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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 528
Thread images: 149

Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
How waku waku is Goku right now out of Waku waku surunee?
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Reminder Future Trunks is as well.
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Being a Yamchafag is suffering.
Is Jiren the one who's stronger than GoDs?
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Leave Jiren to me.
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Reminder for colorfriends out there to continue recoloring the original Freeza fight for my entertainment purposes please.
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Team U4.gif
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Reminder that Son Gohan is beautiful.
The fuck thjought fox gods voice sounded good

gravely and oldish
thats what was needed
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I wasn't on Frieza's murder train until I watched this ep.
gay ass no bukuuzyutu rule
She's gonna get her ass kicked so hard.

And hopefully spanked, too.
Caulifla's side profiles will never compare to pic related.
I can't wait to see her get her ass fucked.
I want to fug this monkey
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>that witch jew nose
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Do you think Caulifla is into femdom?
Eh, it's just a matter of time before they get btfo.
she's definitely the type to finger Cabba's tight asshole to watch him squirm.
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I hope Platinum Frieza breaks her spine and kicks her off the stage like the piece of whore trash she is.
only upon other girls
Vegeta is gonna destroy her ass so hard Bulma is gonna be jealous.
>All these new designs riddled with QUALITY

They're doing nothing to me. Maybe I'm getting too old, I can't seem to get excited at all about this. It doesn't help that some of these designs feel like they were made in fucking MS Paint.
>We represent the hakai universe and wish to join this ningen genocide.
>get abducted by ayy lmaos
>open eyes and first thing you see is this
what do?
Speedy gonzalez and Megaman universes look like jobbers
shes missing something from her outfit like a leather jacket her crew wears. I guess they just can't animate shit.
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Have you started praising and worshiping a true god of destruction yet?
this guy looks like tna champ bobby lashley
>there are still people who deny caulifla = kakarotto
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He was my fave since the first reveal.
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is he autistic?
I love Jiren's design
Its so simple yet so cool
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>that face
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Kakarotto is just a pleb sayan that got hit in the head and became good, besides godly strong

U6`s Goku probably either died or lives somewhere peacefully as a nobody
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Only recently have I seen the light

I get out
How the hell is smugpup not front and center? All this hype and it turns out he's just fodder?
17 is stronger than hit
Caulifla isn't the strongest in her universe, though. Hit can kill her without breaking a sweat.
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I'm a big Cauliflafag, and still hated her in this episode

What the fuck was her problem?
Why hold a tournament of power if the two Zenos would probably be equally amused by a fidget spinner.

Just give those two autistic kids a fidget spinner.
Goku isn't the strongest in his universe either.
She has no fucking idea and she's probably going to get bodied by Gohan
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im thinking all u6 male sayians are betas like her brother and cabba and strong headed females just dont match with goku being some fag.
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She doesn't want to be buddy buddy with the guys that might doom her universe to extinction.
he's an omnipotent 5 year old who gets excited and pissed off at dumb things.
She's just cocky, this has been her character since they introduced her plus she doesn't know Goku and Vegeta like Cabba does. I'm more surprised Cabba didn't tell them that the U7 Saiyans are leagues ahead of the U6 ones in terms of strength.
remember how in Dragon Ball, Roshi went to a lot of effort to teach Goku that no matter how strong he gets there will always be bigger fish in the sea?
Caulli never got that lesson. She's been unchallenged top dog in her own little life for too long and its gone to her head
At the moment, he is. Frieza has the potential to surpass him, but right now, Goku still has the edge because of kaioken.
Will Jiren be able to move during Hit's timestop?
>Caulifla attempted to make Goku into a beta like Cabba
>failed because he's too retarded to be effected by insults
damn drawfags are fast.
Goku's a brain damaged though.
that pic was draw within a few days of her first appearance
Why is that Freeza and Frost want to fuck?
That drawing has been around since Caulifla's introduction, anon.
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Yamcha really deserved better
I also thought all the scenes with him wondering if he was going were building up to something
And because Goku in base form could probably pound her into the ground if he wanted.
yea and goku and vegeta both get cowed by chichi and bulma.
I guess its because they're all gonna fight each other hes like whatever. In any other social situation she would be emasculating him like their wives.
They were building up to something
A joke
Which fighter will be the first to break the new and improved ring to show how powerful he is?
Yamcha got rekt by a fucking saiyabaman back in Z. He's always been worthless.
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Do you truly believe that his team is nothing but fodder?

They spied on the other universes, they know a lot more than they let on.
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she's gonna try and fight someone strong and get btfo.

Then Kale will get pissed and go maximum.
Why is there a yardrat in universe 2 or whatever? I thought only 6 and 7 had the same/similar races?
as soon as he saw Frieza he realized he wasn't taking the notion of a 'strongest from all universes' tournament seriously and that he's really outclassed

even he realizes if he went to the tournament in his current state he'd choke.
It's such a shame she didn't bring her big mouth SSJ2 ass to Vegeta to try that shit.

Even now, he doesn't really accept disrespect. I want him to casually finger-flick her to the floor.
It's a mystery, perhaps it's related to their inter-dimensional travelling.
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Rate my wallpaper lads.
causing them to be dqed I get it!
take her advice at the bottom
Their space mexicans or something idk
Also instant transmission
want to share?
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they invented teleportation so they can come from wherever they want.

I wanna know more about the guy who looks like Beerus on the U11 team.
Looks really low quality.
Reminder Shin mentioned the Grand Kaioshin in the manga

Probably the "directional system" of Kaioshin is just an old one and now each universe only have one pair of Kaioshin and Hakaishin, that's why we never saw or heard about more directional Kaioshin after pure Boo's flashback
Based Toyo clearing up the ancient lore.
I'd rather watch her get DPed.
Too busy with the new chapter
>inb4 they fled to other universes when Freeza soldiers attacked their planet.
>Destroys an entire universe because one faggot was laughing in the sky
Sorry but you're the shitty one that colors God tier Ki/aura yellow like some sort of filthy ningen.
Make Goku tanner.
>try again
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>angry manlet with overcompensating hair
>wife is taller than him
>stuck in second place
>Trunks isn’t his real son
>always jobs
>Bulma is probably fucking Beerus hard right now
I think I like Goku's progress in the manga more than in the anime, actually.
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what are future trunks and future mai doing right now?
Why was Vegeta so small but his dad was the size of a skyscraper?
>That muscular Cabba
Why can't we have good things like this?
cabba is one thicc bih
Anon... I'm the one who did >>158930407
I also did pic related if you missed it
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u4 team.jpg
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Who do you think is stronger between Smugpup and Oldpup?
Dragon Ball Z: Revenge of Cooler, english dub had the best music of any of the anime.
from what I understand he's not omniscient though. Which is why meeting face to face with him is so terrifying.
Master Roshi will win the entire tournament
heartily kek'd
i used to think was because of how sayians age but in the end its just design choice.
She's so smug. I love it.

I really like how Hakai isn't about a flashy energy beam but a devastating and destructive force that's vibrates as a frequency of energy that's invisible to the naked eye.
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Believe in the Ratboy Genius and his Dragon Quest team!
He got the shit genes
Is that little guy their Chiaotzu? Will he blow up at some point?
I don't know, but it's unfair.
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so jiren basically this dude reincarnate?
Caulifla senses Jiren's incredible energy just like the others but tried to act all tough about it like the punk she is when in reality she's shitting her pants
Simple as that, don't see why people here are getting so triggered
His Grandfather must have been a manlet. Doesn't the gene skip a generation?
His fighters have had zero focus so I can't wait to see them all get blown the fuck out.
lemme see that cabussy
or his mother was a womanlet
Yellow = ningen ki
Blue = Saiyan God Ki
>mfw all of Universe 10s fighters are eliminated within the first 10 minutes of next episode.
too unbalanced. you want something that has the golden ratio
>needs to use his brain to come across SSB's weakness, combining its usage with SSG's
>needs a specific tactic to complete the form totally avoiding the weakness
>actually uses a godly technique in his god form
>these last 2 things are still in development
Anime-Goku "progress" is no more than lol Kaioken I'm insanely stronger now because vanilla SSB is just a jobber form like regular SS
Sad to say, he's sorely outclassed by Liquir. Even the fact that he had to be in this tournament in the first place is a testament to his failure as a god, and his being unworthy of worship!
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>it's a nips make fun of Yamcha episode
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look at (future) trunks height
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>destructo disc to look cool
>2 seconds later doesn't have destructo disc
Sorry but according to Toriyama original manga:
ki = white/white-yellow
genki = white-turquoise

God ki having a different color is headcanon.
Keep eating Toyo's garbage anon
I can't wait for Goku to use Zeno's erase technique in the manga version of the tournament
>reading manga written by virgins
So who will fight/beat Hit since he's no longer the main rival to Goku, since Jiren will take that spot ?
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Standing Proud.png
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While it is true that Liquor's universe outclasses Quitela's, his STILL outclasses both Champa and Beerus'!

He's got a master plan!
How do you know that she can even sense energy? Freeza and his army couldn't and had to use scouters. She's just blissfully ignorant.
that's a fucking kienzan
the fuck is a destructo disc?
He is giving himself a last second clean shave for rapid movement.
Common theory is that Jiren will destroy Hit to make him seem like the new tough guy.
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Who /SMUG GoD/ here?
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It sounds cool if you put it in that way
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>Sorry but according to Toriyama original manga:
No God Ki in original manga, your argument is invalid.
>God ki having a different color is headcanon.
Wrong he supervised the movies where the color of the auras and ki changed from their basic ningen yellow.
You thinking they somehow didn't change because it's an unexplained colorless manga continuity is the real headcanon here.

Wow, the way that pudgy blue thing just floats to the side unmoving, bravo.
same person who beats Jiren to assert themself as Goku's new rival
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stock footage not canon (laughs)
I'a Dagon, I'a Hydra, Cthulhu Fthagn
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leave caulifa to me
Episode 101 is called ''The Warrior of Justice closes in!''
Jiren is seen doing nothing but standing still in the NEP

Taking these two things into account, I think Jiren will actually start fighting in episode 101 and take out someone really strong effortlessly to enstablish himself as the arc's main rival.
So, either Frieza or Hit.
wow what a beardlet, I need like 10 kienzan to shave
>tfw you will never live in universe 12 where technology is probably incredibly advanced and the smart races all live in harmony
It's a cool ability, but I doubt we'll ever see Goku use it again except for as a deus ex machina.
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>jobbing even at his looks
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Did Roshi rape Puar? Was that what he needed to finally get it all out of his system?
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what's his endgame?
jiren will use him bullshit gimmick to beat hit's bullshit gimmick.
>Man from Borneo
what's this a reference to? I've also seen it used to refer to Gambit from X-Men. Some cowboy movie?
Place your bets: which universe is getting its ass kicked first?
I'm going with the rat GoD one. Spies are not good at fighting.
Place your bets
How many episodes is this "48 minute" fight going to last?

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Zeno's finest drugs.png
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This nigga will be going hard on someone for cheating soon, mark my words
They have been pretty consistent with the twin universes = same races thing, like the furries in U4 or the fact only U6 has alternate saiyans
Yet there's a yardrat in U2, what could it mean?
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saiyans are the simpsons.gif
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So do the Saiyans look like Simpsons characters?
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Reminder there's no yellow in sight.

apa kabar? tutup semua toko.. pada makan apaan kalian2 yang kafir?
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I don't think Jiren has any - it'll be probably dull as fuck "I'm so strong your gimmick doesn't work lmao" just like the kaioken.
>your argument is invalid
Literally how
As far we know, ki is white/white-yellow, if do you think ningen ki have its own color and god ki have another one, but there's no god ki colored in the original manga, then it's headcanon.

>he supervised the movies
Which isn't an argument since movies use the anime palette. Kuririn eyes aren't white, Kamehameha isn't white, Goku isn't tanned, they don't even use the same exact colors Toriyama used in the original art for the movies (SSG's vermillion hair, Gohan's olive color tracksuit, Shisami salmon color skin, Goku and Vegeta having the same skin tone, etc,).
Anime colors are bullshit, even BoG's and RoF's, so again god ki having a different color is still unproven headcanon.
jokes aside, 'all' Roshi did was try to grope Puar while Puar tried to avoid him
>"G-God K-Ki is not in the original manga so it's headcanon!"
stop posting, you've already been BTFO'd
What's with the
> Reminder that _________ is beautiful.
thing? I've seen it like 6 already
Is this a new meme?
Jiren's gimmick is being Superman
Anorexic cat's universe

They're both furry jobbers.
Only the chick on the left will be relevant.
Yfw when Caulifla's actually as strong as U11 troopers.
Poor Freeza.
Man of Murder?
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SSG all by himself.gif
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ningen ki/aura is yellow, Saiyan God Ki is blue.
Only an autist would go out of his way to color a SSGSS yellow.
Smugpup and his sensei will both fight the furries trio from U9 and completely BTFO them
Mark my words
>what could it mean?
that you touch yourself at night
how young are you?
Yellow has been used to describe asian skintones for a long ass time. Since it never became a point of oppression outside the west many native-born asians don't take offense to it and just consider it a useful shorthand
the wild man from uni11?
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>implying Murichim is'nt the strongest competitor
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>blue toothpaste
>white glow
>aura itself is missing
Your point? Also that's not even Toriyama's, and some colors are clearly wrong, like Shin's (I mean, not even green earrings)

>not in the manga
>only in the anime series and anime movies, which palettes are different, therefore not canon
>but it's not headcanon

>ningen ki/aura is yellow, Saiyan God Ki is blue.
And your source is... anime movies? Read the post again, then.
>tfw RIP U10 /fit/ team
Because he's a whiny shithead who couldn't even be assed to do 100 pushups a day.
I still don't care about Cabba but him treating Vegeta like his teacher was cute.

Quite like a couple of these new character designs, even though most of them are clearly just jobbers.

Renso didn't seem like a beta, he just didn't want to fight with his crippled leg when the fucking universe was at stake.
Reminder that this OTP is good and pure.
Can anyone make a webm of that fight between Liquir, Iwen and Arak?
It was actually pretty fucking good
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what u talkin bout? He a goofy ass lookin nigga

this instead...
he disappoints
Nah I bet he has future vision considering how he avoided the rocks
only lesbians wear sleeveless denim jackets
As much as a bitchy housewife she is she really does just want the best for Goten and she loves her husband. Why can't Toei make her sexy again though.
that seemed more like 'he could sense the disturbances in the air to tell where it was gonna go' similar to what Popo tried to teach Goku and what Krillin assumed Goku could do when he was napping while a super sayain
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Best Universe
Toothpaste is just a high concentration of visible Ki that's almost liquid in density.
If you think the aura that cloaks a God Ki user should remain ningen-yellow you're fucking clueless.
Can Superman slap the Jap Goku?
Trunks can't be a lesbian because she's Broly's princess.
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end of z.png
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I want them to skip forward and give up this cute design.
>all the cute girls will turn into hambeasts when fighting

It hurts
Gowasu is going to meet Zamasu first thanks to the muscle heads
I can't wait to see what kind of blobs the other two magical girl parodies will turn into
Really surprised that someone at Toei even managed to remember Yardrat at all.
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>not hating the biggest whiny dissapointment this series has ever brought forth.
Is that a Yu-Gi-Oh Harpy?
TFS pls go and stay go
Post more art that makes good wallpapers
me too
but glad they did

Now if only they could remember yamcha and give him something to do
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the only difference between sexy chici and nonsexy chichi is sexy chichi doesn't wear her hair in a bun
She looks good here.
So Katchin is U7 exclusive in the anime but not in the manga.
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SSBlue not SSGSSYellow.png
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MSPaint bucket tool ftw.
>fuck off my headcanon is better I don't like what you did
I respect your opinion but you are still full of shit, anon. Sorry if you don't like auras and ki blast being just white lights.
I bet you voted for drumpf
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>Frieza STILL not in the OP
>no full sequence of the Pride Troopers announcing their names and titles while posing with hype music in the background
but anon, Broly is a girl
stop backpedalling, you made them an ugly ningen yellow and you got called out for it.
What is Toppo's brother doing in Universe 2?
Says who? If katchinko is the hardest metal in the entire multiverse makes sense for Zamasu knowing about it even if it's only found in U7
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>that filename
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It's a Japanese thing of wives putting up there hair after having kids, right? Modesty shit?
didn't DBZ give untransformed mortals blue auras just as often as it gave them white auras?

in xeoverse both saiyas and earthlings have blue auras by default
I can't wait for Kale to tear Freeza a new one.
Chi-chi looks pretty young here even by Dragon Ball standards!
its a bit more global than japan. lots of cultures have it that a married woman should go out of her way to not be alluring in public, out of fear they might attract the attention of someone better than their husband, or worse, rapists.
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Reminder that next episode has Fukushima as the lead writer
Fukushima was the lead writer for the Roshi > Tien and Caulifla's tingles episodes
Lower your expectations
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This tournament would be even better if they added all the universes. Oh and instead of 10 members, they include every mortal in their universes on the teams. And the mortals get erased one by one as soon as they're eliminated

What do you guys think of my idea?
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Episode 96.jpg
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Why didn't the DC universe join the tournament?
How much could he possibly shit things up, all he has to do next episode is direct fights?
caulifla will go super saiyazin blue by focusing her ki on her clit
If I recall right Chichi is a bit younger than Goku, and they were both still in their teens when they married
>next Episode
>Roshi somehow keeps up with Toppo

My body is ready
>Wonder Woman of today is literally a Zionist Kike.
Nothing has changed.
Nobody in DBSuper can get through the barrier between each set of 52 universes
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but they did
they even brought Superman along
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so massive.png
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He is the best
If they make Kale's LSSJ form anywhere near SSJB I'm done.
I want to fuck those magical girls. Either form is fine
G-Goku is just holding back!
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See >>158931479
>Literally how

I'm just saying you are pissed off because you think white auras are disgusting, that's all. I genuinely think white + blue toothpaste looks way better than blue + blue toothpaste but I would change it if you were able to prove SSGSS ki color is supposed to be different in every way according to Toriyama, but you can't, you aren't right. You just have a different taste.

Wow, that's truly disgusting. If you want it so badly you could ask me but don't make that shit, my job is already pretty shitty by default even ignoring auras.
>implying she won't learn LSSJB and be one of the strongest characters in all of DB
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So who's gonna get erased first? After U10 and 4 I mean
I'm afraid you're done anon.
Kale's transformation is canon unlike Broly's, so they are free to make it as strong as they want
Fucking powerscaling autists
>Falseflagging this hard

Lesbian Super SaiyaJin?
You mean ningen yellow. No body has complained about white Ki, it's when you make it piss yellow everyone gets upset.

You also forgot to leave center transparent. You should do a rendition where only the Norse silhouette is coloured.
The arena is so lame. I really hoped for like 3-4 levels with different artificial environments, like a rocky area, forest, ruins, to create situations where different tactics are possible (hide, ambush, escape somewhere where the enemy can't reach due to no flying rule etc.). Would help initially separate the teams too, creating some additional tension where regrouping isn't possible.

The current ring looks so small and pitiful.
Why is Thanos there ?
So we're gonna get another Toranksu asspull?

Cool, can't wait for Cauli to use the Soul (not Spirit) Sword.
Technically they have complete free rein to do so, LSSJ wasn't canon before she showed up.

I don't expect Super to handle it well but Super Saiyan itself was supposed to be some special snowflake legendarily powerful form that barely any saiyan could do at first, until everyone could do it effortlessly later on. I don't think shifting that status over to LSSJ has to be a bad thing.
We've known what it looked like for ages now.
this isnt pokemon
Border/outline/silhouette. *
That's not what I said at all you moron
Broly's powerscaling isn't canon, this means Kale is a free card and her powerscaling still hasn't been enstablished and it can be as high as they want
If you are seriously using Broly to determine how strong Kale is, you are a fucking retard
Should I watch all of the Broly movies? I've never given a fuck about him but it seems people are quite passionate about the character.
People aren't using Broly for measurement, they're just severely unimpressed by the term "God" in "God Ki"
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Especially when Berserk SSJ actually looks like a legendary transformation instead of like the normal one just making you hair spiky and turning it golden fucking toryiama was already a hack by the time Namek ended
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Cooler's movie is better.
Broly is boring and only catters to Diego and Pedro.
He's a shit character with zero personality
Only women into very ripped dudes, faggots and /fit/ autists like him
Just watch the first Broly movie since it's the most iconic. 2nd movie is just kinda there. No one ever really cares about it all that much. Bio Broly is the absolute worst of all the Dragonball movies.
Best ED they've had so far in my opinion.
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>piss yellow
So... you ignore how coloring works, that's all, right? Fine, then.

>You also forgot to leave center transparent.
No, that's when I use the yellow border, when user is powered up.
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>my first girlfriend did this
fucking bitch. Would punch her face nowadays
terrible character
terrible stories

but some nice animation and 90's gritty dragon ball atmosphere
can be enjoyable
Chichi looks really young throughout Super. She looks a lot older in Z with the bun.
only the first one is worth watching
Okay but it's still a rage powerup that would bring her to the level of a God Ki user.

Remember when Goku was told he needed God Ki to even think about taking on Beerus?

Remember that SSJ2 Cauli threw away Kale's bullshit attack?

Why will you guys defend this shit, where random saiyans with barely any proper training can asspull a rage transformation like Trunks and take on people on Goku/Vegeta level?
Yeah I liked the Cooler one, at least I did when I was younger.
I guess I'll watch the first and see what I think. I've barely watched any DB movies in general so I thought I'd start with Broly.
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remember when kaioshins could read minds
I think it might be the only time I say "watch the abridged version instead"
low test coward
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They have too much in-fighting.
They are retarded then
Goku and Vegeta have a small bit of god ki burning inside of them giving them a boost and enabling them to go SSB
However all the other really strong people like Hit or fucking Frieza got on that level on their own
It's not bullshit the fact that there are characters stronger than SSB, it's the opposite. It's fucking bullshit Goku and Vegeta got close to those characters by essentially cheating and borrowing the ki of the gods.
''B-but muh god ki'' is a retarded thing to lose your mind over
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From one perspective the arena looks 200m in diameter.

Given the speed of the characters in the tournament, you can't have individual battles within the arena because you're in range of all 70 opponents.
It's hard to enjoy Dragonball when inconsistencies and retarded stuff pisses you off.

You mean after U9 and 4.

U10 has murichim stomping toppo next episode.
Remember when Goku and Krillin talked to each other telepathically.
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remember when roshi could read minds?
Piss yellow =/= correlation to God Ki
It's meh. Watch them all, they are all envoyable in their own way.
Was the Zora GoD not fighting because if he did he'd defeat them all easy or he wasn't strong enough?

Or he just didn't want to clean up the resulting mess?
You fucking retard thats literally what LSSJ is, an enermous fucking boost of power that is restricted to one guy having. Everytime they showed LSSJ it was able to stand up to the strongest good guy in the movie, being it USSJ trunks or SSJ 2 Gohan. Why should it be different this time?
Soccer fields in Captain Tsubasa sometimes are multiple km in length with the way the characters act. Never think about this stuff.
but that's jackie chun
Oh god you're a Broly "muh power is maximummer" autist.

Never mind.
>Okay but it's still a rage powerup that would bring her to the level of a God Ki user.
muh god ki
>Remember when Goku was told he needed God Ki to even think about taking on Beerus?
that never happened
There is already too much going on in the ToP.
With 80 Characters to show off they don't have time for that and I think it's good that the arena and background are simple so they don't have to waste time on that.
Probably because he'd defeat them all easily. I wonder what they're trying to set up with him anyway, maybe something for a future arc.
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Leave the heteronormative cis males to us.
His universe isn't in the tournament right?
>muh god ki
What should I expect from people who didn't have any qualms about Trunks asspulling his way from losing to base Black to taking on Rose Black.
>Piss yellow
See >>158932253
Wheres his Jon and Lois
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>Universe 7's Team Captain
I wonder if his universe is so high ranked because he cheats and constantly travels through time to become advanced much sooner
No, his universe was one of the best if I remember correctly.
1st movie's alright. Features an unstoppable juggernaut who can only be defeated by teamwork, but it has its moments with some great fight scenes. 2nd movie's just a bore. Just look for some highlights between Gohan and Broly (the triple Kamehameha with Goku, Gohan and Goten is a saving grace). 3rd movie is complete garbage and an easy pass.
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>This nigga spends a billion episodes building a basic looking arena
>gods of destruction destroy it in seconds
>the gods manage to rebuild it even stronger in a matter of minutes
Wasn't this guy supposed to be powerful?
Agreed. I would have liked that, too.
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>facts mean i am an autist broly fanboy

A character like Broly or Kale will not work if he/she isn't able to fight and the strongest guys around. Its literally the whole gimmick of transformation, being strong and big as fuck. Jesus the state of the "fans" of the product

Wait a minute, that guy on the right!
Toei filler logic
>muh god ki >>158932305

but the funny thing is, that type of ki was never even brought up ever again since BoG
These type of jokes are plain idiotic. Please stop.

Jackie Chun = Roshi
Lucy = Luffy
Masked royal = professor Kukui
Girl Ranma = Male Ranma
You're already done
What is there to see? A SSJ with yellow ningen Ki. What's your point?
Caulifla is SSJ2. It would be bullshit if she pulls some kind of transformation that makes her capable of taking on SSJB Goku, too.

This kind of "it has no technical limits so these asspulls are okay." bullshit is why I hate the entire concept of LSSJ and the people who wank over it.
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Hope they win t b h
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What did they mean by this?
Doesn't make sense, Broly doesn't get taller in his "normal" SS state. But kale does.
So was Jiren super fast because Goku isn't "used" to planet Vegeta's gravity?
Anon, I should've technically been done ever since Trunks fisted his own anus wide and pulled out a ridiculous powerup and an overpowered ability.
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What did people expect her to say? It'd be even weirder if she was arbitrarily sucking U7's dicks because just because they're the protagonists, the only people she needs to care about are those from her own team
Not even a Caulifaggot but Goku meekly greeting everyone and Cabba trying to get headpats from Vegeta is what's objectively weird, not her behavior. Universes are supposed to be at stake here.
>"it has no technical limits so these asspulls are okay."

So do you hate Ultimate Gohan too?
It's not an asspull if nothing was entablished about the form before, or in this case it was never canon to begin with
Powerlevelfags can't even into basic writing kek
They just had to fix holes, not design everything, propably create that new metal for the first time and maybe he didn't pay the construction alot of attention since he wanted to give the Universes some time to gather warriors.
MOOSLES attack Toppo but it has no effect and they get easily eliminated shortly after it
Jiren is ayy red herring. The true final boss will be Vegeta.
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Sogeking = Ussop
Whatever that fighter is called that's just trunks and gotenks in a costume = trunks and gotenks
>do you hate Ultimate Gohan too?
If Gohan used the form and was able to easily take on Jiren after blatantly losing to SSJB Goku.,
Yeah right, and The Great Saiyaman is Gohan.

Murichim will crusch Toppo and make his status as strongest opponent from the ToP known.
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The true final boss is Frieza sama
>So Freeza and Frost says they both love to use power to rule
>wait a minute Frost rules by deception and not power

Planet Vegeta's 10X should be relatively similar to what he's well experienced with on King Kai's planet, RoSaT and the gravity chamber on the way to Namek etc.
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Because that isn't Kale's normal SSJ form, she doesn't have one in fact
That is Kale's ''mastered'' Berserker form where she can control herself
Look how smug she is and also the fact that in DB-logic less muscles always equals to more power
Screencap this
I keep telling you guys, wait for Toyo.
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The true final boss will be when U6 and U7 frieza get a hold of a pair of kai earrings and merge into friezaza

you read it here first, cap it
>trunks and goten in a costume
Mighty Mask
though for the record he was an actual combatant. they just knocked hi out and stole his clothes
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>Caulifla is SSJ2. It would be bullshit if she pulls some kind of transformation that makes her capable of taking on SSJB Goku, too.

Of course, because Caulifla is technically a normal Sayian while Kale is fucking Legendary and she can have asspulls power levels because thats her character being fucking legendary. Majin Buu was SS3 tier without any training and nobody had a problem with it because he was presented as a strong guy from the start, but kale is the same. As soon as she powered up she went LSSJ she was never shown as being a weak bitch that can't deal with a SSJ she fucking trashed cabba as soon as she got some screen-time, i really don't see a problem with her and LSSJ. Its just like any other villain
Can't wait for this dyke nu saiyan trash to be dominated by Frieza and Frost.
>Implying Frieza hasn't seen that coming and incorporated that into his plange
Frost is a smarter and sneakier version of Frieza, so that's to be expected

Of course he will, too bad it'll end with him getting turned inside out by Frieza.




>post jackie chun
>Broly doesn't get taller in his "normal" SS state
But that's wrong
remember when super saiyan was relevant?
Obviously gonna be Kale's Super Saiyan Green with which she'll beat Vegeta into the ground.
Not this fucking argument again

Here come the Gohanfags
>because it's legendary.
Frost is a coward though when compared to Frieza.
Will their special attack be them holding hands and releasing a giant kamehameha-like beam while shouting PURETTY MARBLU SCREW MAKKSU SPARKLE?
in three months time people are gonna praise the manga because it doesn't show Cauli and Kale getting their 'best' forms for the first time, they will just have it from when the tournament starts with a one panel thing of Cabba going 'well I taught them super saiyan but then this happened'
I can't see him becoming 3 feet smaller tho
Holy shit you really knows NOTHING about coloring, right?

>What's your point?
What's yours? Prove ningen ki color and god ki color are different in Toriyama's palettes or stop this shit.
>tournament takes place on what is essentially Final Destination

Which character will be the fag who does nothing but spam projectiles while running away?
Well, I'll stop being a Cauliflafag if she keeps acting like a bitch, so yeah, it's some kind of falseflagging
>he fell for the 3D meme
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I can't wait for Goku to use Erase out of nowhere with no foreshadowing or build up whatsoever and people here to praise it because ''it's a godly technique'' and ''he learnt it from watching Future Zeno doing it''
Because he's already really tall so when it goes LSS you can't tell a big difference
It's like SS3 hair, the growth is the same but the difference is more noticeable if user base hair's longitude is shorter
Wait, can someone remind me why Goku didn't pick Monaka for the tournament since he still believes him to be a strong fighter?
>This kind of "it has no technical limits so these asspulls are okay." bullshit is why I hate the entire concept of LSSJ and the people who wank over it.
It's closer to what Super Saiyan was when it was first introduced than Super Saiyan now is though. A literal legendary form that no other saiyan of that era has access to.

By definition it's not as asspull when there's no rules governing it at all too, Super is dumb on a metric fuckton of levels but this isn't one of them. You just personally dislike it (which is fine).
implying Roshi isn't the strongest
Goku asked about Monaka earlier, I think he was told that he was sick or something.
I really thought Freeza would just be disappointed at how weak Frost was.

Instead they met in the shadows for some gay stuff.
I think he wanted to but Beerus said that Monaka does not have time for it.
Take your insane conspiracy theories to
>>>/x/ or >>>/pol/

5 minutes

U2 still has magical girls
U3 is all robots
U4 is DQ characters
U10 is /fit/
U11 is literally all sentai

The only one truly random is U9
yea 10x is nothing for goku, nigga trained in way bigger gravity
So you're saying he's /ourguy/?
So why should a single coincidental rage form bring anyone to the level of those that have trained for years, including those with god forms?

Imagine if Goten came out of the blue, had LSSJ and was able to suddenly beat the shit out of Goku whenever he wanted?

Hell, Krillin unlocks a rage powerup that brings him to Vegeta's level?
it will be
Beerus said he wasn't available.

Why he didn't recruit Arale is a different question though.
Still extremely unfunny.
>Hell, Krillin unlocks a rage powerup that brings him to Vegeta's level?

episode 99 is called ''Krillin's hidden strenght''
and stop getting obsessed over god forms, you've alread been schooled on that
Only he can make Lava Goku a reality. Truly the writer /a/ needs.
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>So why should a single coincidental rage form bring anyone to the level of those that have trained for years, including those with god forms?
Why can Frieza be stronger than a goku who trained for billions of hours by just sitting on his ass and not doing anything until he died?
I liked how Jiren told Goku to get the fuck out.

I hope he's not a shitty gimmick fighter like hit.
They're really bad, worse writing than Super.
It's internally consistent with DB's logic but still dumb (like with 17 being stupidly strong now, he was stronger than Namek Saga Frieza by default so it technically makes sense but it's still silly)
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Leave that bully Jiren to me!
Why is it silly though?
It makes sense, you even explained why it does yourself
Watch the first one, then watch Japanese Broly memes. You don't need to see the other two movies.
fuck off Pedro
Shouldn't he be a legitimate concern in this tournament? Everyone else not being able to fly massively benefits him

WHat the fuck are you talking about you retard the movies have barely a plot how can it be badly written
>Goku and allies get their ass kicked
>Suddenly despite the enemy outclassing them for an hour and 20 minutes Goku or Gohan instantly kill movie villain with one blow at the final 5 minutes

There you've just watched every single DBZ movie.
Yes, and I'm sure it'll allow him to take on Hit.
>schooled on that
Do you even know what words are?
Can't wait to watch Caulifla and the lesbian super autist get their shit kicked in because their powers belong in the Cell saga.
I looked up Superman's new son...apparently there is some edgy backstory involving time travel and shit? Really caught me off guard because I thought it'd be just Jon and Damien being cute boys doing cute things.
he would be a concern if he hadn't a on/off button triggered by insults
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Technically we never saw a LSSJ get beat by someone actually being stronger than him it was always shitty asspulls so Broly or Kale might aswell be SSB tier
>Kale masters a form she had no control over in under 3 hours

Bravo Super
Ok for the last fucking time
Goku held hands, that made him go SSG because lol
After powering down, SSG's ki still ''burns like a flame'' within him giving him a boost in power
In Toriyama's vision, that means he's as strong as an SSG when in base form
Toei however nerfed this down and simply made it that SSG's ki gave a boost to all of Goku's forms
In both Toriyama and Toei's visions, when Goku combines SSG ki with SSJ ki he goes Super Saiyan Blue. In this stage Goku is ''god-tier'' strong.
Meanwhile warriors like Frieza, 17, Gohan, Hit, Toppo, Jiren etc got on ''god-tier'' level naturally on their own through training or whatever. They have no SSG ki giving them a boost, they simply have their own ki making them god-powerful.
These characters trained their asses off, meanwhile Goku just held hands

And this is how muh god forms work in DB, they don't mean shit. They are just transformations.
Good point, but without the "my power is maximum" bullshit that has pedros making "his power will keep rising given enough time" headcanons, I'd say that the Broly we saw is about or below SSJ2 Gohan level. Definitely below SSJ3.

Maybe Hit trained him for a couple of hours and now he is really strong.

Or you know, Frieza is just using him to have a scapegoat or something, but that's more unlikely, Lord Frieza would never do anything like that.
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The core designs are alright but the animation is what throws me off the most, it's actually pretty distracting. Hopefully the animation will go back to how it was last episode once the tournament actually starts.
Maybe, maybe not. Gotta remember that four universes aren't even participating because they're average power level is high enough to please Zeno.
ugh typical powerlevelfag
Why the fuck are there so many green, blue and pink characters from these universes?

Champa bought him earplugs, he is now the strongest fighter in the tournament.
>but without the "my power is maximum" bullshit that has pedros making "his power will keep rising given enough time" headcanons

But thats literally what Kale said
I get why people are directly comparing Kale's form to Broly's but Toriyama and Toei are free to do whatever they want with it since LSSJ isn't canon.
1. Frieza can't sense energy.
2. They have no intention of working with each other.
That sounds exactly like something Freeza would do. He'll use Frost as a pawn while he's still useful and dispose of him the second he feels he doesn't need him anymore.
I hope the protein shake-loving /fit/ team sticks around for a bit, they're funny.
man toriyama is washed up and senile.
Wrath of the Dragon probably has the worst finishing blow

>Goku just says he's had enough and uses some completely new move and kills the Dragon instantly
I thought this episode's animation was solid, the fight between the three GoDs was pretty good

>Frieza can't sense energy

Still? That's dumb, Goku should teach him.
You telling me the SS2 Gohan who beat Cell would be able to move faster than Piccolo, Trunks, Goku, Vegeta and one more Super Saiyan fighting at the same time, tank all their moves without even flinching, and beat them up twice?
there's only so many primary colors
If U6 gets SSJ4 Kale, Cabba and Cauli and Cooler Final Form Frost, I'm taking my support to U6.

Fuck U7's recolorverse.
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Technically LSSJ isn't even LSSJ nobody ever called it that way it was only in the games. Him being "legendary" was only because he was the first known to use that form so Veggie thought he was the one the legends were talking about. It can easily be retconnected to being named Berserk SS.
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I think that was my favorite movie until that happened. Hirudegarn was such a weird villain for DragonBall, some space alien ghost monster, i mean what the fuck.
>Vegeta flips him off right at the start of the battle
That's kinda why despite how cool Cooler is, I don't like the movie. He puts up this great show and then Goku just goes Super Saiyan and it's less of a contest than when he beat Frieza.
Hit is gonna do the J.O.B. to Jiji so hard.
Power scaling has always been bullshit. A new SSJ1 can't touch Perfect Cell. Hell, the Androids couldn't touch Imperfect Cell, and Android 18 destroyed Vegeta.

Yet SSJ2 Gohan pretty much toys with Cell for a long time.
I mean, he thought ''Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan'' would be a good name
>1. Frieza can't sense energy.
Yes, he can.
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Will the two hidden U6 dudes be relevant or just fodder ?
>Implying Frost didn't predict that Freeza would see through his ruse
Yeah, that was weird. He should at least have been a bit more powerful than Frieza, given that he had an extra form, but he was easier for Goku to defeat than Frieza.
They are namekians
Look at the shape of their ears
Also gets thrashed by Broly in movie 10 while the same SSJ2 Gohan beat Dabura who was Cell tier.

The Yardrat guy is going to take out atleast one noteworthy character, no reason to even highlight him otherwise.
The red form should've really just been Saiyan God, and SSJB Super Saiyan God.
>Frieza and Frost are both playing 4D chess to each other
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Why does the spy look like that kid in school who tried to be tough but would burst in tears for the smallest shit?
I remember there being a lot of discussion on whether in movie 10 he was fighting SSJ1 or SSJ2 Gohan, no?

Any legit conclusion or are we doomed to make assumptions?
>such a weird villain for DragonBall
both Picollo Jr and Vegeta had kaiju forms, not that weird for a movie to revolve around a kaiju foe
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It's a good name. It's fitting for how fucking devastated Vegeta becomes when he feels Broly's full power.

Imagine that, Vegeta would be the only one among the good guys who would have heard stories of the LSSJ and how it was this galaxy destroying behemoth, the pinnacle of what it means to be a Saiyan. And now he feels it and it blows away all of their effort combined like it's nothing.

It made me believe in what would have otherwise been a pretty out of character moment for Vegeta to give up without even trying. Even on Namek he tries against Final Frieza.

He somehow reminds me of jak and daxter.
Wondering what the gimmick of the two remaining U4 fighters is.

Invisibity/ cloaking?
One of the fighters can split into three warriors?

Shame they'll be fodder whatever it turns out to be.
There was an art from the movie 10 where he had sparks also it just isn't logical for him to use SSJ against Broccoli when the same Broly fucking demolished him when he was SSJ in like half a second
Pretty sure there is no lightning so Gohan stupidly doesn't go SS2 against the guy who wiped out the entire saiyan cast last time.

Why is Mr Popo wearing that silly costume?
>Tien was the only one who could sense the 2 invisible U4 Fighters

My Nigga

Pls don't job
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Saiyan + huge amount of ki = Super Saiyan
Saiyan + god ki = Super Saiyan God
Saiyan + god ki + huge amount of ki = Super Saiyan Blue
Saiyan + god ki + huge amount of ki + kaioken technique = Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken
Saiyan + god ki + huge amount of ki + kaioken ki = pic related
Yeah, it makes sense. The form doesn't look like SSJ2, but why would Gohan not use SSJ2 when he has it. He gets his ass beaten hard, you'd expect him to at least pull it out once he figured out he couldn't do anything with regular SSJ.
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No, but Vegeta will soon be!
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Dragon Ball Super really does a terrible job of presenting the speed of the characters.

This arena's size is a joke.
one of them is the exploding bug
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Dabura was'nt defeated by Gohan, Dabura had the upper hand.
Ssj2 Gohan vs Cell was miles ahead of ssj2 Gohan vs Broly.
Broly is about ssj2 level, nothing more.
Pretty sure Cell game ssj2 Gohan would wreck him with medium effort.
Is this autism
This is an area for fighting not for walking
he seems to be floaty so it would do that
I don't know why but this entire team looks like yugioh card monsters to me for some reason.
Whoever made this picture needs therapy and I'm not even kidding
Holy shit
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Kiero... Ningen!
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>the arena is for a game of chicken
*blocks your path*

What happens if Goku builds up speed for 12 hours?
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Not now freeza, i'm too busy fighting this scary teleporting alien thing that is a lot stronger than you!
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>Broly is about ssj2 level, nothing more.
>Pretty sure Cell game ssj2 Gohan would wreck him with medium effort

Lmao Broccoli tanked every USSJ trunks hit without even flinching (+ every other sayian and piccolo) and oneshooted his ass.

Reminder Cell in his perfect form said USSJ trunks was strong enough to defeat him but not fast enough.

Basically Broly could trash both Cell and SSJ2 Gohan
You faggots are triggered by Caulifla being cocky when that made her sexier than ever
I get that she slapped Goku's hand away but calling them whimps was uncalled for. Last thing she would want is to make them her enemies. Fortunately for her, they know Cabba and are in good terms with him. Imagine if U7 were people that wants to play dirty and focus on U6 and like you said, the universes are at stake here. I'm glad that we have Freeza in their team now.
what are these double golden niggers plotting about?
>tripping loser flags
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He looks like a JRPG protagonist
This is a level of autism that really advocates sterilisation.
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You don't wanna know
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*becomes the universe*
An anime theory!!!!!!
Killing Goku and Hit on accident before betraying each other
fucking kek
Huh this thing would canonly take place sometime after Gohan and Goku left the Hyperbolic Time Chamber but before the Cell Games huh?

So Gohan could have gone SSJ2 against Broly but didn't tap into his rage fast enough before getting completely decimated by Broly.
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*blocks your path*
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But where is the WWE universe?
New thread
This was post Cell games Gohan.
Do you guys want to bet on the first guy of the U7 eliminate ?

>C17 1/80
>C18 1/30
>Frieza 1/500
>Gohan 1/100
>Goku 1/1000
>Krillin 1/20
>Piccolo 1/60
>Roshi 1/10
>Tien 1/5
>Vegeta 1/300
*becomes future zeno*
This is level 2 digits
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As much as i don't like Broly what he said is true tho
Pretty sure 18 will go out early on to trigger Krillin and 17.
So what is LSSJ's appeal, actually? Its only quality is power asspulling. So by liking it, you essentially admit you like asspulls?
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Hell.. even androids 19 or 20 could deal with them easily with those ki spam beam
>putting 18 in a gym outfit


DBS sure has mad 18 and bulma best waifus though. Funny how videl and chichi dont get shit.
After returning Goku noted that Yardrats aren't too strong, but have plenty of really interesting and difficult techniques, and it took him a whole year to learn just Instant Transmission. Hopefully the Yardrat in the tournament will show us something good.
I mean I understand that it has a certain appeal but it doesn't really fit in DB. These characters could just wipe the whole arena and I'd rather have the animators focusing on fights rather than the environment.

Also we haven't seen how the fights have gone so we really have no idea what the tension would be like.
No it's one of the Generals who died and never appeared in Mana Mana Harem Precure
17 showed up in his fucking work clothes. He's probably planning to go straight back to work after this too, those parks aren't going to range themselves.

This arc was a good chance to update everyone's outfits actually.
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Don't hurt Chiffon.
Everything made out of godly-non-destructium material of course. You can use flowers as ninja stars.
Kind of reminds me of that one mob robot from Futurama.
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It's cool because it's the complete opposite of Goku. It's a form chosen by destiny/genetics/ect to make a Saiyan ungodly strong without even trying.

It easily could have been the tool the Saiyan people could have used to free themselves from Freeza and yet that destiny gets taken by Goku who was born with a PL of 2.

It's also interesting because we only got the bare taste of its power. Broly likely wasn't ever trained in martial arts or taught ki control before getting mind controlled. He never fought anything that could fight back on equal level like Goku so he had no reason to train back as a teen, just destroy.

If a LSSJ actually put themselves through the regiment that Goku or later Vegeta does they could easily rival GoDs and beings stronger than that. Hell maybe that ki venting that Broly had to do in the movie could be solved by just learning better ki control.
Two of the U4 fighters are actually two fighters fused together via fusion dance.
Fuck this looks so great, it's a shame we will never see it animated.
Goblin a cute! A CUTE!
>shin riding a motorcycle
>vegeta chilling on top of the car


And here i thought it was just because he was a sadistic rage monster.
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>he has never seen a piece of dragonball art
Not vegeta, not freeza, not even the grand priest.
Piccolo will be hit with some gimmicky "evil extracting beam" and King piccolo will revive, and use his wisdom to quickly steal the zeno's power, then establish an multi universal empire of terror where a universe gets erased per year
u probably looked up Jon lane Kent instead of the real Jon. Jon hasn't had a edgy moment that wasn't brought on by either Manchester Black Mindcontrolling him or him being edgy cause he didn't understand his own powers
yardrats must have the technology to travel between universes, or they can just IT between them?

I'm not sure what kind of autism it takes to even construct a thought like this.
>Soldier Goku
>ywn see Goku in WW2 raping all the murican rednecks.
TFS ruined DB, now whenever you talk about DBZ it turns to "LOL DID YOU SEE THE NEW DBZA THO"
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Same reason why Trio The Dangers weren't center front for their team. Filiipino animation team were drawing the scenes and can't draw furries so they wanted to hide that fact by shoving them to the side and trying to hide it.

But we saw, we saw their failures.
in xeoverse both saiyas and earthlings have blue auras by default

I think that was just because unlock potential had a white aura and they wanted a visible change when you transformed.
100 lego creations,100 comments on a sonic forum, 100 theories about kingdom hearts and 10 Meters of running like naruto, every day.
watch the abridged parody of the first movie.
It amazes me how much of a failure of the filipino artists are for such an important scene such as a the debut of all of the Universes' combatants. HELP TOEI WE CAN'T DRAW ANYTHING THAT ISN'T AN ABOMINATION OR HUMAN FACE,

Kaio what?
i now realize what a wasted opportunity this really is, they could have a literal dragon quest team
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