nega-Finn?
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Japanese for Mac.
Well. I'm not. I romanticisise boyhood not fetishize it. Also I'm trying to earn good guy points so I can adopt a kid of my own. With all the background tests I probably shouldn't even be ITT.
It really depends on the look and mannerisms. Take Dipper or Marco. They both look young enough but the voices (for me) throw me off. That and Marco is 15 iirc. Then you have the boys of South Park. In the earlier seasons they were pretty naive and innocent like kids should be. But later they just became mouthpieces like one anon said.
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We are so fucking blessed to have south park. Not only is the show great but four cute shotas as the main characters is just perfection.
If only more shows were capable of such greatness.
>Tfw image limit
It's by Mitsui Jun. He doesn't speak English.
It's sword Finn/ original Finn fused with the evil curse spirit of grass sword. He prefers to be called Fern
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