[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 110

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Kneestle 2.png
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Kneestle 1.png
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bringing the big knee
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/r/ a banner for my cripplechan board, /eerie/. it's a blog board where I talk about my waifu, Eerie from Telemonster, a korean version of hello kitty of sorts.
someone drew me a banner here on /b/ but it was 100% traced and the drawfag was a huge dick to me for no reason. i can do better for eerie! we all can! having a shitty banner on my board dedicated to my waifu brings me great shame!
i have no money (unemployed) and can't draw so here i am.

you can pick the pose (though i prefer manly stuff, eerie is the embodiment of boyhood) all i ask is that you make it 300x100, or some multiple of that, SFW, and that you draw him on-model.
what i mean by "draw him on-model" is i want to be able to take it and make it monochrome and still be able to tell it's eerie. if it's off-model then the only defining feature will be his color palette.
in other words, make his anatomy just like the refs. i don't like artistic liberties.
CHIBIS ARE OKAY THOUGH, chibis are the one thing i won't require exact precision on. i love a tasteful chibi.

also i realize that the board has no posts other than me but i assure you it's been getting a lot of views lately. i've been advertising it extensively and getting people linking my most "funny epic" posts and mocking them and shit. people do see it. hundreds. so if you want you can put a link to your FA or whatever at the bottom of the banner, i don't mind that. hopefully free advertising for life will give you some motivation to make it on-model cause if it ain't then i'm not using that shit.

okay thanks. here's a video with more refs.

attempt number 11
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any one pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs: http://imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: http://imgur.com/a/qItQA
Bdsm transsexual midgets making love to bunny rabbits with pancakes on their heads (pancakes on the rabbits heads)

Please do this
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hi guys its me ur brother
if anybody is here, requesting nazi waifu with a whip
>espec fuck off
>off by one
are you fucking kidding me
Sure gimmie 15 minutes
never heard of 'em
stop. with. your. fucking. drama.
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the classic.
have you ever thought about drawing it... yourself?
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well done, very well done
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i do plan to do multiple banners myself once i have a tablet. all i can draw is piece of shit chibis though. it'll never compare to even a mid tier drawfag.
and it could be months before i can afford a tablet, i'm unemployed. my birthday is coming up and my mom bought me a pack of cigarettes for my present, it's all she could afford.
wish i was joking about that last part but i'm not
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you should get your priorities straight and focus on aspects of your life that isn't centered on 'korean hello kitties'.
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my life's great apart from the financial situation. i have all the necessities of living and then some, i just don't have much in ways of a recreation budget.
did you know they put my love on a fucking bus? i cried tears of joy when i saw this
That guy reminds me of a chibi Nelsha.
This guy's right though, and I'm not even hating.>>724900248
Why don't you go find work? Your life will get way better.
Sorry, meant to link >>724900827
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Rank your drawfags
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cause i don't need to and i got better shit to do
What are you going to do when your parents are not there to support you?
Also, if you had a budget you could get any number of artists to willingly draw for you.
pepper goes on all fields
Anyone up for a request? Can i get a non lewd loli pulling the head off of a Nazi soldier?
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>don't need to
>got better shit to do
>complaining your broke, unemployed and live with your poor mother while you beg for furry porn of some asian cartoon
avatar posting as a Korean kids TV show character and asking for people to draw it does not qualify as better shit to do when your mother can't afford anything else than a pack of cigarettes when spending money for someone
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i'll get a job then cause i'll need to
nelsha's hot as fuck and a pretty cool guy on top of that
i was asked why i don't draw myself and i explained why, i'm not complaining
i'm not avatarfagging
and i do have better shit to do than work a job i don't need for nothing but recreation money, yeh
>i'll get a job then cause i'll need to
That's a very short-sighted life plan. Sorry man.
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You aren't going to make it I'm sorry
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thanks for the normie advice
>normies reeeeeeeeeee
Lol your life is going to be awful.
He's right, you know.
It's better to leech as much as possible from them
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this place has changed a lot, being unemployed is unheard of now here? lmao
Yeah, it did.
It's been getting even worse given how popular 4chan became and so did drawthreads, most loli/shota artists have been pushed off and this place becomes the incarnation of /soc/ sometimes.
Welcome to Tumblr
No. Being umemployed, bitching and whining about be unemployed, complaining that your mother is too poor to buy you the things you want, refusing to get a job all while avatar fagging some queer ass dog. All of it is just sad.
It should be.
anyone doing requests still?
it's not about being u employed, you're twisting my words. it's about being unemployed when your mom is struggling and you're just sitting on your ass doing nothing to help
I was until I got baited by Neko and his new gay hamster crush.
I don't think anyone's up right now
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Requesting lewd fairies rubbing themselves on dicks.
ah sucks
>tfw neko is back
Is this you OP?
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i was seriously not complaining, i was just hammering in the point on why i won't be drawing anytime soon and why i have no choice but to request here with some self-deprecating humor thrown in. my life's great.
also posting pictures isn't necessarily avatarfagging, thought the general rule was it had to be a reaction within the context of the conversation. of which none of mine have been, but if you want to call it that then i guess i'm just doing the same as 100% of the drawfags are doing already lol
she doesn't need any extra funding from me, she's a friendless NEET herself living off autism bucks.
maybe i should look into that too
you want her phone number so you can text her some "inspirational" normie lifestyle advocacy?
you aren't drawing any of it. avatarfagging is posting pictures of the same character over and over in your posts, do you seriously think just because the cat isn't reacting to the posts you somehow aren't avatar fagging? looks like the autism runs in the family
requesting slave-becky getting down on dom-ash (both from the movie sing) thank you and singspeed
yes i am diagnosed autistic. my mom's got a physical retardation, not a mental.
well that's a nice liberal stance you have on avatarfagging, though i see it's not liberal enough to consider drawfags avatarfags
i'm getting bored, i was hoping some faggot would write me a nice three paragraph long post about how i need to go to college or something
i won't reply no more after this one since you guys aren't the fun kind of normies, just the ones too lazy to write anything longer than a tweet
please stop replying and go
>being this sad human
>liberal stance
I don't think you know what that word means
Wow, yeah you should probably leave.
yes, because you aren't drawing any of it. drawfags are producing their own content, it's not the same thing as saving screenshots of a show and posting them with no correlation to your post or the posts of people you're talking to. you can label me as whatever you want, but it wont change the fact that you're avatarfagging
nice tumblr filename, didn't even bother to edit that out huh
[07:17:05] Proud Father: oh man i'm truly thoroughly disgusted heh
[07:17:20] Proud Father: i used the word liberal in a non-political context during my shitposts and THREE FFUCKING GUYS MAN hahahhaah
[07:17:41] Proud Father: three fucking guys were utterly unaware that the word liberal has uses besides the name of a political party
[07:17:48] Proud Father: 4chan is worse than i remember bro holy fucking god
[07:18:35] Proud Father: "why did you call me a liberal, i'm not a liberal!" wwoooohahaoaho
[07:18:56] GaijinHunterNo.1: hahahahhahahah
[07:18:58] GaijinHunterNo.1: what the fuck
bun is defenty a bog
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and in the end he never got that drawing and ran off
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i'm not quitting requesting, i just won't reply to normie life advice and shitposts anymore cause they're not stimulating
my favorite song of his easily, right behind Oven Man
that's exactly what you said 20 minutes ago, yet here you are posting again
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>I'm not gonna reply anymore
yeah, because i wanted to be sure you don't see me tomorrow and go "hey you said you were leaving!"
i said i wasn't replying to boring shitposts not leaving
just wanted to be clear on that
But all posts directed at you are shitposts.
Lmao hes still here
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>I'm no gonna reply anymore
>replies twice

you said verbatim "I'm not gonna reply no more after this one", so please do exactly that. stop replying.
Were the draw fags at!!!
either none of them are awake because timezones, they're at work, or the cat scared them off
shit off by one
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Cammy Meele.png
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Not a good drawfag, but I'm here. I'll take a few simple requests if anyone's interested.
you're fine, can you draw a maid with a cup on her head?
requsting Anne Kennel wearing the virgin killer sweater
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squire attend me

ready sir
show me your dubs, knight
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Draw her naked.
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can you draw this girl?
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Ask don
will I get the noods
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will I get married
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would eerie love me back if he were real?
will I end it
you didn't voted for him
i would've had personal circumstances been different, and i will next election, so a 7 is good enough for me!
i'm not normally a superstitious man but i'm unironically going to believe this stupid dice roll
Will me and Eggs become a thing?
will i get my sis from robin hood wearing these clothes groping her butt request done today?
is eerie going to die
pepper. you arnt suppose to put yourself in there.
will best windragon ranshin sama be my best friend
I gotta!
no. stop. you sqeeking little shiet.
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Maid with Cup.png
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Taking request
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hehe nice ty! good draw!
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of course.png
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The dubknight delivers.
That is a beautiful pencil.
All the way down to the natural aesthetic of your used eraser tip
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1MB, 499x281px
oh shit!!!
this p-please
Requesting futa pepper.
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are you real?
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Will you be impeached?
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youre a big guy.png
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To avenge the fallen monastery, I will destroy every magical alliance!
lol i didnt even notice the second dubs
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Will I get a request?
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Can I at least have the love of my life?
I think he's talking about the bullet wound in your chest
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Still taking request
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You may be right. He is a wise man.

Well, darn. Bye-!
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>its a theres only shitty avatarfags and no good delivery episode
t. Salty requesthttp that didn't get his delivery
Nice vertical eye of sauron over a single mountain landscape
Better work on your English before you chimp out anon.
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give me the request.
(no loli or scat)

u fight for a good cause my friend.

will i end my life b4 i grow old?
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ORAS beauty ass slap
But I like these filler episodes
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Anne Kennel.png
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>all you get is "thanks" for that fully colored, artful pose shit
jesus christ
i'd give you all my cigarettes for that level of quality on this >>724898964
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what goes on?
Dog waitress? :o
>Gives your leg a feel
Hey there, you underage hunk.... how about you draw me a russian circus bear riding a unicycle and juggling....
hey that's really good wow
do you have a tumblr
oh well
Taking Request
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You know what's up
Be cute
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can we fuck
read the filename
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Someone post the full please
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You're welcome!

I might be able to do that actually. Remind me if you see me around later.

(>>724912452, please don't reply on behalf of other people).

Sorry, but I already started the last request I'll be taking for the morning.

sunflowerofevil.tumblr.com. But just to warn you, it's mostly weird fetish stuff.
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>remind me if you see me around later
hell if you say you'll do it then i won't post the request anymore except just for you
thank god man you are truly merciful
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/r/ not really draw but more of an edit.

Make the black suit on the pic look like it's melting, like this creature:


Add a cameltoe if possible
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You remind me of a brave blue knight I once knew. He was a good individual.
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the lights.

>wtf bro
how do i define a russian bear from a normal bear?
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Jesus christ thats great.
My guess would be the depressed look and the bottle of vodka.
Same way you define a russian man from a normal man.

I also just had a pleasant bowel movement... just thought you'd like to know.
Welcome back yellowfag
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You right.
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dam son its been a year
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Requesting you draw reworked warwick.
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grips- slav bear.png
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heres a russian slav bear on a unicycle, drinking vodka and smoking marlboro. wearing a russain hat and adidas track suit while juggling live grenades.
if thats not russian enough, i dont know what is.

it wasn't made to be color. but nice work
Well done Grips!
For at least another day, I won't report you to the mods =D
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That it has, my good friend. It's been a good year.
I spy a nice bread
No you don't! Fuck you! GO away! You smell like farts and stale cheese!
AAAA battery
I request thicc females please
Nim quality bodies recommended

Actually, I just request Nim

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Draw this lad in a shootout with the German police.
Nah, don't leave.
Grips smells like fish and dog shit... we let him stay. Even though he's under aged.
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grips- ww.png
378KB, 700x900px
heres a rough sketch. anything you wanna change?

anything you say b0ss.

no wait dont leave. its so cold and empty here.
>>724916324 ?
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76KB, 1280x720px
hey yo zim zam, its me, the pizza man.

if you request something good, ill animate it. understood?
Requesting mass squirrel suicide.
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This doll with a jiggly booty getting smacked to her surprise/embarrassment
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Isabelle/thiccabelle from animal crossing getting a vaginal creampie pumped into her in this position
You know... I haven't seen Decaf or Bunn in a few days...

>Summoning Recaffeinated Decaf.
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223KB, 1000x1000px

Can you draw these two having sweet loving (wet diaper sex), both female? If so, could you add perhaps a thought bubble showing them doing the same thing as pre-evolutions?
Well actually, i gotta bike my ass to my pop's place and see if i can set up my new tablet as i stay for the visit , so ha! I gotta go anyways.....in abit

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hello. accepting requests.

(prays for actually good requests.)
How far of a tour?
I used to do a 30km ride to my folks place back in the day.

Also, enjoy your visit! don't waste it playing on some sort of electronic device! Spend time with your old man!
>Good requests
Kek, good luck with that.

However, given that it's noon... any chance you can draw me a fancy lunch?

>summoning Hatter.
Ha, if it turned out Max was a drawfag here I'd kick him in the nads. But only after I treated him to a romantic dinner.
>good requests
>not so good artist

Good luck
Can you draw her in sexy clothes?
wear a maid outfit!
they got ran out and now talk in private because decaf developed feelings for an underage German girl despite being 25 with his own gf
Bunny doesn't know what to do in life and is making decisions with reckless abandon due to angst, depression and edginess trying to impress her irl edgy peers and the crazy fuckers she's befriended from the drawthreads

I'm calling it
>Wanting them faggots to come back.
Dude it's paradise without them.
So no.
Summoning hitler
nigga what
dog waitress is better than this garbage
>not so good artist BUT
>uses female avatar
They'll be fine
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39KB, 1000x1000px
i fucking PRAYED

id like to see your art

i hope you eat pancakes.
How old is the Bunn anyway?

Decaf can be entertaining at times. The only problem I see is when they start getting all into each other.
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>15 or so easily ignored phone scribbles
I don't care for either of them but how does their absence making this shithole a utopia?
I wasn't sure fam, don't yell at me... ;-;

Ye she is though... that one pic halo drew of her... UNF
For breakfast, sure! But not lunch...

Do you do the lolis?
decaf doesn't use social media, but very good try
it would be impossible to not tell if he was, his style is pretty unique
kek i have that, unfortunately i don't wanna go digging through my very unorganized folders for it.
>How old is the Bunn anyway?
Nice trips
I'm not gonna tell you her exact age, but she is underage b&. She's probably told half the people here honestly, someone will divulge that info before the thread 404s
They dont get ignored.
>Implying they don't talk on Tumblr or Discord
How's my try anon?
turned 17 in december
>Decaf can be entertaining at times.
He's not.
In all my years on /b/ I didn't even laugh at one thing he posted.
>The only problem I see is when they start getting all into each other.
You mean all the time.
>How old is the Bunn anyway?
About 15 or 16
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28KB, 1000x1000px
mac n cheese then?
i p r a y e d
let me spell it out for you. when I say social media, I mean any form of communication at all outside of 4chan. your try was not good at all.
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Taking one or two SFW requests.
What you draw is technically a thicc loli.
See this is why they should fuck off, derailed thread completely without even being here
Getting better, but I see that as more of a lazy dinner thing, than a lunch thing....

What about a couple of grilled cheese sammiches?

I wouldn't call Decaf "funny" but you can have fun with him at times.
It's not easy, but it can be done.
But do they keep other drawfags from showing up and taking requests?
>decaf doesn't use social media, but very good try
>still believing this
>anon doesn't know decaf has ways of getting in contact that he keeps an absolute secret
>anon seriously believes they aren't taking off thread at this point
Oh my GOD did I pray~
I pray every single day~
same here, it's buried under so much saved stuff
The hulk going Super Saiyan and smashing the shit out of Goku.
Possibly. Some people have more than one completely separate style. Even some drawfags here.
Though of course I know Max doesn't draw here.
Aaaaaaand there you go, kek
im currently figuring out how to make her face cute, this character is deceptively hard to draw, this might take some time pal
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but shes not a loli
Not the Or.
I feel you man. Try and draw the Powerpuff Girls on model sometime, it's crazy.
Listen buddy, I dislike them as well, but this is all a flagrant lie

Decaf was chill before bunny, don't be a lying faggot
about half the time is them actually talking about things, so again no
She's 17, you're just guessing at this point
Nice trips, AaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaAAAAaaAaaaaaaaaAAAAAA

Well if i dont really know how far it is, only that the hills on the road midway kill my morale!
A "no" would suffice.
Also he's right and the reason why I asked you before shoving my request into your face.
taking request
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47KB, 529x546px
yeah ive heard they are incredibly hard to draw, i might give em a go

btw dog porn
Thank you for trying at the very least! Thiccabelle got me into anthro stuff, so I felt it necessary as a request
Lazy dinner lazy drawing....
They are and you should. It really gave me more respect for that style of cartooning.
Unrelated, no offense but what's the deal with that picture? It's been getting spammed so much lately.
You should have seen the hills on my ride home from work several years ago. Tall, steep, and unavoidable.
The hills on the ride to my folks were almost enjoyable compared to those bastards....
Yeah, I'm aware.
It's a shota trap.
Not OR but, hot damn that's a good draw!
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84KB, 400x600px
It's usually against my policy to draw pictures based on real people, but goddamn, them thighs.

Oh, dang, forgot about that one. I'll at least do a sketch before I go!
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70KB, 978x564px
really? ive only posted it 2 times...
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grips- ww.png
545KB, 700x900px
i'll pass on this one. sorry.

i'll have you know i smell like cat piss and fish. get your facts right.

hows this?
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11KB, 1000x800px
taking some requests. how is everyone
I request you get better at drawing, you sloppy "pile" of shit!
>i'll pass on this one. sorry.
Well ok.
Thanks anyways underage m8
File: hulk saiyan.png (91KB, 500x500px)
hulk saiyan.png
91KB, 500x500px
Here ya go.

Taking one more request.
Yeah. I'm not saying it's you personally. Just wondering if there was something to it.
It's a nice draw though :)
maybe something that can be accomplished within the next 2 hours?
Glad we both dislike hills
Jesus... Super Saiyan Hulk. Might have to draw this later too.
That or Red Lantern Hulk.
Draw a cutie with a booty!
Skimpy yet cute outfit preferable
Well played....

How about... A fancily drawn grandfather clock.
Hills are great! So long as you're only going down and the city wasn't a bunch of assholes by putting a red light at the bottom.
A uber lime.
(Pretty much a super lime)
Draw a Jew punching a Nazi Jap and make them both offensive stereotypes
I want to lick your butthole.
Get you on all fours with your butt raised and when you're in such a compromising position lick it up and hold you in place, savoring your squirming and your moaning being like honey to me.
why femboner
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107KB, 700x900px
i'm doing mildly well. u?
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Taking request
Barbie getting frustrated over Ken's lack of manhood.
I like having my ass being worshipped, excuse me.
This is great, thx grips.
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a day in the blog.png
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So I was wiping the floor today and it was slippery,
I almost fell.
requesting post of wet panties and/or fingers
marry me
Will I pass my A Levels?
Will I pass my A Levels with good grades?
Will Eggs ever deliver my request?
This is a Drawthread.
Fuck off.
Will I pass my A Level exams?
Draw the wet panties then. Chill out
>ask me later
that's what eggs always tells me too...
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19KB, 500x500px
Request granted, but not in the way you expected.
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50KB, 700x900px
are you a wizard?

no probs man
>expecting a catfish to post pics of themselves
Grips, I'd like you to draw for me your grippers.
Bonus points for extra detailed.
I want lifelike here! Make me think I'm looking at a portrait of your hands!
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867KB, 1536x2048px
Still taking request
>this hand creep again
My first time requesting hands though....
Who is this mythical hand creep? Is he as bad as the current spam posters?
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65KB, 512x512px
I saved this one too.
Thank you!
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118KB, 1000x800px
very uninspired design because i'm a very uninspired person

just... lower your expectations
have to experiment with Disney style before i try it watch out for it in next thread
Can you draw her in sexy clothes?
Slopps, I know where I am. I've seen your work.
I have expectations, but they aren't for some piece of art that could sell for tens of thousands of dollars.
All I ask is you try to do something "fancy".
well we reached the bump limit so i will
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75KB, 400x400px
Do both
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8KB, 500x500px
Too late for wizardry for me.
Too late for being a normie.
Stuck in the limbo.
What do?
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326KB, 1280x967px
>people remember this
haha wat
Thank you!
Thread posts: 313
Thread images: 110

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