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ShortStacks 9

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 167

Full nelson edition.

give randomboobguy some love for this commission.

Old thread >>229398

Post Shortstacks
whatever you want really.
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What an excellent OP picture
>You'll never be a sexy shortstack
>you will never have the nerds on in this thread lusting after you
I think I'll survive, Anon.
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New Daisy
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See you Space Cowboy.gif
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Does Wendy count as a shortstack? Don't mind if she does
She definitely counts as furry shit.
She definitely counts if Midna or Yordles can be posted
I'd use her sparingly, mostly because when people like something they tend to just dump the living hell out of it and Wendy's pretty scalie by most definitions and you don't wanna get the thread nuked.
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Nah, just one of my personal favorites.
Rbg updated these, changed some colors and fixed the mark on her right foot. I'll post them both when I get home.
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It's your friendly neighborhood drawfriend again.
I come bearing goblin booty.

As always, critique is welcome. I want to get better.

And also as always, I'll try to fill a request for this thread.
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Any idea who drew this. Looks like an artist I watch
out of curiosity, how do you build the base for a shortstack? I've tried shortening my regular women but what shapes build them better, it looks like a more hyper hourglass shape.
Usually I go for two circles, one atop the other - I am more into the hips and ass, so I make the bottom circle a bit bigger than the top. Basically, I take out the little gap I'd usually leave between the two in the wireframe portion of my sketch.

But, for more stylized characters/pieces you could probably pull it off differently.
Here are the fixed versions.

Worth every penny.

now i'll just need to write a story to go along with it and the circle will be complete.
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Shortstack sex toys anyone?
i'm not into amputees though.
This is the best thing.
Just the best thing..
Looks like a pencil-topper.
I can do onaholes and I can do full dolls.
That headless torso thing kills my boner though.
Perhaps something to do with her new lore of trying to find a hero of wielding her massive hammer and she tests them via sex? If you don't have your own story for it
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>no name chinese garbage
Get that basic shit out of here. This bitch actually has a plastic skeleton.
I was thinking something along those lines.

Poppy's gotta find that hero somehow.
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And she just uses it as an excuse for getting her yordle butt pounded
To be the hero you have to prove your endurance. :V

Of course even poppy can't handle the full anal Nelson.
Quality Thread
Would you be willing to draw that gothblin leaving lipstick marks on a big ol dick
Holy shit, where can I get one?

My dick would break it, but it would be worth it.
It's called "Magic Eyes Internal Structure Of A Moe Body". They're about $150.
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I love anal slut midna
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Aaand that's all the Midna I got
Humor me, Midna.
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Goblin gals are great
I know R34 has a lot of them, but Bishido had a few more of his Gnomes x Tauren until he deleted his gallery. Anyone saved them?
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I've saved a bunch. Why did he delete his gallery? Big fan of his gnomes
Isn't this about his hentai-foundry stuff? If so, they changed some rules months ago and cracked down hard on anything that could look questionable age-wise in any way. Many artist then moved off the site or made a secondary place for the more questionable content, while deleting it from there.
Don't know, but I was kinda bummed out. Don't care much for his other art, but his Gnomes are really good.
That's a shame, but I can see where they're coming from. I also like his dwarves.
How is this questionable? They look nothing like children.
Also can't post furry stuff on /aco/, which tauren would fall under, so can't post the ones obviously showing the tauren
It's questionable enough for the people paying for ads and clicking them, it's the same witchhunt as over at r34.
Guess that means his worgen x gnome stuff can't be posted as well.
Yeah, going by the /aco/ rules. Wait, he did Gnome x Worgen stuff? Interesting
/aco/ rules didn't care about Wendy in the last thread and she's more or less a bipedal lizard.

Where's the line? Are we going to start taking Rouge the Bat soon too?
>literally loli
No, idiot.
Sure can.

She's not a Loli. Chances are she's older than everyone here combined.
Posters: 35 and I know I count for at least two since I've lost all my (you)s.

Considering humans rarely live past 100...even if we were all on our deathbeds, we'd only hit sound 3500. That's pretty young for gems, and Peridot has a fairly important job, so...I'd day it's safe to say she's at least "adult" for one of them.
Has that "actually a 3000 year old vampire" defense ever actually worked?
No, it hasn't. The only thing that matters is how the character is currently drawn in the context of the image, you can draw a female as a male, an adult as a child. For anyone who is looking at the image objectively, it is a drawing of a child. 'muh lore' or not.
That is a short lady.
Her breasts and hips may not be particularly big, but they are visibly developed.
Sick, looking forward to it!
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more goblins!
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>finals tomorrow
>have tons of shit i need to do
>spend all day drawing butts
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
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Keeping your priorities straight, obviously.
Atheismo's work, anon.
Hot, but something seems off about her lower back. It seems too rounded, like her ass just connects to her mid back and it's a bit weird. Other than that gr8. I don't like the green pussy juice, but that's just personal pref and not about the art
http://bogglerule34.tumblr.com/post/134708652873/download-webm-gif-dragon-training-tip-34-do (if you're into that sort of thing, and by "that sort of thing" I mean dragons)
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Have this Rare Poppy
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Yep, saw the skin and knew there's be Dragon/Trist pics
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Can't forget about Midna
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Drew this garbage while staying up all night to "study".
Wouldn't call it garbage, not at all
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Morbi draws some weird shit sometimes.
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I see what you're saying. Ass needs to come in a bit where it meets the back.

And yeah, I don't know why but I thought it would be amusing if her fluids were green. Wife thought I just miscolored the end of the guy's dick.
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Don't diss my one foot waifu.
this image has one use, replying to beast/shortstack porn.
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Do you think Nintendo will eventually try to stop Boogie from making so much r34?
Have they ever tried to stop the literal hordes of people making Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina porn?
Hasbro haven't stopped people from drawing MLP r34, so I dunno if Nintendo would
Whoa, I don't think I've ever seen this Weaver pic.
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>dem tiny hands
Guys, how big would a loli goblin be? I need to know for science.
About waist high
meant to reply
At times I wish we had some anons work together on making a short stack game along the lines of CoC or TiTS
Interesting idea.

Be hard to get everyone together to do that though.
I propose the challenge of a smut-off, one prompt, multiple writefags having a go.
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5 feet and under.png
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Oh, he does quite a lot.
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Horny elves could be a good starting point
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We need more Magee and Miss Holly.
I'm considering doing a webcomic, if that counts.

I'd totally be down for illustrating for a game, though.
That's probably because you are hideous and half your stupid head is shaved.
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We have drawfags, writefags, and I think Boogie's a programmer by trade.

Does anyone here do music?

>you are hideous

Someone's projeeeeeeectiiiiing~
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would the MC be a shortstack, or would others be shortstacks?
This could be repurposed into it, you have 31 days to make enough money to buy potion to become human again before mercenary group leaves town; mix of Pikmin and CoC.
Depending on balancing slutting, working, and adventuring to get gold.
Boogie only does things if it makes his boner rock hard and it turns off 80% of people who aren't following him on tumblr. You'd have to present a pretty strong case to get him to do the big part of your project.

(that second bit's mostly in jest... mostly)
>mix of Pikmin and CoC
>colorful goblins and shortstacks working together to take out large swaths of angry johns in a certain amount of time
>boss encounters around town where you must work tactically to avoid lewd public scenes while pulling in prospective customers with x-number of shortstacks
>goblin tossing
Don't volunteer boogie to code lol, he's got enough to do and coding is a pain in the ass.
The Right Thing.
Why does weaver never post his smut?
So, I know you guys aren't ALL neets.

For those of you who are decently attractive and have social skills which allow you to get 3D pus, do you find short stacked girls optimal?

All of my friends agree that short stacked is the way to go. Besides cougars/milfs they drive me insane.
Shortstack proportions don't technically exist. But short girls or nothing for me.
Oh look it's best girl
>Shortstack proportions don't technically exist

sure not compared with the proportions of the 2D girls posted here but it totally still happens IRL. I know girls who are short and because of it they have fat tits/nice ass and still replicate the hourglass figure.
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but they don't have the stubby legs.

Some do. Just gotta keep lookin' bruh.
Being your own artist is important though. That's why people stay around Boogie even if they don't find the majority of his stuff attractive.

If anything we need more of that mentality, too many people just follow the fads and slip into monotony these days.
I was thinking resource management RPG where you have multiple ways to make money, with dungeon crawling as high-risk reward method required to get money, but getting equipment for brothel/waitress jobs get passive bonuses and skill unlocks. Paired with fighting losing self to lust or finding a balance where you stay a Goblin and continue moonlighting as an adventurer with greater revenue than you would as a mercenary.
Multiple playthroughs to find out more on side characters, sidequests. Maybe take Majora's Mask/Rogue Legacy elements so you can reset with abilities and other items, but no money.
good work norrin.
And they almost always have gigantic sixheads.
>What's black and blue and about to show you meaning of lust?
They don't to the absurd proportions of some of the shit in these threads, but they do exist to an extent. They are just basically unicorns because of the other effects that so often come with dwarfism. I won't post images because it'll just get deleted but take a look at this girl.

vipergirls to /threads/1268422-Jemma-Tiny-Dancer-52-photos-1200x800?highlight=tiny+dancer
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They only thing I hate about Boogie is his vore. Condom swallowing, ball-busting, pudgy bellies, this pales in comparison for my distaste for vore.
God damn it Cory!
So we can suffer
I know that writefags often post their smut here, but is it ok if I write a work in progress? It's been a good year since my last fic so I'm a little nervous about posting anything. There's no smut yet but I just wanna see if it's any good before I continue, mostly because I tend to get really wordy with intros.
Post a work in progress, not write, fuck it's late.
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Foriko Forest.png
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who's stopping you nerd.
Poppy and Tristana etc etc. Eventually it'll be with braum once I've got the time to do it.
It's a nice start. Can't wait to see where it goes. Enjoy the Poppy x Trist pic
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Because you fuckers are afraid of catching the furry.
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Please tell me the artist is planning more.
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There will never be enough Midna buttjobs in this world.
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Midna's plump rump.png
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Some Midna anal is fine too. Or even Midna teasing or begging for anal.
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Is that a shortstack version of one of those cyclopses of Breath of Fire V?
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You need to look for midgets mane. They are what shortstack proportions are based on. They have normal sized ass, pussy and head with stunted appendages and torsos.
I's a female version of one of these https://privateerpress.com/warmachine/gallery/mercenaries/privateer-exclusives/gobber-drudges
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Oh, I see. This what I confused them with.
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And foreheads the size of trucks.
Started on this today after training.
I'll hopefully have it done by the end of the week.
The Fucking Devil
He's usually a furry artist though.
thanks, Always a catch.

>short stack

Hohoho, yeah, I see what ya did there...
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I'll gladly be a furry if it means seeing more Weaver lewds.

shortstack + anal = love
Is there a sauce on that there slugger?
Well artist is in the filename
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Love this artist, wish they got more recognition.
Maybe they would, if you told us who they were.
Please link story when done. I love Yordle smut <3
Where can one find yordle based smut?
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here's my shit if your interested.
Depends on the variety of midgetism (the technical term).

And of course, make-up, hair-styling, and good fashion sense make all the difference too.
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Trist 2.png
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boogie is my god
My training class is killing me. Four girls there that are short and curvy. Really too bad I can't talk the wife into MFF.

Watching them grapple...hnnnnghh
"Midget" in all of its forms is generally considered a slur, and the technical term is for any condition the stunts growth is actually "dwarfism."
You don't tend to see a lot of conventionally attractive little people in porn because that's basically the equivalent of hitting rock bottom and reducing yourself to a niche fetish object. Jemma is a rarity and even she only does softcore.
Are shortstacks becoming the hip new fetish lately?
If you're new to the internet, perhaps.
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>A short stack of Short Stacks eating a short stack of pancakes
i think i hear the boogie.
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Didn't want to seem like an artist shill, can never tell how image threads go.

Joix, sometimes Joixxx. They recently got a patreon, and its funny how only their goblin and gnome stuff are the only things that get "liked".
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Well, you can go anywhere for the more popular Warcraft races, which has gotten oh so boring
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> That picture
Best girls
There's something really hot about a shortstack taking a stationary dick.

i don't know what it is.

but it's there.
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boogie sq sketch.jpg
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Speaking of Boogie, anyone happen to have the full version of this? Or any of the other Shadow Queen sketches he showed on his streams?
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>No r34 of Pre-rework Poppy.
>Will probably never be any.
But there is though, there's some in this thread
What are you talking about? There was a fair amount of poppy porn before the rework.
Does anyone have the old massive dump file(s) for shortstacks from /d/?
Like it was sepereated by race and everything
that anatomy is hella whack
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Hm, looking at it, yeah it is
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He probably will draw her the old way.
Anyone happen to have the link to the flash game with midna, where if you just let it idle for a while link turns into the wolf?
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From /co/'s drawthread.
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It shouldn't bother me that the guy who owns Daisy refuses to involve her in anything lewd, but her black version is A-OK, but the fact that he created Monique JUST to be a version of Daisy he could lewd up and then didn't do anything with her rubs me wrong.

Especially after the Daisy car-window gif.
He's done some lewd stuff with Monique, though, including having her fuck a couple futas. It's just not on his DA.
Yeah, didn't really care for the 'finished' art. His linework's great, but there's something about the coloring that doesn't work for me.
I follow his Tumblr, I either missed that stuff or it's Patreon only. Given that Futa's not my thing, I probably just went 'meh' and scrolled past it.
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Anyone have the full comic of this?
>ends at the good part
>not updated since 2014
Whos the artist?
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Jared Lindquist
I'm on his patreon. It's possible they're exclusive, in which case I'd feel a bit like a heel for sharing them. I'll message him and ask if it's cool.
thats definitely gonna be a no, i wouldn't even ask.
Found it, it's on his other Tumblr.
>>251950 These the ones you were talking about? They're not bad, but they're pretty dull.
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why do people like this guys stuff so much, to me it's pretty meh.
Yeah, but he's done other stuff of various lewdness levels with Monique. Sure, Daisy still gets way more art, but he didn't shove Monique in a closet.
I suppose. He makes a big deal about Patreon, so I guess that's where the bulk of her stuff is, but from someone who only sees his Tumblr, I don't see him do much with her.
See >>251578
The guy's wound a little tight, but he has the best of intentions.
oh wow geez a unfinished animation WOOOOOOWWWWWWw

like what?
He has a fun cartoony style and he was doing tons of sexy pinups of Daisy way before shortstack became a popular fetish.
Road to hell and all that. I mostly hope that he doesn't end up protecting her to the point it puts him in a corner, I'd love to see him have fun again.
I gave you a reason I like the guy's work. It probably doesn't account for why most people do, but it's an answer to your question. Don't know what else you want besides that.
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Why are goblin girls so perfect?
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Wish I knew
Could we get more human skin tones?
you're sick
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I prefer green.
Just for you anon, more green skin
I can't read this for more than five seconds before it turns to gibberish in my brain

>My character my rules I have long term plans for her that would be ruined by someone totally unrelated drawing porn of her EEEEEEEE
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I just want to lay my head down on these, fall asleep, and never wake up.
Doesn't he just draw pinups of Daisy anyway all with something to do with her tits anyway?
>"I have long-term plans for Daisy that would likely be ruined by porn."
Does he seriously not realize Daisy is an obvious fetish character regardless of whether he draws her taking a dick, or what?
I guess it's the same as creators wanting their main character to be the absolute best, thus the artist doesn't want the character of Daisy to be defiled by shoving a dick in her. Pretty delusional to be honest.
Thanks guys, I don't know what came over me.
Always remember to take your daily dose, anon.
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Don't let it happen again!
I want a short stack like a yordle to sit on my face, but only after she's been plowed by like a half dozen guys. I'm talking thoroughly reamed and creamed, every fuckhole stuffed at once, until she's left dripping. And then she smothers me with her thick ass.
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It's what happens when you start thinking people like your character for reasons other than because they can fap to it.

It's actually really common among niche artists.
Where did this whole oktoberfest poppy thing come from?
There is tons of rule34 of pre-rework poppy. Have you tried looking at actual sites like rule34?

Aw shit, he capped these, and posted them on his blog. He's here. [spoiler]And he's not taking requests.[/spoiler]
Of course he's here. Artists in general crave attention, though they might or might not want to be seen doing it.
Link it. I have to see this.
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Honestly, I thought it appeared in Oktoberfest Gragas splash art and people jumped on the idea. Sadly I was mistaken
One guy with a fetish and money.
To be fair that's where a lot of stuff worth fapping to comes from
Nice dubs.
Also goblin women are easily the hottest fantasy race. Especially when they are a bit punk and have piercings and the such. Yum
This is why being rude about artists is unwise.
What, they'll blog about you?
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