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So is this the finalized replacement? Where is the staff

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So is this the finalized replacement? Where is the staff from the old Nyaa?
In gas chambers.
>Where is the staff from the old Nyaa?
They don't have anything to do with Nyaa Pantsu.
Not involved, I believe. The new staff wanted to keep the cartel out this time.
Weren't there people other than the cartel helping with Nyaa? What happened to them?
Dead and buried.
this guy is funny, I wanna be friends with him
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why isn't the old staff making their own site
I had this idea they would actually care about nyaa or whatever
Who cares, good riddance.
This is not a tracker.

Fuckers are too controlling.


Fuck Daiz.
>the old nyaa staff fucked off completely
>the current nyaa.pantsu is a /g/ project
>there are no cartel people involved in the development
>horrible subs will start using nyaa.pantsu as soon as it stabilizes
Who cares, don't give attention whores attention.
in the latest FAQ on /g/ is told that staff members from previous nyaa are working on an official replacement
>horrible subs will start using nyaa.pantsu as soon as it stabilizes
Is this true?
Sounds kind of pointless since the japs are already using pantsu.
But I guess having 2 sites is better than centralizing the whole thing again.

Yes, check their twitter.
That's what they said on twitter.
Yes, they were asked on Twitter.
>giving something vital to the community is attention whoring
That would be the cartel's project. Which is useless now that we have no less than 4 different nyaa clones up.
Have they moved on from hosting the damn thing on a raspberry pi yet?

I can't acces the site half the time. I just want to see if some old stuff I wannt that's not on BBT has seeders or not.
What's missing for it to be stabilized?
Well, the server not being a fucking raspberry pi hooked to an aussie teenager's computer for a start
How long until herkz and Daiz hang themselves now that they're no longer relevant in anyway?
Not a single one of them had backups of their own in case something like this happened. And you thought they cared about anything other than the e-peen?
>Where is the staff from the old Nyaa?

They're the ones doing nyaarchive.moe I think.
>Implying they were ever relevant.
Daiz pushed for 10-bit, and herkz makes everyone on /a/ mad
>Temporarily down due to being banned by yet another host. Check back tomorrow.
I still don't get this cartel shit, if they were part of nyaa why did they screw themselves over by shutting it down
can i get a quick rundown on the cartel?
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>Daiz pushed for 10-bit

I still don't understand why this made so many people mad.
>if they were part of nyaa why did they screw themselves over by shutting it down

They didn't do it. The owner shut it down without telling anyone else who was involved and he deleted everything without giving anyone a copy or backup.
Leechers bow down to the memelords
They couldn't watch stuff on their toasters anymore
Can I get a quick enchilada on the cartel?
They're just a group of fags who were moderators on nyaa who would ironically shill for bad anime subs (like Gabriel Dropout) to try and get a rise out of people. No one really cares about them.
Every time I use the search function on pantsu I get a 502.

Get your shit together /g/.
Not that anon, but
Can I get some tar and rocks and a little brown slave girl from the cartel? For a friend.
Is this the same cartel behind BTN/PTP/WCD?
>No one really cares about them.
And yet you're still upset about Gabriel Dropout
Works for me.
Who knows, but it's probably not a coincidence that herkz happened to have accounts on them

The cartel thought they were the big guys in charge here, and then reality hit when they realized that they didn't actually have a functioning backup of the site once the owner hit the panic button.
No, but those guys are faggots in their own way.
>horrible subs will start using nyaa.pantsu as soon as it stabilizes
Actually it's not like that. They said they have nothing against using it, if it becomes more stable in the future. But they also said that it seems a bit far from it right now.
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>Where is the staff from the old Nyaa?
Eternally BTFO and unable to ever recover.
Too bad somebody else already took the "Horriblesubs" username. They will have to be Horriblesubs2.
Reminder that nyaaarchive will also exist.
Even if they don't upload there someone will surely write a bot that scrapes their releases and uploads them
And is only one of several options for both downloaders and uploaders.
Sure, but that's a bit different to what anon said.
>Where is the staff from the old Nyaa?
Literally shaking in eternal anal devastation.
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Here's a graph.
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What did he mean by this.

Good, maybe the bumbling cartel will actually learn about redundancy this time.
>inb4 "pls donate, we need moneys guys, servers can't buy itself"
Why did Doki get banned? I remember something from years ago about one subgroup uploading malware with their releases. Was that them?
That's a good thing and I hope it becomes a healthy site with just as many users.

Having 2 or more big sites that scrape each other will prevent shit like this from happening again. Redundancy is good.

pretty sure it was some jackass doki invited into their group was responsible for trying to get nyaa's ISP to shut nyaatorrents down by sending fake C&Ds or something.
said faggot reputedly joined commie later, although herkz kept the doki ban in effect like a powertripping jackass since doki refused to join the cartel
>too busy selling user info to many clients
You say that as if nyaa wasn't always an intentional attempt to monoculture the anime torrent community and destroy it in one fell swoop when the tracker was taken offline.
I just hope the situation will actually devolve into redundancy and not fragmentation, with obscure stuff scattered on a dozen of places, falling off the radars for the most part.
Because as unfortunate the situation turned out to be after the shut down, having nyaa as a central hub to find pretty much everything was undeniably convenient.
it's a bunch of sub group names, what did they do wrong? and if every group is cancer what's the solution?
When will they fix it so I can use taiga though? It's a pain in the ass having to go the site everytime my torrent doesn't feed itself
Group A don't like Group B
Group A person also happens to own X platform
Group B releases don't show in X platform
so now that both sites are dead we get all the subs?
>I just hope the situation will actually devolve into redundancy and not fragmentation

It shouldn't be too hard to set up bots that cross-upload stuff on the other site too. I think it will be fine.
Who knows, this platform isn't stable yet and I can't get it work half of the time, so maybe the people of nyaa crop up again if it keeps crashing.
Did anyone figure out WHY Nyaa was shut down? Why the fuck did literally no one have backups
I usually never say this, but this truly is a "first post best post".
I really hope it will be like that, anon. Big groups aren't really a problem, but I used to check nyaa periodically to see if something interesting was uploaded, and I think I'm not the only one.
Doing that with four or five website it's not impossible, but surely incovenient.

Well yeah, that was obvious way back when Daiz was bullying everyone into ditching TT and AniRena to use Nyaa instead. What I'm referring to is the fact that those retards didn't have a backup, and instead we had to rely on the luck of random anons who had the foresight to scrape it.
IIRC there was a law change in the EU regarding copyrighted material to introduce the possibility of jail time, and the nyaa admin got spooked and pulled the plug out of the blue.

That's the story I've heard repeated the most, but take it with a grain of salt. Supposedly no one has heard from the head honcho since.
And nothing of value was lost
EU just went full 1984 and Nyaa got so scared of being jailed that he shut down the site immediately without even making a backup or telling anyone in advance.
>An aussie
Has it truly come to this?
Jail time is UK, not EU.
They are apparently good for something other than shitposting/trolling.

It's over, the cartel win again.
>australians saved fansubbing
>australians saved nyaa
Truly the best kind of shitposters.
Hey man it's better than 3 Mac Minis taped together.
Yeah and he said the flat chest ban was good once.

It wasn't a law change exactly, it was a court decision in the EU court.
Pantsu is a tracker now as far as I understand, if not it will be very shortly. Stop being so impatient fags
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So do we use Nyaa.pantsu or Nyaasi?
>the cartels won

No...it can't be.
why not both?
Do you plan to upload anything?
Hmm touche anon.

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This is actually fucking pathetic. The delay in the cartel's release was probably planned very carefully. Let pantsu go online first, spread it to all the japs so it crashes under so much pressure, then play the instability card while the japs are still trying to use pantsu and are clueless about the cartel version. Truly ingenious I tip my fedora.
Neither works on fucking taiga, so I'm on the fence
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Nyaa-si has risen.
si? Singapore? Wasn't like a dictatorial regime there or some shit?
Then you'll use the one that has the stuff you're interested in.
Singapore is .sg
it works fine with ublock, stop being a fag
>We heard some troubling things about them
Translation: Herkz threw a screeching fit over Skype and his neighbors called the cops because they thought he was being murdered.
Hope pantsu scrapes it, it's a good thing having multiple sites if they all have the same content
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And sukebei?
Jesus, take your tinfoil hat off.
sup herks

Seems good. The more sites the better, I don't care if the cartel is behind it.
Look at the top bar.
Fuck off herkz I know your games.
I think you mean they just DDOS the site while the dev is asleep and announce their site, collaborating with HS because everyone fucking knows that HS was cartel anyway.
>is this the finalized replacement?
>Where is the staff from the old Nyaa?
Building a new tracker along HS and the relevant fansubs
Well nyaapantsu's dev browses /pol/ and so do his friends.
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>Fansub group called Commie
>Herkz open Shillary supporter
Truly a mystery.
the developer already has a bot that does that lol
Is that considered a bad thing? I mean, you look at Japan, I will forever miss my old analog tv that still worked the day my parents bought it after I was born until 2012 when Japan discontinued analog, but change has to come eventually? Sorry if I sound retarded, I never saw the change from 8 to 10 bit a noticeable issue.
There was none and now you've awakened them
New site:
Tye pol meme site is over
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There were plenty, you can tell because of their autism flavor
Ok so can some /g/ dude tell me how exactly one would go about making a complete database of the torrents, so that if nyaa pantsu pulls and nyaa I can upload it and instantly have an identical site up again? How much storage would you reckon I need for the whole thing? Surely even a billion magnet links in some sort of database couldn't be that large.
Crossboarders were always a thing unfortunately, and as soon as you give them an opportunity to bring their cancerous boardculture over here, they come at you with max force. Nyaa.Dev cracking a Jew-joke was the opportunity in this case
He's a crossboarder too. But he's ok because he's a benevolent crossboarder who did relatively good things for /a/.
On the other hand, you have to go back.
You are missing this one.

Whether they're bad depends on the state of the board. /pol/ has been getting raided nonstop by normalfags so /pol/ crossboarders are definitely undesirable. If it was just normal mostly-irrelevant /pol/ things would be fine.
I've been here the entire time though?
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>using polack phrases to send off a polack
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Look at him go
They won't get the point if you don't speak in terms they understand.
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Rings true.
fuck off herkz
fuck off herkz
fuck off herkz
fuck off herkz
fuck off herkz
herkz off fuck
pantsu will probably scrape it, so who cares

Considering horriblesubs already has a couple of crunchyroll lawyers on their ass as we speak, pantsu will be the viable long-term solution
what song?
It's faster I'll give it that.
The more choices we have the less chance this shit will happen again.
Australians are the strongest race
Studio TRAM - [Moe Jazz EP CD1 #03] Moe Jazz Dreamer [Instrumental]
>Moe Jazz
dude where has this been my whole life?
horrible subs leader will do i think
a) torrents a fucking shit as a rule
b) fuck the cartel
Use pantsu or download your anime without being a torrent nigger.
fuck off herkz
>without being a torrent nigger

/a/ wouldn't know how to survive.
I manage and so do loads of others. It's really not that hard. People still have the option to learn as well.
Sadly even without torrents the cartel are weaved into things. Their control is a lot less centralised however.
>last comment here
haven't tried myself, I'm not going to even bother fucking around with shit until there's a stable replacement, if pantsu stays up and works with taiga I'll use it. Since they plan on scraping anything. I'm not picky though, I just download the first 1080 release for airing and just download a decent group for archive/backlog.

forgive me if I'm retarded but aggregate sites won't matter when shit goes down because they will lose whatever they are scraping. so incase of nyaapocolypse v2.0 the only thing that's really safe to scrape are the subgroups website.
Ideally we'd have individual trackers and groups uploading to multiple sites, but this will never happen because certain people/groups want to rule over pirated anime with an iron fist.

As far as I know HS is just a bot, so if they refuse to upload to pantsu I assume someone could just do what they are doing (I think there already was; crunchyrips etc.). And again I don't give a shit what the result of all this is but if we end up without redundancy we might as well just all sub to CR (which is probably the cartels end goal anyways)
me too anon. what they mean is new/pol/ and the_donald refugees who get bootyblasted every time you portray trump as anything less than the savior of mankind (hint: hes a fucking a kike)
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Why is the Cartel full of SJWeebs?
I just dl and watch anime and shitpost here. What's all this about an anime cartel? It sounds gay as fuck.
>my choices are a /pol/shitter's nyaa clone or the cartel nyaa clone
I miss nyaa.se
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Jesus, fucking cunts are triggered just because a jew joke? Shit like this is why I seriously want to start approving gassing autistic fucks like you again
We're planning on scraping any fansubbers that don't upload to us.
>It sounds gay as fuck.
Because it is, with trannies and all.
Just use nyaa pantsu and be done with it
>We're planning on scraping any fansubbers that don't upload to us.
Isn't that about extreme though?
Hey Herkz, suck any good feminine penis lately?
How would it be efficient otherwise?
Ringo a cute
Not really.
If they don't want to work with us we'll just automate them.
Also removes any say that the cartel has.
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we are at world, no more playing fucking nice
*war, fucking auto correct
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That's so fucking manly, truly the leader of the a new world.
Will you make an user for each of them, though?
Like, filtering HorribleSubs by the HS user.
You can even set it as an special kind of user class called "bot", so if someone ever decides to join the site you just give the account to him and changes the class to "member".
This way everyone will know who is being scrapped and who is posting.
You do realize that 99% of the time, even on the old Nyaa, they had a bot scraping it, right?
I like this guy
Already done.
We also have rss feeds for specific users.
Just tellin you now so you have to face it yourself at the future
Don't go full power hungry mode it can destroy you be careful with yourself.
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A-ah, yes. Of course I knew that.

Very nice.
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i remember when nigger was a term of endearment, what happened to this pace?
what about moderation?

I'd suggest having a system to automatically remove a torrent from the public list when flagged by
>20% of views on the page; minimum 500 views
>10% of users visiting the site per hour
with flagging filtered through a captcha

although still accessible by link, or searching the exact name
then when noted as auto-hidden, it can later be managed by moderation; reducing the necessity for a large moderation team. perhaps 4 or 5 members would suffice given this ability is used properly by the community.
This is a horrible idea because most people do not give enough of a shit to flag.
Are you going to stop using external CDNs when you get better resources? There are privacy implications when you use Google's CDN especially. No sense letting other services track your users.
We already have a mod panel and are going to be implementing public mod logs.
Will look into having auto moderation once sukebei and other things are done.
Yeah those are only temp but we will continue using CF.
I'd like to not use CF but people will ddos this again.
If I sub and upload anime, can I have a giant pony avatar, """trusted""" status, and posts linking to my Twitter account to cry on?
Porn will define the winner site.
Get sukebei up and running and you're done.
>/g/ decides help /a/ with its torrents
>no years of """heritage""" to appease the cartel
>ends up competing against their autism
Ganbare Dev-kun. I hope you lead the way for new 3rd party developers in this area
Depends, are you a transgender and autistic?
You mean dumb right leaning kids and stormfront retards who came to 4chan thinking people not caring about being offensive and freely saying nigger meant they were in good company
wait? are those not the same thing?
Yeah, whoops.
>CM3D2 gets a new personality DLC soon
>updates on liru
>hundreds of missing ADV/ACT/ETC that would get re-uploaded, and new ones
>acgx didn't add hentai

the world is waiting for your move
Did the site have any DDoS attacks yet ?
>4chan wasn't always libertarian right leaning
You can pretend to be an oldfag all you want, but you'll never fool anyone. So you even know who Ron Paul is?
the 6 mirrion
You're talking about a website where the users used to go into children's online games and make swastikas while preventing them from accessing water-based recreation areas. Go back to /cgl/.
This board is full of autists, transgenders not so many.
Pantsu is also open source project. I'd use for that principle alone.
>using an old non-/a/ meme to claim oldfag status on /a/

You've outted yourself again, crossboarder
>Honey Select got some new update recently and people had a lot of problems with it
The fixed torrents are just waiting to be downloaded

>updates on liru
Tell me more about this.
but ron paul will make anime real... that was /a/
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maybe write in l33thaxor speak to prove your oldfag status.
Seriously though even though I hate this stupid kids, 4chins wasnt a slightly right-leaning you fucking stormfag
Are you fucking retarded? Where do you stupid liberal newfags all come from?
Make your bait less obvious next time
I'm pan genderfluid trap-sexual with mild autism.
Get out.
That's a no go.
Drink bleach.
>politics shitstorm starting in the non-cartel thread
Cut it out if you're here to talk about the actual thread topic. Otherwise go implicitly support the cartel somewhere else.
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Frothing at the mouth won't make you right
Is the guy who uploaded the UY torrent here? What was the source on those? Anyways, it's in my seedbox now.
These threads always end up a mess, this time earlier than usual.
Where the fuck do I donate to the fucking pantsu dev so he moves out of fucking raspberries, holy shit we can't let the cartel win
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Are there plans to improve the look of the website?
>[Caution] It contains Liru's 2017 DLC spoilers !!
>Not spoilered
You had one job anon.

Exactly. The moment anyone makes a clone of it with an added tracker, everyone is gonna flock there, and the people at Pantsu will feel pretty stupid for letting the chance slip.
No, not being a newfag who pretends to know what happened here makes me right. But please, keep going with the revisionist history.
It already looks miles better than Nyaa ever did, stop whining you little shit
All I hope is I can use renchon in night mode instead of memegirl.
Did the dev say he's not going to add a tracker?
The Pi has been out of the equation for a while now. Pantsudev mentioned something about having it handed over to someone who owns an ISP.

The only reason the site goes down every now and then because devs are making changes.
I was just curious. No need to bare your fangs, anon.
I'm pretty okay with it. Night mode even has my waifu.
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>gets called out like the faggot he is
>responds by going "no u"

My dick is ready.
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>HS crew being hostile as fuck to pantsu for no reason other than he hosted it in the public eye before them
Really makes one ponder.

Also they're fucking obsessed with /a/ for some reason.
Pretending to be an oldfag isn't calling out anyone, retard.
Cartel bought him with a share of their ad revenue.
Don't talk to the retard.

Can't upload shit though
>some reason
Boards here have a weird way of causing chain reactions and affecting the trends of other sites and communities. This is Arrakis and the spice must flow.

But really, why wouldn't the cartel want one of the more influential community hubs? You don't so much need a reason but a reason not to care.
get off my cloudflare server fags

Yes, over and over. Apparently they're scared of breaking the law, and they will scrape the swarm for peer numbers; that can only be updated every often though.
That sucks.
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It constantly gets down (502), even Nyaa side is way more UP than Sukebei, Im not F5 every damn 10 mins
Working on it
Hint: the .si is the cartel-approved version.
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All these fighting when all the real fansubbers(non cartel) are already using https://anidex.info/
based subdesu staying the fuck away from cartels
I thought they used nyaa.si or something
Honestly just have them all mirror each other.
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Nyaa is China
When Nyaa goes down all these new sites pop up to try and replace it
In the end its just a bunch of smaller states saying that theirs is the best
Who will be the great uniter who will bring us back together?
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all those posts.webm
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>Nyaa is China

They have servers of phones posting shitposts and likes?
It's been like a week or so and this guy is still butthurt?
We don't need unity. Centralization is a cancer.
Except it's centralisation that was the issue.
>posting korra
Suicide, pal.
It's like you didn't learn anything from nyaa.
if these niggers weren't too busy shitposting each other, they'd realize that having two of the exact same site is a good thing since we didn't have that when nyaa went down
This memecartel stuff is too much autism for me to handle.
Any fucking one?
So fucking based
>nyaa pantsu
>nyan passu
>renchon mascot

Holy shit guys
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Never mind just read the thread, I wish the si nyaa to scrap shit too if possible.

Fucking 10/10.
Based and white gsg poster
nyaa.si seems to have no intent with working with us, so I doubt it

We hope to have pantsu db dumps automated soon-ish however; i would imagine they would take some data from that
This is all I need.
Is it just me or are the nips not mentioning nyaa.si at all?
>the pantsu dev is a tripfag

It's Daiz all over again.
Will you have your own tracker?
Because they're not using it.
I'm only tripping in nyaa related threads to answer questions.
Makes life easier for people.
Already scraping to nyaa pantsu
They already said no.
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I don't give a fuck about this political bullshit.
Which ever gets new porn faster will be the one I use.
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You're gonna need a bigger hook.
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Pls respond >>157094010
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Thank you based PantsuDev
If I was a cute girl i'd kiss you
We already do but it's not on the same domain.
are you fucking retarded?
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The more sites there are, the better. So no need to put all the eggs in a single basket AGAIN.
Scrap this too. https://share.dmhy.org/topics/list/user_id/677029
Sorry for being this retarded but how heavy are those dumps supposed to be? Might as well make a personal backup.
The cartel should have revealed their intentions of making a replacement earlier first, otherwise they will get lost in the dust when pantsu when up.
>checks calendar
>oh, summer.
nyaa.si has been there for literally less than a day, of course no one knows about it
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>6 million japs
How can the cartel even compete?
I don't actually enjoy having the trip on I far prefer being anon.

then be anon, dummy
No one gives a shit you insufferable faggot.
Shut the fuck up, Daiz.
Okay, let's change our names to PantsuDev so this anon can be happy.
Tell me, are you actually an ausfag or is /a/ shitposting as usual.
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You are so goddamn stupid it hurts. Wait until he starts shitposting and attentionwhoring with a tripcode before you spout doomsday nonsense.
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I appreciate you, and thanks for this showing up on my twitter that I rarely use.
>how do we weaken their credibility and appeal
>accuse them of being from /pol/
You're literally retarded, daiz was always a bald faggot, he was born that way
Why are you even on /a/?
If only some of you guys could see the state of IRC since HS announced .si, shills literally everywhere.
Fuck off Daiz.
>newfag trying too hard to fit in
Lurk 4 years
sure is ironic for an obnoxious leddit memer.
Nyaa pantsu
>Has it's own datacenter
>Has a non-white list tracker setup
>New host is it's own ISP
>Public mod logs soon
>FOSS from the get go
>Not related to the cartel
How can the cartel even compete
Answering questions that people have mostly.
My favorite part of this tweet is that he's acting as if the channel is for the devs when their channel is separate and the entire channel is very clearly dedicated to shitposting rampantly.
HS can only convince it's casual comments audience to switch. People who are using IRC don't need HS' advice about torrents.
Fucking newfag
All the more reason not to use Cartel Nyaa, seeing as they're a whitelist tracker.
What is your favorite anime.
because the ""cartel"" has all the fansubbers
>6 million japs
They said it never happened.
For real.
But why? /a/ is a very small fraction of your userbase.
>non-white list tracker
Based. Herkz is the real racist.
who is you're waifu?
I too would like to know >>157094383. Don't worry, we all have shit taste.
so does pantsu now
Not doki.
>nyaapantsu automatically scrapes every subber that doesn't work with them
Cartel BTFO
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Why does it matter nigger?
obvious bait
From his github before he changed it

You know, this has me wondering if there's going to come a day when we see cartel subs complaining about Pantsu "stealing" their uploads.
Except pantsu has them too plus doki.
>wanting doki
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That would be hilarious.
Well they can't do a single thing about it except sperg. Pantsu has already won the tracker war. He has the Japs on his side.
>not wanting another team
>people who illegally share others works accuse others who also share them for stealing

I fucking hate these people. There needs to be someone else besides HS sharing CR. Just for the principle.
>wanting less choice
It means more options and all the shit that si has
Also no more autistic A+ / Trusted Only cockshit.
Talk to leopard-raws and scrape ohys.
Already happening
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So HS went full sjw over the jew joke? Shame on them.
Honestly neither of the sites look like they are run by competent developers. And considering neither of them is even really functional now it seems stupid to try so hard to compete.
They already know, they are browsing these threads looking for material to whine about on Twitter and have already done so.
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Daiz, leader of the old alliance, most powerful with imperial ambition=Yuan Shao
Nyanpantsu up and coming state which capitalizes on the fall of the old nyan dynasty=Caocao
Herkz will leave Daiz after his death and form his own state in the west=Lu Bei
Nyanpantsu will be repelled from the south who form their own nation based on family imperial ambition=whatever third site

Thus the three nyaa era begins.
HS is not the only one. [CRip] [Puyasubs!] [Creep] also exist.
Dude see >>157094629.
nyaazi doesn't have A+
OHYS seems to be uploading to the site already
It's only a matter of time

okay but who is Sima Yi
The only reason people care about Doki is cartel memes. If they were to pull that shit on Pantsu I don't think anyone would care if they were banned.
>he hasn't seen it already

>fan subbers in 2017
What a wonderful collection from the cartel. A whole collection of nothing.
you're going to trust a group of shitty people who failed/messed up time and time again over some anons who god forbid try to make an open source alternative that isn't regulated by group who only wants what they agree with?
I talked to a dev, he said he wanted to remove dumb shit like that.
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It's over.
>pantsu dorobou

Source for nyaa.si was posted in the last thread, and unlike pantsu I can actually sign up there without it going down or giving me a cryptic error message.
You forgot
>C R O S S S E E D I N G
I get 502s when signing up.
I just tried you're full of shit
On both accounts, .si is down and .cat works.
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Fuuuuuuck I hope herkz is actually dead
Where were you when the cartel was kill?
oh shit
if they don't defect it's over
>wrong captcha
>wrong captcha
>wrong captcha
>username contains illegal characters
>user not created
What the fuck, I just want to register to set up my main page filters. Especially the last error, very descriptive.
Unless Doki changed their translator, they're fucking garbage and not a choice you should ever consider.
>I'll break every bone in your body
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Did you try to use the poop emoji in your username?
What a sad bunch of faggots
No, I used the meme arrow.
Cartel is DEAD, press にゃんぱすー to pay respect.
>those numbers going up
He's a tranny, they already have far higher than average suicide rates.
But commeme deserve A+ amirite?
>waste a lot of time looking for this link googling nyanpasu
Thanks anon, took a while to get posted though

Puya is spanish only though, or at least was.
of course anon, intentional mistranslation is worthy of utmost praise
Ruri is a beaner.
I also wish /a/ was 4chan, at least is one of the boards that matters.
We aren't though, the nips are important because of their SIX MILLION users. Guess which site the nips use?
4chan is very important, everyone cares what we think
>2ch uses pantsu
made me think
No retard, I never said that.
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To everyone complaining about neonazis
Sadly this.
Where do crossposting shitters like you come from?
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nyaa.si confirmed for spying on users, don't use this website.
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It's supposed to be:
>No, retard, I never said that.
Learn to commas before you start shit talking.
This reads like anti-Trump propaganda.
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You guys wouldn't be shilling so hard here if we weren't. In any case, the nips at 2ch are using Pantsu so the cartel pretty much lost.
Except nyaa.si LITERALLY spells out NAZI. I'm not going to use a website that threatens my cultural heritage from my address bar.
Who the fuck cares? Are you a Doki dev or something?
There are people in the Nile who think this isn't true still.
But seriously, we can't let him get the magnet codes.
But nazi's are cool and jew jokes are hilarious.
>Support your content creators by pirating their work
daiz btfo by /g/entoomen again
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I want to rape the smug out of kaicho
No, I spammed the doki site hard when they decided to go full retard for New Game. I even got a python script to edit their shit naming.
Thanks to my complaining, they added a track with the normal names in the BD release.
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Thanks, /g/
Fuck off herkz
Once again anon one chance to call me a neo-nyaazi and you ruined it yet again
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W-who cares about getting spied on you stupid goyim?
use our site.
Calling you a neo-nyaazi with a suave as fuck voice reminds me of fucking Nyanta.
Fucking this. I'm pretty sure I heard Flight of the Valkyries playing on that site.
>It's hilarious watching nyaa pantsu DDoS and burn, but seriously, we can't let him get his hands on the magnet codes.
Why does cartel controversy always create hilarity.
Except Coalguys was started by 3 people from m.3.3.w (Jaka, Waryas, and Ichigo69, if I remember correctly), not gg. It should be linked to both m.3.3.w and gg
Nyaa.si = Nyaazi
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I will serve my Nazi overlords and defeat the Cartel.
Stop embarrassing yourslef herkz
>not gg
>>Support your content creators and use nyaa.si. Enough said.
Kill yourself. Fansubbers don't "create" content.
He was in m.3.3.w too. In fact, he started there.
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This is some seriously shady shit.
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Gas the jews like daiz, fujoscum and sea monkeys, make /a/ great again.
I hate herkz so fucking much.
He's like that one autistic kid in class that tries to talk to everybody even though they all hate him.
Anyone else remember when Koda included a ranting blogpost in the notes section of a gg sub?
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>cartel this butthurt
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Jokes on you, I'm jewish, and I'd rather use pantsu run by a nazi over your garbage shit site.
>Go to download
>SORRY! site is currently down. try later

wtf is wrong with this site
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Anyone who says "nyaa.si" instead of "nyaazi" is a shill. Disregard their posts.
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Someone's political views have little to no bearing on me using their site.
Are you retarded or just pretending?
"Si," when pronounced in Japanese, means death. It's considered unlucky.
what is it?
I'm stupid and cannot internet. Can somebody please explain this to me?
>their inability to understand jap culture led to their demise
a fitting end to those faggots.
Not even trying to hide yourself huh, herkz?
twitter and reddit
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Better than subs done by a trans lesbian
Like poetry
Millennial NEETs don't even give a shit about superstitions like that.
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You guys are still at it?
Spanish streaming sites beating HS and others with decent subs. What is happening here?
shi not si. There is no si.
Is Non Non Biyori actually good
That means they know what sites you visit based on cookie tracking
There's a few romanization styles.
Oh. Okay, thanks anon.
Here's a primer:
For some reason, spanish translations are coming faster than english ones.
>MOTD: New Nyaa is ONLINE! Spread the word! Originally we were planning on using NyaaPantsu but we heard some troubling things about them and decided it's best to stick with people we know and trust. They will probably have our releases indexed there anyway but keep in mind that it is not us that is posting on there and all our torrents will be officially uploaded on http://nyaa.si.
Welp. So NyaaPantsu missed its chance?
Fuck off.
The first season is. Repeat is, ironically, hilariously repetitive
Why are you posting a 6 hours old post, retard? It's not relevant anymore.
you are late to the party
ITT: the cartel thinks they're still relevant.
>we were planning on using NyaaPantsu

I'm sure you were
repeat has two of the best episodes.
That message shouldn't be older than 5 hours.
Yes I am. I just woke up.
Do people actually think the cartel isn't a meme?
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Yeah, this is fucked.
>missed its chance
To what? Get all of /a/'s attention as well as Japan? No I think it got its chance and used it wisely. The next few days are make/break though.
So English confirmed the new pleb language?
Your shit website continues to be broken with cloudflare backups for some fucking reason for the last two days.
Sure it is.
Sure it is.
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Can confirm, can't download shit.
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Your actions speak for themselves.
Nyaapantsu scrapes them whether they upload or not
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GJM might keep using anidex
It goes down when elevens get up.
There have been like numerous repeat posts with this similar style with the most boring "headlining" to attract to .si

honestly I just want the two to endlessly duke out in wonderful corporate bullshittery at this point.
I did before Nyaa went down. Never felt like keeping up with the drama.
>cartelfags would rather honor nyaa's cowardly faggot owner by using a nearly identical domain name than do something new
Can't say I didn't expect them to miss his cock that much
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I for one welcome our new /pol/ overlords, can't be worse than the ass fucking we've received from the cartel splinter groups trying to go legit or just making money off pirated shit in the past.
I doubt half of the users today could explain what the cartel is.
I'm rooting for you nyaapantsu, don't give in to shitty cartel memesters.
>daizfaggots ACTUALLY trying to politicize anime torrent trackers
jesus christ I thought I'd seen the most retarded people could be from actual politics, trying to wedge your impotent liberal rage into getting people to use your anime pirating site just blows my mind.
Guess I'll use pantsu since it seems like it's run by someone who isn't trying to virtue signal his way to fame and upbotes
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thinking rok.png
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Which place are the JAV uploaders using?
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>nyaa si
>si as shi as in death

Way to pander the Japs with 10 times the page views than us.
both sites are called nyaa lad
Mark my words they'll go for .se when they can.
Both will probably have similar content, you know.
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For right now the nips are using pantsu, because it got uploads working first. We'll see in the coming days if that changes, but even if it does pantsu's still going to be ripping the nyaazis.
Oppaiti.me, probably.
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Hi Herkz.
Just remember that your sad tranny tantrums don't work here, or on the japanese, who overwhelmingly use pantsu.
Sincerely, anon.
One of them doesn't have a name that's 95% similar to the old site.
OHYS raws are also on pantsu
Spanish subs are always shit from another region

Say, are you american and feel british english is weird? Try that but now you have Mexican, Central American, Chilean, Argentinian and worst of all Castilian Spanish. You can be native speaker and still need tl notes for some bullshit expressions.
Spanish from Spain is the only Spanish and I'm Chinese.
Fuck off Nyaazi
you're not fooling anyone Manolo
Least it's not a leaf
>communism isnt actually fun when people steal your shit

too late, cartel
who the fuck is manolo
Or whoever, I don't know who all the attentionwhore faggots are behind this, I just see autistic screeching and it makes me do a 360 and walk away.
oh, like how everyone use to use nigger to keep normalfags away before reddit invaded?
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Have they no shame?
/g/ wins again
>accuse other site of being /pol/
>literally call themselves nyaazi
I don't understand
>wake up
>memecartel trying to steal pantsu's thunder
>tfw got on his twitter
It's a good feeling to know a little stress from me likely brought his imminent mental break down closer by a day or two
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you know that even inside Spain there is not an unified standard spanish ... right? Galicia, Andalusia .... also fuck castillian I would rather that Argentinian shit than that :v
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>throwing a fit over a jew joke
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So... this is ... the power of the cartel
sleep snug, smug
Then stop speaking a shit language without any standard
I really just woke up and realized that I appear to have missed something big.
I searched the catalogue for relevant threads. And looked to see if someone had already posted horriblesubs's motd. Didn't see it. So I posted it because I am very curious as to what went down.

My initial reaction however is pretty much, fuck nyaasi.
NyaaPantsu also appear to have made some major breakthroughs as well.

When nyaa went down I kind feared we'd have a major pissing contest along the lines of this. Oh well.
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sweetheart, last i checked we've been alive longer than the cartel, how in the flying fuck are we supposed to take credit if their site wasnt even up yet when we launched?
Why this kind of people always have these dead eyes?
Mine are also like that ;_;
Castillan is the only real Spanish.
only Koda still alive
>they're fucking garbage
so is 90% of the "trusted" cartel groups? I don't think one more is going to make a diff you mong
Does Plork even do anything sub-wise except work on Aegisub?
It's over.
Awesome anime pic, tripfriend!
They knew what they were getting into when they joined the cartel. Memesubbing is dangerous, dirty work, but someone has to do it.
oi vey cartel is denying the Pi-ocaust now?
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Not even 3dpd
We're all cute girls here, anon.
what do the connections mean?
if doki is not part of the cartel, why is it connected?
They've changed their translator(s) They're actually fairly decent at the moment.
I like how /a/ pretends they're any better than this.
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Nobody is going to announce they're going with pantsu before it's even firmly established. They'll wait like a month and when it's still the go-to place for people to get their crunchy rips everyone will jump on board.
Apparently Matt too >>157083932
How do I fix it?
Please don't get so offended on 4chan.
You're right! We should let /a/ fill with Pepe too, he's not 3D!
>Pantsu is run by a fucking neo-nazi
Yes, and?
this, both sites are garbage right now
But I'm a power lifter who's good looking, and I also sub anime.
Five bucks you're shorter than 5 foot 8.
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That way
>>>/fit/ *
less than 0.1% of HS' traffic reads their twitter it's fucking nothing
again, it doesn't really matter if pantsu is going to act as a scraper

....unless they plan on monetizing
So Horriblesubs and their meme friends are frustrated at how they couldn't get their clone up before pantsu?

Is that it?
Fyurie is as much cartel as the rest of them.
5'11" King of manlets. Come at me. I also live in nipland so I'm tall here. Life is good.
Can someone just spread how they're doing this kind of shit? How fucking shameless.
Pretty much.
And it doesn't matter since Pantsu will scrape everything anyway.
It matters if you hope for cartel's site to die into irrelevance.
the cartel has radicalized reddit posters and sent them here. I can tell from some of the shitposts and from seeing quite a few paragraph breaks in my time.
cartle BTFO
>they literally do it for free in their spare time
>"hurr they put memes in their subs. I don't want them to exist!"

get a fucking grip. Create your own subgroup that steals and de-memefies everything if you're that fucking anal about it
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>power lifter
Why do people bend their backs like that?
I never understood it. I was always taught to rest flat on the bench for the best support.
Shorter range of motion allows you to lift more weight while "completing" the lift.
Everything is subbed by CR and Funi anyway. Who even needs fagsubs?
I need a quick rundown. Did the cartel win with nyaa.si? Or is pantsu still alive and kicking?
>Red light form
That's just an idiot.

I want this meme to die.
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what does lifting has to do with your height? if you are fucking dwarf you aint going to magically get taller by lifting, you will just not be a lardy cunt
Too bad he's well known power lifter and has set world records lol.
>the state of power lifting
the joke
His feet are flat and ass is on the bench retard.
your head
>ass is on the bench
Fucking what?
>Those comments
Faith in the community restored.
He scoots it down before lifting, it's just an odd angle. See >>157097714
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as if the current world and twitter and this fucking forum is not proof that poe law is beyond dead at this point, so sorry if Im starting to believe in what is supposed to be obvious """jokes""" taken highly serious
Chill the fuck out, people browse multiple boards. Lifting and anime aren't mutually exclusive hobbies.
Keep it to your board retard.
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>power lifting
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>I'll focus on ridiculous positions to reduce ROM instead of just getting stronger
Literally the worst. No spirit of training.
Also as /fitlit/ proved, lifters and literature buffs can be well-rounded citizens.
I wasn't the one that posted about how I'm a pretty-boy powerlifter, I was just helping a friendly /anon with his question.
It basically relegates Nyaapnatsu to be TokyoTosho 2.0.
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>cartel memes thread on /a/
>turns into a /fit/ thread

Never change.
>japanese bow to Pantsu
>in contact with dataservers
>rumoured to possess decentralised technology
>control anime torrents with an iron but fair fist
>own servers and domains all over the net
>direct descendants of the original fan subbers who acted out of a need for anime
>bankrolled the first Nyaa back up (also retrieved sukebei first)
>own basically no fan subbing groups and prefers that people work at their own leisure
>first designer CSS will be Pantsu CSS
>both Pantsu servers rumoured to have over 6m Japanese connections
>ancient Chinese scriptures tell of two trackers who will descend upon the Earth one bringing cookie trakers and the other actually not stalking you
>they own magnet link scrapers around the net
>your torrent's magnet link is likely been scraped right now
website ensures longevity of content through decentralisation. There's no files in nyaa.si that aren't in nyaa.pantsu
The site is a few weeks old from the space-time reference point of the base human.
In reality, the project is timeless existing in all points of time and space as a pervading will to allow and encourage third party involvement
>pantsu will guide anime into a new age of wisdom, peace and love away from the cartel
Nah, it wasn't just a GTFO, /fit/. It's just that we've got /a/, /b/, /g/, /r9k/, /pol/, and now /fit/.... It's getting a bit too much.
>Not lifting while listening to Love Live
Step it up.
the beauty of 4chan
I don't browse /fit/ but I attend the gym multiple times a week regularly.
I am one of those legit and total neets whose lifetyle no joke made him so ridiculously sick that he ended up at the hospital almost dying from how weak he had grown.

They basically told me that I needed to do something or I would die. So after the rehabilitation I've been sticking with the gym. I still hate working out though but I feel like it's worth it.
[r9k] and /pol/ can go.
wow dude, epic comeback, no wonder all the /pol/kiddies memes are unfunny as shit.
Don't forget /ak/
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/g/ helped with bringing pantsu to it current stage as far Im aware and also apperantely im from a /pol/lack just cos I still have sense of humor about using Jew/kikes stereotypes and jokes and suddenly Im like a white supremacist .... when Im not even fucking white, sasuga /a/
>/pol/ can go
Kill yourself libtard.
Oh, I don't have a problem with /g/. They started pantsu anyway, it's just all the others. Especially /v/ and /pol/ and /r9k/.
Welp, that makes my choice easier.
>hated in life
>hate online
Just kill this fucking world already.
/pol/ here, learn to separate your fucking boards you quadruplenigger.
what's the deal with pantsuudev being a neonazi or whatever. That seems like the kind of thing you don't advertise on /g/.
We're in an age when a Jew joke and not being a bleeding heart liberal faggot makes you a neo Nazi. Just ignore the retards.
It's just Herkz freaking out over a joke.
He outed himself as a /pol/ poster.
There was also implications made on IRC that he shot an aborigine.
Oh boi, the old days are way over,uh? glorious when I used to watch my chink cartoons and not having forcefully mix their political agendas into that.
HE.JUST.MADE.A.FUCKING.JEW.JOKE you humorless cunt...
What joke?
All boards are /pol/ boards since the libtards define anything that isn't leftist bullshit to be /pol/.

He made a joke about kikes and that isn't allowed anymore.
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I guess this whole fiasco explained a lot about why the cartel are such toxic people.
Are you Australian? Is that why you can't write?
rude m8
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>((())) posting
>not /pol/
The ((())) meme /pol/ likes to use on their epic twitter redpilling campaigns.
>for free
>had advertisements all over nyaa, collect donations, and associated with jewcob
>acted directly within their own monetary interests on a regular basis

I don't think you know what "for free" means. Pantsu is what actually doing it for free looks like.
It's a meme at this point, my jewish friend has it in his twitter handle and he's a marxist.
/pol/ is for politics. Which political party just puts patentheses around pronouns and calls it a day? Be specific.
memes are cross cultural. I know fucking LOADS of /tv/ ones and yet I never go there.
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shooting an aboriginie makes you a goddamned hero in my book.
Jokes are not politics, you snowflake.
Visit pantsu
But do you post them?
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tyrone laughing.jpg
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Which one of you faggots was it?
>he says, likely not an Australian, likely a metro Australian if at all who has never been outside the city let alone up north or in the bush
Get fucked cunt.
>he shot an aborigine.
Do you post greentext stories on /a/ about spilling a bunch of spaghetti?
>we're not /pol/ we swear but let's celebrate when white people murder brown people
Sasuga racists.
seeding forever
to think that i was actually trying support for them and they slap me in the face with this.
at least this makes the choice easy for me
I don't know whether or not to laugh or cry when it comes to the Nyaapantsu git repository. The commit history is the stuff from my nightmares. Does the maintainer not know what "quality control" means?

>All boards are /pol/ boards since the libtards define anything that isn't leftist bullshit to be /pol/.
Except when I said "/pol/ can go" I meant pepe spamming retards and people who have to insert political commentary in my anime threads, not "Hillary shills". I don't [care] what your political position is because this isn't fucking /pol/ meant for political discussion, this is /a/ meant for anime discussion.

That's not why people hate /pol/, time to return to reddit.

Go help him, for a /g/fag he seems to not be really that /g/
Aussie abbos are actually unironically possibly not part of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
>implying /g/ is just a bunch of pajeets and first year comsci students

That's for our email provider, for sending account email verification stuff.

No clue why the name is what it is, though.
Question: how the fuck do I register fir the pantsu
>I know nothing about /pol/ I just get all my information thirdhand from my facebook and twitter dms
>literally suggesting that you'd be okay with it if pantsu dev isn't white
Pantsu is doomed because it's not webscale.
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What a late reply from the cartel.

Goes to show how much you care about us.
>Go help him, for a /g/fag he seems to not be really that /g/
Not even sure how. Even if I gave him a fully written contribution guide, he'd probably still hand out write access to the repository like a second-rate whore. And the people who are pushing the absolute worst shit would probably not even know how to read a contribution guide.

Are you an abo? Can we get PantsuDev to shoot you as well?
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Sure it is
Release source code, what's taking you so long? Editing it and cleaning it up?
See, you're not an aussie so you don't know how fucking shitty abbos are. Nobody likes them.
US is asleep, anon.
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Deal with it nerd
Did they commit git syntax to codebase or something?
Caartel never sleeps, anon.
user not created
Says the nyaa.zi.
>people who have to insert political commentary in my anime threads
those are Canadians though
And /pol/ is fucking full of them what's your point? People don't literally mean "everyone who browses X board needs to fuck off" people mean "everyone who can't keep other boards on other boards need to fuck off".
>Release source code
This is pointless.
this im glad /spa/ opened peoples eyes about how terrible canadians are
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Besides helping people make backups and assuring them that your shit isn't shady malware? Yeah makes me think.
Yes. With a fucking commit message of "?".

The entire project is a mess. Open source doesn't mean that you should just enable the most amount of cooks to make the most amount of changes.

I imagine this person of ineptitude has been given direct write access to the repository. Who knows exactly how many people he has given write access to. Probably loads since the commit history reads like a fucking machine gun and quantity is definitely greater than quality.
I wish I hadn't found out. Fuck Canadians.
>assuring them that your shit isn't shady malware?
It's a website retard you can't verify they're running the code they release.
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That's why they're cleaning their code before they release the "source"
Shitpost mind.
>honorary jap
feel free to head over to /tg/ if you want to continue your larp herkz
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>He's commonly referred to as "くそったれ", which directly translates to "One of Us".

My sides.
Shit. Is .zi a real domain? What a missed opportunity.
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quality merge conflict
Ok Nyaazi
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What the fuck.
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Hello my fellow /a/nons.
Nice redditspacing Daiz
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Not an argument

>>T-Trust us goyim we know what's good for you!!
>>We know what's better for you filthy gaijin!
Hi Poland.
That man is BASED
>Once word gets out that actual competent people are behind nyaa.si,
>Meme Cartel
Stopped reading there
you guys realize it's a joke pasta right
Cheeky fucker.
You can literally just google the IP...
Thank god for dead Nyaa.
This image made me sad.
you wanted decentralization
whatever works
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