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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 274
Thread images: 71

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the purge had begun, we are shoving these cuck liberals that have camped up in our board from tumblr out

a thread was made about evergreen community college yesterday about how a pack of liberals consisting of a faggot, 2 black women one of which is a wheelchair bound handicapped nigger, and only what i can muster to believe is a goth kid wearing combat boots assault 2 white students for writing shit on the wall at evergreen college.

Liberals are freaking the fuck out and trying to post gay porn and gore to force threads to reach the image limit and 404. After a few threads of them crying and realizing it didn't work they started to spam sage. Clearly this isn't something they want to spread.

Bump the fuck out of this thread and keep it front paged. We won't be stopped



saying "sure kid"
acting as though anything that is making liberals look bad is not a big deal in an attempt to persuade you not to participate.
Calling you a child in some form or fashion for disagreeing with them in an attempt to silence you
Calling you "Ivan" or some other Russian name to imply that you are a Russian and hackering the election
another tactic is simply repeating what you said to them back at you like a child saying "i know you are but what am I"

these tactics are not ment to debate you or find truth. They exist solely to misinform, fustrate or derail threads.
the best tactic to fight them is to continue to bump threads and keep them front paged while trolling liberals.
They really love to hear about how they lost the election, so don't forget to continuously remind them of that.
sir this is a mcdonalds drivethru
Autism is strong with OP
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Wew lad!
>our board
>Liberals are freaking the fuck out and trying to post gay porn and gore to force threads to reach the image limit and 404

Fuck off. This is always what /b/ does. Giving liberals credit for that all of a sudden is horseshit.

Also no one cares.
Well sheeit, I'll take a double qp no cheese and an iced tea.

go be a faggot somewhere else
>guys its not autistic, I swear!

also sage
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Here he is on his knees begging for forgiveness like a typical r/the_donald beta bitch
you still lost the election
i'm not a liberal i just thought the OP was way too fucking long
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Maybe not. Do you even keep up with current events? If this turns out to be true, a special election will be held for president, and Trump will be jailed.
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>fake news
Post the link bud

>d-don't be mean to me. :(

Cry harder.

I'm a moderate, and I'm pretty sure we were fucked either way. However, OP's just being a complete faggot and making shit up.
>Foundations of Geopolitics, a textbook for the Russian politburo teaches: "Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."

Fuck off faggot
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>P-please go away, I can't handle you being mean.

Are your tears always this delicious? Keep it coming sugar tits.
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No one gives a fuck to what happens in your shitty uni, OP.
All russia did was release the DNC's emails. It just so happened the DNC was doing shaddy shit.
It's like your girlfriend checking your phone. It's really not a big deal unless you have some shit you need to hide.
It just so happens the DNC is a piece of shit
Kek, you've inspired me to post this thread all day.
I'll do in so you can be mean to me all you want ;)
WRONG! Vote count centers were breached in 39 states, and vote counts could have been changed. That is still being looked into.
Russia didn't do that. It was Seth Rich.
That article not only said it was russia with no proof that it was Russia they don't even have proof that any information was altered.

How do they know it wasn't the DNC trying to hack the voting machines?
They say France elections were hacked too. Its a great strawman.


What about all the illegals that voted for hillary? She still couldn't win
Before the election several states complained that their sec. of state offices were targeted from IP addresses belonging to Obama's administration.
Look at them hiding behind the girl in the wheelchair. Pissweak gutless skeletor losers

Okay then. Let's back the commission to check all 50 states for possible election fraud.

Oh that's right, the liberals are against this. "There is no fraud", "b-but muh Russians".

Their hypocrisy is glaring.
Its misinformation anon.
Read the article. There is zero proof and it is all made up fake news bullshit.
They just want excuses to try to get rid of Trump.
If there was any validity to this articlie at all It would be on the news 24/7
I remember when they posted a Month ago.
Nothing had changed
Post the article anon
Kek this times a mother fucking 1000

>THERE WAS ELECTION FRAUD bu-bu only we can check and see if there was you can't look because we already told you that we didn't cheat so you should just believe us.
>we wouldn't keep you from checking because we have something to hide heh, no way we would do that
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vox? Vox? really?

you read the national enquirer too?

They were probably breached by democrats to be honest
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Oh hi Alex.

Woah! That was some brutal attack! Surprised there weren't multiple fatalities. Felt for sure that woman in the wheelchair was about to get up and do some yoda shit.

Good job OP, keep up the good fight against these violent nincompoops!
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kek stay mad libcuck
they are against it because it's only designed to help trump further inflate his ego with the hopes of supporting his illegals voted meme, and nothing more. this is total misuse of the taxpayers money, and should not be allowed to go on.
Let's get an independent commission. If there is any type of fraud going on in our elections, then I think everyone would be interested in finding the answers. This is something that would be of interest to every citizen.

Only those with something to hide would be against such an investigation.
Those are solid stories. You obviously can't handle information that contradicts your bias.
And the democrats are against it because they have alot to hide
What was wrong with the article though anon?
You wanna attack sources then attack CNN faggot
The first election in Wisconsin with the new voter ID law in place and Trump beat Hillary when in the past Wisconsin always went democrat. Interesting, no?
what a beta pussy. afraid of a couple of sjws.

1. How is this one incident relevant to me in any way?
2. How is this incident linked to "liberals"?
3.why do you care about this shitshow to the point it consumes your life?
4.when did whiny snowflake conservative become a thing?
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Hope this becomes a happening
if that were the intent, but it's not. the intent is to prove some type of bogeyman and to institute federal voter id laws, which would suppress the black vote, which is why the gop wants it so badly.
>CNN was able to identify the man via his posts on r/eddit
>his r/eddit posts are archived

Should have all his info by the end of the day, working on it. Cheers /b/ros
>Should have all his info by the end of the day

You keep saying this. Why waste your time posting here then. You should get to work.
If it isnmt relevent to you then leave :)

How is it linked to liberals? Clearly you havn't done your research yet on evergreen community college

Why do I care about it? Because it makes you angry :)

When did snowflake conservative become a thing. It never did. You are using the term snowflake improperly. It is used to describe somebody who thinks they are special and unique like every individual snowflake is not weak and fragil. It is a reference from the movie fight club when tyler durden explains that people are not little special snowflakes. Glad I could catch you up on a few things you were clearly confused about. Faggot
this angers you friendo? ;)
I bet you are fun at parties.
It will if you keep bumping this thread and spreading the message
I bet nobody ever invites you because you have PTSD from people telling you that you are wrong
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Obama's DHS tried to hack the election? Fuckin' awesome!
Project Veritas has fallen far. From doing appearances on Oprah to samefagging on /b/. Didn't even take ten years.
being more prone to taking offence and less resilient than previous generations, or as being too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own. The term is considered derogatory.[1][2] It is one of multiple examples of usage of the word "snowflake" to refer to people.

Conservatives can be snowflakes too. Try looking up the words 6oh are using
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>fake news af
>Project Veritas

No one even mentioned them. What does that have to do with Evergreen?
That was in 2016. What have you done lately?
I don't give a shit what you believe, politics has its own board. Use it.
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That's not how it works.

There will be no special election
u mad m8?

their latest botched attempt at attacking cnn was debunked along with everything else that they have done. they have been shown to be totally full of shit, and edit their video's audio content much in the same way as the bad lip reading videos do.

i'd call them fake news, but then that would be implying that they are news at all.
Already got the info. I'm just keeping it locked down in case the crying stops and the shitposting starts again.
>a special election will be held for president

>guise, guise...... she can still win! she deserves it... it's her turn!

Is that what the commission is supposed to do? Because the head of it wants to "be civil liberties' worst nightmare".
Pretty sure she said she wasn't going to run again. Even if there were a special election

Surely this will be the end of Trump
Fake news.

>Some faggot neckbeard got beat up by a nigger cripple? Clearly this is the left imploding.

You're a fucking retard.
not lose the election
how about you?
he said for 178th time
"If you have nothing to hide." I remember you lot poo-pooing that saying when we wanted to talk about taxes.
Like the hysterical bitch that you are, you ignore the obvious truth.
Won 3 special elections. You?
Not really. Clearly more people just came out for trump than they usually come out for other republicans. Wisconsin is a state that's majority agricultural even though big cities dictate most laws just like Illinois. Trump just got more people not in cities fired up to vote than usual. And before you argue why not Illinois then because Chicago is too much for the rest of Illinois to ever overcome.
>Fake news

It's not CNN
>muh seth rich
>Has nothing to do with evergreen
So shooting and editing the video is nothing?
>project veritas video about cnn was debunked

[Citation needed]
I don't even know who is who in the video OP posted. I don't have the patience to watch the whole thing, but skipping through it showed both parties being complete pussies. And every time someone on the ridiculous "alt-right" start throwing around accusations about "assault" I roll my eyes and try my hardest to suppress a cringe. You're the loudest, most boastful, belligerent and obnoxious group in the room, yet love to cry and play victim as soon as someone does something like, I don't know, lightly push you. "That's assault!!!! ASSAULT!!!!!!!!"

Liberals are annoying fags and I avoid them at all costs, but the reactionary "alt-right" is just as bad and worse in a lot of ways. I wish you'd all just shut the fuck up. Russia didn't hack any election, and Trump isn't the lord and savior "Murica" needs. Go away.
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CNN found him based on his r/reddit posts

Shut up and go check the tire pressure on your home.
anon thats not CNN
Not if your contribution is just gay frogposting it won't.
So all you've done is win elections. Certainly haven't done anything else.
stay mad fag

and who are those werd ppl in blac
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>this triggers the trumpflakes
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Holy shit. Trumpflakes fully triggered.
>44 states, including deep red ones, are telling Trump and Kobach to fuck off
>b-but muh liberals!
>When did snowflake conservative become a thing

When eggshell ego donnie has nearly daily meltdowns on twitter when his feelings get hurt. What a pussy.
Yawn. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Wrong, but you will never admit it. The left has been cheating in Wisconsin forever. They couldn't trade cigarettes for homeless votes this time because the bums didn't have proper ID. Honest votes mean Republica wins.
He must fart constantly. Can you imagine the smell?
>all you did was win everything
>heh its not like you have done anything else though
>winning everything isn't that big of a deal heh
total and complete denial of reality
whoa nigga
do you really expect me to read
all that
That's why it's fake news. I don't trust anything on television.
the same states that elected trump are telling him to fuck off and i myself am not completely retarded in the slightest

He's a 70 year old male. Regardless, his physique makes him incompetent?????
you posted that in the CNN thread.
does your shill master just give you a list of things to post each day?
If you would pay attention to more than just fake news you would know. Unemployment down, gasoline prices lowest for 4th of July in years, DOW setting records.....

While the left continuously harps on the Trump/Russia meme, the rest of the world moves on with life.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP8yW2KgeQY [Embed]
>niggers don't front up to school
>to demonstrate inequality
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>the power of sissy porn compels you
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Me on the left
Not at all, I expect you to remain ignorant and obedient, as Trumpshits always do.
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This. The video was like watching some 5 year olds flailing at each other. Millennials are the most frail special generation ever.
And so far his winning an election has done what? Nothing. He can't even get North Korea to stop launching missiles. And all those babies in Syria that made him cry? They're still dying. But hey, he won! That's all that matters!
Not to mention, illegal immigration way down, MS-13 being broken up and deported, Kate's law, ISIS is almost eradicated, etc.
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This is now a trap thread

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They are all very special important individuals who are easily triggered.
>Dow sets records with every president.
>Gas prices already up
>Unemployment is always down in summer.
I guess according to you once things slide it's all Trump's fault.

You need to get a hobby, I know you feel like someone because of Trump but you're a loser with no life and you always will be that.
You must be an illegal alien.
Kek they gave up arguing and resorted to gay porn again
Pretty sure his is a great example of what OPs posted.
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If only you Ameritards knew how much the rest of the world is laughing at you
Hahaha. MS-13 hasn't gone anywhere. And the Joint Chiefs have already said ISIS isn't going anywhere as long as Syria's a shitshow.

* disseminating fake information - failed - check
* name calling - failed - check
* calling racist - failed - check

>commence dumping....
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its only nature...
Don't you pansies get tired of lying?
I guess no more Asian waifus. Now we have to watch gay porn. For being the 'moral' party against gays, they sure have a large collection of faggots fucking.
>thinks trap porn is gay porn
oh young fellow you have a lot to learn
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Ha Lame.jpg
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I'm still waiting for a citation >>737923440

protip: You're full of shit, and can't prove it's fake. CNN even admitted that it's real.
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u r so wise
like anybody links to a PDF and just expects people to read it lol what a fag
Then disprove my statements.
Said the american posing as a foriegner trying to make you embaressed about your own political ideology because they are mad that they are really just an american liberal and they lost the election
forensic video experts analyzed you pleb. stay retarded tho.
No, they didn't. Keep lying there Trump.
CNN literally said it was real dude.
>I plan to remain stupid forever
Good to know friendo! Fortunately you don't matter at all, you're not important in any way. Now run along to your masters, chop chop
Link please? Or is this another fantasy?

see >>737924420
Proof that you know nothing about argument and are most likely a basement-dwelling child nicknamed "snacks"
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And you think you matter to anyone alive? Fuck off, useless waste of skin.
you clueless hick

The only countries that like trump are
Israel and the Saudis
I stopped by evergreen on one of my regular drug escapades. Sad place mostly full of scarced art students that are being harrassed by retard nazis. I was actu >>737919629
Just watch the video and I could totatally hear my buddy saying"fuck the police" in the background, one of the "white kids" I also happen to know that same guy was in a black bloc when the creepy nazis(You) came in to have a payer rally. They were just made at the punkers for the tagging and this has nothing to do with your delusional white nationalist circle jerk. All you are doing is scaring innocent people into an hysteria. Wew lad
Okay chomo, go fuck another six year old. I've seen the video.
Meanwhile the rest of the world is just as fucked if not more-so. Keep chucklin eurocuck
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Doesn't sage just make a post that doesn't bump the thread?
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Black cucks sure do love when the superior race white bulls impregnate their women. The black race is slowly disappearing
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You first >>737923440

Also, think about CNNs official statement about how that was "just his opinion" and how they support diversity, etc.. Why would they have even made such a statement if the video was a confirmed fake?
Yes. That is how stupid they are.
And half the time they don't sage properly so they bump the thread anyways
sage doesnt do anything other than speed up the bump limit
Enjoy your healthcare Ameripoor

Oh wait you don't have any LOL
they made that statement before the video was analyzed by forensic experts you moron.
Stay mad while we keep winning faggot
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Fuck liberals. They need to grow up already.
Who let this Russian in here?
Looks like you've been triggered, Shirley.
Show us what the forensic experts said anon
This is high level autism.
Sage doesn't do anything anymore, but obviously if a bunch of faggots start spamming it will bring up the bump limit and kill the thread
Oh really? Is that why Poland is so excited about him coming to visit?

Nect he will call you "Ivan"
This is Trumps America summed up in one picture

White working class sucking nigger cock to make money while Trump is playing golf with Israel and Saudis

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Donald & Ivanka.jpg
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How many times do you think he's put his little cheeto inside her?
Because they want handouts of American taxpayer dollars and they know that Trump is gullible. Just massage his delicate ego and he will give you stuff that doesn't belong to him like he did Saudi Arabia.
Who remembers that time Trump won the presidency?
I sure do :)
The poorest country in Europe LOL
Post the source plz
Meanwhile eurocucks are still coming to the states in droves for surgery because all the best doctors want to work here.too bad your eurostan gold card doesnt work on doctors overseas. :(((((
Only leftist girly-men like Obama need to be loved by every country.
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ITT: pure cancer
I wonder if he still jerks to her stolen panties
>supported by a former soviet state

gee, you must be fucking retarded to not make the connection there ivan.
every single time
>posts some stupid shit
>gets called out on it
>it's a libbberul conspiracy!
First time on 4chan, Rush? Only one thing to do now, shoot up a mosque or church full of negroes.
If she were my daughter I'd cover that girl in chocolate syrup and fuck her til the cows come home.
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Is this you op?
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>implying you wouldn't suck this superior cock for free
Stop lying to yourself white boi, just give in to your true nature
Living in ghettos listening to shitty rap music doesn't sound like winning to me
Obama was not a leftist. We was center right in the bussiness party. You don't even know what you are actually debating against
Who the fuck is controlling the camera in the first video. For fucks sake
Looks like you're running scared. Afraid of being Jared Fogel's cellie?
I picture Trump jerking off watching Jared fucking her. Maybe have the retarded kid pulling his balls.

Also Hillary Clinton is considered further right than Reagan was, and the alt-right loves Reagan. They obviously don't understand shit about politics, and voted for Trump who so happens to be way to the left of Hillary.
You are delusional. Getting all your opinions from democraticunderground and huffpo, amiright Gladys?
That was last year. Or is this all you can do?
Daily reminder:

You will never make $20/h doing mindless physical labor.
Baby boomers are the most whiny, ignorant generation ever on earth.
CNN got Trump-a-Lump elected because they couldn't stop replyin to his dumbass threads.
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>Hillary Clinton is considered further right than Reagan
>so informed
>much democracy
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I remember him being given the Presidency. Without winning.
I actually make $22 an hour doing that, im a picker/packer at a military suplly ware house.
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WTF is this shit.jpg
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>Trump who so happens to be way to the left of Hillary.

Then why all of the crying? If he is further left than Hillary, you should be happy.
Let me guess you studied at Trump University.
Do you remember that time you lost the presidential election on November 8th 2016v :)
trumppettes are the snowflakes who are doing all of the crying.
>opposite day
>When you don't know what "snowflake" means
Would you like to make that a large today?
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lol gay.gif
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>uwu, look at that almost reaching bump limit
I didn't lose it. Won the popular vote. Turns out that what Trump hated in 2012 was just what he needed to win.
Lol, ever heard of GW Bush? I hope you don't actually believe that left shit media and think anything will happen.
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>we didn't lose....muh popular vote

>doesn't understand how the electoral college works, and why it is in place.
>i won the popular vote

>but but we had the most running yards even if we didn't get the most touch downs
does the truth hurt there snowflake?
Does that make you feel better? Trump bashing what actually got him into office? Is that all you have to fall back on? Lol.
Not if you lived anywhere near this state and had any idea of the major political shitstorm we just went through politically with this governor over the last few years. Then you'd understand the record low turnout, and why that means the state goes republican. Only republicans turn out to vote out of a sense of duty and loyalty to the party, because those are not qualities liberals value on the whole. It's what the saying "herding cats" refers to.

OP, your thread reads like it was written by an emptionally unstable teenager excited to delude himself into thinking he's finally found a tribe to belong to, reinforcing every half-baked idea in his inexperienced mind.

In other words, like every thread on here and /pol.
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Kek keep crying
You lost :)
Refer to Bush / Gore election. Time will show that Hillary actually won.
why do you care so much anon
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>Time will show Hillary won
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Almost there....
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funny how the republicans are the only ones who ever benefit from the electoral college. this is exactly why it is old and outdated and no longer needed.
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>b-but muh popular vote
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I watch Washington journal in the mourning and keep my radio tunned to 125 "THE PATRIOT" or npr
You don't know and you don't know that you don't know
Innact viter ID laws and I'm down to drop the electoral college
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>Bush/Gore election
>time will show hillary won

hillary didn't run for office or have hopes to win that far back in time. (haha, it had to be said)
Nope, illegal voters al actually a fake issue made by Trump, all evidence points to the fact that illegal voters are nearly non existent.

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Then why won't you inact voter ID laws?
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then what happens when Dems need to benefit from the EC in the future... (crying ensues) "change it back!!! democracy isn't fair!!!"
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Funny how Obama only beat Hillary in his first democratic primary because of the electoral college.
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Just to get some perspective on US poltiics

You elected a slightly retarded president because you're afraid to be beaten up by mongoloid niggers in wheelchairs?
Russian collusion / changed the outcome is a fake issue made up by Hillary, Obama, and the democrats and kept alive by CNN and other fake news outlets.

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>I can't see you
>show urself liberal cuck
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Holy shit is this guy really that stupid? Damn.
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because the sole purpose for voter ID laws is to disenfranchise minority voters.
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This faggot.jpg
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... bro.
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Hi I'm OP I identify myself with the politics of the republicans because I have no identity of my own.
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No, the electoral college doesn't do primaries dumb ass.
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