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>Realize anime is an evolutionary novelty >Just by liking

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>Realize anime is an evolutionary novelty
>Just by liking anime, (cartoon depictions of human beings), your IQ is likely to be higher than the median genetic average
>You're breaking so many western social norms just by liking cartoons
>It's indicative of an IQ at either extreme
>Edward Snowden was a huge anime nerd in High-school, and his IQ is 160

Are people that enjoy anime generally either really dumb or really smart?

This is my theory.
Well, your post supports one of those options.
What did he mean by this?
Oooooh sick burn

Did you learn how to be a doctor just to find out the best way to burn people?
I'm 80 IQ and I like anime. There goes your empirical data.
this scene is better with annotation
You must not be joking since you have no reading comprehension.
OP said
>It's indicative of an IQ at either extreme

You're in the extreme of being an idiot. So yeah, thanks for supporting OP's claim.
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Truly the thinking man's anime.
Actually there isn't much evolutionary novelty in anything involved in consuming anime such as symbolic recognition, from what we understand of human vision and the neurological systems behind it, our visual systems are well adapted at a very early evolutionary level to be able to understand such things.

This means while it is true that these tasks seem like they ought to be difficult we are actually extremely well optimized for them. Intelligence (as it is considered in the west) has more to do with less evolved systems which still require active effort. Systems which have not been refined over hundreds of millions of years and which have only come into real usage lately. Stuff like working memory and computation, or otherwise structured thought or creativity.

Doesn't matter what your IQ is if all you're using it for is watching anime.
Well, tests say I'm 145, but I'm also a complete failure.
>>It's indicative of an IQ at either extreme
Or it could be normal-distributed.

with a different mid-point and a narrower std-deviation

midpoint could even be slightly below 100.

(Why do they even readjust so that 100 is the average, doesn't this kill comparability a bit? On the other hand, IQ-tests probably measure Intelligence only indirectly, so there's that.)
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Lamo same here.

I think the test was a fluke or something though because honestly I'm dumb as a brick and always have been. Oh well at least I've got anime and anime porn.
inb4 "iq tests aren't a good metric for measuring intelligence, they just measure how good you are at taking tests"
It's true though
I'm just unmotivated. Carrot, stick, nothing ever worked.
And now, here I am. A worthless NEET living off my mother.
Oh, well. At least I'm good at reading.
Rather than intelligence I think it depends more on personality for example artistic/introverted people are more likely to be into it
>Actually there isn't much evolutionary novelty in anything involved in consuming anime such as symbolic recognition

Just the fact that it requires symbolic recognition is too much for the normie brain.

They can't really connect to the characters.

They simply watch a couple of episodes, and they say "I'd rather watch a real show"

It's that easy in the modern world.

For someone to be an anime fan shows a mental inclination.
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Introverted people who are more likely be intelligent.

Personality types and intelligence correlation.

I stands for introverted.
Most anime watchers are pedophiles, does that mean pedophilia is evolutionary novelty?
>4/3 standard deviations from average
I'm sorry to inform you that you're also on the left side of the bell curve.

Except that it isn't as long as you don't take shitty tests.
>ISFJ fedoralord retards
It isn't though, go check and see how some of the more robust psychometric tests work, they are very thorough and all the data we have seems to back up the idea that IQ tests do measure something highly correlated with mental abilities.
Though clearly you can make them less accurate by practicing the sub tests and making an effort to be better at those specific activities, but that's basically the same as saying that any test on anything can never be accurate because you can just cheat. Sure someone could, but that doesn't mean properly administered the test doesn't indicate anything.
It likely does.
Children can't bear children without dying. It's not meant to biologically be.

To be attracted to kids instead of fertile women that will bear your seed is a true novelty.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is pseudo-scientific bullshit.
>Pseudo science

You can call all of psychology a pseudo science.

It's just a good hint.
where can I take this test? I want to be depressed
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>tfw to intelligent too like large breasts
You can but it'd be stupid.
>IQ of 118

I-I can still join you guys, r-right?
>Average IQ of 100

Of course you can
Just wanted to remind everybody that IQ is complete bullshit and there probably will never be a good way of measuring intelligence, seeing how relative and circumstantial it can be.
You have to go to someone qualified to administer a test. I do not believe there are automated tests which are accurate and use the proper procedure, and I do not think one can test themselves. You'll also want to find someone who knows of all the varients and who can advise you on which one is the best fit.
>tfw INTP
>tfw never did anything with it
Kill me.
>I-IQ doesn't matter, even people everyone thinks are dumb can be smart somehow so it's all relative!
If you need to tell yourself that to sleep at night that's fine, but don't spout bullshit here and act as if it's fact.
It's fine if I disable scripts to get unlimited time on my IQ test, right? It probably just means I'm more intelligent than the ones that didn't think of it.
Well it's not really that, it's more that there are a ton of other variables that aren't accounted for in an IQ testing environment.
Retards are going to be retards, no matter what.
But intelligent people can be retards too, depending on other shit.
>I-IQ does matter, even people everyone thinks are smart can be good looking and happy somehow so it's all relative!
If you need to tell yourself that to sleep at night that's fine, but don't spout bullshit here and act as if it's fact.
What the fuck is this thread?
Well humans are always going to be relatively dumb and mistake prone compared to an ideal, but people who test as above average in cognition have relatively similar capabilities as compared to the rest of their cohort of above averages. There's not all that much which isn't accounted for by the way we measure it and interpret it excepting for the random occurrences in life, but we can never really know those can we.

You might want to try that again mate, you rushed it and churned out a nonsensical post.
Hmmm, seems like you're the thick one here LOL
They might also measure something correlated to intelligence.
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If you are going to shitpost at least try to achieve some modicum of quality, this isn't [s4s] just yet.
>Just the fact that it requires symbolic recognition is too much for the normie brain.
No it's not, or else you wouldn't see a crucifix on the outside/inside of most protestant churches. Children wouldn't draw stick figures at a young age, and people wouldn't be able to look at a stick figure and think "that's a person".
Symbolic recognition is at the core of the human psyche. An inability to recognize symbols as abstractions of something is associated with autism.
I can't say much about the actual testing, as I've never actually taken an IQ test; I kind of want to avoid talking out of my ass, and I don't see why you'd lie about something you can be called out on so easily, so I guess I'll agree with you there.
The reason why I think IQ's bullshit is because it kind of encourages the rigid kind of thinking where people think their IQ is fixed and will never change, and they will always be better than those below them and worse than those above them.
Hell, I bet if you took the test on a different day or different time of year your results might be different. Something like an individual's intelligence is always changing. Even just the day after finishing an IQ test someone could be smarter, or have more so called 'IQ', than the day they took it.

Well, also people who claim to be really smart should have better ways of proving it than just simply throwing arbitrary numbers at people. It's just a dick waving contest.
Test scores are composite so if it was just one thing correlated with all the numbers it would have to be fairly pervasive, at which point it might actually be what we think of as intelligence. More likely the test measures the correlation and causation of a whole bunch of things that add and subtract to various systems that add up to what we consider intelligence.
You're on an Oriental cartoon forum marketed to appeal towards little girls and paedophiles and you're attempting to be condescending and elitist.

I really don't think you are very intelligent are you'd have atleast a modicum of self-awareness. Or else you're just very insecure.
Sorry anon, but 80 is really is on the extreme side of things. Unless you want to compare yourself to niggers.
>Just by liking anime, (cartoon depictions of human beings), your IQ is likely to be higher than the median genetic average
Not even worth a reaction image
Also, anime wasn't that popular in the states until recently because it didn't have very many avenues of getting its ass over here, but it's absurd to think enjoying cartoons is abnormal, especially when America has its own animation industry. While that's inferior to Japan's, it's also what gave birth to Japan's. If you look at contemporary anime, it resembles Walt Disney more than it resembles anything from pre-Disney artwork in Japan.
Yeah, surprised it's not deleted yet.

>heir IQ is fixed and will never change,
Unfortunately, as far as we can tell this is more or less true as IQ is more or less set early on due to genes and genetic expression. Well IQ will likely never change for the better, only for the worse as age related wear and tear begins to set in, and other damages caused by life (head trauma, toxins, ect)

>Hell, I bet if you took the test on a different day or different time of year your results might be different. Something like an individual's intelligence is always changing.
Test scores do change, however this is not as far as we can tell a change in intelligence. Usually test scores if taken at proper intervals are relatively steady. You may lose points if you don't get sleep or have some other stressor that makes you preform worse than your baseline, but it's very rare for there to be any upward trend in sustained testing. Instead we mostly see very similar scores, and in the case of long term studies, gradual decline.

Again I'm not saying IQ is a magic number which should be branded into your skin, but from everything we know from it's use in this last century and up till now, it seems remarkably robust and accurate at predicting people's performance and as a psychological tool. Honestly it's actually probably one of the most robust tools to come out of the entire field.
>Well, also people who claim to be really smart should have better ways of proving it than just simply throwing arbitrary numbers at people.

Makes me think of this:
Second half of this (>>157373489) was meant to be a reply to you. Forgot to click the link, sorry.
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Is this thing the sort of thread people have in mind when they talk about reddit? This is awful.
Reddit is actually worse than this if you can believe it.
They see symbols, and they comprehend them, but that doesn't mean they can enjoy watching a solid hour of a stick figure on a screen.

The dumbest people I know were the first people to stop watching cartoons in elementary school.
I dont know who this is but I love this and made me laugh. subscribed.
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You're equating IQ with genes too much. IQ is not 100% genes. Intelligence can be improved with training. If your conjecture is correct that might simply mean people who have more intellectually stimulating interests tend to be also interested in anime.
Just look at how heavily 3D animation, which is more realistic, has superseded 2D animation in the popular media.

The eradication of symbolism.
I'm 129
I can't speak dor everyone that watches anime, but I'm sure that you are fucking dumb, yeah.

The second you get half-serious about books or films you realize anime writing is dogshit. Anybody who appreciates good storytelling, complex plots, and especially good characterizations (Jesus fucking christ, japs cannot write a good character to save their lives), will not go to anime. So no, you're not smart for enjoying anime. If anime is your go-to form of entertainment, you're willingly depriving yourself of quality fiction, and that's a pretty retarded thing to do. If you're watching anime on the side as a candy to accompany your vegetables, then you're watching it the right way.
>You're equating IQ with genes too much.

On the contrary, the children of wealthy Negroids that have had incredible educations score lower on IQ tests than the poorest of whites.
*hypothesis. You haven't conducted a experiment or research to call it a theory.
Go to any MAL forum and check out the discussions there, and tell me anime fans have high IQ again.
Education is not intellectually stimulating lol, at least in fucking USA. It might even be making people more dumb
Well, you can't really say that when MAL is basically filled with 12-14 years olds.
IQ is at least 60-80% heritable (more recent studies put it in the higher range, where as older ones were a bit more conservative), quite probably more of it is due to gene expression tomfoolery which might be modified by other factors we haven't properly mapped yet (such as epigenetic modifications).

>Intelligence can be improved
As far as we know one cannot really train innate intelligence (So called fluid intelligence) though one may gain experience, wisdom, and ability and become better able to act intelligently (crystalline intelligence) this is a form that is often maligned as it seems to bias against people's true innate abilities when there are cultural clashes between the test and the test takee.
My ass and /pol/ charts.
Someone should conduct an anime IQ test survey at MAL forums.
14-year olds are writing those incredibly long, pseudo-intellectual reviews of moeshit and mecha anime?
>Education is not intellectually stimulating
This is also the case in my country
> but that doesn't mean they can enjoy watching a solid hour of a stick figure on a screen.
No, but neither can you or I in most cases. There might be something else that such a show could offer, but the stick figures themselves are not complex or aesthetic enough for us to enjoy looking at.

>The dumbest people I know were the first people to stop watching cartoons in elementary school.
The dumbest people you know aren't your average person. They might not even be dumb. You're just perceiving them as being so.
There's a man, with decades of experience in different, complex industries (yes, that includes reality tv), who built a name for himself in said industries and enjoyed grand financial success in them. He is now sitting in the oval office in spite of the wishes of DC, the media, and every significant political power in America.
About half of the country and every high schooler has been convinced that he's a retard.
Intelligent 14 year olds very well could be, but you've also got the opposite end of the spectrum that watches anime (dumb people)
>Yeah, surprised it's not deleted yet.
We have gone further off-the-rails.
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>which is more realistic
I like Frozen, but Elsa looks more like the goldfish from Pinocchio than a real human.
Clarification, Crystalline intelligence has been maligned =as a factor on IQ tests= because it can cause bias when a test created by one set of peoples is applied to peoples with differing life experiences such as being from another culture or language.
Makes me think about Aesop and that fox that could not reach the grapes.
>going off the rails
>yet the ride never ends
>About half of the country and every high schooler has been convinced that he's a retard
well he makes it easy and his name is associated with failure and scam
I hope, It would have been cringy as fuck if otherwise.
I normally don't think an adult, intelligent or not, should be spending his time writing long pretentious bullshit.
You aren't worthless, anon.

We can hold hands if your mom lets you out the house today.
fanfiction exists.
Yeah mensa is a bunch of faggots, though joining is a win win, you can either be a bragfag about how smart you are, or you can cancel your membership as soon as you get it and later use it to virtue signal about how you didn't care for the elitist wanker. Either way you get to be the top snob.
>The second you get half-serious about books or films you realize anime writing is dogshit. Anybody who appreciates good storytelling, complex plots, and especially good characterizations (Jesus fucking christ, japs cannot write a good character to save their lives), will not go to anime. So no, you're not smart for enjoying anime. If anime is your go-to form of entertainment, you're willingly depriving yourself of quality fiction, and that's a pretty retarded thing to do. If you're watching anime on the side as a candy to accompany your vegetables, then you're watching it the right way.
Can you provide exemplary titles or examples.
>Not complex or aesthetic enough to enjoy looking at

Yet why is that?

>You're just perceiving them as being so

They get pregnant when they're 16.
They start abusing alcohol when they're 16.
They're violent and harbor extreme, right-wing views that are completely in line with evolution.

I sat in a classroom with them and watched them struggle and fail on the easiest things. They were actively trying. It wasn't due to boredom that they sank.

I know what stupid looks like.
>Just by liking anime, (cartoon depictions of human beings), your IQ is likely to be higher than the median genetic average
But I'm as dumb as a rock?
Please use a tripcode, I want to filter you.
That's just the jews trying to erode every culture but theirs. They've been doing it for centuries don't worry about it
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I just watch anime for the cute girls, cool action scenes, and plots/settings/themes not represented in Western media.
Yet she's closer to reality than Cinderella.
>It's indicative of an IQ at either extreme
not him but I liked cirque du freak and 1000 leagues under the sun, but what that anon is forgetting every medium has the good and the bad and its usually that bad that is popularized by common man like how twilight was.
You're missing his point.
He's just demonstrating that one may not be able to correctly examines someone's intelligence.
If you want to discuss anything else, then >>>/pol/
So you're a mensa member then?
*1000 leagues under the sea.
>actually wanting to be a member of mensa
See, I'm dumb.
He's got a pretty decent point though, it's not even like mensa actually is that hard to get in, it's not like it's the triple 9 society, or the Prometheus society
I hear your brother.
INTJ and 139, and i only like anime for stupid reasons
Wanna hear something funny?

I constantly see INTJs using anime girls as avatars in /r9k/
You are correct, OP. I'm a complete moron. I have about 65 IQ and i had learned english at the age of 26 with word puzzles and fun games on the backs of cereal boxes. Also, i really love anime.
Don't listen to him, he's a lying normalfag.
>well he makes it easy
There's no way to make something so easy even more easy. The only thing you have to do to convince someone that you're an idiot is disagree with them.
>his name is associated with failure and scam
Never before the whole birther thing. Post 2000, his name was associated with bad hair and having a feud with the grand turbo dyke. The whole Trump-U thing was never really a big thing for the public, it was more that people were amazed that someone would enroll in such a stupid fucking thing.
In the 80's? People were expecting him to run for president at some point. He was asked multiple times on different shows if he was going to run. He was seen as a positive, Scrooge McDuck-like figure.
Feels good to be a retarded dumbfuck, no one ever expects anything. All part of the plan.
>only one mention of autism
That'd be my guess as to what, if anything, connects having a higher IQ and being on the autism spectrum.
It's better to be a slacker early on, that's how i avoided any kind of expectations despite being the smartest in the classroom
>connects having a higher IQ and being on the autism spectrum
"Connects high IQ and liking anime" is what I meant to write.
>In the 80's? People were expecting him to run for president at some point. He was asked multiple times on different shows if he was going to run. He was seen as a positive, Scrooge McDuck-like figure.
probably because he was fresh off the presses its like only 1 failure vs everything you touch is a failure. but anyway I rather not talk about you-know-who.
Considering openness to experience (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openness_to_experience) and intelligence are believed to be linked, should anime be considered a break from the norm, then it's likely there's a higher percentage of people with a high intelligence/openess to experience score among weeaboos.
>Complex industries
Because buying appreciating assets and having someone else manage them is complex, right? Shit I guess by having a UBS account I also have experience in complex industries!

Also how the fuck is this thread not deleted yet? We're starting to go off the rails a second time into political territory after arguing about IQ like /sci/-tards for 100 posts and the mods have still yet to do anything about this shit? They even 404ed the cosy loli thread but left this up? Whad da fug man?
the mods want justification for their hobbies?
>Yet why is that?
I don't know. I imagine lots of people would answer that question anyway. The statement is true regardless of what the reason is.

>They get pregnant when they're 16.
>They start abusing alcohol when they're 16.
>They're violent and harbor extreme, right-wing views that are completely in line with evolution.
These are all things that are motivated by things other than stupidity, commonly. You did a lot of watching, but you never bothered trying to understand any of what you were seeing.
Do any of the mods still watch anime? I thought they were all in their 30s now looking after their spawn and being too busy for them Laotian zoetropes
What's wrong with talking about Trump? We're already way off topic from the start anyway.
Stupidity typically doesn't motivate people, rather it limits their options, behaviors, and their range of considered actions. As such I'd say at least a few of those outcomes were likely influenced by at least not having a great amount of intelligence, if not actually caused by their deficit.
>Motivated by things other than stupidity

You could say that, but when you see the aftermath of a violent break-in you see the total lack of empathy and intelligent thought.

There are so many ways to rationalize away things you don't like to look at.

I can't help but see a recurring pattern.
But I'm a nigger.
>Because buying appreciating assets and having someone else manage them is complex, right?
Everyone uses this kind of reductionist language to talk about company executives (and even tv production), because they don't understand what goes into managing either. Even if you want to disqualify everything we've seen from his life and career (including shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rksd80-FCAw ), the man defeated the most corporately-backed candidates in the election with an original campaign. Watch his rallies, because I'm not shitting you when I say that every one is original and every one is crafted to play the crowd.
>What's wrong with talking about Trump?
too many things to count. its like trying to talk about the shitty points of shit and the flies who like that shit. its endless and exhausting. ive exhausted most of my brain cells talking about anything related to him.
Contrary to popular belief, real estate is actually really taxing in terms of having to keep updated on every little thing going on.
Went through that some years back, never going back again.
Well then you shouldn't be a fag and deal with that.
If someone's want to talk about the guy, who are you to deny that just because you can't take it.
why are you making it sound like you're some houseguest trying to start a conversation no one wants to have? how badly do you want to talk about this guy?
We're not talking about violent break-ins though.
We're talking about self-destruction and indoctrination, things that are common for society's most vulnerable and damaged. 4chan is generally seen as having a bunch of neets with above-average intelligence, and I can't imagine a more self-destructive, self-hating group. The only difference between that kind of person is your average junkie is that one's dead by 40 and the other dies without ever experiencing life on their own terms.

Both are crippled by grief, in my experience.
I know Trump wasn't the one responsible for your inability to capitalize properly, that's for damn sure. Sounds like your brain cells were fucked from the start.
Trump is a slumlord who made the majority of his money by having money in one of the best times to buy and appreciate property ever. He ran 0 (ZERO) publicly traded companies, he didn't personally manage even a fraction of his owned brands at any level but conceptual, hell one of the few things he actually had hands on control (and not just slapping his brand on it before walking away to let someone else do the management) was his casinos which statistical analysis has shown he mismanaged to the point they were statistically less profitable than his competitors. He's no businessman, he's a salesman, big difference.
Not really, I just don't like it when someone's tiptoes around issues like a faggot.

Also, talking about guests.
Don't type like a retard when you're on /a/.
>he didn't personally manage even a fraction of his owned brands at any level but conceptual
Do you have one source for that?
Look at the organizational structure of his companies if you want proof, though common sense will tell you he's not doing anything but high level management (if even that) of the 400+ branded corporate entities that he has ownership of. Serious management of even a single small company at a high level eats up time like you wouldn't believe.
Yet we are.
We're speaking of how the dumb destroy themselves in this existence.

Do you honestly believe a thinking brain can't employ contraceptives/plan ahead?

Why do black men (who have the lowest IQ of all races) have such a stellar rate for domestic violence?

Why are blacks the most religious in the year 2017 despite the mountain of evidence that disproves the existence of a god?

You've related self-destructive tendencies to both intelligent and un-intelligent people, but the actions and paths taken are radically different.
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>despite the mountain of evidence that disproves the existence of a god?
So no source then, okay.
Yeah, I know, top tip and all that shit
>triple 9 society
>ACT cutoff score of 34 as requirement
Yeah these guys are fucking retarded.
t. 32 ACT
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>Yet we are.
They're two completely different categories, and I'm not going to waste time arguing a self-evident fact. Harming yourself is different from callous brutality aimed at another human.

>Do you honestly believe a thinking brain can't employ contraceptives/plan ahead?
There's a difference between "can't" and "won't." We live in a country that subsidizes single mothers, and even celebrates them.
>Why do black men (who have the lowest IQ of all races) have such a stellar rate for domestic violence?
You're getting off on this fucking tangent again, and it's pointless, as violence is (sadly) not exclusive to stupid people. Blacks are also a tiny portion of the American population, so I'm not sure where you get off on bringing the /pol/ shit into this when we're talking about whether or not you were able to accurately determine that individuals around you were stupid.
>Why are blacks the most religious in the year 2017 despite the mountain of evidence that disproves the existence of a god?
Fuck this. Go clean your room.
You ARE throwing that into a post about how there are just SO many stupid people in the world.

So yeah, you are a fedora. You should work on that.
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>high IQ means you're smart
>I'd rather believe that trump has super powers rather than accept simple common sense logic or confirm something on my own.
Yeah, that's about what I expected out of you.
Not the guy you're talking to, but is it really edgy to note that most people are dumb?
>Implying single mothers wanted to be single mothers
>Display that people evolved differently, and can easily point to a known group that has been scientifically proven to have a low average IQ
>Really arguing about whether or not you can calculate IQ by observing behavior
>Show statistics that back-up my stance that low intelligence can be seen in behavior

Oh wow, what a tangent.
I suppose you just have a different perspective as to how human beings came into existence.
>Edward Snowden was a huge anime nerd
I just love how the NSA or whover tried to discredit him by outing all of that personal info and it backfired because everyone found it endearing.
Name one person widely regarded as smart who wouldn't likely score highly on an IQ test. I dare you.
Speaking of chess, can any anon confirm validity of moves in pic related?
How am I supposed to know if I am smart or if I am dumb?
>Am I book smart or street smart?
>I dunno. Gimme a five. I can use it to figure that out.
>You're book smart.
people who are lonely like anime and people at either end of the IQ scale are more likely to be lonely compared to the normalfags in the middle.
>Wow, I wonder if atheists are, on average, more intelligent than their religious counter-parts.


You can dance around it all you like, but there's a good basis for religion in human evolution.
>Realize netorare is an evolutionary novelty
>Just by liking netorare, (cartoon depictions of human beings in cheating situations), your IQ is likely to be higher than the median genetic average
>You're breaking so many western social norms just by liking netorare
>It's indicative of an IQ at either extreme
>Edward Snowden was a huge netorare nerd in High-school,with a huge cuckolding fetish and his IQ is 160

Are people that enjoy netorare generally either really dumb or really smart?

This is my theory.
Just imagine if a normie gets cheated on he most likely will go crazy or mad for the psychological damage,instead netorare connoisseurs will admire the situation with a calm mind
Well, to be honest I rather keep my assumptions low on the guy than believing what some guy on the internet happened to interpret his jobs/qualities as.

Surely you don't meant to imply that your reasoning is 100% accurate and there are no room for errors there.
Because by then, you're just simply arrogant.
You can't really know. Dumb people think they are smart and won't be able to realize they are smart, smart people think they are probably average but they overestimate everyone else, smart people can eventually realize that they aren't so dumb by comparison with others and realizing that they cannot reach the same level of ability, but even then there's the risk you are just too dumb to realize you are the one making all the mistakes.

Oh well, I suppose you could wait till our machine overlords create a intelligence testing bot for their human breeding program.
>Dumb people think they are smart and won't be able to realize they are smart

This is what worries me. I think I'm smart, but what if I'm just another one of the dipshits?
My point is that an ACT cutoff of 34 is incredibly low and meaningless despite how "elite" such societies seem to be.

Quite literally like half the people at any elite educational institution meets this cutoff (and probably like 5000 American high school seniors annually). It makes it glaringly obvious how the people who actually join these types of High IQ societies tend to just be losers trying to compensate for their failures in life by demonstrating how "smart" they are. It's not hard at all to be in the company of fellow "geniuses" that these high IQ society members seem to crave so badly. It's also stupidly easy to study for the ACT exam and improve your score on it, but that's the same as most IQ tests.
Depends on what you think "edgy" means.
I just think it's wrong, but it IS a notion that's associated with that kind of person. If you can't understand how it sounds to other people, you might not be as clever and worldly as you think you are.
I'm not reading a whole wiki article right now, can you please sum up what side you are arguing with this post?
You make two groups, one full of normies and one full of anime nerds, you leave both groups in the wilds to create civilization, who wins?
Normies will win by default, anime nerds will fail to reproduce as there won't be any female there.
My reasoning doesn't have to be 100% accurate, the margin of error for my ballpark estimate doesn't exceed my previous claim.
Any hypotheisis needs to be backed up by something explaining the reason for its existance
Right now OP is just sprouting shit out of his ass, that's not a theory, move along
>it IS a notion that's associated with that kind of person.

I think you underestimate how many intellectuals (I mean genuine intellectuals with actual achievements to back them up) think exactly this. Are they all fedoras? I wouldn't describe, say, Kant as edgy, yet he speaks sneeringly of the "common run of man".
this desu everyone knows otaku"""culture""" is just being a cuck
>Which group will win anime nerds or normies
Well gee, I wonder if it's the group who's named after fitting in with a large group and adhering to group think?
I have 170 so it must be true
Animu nerds set up a pretty comfy lounge protected from the elements, proceed to produce cave paintings of their waifu's and die virgins without producing a first generation.
99% of normies die within the first year, those that remain, survive by feeding off the remains of the others, eventually realize they can survive by picking up on the habits of other animals. they spent several generations living as savages until eventually some semblance of civilization starts to form again.

underrated post
Well then you might have an issue with understanding that people have varying thresholds on those margin of errors.

If you're so confident that you would accuse an anon of being ignorant just because he doesn't land on the same conclusion as with your ballpark estimate, then it might be a good idea to step back and readjust your perspectives.
He was born centuries before the sort of silly shit you see today.
>I wouldn't describe, say, Kant as edgy,
You could describe him as a cunt.
He also died a virgin. Take this as you will, because no one took it from him.
>You could describe him as a cunt.

Now that's edgy.

>He also died a virgin. Take this as you will

I'll take it as nothing, since it's completely irrelevant.
>He died a virgin

Just like all of those people will at MIT

Refusing to accept a probable truth and only offering protest without substance is not a proper rebuttal. You are free to offer up reasons why my ballpark estimate would be likely to be off target, but you have failed to do so and once again resort to deflection instead of anything constructive.
Man, smart people are nature's mistakes
>Making fun of Kant for being principled
Hello /v/, what are you doing on /a/?
You don't know the half of it, all human intelligence is basically a huge evolutionary fluke. There were very strong pressures against investing so much energy and cost into our smarts.
>Now that's edgy.
Only if you're American.
>I'll take it as nothing, since it's completely irrelevant.
We're talking about the notion and whether or not it's "edgy" (a better word would be "high-minded", which also describes fedora types). Whether or not it does is completely determined by the nebulous cloud of English-speakers.
It's very relevant, especially back in those days, when marriage was practically a given for people with much money and influence.

Let me ask you something. Do you yourself think that it's a particularly noble thing to have that kind of snobbery? Is it attractive to you?
195 IQ here, I fucking hate anime, I only read manga in it's original language.
I'm not even challenging you to any sort of argument.
I am in no position to properly speculate what they guy's job entails, and my point was, neither do you.

If anything, I am contesting on why would you implied me as being ignorant when I reject your unverifiable reasoning?
>anime = cartoon

Kill yourself you stupid subhuman filth.
>195 IQ here
>The good habits
>They're virgins
what virgin made this?
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In case you're serious and don't know the rules of Chess, you never capture the king. You only ever put him into check (threatening capture with next move) or checkmate (unavoidable capture next turn, which isn't played out).
nigga that doesn't even make any sense
Just fuck off back to where ever you came from.
Once again it is not about verification, but about common sense and acceptance of human limitations. It is common sense that one absolutely cannot be managing to a significant degree so many companies excepting management of the highest conceptual level. The time alone it would take to actually seriously manage even half those companies vastly vastly exceeds the amount of time there is in a given year, even by the most conservative estimates, he would have less than twelve hours in a year to spend on managing any one company and that would barely cover a quarterly meeting and one financial overview. I will repeat my argument again, there is simply no humanly feasible way that he seriously managed a majority of his owned companies himself, in any way but on the highest most conceptual level.
I've been browsing 4chan since I was 13.
I'm currently 21.

This is my home-world desu senpai.
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Anime is a subset of animated cartoon.

Animated cartoon is a subset of animation.
Black still has a legal move, King to C7.
But then White goes Knight to D5, Checkmate.
>there is simply no humanly feasible way that he seriously managed a majority of his owned companies himself
>a majority
Well if you moved your goalpost, then I would have no choice to agree with you. Good talk.
thats what i am asking, does he check-mating correctly or he just doing moves like in the OP's pic?
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>on /a/
>Not being a virgin
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Most Anime fans I have met in real life were pretty stupid, especially when it comes to socializing.

During school people always told me I was a genius and squandering my potential.
I honestly think I am an idiot, I think because I am a very well read person in novels and completely random subjects(I like reading random articles about random things) that I spoke with a varied vocabulary and knew a lot of random facts.

I think I am of average intelligence and an under achiever.
I like Anime for 2D animation and lack of censorship which is dead in the western cartoons.
It also invoked a lot of new fetishes in me so it appeals to me sexually too.
No, there is no checkmate. Only check.

Also the board state is rather odd.

All of Black's pieces are for some reason on an adjacent side to black, instead of opposite side.
Anon, Just because I think it's a bad habit doesn't mean I'm not one.
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A cartoon is a type of two-dimensional illustration, possibly animated.
Anime is Japanese animation.
Stop degrading anime.
Being an intellectual in no way stops you from being a jackass who believes dumb shit that makes them feel special.
Fine then, what would you consider to constitute a "fraction" would 1/5th of the businesses be sufficient? Even then that still means he would only have about 36 hours in a given year to manage the business. I do not think you properly appreciate how much effort actually goes in to the management of a business. Most Chief officers spend at least 60 hours a week working on their given areas of expertise. That's almost twice the allotted time he would have had in a month of management. And that's the average number, at the higher end of performance you get people pulling a hundred hours in a single week, that is just a single week of running a real business. I state again, there is no practical way I see that he could have possibly run a significant amount of the businesses he owned in any significant capacity.
The orange juice guy is proof of this.
An animated cartoon is always animated, hence the "animated" adjective.

Japanese animation is two-dimensional illustration that is animated, with an extra restriction of location of production being Japan.

So all anime are animated cartoons, but not all animated cartoons are anime, hence anime is a subset of animated cartoons.

Animated cartoons are a subset of cartoons. So while it might be rather unspecific to refer to an anime as a cartoon, it would still be correct.
>month of management
*year of management.
>I like to soak-up information like a fucking sponge

Ted Kacyzinski, the unabomber with an IQ of 167, was the same way.
crossboarder go home
I am not creative or good at problem solving though.
And my ability to absorb information is strange I could spend hours studying for a exam and fail it but I can tell recite most of world of warcraft's lore from start to finish after reading it twice.
Ted was a good guy.
niggers are dumb.
That's not a unique characteristic.

There's a reason shit like vsauce is popular on youtube: some information is more interesting than other information. The things you are studying for in exams is generally tedious and dry, unlike a story, interesting facts, or niche subjects you personally find interesting.
Like I said, I wouldn't know. I'm not in a position to do a fair speculation on how he does his job or what his job actually entails.

I was requesting for sources when you claimed he ran none of his companies, in which it was news to me, and would have been informative if I could verify that.

Seriously, its not like I'm blaming you for making unverifiable claims. You are free to do so, although that doesn't mean I have to accept or buy into your arguments or reasoning.
Good old uncle Ted, if only we could all be as great as him.

>During school people always told me I was a genius and squandering my potential.
>Knew random trivia from reading shit
>Think I am an idiot

Same shit happened to me, I think it's actually pretty common these days for people to be told that they are geniuses at the drop of a hat. It's a combination of flattery, people thinking they have to be positive and encourage young people, and people just not realizing that another person could have come across information they hadn't seen. For instance many people seem surprised if you have some random bit of trivia from a science journal as they don't read such things, and because of that they somehow conflate the idea of this information and yourself for bringing it to their attention. So suddenly instead of just being a guy who knows some useless fact, you are some educated/smart who has access to a mystical reservoir of knowledge they cannot comprehend.

Or something like that anyways.
Oh my god, you're literally me. I drive my family members crazy with the most random fucking shit
Never had this problem though. By the end of CC I was WISHING I was still taking tests based on memory.
Modern Physics and Calc III, in the same semester as chemistry and spanish III. A metric fuckton of grind work stacked on top of the more conceptual practice needed for the physics and math. Dreadful. I still wake up in the middle of the night from dreams about modern physics.
>Oh my god, you're literally me. I drive my family members crazy with the most random fucking shit
My brother still brings it up that I told him that a Cat has barbs on his penis to scrape competitors semen out of the female and humans have a similar way of doing it too.
>Never had this problem though. By the end of CC I was WISHING I was still taking tests based on memory.
>Modern Physics and Calc III, in the same semester as chemistry and spanish III. A metric fuckton of grind work stacked on top of the more conceptual practice needed for the physics and math. Dreadful. I still wake up in the middle of the night from dreams about modern physics.
Weirdly enough I have a degree in Computer Science even though I hate problem solving.
Where did I say he ran none of his companies? I claimed two things, one I claimed he did not have an very active role in management in the vast majority of his companies (Which I have just fairly provided good enough reasoning for). My other statement was that he ran zero PUBLICLY TRADED companies, which is true. Basically all of trump's companies (perhaps all I would have to check) are privately owned. Public trading would have made him beholden to shareholders and opened him up to greater scrutiny, which would also have provided a better public record of his actual acumen as a business manager.
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>blogposts and people complaining about Trump

I'm... I'm on /a/ right?
>the same major too
Crazy shit.
I like problem solving, but I like actually seeing it finally click into place and knowing it's correct before I hand it in, you get me?
/a/ in the year 2017.
Does that mean that anime is one of the few mediums left I can enjoy that is not created by the jews to degenerate my brain till I'm nothing more than a slave for their bidding?
Shut up and get back to work goy.
we were never good anyway
Relax, shit's gonna get deleted, I've seen it happen in two threads today already.
INFJ and mine was 141 when I was tested as a child. I'm sure I got dumber, because I'm fairly average. But anime is my friend.
By breaking the social norms, your IQ is either higher or lower. Social norms is afterall, the average IQ.

A retard who breaks social norm will be drooling or become a career criminal.

An above average or gifted level will be enjoying things like anime/computer/etc.

Imagine this, just by learning how to use IRC and XDCC bots, your IQ is likely to be above the average. By watching anime, this effect is increased further. By using MPC-HC/mpv/etc, another stacking probability to further show your level of intellect.

You're not using them because you're smart, but rather you're using them because you found out how to use them and break the social norms of watching TV exclusively or Netflix.

I cant believe that people still care about this shit. Someone's personality is based on their experiences and past, and this isn't completely true neither, because I have seen cases of people changing their instinctive reactions, with proper training.
Personality, or at least some aspects of personality, are actually fairly heritable, something around 40/60 heritability to environmental last I checked.

Just pretend that other post never happened
You can delete your posts.
I am aware, I was just making sure no one would responded to the old post.
>I am aware, I was just making sure no one would responded to the old post.
You failed, now what?
People with high iqs are book smart, I'm street smart.
Do you get grades for that?
Yes, but only from the school of hard knocks.
He graduated from prison.
I guess I'll go have a right good cry.
Well, it might make you smarter but it can cripple your social skills

Translator note: checkmate means LOL i win.
Who needs grades when it's life or death?
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